570 Free Online Naturalization Collections from the Mid Atlantic States

The Ancestor Hunt regularly adds and updates new collection links, as well as searches for and fixes broken links.
(This page's most recent update is January 2025)

Do you research naturalization records? No? Why not? Does going through paper files in dusty court basements turn you off?  Well – I’m here to tell you that it is worth it – and with recent digitization efforts – more and more original documents have been scanned and made available via microfilm or online. 

Some of the larger subscription sites have also made some source documents and index cards available that can lead you to the court that handled the proceedings.

If you wish to get educated first about all of these documents and the naturalization process and how it has changed over time – please read these terrific summaries:

Okay – now that you are educated and know that post-1906 there are 4 awesome documents that just drip with great information: Declaration of Intent, Petition for Citizenship or Naturalization, Certificate of Arrival, and the Certificate of Naturalization. Many of the online genealogy websites may not have all of these documents available but do have searchable index cards – which have information regarding the court handling the proceedings. With this information, you might be able to track down some of the source documents.

Below is a list of links for each of the Mid Atlantic states’ collections:

​​Good Luck and Happy Hunting!

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