(This page's most recent update is September 2024)
Wyoming is one of the states that have a single central online state repository for searching historical newspapers. Several states use the Library of Congress Chronicling America site as their main central online site for searching old newspapers, and Wyoming has recently joined the site. There are additional free online newspapers available on other sites and there are collections available on subscription sites. Below is a list of where the titles are stored and the link so that you can access them.
There are over 500 newspapers that have been published in the Equality State – certainly not all of them are searchable online. But the majority are indeed available. So go for it – find your Wyoming ancestors and all the interesting articles that capture the stories of their lives.
Please note that I have not always entered the dates that are included in the collections, as I suspect they will change as more items are digitized. Also, I suspect that some of these links may change over time – so if there is a dead link – please use your favorite search engine to find their new location.
(Recently added links are in BOLD)
Wyoming Historical Newspapers
Free Sites:
Statewide Collections:
Chronicling America – Wyoming Newspapers
The Links for Chronicling America go to the new Version 2.0
- Bill Barlow’s Budget (Douglas, Converse County, Wyo.) 1886-1914
- Bill Barlow’s Budget and Converse County Review (Douglas, Converse County, Wyo.) 1914-1914
- Casper Daily Tribune (Casper, Wyo.) 1916-1931
- Hāto Maunten Senchineru : Japanese Edition of Heart Mountain Sentinel (Heart Mountain, Wyo.) 1942-1945
- Heart Mountain Sentinel (Cody, Wyoming) 1942-1945
- Northern Wyoming Herald and Garland Irrigation Era (Cody, Wyo.) 19??-1916
- Park County Herald (Cody, Wyo.) 1924-1926
- Platte Valley Lyre (Saratoga, Wyo.) 1888-1901
- Rawlins Republican (Rawlins, Wyo.) 1901-1935
- Rawlins Semi-Weekly Republican (Rawlins, Carbon County, Wyo.) 1898-1901
- The Arapahoe Agency Courier (Arapahoe Agency, Wyo.) 1???-1???
- The Big Horn Sentinel (Big Horn, Wyo.) 1884-1889
- The Buffalo Bulletin (Buffalo, Johnson County, Wyo.; Buffalo, Wy) 1890-Current
- The Buffalo Echo (Buffalo, Johnson County, Wyo.) 1883-1892
- The Buffalo Voice (Buffalo, Johnson County [Wyo.]) 1897-1925
- The Cheyenne Daily Leader (Cheyenne, Wyo.) 1870-1884
- The Cheyenne Daily Leader (Cheyenne, Wyo.) 1887-1895
- The Cheyenne Leader (Cheyenne, D.T. [i.e. Wyo.]) 1867-1870
- The Cody Enterprise (Cody, Big Horn County, Wyo.) 1???-1910
- The Cody Enterprise (Cody, Wyo.) 1923-1926
- The Cody Enterprise and the Park County Enterprise (Cody, Wyo.) 1921-1923
- The Cody Enterprise and the Park County Herald (Cody, Wyo.) 1926-1927
- The Crook County Monitor (Sundance, Wyo.) 1885-1924
- The Democratic Leader (Cheyenne, Wyo.) 1884-1887
- The Enterprise (Sheridan, Johnson County, Wyo.) 1887-1907
- The Frontier Index (Kearney [i.e. Fort Kearny], Neb.) 1867-18??
- The Kemmerer Republican (Kemmerer, Wyo.) 1913-1924
- The Laramie Republican (Laramie, Wyo.) 18??-1915
- The Laramie Republican (Laramie, Wyo.) 18??-1923
- The Laramie Republican (Laramie, Wyo.) 1908-1923
- The Lusk Herald (Lusk, Wyo.) 1907-1917
- The Northern Wyoming Herald (Cody, Wyo.) 1916-1924
- The People’s Voice (Buffalo, Johnson County, Wyo.) 1892-1897
- The Rawlins Republican (Rawlins, Carbon County, Wyo.) 1889-1897
- The Rowdy West (Ft. Fetterman, Wyo.) 1886-1887
- The Saratoga Sun (Saratoga, Carbon County, Wyo.) 1891-Current
- The South Pass News (South Pass City, Wyo.) 1869-1871
- The Wheatland World (Wheatland, Laramie County, Wyo.) 1894-1921
- The Wyoming Tribune (Cheyenne, Wyo.) 1869-1918
- Torrington Telegram (Torrington, Laramie County, Wyo.) 1907-1925
- Wyoming State Tribune (Cheyenne, Wyo.) 1918-1921
- Wyoming Weekly Republican (Sundance, Crook County, Wyo.) 1889-1892
Google News Archive
- Basin – Basin Republican Rustler
- Greybull – Greybull Standard
- Hulett – The Crook County News
- Lovell – The Lovell Chronicle
- Newcastle – News Letter Journal
- Sundance – The Sundance Times
- Upton – Weston County Gazette
- Wright – High Plains Sentinel
Wyoming Digital Newspaper Collection
- Basin Republican
- Battle Lake Miner
- Bessemer Wyoming Journal
- Best Scene
- Big Horn County News
- Big Horn River Pilot
- Big Piney Examiner
- Bill Barlow’s Budget
- Board Of Trade Journal
- Bridger Valley Enterprise (Bridger Valley)
- Bridger Valley Enterprise (Lyman)
- Bridger Valley Pioneer
- Buffalo Voice
- Campbell County Record
- Capitol Ave Theater
- Carbon County Journal
- Carbon County News
- Carpenter News
- Casper Independent
- Casper Morning Star
- Casper Star-Tribune
- Casper Tribune
- Casper Weekly Mail
- Central Wyoming News
- Cheyenne Cosmopolitan
- Cheyenne Daily Leader
- Cheyenne Daily Tribune
- Cheyenne Illustrated
- Cheyenne State Leader
- Cheyenne Weekly Leader
- Cheyenne Weekly Sun
- Cheyenne Weekly Sun-Leader
- Converse County Herald
- Converse County Review
- Copper Mountain Miner
- Cora Sentinel
- Daily Bulletin
- Daily Rocky Mountain Star
- Daily Sun Leader
- Daily Wyoming State Tribune
- Deaver Sentinel
- Der Zaungast
- Dillon Double Jack
- Douglas Advertiser
- Douglas Enterprise
- Douglas Offene Worte
- Ekkhehard
- Evans Drug News
- Evanston Post
- Evanston Register
- Fort D .A. Russell News
- Fort Laramie Signal And Jayem News
- Fort Warren Sentinel
- Gillette Saturday Shopper
- Glen Rock Graphic
- Glendo Pioneer
- Glenrock Derrick
- Glenrock Gazette
- Glenrock Independent
- Glenrock Review
- Golden Prairie Herald
- Goshen County Journal
- Grand Encampment Herald
- Grassroots Advocate
- Green River Advertiser
- Greybull Standard
- Greybull Tribune
- Heart Mountain Sentinel
- Hillsdale Review
- Hotsprings County News
- Hotsprings Review
- Il Grido Del Popolo
- Indian Progress
- Inter Mountain Globe
- J-a-b-s
- Jackson Hole Guide
- Jackson Hole News
- Jackson Hole News and Guide
- Jacksons Hole Courier
- Keeline Courier
- Lager-Magazin
- Lander Clipper, Wyoming State Journal
- Lander Eagle and Riverton Chronicle
- Lander Eagle and Riverton News
- Lander Evening Post
- Lander Journal
- Lander Wyoming State Journal
- Laramie Boomerang (Semi-Weeklyed.)
- Laramie Daily Sentinel
- Laramie Daily Sun
- Laramie Semi-Weekly Boomerang
- Laramie Sentinel
- Laramie Weekly Sentinel
- Laramie Weekly Sun
- Lightning Flat Flash
- Lost Spring Times
- Lusk Freelance
- Mid-West Industrial Journal
- Moorcroft Democrat
- Moorcroft Leader
- Moorcroft Times
- Natrona County Tribune
- Niobrara County News
- North Western Livestock Journal
- Northern Wyoming Stinger
- Osage Driller And Dry Farmer
- Park County Enterprise
- Platte Valley Lyre
- Rawlins Daily Journal
- Rawlins Daily Reminder
- Rawlins Journal
- Rawlins Semi-Weekly Republican
- Riverside Record
- Rock River Review
- Rock Springs Exposure
- Rock Springs Independent
- Rock Springs Miner
- Rock Springs Rocket
- Rocky Mountain Courier
- Saratoga Record
- Saturday Boomerang
- Shawnee Record
- Sheridan Daily Enterprise
- Sheridan Daily Journal
- Sheridan Journal
- Sheridan Post-Enterprise
- Shoshone Valley News
- Shoshoni Pioneer and The Riverton Chronicle
- Smoke Signals
- Snake River Sentinel
- Star Valley Independent
- Star Valley Pioneer
- Stockade
- Stockgrower And Farmer
- Summer Sun
- Sun-Leader
- Sweetwater Gazette
- The Apex
- The Arapahoe Agency Courier
- The Basin City Herald
- The Beulah Globe News
- The Big Horn Banner
- The Big Horn County Rustler
- The Big Horn Hot Springs Health Reporter
- The Big Horn Sentinel (Big Horn)
- The Big Horn Sentinel (Buffalo)
- The Black Diamond
- The Boomerang
- The Branding Iron
- The Buffalo Bulletin
- The Buffalo Echo
- The Buffalo News
- The Burlington Post
- The Burns Herald
- The Carpenter Record
- The Casper Daily Press
- The Casper Daily Tribune
- The Casper Herald
- The Casper Junior College Chinook
- The Casper Press
- The Casper Record
- The Casper Tribune Herald
- The Casper Weekly Press
- The Centennial Post
- The Cheyenne Board Of Trade
- The Cheyenne Citizen
- The Cheyenne Daily Argus
- The Cheyenne Daily News
- The Cheyenne Daily Sun
- The Cheyenne Daily Sun-Leader
- The Cheyenne Leader
- The Cheyenne Review
- The Chugwater Journal
- The Chugwater News
- The Chugwater Record
- The Clipper
- The Club Bulletin
- The Cody Enterprise
- The Cody Enterprise And The Park County Herald, The Park County Herald
- The Cody Times
- The Cokeville Register
- The Colony Coyote
- The Converse County Press
- The Cowley Progress
- The Cowley Weekly Progress
- The Crook County Monitor
- The Daily Advertiser
- The Daily Boomerang
- The Daily Enterprise
- The Daily Independent
- The Democratic Leader (Dailyed.)
- The Democratic Leader (Dailyed.) — Democratic Leader (Weeklyed.)
- The Democratic Leader (Weeklyed.)
- The Double Jack
- The Douglas Budget
- The Dwyer Herald
- The Elite
- The Encampment Echo
- The Encampment Record
- The Encampment Valley Roundup
- The Enterprise
- The Evanston Age
- The Evanston Register
- The Fremont Clipper
- The Frontier Index (Bear River City)
- The Frontier Index (Green River)
- The Frontier Index (Laramie/Fort Sanders)
- The Garland Guard
- The Gillette News
- The Glendo Star
- The Graphic
- The Green River Star
- The Green River Sun
- The Greybull Standard and Tribune
- The Guernsey Gazette
- The Guernsey Iron Gazette
- The Hartville Uplift
- The Holiday Elite
- The Homesteader
- The Homesteaders Monthly Coyote
- The Homesteaders Weekly Coyote
- The Hornet
- The Hudson Journal
- The Indian Guide
- The Indian Paint Brush
- The Iron Gazette
- The Jireh Record
- The Jireh Tribune
- The Johnson County Republican
- The Kaycee Homesteader
- The Kaycee Independent
- The Kaycee Optimist
- The Kemmerer Camera
- The Kemmerer Republican
- The Knapsack
- The Labor News
- The Laborette
- The Lander Clipper
- The Lander Eagle
- The Laramie Boomerang
- The Laramie Call
- The Laramie County Times
- The Laramie Daily Boomerang
- The Laramie Daily Bulletin
- The Laramie Daily Times
- The Laramie Republican
- The Laramie Republican (Semi-Weekly)
- The Laramie Republican (Weeklyed.)
- The Laramie Republican and Boomerang
- The Laramie Republican and the Laramie Boomerang
- The ‘Leven O’Clock Roast
- The Lewiston Gold Miner
- The Lingle Herald
- The Lovell Chronicle
- The Lusk Herald
- The Lusk Standard
- The Magic City Record
- The Manville News
- The Medicine Bow Times
- The Meeteetse News
- The Miner
- The Natrona Tribune
- The New Approach
- The Newcastle Democrat
- The Newcastle Journal
- The Newcastle News
- The Newcastle News-Journal
- The Newcastle Times
- The News
- The News Letter
- The News Record
- The News-Journal
- The News-Register
- The Northern Wyoming Daily News
- The Northern Wyoming Herald
- The Oil Field Review
- The Otto Courier
- The Peoples Voice
- The Pine Bluffs Echo
- The Pine Bluffs Post
- The Pinedale Roundup
- The Powell Leader
- The Powell Tribune
- The Ranger
- The Rawlins Daily Times
- The Rawlins Republican
- The Republican
- The Republican Bulletin
- The Riverton Chronicle
- The Riverton News
- The Riverton Ranger
- The Riverton Republican
- The Riverton Review
- The Riverton Review and the Riverton Chronicle
- The Riverton Review and the Riverton Republican
- The Riverton Times
- The Rock Springs Adviser-News
- The Rowdy West
- The Salt Creek Gusher
- The Salt Creek Journal
- The Saratoga Sun
- The Semi-Weekly Boomerang
- The Semi-Weekly Enterprise
- The Sheridan Enterprise
- The Sheridan Post
- The Sheridan Press
- The Shoshoni Capital
- The Shoshoni Capital Gazette
- The Shoshoni Enterprise
- The Skydozer
- The Slipstream
- The South Pass News
- The Sun Annual
- The Sundance Gazette
- The Sundance Reform
- The Sweetwater Mines (Bryan)
- The Sweetwater Mines (Fremont, Sweetwater Mines)
- The Sweetwater Mines (Uinta, Sweetwater Mines)
- The Times
- The Treagle
- The Tri-Weeklynews
- The Uintah Chieftain
- The Upton Newsletter
- The Van Tassell Booster
- The Van Tassell Pioneer
- The Warren Mustang
- The Weekly Boomerang
- The Weekly Rocky Mountain Star
- The Weekly Sun-Leader
- The Weston County Democrat
- The Wheatland Times
- The Wheatland World
- The Worland Grit
- The Wyoming Alumnus
- The Wyoming Blade
- The Wyoming Buffalo
- The Wyoming Commonwealth
- The Wyoming Daily Press
- The Wyoming Democrat
- The Wyoming Dispatch
- The Wyoming Eagle
- The Wyoming Farm Bulletin
- The Wyoming Farmer
- The Wyoming Guardsman
- The Wyoming Industrial Journal
- The Wyoming Jaycee
- The Wyoming Labor Journal
- The Wyoming Liberty Bell
- The Wyoming Oil World
- The Wyoming Press
- The Wyoming Star
- The Wyoming State Journal (Lander)
- The Wyoming State Journal (Laramie)
- The Wyoming State Journal And Lander Clipper
- The Wyoming Stockgrower And Farmer
- The Wyoming Student
- The Wyoming Times
- The Wyoming Tribune Eagle
- The Wyoming Weekly Leader
- Thermopolis Independent
- Thermopolis Independent Record
- Thermopolis Record
- Torrington Telegram
- Trailblazer
- Tribune Stockman Farmer
- Uinta Chieftain
- Uinta County Pioneer
- Unknown
- Vita Nuova
- Washakie Signal Fire
- Weston County Gazette
- Weston County Leader
- Wheatland Daily World
- Wind River Mountaineer
- Wind River News
- Wingspan
- Wyoming And Its Future
- Wyoming Business Review
- Wyoming Daily Morning News
- Wyoming Democrat
- Wyoming Derrick
- Wyoming GOP Trunkline
- Wyoming Illustrated Monthly
- Wyoming Monthly Souvenir
- Wyoming Observer
- Wyoming Pen
- Wyoming Publicity Edition
- Wyoming Reporter
- Wyoming Republican
- Wyoming Semaphore
- Wyoming Semi-Weekly Tribune
- Wyoming State Honor Farm Newsletter
- Wyoming State Ledger
- Wyoming State Tribune
- Wyoming State Tribune, Cheyenne State Leader
- Wyoming State Tribune, Cheyenne State Leader, Cheyenne Daily Sun
- Wyoming Stockman-Farmer
- Wyoming Trails
- Wyoming Tribune (Cheyenne)
- Wyoming Tribune (Rawlins)
- Wyoming Tribune-Eagle, Sunday Wyoming Tribune-Eagle
- Wyoming Weekly Republican
Student Collections:
Casper College – Casper
Central Wyoming College – Riverton
Eastern Wyoming College – Torrington
Laramie County Community College – Cheyenne
Northwest College – Powell
Sheridan College – Sheridan
University of Wyoming – Laramie
Western Wyoming Community College – Rock Springs
Miscellaneous Collections and Indexes:
Cheyenne Genealogical and Historical Society Newspaper Index 1956-2017
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Newspapers 1933-1942
- Alpine – Seven-Thirty Brevier (Company 730)
- Basin – Big Horn Bleats (Company 2554)
- Basin – Big Horn Bleats (Company 3847)
- Casper – Casper Camp Chronicle (Company 1807)
- Casper – Casper Mountain Blast (Company 1807)
- Deaver – The Boreas (Company 2133)
- Deaver – The Eastern Gazette (Company 2133)
- Guernsey – Dam Site Bugle (Company 844)
- Laramie – Chimney Park Beacon (Company 832)
- Laramie – Chimney Park Light (Company 832)
- Laramie – Smoke From The C.C.C. Chimney (Company 832)
- Powell – New England Traveler (Company 2132)
- Powell – Wyo-Mass Message (Company 2132)
- Ranchester – Notes From The Big Horn (Company 853)
- Ranchester – Ripples From Tongue River (Company 853)
- Ranchester – Turkey Creek Gobbler (Company 853)
- Ranchester – Turkey Creek Gobbles (Company 853)
- Saratoga – Saratoga Gale (Company 1807)
- Veteran – Prairie Schooner (Company 844)
- Yellowstone National Park – Western Air (Company 544)
American Prison Newspapers, 1800-2020
- Basin Republican Rustler Basin, Wyoming
- Greybull Standard Greybull, Wyoming
- High Plains Sentinel Wright, Wyoming
- The Lovell Chronicle Lovell, Wyoming
- News Letter Journal Newcastle, Wyoming
- The Sundance Times Sundance, Wyoming
- Weston County Gazette Upton, Wyoming
- Crook County Monitor — Sundance
- Crook County News — Sundance
For Obituary Indexes, transcriptions, and other death/obituary information from historical newspapers, please check out the Obituaries page.
Other Free Sites:
Heart Mountain
- Heart Mountain Sentinel
- Heart Mountain Sentinel 1942 to 1945
- Hāto Maunten senchineru : Japanese edition of Heart Mountain sentinel.
Rock Springs
Subscription or Pay Sites:
There are currently 24 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Ancestry – Wyoming Newspapers
Genealogy Bank:
There are currently 59 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Genealogy Bank – Wyoming Newspapers
Newspaper Archive:
There are currently 116 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspaper Archive – Wyoming
There are currently 23 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspapers.com – Wyoming.
And Finally:
You also need to visit the Wyoming Newspaper Project site from time to time, which can tell you what is occurring in the state with regard to online newspaper availability.
Please note – even more may be available via a local or state library where a library card is required. And of course, there is always microfilm for those that have not been made available online as yet.
For more links for different states, provinces, and countries – please see the Newspaper Links page on this website.
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!