(This page's most recent update is March 2025)
Probate records and wills are available online from all over the U.S. and are what I consider another hidden gem of information that can assist you in advancing your family history and genealogy research.
What can you find in these records? How about the date of death, spouse’s and children’s names, birth order, siblings and sibling’s spouses, parent’s names, and residence locations for all named persons? Also, ownership of land and/or other significant property, business names and occupation, military service, guardianships, and adoptions. Basically, anything owned by the deceased is typically listed and to whom it is to be assigned.
I won’t pretend to be an expert on the probate process – all I know is that I have discovered an amazing amount of good information from probate records and wills as part of my personal genealogy research.
Here are a few good primers on the benefits of searching probate documents and wills:
- FamilySearch – United States Probate Records
- Wills and Probate Records are Genealogy Riches
- How to Use Wills and Estate Records to Learn About Your Ancestors
- Probate Records Could Be the Key to Unlocking Your Family’s Hidden Past
Below, listed are links to probate records, wills, and indexes available for free online for the state.
Note: Please be aware that if you find a desired will or probate record in an index, that the holder of the actual materials (e.g., (archive, county court, etc.) may charge a small fee to send you a copy of the material itself.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Arizona Probate and Wills
- Apache County Index to Wills and Official Bonds, 1888-1904
- Apache County Probate Case Files, 1879-1925
- Apache County Record of Estate Guardianship and Adoptions, 1882-1923
- Apache County Record of Wills, 1891-1928
- Bernalillo County Probate Court Case Lookup
- Cochise County Estate and Probate Records, 1881-1929; Index, 1881-1956
- Cochise County Index to Orders [of] Probate Court, 1881-1970; Orders of Probate Court, 1881-1929
- Cochise County Index to Wills, 1881-1977; Wills Admitted to Probate, 1891-1946
- Cochise County Letters and Bonds of Administration, 1889-1929
- Cochise County Probate Case Files, 1880-1921
- Cochise County Probate Court Minutes, 1881-1927
- Cochise County Record of Wills, 1881-1934
- Cochise County, Miscellaneous Records, 1866-1921; Indexes, 1886-1925
- Cochise County, Superior and District Court Minutes, 1881-194
- Coconino County Territorial Probate Court Cases, 1-288, 1892-1912; Superior Court Probate Cases, 40-849, 1912-1931
- Gila County Probate Records Indexes, 1880-1967
- Graham County Administrator’s, Executor’s and Guardian’s Bonds, 1882-1915
- Graham County Index to Register of Estates and Guardianships, 1883-1889
- Graham County Minute Books, Probate Court, 1881-1930
- Graham County Probate Case Files, 1882-1926; Indexes, 1882-1926
- Graham County Register of Proceedings and Fee Book, 1889-1929
- Graham County Wills, 1883-1967; Index, 1889-1967
- Greenlee County Administrators, Executors, and Guardians Bonds, 1911-1973
- Greenlee County Miscellaneous Indexes of 1877-1911
- Greenlee County Probate Case Files, 1911-1923
- Greenlee County Probate Court Minute Books, 1911-1941
- Greenlee County Record of Wills, 1913-1977
- Greenlee County Register of Proceedings & Fee Book, 1911-1936; Index, [1911-1997]
- Maricopa County Probate Court Case History
- Maricopa County Probate Records ca. 1870-1930
- Maricopa County Probate Records, 1870-1930
- Mohave County Probate Case Files, 1871-1911; Index, 1865-2002
- Mohave County Probate Records
- Mohave County Wills, 1888-1950; Index, 1888-1990
- Navajo County Wills, 1921-1943
- Pima County Inventory and Appraisement of Estates in Guardianship 1897-1915
- Pima County Probate Case Files 1864-1930
- Pima County Probate Court Journal, 1864-1865, 1879-1912
- Pima County Record of Letters and Bonds [of Administrators] 1887-1913; Index, 1887-1900
- Pima County Record of Wills, 1866-1924
- Pima County Register of Claims Filed in Probate Court, 1889-1920
- Pima County Will Books 1 & 2, Years 1866-1900
- Pinal County Court Records, 1883-1933; Index, 1915-1966
- Pinal County Miscellaneous Records, 1875-1922; Index to Miscellaneous Records, 1875-1930
- Santa Cruz County Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1937-1972
- Santa Cruz County Miscellaneous Records, 1899-1921; Indexes, 1886-1940, 1960
- Yavapai County Index to Inquests and Index to Probate, V. 1-16 ca 1865-1975
- Yavapai County Minutes of the Probate Court, Commencing January 1865
- Yavapai County Probate Record, Wills, 1867-1928
- Yavapai County Probate Records,1864-1920
- Yavapai County Wills, 1897-1927; Index, 1897-1927
- Yuma County Record of Wills
- Yuma County Bonds and Agreements
- Yuma County Probate Book of Letters and Bonds
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!