(This page's most recent update is October 2024)
New York is one of the states that has two large central state-wide online repositories for searching historical newspapers. Several states use the Library of Congress Chronicling America site as their main central online site for searching old newspapers. New York does have some online newspapers available on that site. The bulk of the state’s online availability is from several different websites and they house hundreds of newspapers. Many are free and some require a subscription. Below is a list of where the titles are stored and the link to access them.
[Note to Readers: This is a very long article – there are over 3,000 free links to online newspapers for the State of New York – so please bear with the length]
There are over 12.000 newspapers that have been published in the Empire State – certainly not all of them are searchable online. But there are quite a few that are indeed available. So go for it – find your New York ancestors and all the interesting articles that capture the stories of their lives.
Please note that I have not always entered the dates included in the collections, as I suspect they will change as more items are digitized. Also, I suspect that some of these links may change over time, so if there is a dead link, please use your favorite search engine to find its new location.
(Recently added links are in BOLD)
New York Historical Newspapers
Free Sites:
Statewide Collections:
Chronicling America – New York Newspapers
The Links for Chronicling America go to the new Version 2.0
- Black Republican and Office-Holder’s Journal (New York, N.Y.) 18??-18?? [1]
- Der Morgen Zshurnal = Jewish Journal and Daily News (New York, N.Y.) 1938 to 1953 [4,361]
- Der Morgen Zshurnal = the Jewish Morning Journal (New York, N.Y.) 1901 to 1928 [1,762]
- Der Morgen Zshurnal, Yidishes Ṭageblaṭ = the Jewish Morning Journal and the Jewish Daily News (New York, N.Y.) 1928 to 1938 [2,821]
- Der Tog = the Day (New York, N.Y.) 1922 to 1953 [1,831]
- Frederick Douglass’ Paper (Rochester, N.Y.) 1851-18?? [230]
- Gazette of the United-States (New-York [N.Y.]) 1789 to 1793 [462]
- Morning Herald (New York [N.Y.]) 1837 to 1840 [922]
- Morning Star (Limerick, Me.) 1826 to 1904 [1,468]
- New York Dispatch (New York [N.Y.]) 1863 to 1899 [1,263]
- New York Evening Journal (New York [N.Y.]) 1897 to 1909 [212]
- New York Journal (New York [N.Y.]) 1896 to 1897 [244]
- New York Journal and Advertiser (New York [N.Y.]) 1897 to 1901 [850]
- New-York Daily Tribune (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842 to 1866 [7,479]
- New-York Dispatch (New York [N.Y.]) 1854 to 1861 [270]
- New-York Tribune (New York [N.Y.]) 1866 to 1924 [20,170]
- New-York Tribune (New-York [N.Y.]) 1841 to 1842 [322]
- Radnička Borba = Workers’ Struggle ([New York, N.Y.]) 1907 to 1970 [258]
- Rassvet = Dawn (New York, N.Y.) 19??-1926 [210]
- Sunday Dispatch (New York [N.Y.]) 1845 to 1854 [407]
- Sunday Dispatch (New York [N.Y.]) 1861 to 1863 [84]
- The Daily Worker (Chicago, Ill.; New York, N.Y.) 1924 to 1958 [3,483]
- The Evening World (New York, N.Y.) 1887 to 1931 [14,913]
- The Freeman (New York [N.Y.]) 1884 to 1884 [3]
- The Herald (New York [N.Y.]) 1835 to 1837 [174]
- The Journal (New York [N.Y.]) 1895 to 1896 [200]
- The New York Age (New York [N.Y.]) 1887 to 1953 [231]
- The New York Freeman (New York [N.Y.]) 1884 to 1887 [146]
- The New York Globe (New York, N.Y.) 1880 to 1884 [90]
- The New York Herald (New York [N.Y.]) 1840 to 1920 [13,829]
- The New York Herald (New York, N.Y.) 1920 to 1924 [818]
- The New York Press (New York [N.Y.]) 1896 to 1916 [1]
- The North Star (Rochester, N.Y.) 1847 to 1851 [137]
- The Northern Star and Freemen’s Advocate (Albany, N.Y.) 1842-18?? [11]
- The Ram’s Horn (New York [N.Y.]) 1847 to 1848 [1]
- The Rights of All (New-York [N.Y.]) 1829-18?? [5]
- The Sun (New York [N.Y.]) 1833 to 1916 [18,977]
- The Sun (New York [N.Y.]) 1916 to 1920 [1,278]
- The Sun and New York Press (New York [N.Y.]) 1916 to 1916 [28]
- The Sun and the New York Herald (New York [N.Y.]) 1920 to 1920 [241]
- The Toiler (Cleveland, Ohio) 1919 to 1922 [85]
- The Weekly Anglo-African (New York [N.Y.]) 1859 to 1861 [52]
- The Weekly Sun (New York [N.Y.]) 1851 to 1869 [111]
- Workmen’s Advocate (New Haven, Conn.) 1883 to 1891 [268]
- Yidishes Ṭageblaṭṭ = the Jewish Daily News (New York, N.Y.) 1885 to 1928 [3,714]
Google News Archive
- Bath – Farmers’ Advocate
- Bath – Steuben Farmers’ Advocate
- Beacon – Sunday News
- Brocton – The Grape Belt
- Canaseraga – The Canaseraga Times
- Corning – The Evening Journal
- Dunkirk – The Grape Belt and Chautauqua Farmer
- Dunkirk – Chautauqua Farmer
- Flushing – Flushing Daily Times
- Fort Covington – The Val d’Or Star
- Geneseo – The Lake & Valley Clarion
- Geneva – The Geneva Gazette
- Geneva – Geneva Advertiser-Gazette
- Geneva – The Expositor
- Hempstead – The Hempstead Sentinel
- Hempstead – Queens County Sentinel
- Ithaca – Ithaca Chronicle
- Ithaca – The Ithaca Democrat
- Ithaca – Ithaca Citizen and Democrat
- Ithaca – Ithaca Chronicle and Democrat
- Jamestown – Jamestown Journal
- Lansing – Le Courrier des Etats-Unis
- New York – Mackenzie’s Gazette
- New York – The Daily Register
- New York – Le Canadien des Etats-Unis
- New York City – The New-York Mercury
- New York City – Northern Messenger
- New York City – The New York Age
- New York City – New-York Spectator
- New York City – The Herald
- New York City – The Village Voice
- New York City – L’Echo des Deux Mondes
- New York City – Nasza Trybuna
- New York City – El Diario de Nueva York
- New York City – El Diario la Prensa
- Newburgh – The Newburgh News
- Newburgh – Hudson Valley Morning News
- Newburgh – Newburgh Sunday Telegram
- Newburgh – The Newburgh Telegram
- Newburgh – Newburgh Evening Press
- Newburgh – Sunday Newburgh Telegram
- Newburgh – Newburgh Journal
- Newburgh – Newburgh Morning Telegraph
- Newburgh – The Newburgh Daily News
- Newburgh – Newburgh-Beacon News
- Newburgh – Newburgh Daily Journal
- Newburgh – Hudson Valley News
- Newburgh – The Newburgh Daily Telegraph
- Newburgh – Daily Newburgh Journal
- Norwich – The Chenango Telegraph
- Norwich – The Chenango Semi-Weekly Telegraph
- Port Jervis – The Evening Gazette
- Rochester – The Post Express
- Rochester – Rochester Journal and the Post Express
- Rochester – Rochester Evening Journal the Post Express
- Rochester – The Rochester Evening Express
- Rochester – Rochester Beobachter
- Rochester – Rochester Taglicher Beobachter
- Rochester – Rochester Evening Journal
- Rochester – Rochester Journal
- Rochester – The Volunteer
- Rochester – Rochester Evening Journal Post Express
- Rochester – Rochester Evening Journal and the Post Express
- Rochester – Rochester Journal and the Post Evening Express
- Schenectady – The Sunday Gazette
- Schenectady – The Daily Gazette
- Schenectady – Schenectady Gazette
- Troy – The Troy Sunday Budget
- Troy – The Troy Northern Budget
- Weedsport – Cayuga Chief
- Adams NY Herald 1876 -1877
- Adams NY Jefferson County Journal
- Addision NY Advertiser 1896-189
- Addison NY Voice of The Nation
- Afton NY Enterprise
- Albany NY Argus
- Albany NY Argus Continued
- Albany NY Centinel
- Albany NY Evening Atlas
- Albany NY Evening Journal
- Albany NY Evening News
- Albany NY Evening Standard
- Albany NY Evening Times
- Albany NY Gazette
- Albany NY Knickerbocker News
- Albany NY Knickerbocker News Union Star
- Albany NY Knickerbocker Press
- Albany NY Morning Express
- Albany NY Morning Times
- Albany NY Times Courier
- Albany NY Times Union
- Albion NY Orleans Republican
- Alexandria Bay NY Thousand Island Sun
- Alfred NY Sun
- Alplaus NY Home Town News
- Amenia NY Harlem Valley Times
- Amenia NY Times
- American Farmer
- Amherst NY Bee
- Amsterdam NY Daily Democrat and Recorder
- Andover NY News
- Angelica NY Advocate
- Angola NY Journal
- Angola NY Record
- Arcade NY Wyoming County Herald
- Ardsley NY Tribune
- Attica NY News
- Auburn NY Argus
- Auburn NY Bulletin
- Auburn NY Cayuga Chief
- Auburn NY Cayuga County Independent
- Auburn NY Cayuga County News
- Auburn NY Cayuga County Patriot
- Auburn NY Cayuga Patriot 1826 – 1828
- Auburn NY Cayuga Republican
- Auburn NY Christian Advocate
- Auburn NY Christian Ambassador
- Auburn NY Citizen
- Auburn NY Citizen Advertiser
- Auburn NY Daily Advertiser
- Auburn NY Daily American
- Auburn NY Daily Democrat
- Auburn NY Daily Union
- Auburn NY Democrat – Argus
- Auburn NY Evening Auburnian
- Auburn NY Free Press
- Auburn NY Journal
- Auburn NY Journal And Advertiser
- Auburn NY Morning Dispatch
- Auburn NY Morning News
- Auburn NY News And Bulletin
- Auburn NY Semi-Weekly Journal
- Auburn NY Weekly Auburnian
- Auburn NY Weekly Bulletin
- Auburn NY Weekly Democrat
- Auburn NY Weekly Journal
- Auburn NY Weekly News And Democrat
- Auburn NY Western Federalist
- Ausable Forks NY Adirondack Record
- Avon NY Comet
- Avon NY Herald News
- Avon NY Misc Issues
- Avon NY News
- Bainbridge NY News
- Baldwindsville NY Onondaga Gazette
- Baldwinsville NY Gazette & Farmer
- Baldwinsville NY Gazzette Anniversary 1846-1896
- Baldwinsville NY Messenger
- Baldwinsville NY Republican
- Ballston Spa NY Daily Journal
- Batavia NY Batavian
- Batavia NY Daily Herald
- Batavia NY Daily News
- Batavia NY Genessee County Herald
- Batavia NY Genessee Weekly Democrat
- Batavia NY Morning Call
- Batavia NY Progressive Batavian
- Batavia NY Republican Advocate
- Batavia NY Spirit Of The Times
- Batavia NY The Peoples Press
- Batavia NY Times
- Bath NY Constitutionalist
- Bath NY Courier and Stuben Advocate
- Bath NY Farmers Advocate
- Bath NY Steuben Adocate and Keuka Grape Belt
- Bath NY Steuben Courier
- Bath NY Steuben Courier Advocate
- Bath NY Stuben Advocate
- Bayside NY Times
- Beacon NY Daily Herald
- Beacon NY News
- Belfast NY Blaze
- Belmont NY Courier
- Belmont NY Dispatch
- Binghamton NY Broome Republican
- Binghamton NY Phoenix
- Binghamton NY Press Grayscale
- Birth and Death Records Ny
- Blasdall NY Front Page
- Blasdall NY Sun
- Blasdell NY Front Page
- Blasdell NY Frontier Herald
- Bolivar NY Breeze
- Boonville NY Black River Herald
- Boonville NY Herald
- Boonville NY Ledger
- Broadalbin NY Herald
- Brocton NY Mirror
- Bronxville NY Reporter
- Bronxville NY Review-Press and Reporter
- Brookfield NY Courier
- Brookfield NY Forest Stream and Farm
- Brookfield NY Young America
- Brooklyn Daily Eagle Almanac
- Brooklyn NY Big Red News
- Brooklyn NY Daily
- Brooklyn NY Daily Eagle
- Brooklyn NY Daily Star
- Brooklyn NY Daily Union
- Brooklyn NY Daily Union Argus
- Brooklyn NY Greenpoint Daily Star
- Brooklyn NY Heights
- Brooklyn NY Home Reporter and Sunset News
- Brooklyn NY New York and Brooklyn Daily
- Brooklyn NY Recorder
- Brooklyn NY Standard Union
- Brooklyn NY Union
- Brooklyn NY Weekly People
- Buffalo NY Courier
- Buffalo NY Courier Express
- Buffalo NY Daily Courier
- Buffalo NY Daily Star
- Buffalo NY Evening Courier and Republic
- Buffalo NY Evening News
- Buffalo NY Everybodys Daily (Polish)
- Buffalo NY Express
- Buffalo NY Irish Times
- Buffalo Ny Morning Express
- Buffalo NY Patriot
- Buffalo NY Polish Weekly Review
- Buffalo NY Review
- Buffalo NY Western Star
- Caledonia NY Advertiser
- Caledonia NY Era
- Caledonia NY Weekly Caledonian
- Camden NY Advance
- Canajoharie NY Courier
- Canajoharie NY Courier Standard Enterprise
- Canajoharie NY Radii
- Canajorarie NY Courier Standard Enterprise
- Canandaigua NY Ontario Repository
- Canandaigua NY Ontario Respository and Messanger
- Canandigua NY Messenger
- Canaseraga NY Times
- Canisteo NY Times
- Canton NY St. Lawrence Plain Dealer
- Carmel NY Journal News
- Carmel NY Putnam Country Courier
- Carmel NY Putnam Country Republican
- Carthage NY Republican 1885 -1906
- Castile NY Castilian
- Cato NY Citizen 1893 – 1966
- Catskill NY Recorder
- Catskill NY Western Constellation
- Cayuga County Newspapers Misc.pdf
- Cazenovia NY Madison County Abolitionist
- Cazenovia NY Republican
- Chappaqua NY New Castel Tribune
- Chatham NY Courier
- Chatham NY Courier 1968-2013
- Chatham NY Republican
- Cherry Creek NY News
- Chittenangeo NY Phenix
- Chittenango NY Bridgeport Times
- Chittenango NY Herald
- Chittenango NY Madison County Times
- Cicero NY Patriot
- Cincinnatis NY Review
- Cincinnatis NY Star
- Cincinnatus NY Times
- City Island NY Drift
- Clayton Ny Independent 1872 – 1882
- Clayton Ny On The ST. Lawrence 1890 – 1891
- Cleveland NY Lakeside Press
- Clifton Springs NY Press
- Clifton Springs NY Review
- Clinton Courier
- Clinton NY Advertiser
- Clinton NY Signal
- Clyde NY Democratic Herald
- Clyde NY Eagle
- Clyde NY Herald
- Clyde NY Times
- Clymer NY Independent
- Cobleskill NY Index
- Cohocton NY Times Index
- Cohoes NY American
- Cold Springs NY Journal
- Cold Springs NY Recorder
- Conesus NY Discover Conesus
- Conesus NY Misc Issues
- Cooperstown NY Otsego Farmer
- Cooperstown NY The Glimmerglass
- Corinth NY Corinthian
- Corning NY Evening Leader
- Corning NY Journal
- Cornwall NY Local
- Cortland NY Advocate
- Cortland NY County Express
- Cortland NY County Republican
- Cortland NY Democrat
- Cortland NY Gazette Banner
- Cortland NY Independent Villager
- Cortland NY Misc Newspapers
- Cortland NY News
- Cortland NY Observer
- Cortland NY Repository
- Cortland NY Republican
- Cortland NY Republican Banner
- Cortland NY Republican Eagle
- Cortland NY Standard
- Cortland NY Standard And Cortland Dalily Journal
- Cortland NY Standard And Homer Republican
- Cortland NY Standard and Journal
- Cortland NY Tribune
- Cortland NY Whig
- Cuba NY Daily News
- Cuba NY Patriot
- Dalton NY Enterprise
- Dalton NY Reporter
- Dansville NY Advertiser
- Dansville NY Breeze
- Dansville NY Express
- Dansville NY Genesee County Express
- Dansville NY Laws Of Life
- Dansville NY Misc Issues
- Delhi NY Delaware Republican
- Delhi NY Delaware Republican Express
- Delhi NY Star of Delaware
- Delmar NY Albany County Post
- Depew NY Bee
- Deruyter NY Gleaner
- Deruyter NY New Era
- Dobbs Ferry NY Greenburgh Register
- Dobbs Ferry NY Register
- Dobbs Ferry NY Sentinel
- Dryden NY Communicator
- Dryden NY Herald
- Dryden NY News
- Dryden NY Rumseys Companion
- Dryden NY Rural News
- Dryden NY Weekly Herald
- Dundee NY Courier
- Dunkirk NY Grape Belt
- Earlville NY Standard
- East Hampton NY Star
- Elbridge NY Citizen
- Elizabethtown NY North Countryman
- Elizabethtown NY Post
- Ellicottville NY American Union
- Ellicottville NY Cataraugus Republican
- Ellicottville NY News
- Ellicottville NY Post
- Elmhurst NY Daily Register
- Elmira NY Gazette
- Elmira NY Morning Telegram
- Elmira NY Republican
- Elmira NY Star Gazette
- Endicott NY Bulletin
- Fair Haven NY Register
- Fairport NY Herald
- Fairport NY Monroe County Mail
- Farmer NY Review
- Farmers NY Interlaklen Review
- Farmers NY Review
- Farmers NY Saturday Morning Review
- Fayetteville NY Bulletin
- Fayetteville NY Luminary
- Fayetteville NY National Citizen And Ballot Box
- Fayetteville NY Onondaga Independent
- Fayetteville NY Thrift News
- Fayetteville NY Weekly Recorder
- Flushing NY Astoria Tribune
- Flushing NY Comet
- Flushing NY North Shore Daily Journal
- Flushing NY Queens Tribune
- Forest Parkway NY Leader Observer
- Fort Plains NY Mohawk Valley Register
- Fredonia NY Advertiser
- Fredonia NY Censor
- Fredonia NY Censor
- Fredonia NY Weekly
- Freeport NY Daily Review
- Friendship NY Allleghany Republican
- Friendship NY Chronicle
- Friendship NY Volunteer
- Friendship NY Weekly Register
- Fulton NY chronacle
- Fulton NY Newspaper Index 1820 – 1880
- Fulton NY Oswgo Valley News
- Fulton NY Patriot
- Fulton NY Times
- Gazetteer and Business Directory Albany and Schenectady County 1870
- Gazetteer and Business Directory Albany and Schenectady County 1870-1871
- Gazetteer and Business Directory Oneida County 1866.pdf
- Genesco NY Democrat
- Genesco NY livingston Journal
- Genesco NY livingston Register
- Genesco NY Union Citisen
- Geneseo NY Business Item
- Geneseo NY Conesus Laker
- Geneseo NY Daily News
- Geneseo NY Livingston County Leader
- Geneseo NY Livingston Democrat
- Geneseo NY Livingston Progress
- Geneseo NY Livingston Republican
- Geneseo NY Misc Issues
- Geneseo NY Union Citisen
- Geneva NY Advertiser
- Geneva NY Courier
- Geneva NY Daily Times
- Geneva NY Expoiter
- Geneva NY Finger Lake Times
- Geneva NY Gazette
- Geneva NY Palladium
- Genoa NY Trubune
- Genoia NY Tribune
- Gilboa NY Monitor
- Glendale NY Register
- Glenn Falls NY Republican
- Glens Falls NY Messenger
- Glens Falls NY Morning Star
- Glens Falls NY Post Star
- Gloversville NY Daily Leader
- Gloversville NY Intelligencer
- Gloversville NY Leader Herald
- Gloversville NY Leader Republican
- Gloversville NY Morning Herald
- Goshen NY Democrat
- Goshen NY Independent Republican
- Goshen NY Orange Patrol
- Goshen NY Repository
- Goshen NY true Whig
- Gowanda NY Enterprise
- Gowanda NY News And Observer
- Greece NY Greese Post
- Greece NY Press
- Greenburgh NY Register
- Greenwood NY Times
- Groton NY Balance
- Groton NY Journal
- Hamberg NY Front Page
- Hamberg NY Photo News
- Hamburg NY Erie County Independent
- Hamburg NY Sun
- Hammondsport NY Herald
- Hammondsport NY Kuka Grape Belt
- Hammonsport NY Herald
- Hancock NY Herald
- Handcock NY Herald
- Hastings NY Hastings on the Hudson News
- Hastings NY On the Hudson Echo
- Hastings NY on the Hudson Enterprise
- Hastings on the Hudson NY Enterprise Echo
- Havana NY Journal
- Havana NY Republican
- Hempstead NY Queens County Sentinel
- Hempstead NY Sentinel
- Hempsted NY Queens County Sentinel
- Hempsted NY Sentinel
- Herkimer NY Evening Telegram
- Herkimer NY Free Press
- Highland NY Highland Post
- Hilton NY Record
- Historical Wyoming County
- Hobart NY Independent
- Holley NY Standard
- Homer NY Independent
- Homer NY Post
- Homer NY Republican
- Homer NY Republican
- Honeoye NY Herald
- Hornell NY Daily Times
- Hornell NY Evening Tribune Times
- Hornelleville NY Weekly Tribune
- Hornellsville NY Evening Tribune
- Horseheads NY Chemung Valley Reporter
- Hudson NY Columbia Republican
- Hudson NY Daily Star
- Hudson NY Evening Register
- Hudson NY Weekly Star
- Huntington NY Long Lslander
- Illion NY Citizen
- Illion NY History
- Illion NY Sentinel
- Interlaken NY Review
- Interlakin NY Interlaklen Review
- Ithaca NY Daily Chronicle
- Ithaca NY Daily Democrat
- Ithaca NY Daily Journal
- Ithaca NY Daily News
- Ithaca NY Indepemdent
- Ithaca NY Ithaca
- Ithaca NY Morning Herald
- Ithaca NY Tompkins County Democrat
- Jamaica NY Daily Long Island Farmer
- Jamaica NY Long Island Daily Press
- Jamaica NY Long Island Farmer
- Jamestown NY Daily Journal
- Jamestown NY Evening Journal
- Jamestown NY Journaln
- Jamestown NY Post Journal
- Janet Lewis Fulton Ny R.pdf
- Jefferson NY Courier
- Jefferson NY Courier Continued
- Jefferson NY Jeffersonian
- Jeffersonville NY Sullivan County Record
- Jewish Community NY 1912
- Johnson City NY Endicott Record
- Johnstown NY Daily Republican
- Johnstown NY Fulton County Republican
- Jordan NY Home Paper
- Jordan NY Times
- Jordan NY Transcript
- Keesville NY Essex County Republican
- Keseville NY Essex County Republican
- Kinderhook NY Advertiser
- Kinderhook NY Herald
- Kinderhook NY Rough Notes
- Kinderhook NY Sentinel
- kings Ferry NY Southern Cayuga Tribune
- Kingston NY Daily Chronicle
- Kingston NY Daily Freeman
- Kingston NY People Press
- Kingston NY Plebian 1803-1805
- Lackawanna NY Leader
- Lancaster NY Bee
- Lancaster NY Enterprise
- Lancaster NY Star
- Lancaster NY Times
- Larchmont NY Times
- Larchmonter NY Times
- Leroy NY Gazette News
- Leroy NY Gazette News 1941-1943
- Liiberty NY Evening News
- Lily Dale NY Sunflower
- Lima NY Misc Issues
- Lima NY Recorder
- Little Falls NY Evening Times
- Little Falls NY Herkimer Country Journal
- Little Falls NY Journal Courier
- Little Falls NY Mohawk Courier
- Little Falls NY Peoples Friend
- Liverpool NY Salina Review
- Livingston County NY Misc Newspapers
- Livonia NY Gazette
- Lock NY Courier
- Lockport NY Daily Journal
- Lockport NY Daily Journal Courier
- Lockport NY Journal
- Lockport NY Union Sun Journal
- Long Island City NY Star Journal
- Long Island NY Daily Star
- Lowvile NY Rebulican
- Lowville NY Journal Republican
- Lowville NY Lewis County Republican
- Lowville NY Northern Journal 1838-1858
- Lyons NY Advertiser
- Lyons NY Countryman
- Lyons NY Gazette
- Lyons NY Republican
- Lyons NY Wayne County Patriot
- Lyons NY Wayne County Review
- Lyons NY Wayne County Wig
- Lyons NY Wayne Democratic Press
- Lyons NY Western Argus
- Malone NY Evening Telegram
- Malone NY Franklin Gazette
- Marathon NY Independent
- Marcellus NY Observer
- Marcellus NY Weekly Observer
- Marlborough NY Record
- Marlborough NY Southern Ulster Pioneer
- Maspeth NY Queens Ledger
- Mcgrawville NY Cortland County Sentinel
- Mechanicville NY Saturday Mercury
- Medina NY Daily Journal
- Medina NY Daily Register Journal
- Medina NY Tribune
- Mexico NY Deaf Mutes Journal
- Mexico NY Deaf Mutes Journal
- Mexico NY Independant
- Middletown NY Daily Press
- Middletown NY Stbyl
- Milford NY Otsego Tidings
- Millbrook NY Round Table
- Millerton NY News Republican
- Misc Very Old Newspaper Transcripts Upstate NY
- Monroe NY Gazette
- Monticello NY Republican Watchman
- Monticello NY Sullivan County Republican
- Monticello NY Sullivan County Republican Continued
- Montour Falls NY Free Press
- Moors Rural New Yorker 1872
- Moors Rural New Yorker 1872.pdf
- Moravia NY Republican Register
- Moravia NY Valley Register
- Morrisville NY Madison
- Morrisville NY Madison County Leader
- Morrisville NY Madison Observer
- Morrisville NY Madson County Leader and Observer
- Morrisville NY Mid-York Weekly
- Moscow NY Advertiser 1818
- Mount Kisco NY Recorder
- Mount Vernon NY Chroncle
- Mount Vernon NY Daily Argus
- Mount Vernon NY News
- Mount Vernon NY Observer
- Mt Morris Livingston County Wig
- Mt Morris NY Misc Issues
- Mt Morris NY Spectator
- Mt Morris NY Union
- Mt. Morris NY Enterprise
- Mt. Morris NY Picket Line Post
- MT. Morris NY Union Constitution
- Naples NY Neopolitan
- Naples NY News
- Naples NY Record
- Naples NY Record Continued
- Nassau Bahama Gazzette 1784-1786
- Nassau NY Newsday
- New Berlin NY Gazette
- New Berlin NY Herald Pioneer Gazette
- New Labanon NY Echo
- New Paltz NY Independent and Times
- New Paltz NY Times
- New Rochelle NY Pioneer
- New Rochelle NY Press
- New York Evening Post
- New York NY Age
- New York NY American For the Country
- New York NY American Mechanic
- New York NY Amsterdam News
- New York NY Anti-Slavery Reporter
- New York NY Billboard
- New York NY Christian Intelligencer
- New York NY Christian Intellingencer 1851-1854
- New York NY Clipper
- New York NY Clipper 1853 – 1924
- New York NY Colonization Journal
- New York NY Daily Advertiser
- New York NY Daily Express
- New York NY Daily Graphic
- New York NY Daily News
- New York NY Daily News Continued
- New York NY Daily Worker
- New York NY Daily World
- New York NY Das Abeno Blatt
- New York NY Deaf and Mutes Journal 1872-1920
- New York NY Dramatic Mirror
- New York NY Evening Call
- New York NY Evening Day Book
- New York NY Evening Express
- New York NY Evening Mirror
- New York NY Evening Post
- New York NY Evening Telegram
- New York NY Evening World
- New York NY Family Herald
- New York NY Fighting Worker
- New York NY Financial World
- New York NY Frank Leslies Illustrated Newspaper
- New York NY Frank Leslies Illustrated Newspaper Continued
- New York NY Freedoms Journal
- New York NY Gazette
- New York NY Globe and Commerical Advertiser
- New York NY Harpers Weekly
- New York NY Herald
- New York NY Home Cheer
- New York NY Hours at Home
- New York NY Irish American Advocate
- New York NY Jewish Journal
- New York NY Journal American
- New York NY Journal or General Advertiser
- New York NY Labor Action
- New York NY MetroNews
- New York NY Militant 1906-1945
- New York NY Modern Stories
- New York NY Morning Courier
- New York NY Morning Express
- New York NY Morning Herald
- New York NY Morning Telegraph
- New York NY National Intelligencer
- New York NY National Police Gazette
- New York NY New World
- New York NY Official Bulletin U_S_G_A
- New York NY Phoenix
- New York NY Plainsdealer
- New York NY Player
- New York NY PM Daily
- New York NY Post
- New York NY Press
- New York NY Revolutionary Age Lovestone
- New York NY Sabbath Recorder
- New York NY Semi-Weekly Courier and Enquirer
- New York NY Shipping And Commercial List
- New York NY Spectator
- New York NY Statesman
- New York NY Statesman and Advertiser for the Country
- New York NY Sun
- New York NY Telegram and Evening Mail
- New York NY Telescope
- New York NY The Catholic News
- New York NY The Illustrated Companion
- New York NY The Illustrated Home Guest
- New York NY The Jewish Messenger
- New York NY The World Telegram and Sun
- New York NY Times
- New York NY Times Continued
- New York NY Transcript
- New York NY Tribune
- New York NY Variety 1923-1927
- New York NY Vaudeville News
- New York NY Weekly Anglo African
- New York NY Weekly News
- New York NY Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth
- New York NY Wilkes Spirit Of The Times
- New York NY Workers Age Lovestone
- New York NY World
- New York NY Young Spartacus
- New York Obits Recent
- New York Papers 04-10-20
- New York State Marriage Index
- New York Tribune Almanac 1856 – 1889
- Newark NY Arcadian Weekly Gazette
- Newark NY Union
- Newark NY Union Gazette
- Newark NY Weekly Courier
- Newburg NY Daily News
- Newburg NY Daily Press
- Newburg NY Daily Telegraph
- Newburgh NY Daily News
- Newburgh NY Daily Register
- Newburgh NY Evening News
- Newburgh NY News
- Newburgh NY Register
- Newburgh NY Weekly Press
- Newburgh NY Weekly Telegraph
- Newtown NY Register
- Niagara Falls NY Gazette
- North Tonawanda NY Evening News
- North White Creek NY Washington County Post
- Northport NY Journal
- Northport NY Observer
- Northwood NY News
- Norwitch NY Chenango Union
- Nunda NY Misc Issues
- Nunda NY News
- Nunda NY Truth
- Nw York NY Evening Day Book
- Nw York NY Journal American
- Nyack NY Journal News
- Ogdensburg NY Daily Journal
- Ogdensburg NY News
- Ogdensburgh NY St lawrence Republican
- Old Misc Newspaper NY
- Olean NY Evening Times
- Olean NY Herald
- Olean NY Times Herald
- Ondensburge NY St lawrence Republican
- Oneida NY Chief Courier
- Oneida NY Evening Union
- Oneida NY Free Press
- Oneida NY Sachem
- Oneonta NY Star
- Onondaga Hollow NY Onondaga Register
- Ossining NY Citizen Register
- Ossining NY Register
- Ossining NY Reminder Weekly News
- Ossintng NY Citizen Sentinel
- Ostego NY Rural Times
- Oswego NY Commerical Advertiser
- Oswego NY Commerical Herald 1837-1838
- Oswego NY Commerical Times
- Oswego NY County Messenger
- Oswego NY County Times
- Oswego NY County Whig
- Oswego NY Daily Journal
- Oswego NY Daily Press
- Oswego NY Free Press
- Oswego NY Morning Express
- Oswego NY Morning Herald
- Oswego NY Morning Post
- Oswego NY Palladium
- Oswego NY Palladium Times Looking Backward
- Oswego NY Safe Haven Fort Ontario 1944-1946
- Oswego NY Shopper
- Oswego NY Times
- Oswego NY Times Journal
- Otisco Lake NY News
- Otsego NY Republican Press
- Ovid NY Bee
- Ovid NY Gazette
- Ovid NY Gazette and Independent
- Ovid NY Records
- Owego NY Daily Blade
- Owego NY Daily Record
- Owego NY Tioga County Record
- Oxford NY Review Times
- Palmyra NY Courier
- Palmyra NY Courier Journal
- Palmyra NY Democrat
- Palmyra NY Reflector
- Palmyra NY Reflector 1829-1830
- Palmyra NY Register
- Palmyra NY Wayne County Journal
- Palmyra NY Wayne County Sentinel
- Palmyra NY Western Farmer
- Pawling NY Alliance
- Pawling NY Chronicale
- Pawling NY Journal
- Pawling NY Patterson News Chronicale
- Pawling NY Pioneer
- Pawling NY Recorder
- Pawling NY Republican
- Pearl River NY Orangetown Telegram
- Peekskill NY Evening Star
- Peekskill NY Highland Democrat
- Peekskill NY Westerchester Putnam Republican
- Pelham NY Sun
- Penn Yan NY Chronicle Express
- Penn Yan NY Democrat
- Penn Yan NY Express
- Penn Yen NY Express
- Penn Yen NY Yates County Chronicle
- Penn Yen NY Yates County Whig
- Perry NY Herald
- Perry NY Record
- Perry NY Silver Lake Sun
- Phelps NY Citizen
- Phelps NY Country Editor
- Philmont NY Sentinel
- Phonenix NY Register
- Phonenix NY Register 1958 pdf
- Pine Plaines NY Register Herald
- Pine Planes NY Register Herald
- Plattsburg NY Morning Telegram
- Plattsburg NY Northern Mail
- Plattsburg NY Republican
- Plattsburg NY Sentinel
- Plattsburgh NY Clinton Courier 1891-1894
- Plattsburgh NY Evening News
- Plattsburgh NY Press
- Pokeepsie NY Evening Enterprise
- Port Byron NY Chronicle
- Port Chester NY Journal
- Port Jervis NY Evening Gazette
- Port Jervis NY New York Famer
- Port Jervis NY Tri-States Union
- PortVille NY Autograph
- PortVille NY Review
- PortVille NY Star
- Potsdam NY Saint Lawrence Herald
- Poughkeepsie NY American Farmer
- Poughkeepsie NY Daily Eagle
- Poughkeepsie NY Eagle News
- Poughkeepsie NY Evening Enterprise
- Poughkeepsie NY Evening Star and Enterprise
- Poughkeepsie NY New Yorker
- Poughkeepsie NY New Yorker 1941.pdf
- Poughkeepsie NY News Press
- Poughkeepsie NY News Press Continued
- Poughkeepsie NY Political Barometer
- Prattsbugh NY News
- Randolph NY Register
- Randolph NY Weekly Courant
- Red Creek NY Herald
- Red Hook NY Journal
- Rhinebeck NY Gazette
- Richfield Springs NY Canal Times
- Richfield Springs NY Daily
- Richfield Springs NY Mercury
- Richmond Hill NY Record
- Ridgewood NY Times
- Riverdale NY Press
- Riverhead NY News Review
- Rochester NY Album
- Rochester NY Daily Advertiser & Telegram
- Rochester NY Daily Democrat
- Rochester NY Daily Record
- Rochester NY Democrat Chronicle
- Rochester NY Evening Express
- Rochester NY Republican
- Rochester NY Telegraph
- Rochester NY Tenth Ward Courier
- Rochester NY Times Union
- Rochester NY Union & Advertiser
- Rockaway Beach NY Wave Of Long Island
- Rockaway NY News
- Rockville Centre NY Long Island News and Owl
- Rockville Centre NY Picket
- Rockville Centre NY South Side Observer
- Rome NY Daily Sentinel
- Rome NY Roman Citizen
- Rome NY Telegraph
- Rome Watertown and Ogd.pdf
- Rondout NY Freeman
- Roundout NY Ulster County Whig
- Rouses Point NY North Countryman
- Roxbury NY Times
- Rushville NY Chronicle and Gorham New Age
- Rye NY Chronicle
- Sag Harbor NY Corrector
- Sag Harbor NY Express
- Saint Regis Falls NY Adirondak News
- Salamanca NY Pennysaver
- Salamanca NY Republican Press
- Salem NY Northern Post
- Salem NY Press
- Salem NY Washington County Post
- Salem NY Weekly Review
- Sandy Creek NY News
- Sandy Hill NY Commercial Advertiser
- Sandy Hill NY Herald
- Sandy Hill NY Washington County Observer
- Saratoga Springs NY Daily Saratogian
- Saratoga Springs NY Daily Saratogian Republican
- Saratoga Springs NY Saratogian
- Saratoga Springs NY Sentinel
- Saugerties NY Old Dutch Post Star
- Saugerties NY Telegraph
- Savannah NY Times
- Sayville NY Suffolk County News
- Schaghticoke NY Sun
- Schenectady NY Cabinet
- Schenectady NY Evening Star And Times
- Schenectady NY Gazette
- Schenectady NY Quarker Street Review
- Schenectady NY Reflector and Democrat
- Schenevus NY Free Press
- Schoharie NY Democratic Republican
- Schoharie NY Patriot
- Schoharie NY Republican
- Schoharie NY Union
- Schuylerville NY Standard
- Scotia NY Glenville Journal
- Sea Cliff NY News
- Seneca Falls NY Seneca County Courier
- settlers of New York and New Jersey
- Sherman NY Chanutauqua News
- Sherman NY Chautaqua News
- Sherman NY Chautauqua News
- Shortsville NY Enterprise
- Silver Creek NY Creeker
- Silver Creek NY Gazette
- Silver Creek NY Times
- Silver Springs NY Signal
- Sinclairville NY Commercial
- Sing Sing NY Democratic Register
- Sing Sing NY Republican
- Skaneateles NY Columbian
- Skaneateles NY Democrat
- Skaneateles NY Democrat 1873 – 1921
- Skaneateles NY Free Press
- Skaneateles NY Free Press 1892 – 1989
- Smithtown NY News
- Smithtown NY Port Jefferson Messenger
- Smithtown NY Star
- Sodus NY Record
- Sodus NY Wayne County Alliance
- South New Berlin NY Bee
- Southold NY Long Island Traveler
- Spencerport NY Suburban News
- Springwater NY Enterprise
- Springwater NY Valley News
- St Johnsville NY Enterprise
- St Johnsville NY News
- Stamford NY Mirror
- Stamford NY Mirror Recorder
- Stamford NY Recorder
- Stamford NY Stamford Mirror
- Stillwater NY Hudson Valley Times
- Syracuse NY Daily Standard
- Syracuse NY Daily Standard Grayscale
- Syracuse NY Daily Star Grayscale
- Syracuse NY Empire State Democrat Grayscale
- Syracuse NY Evening Chronicle Grayscale
- Syracuse NY Evening Herald
- Syracuse NY Evening Telegram
- Syracuse NY Gazette & General Advertiser Grayscale
- Syracuse NY Herald
- Syracuse NY Journal
- Syracuse NY L’UNIONE (Italian Newspaper) Grayscale
- Syracuse NY Ononadaga Standard Grayscale
- Syracuse NY Onondaga Gazette
- Syracuse NY Post Standard
- Syracuse NY Religous Recorder Grayscale pdf
- Syracuse NY Republican Grayscale.pdf
- Syracuse NY Sunday Times Grayscale
- Syracuse NY The Carson League Grayscale
- Syracuse NY The State League Grayscale
- Syracuse NY Weekly Express Grayscale.pdf
- Syracuse NY Wesleyan Grayscale
- Tarrytown Ny Daily News
- The Daily Journal
- The Fulton Patriot
- The Oswego Free Press
- The Oswego Shopper
- Town of Ovid NY Records
- Troy NY Budget
- Troy NY Daily Post
- Troy NY Daily Times
- Troy NY Daily Whig
- Troy NY Evening Standard
- Troy NY Times
- Troy NY Times Record
- Tully NY Independent
- Tully NY Times
- Unadilla NY Times
- Union NY Union News
- Union Springs NY Advertiser
- Union Springs NY News
- Utica NY Daily Gazette
- Utica NY Daily Observer
- Utica NY Daily Press
- Utica NY Daily Union
- Utica NY Herald Dispatch
- Utica NY Liberty Press
- Utica NY Mechanics Press 1829-1830
- Utica NY Morning Herald
- Utica NY Morning Telegram
- Utica NY Observer
- Utica NY Oneida Morning Herald
- Utica NY Oneida Weekly Herald
- Utica NY Oneida Whig
- Utica NY Saturday Globe
- Utica NY Sentinel And Gazette
- Utica NY Sentinel Gazette
- Utica NY Slowo Polskie (The Polish Word)
- Utica NY Sunday Journal
- Utica NY Sunday Tribune
- Utica NY The Mechanics Press 1829-1830
- Utica NY Weekly Herald
- Utica NY Weekly Herald Continued
- Varysburg NY Sheldon Democrat
- Vestal NY News
- Vestal NY Tempo
- Victor NY Herald
- Wallkill Valey NY New Paltz News
- Warrensburg NY Lake George News
- Warsaw NY American Citizen
- Warsaw NY Western New Yorker
- Warsaw NY Wyoming County Mirror
- Warsaw NY Wyoming County Times
- Warwick NY Dispatch
- Waterloo NY Citizens of yesterday
- Waterloo Ny Enlistments In the 4th Rifle Co
- Waterloo NY Enunciator
- Waterloo NY Gazette
- Waterloo NY Observer
- Waterloo NY Seneca County Farmer
- Waterloo NY Seneca County News
- Watertown New York Reformer 1850 -1863
- Watertown NY Daily Standard
- Watertown NY Reformer
- Watertown NY Times
- Waterville NY Times
- Waterville NY Times Continued
- Watkins Glen NY Glen Review
- Watkins NY Democrat
- Watkins NY Express
- Watkins NY Schuyler County Democrat
- Waverly NY Advocate
- Waverly NY Free Press
- Waverly NY Free Press Tioga County Record
- Wayland NY Register
- Webster NY Herald
- Weedsport Cayuga Chief Port Byron Chronical
- Weedsport NY Cayuga Chief
- West Winfield NY Star
- WestChester NY Herald 1820
- Westfield NY Eagle
- White Plains NY Eastern State Journal
- Whitehall NY Times
- Whitestone NY Herald
- Whitesville NY News
- Wickmen and Wiser NY Misc Titles
- Willsburg NY News
- Winchester NY Observer
- Windham NY Journal
- Wolcott NY Lake Shore News
- Worcester NY Times
- Wyoming NY Wyoming Reporter
- Yonkers NY Herald Statesman
- Yonkers NY Statesman
- Windsor NY Standard
- 5th Freedom
- Adirondack Daily Enterprise
- Advance News
- Albany Argus & Daily City Gazette, Extra
- Allegany County News
- Allegany County Republican
- Altamont Enterprise
- Altamont Enterprise and Albany County Post
- Amagansett Star-Revue
- American Journal
- American Union
- Andes Recorder
- Anti-Masonic Telegraph
- Arcade Herald (Arcade, Wyoming: 1927 – 1960)
- Arcade Herald (Arcade, Wyoming: 1981 – 1986)
- Argus
- Auburn Daily Advertiser
- Auburn Free Press
- Auburn Journal and Advertiser
- Auburn Morning Dispatch
- Auburn Weekly American
- Auburn Weekly Dispatch
- Banner Times
- Batavia Daily News
- Bayport-Blue Point Gazette
- Bellmore Herald
- Bellmore Herald Life
- Bellmore Life
- Belmont Dispatch
- Binghamton Courier
- Black River Democrat
- Black River Gazette
- Black River Herald
- Bloomville Mirror
- Bolivar Breeze
- Boonville Herald
- Boonville Herald and Adirondack Tourist
- Brockport Republic and Brockport Democrat
- Broome Republican
- Buffalo Challenger
- Buffalo Daily Republic
- Buffalo Daily Republic and Times
- Buffalo Evening News
- Buffalo Evening Post
- Buffalo Irish Times
- Buffalo Morning Express and Daily Democracy
- Buffalo Morning Express (Buffalo, Erie: 1849 – 1855)
- Buffalo Morning Express (Buffalo, Erie: 1859 – 1865)
- Buffalo Morning Express (Buffalo, Erie: 1878 – 1901)
- Buffalo New York Challenger News Weekly
- Buffalo Technical Institute News
- Buffalo Weekly Challenger
- Callicoon Local Record
- Cape Vincent Eagle (Cape Vincent, Jefferson: 1872 – 1879)
- Cape Vincent Eagle (Cape Vincent, Jefferson: 1886 – 1951)
- Capital Herald
- Capital Neighbors
- Cardinal Courier
- Cardinal Points
- Catholic Courier
- Catholic Courier and Journal
- Catskill Mountain News
- Catskill Recorder
- Catskill Recorder & Democrat and Democratic Herald
- Catskill Recorder, and Greene County Republican
- Cattaraugus Republican (Ellicottville, Cattaraugus: 1844 – 1854)
- Cattaraugus Republican (Little Valley, Cattaraugus: 1901 – 1938)
- Cattaraugus Times
- Cazenovia Republican
- Chappaqua Journal
- Chappaqua Sun
- Chateaugay Record
- Chateaugay Record and Franklin County Democrat
- Chatham Courier
- Chatham Semi-Weekly Courier
- Chautauqua Farmer
- Chautauqua News
- Chautauqua News and Sherman Advance
- Chemung Valley Reporter
- Chenango Republican / Oxford Gazette and People’s Advocate
- Chenango Telegraph
- Cherry Valley Gazette (Cherry Valley, Otsego: 1855 – 1857)
- Cherry Valley Gazette (Cherry Valley, Otsego: 1857 – 1868)
- Cherry-Valley Gazette
- Chronicle-Express
- Clarkson Integrator
- Clayton Independent
- Clayton News
- Clifton Springs Review
- Cohoes Advertiser
- Commercial Advertiser (New York, New York: 1797 – 1809)
- Commercial Advertiser (New York, New York: 1809 – 1820)
- Commercial Advertiser (Potsdam Junction, St. Lawrence: 1874 – 1952)
- Co-No Press
- Cooperstown Federalist
- Cooperstown Independent
- Cortland Standard
- Cortland Standard and Weekly Journal
- Courier and Freeman
- Courier Express
- Courier-Journal (Palmyra, Wayne: 1971 – 1985)
- Courier-Journal (Rochester, Monroe: 1968 – 1989)
- Coxsackie Weekly Union
- Creeker
- Cuba Daily News
- Cuba Evening Review
- Cuba Patriot and Free Press
- Daily Morning News
- Daily On The St Lawrence
- Daily Sentinel
- Dan’s Papers – Southampton Summer Day
- Dan’s Papers – The East Hampton Summer Sun
- Dan’s Papers – The Hampton Exchange
- Dan’s Papers – The Montauk Pioneer
- Dansville Breeze
- Dansville Herald
- Dansville Weekly Herald
- Delaware County Dairyman
- Delaware County Dairyman and Register
- Delaware Gazette
- Delaware Republican
- Deutscher Wochenspiegel
- Douglass Monthly
- Dundee Observer
- Dundee Record
- Dunkirk Evening Observer
- Dziennik Dla Wszystkich = Polish Everybody’s Daily
- Eagle-Bulletin
- East Rockaway Lynbrook Observer
- Eastern State Journal
- Elbridge Citizen
- Ellicottville News
- Ellicottville Post
- Elmira Advertiser
- Elmira College Weekly
- Elmira Daily Advertiser
- Elmira Daily Bazoo
- Elmira Morning Telegram
- Elmira Weekly Advertiser
- Elmira Weekly Advertiser and Chemung County Republican
- Elmira Weekly Gazette
- Endicott Bulletin
- Endicott Daily Bulletin
- Entricy Herald
- Essex County Republican
- Evening Courier & Republic
- Evening Observer
- Evening Post
- Every Week
- Facts & Fallacies
- Facts and Fallacies
- Facts and Fallacies and Brushtonian
- Fairport Herald-Mail
- Fairport-Perinton Herald-Mail
- Farmer Village Review
- Farmingdale Post (Farmingdale, Nassau: 1923 – 1935)
- Farmingdale Post (Farmingdale, Nassau: 1953 – 1971)
- Fayetteville Bulletin
- Fayetteville Luminary, and Reformed Methodist Intelligencer
- Fort Covington Sun
- Franklin Gazette
- Franklin Visitor
- Frederick Douglass Paper
- Free Press
- Freedom’s Sentinel
- Freeman’s Advocate
- Freeport Herald
- Freeport High School – FlasHingS
- Freeport Hi-Lights
- Freeport Middle School – Dodd-Jr
- Freeport Underground Report
- Friendship Chronicle
- Friendship Weekly Register
- Frontier Palladium
- Frontier Patriot
- Frontier Sentinel
- Fulton County Democrat
- Fulton County Republican (Johnstown, Fulton: 1872 – 1882)
- Fulton County Republican (Johnstown, Fulton: 1882 – 1909)
- Gananda Times
- Gates-Chili News
- Gates-Chili’s Shopping Dollar News
- Genesee Valley Free Press (Wellsville, Allegany: 1863 – 1866)
- Genesee Valley Free Press (Wellsville, Allegany: 1871 – 1880)
- Geneseo Lamron
- Geneva Advertiser (Geneva, Ontario: 1841 – 1842)
- Geneva Advertiser (Geneva, Ontario: 1880 – 1902)
- Geneva Advertiser-Gazette
- Geneva Courier
- Geneva Daily Gazette
- Geneva Daily Times (Geneva, Ontario: 1895 – 1904)
- Geneva Daily Times (Geneva, Ontario: 1920 – 1928)
- Geneva Palladium
- Glen’s Falls Messenger
- Gouverneur Free Press
- Gouverneur Herald-Times
- Gouverneur Times
- Gouverneur Tribune-Press
- Grand Island News
- Greater Greece Press
- Greene County Republican
- Hamilton County Press
- Hamilton County Record
- Hammond Advertiser
- Hancock Herald
- Hanover Gazette
- Hartwick Review and Visitor
- Havana Journal
- Herald and Democrat
- Herald-Mail
- Herkimer County American
- Herkimer County Democrat (Frankfort, Herkimer: 1853 – 1854)
- Herkimer County Democrat (Herkimer, Herkimer: 1860 – 1861)
- Herkimer Democrat (Herkimer, Herkimer: 1854 – 1855)
- Herkimer Democrat (Herkimer, Herkimer: 1861 – 1868)
- Herkimer Democrat (Herkimer, Herkimer: 1877 – 1904)
- Hill News
- Hobart Herald
- Hobart Independent
- Honeoye Falls Weekly Times (Honeoye Falls, Monroe: 1882 – 1886)
- Honeoye Falls Weekly Times (Honeoye Falls, Monroe: 1987 – 1989)
- Hoosick Falls Standard Press
- Hudson Valley Times
- Independent Advertiser
- Independent Voice
- Indian Time
- Island Dispatch
- Islip Bulletin
- Ithaca Daily Journal
- Ithaca Journal
- Ithaca Journal & General Advertiser
- Ithaca Journal and Advertiser
- Ithaca Journal, Literary Gazette, and General Advertiser
- Ithaca Weekly Journal
- Jamaica Farmer
- Jamestown Daily Journal
- Jamestown Evening Journal
- Jamestown Journal
- Jefferson Chronicle
- Jefferson Community College News
- Johnson City-Endicott Record
- Jordan Home Paper
- Jordan Times
- Katonah Record
- Kinderhook Herald
- Kingston Daily Chronicle
- Knowersville Enterprise
- La Gazzetta Di Syracuse
- Lackawanna Herald
- Lackawanna Leader
- Lackawanna Press
- Lackawanna’s Steel City Press
- Lake George Mirror
- Lake Shore News and Times
- Lake Shore Observer
- Lamron (Geneseo, Livingston: 1972 – 1973)
- Lamron (Geneseo, Livingston: 1973)
- Lamron (Geneseo, Livingston: 1974)
- Lansingburgh Democrat
- Lansingburgh Democrat and Rensselaer County Gazette
- Lansingburgh Gazette (Lansingburgh, Rensselaer: 1798 – 1825)
- Lansingburgh Gazette (Lansingburgh, Rensselaer: 1827 – 1883)
- Lansingburgh State Gazette
- Lansingburgh Weekly Chronicle
- Le Moyne College Dolphin & Piper
- Lestershire-Endicott Record
- Levana Gazette / Onondaga Advertiser
- Lewis County Democrat
- Livingston Republican
- Local Record
- Lockport Balance
- Lockport Daily Journal & Courier
- Lockport Daily Journal (Lockport, Niagara: 1858 – 1901)
- Lockport Daily Journal (Lockport, Niagara: 1905 – 1906)
- Lockport Daily Sun
- Lockport Journal
- Long Beach and Town News
- Long Beach Herald
- Long Beach Independent Voice
- Long Beach Life
- Long Beach Progress
- Long Beach Voice
- Long Island Farmer
- Long Island Farmer, and Queens County Advertiser
- Long Island Graphic
- Long Island Graphic and Roosevelt Press
- Long Island Independent
- Lowville Leader and Lyons-Leyden Ledger
- Lyndonville Enterprise
- Lyons Republican
- Macedon-Walworth Gananda Times
- Madison County Whig
- Man
- Manhasset Mail
- Manhasset Press
- Mayville Sentinel (Mayville, Chautauqua: 1834 – 1877)
- Mayville Sentinel (Mayville, Chautauqua: 1905 – 1985)
- McGrawville Express
- Mechanicville Saturday Mercury
- Merrick Life
- Mexico Independent (Mexico, Oswego: 1861 – 1872)
- Mexico Independent (Mexico, Oswego: 1874 – 1972)
- Mid-Island Herald
- Milford Tidings
- Millbrook Round Table
- Mohawk Courier
- Mohawk Sentinel
- Mohawk Valley Register
- Monroe County Mail
- Monroe Republican
- Morning Express
- Morning Star
- Naples Record
- Nassau County Record
- Nassau County Review
- Nassau Daily Review and Nassau Star
- Nassau Daily Review-Star
- National Anti-Slavery Standard
- Neapolitan Record
- New Castle News
- New Castle Tribune
- New Paltz Times
- New Patriot
- New Times Weekly
- New York Evening Post
- Newark Courier-Gazette
- Newark Courier-Gazette, The Marion Enterprise, Clifton Springs Press
- Newark Union
- Newark Union-Gazette, The Marion Enterprise
- New-Paltz Independent
- News-Dispatch
- New-York Commercial Advertiser
- New-York Evening Post
- New-York Semi-Weekly Tribune
- Niagara County News
- Niagara Courier
- Niagara Falls Gazette (Niagara Falls, Niagara: 1854 – 1893)
- Niagara Falls Gazette (Niagara Falls, Niagara: 1893 – 1918)
- Niagara Falls Gazette (Niagara Falls, Niagara: 1918 – 1971)
- Niagara Falls Journal
- Niagara Falls News
- Niagara Sentinel
- Normal News
- North Country Catholic
- North Creek Enterprise
- Northern Democrat
- Northern Journal
- Northern Light
- Northern New York Journal
- Northern New York Semi-Weekly Journal
- Northern New York Weekly Journal
- Northern State Journal
- Northern Tribune
- Northern Tribune and Gouverneur Herald-Times
- Northern Whig
- Northport Journal
- Northport Observer
- Northwest Courier & Vicinity Post
- Norwood News
- NYSSA-News
- Ogdensburg Advance-News
- Ogdensburg Journal
- Old Weird Herald
- Olean Daily Herald
- Olean Herald
- On The St Lawrence
- On The St Lawrence and Clayton Independent
- Oneida Free Press
- Oneida Sachem
- Oneida Semi Weekly Democratic Union
- Oneida Telegraph
- Oneida Weekly Dispatch
- Oneida Whig
- Oneonta Daily Star
- Oneonta Herald
- Oneonta Herald and Democrat
- Onondaga Gazette
- Onondaga Independent
- Onondaga Register
- Onondaga Register & Syracuse Gazette
- Ontario County Times (Canandaigua, Ontario: 1852 – 1915)
- Ontario County Times (Canandaigua, Ontario: 1863 – 1880)
- Ontario Messenger and Repository
- Ontario Repository and Freeman
- Ontario Repository and Messenger
- Ontario Repository (Canandaigua, Ontario: 1809 – 1826)
- Ontario Repository (Canandaigua, Ontario: 1824 – 1829)
- Ontario Republican Times
- Orleans Republican
- Oswego Palladium (Oswego, Oswego: 1819 – 1828)
- Oswego Palladium (Oswego, Oswego: 1887 – 1889)
- Oswego Palladium (Oswego, Oswego: 1908 – 1925)
- Otsego Herald
- Otsego Republican
- Otsego Tidings
- Overview: The Onondaga Community College Students Newspaper
- Oxford Gazette
- Oxford Press
- Oxford Times
- Painted Post Times
- Palmyra Courier-Journal
- Palmyra Courier-Journal and The Macedon Journal
- Palmyra Herald, and Canal Advertiser
- Palmyra Journal
- Palmyra Register
- Patent Trader
- Patriot and Free Press (Cuba, Allegany: 1973 – 1981)
- Patriot and Free Press (Cuba, Allegany: 1995 – 2022)
- Paul Smiths College Alumni Bulletin
- Paul Smiths College Alumni News
- Paul Smiths College Alumni Newsletter
- Paul Smiths College Post Script
- Penn Yan Courier
- Penn Yan Express
- Penn-Yan Democrat
- Perry Record
- Phelps Citizen
- Phelps Citizen-Echo and Clifton Springs Review
- Phelps Country Editor
- Pipe Dream
- Plattsburgh Daily Press
- Plattsburgh Daily Republican
- Plattsburgh Press-Republican
- Plattsburgh Republican
- Polak amerykański = American Pole
- Polak w Ameryce
- Port Jefferson Times-Echo
- Port Jervis Daily Union
- Port Washington News and Times-Post
- Port Washington News (Port Washington, Nassau: 1903 – 1939)
- Port Washington News (Port Washington, Nassau: 1941 – 1951)
- Porthole
- Portville Review
- Poughkeepsie Eagle (Poughkeepsie, Dutchess: 1835 – 1843)
- Poughkeepsie Eagle (Poughkeepsie, Dutchess: 1889)
- Poughkeepsie Eagle, Twice-A-Week
- Press-Republican
- Prodigal Sun
- Przeglad Tygodniowy = Polish Weekly Review
- Pulaski Advocate
- Queens County Review
- Ramapo Valley Gazette
- Red Hook Star-Revue
- Rensselaer County Standard
- Republican
- Republican and Democrat (Cooperstown, Otsego: 1855 – 1861)
- Republican and Democrat (Cooperstown, Otsego: 1868 – 1877)
- Republican Monitor
- Republican Watchman and Jeffersonian Democrat
- Republican Watchman (Monticello, Sullivan: 1829 – 1861)
- Republican Watchman (Monticello, Sullivan: 1866 – 1932)
- Republic-Democrat
- Review
- Richfield Springs Daily
- Richfield Springs Mercury
- Richland Courier
- Richmond County Advance
- Richmond County Democrat
- RIT Reporter
- Rochester Abendpost
- Rochester Antimasonic Inquirer (Rochester, Monroe: 1828 – 1830)
- Rochester Antimasonic Inquirer (Rochester, Monroe: 1831 – 1833)
- Rochester Beobachter
- Rochester Daily American
- Rochester Daily Telegraph
- Rochester Gazette
- Rochester Observer
- Rochester Republican
- Rochester Täglicher Beobachter
- Rochester Telegraph
- Rockland County Journal
- Rockland County Messenger
- Rockland County Times Weekly
- Rome Daily Sentinel
- Ronkonkoma Review
- Roslyn Tablet
- Rural Times
- Rushville Chronicle and Gorham New Age
- Sag Harbor Express
- Sag Harbor Express and The News and The Corrector
- Sag-Harbor Express
- Salamanca Inquirer
- Sandy Creek News
- Sandy Creek Times
- Saturday Critic
- Saturday Evening Review
- Saturday Morning Review
- Sayville Weekly News
- Schenectady Democrat
- Schenectady Democrat and Reflector
- Schenectady Reflector
- Schenevus Valley News
- Schuyler County Chronicle
- Semi-Weekly Chronicle
- Semi-Weekly Tribune
- Seneca County Courier-Journal
- Seneca County News
- Silver Creek Gazette
- Silver Creek Local
- Silver Creek News
- Silver Creek News and Times
- Silver Creek Times
- Silver Springs Signal
- Silver-Creek Gazette
- South New Berlin Bee
- South Side Messenger
- South Side Observer
- South Side Signal
- Southampton Press
- Spirit Of The Times
- Spirit Of The Times and People’s Press
- Spiritual Clarion
- Spiritual Telegraph
- St Lawrence American
- St Lawrence Gazette
- St Lawrence Republican
- St Lawrence Republican and Ogdensburgh Weekly Journal
- St Lawrence Republican, and General Advertiser
- Stamford and Bloomville Mirror
- Stamford Mirror
- Stamford Mirror-Recorder
- Staten Island Advance
- Staten Island Independent
- Suburban Life
- Suffolk Weekly Times
- Sullivan County Record
- Sullivan County Record Roscoe Rockland Review
- Sunday Morning Herald
- Sunday Morning Telegram
- Sunday Morning Tidings
- SUNY Delhi Campus Voice
- SUNY Erie Community College Student Voice
- Suspension Bridge Journal
- Syracuse New Times
- Syracuse Union
- Tarrytown Daily News
- Tenth Ward Courier
- Tenth Ward Courier & Vicinity Post
- Tenth Ward Courier and Vicinity Post
- Tenth Ward Courier Pennysaver
- Tenth Ward Post
- Tenth Ward Post & the Northwest News
- The A.T. Eye
- The A.T. See
- The Adirondack Mountain Sun
- The Adirondack News
- The Adirondack Record
- The Adirondack Record-Elizabethtown Post
- The Advance
- The Advance-News
- The Advertiser
- The Advertiser-Journal
- The Aggie Observer
- The Aggie Spirit
- The Albany Centinel
- The Albany Register
- The Album
- The Allegany County Democrat
- The Allegany County Reporter
- The Altamont Enterprise
- The Altamont Enterprise and Albany County Post
- The Amateur Courier
- The Angelica Advocate
- The Arcadian Weekly Gazette
- The Argus
- The Ascent
- The Aurora Gazette
- The Babylon Beacon
- The Baldwin Citizen
- The Baldwinsville Gazette
- The Baldwinsville Gazette and Farmers Journal
- The Beacon
- The Bee (Buffalo, Erie: 1921 – 1950)
- The Bee (Heuvelton, St. Lawrence: 1912 – 1923)
- The Bethpage Tribune
- The Blue Banner
- The Boonville Ledger
- The Brewster Standard
- The Brighton-Pittsford Post
- The Broadalbin Herald
- The Brockport Republic
- The Brookfield Courier
- The Brookfield Courier and The Reporter
- The Brooklyn Daily Eagle
- The Brooklyn Daily Eagle and Kings County Democrat
- The Buffalo Criterion (Buffalo, Erie: 1952 – 1973)
- The Buffalo Criterion (Buffalo, Erie: 1974 – 1989)
- The Buffalo Express
- The Buffalo News
- The Candor Courier
- The Canisian
- The Cannon
- The Cannoneer
- The Cape-Vincent Gazette
- The Cataract Journal
- The Catholic Courier
- The Catholic Courier Journal
- The Catholic Journal
- The Catskill Recorder (Catskill, Greene: 1829 – 1845)
- The Catskill Recorder (Catskill, Greene: 1871 – 1895)
- The Cattaraugus Union
- The Challenger
- The Chateaugay Journal
- The Chatham Courier
- The Chatham Republican
- The Chautauqua News
- The Chenango American
- The Cherry Valley Gazette
- The Chronicle
- The City Island Drift
- The Clarion
- The Clayton Free Press
- The Cobleskill Index
- The Coeymans Herald
- The Cohoes Republican
- The Colonial News
- The Columbia Republican
- The Columbia Washingtonian
- The Commercial Advertiser
- The Commonweal
- The Concordiensis
- The Corrector (Auburn, Cayuga: 1839)
- The Corrector (Sag Harbor, Suffolk: 1822 – 1911)
- The Countryman
- The County Review
- The Courier-Gazette
- The Coxsackie Union
- The Cuba Patriot and Free Press (Cuba, Allegany: 1914 – 1945)
- The Cuba Patriot and Free Press (Cuba, Allegany: 1920 – 1962)
- The Cuba Patriot (Cuba, Allegany: 1875 – 1904)
- The Cuba Patriot (Cuba, Allegany: 1916 – 1920)
- The Cuba Patriot (Cuba, Allegany: 1962 – 1972)
- The Cuba True Patriot
- The Daily Bulletin
- The Daily Cataract
- The Daily Cataract-Journal
- The Daily Journal (Buffalo, Erie: 1916)
- The Daily Journal (Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence: 1857 – 1868)
- The Daily Leader
- The Daily News
- The Daily Palladium
- The Daily Press
- The Daily Reporter
- The Daily Review
- The Daily Saratogian
- The Daily Sun (Lockport, Niagara: 1891 – 1892)
- The Daily Sun (Rochester, Monroe: 1839)
- The Dansville Advertiser (Dansville, Livingston: 1860 – 1866)
- The Dansville Advertiser (Dansville, Livingston: 1870 – 1901)
- The Dansville Express
- The Dansville Express and Advertiser
- The Delaware Express
- The Delaware Republican-express
- The Democrat (Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer: 1895 – 1912)
- The Democrat (Olean, Cattaraugus: 1883 – 1885)
- The Democratic Eagle
- The Democratic Union
- The Dispatch
- The Dragon Chronicle
- The Dunkirk Observer-Journal
- The Eagle-Bulletin
- The Eagle-Bulletin and Dewitt Times
- The Eagle-Bulletin, Dewitt News-Times
- The East Hampton Star
- The Echo
- The Element
- The Elizabethtown Post and Gazette
- The Elizabethtown Post (Elizabethtown, Essex: 1851 – 1872)
- The Elizabethtown Post (Elizabethtown, Essex: 1884 – 1920)
- The Ellicottville Post
- The Elmira Gazette
- The Elmira Republican
- The Elmira Tidings
- The Emerald Press
- The Endicott Times
- The Enquirer
- The Enterprise
- The Evening Gazette
- The Evening Journal
- The Evening News
- The Evening Observer
- The Evening Post
- The Evening Republic
- The Evening World
- The Expositor
- The Factory Times
- The Fairport Herald
- The Farmer Review
- The Farmingdale Observer
- The Farmingdale Post and Newsletter
- The Farmingdale Post, Newsletter and South Shore news.
- The Fayetteville Recorder
- The Fort Edward Advertiser
- The Fort Edward Ledger
- The Franklin Register
- The Freeman’s Banner
- The Freeman’s Journal and The Oneonta Press
- The Freeman’s Journal (Cooperstown, Otsego: 1807 – 1922)
- The Freeman’s Journal (Cooperstown, Otsego: 1924 – 1996)
- The Freeman’s Journal (Cooperstown, Otsego: 1997 – 2012)
- The Freeport Baldwin Leader
- The Freeport News
- The Friendship Register
- The Friendship Volunteer
- The Fulton Patriot
- The Garden City News
- The Gates-Chili Press
- The Gazette and Farmers Journal
- The Geneva Gazette (Geneva, Ontario: 1809 – 1825)
- The Geneva Gazette (Geneva, Ontario: 1833 – 1839)
- The Geneva Gazette, and General Advertiser
- The Geneva Gazette, and Mercantile Advertiser
- The Gilboa Monitor
- The Gleaner
- The Glen’s Falls Republican
- The Glens Falls Times
- The Glens Falls Times and Messenger
- The Glimmerglass
- The Gloversville Daily Leader
- The Gouverneur Herald
- The Gouverneur Herald and The Gouverneur Times
- The Gouverneur Tribune-Press
- The Granville Sentinel
- The Greece Post
- The Greece Press
- The Greenwich Journal
- The Greenwich Journal and Fort Edward Advertiser
- The Greenwich Journal and Salem Press (Greenwich, Washington: 1969 – 1977)
- The Greenwich Journal and Salem Press (Greenwich, Washington: 2000 – 2013)
- The Griffin
- The Helm
- The Helm Independent Review
- The Herald Of Progress
- The Herald (Geneva, Ontario: 1898 – 2015)
- The Herald (Hudson Falls, Washington: 1912 – 1913)
- The Herkimer Democrat and Little Falls Gazette
- The Hilltop Press
- The Hilton Record
- The Honeoye Falls Times
- The Hoosick Falls Press
- The Impartial Observer
- The Independent
- The Industrial School Advocate, and Soldiers’ Aid
- The Inside Dope
- The Institooter
- The Interlaken Review
- The Irish World and American Industrial Liberator
- The Item
- The Ithaca Journal
- The Johnstown Daily Republican
- The Jordan Transcript
- The Jordan Weekly Times
- The Journal and Republican and Lowville Times
- The Journal and Republican (Lowville, Lewis: 1860 – 1909)
- The Journal and Republican (Lowville, Lewis: 1929 – 2002)
- The Journal (Lackawanna, Erie: 1913 – 1917)
- The Journal (Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence: 1971 – 1989)
- The Journal-News
- The Journal-Press (Greenwich, Washington: 1979 – 1999)
- The Journal-Press (Greenwich, Washington: 2014 – 2021)
- The Journal-Register (Medina, Orleans: 1970 – 1972)
- The Journal-Register (Medina, Orleans: 1972 – 2014)
- The Judge
- The Katonah Times
- The Kingston Journal and Weekly Freeman
- The Kingston Weekly Freeman and Journal
- The L.I. Journal
- The Lackawanna News
- The Lake Placid News
- The Lake Shore News
- The Lamron
- The Lansingburgh Courier
- The Leader
- The Lewis County Banner
- The Little Valley Hub
- The Livingston Sentinel
- The Livonia Gazette
- The Lockport Journal
- The Long Island Advance
- The Long Island Chronicle
- The Long Island Farmer (Jamaica, Queens: 1821 – 1825)
- The Long Island Farmer (Jamaica, Queens: 1901 – 1909)
- The Long Island Kernel
- The Long Island News and The Owl
- The Long Island Traveler
- The Long Island Traveler, Mattituck Watchman
- The Long Island Traveler-Watchman
- The Long-Islander
- The Lowville Herald and Lewis County Democrat
- The Lowville Leader
- The Lowville Times
- The Lowville Times and Lewis County Independent
- The Lyons Countryman
- The Lyons Countryman, and Anti-Masonic Recorder
- The Madrid Herald
- The Malone Farmer
- The Malone Palladium
- The Marion Enterprise
- The Massena Observer
- The Massena Press and Norfolk Times
- The McGrawville Sentinel
- The Mechanicville Era
- The Mechanicville Mercury
- The Mechanicville Star
- The Mechanicville Times
- The Medina Daily Journal
- The Medina Daily Journal and Medina Register
- The Medina Register
- The Medina Tribune
- The Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel
- The Messenger and Gazette & Farmers’ Journal
- The Messenger (Baldswinville, Onondaga: 1971 – 2002)
- The Messenger (Baldwinsville, Onondaga: 1925 – 1965)
- The Mexico Independent and Deaf-Mutes Journal
- The Mid-Island Mail
- The Mirror-Recorder
- The Morris Chronicle
- The Naples News
- The Nassau Daily Review
- The Nassau Post
- The Neapolitan
- The New Berlin Gazette
- The New Greece Press
- The New Paltz Independent and Times
- The New Rochelle Pioneer
- The New York Farmer
- The New York Reformer
- The Newark Courier
- The Newark Courier-Gazette, The Marion Enterprise
- The Newark Gazette
- The Newark Liberal Campaign Union
- The Newark-Union Gazette
- The News Gatherer
- The News-Herald
- The New-York Gazette
- The Niagara Democrat and Lockport Balance
- The Niagara Democrat (Lockport, Niagara: 1835 – 1838)
- The Niagara Democrat (Lockport, Niagara: 1871 – 1891)
- The Niagara Sun
- The North Countryman
- The North Creek News Enterprise
- The North River Times
- The North Star
- The North Westchester Times
- The North Westchester Times; New Castle Tribune
- The Northern Budget
- The Northern Observer
- The Northern Tribune
- The Norwich Journal
- The Observer (Dundee, Yates: 1992 – 2021)
- The Observer (Massapequa Park, Nassau: 1961 – 1962)
- The Observer (Northport, Suffolk: 1962 – 2021)
- The Oceanside Beacon
- The Octagon
- The Official Student Publication Of The University Of Buffalo
- The Ogdensburg Advance and St Lawrence Weekly Democrat
- The Ogdensburg Advance St Lawrence Sunday Democrat
- The Ogdensburg Journal
- The Ogdensburgh Sentinel
- The Olean Democrat
- The Olive Branch
- The Oneida Dispatch
- The Oneonta Herald
- The Oswego Daily Palladium (Oswego, Oswego: 1851 – 1887)
- The Oswego Daily Palladium (Oswego, Oswego: 1889 – 1890)
- The Oswego Palladium
- The Oswego Palladium and Republican Chronicle
- The Oswegonian
- The Other Paper
- The Otsego Democrat
- The Otsego Farmer
- The Otsego Herald / Western Advertiser
- The Otsego Journal
- The Otsego Republican (Cooperstown, Otsego: 1861 – 1867)
- The Otsego Republican (Cooperstown, Otsego: 1878 – 1909)
- The Ovid Gazette
- The Owl
- The Oxford Review
- The Oxford Review-Times
- The Palisades
- The Palladium-Times
- The Palmyra Courier
- The Palmyra Democrat
- The Paper Sun
- The Patchogue Advance
- The Penn-Yan Enquirer
- The People’s Journal
- The People’s Press (Batavia, Genesee: 1825 – 1830)
- The People’s Press (Kingston, Ulster: 1853 – 1861)
- The Phelps Citizen
- The Phelps Citizen-Echo
- The Phoenix
- The Picket
- The Pilot
- The Pioneer
- The Pittsford Post
- The Plaindealer
- The Plattsburgh Sentinel and Clinton County Farmer
- The Plattsburgh Sentinel (Plattsburgh, Clinton: 1866 – 1902)
- The Plattsburgh Sentinel (Plattsburgh, Clinton: 1907 – 1931)
- The Pokeepsie Evening Enterprise
- The Port Jefferson Echo
- The Port Jervis Union
- The Portville Autograph
- The Portville Star
- The Post
- The Post-Star
- The Potsdam Herald-Recorder
- The Poughkeepsie Eagle
- The Press
- The Principle
- The Pulaski Banner
- The Pulaski Democrat
- The Racquette
- The Ravena News
- The Ray
- The Record (Huntington, Suffolk: 1991 – 2016)
- The Record (Johnson City, Broome: 1917 – 1921)
- The Reflector
- The Reflector and Schenectady Democrat
- The Republic
- The Republican
- The Republican Agriculturalist
- The Republican-Journal
- The Rio Grande Rattler
- The Rochester Freeman
- The Rochester Sun
- The Rochester Weekly Flash
- The Rockland News
- The Rome Sentinel
- The Rosendale News
- The Roslyn News
- The Roxbury Times
- The Rushville Chronicle
- The Schenectady Cabinet / Freedom’s Sentinel
- The Schenectady Cabinet (Schenectady, Schenectady: 1824 – 1837)
- The Schenectady Cabinet (Schenectady, Schenectady: 1849 – 1858)
- The Schenectady Evening Star
- The Schenectady Reflector
- The Sea-Side Times
- The Semi-Weekly Eagle and Poughkeepsie News-Telegraph
- The Seneca County Journal
- The Shanks Villager
- The Smithtown News
- The Social World
- The Southern-Tier Leader
- The Spectrum (Buffalo, Erie: 1950 – 1952)
- The Spectrum (Buffalo, Erie: 1955 – 1986)
- The Spirit
- The Spirit Of The Age
- The Spirit Of The Times (Batavia, Genesee: 1835 – 1856)
- The Spirit Of The Times (Batavia, Genesee: 1864 – 1869)
- The Spiritualist At Work
- The St Lawrence Herald
- The Standard Press
- The Star Of Delaware
- The Staten Island Leader
- The Stylus
- The Suffolk County News
- The Suffolk Times
- The Summary
- The Sun & Record
- The Sun and New York Press
- The Sun and The New York Herald
- The Sun (Fort Covington, Franklin: 1887 – 1934)
- The Sun (New York, New York: 1859 – 1916)
- The Sun (New York, New York: 1916 – 1920)
- The Sun (Rochester, Monroe: 1952 – 1954)
- The Sunflower
- The Times
- The Times of Huntington, Northport & East Northport
- The Times Of Northport
- The Times Of Northport & East Northport
- The Tocsin
- The Tribune-Press
- The Troy Sentinel
- The Troy Weekly Times
- The Tully Independent
- The Tully Times
- The Tupper Lake Herald
- The Tupper Lake Herald and Adirondack Mountain Press
- The Turin Gazette
- The Unadilla Times
- The Union Argus
- The Union News (Union, Broome: 1855 – 1893)
- The Union News (Union, Broome: 1874 – 1878)
- The Union News (Union, Broome: 1917 – 1919)
- The Union Weekly News
- The Union-Gazette
- The Universe
- The University News
- The Utica Observer
- The Valley Breeze
- The Valley News
- The Veteran’s Viewpoint
- The Vicinity Post
- The Village Chronicle
- The Villager
- The Waddington Pioneer
- The Washington County Chronicle
- The Watchman
- The Watchman Of The Sunrise Trail
- The Watch-Tower
- The Watertown Herald
- The Wave Of Long Island
- The Wayne County Journal
- The Wayne County Mail and Ontario Register
- The Webster Herald
- The Weekly Recorder
- The Weekly Sun
- The Weekly Times (Honeoye Falls, Monroe: 1888)
- The Weekly Times (Jordan, Onondaga: 1887 – 1891)
- The Western Argus
- The Western Federalist
- The Western Star
- The Westfield Transcript
- The White Plains Argus
- The Whitehall Chronicle
- The Whitehall Times
- The Whitesville News (Whitesville, Allegany: 1895 – 1913)
- The Whitesville News (Whitesville, Allegany: 1916 – 1953)
- The Williamson Sentinel
- The Williamson Sun and The Williamson Sentinel
- The Worcester Times
- The Word
- The Working-Man’s Advocate
- The World as It Is and General Advertiser
- The Wyoming County Herald
- The Year Of Jubilee
- The Youngstown News
- The Youngstown News and Niagara Free Press
- Ticonderoga Sentinel and Ticonderogian
- Ticonderoga Sentinel (Ticonderoga, Essex: 1874 – 1884)
- Ticonderoga Sentinel (Ticonderoga, Essex: 1888 – 1982)
- Times Of Wayne County
- Tioga County Courier-Gazette
- Tioga County Record
- Town & Country Gazette
- Tribune-Press
- Tri-County Times
- Tri-States Union
- Tupper Lake Free Press
- Tupper Lake Free Press and Tupper Lake Herald
- U Of B Spectrum
- UB Reporter
- Union-Endicott News
- Union-Village Journal
- Utica College News
- Utica College Oracle
- Utica College Tangerine
- Utica Daily Observer
- Utica Daily Press
- Utica Observer
- Utica Observer Dispatch
- Veteran’s Voice
- Viewpoint Finger Lakes
- Voice Of The People
- Waddington Recorder
- Waddington Reporter
- Warren County Messenger
- Warren Messenger
- Warta. The Polish Weekly
- Washington County Advertiser
- Washington County Journal
- Washington County News
- Washington County People’s Journal
- Washington Journal
- Waterloo Enunciator
- Waterloo Observer
- Waterloo Republican
- Waterloo Weekly Observer
- Watertown Daily Times (Watertown, Jefferson: 1870 – 1889)
- Watertown Daily Times (Watertown, Jefferson: 1894 – 1922)
- Watertown Re-Union
- Watertown Times
- Wayne County Dispatch
- Wayne County Mail
- Wayne Sentinel
- Wellsville Daily Reporter
- Wellsville Free Press
- Wellsville Times
- Western Constellation
- Western Farmer
- Western New York Advertiser
- Western Repository
- Westfield Advocate
- Westfield Critic
- Westfield Messenger
- Westfield Republican
- White Plains Daily Argus
- Woodhull & Claflin’s Weekly
- Wyoming County Times
- Yates County Chronicle
- Yates County Whig
- Yates Republican
- Youngstown Times
County and Library Collections:
Albany County
Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany
- Evangelist Tg
- Evening Journal
- The Evangelis
Broome County
George F. Johnson Memorial Library
- Endicott Daily Bulletin
- Daily Bulletin
- Endicott Bul
- Record
- News Dispatch
- Endicott Times
- Johnson City Endicott Record
- Union-Endicott News
- The Union Weekly News
- The Union News
- E.J. Workers Review
- letin
- E.J. Workers Magazine
- Union Endicott News
- Lestershire-Endicott Record
- E J Workers Magazine
- Union News
- U E Tiger
- Lestershire Endicott Recor
- U-E Tiger Football Issue
- The Union Argus
- Lisle Gleaner
- Lisle Gleaner and New Era
- Eagle
- Maroon and Gold
- The Lisle Gleaner
- Golden Eagle
- New York Weekly Tribune
- New Era
- Albany Weekly Journal
- New Albany Gazett
- New Yorker
Mary L. Wilcox Memorial Library
- Binghamton Daily Democrat
- Broome County Census
- Broome County Herald
- Broome Gazette
- Broome Republican
- Chenango American And Whitney Point Reporter
- Nioga Reporter
- Reporter Fair Daily
- Whitney Point Reporter
- Whitney Point Reporter And The Oxford Review Times
- The Whitney Point Reporter The Chenango American And The Oxford Review-Times
- The Chenango American And Whitney Point Reporter And The Oxford Review-Times
- The Chenango American And Whitney Point Reporter
- The Whitney Point Reporter And The Chenango American And The Oxford Review-Times
Cattaraugus County
Allegany Public Library
- Allegany Citizen
- Times Herald
- National Tribune
- Portville Star
Saint Bonaventure University – Friedsam Memorial Library
- Bona Venture
- St. Bona Venture
- Summer Bona Venture
- The Bona Summer Times
- The Bona Venture
- The O’Bona Venture
Cayuga County
- Cayuga Chief
- Cayuga Republican
- Moravia Citizen
- Port Byron Gazette
- Port Byron Herald
- Port Byron Times
- The Port Byron Chronicle
- The Port Byron Chronicle And Cayuga County News
- Advertiser Journal
- Auburn
- Auburn Banner
- Auburn Bulletin
- Auburn Daily Advertiser
- Auburn Daily Advertiser and Auburn Union
- Auburn Daily Advertiser and Union
- Auburn Daily Bulletin
- Auburn Daily Union
- Auburn Free Press
- Auburn Gazette
- Auburn Journal
- Auburn Journal and Advertiser
- Auburn Journal and Weekly Union
- Auburn Morning Dispatch
- Auburn Morning News
- Auburn Sunday Dispatch
- Auburn Weekly American
- Auburn Weekly Dispatch
- Auburn Weekly Union
- Cayuga Chief
- Cayuga County Independent
- Cayuga County News
- Cayuga Patriot
- Cayuga Republican
- Cayuga Tocsin
- Citizen
- Free Press
- Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator
- Moravia Citizen
- Northern Christian Advocate
- Port Byron Gazette
- Port Byron Herald
- Port Byron Times
- Seneca Citizen
- The Auburn Citizen
- The Auburn City News
- The Auburnian
- The Cayuga Patriot
- The Cayuga Spirit of the Times
- The Citizen
- The Gospel Messenger
- The Northern Independent
- The Port Byron Chronicle
- The Port Byron Chronicle And Cayuga County News
Chenango County
Afton Free Library
- Afton Enterprise
- Afton Enterprise And Harpursville Budget
- Afton Weekly Enterprise
- Courier
- Home Sentinel
- The Afton Daily Enterprise
- Weekly Press
Bainbridge (NY) Historical Society
- American Freeman
- Bainbridge Eagle
- Bainbridge Express
- Bainbridge Freeman
- Bainbridge Ledger
- Bainbridge News
- Bainbridge News and Bainbridge Republican
- Bainbridge News and The Bainbridge Republican
- Bainbridge Press
- Bainbridge Republican
- Bainbridge Republican and Express
- Bainbridge Republican and Saturday Review
- Bainbridge Times
- Chenango Free Democrat
- Home and Abroad
- Monday Review
- Saturday Review
- Anti Masonic Telegraph
- Chenango Community
- Chenango Semi Weekly Telegraph
- Chenango Telegraph
- Chenango Telegraph And Chronicle
- Chenango Telegraph and Semi Weekly Sun
- Chenango Union
- Chenango Union Extra
- Evening Sun
- Morning Sun
- Norwich Journal
- Norwich Sun
- Quill and Press
- Telegraph And Chronicle
- The Chenango Telegraph
- The Chenango Union
- The Evening Sun
- The Norwich Sun
- Chenango American
- The Chenango American
- The Chenango American And Whitney Point Reporter
- The Chenango American And Whitney Point Reporter And The Oxford Review Times
- The Review Times
- Chenango Republican
- Chenango Whig
- Oxford Gazette
- Oxford Press
- Oxford Republican
- Oxford Times
- The Norwich Journal
- The Oxford Review
- The Oxford Review-Times
- The Oxford Times
- The Review-Times
- Sherburne news
- Sherburne Home News
- Home News
Columbia County
Roeliff Jansen Community Library
- Columbia County Independent
- Hillsdale Harbinger
- Hillsdale Herald
- Independent
- Roe Jan Independent
Cortland County
- Cortland Advocate
- Cortland County Republican
- Cortland County Whig
- Cortland Message
- Cortland Observer
- Cortland Repository
- Cortland Republican
- Cortland Standard
- Cortland Standard And Cortland Daily Journal
- Cortland Standard And Journal
- Republican and Eagle
- The Cortland County Standard
- The Cortland Democrat
- The Cortland Standard
- The Gazette and Banner
- The Ithaca Journal
- The Republican Banner
Delaware County
- Binghamton Press And Leader
- Binghamton Republican
- Delaware County Courier
- Deposit Courier
- Deposit Courier And The Windsor Standard
- Deposit Courier-Journal
- Deposit Union Democrat
- The Deposit Advertiser
- The Deposit Journal
- The Deposit Methodist
- The Tri-County Journal
Harpersfield Historical Society
- Stamford Mirror
- Stamford Mirror And Recorder
- Stamford Recorder
- Stamford Mirror-Recorder
- The Daily Star
- The Reporter
- Tri Town News
- Sidney Record
- Sidney Enterprise
- The Sidney Record And Bainbridge News
- Sidney Record-Enterprise
- The Tri-Town News
- Press And Sun-Bulletin
- The Sidney Record
- The Daily Star
- Walton Reporter
- Delaware Register and Review
- Walton Blade
- Walton Chronicle
- Walton Cyclone
- Walton Journal
- Walton Reporter
Greene County
Catskill Public Library
- Cairo Herald
- Catskill Daily Mail
- Daily Mail
- Daily Mail And Greene County News
- Greene County News
- Record
- Register Star
- The Daily Mail
Jefferson County
- Carthage Republican
- Carthage Republican And The Northern New Yorker
- The Carthage Republican
- The Carthage Republican And The Northern New Yorker
Madison County
Canastota Public Library
- Canastota Bee-Journal
- The Canastota Bee
- American Legion Scrapbook
- Cazenovia Democrat
- Cazenovia Gazette
- Cazenovia Republican
- Cazenovia Standard
- Chittenango Phenix
- Civilian
- Democratic Reflector
- Equalizer
- Free School Clarion
- Free Trader
- Madison County Eagle
- Madison County Journal
- Madison County Whig
- Madison Observer
- Madison Republic
- Observer And Recorder
- Patriot
- Pilot
- Progressive Christian
- Republican Monitor
- Saratoga Register
- The Cazenovia Republican
- The Ovid Bee
- Utica Patriot
- Western Federalist
- Whitestown Gazette And Catos Patrol
- Whitestown Gazette Extra
- Democratic Union
- Oneida Dispatch
- Oneida Free Press
- Oneida Sachem
- Oneida Semi Weekly Democratic Union
- Oneida Telegraph
- Oneida Weekly Dispatch
Monroe County
Rochester Public Library – Rochester Newspaper Index 1818-1897
- Anti-Masonic Enquirer
- Liberal Advocate
- Monroe Republican
- Rochester Daily Advertiser
- Rochester Daily Advertiser & Telegraph
- Rochester Daily Democrat
- Rochester Daily Sun
- Rochester Daily Telegraph
- Rochester Gem and Ladies’ Amulet
- Rochester Observer
- Rochester Republican
- Rochester Telegraph
- Working Men’s Advocate
- Rochester Daily Union
- Union and Advertiser
Nassau County
Massapequa Public Library
- Massapequa Post
- Long Beach Herald
- Spotlight
Hewlett Woodmere Public Library
- Far Rockaway Journal
- Frothinghams Long Island Herald
- Nassau Herald
- Rockaway Journal
- South Shore Record
- The Herald
- The Long Islander
- The Rockaway News
- The Locust Valley leader
- The Leader
- Leader
- Sea Cliff News
- Sea Cliff News And The Glen Cove News
- The Sea Cliff News
- The Oceanside Beacon
- News Noticias
- Old Westbury Monthly
- Old Westbury World
- Old Westbury World El Mundo De Old Westbury
- The Catalyst
Onondaga County
Fayetteville Free Library
- Eagle Bulletin
- Eagle Bulletin And Dewitt News Times
- Eagle Bulletin And Dewitt Times
- Eagle Bulletin DeWitt News Times
- Eagle-Bulletin
- Fayetteville Bulletin
- Methodist Reformer
- National Citizen and Ballot Box
- Onondaga Independent
- Recorder
- The Fayetteville Bulletin
- The Fayetteville Luminary
- The Fayetteville Recorder
- The Manlius Eagle
- Weekly Recorder
- Marcellian
- Your Marcellian
Orange County
Albert Wisner Public Library
- Advertiser Photo News
- Goshen Independent Republican
- Goshen Repository and Weekly Intelligencer
- Independent Republican
- Morning Post and Daily Advertiser
- New York Journal or General Advertiser
- Orange County Gazette
- Orange County Patriot
- Orange Farmer
- Orange Patrol
- The Goshen Democrat
- The Warwick Advertiser
- The Warwick Valley Dispatch
- Ulster County Gazette
- Warwick Advertiser
- Warwick Advertiser Photo News
- Warwick Dispatch
- Warwick Valley Dispatch
Josephine – Louise Public Library
- Citizen Herald
Otsego County
- Oneonta Daily Star
- The Unadilla Times
- Unadilla Times
- The Morris Chronicle
- The Otsego Chronicle
Rensselaer County
Troy Public Library
- American Spy
- Northern Budget
- Record
- The Record
Rockland County
Nyack Library
- Nyack City and Country
Seneca County
- Advance
- Anti Masonic Sentinel
- Echo
- Eclectic Scalpel
- Farmer Village Review
- Free Press
- Free Press and Sentinel
- Herald
- History of Trumansburg
- Independent
- Lake Light
- Messenger
- Reunion Souvenir
- Saturday Morning Review
- Saturday Review Independent
- The Farmer Review
- The Interlaken Review
- The Newgate Script
- Tompkins County Sentinel
- Trumansburg Advertiser
- Trumansburg Advertiser and Tompkins County Whig
- Trumansburg Advertiser and Weekly Miscellany
- Trumansburg Gazette
- Trumansburg Herald
- Trumansburg Leader
- Trumansburg News
- Trumansburg Sentinel
- Trumansburg Sun
- Trumballs Corner Courier
- Wasp
Steuben County
Hornell Public Library
- Hornellsville Tribune
- Hornellsville Weekly Tribune
- Evening Tribune
- Evening Press
- Hornell Daily Times
- Steuben Signal
- Morning Times
- Addison Advertiser
Suffolk County
Lindenhurst Public Library
- Lindenhurst Star
- Babylon Leader
Long Island Republic Airport Historical Society
- Fairchild Hiller News
- Republic Aviation News
- Thunderchief
Sullivan County
Liberty Public Library
- The Liberty Register
Tioga County
Tompkins County
Southworth Library
- Communicator
- Dryden Echo
- Dryden Herald
- Dryden News
- Dryden Weekly Herald
- Dryden Weekly News
- Groton Journal
- Journal And Courier
- Rumseys Companion
- Rural News
- Tompkins County Rural News
- Advance
- Anti Masonic Sentinel
- Echo
- Eclectic Scalpel
- Free Press
- Free Press and Sentinel
- Herald
- History of Trumansburg
- Independent
- Lake Light
- Messenger
- Reunion Souvenir
- Saturday Review Independent
- Tompkins County Sentinel
- Trumansburg Advertiser
- Trumansburg Advertiser and Tompkins County Whig
- Trumansburg Advertiser and Weekly Miscellany
- Trumansburg Gazette
- Trumansburg Herald
- Trumansburg Leader
- Trumansburg News
- Trumansburg Sentinel
- Trumansburg Sun
- Trumballs Corner Courier
- Wasp
Ulster County
Saugerties Public Library
- Catskill Mountain Star
- Daily Post
- Old Dutch Post Star
- Saugerties Daily Post
- Saugerties Daily Post And The Kingston Ulster Press
- Saugerties Post
- Saugerties Post And The Kingston Ulster Press
- Saugerties Post Star
- Saugerties Telegraph
- The Saugerties Daily Post
- Ulster Telegraph
- Post Star
- Saugerties Old Dutch Post Star
- Saugerties Times
- Woodstock Times
- Hudson Valley One
Wayne County
Clyde-Savannah Public Library
- The Clyde Herald
- The Clyde Times
- Democratic Herald
- Crossroads Advocate
- The Clyde Weekly Times
- The Independent
- Clyde Eagle
- The Weekly Clyde Times
- The Industrial Times
- The Times
- The Clyde Independent and The Rose Times
- The Independent And Advertiser
- Rose Times
- Industrial Times
- The Clyde Gazette
- The Clyde Commercial
- The Clyde Commercial Advertiser
- Record
- Sodus Record
- Wayne County Alliance
- Wayne County Mail
Williamson Free Public Library
- Sun
- Sun And Record
- Williamson Banner
- Williamson Sentinel
- Williamson Sentinel And The Challenge Combined
- Williamson Sun
- Williamson Sun And The Williamson Sentinel
Westchester County
- The Timepiece
- Ardsley Historical Society Newsletter
- The Beacon
- The Masterson Press
- The Ardsley Sun Leader
- Patent Trader
- New Castle Tribune
- Horace Greeley Papers
- The Times New Castle Tribune
- Inside Chappaqua
- The Chappaqua Journal
- The New Castle News
- Chappaqua Sun
- The Item
- Inside Chappaqua and Millwood
- North Castle Sun
- North Castle News
- Villager
- The Sun
- North Castle Monitor
Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library
- Port Chester Journal
- Port Chester Daily Item
- Pleasantville Chronicle
- Pleasantville Journal
- Pleasantville Post
- Saw Mill River Record
- The Chronicle
- The Valhalla Voice
- Katonah Record
- Katonah Times
- North Westchester Times
- The Katonah Times
- Cortlandt Register And Sunday Dispatch
- Daily Republican
- Evening Star
- Highland Democrat
- Peekskill Advertiser
- Peekskill Blade
- Peekskill Daily Union
- Peekskill Evening News
- Peekskill Home News
- Peekskill Messenger
- Peekskill Republican
- The Evening Star
- The Highland Eagle
- The Messenger-Critic
- Westchester And Putnam Republican
- Westchester And Putnam Sentinel
Wyoming County
Perry Public Library
- American Citizen
- Buffalo Evening News
- Countryman
- Democrat And Chronicle
- Free Citizen
- Herald
- Impartial Countryman
- New York Times
- Perry Democrat
- Perry Herald
- Perry Herald And News
- Perry Herald News
- Perry Live Wire News
- Perry Record
- Perry Semi Weekly Herald
- Perry Star
- Register
- Rochester Times Union
- Silver Lake Herald
- Silver Lake Sun
- Stars And Stripes
- Western New Yorker
- Wyoming County Herald
- Wyoming County Star
- Wyoming Times
- Advertiser
- Albany Argus and Daily City Gazette
- Arcade Enterprise
- Arcade Herald
- Bliss News
- Cattaraugus Press
- Chaffee Enterprise
- Clifton Springs Review
- Clyde Times
- Countryman
- Courier Journal
- Dansville Advertiser
- Dansville Breeze
- Dansville Chronicle
- Dansville Express
- Dansville Express And Advertiser
- Dansville Herald
- Dansville Weekly Herald
- Delevan Press
- Eighteenth Ward Naborhood News
- Family Visiter
- Family Visitor
- Genesee Country Express And Advertiser
- Holland Review
- Lake Shore News
- Livingston Register
- Livingston Sentinel
- Lyons Countryman
- Lyons Countryman and Anti Masonic Recorder
- Lyons Republican
- Naples Church Union
- Naples Daily Record
- Naples Free Press
- Naples News
- Naples Record
- Naples Weekly Express
- Naples Weekly Journal
- National Journal
- Neapolitan
- Neapolitan Record
- Owenews
- Palmyra Courier
- Palmyra Courier Journal
- Palmyra Courier Journal And The Macedon Journal
- Palmyra Democrat
- Palmyra Herald and Canal Advertiser
- Palmyra Journal
- Palmyra Register
- Phelps Citizen
- Phelps Citizen Echo
- Phelps Citizen Echo and Clifton Springs Review
- Phelps Country Editor
- Picket Line Post
- Reflector
- Reporter
- Sanatorium
- Sandusky News
- Sardinia Censor
- Silver Springs Signal
- Tri County Times
- Union School Journal
- Village Chronicle
- Wayne County Dispatch
- Wayne County Journal
- Wayne Sentinel
- Western Farmer
- Western New York Advertiser
- Western Spectator and Anti Masonic Star
- Wyoming County Herald
- Wyoming County Leader
- Livonia Gazette
- Perry Record
- Wayne County Mail
- Wayne County Mail And The Ontario Register
Stevens Memorial Library & The Attica Historical Society
- Attica News
- News
- Potter Collection
- Scrapbooks
- Wyoming County
Hudson River Valley Heritage Historical Newspapers – Southeastern New York Library Resources Council
- Barrytown Explorer
- Bronxville Press
- Bronxville Reporter
- Bronxville Review
- Bronxville Review Press and Reporter
- Bronxville Review-Press
- Chatham Courier
- Chatham Republican
- Citadel
- City and Country
- Clarkstown Courier
- Democratic Courier
- Eastchester Citizen-Bulletin
- Ellenville Journal
- Greenwood Lake and West Milford News
- Greenwood Lake Buzzer
- Greenwood Lake News
- Greenwood Lake News-Letter
- Greenwood Lake Pulic Library Matters
- Independent Advertiser
- Irvington Gazette
- Journal News
- Kingston Daily Freeman
- Left of Center
- Millbrook Round Table
- Miscellany News
- Monroe Valley Gazette
- Nanuet Life
- Newburgh Telegraph
- North River Times
- Nyack Evening Journal
- Nyack Evening Star
- Onteora Record
- Orangetown Telegram and The Pearl River Searchlight
- Our Town
- Palenville Zephyr
- Patterson Weekly News
- Pearl River News
- Pelham Record
- Pelham Sun
- Pelham Weekly
- Putnam County Courier
- Putnam Democrat
- Ramapo Valley Gazette
- Ramapo Valley Independent
- Red Hook Advertiser
- Red Hook Journal
- Red Hook Weekly Journal
- Rhinebeck Gazette
- Rights of Man
- Rockland County Evening Journal
- Rockland County Journal
- Rockland County Leader
- Rockland County Messenger
- Rockland County Times
- Rockland Independent/Leader
- Rockland News
- Rockland Sentinel
- Saugerties Weekly Post
- Scarsdale Inquirer
- Shanks Villager
- Stewart Field United States Military Academy Prop Wash
- The [Bronxville] News
- The Palisades
- The [Tuckahoe] Daily Record
- Tuckahoe Record
- Unscrewed
- Vassar Chronicle
- Vassar Miscellany (literary publication)
- Vassar Spectator
- Village Views
- Womanspeak
- The Wave of Long Island
- Transition
- Communique
- Black Spectrum
- Harlem youth speaks
Rochester Library Historical Newspapers
- The Airscout’s Snapshot
- The Anti-Masonic Enquirer
- Family Journal and Christian Philanthropist
- Frederick Douglass’ Paper
- Industrial School Advocate
- Liberal Advocate
- Monroe Democrat
- Moore’s Rural New Yorker
- North Star
- Northern Freeman
- Penfield Extra
- Rights of Man
- Rochester Courier
- Rochester Daily Advertiser (Luther Tucker & Co.)
- Rochester Daily Advertiser (Isaac Butts)
- Rochester Daily Democrat
- Rochester Evening Express
- Rochester Evening News
- Rochester Evening Post
- Rochester Herald
- Rochester Gazette
- Soldier’s Aid
- The Voice of Truth, and Glad Tidings of the Kingdom at Hand
- The Western New Yorker
Staten Island – New York Public Library Newspapers
- Daily Advance
- Richmond County Advance
- Richmond County Democrat
- Staten Island Independent
- Staten Island Leader
- Staten Island Magazine
- The Sepoy
- The Staten Island World
- Richmond County & Staten Island Gazettes
- Richmond County Sentinel
- Staten Island Advance
- Staten Island Transcript
- The News Letter
- The New-York Mirror
- The Richmond County Free Press
- The Richmond County Mirror
Student Collections:
Adephi University – Garden City
- The Delphian
- Adelphis College Fortnightly
- Adelphi Enterprise
- Adelphi Evening News
- Adelphi Now
- Adelphi Record
- The Guidon
Archbishop Molloy High School – Briarwood
Bard College Student Publications – Annandale-on-Hudson
- The Messenger, 1894 – 1930
- Lyre Tree, 1924 – 1935
- Messenger Proof Sheet, 1922 – 1925
- The Bardian, 1934 – 1961
- Bard Week, 1948 – 1949
- AM, 1952 – 1955
- Communitas, 1953 – 1954
- Bard Comment, 1956 – 1957
- Bard Observer, 1961 – 2009
- Gadfly Papers, 1966 – 1967
- Crazy Eights, 1970-1971
- Utopian, 1971-1972
- Red Tide, 1971-1976
- Bard Times, 1978 – 1981
- Bard Reporter, 1980 – 1981
- Hard Bard, 1980 – 1982
- Noticia, 1981 – 1982
- Light Observer, 1981 – 1982
- Summer Times, 1987 – 1988
- Bard Eagle, 1988 – 1989
- Bardvark, 1990 – 1991
Barnard College – New York City
Baruch College – New York City
Bishop Ford Central High School – Brooklyn
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School – Brooklyn
Bronx Community College – Bronx
Brooklyn Technical High School – Brooklyn
Canisius College – Buffalo
Chaminade High School – Mineola
College of New Rochelle – New Rochelle
College of Staten Island – Staten Island
College of Saint Rose – Albany
Columbia University – New York City
Cornell University – Ithaca
Erasmus Hall High School – Brooklyn
Farmingdale State College – Farmingdale
Fordham University – Bronx
Fort Hamilton High School – Brooklyn
Girls’ High School – Brooklyn
Harborfields High School – Greenlawn
Hartwick College – Oneonta
Hofstra University – Hempstead
Ithaca College – Ithaca
John Jay College of Criminal Justice – New York City
Le Moyne College – Syracuse
Marist College – Poughkeepsie
Massapequa High School – Massapequa
Nazareth College – Rochester
New Hyde Park Memorial High School – New Hyde Park
New York Law School – New York City
New York University – New York City
Niagara University – Lewiston
Notre Dame College of Staten Island – New York City
Ossining High School – Ossoning
Pace University – New York City
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – Troy
Rochester Institute of Technology – Rochester
Sarah Lawrence College – Bronxville
Sienna College – Loudonville
Skidmore College – Saratoga Springs
St. Johns University – New York City
St. Joseph’s College – Brooklyn
SUNY – Buffalo State College – Buffalo
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry – Syracuse
SUNY – Fredonia
Stony Brook University – Stony Brook
Syracuse University – Syracuse
Union-Endicott High School – Endicott
University at Buffalo – Buffalo
University of Albany
Utica College – Utica
Vassar College – Poughkeepsie
- Left of Center
- Miscellany News
- The Vassar Miscellany (literary publication)
- The Vassar Spectator
- Unscrewed
- Vassar Chronicle
- Vassar: The Alumnae/i Quarterly
- Womanspeak
Brooklyn High School Newspapers
- Abraham Lincoln High School – Lincoln Log
- Alexander Hamilton Vocational High School – The Spotlight
- All Saints High School – The Flame
- Bay Ridge High School – The Ridge Echo
- Bishop Ford Central High School – High Point
- Bishop Ford Central High School: – High Point
- Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School – The Jamesonian
- Bishop McDonnell Memorial High School – The Laurel
- Boys High School – Red and Black
- Brooklyn Female Academy – School Room Echoes
- Brooklyn High School of Automotive Trades – Spark Plug
- Brooklyn Preparatory School – Blue Jug
- Brooklyn Technical High School – Survey
- Bushwick High School – Bushwick Bulletin
- Catherine McAuley High School – The McAuleyan
- Clara Barton Vocational High School – Barton Clarion
- East New York Vocational and Technical High School – East New Yorker
- Eli Whitney Vocational High School – Green and Gold
- Erasmus Hall High School – The Dutchman
- Euphrasian High School – Euphradio
- Fontbonne Hall – The Folio
- Fort Hamilton High School – The Pilot
- Franklin K. Lane High School – Lane Reporter
- George W. Wingate High School – Wingate World
- Girls’ High School – Girls’ High Record
- James Madison High School – Madison Highway
- John Jay High School – The Double Jay
- Lafayette High School – Lafayette News
- Midwood High School – Midwood Argus
- New Utrecht High School – The NUHS
- Polytechnic Preparatory Country Day School – The Polygraphic
- Prospect Heights High School – The Scribe
- Queen of All Saints – The Gleaner
- Saint Agnes Seminary – The Gazing Ball
- Saint Angela Hall – The Angelus
- Saint Brendan Diocesan High School – Stella Matutina
- Saint Edmund’s High School – Edmund News
- Saint Francis Prep – The Seraph
- Saint Francis Xavier – The Courier
- Saint John’s Preparatory School – Red Owl
- Saint Joseph’s Commercial High School – Parmentier
- Saint Michael’s Commercial High School – The Victor
- Saint Saviour High School – Skyline
- Saint Stephen’s High School – St. Stephen’s Gazette
- Samuel J. Tilden High School – Tilden Topics
- Sarah J Hale Vocational High School – Green and Gold
- Sarah J. Hale Vocational High School – Green and Gold
- Sheepshead Bay High School – Bay Times
- St. Augustine’s High School – The Lance
- The Berkeley Institute – The Blotter
- The Mercy Juniorate – The Misericordia
- Thomas Jefferson High School – Liberty Bell
- William E. Grady Vocational and Technical High School – Grady Headliner
- William H. Maxwell Vocational High School – Maxwell Magpie
- Xaverian High School – X-Press
Miscellaneous Collections and Indexes:
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Newspapers 1933-1942
- Addison – Tuscarora (Company 231)
- Almond – Almond Bugler (Company 268)
- Almond – Bugle (Company 268)
- Almond – Bugler (Company 268)
- Almond – Conservationist (Company 268)
- Almond – Spruce Green Herald (Company 268)
- Altamont – Cliffside Views (Company 236)
- Ancram – Taghkanic (Company 202)
- Benson Mines – Look Ahead (Company 229)
- Binghamton – Pharsalia Post (Company 214)
- Birdsall – Birdsall Flash (Company 394)
- Birdsall – Claw (Company 250)
- Birdsall – Highlander (Company 250)
- Bolton Landing – Camp Crier (Company 204)
- Bolton Landing – Incinerator (Company 204)
- Bolton Landing – Kamp Krier (Company 204)
- Boston Corners – Bug-Hunter (Company 272)
- Camden – Hilltop Press (Company 261)
- Camden – Penguin (Company 261)
- Carthage – Pine Cone (Company 282)
- Castile – Genesee Gazette (Company 201)
- Castile – Spirit Of ’76 (Company 264)
- Chenango Forks – Chenango Valley Bullet (Company 236)
- Chenango Forks – Towpath (Company 236)
- Cherryplain – Spillway (Company 219)
- Cherryplain – This “Dam” Thing (Company 219)
- Cohocton – Kirkwood Creeket (Company 228)
- Cold Spring – Iron Miner (Company 209)
- Cornwall – Storm King (Company 226)
- Cornwall – Storm King Review (Company 226)
- Cornwall – Storm-King News (Company 226)
- Cross River – Camp Merkel Siren (Company 210)
- Dansville – Stony V Brook (Company 293)
- De Ruyter – Times-Reflector (Company 207)
- Delmar – Camp Booster (Company 270)
- Delmar – Grouse (Company 270)
- Delmar – Our Camp Booster (Company 270)
- Deposit – Bugs And Blisters (Company 211)
- Hunt – 23 Skidoo (Company 228)
- Huntington – Bugs (Company 274)
- Huntington – Gipsy-Mirth (Company 274)
- Huntington – Informer (Company 274)
- Kanona – Kanona Daze (Company 297)
- Kanona – Kanonan (Company 297)
- Katonah – Siren (Company 210)
- Lake Clear Junction – Camp 8 (Ny) Chronicle (Company 261)
- Lake Clear Junction – Camp 8 New Yorker (Company 261)
- Lake Clear Junction – Camp S-56 Chronicle (Company 261)
- Lake Placid – Whiteface Mirror (Company 257)
- Laurens – Laurens Siren (Company 212)
- Laurens – Whistle (Company 212)
- Leicester – Daily Blabber (Company 213)
- Leicester – Gibsonville Howler (Company 213)
- Machias – Daily Dagger (Company 1229)
- Machias – Daily Dragnet (Company 1229)
- Machias – Little Village Torch (Company 1229)
- Masonville – 299 Bugler (Company 299)
- Masonville – 299 Lowdown (Company 299)
- Masonville – 299Th Broadcast (Company 299)
- Masonville – Catskill Crier (Company 299)
- Masonville – Co. 299 News (Company 299)
- Masonville – Courier (Company 299)
- Masonville – My Own Camp News (Company 299)
- Masonville – News (Company 299)
- Masonville – Reflector (Company 299)
- Masonville – Script (Company 299)
- Masonville – Spirit Of 299 (Company 299)
- Masonville – Spotlight (Company 299)
- Middleburg – Advance (Company 222)
- Middleburg – Camp Rambler (Company 222)
- Middleburg – Rambler (Company 222)
- Middleburg – Rambler (Company 222)
- Mitchel Field – Skywriter (Company 1292)
- Moravia – Glen (Company 275)
- Newfield – Glen Echo (Company 1265)
- North Brookfield – Appleknocker (Company 279)
- Panama – Big Apple Gazette (Company 246) (AA)
- Paul Smiths – Barnum Ponder (Company 220)
- Paul Smiths – Barnum Ponder (Company 220)
- Paul Smiths – Barnum Ponderer (Company 220)
- Paul Smiths – Paul Smiths Barnum Ponder (Company 220)
- Peekskill – Blue Mountain Camp Survey (Company 256)
- Peekskill – Scout (274)
- Plattsburg Barracks – Cross Clearing Crier (Company 208)
- Plattville – C-Breeze (Company 211)
- Port Byron – Brainstorm (Company 221)
- Port Byron – Port Byron News (Company 221)
- Port Henry – Adirondack Range (Company 203)
- Port Henry – Buggo (Company 203)
- Pulaski – Selkirk News (Company 236)
- Red House – Alleganian (Company 249)
- Red House – Red House Eagle (Company 249)
- Red House – Sugar Bush Star (Company 249)
- Sempronius – Claw (Company 250)
- Sherburne – 207 Times (Company 207)
- South Huntington – Broadcaster (Company 274)
- South Huntington – Triple C Journal (Company 274)
- Tannersville – Camp Rip Van Winkle (Company 291)
- Tannersville – Tannersville Tiger (Company 291)
- Tompkins Corners – Birch Barker (Company 217)
- Van Etten – Arnot Bugle (Company 1277)
- Van Etten – Arnot News (Company 1277)
- Van Etten – Co. Bugle (Company 1277)
- Van Etten – Totem Pole (Company 1277)
- Warrensburg – 289 Melting Pot (Company 289)
- Wawayanda – Beacon (Company 247) (AA)
- Wawayanda – Breeze Hill (Company 246) (AA)
- Wawayanda – Breeze Hill Top (Company 246) (AA)
- Whitney Point Otselic Reporter (Company 270)
- Whitney Point Otselic Valley Times (Company 270)
Independent Voices – Alternative Press
- 0 to 9 – New York
- 13th Moon – Albany
- 1sT Casualty, The – New York
- About Face! – New York
- Action and Information Bulletin – New York
- Adventures in Poetry – New York
- AFA Notes – New York
- American Servicemen’s Union Newspackets – New York
- Amnesty – New York
- Amnesty News – New York
- Amnesty Report – New York
- Ant’s Forefoot – New York
- Aphra – New York
- Apocalypse – Purchase
- Assembling – Brooklyn
- Audit – Buffalo
- Battle Acts – New York
- Birth – New York
- Bond, The – New York
- Bread & – New York
- Broadway Boogie – New York
- Challenge – Special Issues – Brooklyn
- Chelsea – New York
- Clown War – Brooklyn
- Coldspring Journal, The – Cherry Valley
- Column Left – Buffalo
- Come Out! – New York
- Committee for GI Rights – New York
- Conditions – Brooklyn
- Contact – New York
- Cornell Mobe – Ithaca
- Counter-Attack – New York
- Credences – Buffalo
- Dyke, A Quarterly – New York
- Earth’s Daughters – Buffalo
- East Village Other, The – New York
- Echo of Sappho – Brooklyn
- Echo of Sappho – Fort Hamilton
- Eight Pager – Niagara Falls
- Extensions – New York
- Feelings from Women’s Liberation – Brooklyn
- Feminist Art Journal – Brooklyn
- Freedomways – New York
- GI Voice – New York
- Gargoyle, The – New York
- Gay Flames – New York
- GI Civil Liberties Defense Committee newsletter – New York
- GI Counseling Services – New York
- GI Press service – New York
- GI Voice, Tillicum – New York
- Guardian – New York
- Hanging Loose – New York
- Harris Review – New Yor
- Head – Staatsburg
- Heresies: A Feminist Journal on Arts and Politics – New York
- IKON – New York
- Kauri – New York
- L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E – New York
- Lactuca – SuffernY
- Leviathan – New York
- Little Mag – Niagara Falls
- Maelstrom – New York
- Mag City – New York
- Magazine – New York
- Magazine of Further Studies, The – Buffalo
- Matter – Annandale-on-Hudson
- Meeting Ground – New Paltz
- Military Issues – New York
- Montemora – New York
- National Council for Universal and Unconditional Amnesty – New York
- National Office Report – New York
- New Wilderness Letter – New York
- New Women’s Times – Rochester
- New York Radical Feminists Newsletter – New York
- Newspaper – New York
- Niagara Frontier Review – Buffalo
- Not Guilty – New York
- Notes from the [Second/Third] Year – New York
- Notes from the First Year – New York
- O-blek – New York
- Obligore, The – New York
- Overthrow – New York
- Palante – New York
- Personal Injury – New York
- Poems from the Floating World – New York
- Potemkin – New York
- Rebel, The (New York) – New York
- Roof – New YorkY
- Roy Rogers – New York
- Some – BrooklynY
- Strange Faeces – Penfield
- Sun – New YorkY
- Sundial – New YorkY
- Telephone – New York
- Things – New York
- Tricky Dix Law and Orders – New York
- Triple Jeopardy – New York
- TROBAR – Brooklyn
- Un Poco Loco – New York
- Unnatural Acts – New York
- Up From Under – New York
- USSF – New York
- Vietnam News Service – New York
- War Resisters League – New York
- Wch Way – Albany
- Woman’s World – New York
- Women Against Pornography – New York
- Women and Art Quarterly – New York
- Women Artist News – New York
- Women Artists Newsletter – New York
- World, The – New York
- Wree-View of Women – New York
- Wree-View of Women for Racial and Economic Equality – New York
- Xpress – Fort Hamilton, Staten Island
- YEAH – New York
- Yipster Times, The – Staten Island
- YOW! – New York
Marxist Newspapers
- New York City – Communist 1921-1922
- New York City – Communist 1922
- New York City – Communist World 1919
- New York City – Daily Worker 1924-1926
- New York City – Fight Against War and Fascism 1934-1939
- New York City – Militant 1928-1966
- New York City – New Militant 1935-1936
- New York City – New York Communist 1919
- New York City – Revolutionary Age – Marxism-Leninism in the United States 1929-1932
- New York City – Socialist Appeal 1937-1941
- New York City – Toiler, 1921-1922
- New York City – Workers Age 1932-1940
- New York City – Workers Challenge 1922
New York Jewish Publications
- Aspaḳlarya – אספקלריא
- Aufbau
- Bet sifrenu – בית ספרנו
- Biznes reḳord – ביזנעס רעקארד
- Bronzvịl un Isṭ Nuyorḳ progress – בראנזוויל איסט נויארק פראגרעסס
- Daily Jewish Herald – דער טעגליכער העראלד
- Der Adṿerṭayzer – דער אדווערטייזער
- Der Arbayṭer – דער ארבייטער
- Der Bayṭsh – דער בייטש
- Der Homentasch – דער המן-טאש
- Der idisher ameriḳaner – דער יידישער אמעריקאנער
- Der Kibetzer – דער קיבעצער
- Der Land ḥokhem – דער לאנד חכם
- Der Lets – דער לץ (ניו יורק)
- Der Ṭog – דער טאג
- Der yudisher farmer – דער יודישער פארמער
- Di Arbayṭer Tsayṭung – דיא ארבייטער צייטונג
- Di Avend tsayṭung – דיא אבענד צייטונג
- Di Dramaṭishe ṿelṭ – די דראמאטישע וועלט
- Di Fraye Shṭunde – דיא פֿרייע שטונדע
- Di idishe bihne – דיא אידישע ביהנע
- Di idishe ḳinder ṿelṭ – די אידישע קינדער-וועלט
- Di idishe natsyon – דיא אידישע נאציאן
- Di idishe ṿelṭ – דיא אידישע וועלט
- Di idishe ṿokhenshrifṭ – די אידישע וואכענשריפט
- Di Naye tsayṭ (Białystok) – דיא נייע צייט
- Di Naye ṿelṭ – די נייע וועלט
- Di ṿahrhayṭ – דיא ווארהייט
- Dos folḳ – דאס פאלק
- Dos idishe folḳ – דאס אידישע פאלק
- Dos Naye Leben (New York) – דאס נייע לעבען – ניו יורק
- Eden – עדן
- El Progresso-La Bos del Pueblo-La Epoca – איל פרוגריסו/לה בוז דיל פואיבלו/לה איפוקה די נו יורק
- Familyen zshurnal – פאמיליען זשורנאל
- Forṿerṭs – פארװערטס
- Fraye arbayṭer shṭime – פרייע ארבייטער שטימע
- ha-deror – הדרור
- ha-Devorah – הדבורה
- ha-ʻIvri (Berlin / New York) – העברי (ברלין / ניו יורק)
- HaLeom – הלאם
- ha-Mitspeh (New York) – המצפה (ניו יורק)
- HaMore – המורה
- Hapissgoh – הפסגה
- ha-Zeman (New York) – הזמן (ניו יורק)
- HoAm – העם (ניו יורק)
- Houmoh – האומה
- Idishe gazeṭen- יודישע גאזעטען
- Jewish Morning Times – מארגען צייטונג
- Jewish Telegraph Agency Archive (clippings)
- Jolly Leaves – לוסטיגע בלעטער
- La America – לה אמיריקה
- La Luz – לה לוז
- La Vara – לה בארה
- Magazine of Knowledge – אוצר החכמה והמדע לספרות ישראל
- Minikes’ Holiday Papers – מיניקעס יום-טוב בלעטער
- Monthly Intelligencer – המודיע לחדשים
- Ner Ha’Maarabi – נר המערבי
- Our Theatre – אונזער טעאטער
- Peraḥim – פרחים
- Shibolim – שיבלים
- Sulamith – שולמית
- Tehiya – תחיה
- The Asmonean
- The Echo of the Teacher – הד המורה
- The Hebrew – העברי (כתריאל צבי שרהזאהן)
- The Hebrew American
- The Hebrew Leader
- The Hebrew Standard
- The Jewish Chess Journal – דער אידישער שאך-זשורנאל
- The Jewish Daily News – יידישעס טאגעבלאט
- The Jewish Daily Press – דיא אידישע טעגליכע פרעססע
- The Jewish Farmer – דער אידישער פארמער
- The Jewish Guardian – דער אידישער וועכטער
- The Jewish Guardian – דער יידישער וועכטער
- The Jewish Ladies Home Journal – די פרויען וועלט
- The Jewish Morning Journal – דער מארגען זשורנאל
- The Naye Welt – די נייע וועלט
- The Philantropist – דער מענשענפריינד
- The Principal – המנהל
- The Volksadvocat – דער פאלקסאדוואקאט
- The Youth – שחרות
- Theatrical Songster – דער טהעאטער זינגער
- Unzer Shrift – אונזער שריפט
Japanese American Historical Newspapers Collection
- Heimin / 平民 [The Heimin], (San Francisco, CA/New York, NY)
- Nichibei Jihō / 日米時報 [Japanese American Commercial Weekly], (New York, NY)
- Nyū Yōku Shinpō / 紐育新報 [The Japanese Times], (New York, NY)
American Popular Entertainment 1853-1929
- The Player
- Vaudeville News
- New York Clipper
- Collyer’s Eye
- The Daily National Hotel Reporter
- Catholic Courier Rochester
- Lake and Valley Clarion Geneseo
- Ethnikos Kyrix Long Island City
- National Herald Long Island City
For Obituary Indexes, transcriptions, and other death/obituary information from historical newspapers, please check out the Obituaries page.
Other Free Sites:
- The Evangelist
- Jeffersonian 1838
- Northern LIght 1844
- Plough Boy, and Journal of the Board of Agriculture 1820-1821
- The Canteen 1864
- The Northern Star and Freemen’s Advocate
- Metroland
- Brooklyn Daily Eagle
- Nuestra Voz
- The Tablet – 1908-present
- The Gael
- The Brooklyn Paper
- Kurier Nowojorski iBrookliński (Greater New York Courier) (1891-1892, 1898)
- Buffalo Jazz Report
- Buffalo Irish Times.
- Buffalo Irish Times 2001 – 2002
- Polak w Ameryce (published in Buffalo, N.Y., 1892-1901)
- Reforma: organ Ligi Polsko-Republikańskiej w Buffalo (later Reforma) (1894-1895, 1898-1901)
- Milling World
New Brighton
New York City
- al-Bayān = The explanation
- American Messenger 1912-1921
- American Reformer
- Aufbau
- Aufbau : Nachrichtenblatt des German-Jewish Club, Inc
- Avatar
- Beadle’s Weekly
- Bible Society Record
- Black Panther Party Newspaper
- Black Panther Newspaper, 1974
- Catholic New York
- Christian Intelligencer 1920
- Colored American 1837-1841
- Colored American Magazine
- Colored World 1921-1930
- Courrier des États-Unis
- Deutscher Weckruf und Beobachter 1935-1938
- Deutscher Weckruf und Beobachter and the free American 1938-1939
- Deutscher Weckruf und Beobachter, the free American 1938
- Evening Mail 1916-1917
- Evening Post 1832-1833
- Freedom’s Journal
- Freeman 1884Y
- Harlem Liberator 1933-1934
- Hlas lidu
- Il Nuovo Mondo
- Il Nuovo Vessillo
- Il Progresso italo-americano
- Il Progresso italo-americano 1889-1894, 1897-1899, 1903, 1905-1911, 1947
- Illustrated News 1853
- Irish Voice
- Irish-American 1857-1859, 1861-1863, 1875-1892Y
- Irish Echo Archives
- Journal hebdomadaire pour le développement des relations financières, industrielles et commerciales entre la France et les États-Unis
- La Prensa 1950
- La Ressegna italiana
- La Stampa Libera
- L’Adunata dei Refrattari
- Le Messager franco-américain
- L’Echo des Deux Mondes
- Les Parisiennes
- Leslie’s illustrated weekly newspaper
- Meizhou Hua qiao ri bao = China daily news 1948
- Metropolitan Record : A Catholic Family Paper
- Mings New York Price Current
- Mirʼāt al-gharb = Mirror of the West 1925-1927
- Morning courier and New-York enquirer 1836-1837
- Narodnaya gazeta
- National Advocate 1922-1923
- National Anti-slavery Standard
- National Enquirer 1963-1964
- Negro Liberator 1934-1935
- Negro World 1921-1930
- New York Age 1887-1889, 1891-1892, 1905-1908, 1919-1926
- New York American 1831
- New York Amsterdam News 1940
- New York Amsterdam News 1950
- New York Amsterdam News 1968-1969
- New York Daily News 1856, 1858-1861, 1865
- New York Evening Post 1921, 1927, 1929
- New York Freeman 1884-1887
- New York Globe 1883-1884
- New York Herald 1848
- New York Journal American 1954
- New York Journal American Photographic Morgue (photos)
- New York Journal and Related Titles
- New York Times Article Archive (Some free; some pay)
- New York Times Machine
- New York Tribune (Index only)
- New Yorker 1907-1908
- New-York Evening Post 1832
- New York Native
- New-York Observer 1898, 1902-1903, 1905-1912
- New-yorské listy
- New-yorské listy 1934, 1942-1943
- Nordstjernan (New York, N.Y.) 1872-1966
- Nordstjernan
- Ny tid (Chicago, Ill.; New York, N.Y.) 1922-1936
- O Scugnizzo (Italian)
- Ognisko
- Plaindealer 1836-1837
- Redpath Weekly
- Ressegna Italiana 1918-1923
- Ruskii Emigrant
- Sun 1833-1834, 1851, 1855-1859, 1861-1862
- Sun 1933
- Sunday Mercury 1841, 1859-1867
- Telescope, 1824-1826
- The Catholic Review – 1875-1876
- The Christian Work and the Evangelist 1881-1910
- The Corsair
- The free American and Deutscher Weckruf und Beobachter 1939-1941
- The Illustrated Police News
- The Irish American
- The Negro World
- The Olio
- The Sun
- The Villager
- The World
- Truth Teller
- Truth Teller
- Vårt land
- Watchman 1902, 1904
- Weekly Advocate 1837
- Weekly Anglo-African
- Weekly Anglo-African 1859-1860
- Weekly Inspector 1806-1807
- Weekly Inspector 1813-1814
- Weekly Sun 1851, 1855-1862
- World 1860
- World 1895, 1921
- The United Irishman
- The Gaelic American
- Douglass’ Monthly
- Catholic Journal/Catholic Courier – 2004-present
- El Mensajero Catolico – 2005-present
- Empty Closet
- Frederick Douglass’ Paper
- Frederick Douglass’ Paper
- Moore’s Rural New Yorker
- North Star
- Rochester Evening Express
Sag Harbor
Subscription or Pay Sites:
There are currently 95 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Ancestry – New York
Genealogy Bank
There are currently 1,074 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Genealogy Bank – New York
Newspaper Archive
There are currently 496 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspaper Archives – New York
There are currently 257 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspapers.com – New York.
And Finally:
You also need to check out the New York State Library, which can tell you the availability of microfilm and print versions of state newspapers and where they might be held.
Please note – even more may be available via a local library where a library card is required. And of course, there is always microfilm for those that have not been made available online as yet.
For more links for different states, provinces, and countries – please see the Newspaper Links page on this website.
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!
23 replies on “New York Online Historical Newspapers Summary”
Fantastic list! But you forgot http://www.rrlcnewspapers.org/
that you blogged about back in August!
Nevermind, I see they are moving to a new address that you already have…
Thanks! I just spent the last 2 hours going through and checking for any sites that may benefit my NY research. The Nassau County site really needs to be fixed. Not much there yet to search, but the search usually does not work anyway. Hoping this project is ongoing. Always appreciate your newspaper posts.
Thanks for visiting Barbara!
I need a copy of the Saturday Globe (Utica) published on February 17, 1912. Any suggestions. Thanks.
It appears to be on FultonHistory.com
Here’s the front page:
i am trying to find out whom Benjamine Forrester married. on Feb 1, 1916. listed in the Belfast N Y Blaze newspaper. i am having no luck. thank you
Why is not the Utica Daily News included in any list? How can I find 1926 issues of it?
I’m looking for my ancestors and looking in obituary how do I possibly find 1950s-1980s
I am looking to search the New York Dramatic Mirror from 1895 to 1911 for a book project, but you only have them available one page at a time which will take an insane amount of time to pull down and query. Do you have the volumes available as a complete document rather than page by page?
The search engine is at http://fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html
Believe me, I’m not searching one page at a time!
For more instructions, go here http://clifflamere.com/Newspapers/SearchingFultonHistorySite.htm
Have a copy of the New York Evening Journal Wednesday September 3, 1930 Pages 22 to 28. Anyone interested in obtaining?
So you have the world newspapers. Where would I find the Puerto Rico newspapers.
Does anyone know of a paper – probably weekly – in Central Square on early 1900s?
Were there no papers published on Staten Island prior to the 1890s? It seems no matter where I look, I can’t find papers for mid 1800s for Staten Island.
None of the Staten Island (Richmond County) papers are online, you have to go to the St George Library or the Historical Society. Here’s an old article with a list about the newspapers and other information: http://richmond.nygenweb.net/newspapers.html
There are 16 online Staten Island titles inn the above list
The 1860 J H French gazetteer of NY state has chapter for each county, and in the footnotes for each county it gives all the papers that were published up to that time. That title is available many places online for free as a downloadable PDF. The state also has a page at http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/nysnp/, but that has not been updated since 2007 when they defunded the project.
Loved reading this thankk you
This is really amazing content! I learned a lot from it. Thank you for sharing.
Best post to read about historical newspapers summary of Newyork
I have read a lot of articles in this site and they seemed to be very useful and informative. Thanks a lot for sharing this site!
New York has such a rich history. I moved Upstate three years ago for a career change. I feel like I’ve learned so much and these links will only further help.