(This page's most recent update is November 2024)
Alberta is one of the Canadian provinces that has several central online repositories for searching historical newspapers. Also, there are a few free publications available on other sites and there are collections available on subscription sites. Below is a list of where the titles are stored and the link so that you can access them.
So go for it – find your Alberta ancestors and all the interesting articles that capture the stories of their lives.
Please note that I have not always entered the dates that are included in the collections, as I suspect they will change as more items are digitized. Also, I suspect that some of these links may change over time – so if there is a dead link – please use your favorite search engine to find their new location.
Free Sites:
Provincewide Collections:
Peel’s Prairie Provinces: Newspapers 1871-2013
- Bassano mail
- Bassano news
- Bassano recorder
- Bow Island review
- Bow Valley resource
- Bowden news
- Carbon chronicle
- Carbon news
- Carlstadt news
- Carlstadt progress
- Chauvin chronicle
- Chinook advance
- Claresholm review
- Claresholm review-advertiser
- Coleman miner
- Coleman miner
- Coleman miner and Carbondale advocate
- Crossfield chronicle
- Didsbury pioneer
- Empress express
- Étoile de St. Albert
- Folio
- Gleichen call
- Gleichen call
- Gleichen newspaper
- Irma times
- La survivance
- Le courrier de l’Ouest
- Le franco
- Le franco-albertain
- Le progrès
- Lomond press
- Lomond press
- L’union
- News
- Oyen news
- Poundmaker
- Raymond recorder
- Raymond recorder
- Raymond-Magrath recorder
- Red Deer news
- Redcliff review
- Rural weekly news and Rube’s farm fun
- Saturday news
- Scandinavian Centre news
- St. Albert & Sturgeon gazette
- St. Albert gazette
- St. Albert gazette
- Stony Plain sun
- Strathmore standard
- Taber free press
- The advertiser and central Alberta news
- The Alberta non-partisan
- The Alderson news
- The Bassano herald
- The Bassano news
- The Beiseker times
- The Bellevue times
- The Bellevue times and Frank vindicator
- The Blairmore enterprise
- The Blairmore enterprise and Frank vindicator
- The Blairmore graphic
- The Bow Valley call
- The bulletin
- The buzzer
- The Calgary eye opener
- The Calgary weekly herald
- The Carbon chronicle
- The Cayley hustler
- The Champion chronicle
- The chronicle
- The chronicle of Champion
- The Claresholm advertiser
- The Coleman bulletin
- The Coleman journal
- The Coleman journal
- The Coleman journal and Crows Nest Pass advertiser
- The Cowley chronicle and Lundbreck advertiser
- The Crossfield chronicle
- The Didsbury review
- The Edmonton capital
- The Edmonton Saturday mirror
- The evening chronicle
- The eye opener
- The Frank paper
- The Frank vindicator
- The Frank vindicator and Blairmore advertiser
- The gateway
- The gazette
- The gazette
- The Lacombe advertiser and central Alberta news
- The Lacombe globe
- The Lacombe guardian
- The Macleod chronicle
- The Macleod times
- The Macleod times and Macleod weekly news
- The mirror
- The mirror journal
- The mirror mail
- The Monitor news
- The Munson mail
- The new Raymond recorder
- The northern tribune
- The people’s weekly
- The Ponoka herald
- The Raymond leader
- The Raymond recorder
- The Raymond rustler
- The rebel
- The reflector
- The star-chronicle
- The Strathcona chronicle
- The Strathmore & Bow Valley standard
- The Strathmore and Bow Valley standard
- The Trochu times
- The U.F.A.
- The Wainwright star
- The Wainwright star-chronicle
- The weekly chronicle
- The western farm leader
- The Western mirror
- The Wetaskiwin times
- Vermilion signal
- Vulcan advocate
- Vulcan review
- Wainwright record
- Western globe
Southern Alberta Newspaper Collection 1898 – 1991
- Alberta Star [1902-1907]
- Barons Enterprise [1911-1912]
- Barons Globe [1920-1921]
- Cardston News [1925-1958]
- Cardston Record [1898-1899]
- Coaldale Flyer [1958-1959]
- Glacier Times [1980-1982]
- Granum Advertiser [1920-1921]
- Granum Herald [1918-1919]
- Granum News [1911-1912 & 1917-1918]
- Granum Press [1909-1910]
- Granum Times [1908 & 1928-1930]
- Hanna Herald [1912-1965]
- Kainai News [1968-1991]
- Lethbridge News [1885-1906]
- Lethbridge Telegram [1914-1919]
- Macleod Advertiser [1908-1913]
- Macleod Chronicle [1908-1909]
- Macleod Gazette [1897-1907]
- Macleod News [1916-1919]
- Macleod Spectator [1912-1916]
- Magrath Pioneer [1907-1914]
- Milk River Review [1948-1958 & 1961]
- Mountain Standard Times [1985]
- Nanton News [1903-1971]
- Sun Dance Echo [1964-1966]
- Sunny South News [1959-1974]
- Taber Free Press [1907-1910]
- Taber Times [1911-1971]
- The Boundary [2000-2011]
- Waterton Centennial Chronicles [1995]
- Waterton Glacier Guide [1986-2014]
- Waterton Glacier Times [1983-1986]
- Waterton Times [1979]
- Waterton-Glacier Views [1992-1999]
- Calgary Albertan
- Calgary Eye Opener
- Calgary Herald
- Calgary Tribune
- Camrose Canadian
- Cardston News
- Carstairs Journal
- Claresholm
- Crag and Canyon [Banff]
- Daily Bulletin [Edmonton]
- Delburne
- Didsbury Pioneer
- Donalda Free Lance
- Drumheller Review
- Edmonton Bulletin
- Edmonton Journal
- Elnora Advance
- Empress Express
- Fairview Post
- Frontier Signal [Grande Prairie]…
- Gadsby Observer
- Gazette [Olds]
- Guide [Rocky Mountain House]…
- Herald Tribune [Grande Prairie]…
- High River Times
- Independent Reformer [St….
- Innisfail Free Lance
- Lethbridge Daily Herald
- Lloydminster Times
- Macleod Gazette
- Medicine Hat News
- Nanton News
- Pincher Creek Echo
- Plaindealer [Drumheller]
- Plaindealer [Stathcona]
- Plaindealer [Youngstown]
- Ponoka Herald
- Red Deer Advocate
- Rockyford Reporter
- Ryley Times
- Sedgewick Sentinel
- Sexsmith Sentinel Papers
- Stavely Advertiser
- Strathmore and Bow Valley…
- Sylvan Lake News
- Vegreville Observer
- Banff Hot Springs, Crag and canyon
- Calgary, Calgary real estate and live stock bulletin
- Calgary, The prairie illustrated
- Calgary, The Morning Albertan
- Calgary, The Nor’-wester
- Calgary, The Calgary weekly herald
- Calgary, The Weekly Herald
- Calgary, The Alberta farmer and Calgary weekly herald
- Calgary, Calgary Sunday standard
- Calgary, Calgary Western Standard
- Calgary, Canadian western standard
- Calgary, The sower in the West
- Calgary, Calgary standard
- Calgary, The Provincial Standard
- Calgary, Western standard
- Cardston, The Cardston Record
- Cardston, The Alberta Star
- Cardston, The Cardston Globe
- Cardston, Cardston Review
- Edmonton, Progrès albertain
- Edmonton, Le canadien-français.
- Edmonton, Novyny = News
- Edmonton, Edmonton free press
- Edmonton, Edmonton Bulletin
- Innisfail, The Calgary diocesan magazine
- Lac Ste. Anne, Ayamiaywatikom mawnitosaykaekan =
- Lac Ste. Anne, La croix =
- Medicine Hat, The Times
- Morinville, Le Progrès
- Sacred Heart, Kitchitwa miteh atchimomasinahiganisa.
Google News Archive
- Calgary Daily Herald
- Calgary Herald
- Calgary Weekly Herald
- Daily Herald
- Weekend Herald
- Edmonton Journal
- Edmonton Journal Edmonton Bulletin
- Lethbridge News
- Semi-Weekly News
- Special Grand Prairie Newspaper Indexes
- Clairmont Independent, 1918
- Clairmont Independent Index
- Lake Saskatoon Journal, 1917
- Lake Saskatoon Journal, 1918
- Lake Saskatoon Journal Index
- Spirit River Echo, 1920-1921
- Spirit River Echo Index
Southern Alberta Community News Collection
Student Collections:
Athabasca University – Athabasca
Lethbridge College – Lethbridge
Mount Royal University – Calgary
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology – Edmonton
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology – Calgary
University of Alberta, Augustana – Camrose
University of Alberta – Edmonton
University of Calgary – Calgary
University of Lethbridge – Lethbridge
For Obituary Indexes, transcriptions, and other death/obituary information from historical newspapers, please check out the Obituaries page.
Other Free Sites:
Subscription or Pay Sites:
There are currently 5 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Ancestry – Alberta Newspapers
Newspaper Archive:
There are currently 25 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspaper Archive – Alberta
There are currently 152 publications on this site. See all the titles at Newspapers dot com – Alberta
Paper of Record:
There are currently 3 publications available on this site. See the titles at Paper of Record – Alberta
And Finally:
Please note – even more may be available via a local or provincial library where a library card is required. And of course, there is always microfilm for those that have not been made available online as yet.
For more links for different states, provinces, and countries – please see the Newspaper Links page on this website.
For all Free Alberta Links, click on the category of interest:
BMD Records
5 replies on “Alberta Online Historical Newspapers Summary”
This site has a name index of the Grande Prairie newspapers as well they have indeed some issues of the Clairmont Independant and the Spirit River newspaper and put them on Flickr.
There is also a obituary index to the Grande Prairie newspaper done by the genealogy society – http://www.abgenealogy.ca/search-obituary-index
Lethbridge Herald and the Lethbridge Daily Herald are not free. They are at the paid site newspaperarchive.com
If you are a resident of City of Lethbridge or in the Chinook Library Service area you can access these papers free with your paid public library card.
The genealogy society in Camrose, Alberta has compiled the Births, Marriages and Deaths from the Camrose Canadian from inception. The list is available for purchase or they will do look ups. They can be contacted at camrosegeneo@gmail.com
Guten Tag, mein Englisch ist miserabel darum in Deutsch.
Ich suche den Sterbeeintrag meines Vorfahren Reinhold Taschendorf. Er soll 1921 von einem Wasserturm, während der Arbeit,abgestürzt sein. Ca. 1911 ist Mein Vorfahr von North Dakota (USA) nach Medicine Hat (Kanada) eingereist Vielleicht habe ich auf diesem Wege Glück und es kann mir jemand helfen.
Freundliche Grüße aus Deutschland Almut Taschendorf
Hi.. I am searching for a past school friend from 1975. She moved to Cochrane, Alberta sometime after 1976. My last correspondence with her was dated January 1978. She became a mascot for the local hockey team and which may be mentioned in the local paper. I also have other info – a rodeo star rider got killed – from the letter that probably was a big newspaper article. Thank you .