FamilySearch continues to add or update its records collections at a fast pace for us to search. For the period of March 1-15, 2025, the added/updated collections are:
- Alabama, County Birth Registers, 1881-1939
- Alaska, State Archives (Juneau), Coroner’s Inquests, 1898-1969
- Argentina, Capital Federal, Census, 1855
- Argentina, Catamarca, Civil Registration, 1888-2001
- Argentina, Chaco, Civil Registration, 1889-2000
- Argentina, Córdoba, Catholic Church Records, 1557-1974
- Argentina, Entre Ríos, Catholic Church Records, 1764-2011
- Argentina, Entre Ríos, Civil Registration, 1833-1965
- Argentina, Jujuy, Catholic Church Records, 1662-1975
- Argentina, Jujuy, Civil Registration, 1888-2000
- Argentina, Salta, Catholic Church Records, 1634-1972
- Argentina, Salta, Civil Registration, 1880-2000
- Argentina, San Juan, Catholic Church Records, 1655-2013
- Argentina, Santiago del Estero, Catholic Church Records, 1581-1961
- Argentina, Tucumán, Catholic Church Records, 1727-1955
- Arizona, Birth Certificates and Indexes, 1855-1940
- Aruba, Civil Registration, 1823-2004
- Belgium, Brabant, Civil Registration, 1582-1950
- Belgium, Namur, Civil Registration, 1800-1912
- Bolivia, Catholic Church Records, 1566-2020
- Brazil, Alagoas, Church Records, 1802-2016
- Brazil, Bahia, Civil Registration, 1877-2021
- Brazil, Cemetery Records, 1799-2024
- Brazil, Foreigner Files, 1653-2022
- Brazil, Mato Grosso, Catholic Church Records, 1872-1932
- Brazil, Mato Grosso, Civil Registration, 1845-2014
- Brazil, Minas Gerais, Civil Registration, 1820-2021
- Brazil, Pará, Civil Registration, 1815-2013
- Brazil, Paraná, Civil Registration, 1852-2017
- Brazil, Piauí, Church Records, 1767-2019
- Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Civil Registration, 1804-2013
- Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Civil Registration, 1810-2022
- Brazil, Santa Catarina, Civil Registration, 1850-1999
- Brazil, São Paulo, Civil Registration, 1925-2023
- Brazil, Sergipe, Catholic Church Records, 1785-1994
- California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994
- California, Lassen County, State Board of Health, Burial Permits, 1931-1988
- California, Los Angeles, Angelus-Rosedale Cemetery/Crematory Records, 1884-2002
- California, Los Angeles, Evergreen Memorial Park Cemetery, Deceased Card File Index, 1877-1989
- California, San Francisco, Area Funeral Home Records, 1835-1981
- California, Walnut Creek, Oak Hills Park Chapel, Funeral Records, 1962-2018
- Canada, Nova Scotia, Delayed Births, 1837-1907
- Chile, Catholic Church Records, 1633-2015
- Chile, Cemetery Records, 1701-2021
- Chile, Civil Registration, 1880-1933
- Colombia, Bogotá, Burial Permits, 1938-1995
- Colombia, Catholic Church Records, 1576-2019
- Colombia, Civil Registration, 1553-2023
- Colombia, Costa, Church Records, 1778-2019
- Colombia, Migration Records, 1885-2014
- Colorado, United States Naturalization Records, 1877-1952
- Connecticut, County Coroner’s Records, 1883-1934
- Costa Rica, Catholic Church Records, 1595-2022
- Costa Rica, Civil Registration, 1823-2023
- Cuba, Church Records, 1584-1960
- Delaware, Vital Record Index Cards, 1680-1934
- Dominican Republic, Catholic Church Records, 1590-2022
- Ecuador, Cemetery Records, 1862-2020
- El Salvador, Catholic Church Records, 1655-1977
- England, Cumberland Parish Registers, 1538-1990
- England, Essex, Non-Conformist Church Records, 1613-1971
- England, Herefordshire, Bishop’s Transcripts, 1583-1900
- England, Hertfordshire, Marriage Bonds, 1682-1837
- England, Lancashire, Marriage Bonds and Allegations, 1746-1799
- England, Lincolnshire, Marriage Bonds and Allegations, 1574-1885
- England, Northumberland, Non-Conformist Church Records, 1613-1974
- England, Oxfordshire, Parish Registers 1538-1904
- England, Surrey, Marriages Bonds and Licenses, 1536-1992
- England, Yorkshire, Marriage Bonds and Allegations, 1613-1887
- Florida, Deaths, 1877-1939
- Florida, Divorce, 1927-1950
- Florida, Funeral Home Records, 1887-1971
- French Polynesia, Civil Registration, 1780-1999
- Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Wuppertal, Civil Registration, 1810-1930
- Ghana, Census, 2010
- Gibraltar, Church Records, 1697-1991
- Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Civil Registration, 1873-2008
- Guatemala, Baja Verapaz, Civil Registration, 1877-2008
- Guatemala, Chiquimula, Civil Registration, 1877-2009
- Guatemala, El Progreso, Civil Registration, 1877-2007
- Guatemala, Guatemala, Civil Registration, 1874-2008
- Guatemala, Izabal, Civil Registration, 1877-2008
- Guatemala, Quiché, Civil Registration, 1877-2009
- Haiti, Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince, Catholic Church Records, 1866-2017
- Hawaii, Board of Health, Marriage Record Indexes, 1909-1989
- Honduras, Catholic Church Records, 1633-1978
- Honduras, Civil Registration, 1841-1968
- Hungary, Civil Registration, 1895-1980
- Idaho, Jefferson Star, County Cemetery Records, 1800-2000
- Illinois, Adams, Quincy, Greenmount Cemetery Records, 1875-1985
- Illinois, Cook County Deaths, 1871-1998
- Illinois, Cook County, Birth Certificates, 1871-1953
- Iowa, Births and Stillbirths, 1921-1947
- Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1740-1900
- Italy, Bari, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1809-1908
- Italy, Benevento, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1810-1942
- Italy, Cagliari, Cagliari, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1934
- Italy, Caltanissetta, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1820-1935
- Italy, Caserta, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1809-1866
- Italy, Catania, Diocesi di Acireale, Catholic Church Records, 1560-1950
- Italy, Chieti, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1809-1931
- Italy, Enna, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1866-1944
- Italy, Lecce, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1901-1941
- Italy, Mantova, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1496-1906
- Italy, Matera, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1809-1925
- Italy, Messina, Patti, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1823-1941
- Italy, Oristano, Oristano, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1866-1941
- Italy, Venezia, Venezia, Civil Registration (Tribunale), 1871-1930
- Italy, Verona, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1630-1946
- Italy, Vicenza, Bassano del Grappa, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1871-1942
- Kansas, Riley County, Sunset Cemetery, Burial Index Cards, 1856-1998
- Kiribati, Vital Records, 1890-1991
- Louisiana, Orleans, Birth Records, 1819-1915
- Louisiana, Orleans, Vital Records, 1900-1965
- Louisiana, State Museum Historical Center, Cemetery Records, 1805-1944
- Massachusetts, State Vital Records, 1638-1927
- Mexico, Coahuila, Catholic Church Records, 1627-1978
- Mexico, Michoacán, Catholic Church Records, 1555-1996
- Mexico, Puebla, Catholic Church Records, 1545-2009
- Mexico, Querétaro, Catholic Church Records, 1590-1970
- Mexico, Zacatecas, Civil Registration, 1857-2001
- Michigan, Civil War Centennial Observance Commission, Committee on Civil War Grave Registration, Burial Records
- Michigan, Saginaw County, Biographical Card File, ca. 1830-2000
- Micronesia, Civil Registration, 1883-1986
- Minnesota, Olmsted County, Oakwood Cemetery Records, 1863-1998
- Minnesota, Veterans Grave Registration Reports, 1930-1975
- Minnesota, Waseca County Historical Society, Burial Cards, ca.1860-1992
- Mississippi, County Marriages, 1818-1979
- Namibia, Dutch Reformed Church Records, 1904-2010
- Nebraska, Lancaster County, Fairview Cemetery, Burial Records, 1864-1999
- Netherlands, Noord-Holland, Civil Registration, 1739-1951
- New Jersey, Essex County, Superintendent of Soldiers’ Burials, 1776-1979
- Nicaragua, Catholic Church Records, 1740-2014
- Nicaragua, Civil Registration, 1809-2014
- Niue, Vital Records, 1818-1994
- North Carolina, Center for Health Statistics, Vital Records Unit, County Birth Records, 1913-1923
- North Carolina, Military Discharge Records, 1915-1981
- North Carolina, Wake County, Death Records, 1900-1909
- Norway, Probate Index Cards, 1640-1903
- Ohio, County Naturalization Records, 1800-1977
- Ohio, Stillbirths, 1918-1953
- Ohio, Summit County, Coroner Inquests, Hospital and Cemetery Records, 1882-1949
- Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Rose Hill Burial Park, Interment cards, 1917-1982
- Oregon Death Index, 1971-2008
- Oregon, Naturalization Records, 1859-1991
- Papua New Guinea, Birth Records, 1888-2004
- Papua New Guinea, Vital Records, 1867-2000
- Paraguay, Asunción, Cemetery Records, 1842-2012
- Paraguay, Cemetery Records, 1917-2012
- Paraguay, Civil Registration, 1842-2012
- Pennsylvania, Berks County, Reading, Charles Evans Cemetery and Crematory Burial Records, 1887-1979
- Pennsylvania, Cemetery Records, ca. 1700-ca. 1950
- Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1775-1991
- Peru, Amazonas, Civil Registration, 1890-2010
- Peru, Apurímac, Civil Registration, 1909-1999
- Peru, Arequipa, Catholic Church Records, 1660-2020
- Peru, Arequipa, Civil Registration, 1860-2017
- Peru, Ayacucho, Civil Registration, 1903-2000
- Peru, Cajamarca, Civil Registration, 1938-2015
- Peru, Catholic Church Records, 1556-2023
- Peru, Cemetery Records, 1912-2013
- Peru, Cusco, Civil Registration, 1889-1997
- Peru, Diocese of Huaraz, Catholic Church Records, 1641-2016
- Peru, Huánuco, Catholic Church Records, 1660-2020
- Peru, Huánuco, Civil Registration, 1888-2002
- Peru, Junín, Civil Registration, 1881-2005
- Peru, Lima, Civil Registration, 1683-1998
- Peru, Moquegua, Civil Registration, 1850-1996
- Peru, Pasco, Civil Registration, 1891-1998
- Peru, Piura, Civil Registration, 1874-1999
- Peru, Prelature of Yauyos-Cañete-Huarochirí, Catholic Church Records, 1665-2019
- Peru, Puno, Civil Registration, 1890-2005
- Peru, San Martín, Civil Registration, 1850-2000
- Peru, Tacna, Civil Registration, 1850-1998
- Philippines Civil Registration (National), 1945-1996
- Portugal, Faro, Civil Registration, 1880-1920
- Puerto Rico, Catholic Church Records, 1645-2021
- Puerto Rico, Civil Registration, 1805-2002
- Russia, Lutheran Church Book Duplicates, 1833-1885
- Samoa, Vital Records, 1846-1996
- Sierra Leone, Marriage and Divorce Records, 1854-2022
- South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Records, 1840-1972
- South Africa, Church of the Province of South Africa, Parish Registers, 1801-2004
- South Africa, Civil Death Registration, 1953-1967
- South Africa, Civil Marriage Records, 1801-1974
- South Africa, KwaZulu Natal, Vital Records, 1868-1976
- South Africa, Natal, Civil Deaths, 1863-1955
- South Africa, Orange Free State, Civil Death Registration, 1902-1954
- South Africa, Western Cape, Deceased Estate Files, 1951-2011
- South Dakota, Veteran Graves Registration Records, 1903-1942
- Spain, Gerona, Municipal Records, 1566-1960
- Tennessee, Shelby County, Memphis, Board of Health Death Records, 1848-1913
- Texas, Bexar County, San Antonio Cemetery Records, 1893-2007
- Texas, Dallas County, Oakland Cemetery Interment Cards, 1891-1999
- Texas, Hardin County, Marriage Records, 1837-2009
- Texas, Harrison County Delayed Birth Records, 1860-1960
- United States, Deceased Physician File (AMA), 1864-1968
- United States, World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
- Uruguay, Civil Registration, 1879-2020
- Utah, County Marriages, 1871-1941
- Vanuatu, Vital Records, 1900-2001
- Venezuela, Archdiocese of Barquisimeto, Catholic Church Records, 1634-2018
- Venezuela, Archdiocese of Caracas, Catholic Church Records, 1638-2020
- Venezuela, Archdiocese of Mérida, Catholic Church Records, 1654-2015
- Venezuela, Civil Registration, 1843-2021
- Virginia, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Birth Records, 1853-1896
- Virginia, County Marriage Records, 1771-1989
- Virginia, Vital Records, 1715-1912
- Washington, County Divorce Records, 1852-1950
- Washington, King, Seattle, Passenger Lists, 1890-1957
- Zambia, Archdiocese of Lusaka, Church Records, 1908-2019
- Zimbabwe, Diocese of Chinhoyi, Catholic Church Records, 1941-2022
- Zimbabwe, Diocese of Gweru, Catholic Church Records, 1904-2022
- Zimbabwe, Diocese of Hwange, Catholic Church Records, 1924-2022
- Zimbabwe, Diocese of Mutare, Catholic Church Records, 1898-2023
For a complete list of all added/updated collections, go to https://familysearch.org/search/collection/list
I hope that some of these are what you have been waiting for!
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!