(This page's most recent update is January 2025)
Another type of genealogy record that provides tremendous value is tax records. Like city directories and voting registers, they provide information for us between federal censuses. They also can go back to colonial times.
Types of Taxes
- Income tax
- Federal direct tax
- Poll or head tax
- Real property, e.g., land
- Personal property, e.g., livestock, equipment, carriages, enslaved persons
- Other, such as special levies for roads, schools, etc.
Types of Information
- Date
- Residence address; property, license, or goods; value; tax amount; possibly profession, occupation, or trade
- Name of the taxpayer, usually white adult males
- Town/township/city, county, and state of residence
- Owner and/or renter of the property
- Number of white adult males in the home
- Type and value of property
- Livestock owned
- Personal property owned
- Amount of tax owed
- Profession, occupation, or trade
- Number of school-aged children
- Number of enslaved persons
Derivative information, such as birth date, death date, and date of marriage can often be estimated or determined from the presence or absence of a person in a tax list.
Good primers regarding the genealogical value of tax records and more details can be found in these articles:
- The Genealogical Benefits of Tax Records
- Using Poll Tax Records for Genealogy
- Genealogy 101: Tax Records
- Back to the Basics with Tax Records: Part 1
- Back to the Basics with Tax Records: Part 2
- Back to the Basics with Tax Records: Part 3
- United States Taxation
- The Value of Using US Tax Records in Genealogy Research
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Kentucky Tax Records
- Adair County, Tax List, 1802
- Adair County, Tax Lists, 1810
- Adair County, Tax Books, 1802-1878
- Allen County, Records, 1880-1991
- Allen County, Tax Books, 1815-1878
- Anderson County, Tax Books, 1827-1837
- Ballard County, Sheriff’s Land Sold for Taxes, V. 1-3, 1887-1985
- Ballard County, Sheriff’s Settlement Book, V. A 1879-1888
- Ballard County, Tax Books, 1843-1884
- Barren County, Tax List[s]
- Barren County, Tax Books, 1799-1872
- Bath County, 1865 Tax List
- Bath County, Tax Books, 1811-1870
- Boone County, Tax Books, 1799-1878
- Bourbon County, Tax Books, 1787-1878
- Boyd County, 1902 Tax Journal
- Boyd County, Tax Books,1860-1878
- Boyle County, Land Sold for Taxes, 1883-1887
- Boyle County, Tax Books, 1849-1876
- Bracken County, Tax Books, 1797-1878
- Breathitt County, Tax Books, 1840-1867
- Breckinridge County, Tax List, 1800
- Breckinridge County, Tax List, 1810
- Breckinridge County, Tax Books, 1800-1875
- Bullitt County, 1810 Census and Tax List,
- Bullitt County, Tax Lists
- Bullitt County, Tax Lists, 1797-1804
- Bullitt County, Miscellaneous Court Records
- Bullitt County, Tax Books, 1797-1875
- Butler County, Tax Books, 1811-1875
- Caldwell County, Delinquent Tax List, 1823
- Caldwell County, Delinquent Tax Lists, 1857-1858
- Caldwell County, Tax Lists 1809-1810-1811
- Caldwell County, Tax Lists: 1812-1813-1814
- Caldwell County, Tax Books, 1809-1848
- Calloway County, Tax Lists
- Calloway County, Tax Books, 1823-1875
- Campbell County, Road and Bridge Tax List, 1892, and 1883
- Campbell County, Tax Records
- Campbell County, Tax Books, 1795-1875
- Carroll County, Tax Books, 1840-1875
- Carter County, Tax Books, 1839-1875
- Casey County, Tax Books, 1807-1875
- Christian County, Tax Lists: 1800-01-02-03
- Christian County, Tax Records, 1797-1798-1799
- Christian County, Tax Books, 1797-1875
- Clark County, Tax Books, 1793-1874
- Clay County, Tax Books, 1807-1875
- Clay County, Tax Records, 1810-1814, 1823
- Clinton County, Tax Books, 1837-1875
- Crittenden County, Tax Books, 1842-1875
- Cumberland County, Tax Books, 1799-1875
- Daviess County, Tax Books, 1815-1875
- Edmonson County Tax List, 1825
- Edmonson County, Tax List, 1825
- Edmonson County, Tax Books, 1825-1875
- Elliott County, Tax Books, 1869-1875
- Estill County, Tax Books, 1808-1875
- Fayette County, Order Books, 1790-1974
- Fayette County, Order Books, 1893-1973
- Fayette County, Tax Lists, 1880-1892
- Fayette County, Tax Books, 1788-1875
- Fleming County, Tax Books, 1798-1875
- Floyd County, Tax List 1793
- Floyd County, Tax Books, 1793-1875
- Frankfort, Records of Taxes, 1853-1884
- Franklin County, Tax Books, 1795-1875
- Fulton County, 1846 Tax List
- Fulton County, Delinquent Tax List, 1897
- Fulton County, Tax Books, 1846-1875
- Gallatin County, Tax Books, 1799-1875
- Garrard County, 1890 Tax List
- Garrard County, Tax Books, 1797-1875
- Grant County, Tax Books, 1820-1875
- Graves County, Tax List of 1899
- Graves County, Tax List, 1841
- Graves County, Tax Lists, 1824-1833
- Graves County, Tax Books, 1824-1875
- Grayson County, Tax Books, 1810-1875
- Green County, Tax Books, 1795-1875
- Greenup County, Tax Books, 1839-1875
- Hancock County, Tax Books, 1829-1875
- Hardin County, Tax Books, 1793-1875
- Harlan County, Tax Lists, 1819 List of Males Transferred from Knox County
- Harlan County, Tax Books, 1820-1875
- Harrison County, Tax Books, 1794-1875
- Hart County, Tax Lists
- Hart County, Tax Books, 1819-1875
- Henderson County, Tax Books, 1799-1875
- Henry County, Tax Books, 1800-1875
- Hickman County, Tax Lists, 1825-26-27-28-29
- Hickman County, Tax Books, 1822-1875
- Hopkins County, Tax List 1807
- Hopkins County, Tax Books, 1807-1875
- Jackson County, Tax Books, 1858-1875
- Jackson Purchase Tax Lists, 1822-1823-1824
- Jackson Purchase Tax Records, 1822, 1823, 1824
- Jefferson County, List of Resident Lands Sold for Taxes, 1846, 1841
- Jefferson County, Tax Books, 1789-1892
- Jessamine County, Tax Books, 1799-1875
- Johnson County, Tax Lists
- Johnson County, Tax Books, 1844-1875
- Kenton County, Tax Lists, 1879-1892
- Kenton County, Tax Books, 1840-1875
- Kentucky, County Court Records: Grant, Harrison, Pendleton
- Kentucky, Index to Tax List
- Kentucky, Tax Lists for the Counties of Fayette, 1788; Mason (later Floyd), 1790; Mercer, 1789; Washington, 1792
- Kentucky, Taxpayers from First Census of 1790
- Kentucky, Internal Revenue Assessment Lists for Kentucky, 1862-1866
- Kentucky, Tax Ledgers, 1796-1808
- Knott County Tax Records 1889
- Knox County, Tax Books, 1800-1875
- LaRue County, Tax Books, 1845-1875
- Laurel County, Tax Books, 1827-1875
- Lawrence County, Tax Lists
- Lawrence County, Tax Books, 1822-1875
- Lee County, Tax Books, 1870-1875
- Lee County, Tax Lists, 1879-1892
- Letcher County, Tax Books, 1843-1875
- Lewis County, Tax Books, 1807-1875
- Lincoln County, Tax List, 1789
- Lincoln County, Tax List, 1789
- Lincoln County, Tax Books, 1787-1875
- Livingston County, Miscellaneous Tax Records
- Livingston County, Tax Lists, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820
- Livingston County, Tax Lists; 1800, 1801, 1802
- Livingston County, Book of Land Sold for Taxes by the Sheriff, 1873-1941
- Livingston County, Tax Books, 1800-1875
- Logan County, Property Tax Book 1874-1875
- Logan County, Federal Tax Lien and lis pendens, 1896-1973
- Logan County, Miscellaneous Records, 1859-1941
- Logan County, Tax Books, 1792-1869
- Lyon County, Minutes, 1878-1895
- Lyon County, Sheriff’s Land Sold for Taxes, 1873-1981
- Lyon County, Tax Books, 1863-1875
- Madison County Tax List, 1788
- Madison County, Tax List, 1788
- Madison County, Tax Lists
- Madison County, Tax Books, 1787-1874
- Magoffin County, Tax Books, 1870
- Marion County, Tax Books, 1834-1875
- Marshall County, 1847 Tax List
- Marshall County, Records, 1886-1942
- Marshall County, Tax Books, 1843-1875
- Martin County, Tax Books, 1870-1874
- Mason County Tax Lists
- Mason County, Tax Lists, 1794-1901
- Mason County, Tax Books, 1790-1875
- McCracken County, Tax Lists 1824-1836
- McCracken County, Tax Books, 1824-1875
- McLean County, Tax Books, 1855-1875
- Meade County, Tax Books, 1824-1865
- Menifee County, Tax Books, 1870-1875
- Mercer County, Census Records, 1789, 1800, 1820, and Tax List, 1795
- Mercer County, Tax List, 1795
- Mercer County, Tax Books, 1789-1875
- Metcalfe County, Tax Books, 1860-1875
- Monroe County, Tax Books, 1820-1875
- Montgomery County, Tax Lists
- Montgomery County, Tax Books, 1797-1875
- Morgan County, Tax Books, 1823-1875
- Muhlenberg County, Additional Tax List, 1853
- Muhlenberg County, Sheriff’s Report of Tax Claims Purchased
- Muhlenberg County, Sheriff’s Settlement Books, 1869-1941
- Muhlenberg County, Tax Books, 1799-1860
- Nelson County, List of Tithables 1785-1795
- Nelson County, Tax List, 1792-1794
- Nelson County, Tax Lists
- Nelson County, Tax Books, 1792-1894
- Nicholas County, Order Books, 1800-1869
- Nicholas County, Tax Books, 1800-1875
- Ohio County, 1890 Tax Lists
- Ohio County, Tax Books, 1799-1875
- Oldham County, Tax Books, 1824-1875
- Owen County, Tax Books, 1819-1875
- Owsley County, Tax Books, 1844-1875
- Pendleton County, Delinquent Tax Lists, 1799-1813
- Pendleton County, Tax Records 1801-1814
- Pendleton County, Tax Books, 1799-1875
- Perry County, Tax Books, 1821-1875
- Pike County, 1823 Tax Lists
- Pike County, Tax Books, 1823-1874
- Powell County, Tax Books, 1852-1875
- Pulaski County, Black Taxpayers, 1866
- Pulaski County, Tax Books, 1799-1875
- Robertson County, Tax Lists, 1872-1892
- Rockcastle County, Tax Lists
- Rockcastle County, Tax Books, 1811-1875
- Rowan County, Tax Books, 1856-1875
- Russell County Tax Books
- Russell County, Tax List, 1816
- Russell County, Tax Books, 1826-1875
- Scott County, 1800 Tax List
- Scott County, Land Sales for Taxes, 1879-1887
- Scott County, Tax Books, 1794-1875
- Shelby County, Tax Lists
- Shelby County, Tax Books, 1792-1875
- Simpson County, Tax Books, 1819-1875
- Spencer County, Tax Books, 1824-1875
- Taylor County 1890 Tax Records
- Taylor County, Sheriff’s Land Sold for Taxes, 1882-1938
- Taylor County, Tax Books, 1849-1875
- Todd County, Tax Books, 1820-1875
- Trigg County, Tax Lists, 1820-1821-1822
- Trigg County, Sheriff’s Settlement Books, 1871-1948
- Trigg County, Tax Books, 1820-1875
- Trimble County, Tax Books, 1837-1875
- Union County, Tax Books, 1811-1875
- United States Internal Revenue Assessment Lists, 1862-1874
- Warren County, Tax Books, 1797-1875
- Washington County, Tax Books, 1792-1875
- Wayne County, Tax Books, 1801-1875
- Webster County, Tax Books, 1861-1875
- Whitley County, Tax Books, 1819-1875
- Wolfe County, Tax Books, 1861-1875
- Woodford County, 1800 Tax Lists
- Woodford County, Tax Books, 1790-1875
Listed below are links to tax records that are available for free online for the state:
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!