(This page's most recent update is December 2024)
New Brunswick is one of the Canadian provinces that does not have a single central online repository for searching historical newspapers. However, there are several good-sized collections of historical newspapers. Also, there are quite a few free publications available on other sites and there are small collections available on subscription sites. Below is a list of where the titles are stored and the link so that you can access them.
So go for it – find your New Brunswick ancestors and all the interesting articles that capture the stories of their lives.
Please note that I have not always entered the dates that are included in the collections, as I suspect they will change as more items are digitized. Also, I suspect that some of these links may change over time – so if there is a dead link – please use your favorite search engine to find their new location.
Free Sites:
Provincewide Collections:
New Brunswick Irish Newspapers
- New Brunswick Courier
- New Brunswick Reporter and Fredericton Advertiser
- New Brunswick Standard
- St. John Liberator Irish Advocate
- The Freeman
- The Gleaner and Northumberland, Kent, Gloucester and Restigouche Commercial and Agricultural Journal
- The Herald
- The Morning Freeman
- The New Dominion and True Humorist
- The New Freeman
- The Saint John Gazette and the Weekly Advertiser
- The St. John Daily Sun
- The Standard or Frontier Agricultural and Commercial Gazette
- The True Humorist
- The True Liberator
- Times
Google News Archive
- Edmunston – Journal La Republique
- Edmunston – La Republique
- Edmunston – Le Madawaska
- Fredericton – The Capital
- Fredericton – The Fredericton Evening Capital
- Fredericton – The Fredericton Telegraph
- Fredericton – The Head Quarters
- Fredericton – Newbrunswick Reporter
- Miramichi – The Gleaner
- Miramichi – The Mercury
- Moncton – L’Acadien
- Moncton – L’Evangeline
- Moncton – La Voix d’Evangeline
- Moncton – Le Progres L’Evangeline
- Saint John – Christian Visitor
- Saint John – The Daily Evening Globe
- Saint John – The Morning Freeman
- Saint John – The Morning Telegraph
- Saint John – The New Dominion and True Humorist
- Saint John – The New Dominion True Humorist
- Saint John – Royal St. John’s Gazette
- Saint John – Saint John Daily Evening News
- Saint John – Saint John Daily News
- Saint John – Saint John Daily Sun
- Saint John – Saint John Gazette
- Saint John – Saint John Morning News
- Saint John – St. John Sun
- Saint John – St. John’s Gazette
- St. Andrews – St. Andrews Bay Pilot
UNB Libraries – New Brunswick Historical Newspapers Online
- Campbellton, The Restigouche Telephone
- Chatham, Colonial Times
- Chatham, Miramichi Advance
- Chatham, North Star
- Chatham, Temperance Friend
- Chatham, The Gleaner and Northumberland Schediasma
- Chatham, The Gleaner and Northumberland, Kent, Gloucester and Restigouche Schediasma
- Chatham, The Gleaner: and Northumberland, Kent and Gloucester Schediasma
- Chatham, The Gleaner: and Northumberland, Kent, Gloucester and Restigouche Commercial and Agricultural Journal
- Chatham, The Star (Chatham, New Brunswick: 1880)
- Dalhousie, Chaleur Zephyr
- Eel Ground, Eel Ground Times
- Fredericton, Butler’s Journal
- Fredericton, Capital (Fredericton, New Brunswick: 1897)
- Fredericton, Daily Mail (Fredericton, New Brunswick: 1910)
- Fredericton, Fredericton Globe
- Fredericton, Fredericton Telegraph
- Fredericton, Maritime Farmer (Fredericton, New Brunswick: 1879)
- Fredericton, Morning Star
- Fredericton, New Brunswick Reporter and Fredericton Advertiser
- Fredericton, New Brunswick Reporter and Temperance Journal (1888)
- Fredericton, Religious Intelligencer (Fredericton, New Brunswick: 1887)
- Fredericton, Temperance Journal (Fredericton, New Brunswick: 1885)
- Fredericton, The Agriculturalist
- Fredericton, The Amaranth (Fredericton, New Brunswick: 1850)
- Fredericton, The Chanticleer
- Fredericton, The Colonial Farmer
- Fredericton, The Daily Herald
- Fredericton, The Head Quarters
- Fredericton, The Liberal Review
- Fredericton, The Loyalist & Conservative (Fredericton, New Brunswick : 1846)
- Fredericton, The Loyalist, and Conservative Advocate (Fredericton, New Brunswick: 1843)
- Fredericton, The Reporter and Temperance Journal (1888)
- Fredericton, The Royal Gazette (Fredericton, New Brunswick: 1828)
- Fredericton, The Semi-Weekly Mail
- Fredericton, The Sentinel and New Brunswick General Advertiser
- Fredericton, The Star (Fredericton, New Brunswick: 1879)
- Fredericton, The Wanagan
- Fredericton, The Weekly Gleaner
- Fredericton, The Weekly Herald
- Fredericton, Watchman (Fredericton, New Brunswick: 1833)
- Gagetown, Queens County Gazette
- Glassville, Glassville News and Aberdeen and Kent Pioneer
- Glassville, The Glassville News
- Grand Falls (Grand Sault), Grand Falls Gazette
- Grand Falls (Grand Sault), Victoria County News (Grand Falls, New Brunswick: 1900)
- Hartland, Hartland Advertiser
- Hillsborough, Albert Star
- Hillsborough, Eastern Advocate
- Moncton, The Church Guardian
- Moncton, The Daily Leader
- Moncton, The Times (Moncton, New Brunswick: 1868)
- Moncton, The Weekly Times (Moncton, New Brunswick)
- Newcastle, Advocate Daily Bulletin
- Petitcodiac, The Pancuremata
- Richibucto, Review (Richibucto, New Brunswick)
- Saint Andrews, Charlotte Gazette
- Saint John, British Colonist and Mechanics’ And The Traders’ Advocate
- Saint John, Canadian Record
- Saint John, Christian Visitor
- Saint John, City Gazette
- Saint John, Colonial Empire
- Saint John, Evening Times
- Saint John, Fraternal Echo
- Saint John, Herald (Saint John, New Brunswick: 1838)
- Saint John, Liberal Notes
- Saint John, Presbyterian Advocate
- Saint John, Progress (Saint John, New Brunswick: 1888)
- Saint John, Quip
- Saint John, Railway News
- Saint John, Religious Intelligencer (Saint John, New Brunswick: 1853)
- Saint John, Religious Intelligencer (Saint John, New Brunswick: 1902)
- Saint John, Saint John Globe
- Saint John, Saint John Weekly Globe (1860)
- Saint John, St. John Centennial Advertiser
- Saint John, St. John Morning News and General Advertising Newspaper (1841)
- Saint John, St. John Semi Weekly Sun
- Saint John, Temperance Telegraph (Saint John, New Brunswick: 1844)
- Saint John, The Cartoon
- Saint John, The Daily Journal
- Saint John, The King’s Highway (Saint John, New Brunswick: 1890)
- Saint John, The Liberal News (Saint John, New Brunswick: 1904)
- Saint John, The Loyalist and Conservative (Saint John, New Brunswick : 1846)
- Saint John, The Maritime Broadcaster
- Saint John, The New Brunswick Chronicle
- Saint John, The New Brunswick Courier
- Saint John, The Penny Dip
- Saint John, The Polymorphian
- Saint John, The Saint John Gazette and General Advertiser (1799)
- Saint John, The Saint John Mirror
- Saint John, The Secret
- Saint John, The Semi-Weekly Telegraph and The News (1910)
- Saint John, The St. John Evening Times
- Saint John, The Star (Saint John, New Brunswick: 1819)
- Saint John, The Times; or True Briton (Saint John, New Brunswick: 1808)
- Saint John, The West-Side Review
- Saint John, Weekly Chronicle (Saint John, New Brunswick : 1836)
- Saint John, Weekly Telegraph (1862)
- Saint John, Wilson’s Monthly Mercury
- St. Stephen, The Colonial Presbyterian and Protestant Journal
- Woodstock, Dispatch
- Woodstock, Telegraph and New Brunswick General Register (Woodstock, New Brunswick: 1840)
- Woodstock, The King’s Highway (Woodstock, New Brunswick: 1897)
- Woodstock, Woodstock Journal
- Woodstock, Woodstock Weekly Clipper
Daniel F Johnson’s New Brunswick Newspaper Vital Statistics
Student Collections:
University of New Brunswick – Fredericton
Mount Allison University – Sackville
Saint John High School – Saint John
St. Thomas University – Fredericton
Miscellaneous Collections and Indexes:
- Campbellton, Events
- Campbellton, The Campbellton Graphic
- Chatham, Miramichi advance
- Chatham, St. Lawrence advance
- Chatham, The Star
- Edmunston, Le Madawaska
- Fredericton, Colonial Farmer
- Fredericton, Fredericton Globe
- Fredericton, The Agriculturist
- Fredericton, The Daily Gleaner
- Fredericton, The Gleaner
- Fredericton, The Gleaner
- Fredericton, The Gleaner
- Fredericton, The Herald
- Fredericton, The Maritime Farmer
- Fredericton, The Morning star
- Fredericton, The Star
- Fredericton, The Weekly herald
- Fredericton, The York gleaner
- Gagetown, Queen’s County gazette
- Glassville, The Glassville news, and Aberdeen and Kent, Pioneer
- Hartland, Hartland advertiser
- Hartland, The Carleton Observer
- Hartland, The Observer
- Harvey, The Weekly Observer
- Hillsborough, The Albert star
- Millerton, Miramichi news
- Newcastle, The Newcastle union advocate
- Newcastle, The Pleader
- Newcastle, The Union Advocate
- Newcastle, The Union advocate.
- Sackville, Chignecto Post
- Sackville, Chignecto Post
- Sackville, Chignecto Post and Borderer
- Saint Andrews, St. Andrews Beacon
- Saint Andrews, The St. Andrews Standard
- Saint Andrews, The Standard, or, Railway and commercial record
- Saint John, Colonial empire
- Saint John, Colonial empire
- Saint John, Colonial empire
- Saint John, Messenger and Visitor
- Saint John, Saint John observer
- Saint John, Saint John observer, and general advertiser
- Saint John, St. John chronicle
- Saint John, St. John chronicle and colonial conservative
- Saint John, The Christian watchman
- Saint John, The Daily tribune
- Saint John, The Evening despatch
- Saint John, The Evening gazette
- Saint John, The Morning Freeman.
- Saint John, The Saint John Monitor
- Saint John, The Saturday gazette
- Saint John, The St. John Weekly Freeman
- Saint John, The Standard
- Saint John, The Star
- Saint John, The Star, and New Brunswick literary, political and commercial intelligencer
- Saint John, The Watchman
- Saint John, The Weekly chronicle
- Saint John, The Weekly chronicle
- Saint John, The Weekly observer
- Saint John, The Weekly tribune
- St. Andrews, St. Andrews standard, New-Brunswick
- St. Andrews, The New-Brunswick standard and St. Andrews’ commercial gazette
- St. Andrews, The Standard
- St. Andrews, The Standard, New-Brunswick
- St. Andrews, The Standard, or, Frontier agricultural and commercial gazette
- St. Andrews, The Standard, or, Frontier gazette
- St. George, The Granite town greetings
- St. John, Progress
- St. John, St. John semi-weekly sun
- St. John, St. John star
- St. John, The Evening times
- St. John, The Evening times star
- St. John, The Herald
- St. John, The Saint John standard
- St. John, The Semi-weekly telegraph
- St. John, The Semi-weekly telegraph and The News
- St. John, The St. John evening times
- St. John, The St. John weekly sun
- St. John, The Star
- St. John, The Weekly sun
- Woodstock, Woodstock journal
Subscription or Pay Sites:
There is currently 2 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Ancestry – New Brunswick Newspapers
Newspaper Archive:
There are currently 3 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspaper Archive – New Brunswick
There are currently 18 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspapers.com – New Brunswick
Paper of Record:
There are currently 5 publications available on this site. See the titles at Paper of Record – New Brunswick
And Finally:
You might want to check out the New Brunswick Newspaper Directory from the Provincial Archives site from time to time to see what is available online or otherwise. They have a very nice search engine that displays where each newspaper is held within the province and in what format.
Please note – even more may be available via a local or provincial library where a library card is required. And of course, there is always microfilm for those that have not been made available online as yet.
For more links for different states, provinces, and countries – please see the Newspaper Links page on this website.
For all Free New Brunswick Links, click on the category of interest:
BMD Records
3 replies on “New Brunswick Online Historical Newspapers Summary”
Looking for 1797 issue of The Union Advocate, published in Newcastle, NB. A copy was found (used fro wallpaper) lining the wall inside a kitchen cabinet in The Aaron Hovey house in Ludlow, NB. Sadly it disappeared.
Daniel F Johnson’s New Brunswick Newspaper Vital Statistics.. did they add more after 1895 BMD?
It looks like 1896 is the last year.