(This page's most recent update is February 2025)
One of the main goals for genealogists is finding marriage information about their ancestors.
Over the past few decades, thanks to volunteers, librarians, and archivists, many indexes to marriage collections have been provided for free online. These searchable indexes provide specific marriage license, bond, and certificate information, and sometimes scanned images of the actual marriage documents themselves. These free online collections have hundreds of millions of records in them in total.
There are a great number of online and offline collections that may include marriage information that is not included in the lists below. These different types can be found in 27 Ways to Find Ancestor Marriage Information.
The lists below are specific marriage indexes and record collections that are available for free online for the state of New Hampshire.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Note: I have included links to Free Ancestry records and indexes. You do not need a subscription, but you do need an Ancestry account. You can view indexes without a subscription. If an image is associated with a record, in most cases, you will need a subscription, but the index does include very usable information.
New Hampshire Marriage Records
- Acworth Town Records, 1766-1899
- Adams Town Records 1801-1829
- Albany Vital Records 1882-1947
- Alexandria Town Records, 1800-1849
- Alstead Records of Marriages, 1854-1916
- Alstead Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1821-1915
- Alstead Town Records, 1752-1863
- Alstead Town Records, 1817-1858
- Alton Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1859-1903
- Alton Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1766-1926
- Alton Town Records, 1777-1870
- Amherst Genealogical Indexes
- Amherst Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1760-1915
- Amherst Town Records, 1760-1842
- Andover Town Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1869-1915
- Andover Town Records, 1751-1868
- Antrim Certificates of Marriage, Death, and Birth, 1841-1915
- Antrim Records of Marriages and Deaths, 1908-1934
- Antrim Records, V. 2-3, 1786-1878
- Antrim Town Records, 1777-1824
- Antrim, Alphabetical List of Marriages, Births, and Deaths Prior to 1862
- Ashland Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1868-1915
- Atkinson Town Records, 1767-1842
- Bartlett Marriages, Births, Deaths 1859-1947
- Bartlett Town Records 1790-1843
- Bath Town Records, 1780-1859
- Bath, Littleton and Whitefield, Vital Records
- Bedford Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1844-1878, 1894-1918
- Bedford Town Records, 1770-1833
- Belknap County Marriage Records
- Belknap County Records by Town
- Belmont and Gilmanton, Town and Vital Records 1742-1916
- Benton Town Records, 1764-1846
- Berlin Vital Records 1884-1947
- Bethlehem Vital Records
- Bow Bow Town Records, 1757-1977 and Births, Marriages, and Deaths,1826-1915
- Bow Town Records, 1767-1885
- Bradford Records of Marriage, Intention of Marriage, Birth and Death, 1835-1905
- Bradford Town Records 1815-1834 and Marriages, Births and Deaths ca. 1775-1915
- Bradford Town Records, 1786-1885
- Brentwood Marriage Intentions, 1901-1937
- Brentwood Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1901-1921
- Brentwood Town Records, 1742-1904
- Bridgewater Town Records, 1788-1873
- Bristol Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1869-1915
- Bristol Town Records, 1770-1837
- Brookfield Town Records, 1778-1826
- Brookline Town Records, 1758-1907
- Campton Town Records, 1767-1843
- Canaan Town Records, 1761-1825
- Candia Town Records, 1752-1881
- Candia, Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1743-1933
- Canterbury Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1719-1931
- Canterbury Town Records, 1727-1864
- Carroll County Marriage Records
- Carroll County, Marriages
- Center Harbor Town Records, 1797-1825
- Charlestown Town Records, 1753-1900
- Chatham Town Records, 1767-1826
- Cheshire County, Marriages
- Chester, Candia, Concord and Salem Vital Records and Slave Records
- Chesterfield Records of Deaths, Births, and Marriages, 1732-1917
- Chesterfield Town Records, 1770-1831
- Chichester Record of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1839-1915
- Chichester Town Records, 1727-1838
- Claremont Vital Records 1887-1946
- Claremont Vital Records Indexes 1840-1947
- Claremont Town Records 1760-1805; Births, Marriages Deaths 1755-1910 and Indexes 1896-1897, 1908-1915
- Claremont Town Records, 1764-1853
- Cockermouth Town Records, 1744-1833
- Colebrook, Vital Records, 1874-1947
- Columbia Marriages, Births, Deaths 1878-1947
- Columbia Town Records 1797-1829
- Concord Town Records, 1725-1864
- Concord, Vital Records, 1900-1925
- Conway Town Records, 1763-1861
- Conway Vital Records 1784-1947 and Town Records 1784-1833
- Conway Vital Records 1874-1947
- Coos County Marriage Records
- Coös County, Marriages
- Cornish Records of Births, Marriages, Marriage Intentions, Deaths and Burials, 1796-1918
- Cornish Town Records, 1767-1837
- Cornish Town Records, V. 1-2, 1727-1850
- Croydon Town Records, 1763-1829
- Dalton Town Records, 1808-1829
- Danbury Records of Marriages, Births, Deaths (1844-1964) and Index (ca. 1700-1914)
- Danville Town Records, 1760-1848
- Danville Vital Records 1760-1886
- Deerfield Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1749-1922
- Deerfield Town Records, 1766-1825
- Deering Town Records, 1774-1824
- Derry Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1900-1916
- Dorchester Town Records, 1772-1848
- Dover Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1693-1838
- Dover Certificates of Marriage, 1820-1947
- Dover Intentions of Marriage, 1824-1947
- Dover Marriage Registers, 1877-1942
- Dover Records of Marriages, Births, Deaths, 1846-1885
- Dover Town Records, 1647-1838
- Dover, Marriages, 1623-1823
- Dublin Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1760-1915
- Dunbarton Town Records, 1735-1839
- Dunbarton Town Records, 1765-1870 and Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1765-1915
- Durham, Town and Vital Records, 1739-1936
- East Kingston Record of Intention of Marriage, 1868-1937
- East Kingston Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1859-1937
- East Kingston Town Records, 1725-1839
- Eaton Town Records, 1784-1833
- Effingham Vital Records 1850-1947
- Enfield Vital Records
- Enfield Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1797-1915
- Epping Records of Marriages, Births and Deaths, 1902-1923
- Epping Town Records, 1741-1847
- Epsom Town Records and Index (1716-1829) and Births, and Marriages (1872-1825)
- Epsom Town Records, 1721-1860
- Errol Vital Records, 1850-1947
- Errol Vital Records, 1856-1947
- Exeter Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1657-1919
- Exeter Town Records, 1636-1829
- Farmington Town Records, 1798-1828
- Farmington Vital Records 1837-1947
- Fitzwilliam Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1744-1870
- Fitzwilliam Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1854-1915
- Fitzwilliam Town Records, 1765-1807
- Francestown Town Records, 1772-1836
- Franconia Town Records, 1788-1832
- Franklin Marriages and Deaths, 1903-1916
- Fremont Town Records, 1764-1845
- Gilford Town Records, 1811-1854
- Gilford Vital Records 1767-1947
- Gilmanton Marriages pre-1817
- Gilmanton Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1859-1937
- Gilsum Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1754-1915
- Gilsum Town Records, 1752-1847
- Goffstown Certificates of Marriage, Birth, and Death, 1859-1920
- Goffstown Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1774-1925
- Goffstown Town Records, 1749-1843
- Gorham Vital Records 1902-1947
- Goshen Town Clerk’s Records, Intentions of Marriage, 1854-1895
- Goshen Town Records, Vols. 1 & 2, 1766-1865
- Gosport Town Records, 1731-1850
- Grafton County Marriage Records
- Grafton County, Marriage Indexes
- Grafton Town Records, 1793-1846
- Grantham Records, Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1848-1915 (event Dates, 1769-1915)
- Grantham Town Records, 1767-1850
- Greenfield Certificates of Marriage, 1872-1892
- Greenfield Marriages, Births, Deaths 1851-1891
- Greenfield Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1857-1922
- Greenfield Records of the Intention of Marriage, 1892-1933
- Greenland Vital Records 1714-1820, and 1710-1851
- Greenland, Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1714-1930
- Greenville Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1872-1937
- Groton Town Records, Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1781-1915
- Hampstead Records of Intention of Marriage, 1889-1937
- Hampstead Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1854-1920
- Hampstead Town Records, 1746-1825
- Hampstead Vital Records from Town Records, 1749-1834; Births, Marriage Intentions, and Marriages, 1814-1870; Marriages, 1752-1867; Deaths, 1746-1847, Earliest and Latest Dates Recorded, 1731-1870
- Hampton Falls Town Records, 1677-1814
- Hampton Town Records, 1638-1912
- Hancock Town Records, 1749-1853
- Hanover Town Records, 1761-1847
- Harrisville Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1872-1915
- Harrisville, Certificates of Marriage, 1870-1885
- Haverhill Town Records, 1763-1838
- Hebron Town Records, 1768-1817
- Henniker Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1761-1915
- Henniker Town Records, 1768-1878
- Hill Town Records with Marriages, Births and Deaths, 1745-1950
- Hill Town Records, 1755-1827
- Hillsborough County Marriage Records
- Hillsborough County, Marriages
- Hillsborough Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1753-1937
- Hillsborough Town Records, 1766-1828
- Hinsdale Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1800-1915
- Hinsdale Town Records, 1753-1836
- Holderness Town Records, 1762-1837
- Hollis Intentions of Marriage, 1877-1915
- Hollis Marriage Returns, 1907-1937
- Hollis Record of Marriages and Deaths, 1901-1936
- Hollis Town Records, 1673-1887
- Hooksett Town Records, 1822-1859
- Hopkinton and Conway Vital Records
- Hopkinton Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1737-1915
- Hopkinton Town Records 1735-1863 and Vital Records 1699-1857
- Hudson Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1720-1937
- Hudson Town Records, 1733-1867
- Hudson, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1618-1894
- Jackson Vital Records 1850-1947
- Jaffrey Town Records, 1749-1886
- Jefferson Town Records, 1798-1825
- Jefferson Vital Records 1855-1947
- Keene Vital Records
- Keene Records of Marriages, 1900-1915
- Keene, Town Records, 1753-1874
- Kensington Town Records, 1737-1836
- Kingston Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1903-1925
- Laconia Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1858-1915
- Lancaster Records of Marriages, Intentions of Marriages, Births and Deaths, 1821- 1901
- Lancaster Town Records 1763-1835
- Lancaster Vital Records 1769-1947
- Landaff Town Records, 1783-1827
- Langdon Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1850-1933
- Langdon Town Records, 1768-1849
- Lebanon Town Records, 1752-1838
- Lee Town Records, 1766-1815
- Lempster Town Records, 1738-1851
- Lincoln Town Records, 1802-1840
- Lisbon Town Records 1788-1866
- Litchfield Town Records, 1734-1839
- Littleton Town Records, 1764-1827
- Londonderry Vital Records
- Londonderry Certificates of Marriage, V. XIII-XIV, 1868-1909
- Londonderry Record of the Intention of Marriage, 1909-1922
- Londonderry Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1851-1918
- Londonderry Town Records, 1719-1869
- Londonderry Vital Records, Births, Marriage Intentions, Marriages and Deaths from the Earliest Date to 1910
- Londonderry Vital Records, Births, Marriage Intentions, Marriages and Deaths from the Earliest Date to 1910
- Loudon Town Records (1744-1826) and Marriages, Births, and Deaths (1850-1915)
- Loudon Town Records, 1763-1839
- Lyman Town Records, 1785-1827
- Lyme Records of Births, 1872-1905; Marriages, 1872-July 1916; and Deaths, 1824-1916; Indexes, 1872-1925
- Lyndeborough Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1749-1929
- Lyndeborough Town Records, 1736-1825
- Madbury Parish and Town Records, 1755-1827
- Madison Marriages, Births, Deaths 1853-1947
- Madison Marriage Search, 1888-1941
- Manchester Births, Marriages, Deaths, V. 1-2, 1812-1859
- Manchester Marriage Certificates, 1859-1932, 1938-1947
- Manchester Marriages, V. 2, 1855-1867
- Manchester Record of Marriages, V. 17-19, 1932-1937
- Manchester Town Records, 1746-1868
- Marlborough Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths 1832-1915 and Indexes 1770-1915
- Marlborough Town Records, 1751-1825
- Marlow Town Records, 1761-1865
- Mason Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1850-1941
- Mason Town Records, 1758-1874
- Mason, Index, Marriage Certificates, 1855-1894
- Meredith Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1768-1915
- Meredith Town Records, 1748-1864
- Merrimack County Marriage Records
- Merrimack County Vital Records
- Merrimack County, Marriage Indexes
- Merrimack County, Marriages
- Merrimack Town Records, 1746-1855
- Middleton Town Records, 1824-1840
- Middleton Vital Records and some Town Records 1824-1947
- Milan Births and Deaths, 1822-1879; Marriages 1822-1881
- Milford Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, V. 2-7, 1843-1915
- Milford Town Records, 1784-1843
- Milton Town Records with Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1802-1947
- Milton Town Records, 1783-1847
- Miscellaneous BMD Records by County
- Monson Town Records, 1746-1769
- Mont Vernon Records
- Moultonborough Town Records, 1777-1869
- Nashua Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1802-1922; Indexes to Marriages, Deaths, and Births, ca. 1800-1915
- Nashua Town Records, 1639-1840
- Nelson Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1747-1915
- Nelson Town Records, 1757-1855
- New Boston Town Records, 1736-1827
- New Castle Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1897-1934
- New Castle Town Records, 1690-1899
- New Durham Town Records with Marriages, Births and Deaths, 1846-1947
- New Hampshire Gazette, Vital Records, 1756-1800
- New Hampshire Marriage Certificates, 1948-1959
- New Hampshire Marriage Records, 1637-1947
- New Hampshire Marriages, 1720-1920
- New Hampshire Vital Records Indexes by County
- New Hampshire Birth, Death and Marriage Records of Physicians and their Related Families, Early to 1900
- New Hampshire Certificates of Marriage 1752-1872
- New Hampshire Death Certificates, 1901-1937 with Additional Birth and Marriage Information
- New Hampshire Genealogical Collection
- New Hampshire Marriage Certificates, 1901-1937
- New Hampshire Marriage Record Corrections and Additions, 1677-1937
- New Hampshire Marriage Records, 1938-1947
- New Hampshire, Marriage Certificates, 1948-1959
- New Hampshire, Marriage Records, 1709-1962
- New Hampshire, Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records, 1636-1947
- New Hampshire, Vital and Town Records Index, 1656-1938
- New Hampton Town Records, 1777-1852
- New Hampton Vital Records (1855-1915)
- New Ipswich Town Records, 1749-1910
- New London Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths (1854-1915) and Birth Index (1916)
- New London Town Records, 1779-1833
- Newbury Town Records, 1753-1827
- Newbury Town Records, Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1750-1915
- Newington Town Records, 1712-1843
- Newmarket Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1754-1919
- Newmarket Town Records, 1729-1897
- Newport Town Records, 1761-1852
- Newton Card File of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, ca. 1800-1998
- Newton Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1904-1916
- Newton Town Records, 1732-1839
- North Hampton Town Records, 1809-1818
- Northfield Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1739-1915
- Northfield Town Records, 1780-1826
- Northumberland Town Records, 1771-1831
- Northumberland Vital Records 1870-1947
- Northwood Town Records, 1773-1865
- Nottingham Record of Intentions of Marriage, 1868-1937
- Nottingham Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths 1832-1900
- Nottingham Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1850-1937
- Nottingham Town Records, 1721-1839
- Nottingham Vital Records 1734-1877
- Orange Town Records, 1778-1848
- Orford Town Records, 1761-1832
- Ossipee Town Records, 1785-1827
- Ossipee Vital Records 1842-1947
- Pembroke Town and Vital Records 1809-1915
- Pembroke Town, Vital, Land and Property Records 1729-1874
- Peterborough Marriage Intention Certificates, 1854-1887
- Peterborough Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1753-1937
- Peterborough Town Records, 1760-1855
- Piermont Town Records, 1765-1825
- Pittsfield Town Records (and Vital Records),1782-1825
- Pittsfield Vital Records 1775-1915
- Plainfield Town Records, 1761-1851
- Plaistow Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1833-1864
- Plaistow Town Records, 1736-1843
- Plaistow Vital Records
- Polish American Marriage Database for New Hampshire
- Portsmouth Town Records, 1645-1857
- Portsmouth Wentworth Provincial Collection, Marriage Licenses and Marriages, 1742-1845
- Portsmouth, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1699-1742
- Portsmouth, Records of Births, Marriages and Deaths for 1700-1742, 1861-1919
- Raymond Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1795-1924
- Raymond Town Records, 1763-1802
- Richmond Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1750-1916
- Richmond Town Records, 1770-1852
- Rindge Town Records (1769-1867) and Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1769-1915
- Rindge Town Records, 1749-1852
- Rochester Proprietors Records 1722-1784, Town Records 1737-1798
- Rochester Records of Marriages and Deaths, V. 1, 1892-1902
- Rochester Records, Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1816-1947
- Rochester Rochester Town Book, 1737-1801
- Rockingham County Marriage Records
- Rockingham County, Marriage Indexes
- Rockingham County, Marriages
- Rollinsford Records, Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1848-1947
- Rumney Town Records, 1767-1848
- Rye Town Records, 1721-1829
- Salem Vital Records
- Salem Town Records, 1738-1827
- Salisbury Town Records and Marriages, Births, Burial Permits and Deaths, 1797-1915
- Salisbury Town Records, 1749-1845
- Salisbury, Town Records and Marriages, Births, Burial Permits and Deaths, 1797-1915
- Sanbornton Town Records, 1748-1824
- Sandown Town Records, 1759-1834
- Sandwich Vital Records (some Town Records) 1774-1947
- Sharon Town Records, 1775-1843
- Shelburne Vital Records, 1755-1947
- Somersworth Parish and Town Records, 1729-1829
- Somersworth Record of Births, Marriages, Licences, strays, etc., V. 3, 1760-1868
- Somersworth Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1837-1947
- South Hampton Town Records, 1742-1768
- South Hampton Vital Records 1737-1886
- South Hampton Vital Records 1743-1886
- South Hampton, Town Records with Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1738-1919
- Springfield Records of Births, Deaths, Marriages, Marks, etc., 1765-1880
- Springfield, Town Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, ca. 1794-1915
- St. Joseph, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1896-1976,
- Stark Vital Records 1795-1947
- Stewartstown Town Records, 1799-1815
- Stoddard Town Records, 1773-1850
- Stoddard, Records of Marriages, Births and Deaths, ca. 1775-1915
- Strafford County Marriage Records
- Strafford County Vital Records
- Strafford County, Marriage Indexes
- Strafford County, Marriages
- Strafford, Records, Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1823-1947
- Stratford, Vital Records, 1827-1947
- Stratham Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1850-1916
- Stratham Town Records, 1716-1846
- Sullivan County Marriage Records
- Sullivan County, Marriages
- Sullivan Town Records, 1787-1845
- Sunapee Town Records, 1778-1844
- Sunapee, Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1850-1915
- Surry Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1759-1915
- Surry Town Records, 1763-1827
- Sutton Town Records, 1784-1866
- Sutton, Records of Deaths and Marriages, 1895-1915
- Swanzey Town Records, 1734-1861
- Swanzey, Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, ca. 1741-1915
- Tamworth Record of Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1850-1893
- Tamworth Town Records, 1760-1918
- Tamworth Vital Records 1893-1947
- Thornton Town Records, 1781-1834
- Troy Town Records (ca. 1840) and Marriages, Births, and Deaths (1815-1925)
- Troy Town Records, 1815-1841
- Tuftonboro Town Records (and Others) 1796-1829
- Tuftonboro Vital Records 1850-1947 and Vital Statistics Card Index 1765-1895
- United States Marriages, 1733-1990
- United States, Freedmen’s Bureau Marriages, 1861-1872
- Unity Town Records, 1753-1848
- Wakefield Town Records, 1775-1821
- Wakefield Vital Records 1853-1947
- Walpole Town Records, 1798-1852
- Walpole, Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, ca. 1850-1913
- Warner Town Records, 1737-1852
- Warren Town Records, 1763-1876
- Washington Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1766-1915 and Indexes, 1760-1900
- Washington Town Records, 1777-1896
- Weare Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1775-1937
- Westmoreland Town Records and Marriages, Births, Deaths, 1700-1915 and Indexes, 1770-1900
- Westmoreland Town Records, 1752-1840
- Whitefield Records of Marriages, Births, Deaths 1775-1947
- Wilmot Town Records, Births and Marriages, 1801-1893
- Wilmot Town Records, 1801-1858
- Wilton Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1855-1921
- Wilton Records of Intentions of Marriage, 1860-1933
- Winchester Town Records, 1732-1849
- Winchester, Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1733-1892
- Windham Town Records, 1741-1845
- Windham Vital Records 1850-1937
- Windsor Town Records, 1797-1839
- Wolfeboro Town Records, 1770-1831
- Wolfeboro Vital Records 1851-1947
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!