Everyone has their “go-to” websites that they often use to find genealogy resources and information. Here is a list of my favorites for the U.S., Canada, and Europe; and everyone is Free!
(Updated November 2023)
- Transcribed U.S. genealogy records
- Digitized U.S. newspapers, over 100 million pages
- African-American Collections
Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
- Genealogy collections and records
American Battle Monuments Commission
- U.S. World War I and II burials
American History & Genealogy Project
- Transcribed U.S. genealogy records
Ancestry Free Index Collections
- Genealogy collections and records
- Miscellaneous searchable photo database
Atlas of Historical County Boundaries
- County boundary changes in U.S. states
- Indices to Canadian Censuses
- Histories of thousands of first names and surnames
- Cemetery and Burial records
- Registry of Canadians who have died serving in uniform
- Digitized Canadian journals, books and other publications
- Links to Canadian Genealogy websites
- Immigration records
- Digitized U.S. newspapers; over 20 million pages
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Database
- Civil War veteran records
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
- U.K. World War I and II burials
- List of links to genealogy related resources
- Danish genealogy collections
David Rumsey’s Historical Maps
- 120,000 world-wide maps
- Native American genealogy collections
- Miscellaneous searchable photo database
- Links to death, cemetery, and obituary collections
- College and University collections
- Southern and Central Appalachian genealogy collections
Digital Library on American Slavery
- African-American Collections
Digital Public Library of America
- Search facility for genealogical collections and records
- Norwegian genealogy collections
Documenting the American South
- Southern states genealogy collections
- Digitized world-wide newspapers; over 2,300 titles
- Immigration records
- Search facility for genealogical records
- Genealogical materials; mostly browsing
- Links and information for collections and records
Federation of Eastern European Family History Societies
- Eastern European genealogy collections
- Cemetery and Burial records and tombstone photos
- England and Wales birth, marriage, and death records
- UK Census Records
- African-American Collections
- UK records from Parish Registers
- Over 55 million digitized newspaper pages
- Transcribed U.S. genealogy records
- Collaborative Family Tree
- United Kingdom and Ireland collection links
- Mostly New York records
- Genealogy resources search
- Digitized books
- Digitized U.S. and Canada newspapers; over 2,000 titles
- Worldwide Surname Research
- Digitized books and other printed materials
- Historic digital map database
Historically Black Colleges and Universities
- Primary Resources from HBCU libraries and archives
- List of links to genealogy related resources
- Cemetery and Burial records
- Genealogy records, newspapers and related collections
- Variety of church & civil records including vital records
- New York City records
- Jewish genealogy records
- Digital library of journals, books, and primary sources
- German and Polish locations database
- List of links to genealogy related resources
- Canadian genealogy records
Library of Congress Digital Collections
- Genealogy collections and records
- List of links to genealogy related resources
- African American Genealogy in SC, GA and FL
- Regional genealogy plus railroad pension records
National Archives and Records Administration
- Genealogy collections and records
- Irish genealogy collections
National Archives Resources for Genealogists
- Links to genealogical records and collections
National Cemetery Administration
- Veterans cemetery records
- Australian genealogy collections
- Irish genealogy collections
- Scottish genealogy collections
- Welsh genealogy collections
- Burial locations of Veterans and family members in VA national cemeteries
- Transcribed U.S. genealogy records, primarily New England
New York Public Library Digital Collections
- Over 900,000 digitized items
- Ship passenger lists and other genealogy records
One-Step Webpages by Stephen P. Morse
- Links to search genealogical records and collections
- U.S. and Canada digitized museum, library, and archive collections
- Revolutionary War grave and patriot information
- Genealogy collections and records
- Huge genealogy community
- Fire Insurance maps that show building details
- Miscellaneous collections
- Links to genealogical records and collections
- Chicago-based genealogy library
The Official Land Records Site
- Federal land title records from 1788
- Italian genealogy collections
- Miscellaneous census-related collections and information
- UK genealogy collections
- Transcribed U.S. genealogy records
- Transcribed U.S. genealogy records
- Digitized world-wide newspapers, over 85 million pages
Volksbund German War Graves Commission
- Germany World War I and II burials
- Dutch genealogy collections
- Collaborative Family Tree
- World-wide genealogy records
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!
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