Alumni records are part directories, part newspapers, and magazines, part biographies, part obituaries, part yearbooks, part vital records, etc. You get the idea. If you are seeking genealogy clues, these “records’ are full of them. All of the information is derivative, but it can provide leads for you to search for original documents. And if you are documenting a person’s family story, well, there’s a ton of that kind of information too.
So what am I including in Alumni Records?
- Alumni directories
- Alumni registers
- Alumni newsletters, bulletins, newspapers, and magazines
- Commencement programs
And what information is available in them?
- Graduation dates and degree(s) received
- Current photos and/or those of their family
- Current address lists
- Where are they now and what are they doing?
- Obituaries and “In Memoriam”
- Marriages
- Children born to the alumnus
- Deaths in their family
- Life achievements and awards
- Interesting stories about the alumnus and their family
Below is a list of links to free online alumni record and index collections for the state:
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
(Updated October 2023)
Maine Alumni Records
- Alumni and Non-graduate Directory of the University of Maine, 1921
- Alumni and non-graduate Directory of the University of Maine, 1921
- Alumni and non-graduate Directory of the University of Maine, 1929
- Alumni Directory of the University of Maine – 1912
- Alumni Directory of the University of Maine – 1914
- Alumni Directory of the University of Maine, 1912
- Alumni Directory of the University of Maine, 1912
- Alumni Directory of the University of Maine, 1912
- Alumni Directory of the University of Maine, 1914
- Alumni Directory of the University of Maine, 1933
- Alumni Directory of the University of Maine, 1938
- Alumni Directory University of Maine, 1938
- Alumni Directory, University of Maine, 1933
- Alumni Directory, University of Maine, 1933
- Bates College Alumni Newsletter
- Bates College Bulletin. Alumnus Issue, 1954
- Bates College Bulletin. Alumnus Issue, 1963
- Biddeford High School. Teachers and Graduates, from 1848 to 1888
- Bowdoin College Alumni Magazine
- Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, General Catalogue, 1794-1912
- Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine; a Biographical Record of Alumni and Officers, 1794-1950
- Colby College Alumni Magazine
- College of the Atlantic Alumni News
- College of the Atlantic Magazine
- Farmington State Normal and Training School, Teachers from 1864-1916: Graduates from 1866-1916
- Gorham State College (Maine) – Alumni Directory, 1879-1969
- Gorham State College Alumni Directory, 1879-1969
- Gorham State College, Alumni Directory of Gorham, 1879-1969
- Gould Academy Alumni Magazine
- Houlton High School Alumni Association Newsletters
- Husson University Alumni Magazine
- Lee Academy Alumni Magazine
- Maine Central Institute Alumni Newsletter
- Maine College of Art Publications
- Maine Maritime Academy Alumni Magazine
- Orono, Alumni Directory of the University of Maine, 1912
- Orono, Alumni Directory of the University of Maine, 1921
- Saint Joseph’s College of Maine Magazine
- Saint Louis High School Alumni Newsletter
- Thornton Academy Alumni Newsletter
- Unity College Magazine
- University of Maine Alumni Class Pages
- University of Maine Alumni Magazine
- University of Maine Alumni Magazine Collection
- University of Maine at Farmington Alumni Magazine
- University of Maine at Presque Isle Alumni Newsletter
- University of Maine College of Engineering Magazine and Newsletter
- University of Maine Law Magazine
- University of Maine, Alumni and Non-graduate Directory, 1921
- University of Maine, Alumni Directory, 1914, 1921
- University of Maine, Alumni Directory, 1933
- University of Maine, Fort Kent, List of Graduates, 1882-1942
- University of New England Magazine
- University of Southern Maine Commencement Programs
- Wells High School Alumni Newsletters
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!