(This page's most recent update is March 2025)
Arkansas is one of the states that does not have a single central online state repository for searching historical newspapers. Several states use the Library of Congress Chronicling America site as their main central online site for searching old newspapers and currently, Arkansas has been adding quite a few newspapers on that site. There are several free online newspapers available on other sites and there are collections available on subscription sites. Below is a list of where the titles are stored and the link so that you can access them.
There are almost 2,000 newspapers that have been published in the Natural State – certainly not all of them are searchable online. But there are several that are indeed available. So go for it – find your Arkansas ancestors and all the interesting articles that capture the stories of their lives.
Please note that I have not always entered the dates that are included in the collections, as I suspect they will change as more items are digitized. Also, I suspect that some of these links may change over time – so if there is a dead link – please use your favorite search engine to find their new location.
(Recently added links are in BOLD)
Arkansas Historical Newspapers
Free Sites:
Statewide Collections:
Chronicling America – Arkansas
The Links for Chronicling America go to the new Version 2.0
- Arkansas Democratic Banner (Little Rock [Ark.]) 1851-1852
- Arkansas Echo (Little Rock, Ark.) 1891-1932
- Arkansas Intelligencer (Van Buren, Ark.) 1842-1859
- Arkansas Ladies’ Journal (Little Rock, Ark.) 1884-1886
- Arkansas State Press (Little Rock, Ark.) 1941-1959
- Arkansas Survey (Little Rock, Ark.) 1923-1935
- Arkansas Survey-Journal (Little Rock, Ark.) 1935-195?
- Arkansas True Democrat (Little Rock, Ark.) 1857-1862
- Arkansas Weekly Mansion (Little Rock, Ark.) 1880-1886
- Batesville Daily Guard (Batesville, Ark.) 1912-1924
- Batesville Guard (Batesville, Ark.) 1924-Current
- Batesville Guard (Batesville, Independence Co., Ark.) 1877-1932
- Cleveland County Herald (Rison, Ark.) 1888-Current
- Communiqué (Denson, Ark.) 1942-1943
- Daily Picayune (Prescott, Ark.) 1908-1921
- Daily Texarkana Democrat (Texarkana, Ark.) 1890-1894
- De Queen Bee (De Queen, Ark.) 1897-Current
- Denson Tribune (Denson, Ark.) 1943-1944
- Des Arc Citizen (Des Arc, Ark.) 1854-186?
- Des Arc Citizen (Des Arc, Ark.) 1866-1867
- Des Arc Semi-Weekly Citizen (Des Arc, Ark.) 1861-1861
- Des Arc Weekly Citizen (Des Arc, Ark.) 1867-187?
- Grand Prairie News (Stuttgart, Ark.) 1916-1928
- Hot Springs Echo (Hot Springs, Ark.) 1???-19??
- Judsonia Weekly Advance (Judsonia, Ark.) 1???-1922
- Little Rock Daily Republican ([Little Rock, Ark.]) 1872-1876
- Little Rock Ladies’ Journal (Little Rock, Ark.) 1884-1884
- Malvern Daily Record (Malvern, Ark.) 1916-Current
- Malvern Times=journal (Malvern, Ark.) 1913-1923
- Malvern Times=journal (Malvern, Ark.) 1924-1932
- Morning Republican (Little Rock, Ark.) 1868-1872
- Nevada County Picayune (Prescott, Nev. County, Ark.) 1885-1???
- Newport Daily Independent (Newport, Ark.) 1901-1929
- Newport Weekly Independent (Newport, Ark.) 1901-1929
- Paragould Soliphone (Paragould, Ark.) 1918-1950
- Paris Express (Paris, Ark.) 1880-1976
- Pine Bluff Daily Graphic (Pine Bluff, Ark.) 1893-1942
- Pine Bluff Press (Pine Bluff, Ark.) 19??-19??
- Pine Bluff Weekly Herald (Pine Bluff, Ark.) 1900-19??
- Pocahontas Star Herald (Pocahontas, Randolph County, Ark.; Pocahontas, Ar) 1907-Current
- Prescott Clipper ([Prescott, Ark.]) 1877-187?
- Rohwer Relocator (McGehee, Ark.) 1945-1945
- Rural and Workman and “Ladies’ Little Rock Journal.” (Little Rock, Ark.) 1884-1884
- Semi=weekly Graphic (Pine Bluff, Ark.) 1895-1902
- Sharp County Record (Evening Shade, Ark.) 1877-1976
- Southern Ladies’ Journal (Little Rock, Ark.) 1886-1887
- Southern Shield (Helena, Ark.) 1840-1874
- Stuttgart Germania (Stuttgart, Ark.) 18??-19??
- The American Guide (Little Rock, Ark.) 1889-1???
- The Arkansas Advocate (Little Rock, A.T. [Ark.]) 1830-1837
- The Arkansas Banner (Little Rock, Ark.) 1843-1851
- The Arkansas Farmer (Conway, Ark.) 190?-1917
- The Arkansas Farmer (Little Rock, Ark.) 18??-18??
- The Arkansas Farmer (Little Rock, Ark.) 1881-18??
- The Arkansas Farmer (Little Rock, Ark.) 192?-1937
- The Arkansas Farmer and Mechanic (Benton, Ark.) 1886-1886
- The Arkansas Freeman (Little Rock, Ark.) 1869-18??
- The Arkansas Gazette (Arkansas Post, Ark. Ter.) 1819-1836
- The Arkansas World (Little Rock, Ark.) 1940-1957
- The Arkansaw Traveler (Little Rock, Ark.; Chicago, Ill. ; Little Rock, Ark.; Chicago, Ill.) 1882-1???
- The Brinkley Argus (Brinkley, Ark.) 1883-Current
- The Calico Rock Progress ([Calico Rock, Izard County], Ark.) 1904-1984
- The Carlisle Independent (Carlisle, Ark.) 1905-Current
- The Columbia Banner (Magnolia, Columbia County, Ark.) 1878-1928
- The Constitutional Union (Des Arc, Ark.) 1860-1861
- The Conway Log Cabin (Conway, Faulkner County, Ark.) 189?-1901
- The Courier-Index (Marianna, Ark.) 1917-Current
- The Daily Guard (Batesville, Ark.) 1905-1912
- The Daily Soliphone (Paragould, Ark.) 1???-1911
- The Daily Texarkanian (Texarkana, Ark.) 1894-1906
- The Daily True Democrat (Little Rock, Ark.) 1861-1861
- The Dermott News (Dermott, Ark.) 1910-1977
- The Des Arc Weekly Citizen (Des Arc, Ark.) 186?-1861
- The Evening Republican (Little Rock, Ark.) 1867-1868
- The Forrest City Herald (Forrest City, St. Francis County, Ark.) 1896-18??
- The Forrest City Times (Forrest City, Ark.) 1871-1919
- The Forrest City Times and Herald (Forrest City, Ark.) 1919-193?
- The Green Forest Tribune (Green Forest, Ark.) 1890-1971
- The Harrison Times (Harrison, Boone Co., Ark) 1876-1938
- The Home News (McCrory, Ark.) 1915-1922
- The Huttig News (Huttig, Ark.) 1907-1955
- The Little River News (Ashdown, Little River County, Ark.) 1897-Current
- The Little Rock Reporter (Little Rock, Ark.) 1901-1906
- The Log Cabin Democrat (Conway, Ark.) 1901-1982
- The Log Cabin Democrat (Conway, Ark.) 1908-Current
- The Mena Star (Mena, Ark.) 1898-1904
- The Mena Weekly Star (Mena, Ark.) 1896-1898
- The Mena Weekly Star (Mena, Ark.) 1904-1977
- The Monticellonian (Monticello, Ark.) 1870-1920
- The Negro Spokesman (Pine Bluff, Ark.) 19??-19??
- The Nevada County Picayune (Prescott, Ark.) 190?-Current
- The Nevada News (Prescott, Ark.) 1905-1974
- The Nevada Picayune (Prescott, Nev. County, Ark.) 1878-1885
- The Newark Journal (Newark, Ark.) 1901-1959
- The Osceola Times (Osceola, Ark.) 1870-Current
- The Ozark Spectator (Ozark, Franklin County, Ark.) 1916-1917
- The Prescott Daily News (Prescott, Ark.) 1907-1941
- The Pulaskian (Pulaski Heights [Little Rock], Ark.) 1915-1929
- The Reminder (Stamps, Arkansas) 1913-????
- The Reporter (Helena, Ark.) 1891-1907
- The Rohwer Outpost (Rohwer [i.e. McGehee] Ark.) 1942-1945
- The Russellville Democrat (Russellville, Ark.) 1875-1898
- The Sentinel=record (Hot Springs, Ark.) 1900-Current
- The Spectator (Ozark, Ark.) 1911-1916
- The Spectator (Ozark, Franklin County, Ark.) 1917-Current
- The Springdale News (Springdale, Ark.) 1887-1990
- The Times-Journal (Malvern, Ark.) 1923-1924
- The Times-Journal (Malvern, Hot Spring County, Ark.) 1893-1913
- The Times-Picayune (Prescott, Ark.) 1???-190?
- The True Democrat (Little Rock, Ark.) 1852-1857
- The Union Label Bulletin (Little Rock, Ark.) 1901-191?
- The Van Buren Press (Van Buren, Ark.) 1859-1914
- The Weekly Soliphone (Paragould, Greene County, Ark.) 1907-1918
- The Weekly Washington Telegraph (Washington, Ark.) 1871-18??
- True Democrat (Little Rock [Ark.]) 1862-1863
- True Democrat Bulletin (Little Rock Ark.) 1862-186?
- Twin City Press (Little Rock, Ark.) 193?-1940
- Union Labor Bulletin (Little Rock, Ark.) 191?-1957
- Washington Telegraph (Washington, Ark.) 18??-1940
- Washington Telegraph (Washington, Ark.) 1839-1871
- White County Record (Judsonia, Ark.) 1922-200?
- Woman’s Chronicle (Little Rock, Ark.) 1888-1893
- Woodruff County News (McCrory, Ark.) 1901-1910
- World’s Cresset (Jah-Ville [Colony], Fowler, Mo.) 1891-19??
Google News Archive
- Dewitt – Dewitt Era-Enterprise
- Among Arkansas Leaders
- Annals of Arkansas, 1947: A Narrative Historical Edition
- Annals of Christ Church Parish of Little Rock, Arkansas, From A.D. 1839 to A.D. 1899
- Arkansans of the Years
- Arkansas Alumnus
- Arkansas and Its People; A History, 1541-1930
- Arkansas Banker
- Arkansas Biography: A Collection of Notable Lives
- Arkansas Business
- Arkansas Business and Economic Review
- Arkansas Democrat
- Arkansas Educator
- Arkansas Game and Fish
- Arkansas Gazette
- Arkansas Gazette Centennial Edition November 20, 1919: Supplement Commemorating the Founding of Arkansas’ First Newspaper
- Arkansas Handbook, 1936-1942
- Arkansas Historical Quarterly
- Arkansas Journal: A Quarterly Review of Business and Industry in Arkansas
- Arkansas Law Notes
- Arkansas Law Review
- Arkansas Law Review and Bar Association Journal
- Arkansas Lawyer
- Arkansas Libraries
- Arkansas Naturalist
- Arkansas Political Science Journal
- Arkansas Railroader
- Arkansas Social Studies Teacher
- Arkansas State Republican, 1920-1933
- Arkansas Times
- Arkansas Traveler
- Arkansas Wildlife
- Arkansas: Journal of the Arkansas Alumni Association
- Bar Association of Arkansas, Report of the Proceedings
- Behind These Ozark Hills
- Bench and Bar of Washington County, Arkansas, 1830-1960
- Benton County Pioneer
- Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Eastern Arkansas
- Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeast Arkansas
- Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Pulaski, Jefferson, Lonoke, Faulkner, Grant, Saline, Perry, Garland, and Hot Spring Counties Arkansas Comprising a Condensed History of the State Biographical Sketches of Their Prominent Citizens
- Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Southern Arkansas
- Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Western Arkansas
- Biographical and Pictorial History of Arkansas
- Book of Arkansas
- Boone County Historian
- Builders of a Kingdom: A History of the Little Rock Conference Woman’s Missionary Society of Arkansas 1873-1923
- Carroll County Historical Society Quarterly
- Centennial History of Arkansas
- Centennial History of Arkansas Methodism, Illustrated: A History of the Methodist Episcopal Church South in the State of Arkansas 1815-1935
- Central Presbyterian Church Fayetteville, Arkansas, corner Dickson, Block, and St Charles Streets Our centennial celebration November 21-23, 1930
- City and Town
- Clark County Historical Journal
- Cleburne County Historical Journal
- Craighead County Historical Quarterly
- Current Biography Yearbook, 1954-1958
- Discovery
- Faulkner Facts and Fiddlings
- Fighting Men of Arkansas
- First Ladies of Arkansas
- Flashback
- Governors of Arkansas: Essays in Political Biography
- Grand Prairie Historical Society Bulletin
- Grapevine
- Hell on the Border
- Heritage
- Heritage of Stone
- Heritage: Official Publication of the Crawford County Historical Society
- Heroes All! A Compendium of the Names . . . in the War With Germany 1917-1919
- Historical Review of Arkansas Its Commerce, Industry, and Modern Affairs
- History of Arkansas Baptists
- History of Baxter County
- History of Benton Washington, Carroll, Madison, Crawford, Franklin, and Sebastian Counties, Arkansas
- History of Craighead County, Arkansas
- History of Crawford County, Arkansas
- History of Dentistry in Arkansas
- History of Faulkner County, Arkansas
- History of Greene County, Arkansas
- History of Izard County, Arkansas
- History of Methodism in Arkansas
- History of Mississippi County, Arkansas
- History of Newton County, Arkansas
- History of Presbyterianism in Arkansas, 1828-1902
- History of Randolph County, Arkansas
- History of Texarkana and Bowie and Miller Counties, Texas-Arkansas
- History of the Arkansas Press for a Hundred Years and More
- History of the Organization and Operations of the Board of Directors St. Francis Levee District of Arkansas, 1893-1945
- History of the University of Arkansas
- Independence County Chronicle
- Inside Arkansas
- Izard County Historian
- Jefferson County Historical Quarterly
- Johnson County Historical Society Journal
- Johnson County, Arkansas, the First Hundred Years
- Journal
- Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society
- Journal of the Hempstead County Historical Society
- Key
- Lawrence County Historical Quarterly
- Lest We Forget; or, Character Gems Gleaned from South Arkansas
- Little Rock Journal
- Little Rock Roots: Biographies in Arkansas Black History
- Madison County Musings
- Mid-South and Its Builders
- Midsouth Political Science Journal
- Newsletter: Lonoke County Historical Society
- Northwest Arkansas Times
- One Hundred Years of Fayetteville, 1828-1928
- Ouachita County Historical Quarterly
- Ozark Historical Review
- Ozark Society Bulletin
- Ozark Society Journal
- Ozarks Mountaineer
- Phillips County Historical Quarterly
- Pictorial History of Arkansas
- Pioneers and Makers of Arkansas
- Poets and Poetry of Arkansas
- Pope County Historical Association Quarterly
- Programs – Desha County Historical Society
- Pulaski County Historical Review
- Record
- Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region
- Rivers and Roads and Points In Between
- Rural Arkansas
- Signature of the Sun; Southwest Verse, 1900-1950
- State Republican, 1900-1931
- Stream of History
- Untold Stories: Black Sports Heroes Before Integration
- Wagon Wheels
- Washington, Hempstead County, Arkansas: Gateway to Texas, 1835, Confederate Capital, 1863: “The Old Town Speaks”
- White County Heritage
- Who Was Who in America, 1897-1942
- Who’s Who in America, 1908-1945
- Who’s Who in American Politics, 1969-1970
- Who’s Who in Little Rock, 1921
- William E. Woodruff and the Territory of Arkansas, 1819-1836
Online Arkansas Newspapers – some have archives, some do not
- Batesville Guard Online
- El Dorado News Times
- Hot Springs Internet News
- Hot Springs Sentinel-Record
- Jonesboro Sun
- Log Cabin Democrat (Conway)
- Morning News of Northwest Arkansas
- Northwest Arkansas News Online – Benton County Daily Record
- Northwest Arkansas Times
- Southwest Times Record
- Texarkana Gazette
County and Library Collections:
Sebastian County
Fort Smith Public Library
- Arkansas Developer
- Belle Grove School Journal
- Daily News Record
- Daily Southwest American
- Entertainment Fort Smith
- Evening Call
- Fort Smith Bulletin
- Fort Smith Daily Herald
- Fort Smith Daily Time and Herald
- Fort Smith Elevator
- Fort Smith Enterprise
- Fort Smith Herald
- Fort Smith Herald and New Elevator
- Fort Smith New Era
- Fort Smith News Record
- Fort Smith Southwest American
- Fort Smith Standard
- Fort Smith Times Record
- Fort Smith Tri Weekly Bulletin
- Fort Smith Tri Weekly Herald
- Fort Smith Weekly Herald
- Fort Smith Weekly New Era
- Fortnightly Club Papers
- News Record
- Ouachita Conference Journal
- South West Independent
- Southwest American
- Southwest Times Record
- Sun
- The Lincoln Echo
- Thirty Fifth Parallel
- Times Record
- Tri Weekly Fort Smith Herald
- War Times
- Weekly New Era
- Western Independent
- Wheelers Daily Independent
- Wheelers Independent
- Wheelers Western Independent
Eureka Springs Historical Museum
- Eureka Springs Times
- Eureka Springs Flashlight
- Daily Times-Echo
- Daily Times-Echo
- Daily Dispatch
- The Quapaw Quarter Chronicle (1969-2006)
- The Quapaw Quarter Association (1978)
Student Collections:
Arkansas State University – Jonesboro
Arkansas Tech University – Russellville
Bentonville High School – Bentonville
Black River Technical College – Pocahontas
Central Baptist College – Conway
Commonwealth College – Mena
Harding University – Searcy
Henderson State University – Arkadelphia
John Brown University – Siloam
Little Rock Central High School – Little Rock
Lyon College – Batesville
Northwest Arkansas Community College – Bentonville
Ouachita Baptist University – Arkadelphia
Philander Smith College – Little Rock
University of Arkansas – Fayetteville
University of Arkansas – Little Rock
University of Central Arkansas – Conway
University of the Ozarks – Clarksville
Williams Baptist University – Walnut Ridge
Miscellaneous Collections and Indexes:
Independent Voices – Alternative Newspapers
- BAD Times
- Black Americans for Democracy News
- Hard Labor
- Ozark Feminist Review
- The Ozark Feminist
- Times – Black Americans for Democracy
- Up and Coming
American Prison Newspapers, 1800-2020
- Cummins Journal
- Long Line Writer
- Newsletter (Arkansas Department of Correction, Cummins Unit)
- Prison Views
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Newspapers 1933-1942
- Berryville – Champlain Champion (Company 3789)
- Bigflat – Mountaineer (Company 1741)
- Blue Mountain – Blue Mountain Log (Company 768) (AA)
- Calico Rock – Camp Hedges Echo (Company 743)
- Calico Rock – Hedges Hillbilly (Company 743)
- Crystal Springs – Crystal (Company 741)
- Crystal Springs – Crystal Glazer (Company 741)
- Dierks – Pine Tree Blurb (Company 1705)
- Forrest City – Ridge Rambler (Company 4734)
- Forrest City – Ridge Ramblings (Company 4734)
- Fort Douglas – Haw Creek Ripples (Company 1701)
- Friendship – Friendship Press (Company 4731)
- Hamburg – Camp Hamburg (Company 4731)
- Hamburg – Hamburg Press (Company 1705)
- Hardy – Hardy Mountaineer (Company 1741)
- Hardy – Hardy Mountaineer (Company 3782)
- Heber Springs – Camp Heber Educator (Company 3782)
- Heber Springs – Camp Heber Heights (Company 3782)
- Heber Springs – Camp Heber Heights (Company 3782)
- Heber Springs – Camp Heber Heights News (Company 3782)
- Heber Springs – Camp Heber News (Company 3782)
- Hope – 4754 (Company 4754)
- Hope – Alton Proverb (Company 4754)
- Hope – Alton Proverb (Company 4754)
- Jonesboro – Banner (Company 3783)
- Jonesboro – Billy Goat Banner (Company 3783)
- Jonesboro – Gully Fighter (Company 3783)
- Jonesboro – Jonesboro Journal (Company 3783)
- Magnolia – Veterans Soil Saver (Company 3798)
- Mulberry – Shores Lake Journal (Company 1708)
- Oark – Oark Bark (Company 3742)
- Oark – Oark Bark (Company 3742)
- Oark – Oark Log (Company 3742)
- Oark – Oark Log (Company 3742)
- Oden – Buck Knob Lookout (Company 768) (AA)
- Oden – Knobber (Company 1731)
- Ozone – Airs Of Ozone (Company 1708)
- Ozone – Echoes Of Ozone (Company 1708)
- Ozone – Ozone Digest (Company 3742)
- Rosston – Camp Rosston News (Company 3790) (AA)
- Sheridan – Hurricane (Company 3779)
- Smackover – Oil Rambler (Company 3790)
- Solgohachia – Camp Solgo News (Company 3789)
- Solgohachia – Cedar News (Company 3789)
- St. Charles – 1741 Tabloid (Company 1741)
- St. Charles – Quack Quack (Company 3791)
- Stella – Smackover Camp Informer (Company 3790)
- Stella – Voice Of The Hill (Company 3790)
- Thornton – Iowan (Company 1753)
- Walcott – Camp Crowley Chronicle (Company 1729)
- Waldron – Dutch Creek Journal (Company 1707)
- Waldron – Vox Treemen (Company 1707)
Old Fulton Postcards
- Batesville AK Independentt Blance
- Green Forest AR Tribune
- Helena AR Southern Shield
- Little Rock AR Arkansas Banner
- Little Rock AR Arkansas Democratic Banner
- Melvern AR Daily Record
- Pine Bluff AR Daily Graphic
- Springs Dale AR News
Please check out the Obituaries page for Obituary Indexes, transcriptions, and other death/obituary information from historical newspapers.
Other Free Sites:
Camp Pike
Fort Chaffee
Little Rock
- Arkansas Gazette/Democrat-Gazette (Index only)
- Arkansas State Gazette
- Arkansas State Gazette and Democrat
- Arkansas Weekly Mansion
- Arkansas Times
- Arkansas Baptist News
- Farkle Finger
- Trench and Camp
- Arkansas Farmer
Subscription or Pay Sites:
There are currently 26 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Ancestry – Arkansas Newspapers
Genealogy Bank:
There are currently 282 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Genealogy Bank – Arkansas
Newspaper Archive:
There are currently 57 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspaper Archives – Arkansas
There are currently 241 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspapers.com – Arkansas
And Finally:
You also need to visit the Arkansas Digital Newspaper Program, which can tell you what is occurring in the state with regard to newspaper projects. They also have nice searchable databases for microfilm-based collections throughout the state.
Please note – even more may be available via a local library where a library card is required. And of course, there is always microfilm for those that have not been made available online as yet.
For more links for different states, provinces, and countries – please see the Newspaper Links page on this website.
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!
8 replies on “Arkansas Online Historical Newspapers Summary”
E O Elley Short in Sebastian Co., Ark with wife Minnine & daughters in 1910 Census. I was told he was a telegraph operator for a mine and died July 1914 probably mine union fights associated. I haven’t found his obituary. E O was born 1882. There is a Henry Short on the mine memorial. [ E O’s dad was William Henry Short b 1869 in 7 Itawamba, MS. & went to Van Zandt Co, TX … E O was oldest.]
Ark vital records didn’t find him listed. Thanks for any help. Joy B
Atkins Chronicle broken link
Under Arkansas Online Historical Newspapers Summary and the section “Online Arkansas Newspapers – some have archives, some do not”, the link for the Gurdon Times (Gurdon) is incorrect.
Thanks – that has been fixed
Wish someone would digitize the De Valls Bluff Democrat from De Valls Bluff, Prairie, AR.
I would like to see more of Logan County Arkansas papers in Ancestor Hunters.
Unfortunately, Lela, I have no control over what gets digitized… or not. Wish I did.
I would like to see more of Morrilton news papers