(This page's most recent update is November 2024)
Probate records and wills are available online from all over the U.S. and are what I consider another hidden gem of information that can assist you in advancing your family history and genealogy research.
What can you find in these records? How about the date of death, spouse’s and children’s names, birth order, siblings’ and siblings’ spouses, parent’s names, and residence locations for all named persons? Also, ownership of land and/or other significant property, business names and occupation, military service, guardianships, and adoptions. Basically, anything owned by the deceased is typically listed and to whom it is to be assigned.
I won’t pretend to be an expert on the probate process – all I know is that I have discovered an amazing amount of good information from probate records and wills as part of my personal genealogy research.
Here are a few good primers on the benefits of searching probate documents and wills:
- FamilySearch – United States Probate Records
- Wills and Probate Records are Genealogy Riches
- How to Use Wills and Estate Records to Learn About Your Ancestors
- Probate Records Could Be the Key to Unlocking Your Family’s Hidden Past
Below, listed are links to probate records, wills, and indexes available for free online for the state.
Note: Please be aware that if you find a desired will or probate record in an index, the holder of the actual materials (e.g., (archive, county court, etc.) may charge a small fee to send you a copy of the material itself.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
California Probate and Wills
- Alameda County Probate Files, 1880-1961
- Alameda County Probate Records of Alameda County, 1857-1920, and Wills Received by County Clerk, 1880-1970
- Alpine County Administrator’s Sales, 1865-1890
- Alpine County Court Records, 1864-1963
- Alpine County Estate Records, 1879-1888
- Alpine County Miscellaneous Records and Decrees of Distribution (in Probate Causes), ca. 1867-1931; Indexes, 1867, 1880-1931
- Alpine County Probate Court Estate Files, 1864-1879
- Alpine County Probate Estate Case Files, 1924-1991, Estate Index, 1907-1992, Index to Probate Orders, ca. 1867
- Alpine County Register of Actions, Superior Court, Probate Proceedings, 1907-1976
- Alpine County Superior Court Probate Estate Files, 1880-1926
- Amador County Decrees of Distribution and Final Settlement of Estates, 1902-1923; Index, 1878-1935
- Amador County Probate Records, 1858-1921
- Amador County Wills, Letters, Bonds
- Butte County Probate Index, A-Z, 1850-1879
- Butte County Deed Records, 1856-1910
- Butte County Deeds, 1850-1901, Index 1850-1904
- Butte County Letters Testamentary, 1859-1861
- Butte County Probate Court Case Files, 1850-1879
- Butte County Probate Records, 1856-1937
- Butte County Superior Court Probate Case Files, 1880-1938
- Butte County Will Records, 1850-1925
- Butte County Wills, 1850-1908
- Butte County, Excerpts of Indexes to Births, Assessor’s Records, pre-emption Claims, Deeds, and Probates, ca. 1850-1915
- Calaveras County Probate Minutes 1857-1920, Superior Court, and Register of Actions 1859-1895
- Calaveras County, California Bonds, Letters and Wills, 1866-1922; Indexes 1866-1922
- Calaveras County, Probate Estate Files, 1850-1950; Indexes, 1850-1820, 1954-1956
- California, Collections of the California Genealogical Society, 1700-1942
- California, Probate Estate Files, 1833-1991
- California, Will Books Testators Records Index
- California, Wills and Abstracts of Wills from California Counties
- Colusa County Lis pendens, 1870-1914
- Colusa County Probate Records, 1851-1922
- Colusa County Wills, 1858-1948
- Contra Costa County Probate Case Search
- Contra Costa County Probate Documents
- Early California Wills, Placer, Shasta and Yuba Counties, 1849-1900, Vital Statistics, Placer and Shasta Counties
- El Dorado County Civil Case Index
- El Dorado County Probate Records, 1850-1920, Probate Index, 1850-1919
- Fresno County Decrees of Distribution, 1891-1916
- Fresno County Fresno County Probate Files, 1880-1920
- Fresno County Wills, 1819-1920
- Glenn County Bonds, 1891-1927
- Glenn County Letters of Administration, 1891-1921; Letters of Administration with Will Annexed, ca. 1904-1936
- Glenn County Letters Testamentary, 1892-1929
- Glenn County Probate Records, 1891-1936; Indexes, 1891-1927
- Glenn County Public Administrator’s Records, 1920-1932
- Glenn County Register and Fee Book, 1891-1927
- Glenn County Superior Court Minute Books, 1891-1923
- Glenn County Wills, 1874-1916
- Humboldt County Probate Case Files, 1853-1972
- Kern County Abstract of Wills, Probate Court Book No., August 8, 1876 to 1899, Marriages, 1850-1900
- Kings County Probate Records, Years 1893-1910
- Lake County Court Minutes, 1884-1929
- Lake County Index and Records of Civil Cases, 1867-1893 in the District, County, Probate, and Superior Courts
- Lake County Probate Records, 1867-1922
- Lake County Probate Records, 1867-1940
- Lake County Probate Records, 1967-1930
- Lassen County Guardianship Records, 1894-1964
- Lassen County Index to Decrees of Distribution, V.1 1900-1925
- Lassen County Probate Records, 1864-1920; Indexes, 1864-1968
- Lassen County Wills, 1891-1955; Index, 1891-1950
- Los Angeles County Early California Wills, 1850-1890
- Los Angeles County, Index to Decrees of Distribution, 1891-1907
- Los Angeles County, Miscellaneous Records 1854-1904
- Madera County Wills, 1893-1919
- Marin County Probate Case Files, 1850-1924
- Marin County Probate Records
- Marin County Will Records
- Marin County Wills
- Marin County Bonds and Letters of Administrators and Executors, 1866-1893
- Marin County Court Minutes, 1853-1879
- Marin County Judgement Book, 1850-1853
- Marin County Probate Court Records, 1853-1919
- Marin County Probate Proceedings, 1880-1905
- Marin County Probate Register, V. A-C, 1851-1879
- Marin County Record of Wills, 1853-1908
- Mendocino County Bonds and Letters of Probate, 1872-1879
- Mendocino County Letters of Administration and Guardianship, 1896-1923
- Mendocino County Mendocino County Probate Case Files, 1854-1917
- Mendocino County Minutes and Orders, 1859-1921
- Mendocino County Probate Records 1859-1915
- Mendocino County Probate Records of Real Estate, 1870-1977
- Mendocino County Wills 1858-1937
- Merced County Wills, 1887-1921
- Napa County Probate Estate Case Files, 1864-1920
- Napa County, Probate Case Files, 1851-1880; Indexes, 1851-1900
- Napa County, Probate Records, 1851-1935
- Nevada County Will Books Index
- Nevada County Probate Case Files, 1880-1924
- Nevada County Will Books, 1856-1937
- Orange County Wills Search
- Orange County Declarations of Homesteads1889-1926
- Orange County Index to Decrees of Distribution, 1889-1915
- Orange County Index to Wills, 1900-1925
- Placer County Probate Court Case Files, 1850-1920
- Placer County Probate Records, 1851-1923
- Plumas County Wills, 1880-1919
- Sacramento County Estates of Deceased Persons, 1860-1864
- Sacramento County Probate Records 1849-1979 1849-1979
- Sacramento County Probate Records, 1850-1879; General Index to Probate Records, 1849-1928
- Sacramento County, Probate Records, 1875-1981
- San Benito County Appraisements, 1880-1930
- San Benito County Decrees of the District and Superior Courts, 1874-1908
- San Benito County Index to Decrees of Distribution, 1892-1906
- San Benito County Letters Testamentary, Letters of Administration, Bonds, and Letters of Guardianship, 1874-1922
- San Benito County Minutes, Probate Court, V. 1, 1874-1879
- San Benito County Probate Estate Files, 1880-1930
- San Benito County Probate Records, 1874-1879
- San Benito County Probate Records, 1880-1921
- San Benito County Records Transcribed from Monterey County Court Records of Miscellaneous Causes and Actions, ca. 1850-1900: from Superior, District and County Courts
- San Benito County Wills, 1874-1915
- San Bernardino County Probate Record Search
- San Diego County Probate Record Index Search
- San Diego County Wills.
- San Diego County Abstracts of Wills, 1848 to 1900
- San Diego County Probate Records, 1880-1920
- San Francisco City and County, Register of Actions, Probate, 1806-1942
- San Francisco County Decisions in Probate 198-1916
- San Francisco County Index of All Estates in Probate from 1850
- San Francisco County Probate Cases Index 1872-1879
- San Francisco County Records, 1824-1997
- San Francisco County Wills, 1906-1922
- San Francisco County, Collateral Inheritance Tax Receipt Books, 1893-1921
- San Francisco County, Probate Court Receipt Books, 1871-1904
- San Francisco, Probate Index, 1906-1977
- San Joaquin County Index to Decrees of Distribution, 1892-1935
- San Joaquin County Indexed Probate Records 1850-1900
- San Mateo County Superior Court Records Index
- Santa Barbara County Minute Book, Probate Court, Vols. B-E, 1864-1879
- Santa Barbara County Minutes of Superior Court, 1883-1924 and Register of Actions and Proceedings, 1880-1919, Index, 1880-1922
- Santa Barbara County Wills, 1854-1897, Index, 1854-1937
- Santa Barbara County Wills, Probate Records and Related Cases, 1877-1954
- Santa Clara County Probate Cases Collection
- Santa Clara County Wills Collection
- Santa Clara County Early California Wills, 1850-1864
- Santa Clara County Probate Court Register of Actions, 1850-1920
- Santa Clara County Will Books and Probate Records, ca. 1850-1912, with Index
- Santa Cruz County Will Records, 1851-1890
- Shasta County Probate Index 1850-1918
- Shasta County, Probate Records: Probate Case Files, Orders and Decrees, 1851-1989
- Shasta County, Probate Records: Wills, 1854-1950
- Solano County Deaths/Probates/Wills, ca. 1857-1910
- Solano County Bonds and Letters of Administration, 1860-1969
- Solano County Early California Wills, 1856-1873
- Solano County Probate Card Index, ca. 1850-1998
- Solano County Probate Minutes, 1833-1920; Index, 1887-1927; Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1850-1928
- Solano County Probate Records, 1850-1927; Indexes, 1850-1968
- Solano County Probate Records, 1853-1921
- Sonoma County Index and Abstract of Wills, 1850-1900
- Sonoma County Probate Records, 1854-1931; Index to Wills, 1852-1955
- Sonoma County, Probate Records Index 1847 – 1959
- Stanislaus County Courthouse Records, Marriages, 1854-1906 and Wills, 1872-1908
- Stanislaus County, Probate Records, 1854-1921, with Indexes, 1854-1956
- Sutter County Probate Case Files, 1872-1930
- Sutter County Probate Records, 1872-1963
- Tehama Probate Extractions, 1918-1960
- Ventura County Guardianship Records, 1873-1993
- Ventura County Probate Records Index, 1873-1993
- Yolo County Wills, 1859-1926
- Yuba County Wills, 1855-1919
- Yuba County, Yuba County, Probate Records, 1850-1920
- Yuba County, Wills, 1855-1919
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!