(This page's most recent update is December 2024)
Another underutilized genealogy resource is Church Records. We tend to focus our research on civil records but need to be aware that often church records pre-date civil records and are a great resource as well. In the BMD Records section of this website, there are about 15,000 collections of civil records that are available online. Yes, that’s a lot, but we need to also search church records as well.
What can we find in church or synagogue records? Here’s just a short list of what nuggets we can find:
- Baptisms and Christenings
- Marriages
- Deaths
- Burials
- Confirmations
- Membership lists
- Church Minutes
- Church Directories
- Transfer Letters
- Bar or Bat Mitzvahs
- Sunday School lists
- Church newsletters
In addition, many folks also documented important events in family bibles, so they need to be searched as well if the event information has been digitized.
Here are a couple of articles that you might find useful:
- U.S. Church Records Research Guide
- United States Church Records
- A Genealogist’s Guide to Using Catholic Records in Genealogy Research
There is a large number of Free Online Church Record collections; the links for the state are below:
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Maine Church Records
- Albion, Kennebec, Births or Christenings, 1750-1875
- Alfred, York, Congregational Church Births or Christenings, 1806-1870
- Alna, Lincoln, Births or Christenings, 1850-1875
- Amherst, Hancock, Births or Christenings, 1782-1875
- Appleton, Knox, Births or Christenings, 1729-1875
- Auburn, Church Marriages, 1902-1977
- Avon, Franklin, Births or Christenings, 1743-1850
- Bangor, First Congregational Church, Church Records 1811-1911
- Bar Harbor, Hancock, Births or Christenings, 1735-1875
- Belfast, First Congregational Church, Index to Records
- Belgrade, Kennebec, Births or Christenings, 1725-1875
- Biddeford, First Church of Christ Membership, Baptisms, Marriages
- Biddeford, Second Congregational Church Manual
- Blue Hill, Hancock, Births or Christenings, 1762-1875
- Boothbay, Lincoln, Births or Christenings, 1763-1875
- Bridgton, Cumberland, Births or Christenings, 1785-1875
- Brooklin, Hancock, Births or Christenings, 1781-1875
- Brooksville, Hancock, Births or Christenings, 1771-1875
- Brunswick, Cumberland, Births or Christenings, 1725-1875
- Bucksport, Hancock, Births or Christenings, 1768-1875
- Buxton, Church of Christ Records
- Calais, First Congregational Church of Maine, Annual Reports,1983 through 2017
- Calais, First Congregational Church, Historical Sketch, Confession of Faith Covenant, Rules and Catalogue of Members, to May, 1877
- Calais, First Congregational Church, History, 1825-1925
- Calais, First Congregational Church, Records, 1825-1925
- Calais, First Congregational Church. History, Catalogue of the Names of Church Members
- Cape Elizabeth Twp., Cumberland, Births or Christenings, 1734-1875
- Cape Elizabeth, Cape Elizabeth Town and Vital Records, 1760-1900
- Caribou, Aroostook, Births or Christenings, 1849-1869
- Carthage, Franklin, Births or Christenings, 1812-1865
- Castine, Hancock, Births or Christenings, 1727-1875
- Charlotte, Baptist Church Early Church Records
- Chelsea, Kennebec, Births or Christenings, 1770-1875
- Chesterville, Franklin, Births or Christenings, 1751-1875
- China, Kennebec, Births or Christenings, 1775-1864
- Cumberland Congregational Church History and Vital Records, 3rd Edition
- Cumberland, Cumberland, Births or Christenings, 1715-1875
- Cushing, Knox, Births or Christenings, 1751-1875
- Deer Island, First “Congo” Church, Church Records
- Deer Isle, Maine, Christ, Births, 1778-1871
- Deer Isle, Town, Vital, and Church Records 1784-1867
- East Readfield, Jesse Lee Memorial Church, Historical Permanent Record
- Ellsworth, First Unitarian Society, List of the Members
- Ellsworth, Records of the Unitarian Universalist Church
- Falmouth (Portland), First Church, Baptisms
- Falmouth, Cumberland, Births or Christenings, 1784-1875
- Farmington, Franklin, Births or Christenings, 1741-1875
- Fayette Baptist Church, 1792-1967
- Fayette, First Baptist Society, Records, 1837-1839
- Fayette, First Regular Baptist Church, Church Records, Vol. 2 1848-1852
- Fayette, First Regular Baptist Church, Church Records, Vol. 2 1853-1856
- Fayette, First Regular Baptist Church, Church Records, Vol. 2 1857-1860
- Fayette, First Regular Baptist Church, Church Records, Vol. 2 1861-1865
- Fayette, First Regular Baptist Church, Church Records, Vol. 2 1866-1874
- Fayette, First Regular Baptist Church, Church Records, Vol. 2 1875-1882
- Fayette, First Regular Baptist Church, Church Records, Vol. 2 1883-1900
- Fayette, First Regular Baptist Church, Church Records, Vol. 2 1901-1916
- Fayette, First Regular Baptist Church, Church Records, Vol. 2 1917-1930
- Fayette, First Regular Baptist Church, Church Records, Vol. 2 1930-1934
- Fayette, First Regular Baptist Church, Church Records, Vol. 2 1935-1938
- Fayette, First Regular Baptist Church, Church Records, Vol. 2 1939-1944
- Fayette, First Regular Baptist Church, Church Records, Vol. 2 1944-1947
- Fayette, First Regular Baptist Church, Church Records, Vol. 2 1948-1952
- Fayette, First Regular Baptist Church, Church Records, Vol. 2 Miscellaneous Material ca 1953
- Fayette, Kennebec, Births or Christenings, 1749-1875
- First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette Church Records
- Freeport, Cumberland, Births or Christenings, 1759-1875
- Friendship, Knox, Births or Christenings, 1769-1847
- Gouldsboro, Hancock, Births or Christenings, 1766-1875
- Harpswell, Cumberland, Births and Christenings, 1735-1862
- Harpswell, Records from Rev. Elisha Eaton, 1753-1763, Rev. Samuel Eaton, 1765-1822, Joseph Eaton, Justice of Peace, 1823-1843
- Harrison, Cumberland, Births or Christenings, 1806-1871
- Hodgdon, Aroostook, Births or Christenings, 1794-1864
- Hope, Knox, Births or Christenings, 1776-1875
- Houlton, Aroostook, Births or Christenings, 1831-1873
- Industry, Franklin, Births or Christenings, 1732-1875
- Jay, Franklin, Births or Christenings, 1779-1875
- Kenduskeag, Baptist Church Records 1854-1906
- Kenduskeag, Congregational Church Records 1834-1875
- Kingfield, Franklin, Births or Christenings, 1811-1824
- Lamoine, Hancock, Births or Christenings, 1849-1875
- Lewiston, Freewill Baptist Church, Church Records, 1817-1830
- Lewiston, Second Freewill Baptist Church, Church Records, 1826-1924
- Linneus, Aroostook, Births or Christenings, 1784-1875
- Litchfield, Kennebec, Births or Christenings, 1740-1875
- Madrid, Franklin, Births or Christenings, 1789-1875
- Maine Genealogy Archives, Church Records
- Maine, Births and Christenings, 1739-1900
- Maine, Church Records, 1734-1907
- Maine, Kennebec County Probate Estate Files, 1779-1915
- Maine, Methodist Episcopal Church, Record of Persons Baptized, Marriages, and Funerals Attended by the Late Isaac Lord, Jr., 1827 to 1884
- Manchester, Kennebec, Births or Christenings, 1761-1875
- Marquis Fayette King, Marquis F. Baptisms and Admission from the Records
- Mars Hill, Aroostook, Births or Christenings, 1786-1875
- Mercer Circuit, Church Records, 1879-1907
- Mercer, Congregationalist Church of Christ, Records, 1822
- Minot, Congregational Society of Minot Center Book No. 1, 1867-1917
- Minot, Congregational Society of Minot Center Record of Accounts, 1909-1923
- Minot, First Congregational Church of Christ Baptisms from Books 1 and 2 of the Records, 1788-1957
- Minot, First Congregational Church of Christ Church Records, No. 1-2, 1784-1977
- Minot, First Congregational Church of Christ Sabbath School Records, 1878-1909
- Minot, Second or West Congregational Church, Church Records, Book No. 1, 1806-1821
- Monmouth, Kennebec, Births or Christenings, 1764-1875
- Monmouth, Church of Christ Church Records, 1817-1847
- Monmouth, Second Church of Christ Church Records, 1817-1840
- Mount Desert, Hancock, Births or Christenings, 1747-1875
- Mount Vernon, Kennebec, Births or Christenings, 1743-1875
- Naples, Cumberland, Births or Christenings, 1807-1875
- New Gloucester, Cumberland, Births or Christenings, 1732-1875
- New Marblehead (now Windham), First Congregational Church, Notice Book, 1804-1971
- New Marblehead (now Windham), First Congregational Church, Records, 1743 – ca. 1882
- New Sharon, Franklin, Births or Christenings, 1757-1875
- New Sharon, Freewill Baptist Church, Records, 1815-1858
- New Sweden Lutheran Church, Church Register, 1871-1928
- North Haven, Knox, Births or Christenings, 1786-1875
- North Scarborough, Free Baptist Church
- North Yarmouth, Cumberland, Births or Christenings, 1701-1875
- Orland, Hancock, Births or Christenings, 1762-1875
- Orrington Methodist Church Records
- Orrington, Corner Church, Quarterly Conference Records 1885-1889
- Orrington, First Methodist Episcopal Church, Records, 1907 – 1918
- Orrington, South Orrington Charge, Bucksport District, East Maine Conference, Church Records, 1876-1904
- Pepperrellborough, First Church, Records
- Poland, Births or Christenings, 1752-1875
- Portland, High Street Congregational Church, Catalogue of Members, January, 1865
- Pownal, First Freewill Baptist Church, Church Records, 1847-1865
- Readfield, Methodist Society, Clerk’s Book Part 1
- Readfield, Methodist Society, Clerk’s Book Part 2, 1826-1858
- Rockland and Bangor, Congregationalist Churches, Pastor’s Records, 1895-1949
- Rockland, Christenings, 1783-1875
- Saco, Most Holy Trinity, Marriages, 1916-1993
- Sanford and Springvale, First Baptist Church, Church Records 1772-1877
- Sanford, Congregational Church Records April 4, 1823-Sept. 4, 1842
- Scarboro, Second Congressional Church Marriage Records, 1729-1800
- Starling Plantation, Church Records, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette, 1792-1802
- Starling Plantation, Church Records, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette, 1792-1848
- Starling Plantation, Church Records, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette, 1803-1806
- Starling Plantation, Church Records, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette, 1807-1809
- Starling Plantation, Church Records, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette, 1810-1812
- Starling Plantation, Church Records, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette, 1813-1816
- Starling Plantation, Church Records, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette, 1817-1820
- Starling Plantation, Church Records, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette, 1821-1824
- Starling Plantation, Church Records, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette, 1825-1828
- Starling Plantation, Church Records, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette, 1827-1831
- Starling Plantation, Church Records, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette, 1832-1834
- Starling Plantation, Church Records, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette, 1835-1836
- Starling Plantation, Church Records, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette, 1837-1840
- Starling Plantation, Church Records, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette, 1841-1844
- Starling Plantation, Church Records, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette, 1845-1846
- Starling Plantation, Church Records, First Regular Baptist Church of Fayette, 1847-1848
- Tremont, Hancock, Births or Christenings, 1815-1875
- Trenton, Hancock, Births or Christenings, 1738-1875
- Turner, Androscoggin, Births or Christenings, 1776-1875
- Union, Pastor’s Records, 1858-1910
- Van Buren, St. Bruno’s Parish, Index of Birth Records 1838-1893
- Vassalboro, Kennebec, Births or Christenings, 1763-1875
- Vienna, Kennebec, Births or Christenings, 1752-1875
- Wales, Androscoggin, Births or Christenings, 1759-1875
- Waterville, Kennebec, Births or Christenings, 1807-1875
- Wayne, Kennebec, Births or Christenings, 1763-1875
- Wayne, Baptist Church Records 1794 to 1845
- Webster, Androscoggin, Births or Christenings, 1840-1875
- Weld, Franklin, Births or Christenings, 1752-1875
- Wells, First Church of Christ Records, 1701-1811
- Wells, First Congregational Church Records 1701-1811
- West Gardiner, Kennebec, Births or Christenings, 1848-1875
- Westbrook, Cumberland, Births or Christenings, 1800-1875
- Westbrook, Marriages of St. Hyacinth (1877-1979) and of St. Mary (1916-1979)
- Wilton, Franklin, Births or Christenings, 1760-1875
- Windham, Cumberland, Births or Christenings, 1789-1875
- Windsor, Kennebec, Births or Christenings, 1791-1859
- Winslow, Kennebec, Births or Christenings, 1759-1875
- Winthrop Congregational Church – Records
- Winthrop Congregational Church Pictorial Church Directory, 1973
- Winthrop Congregational Church, Church Council Records, Book 5A
- Winthrop Congregational Church, Membership List, December 31, 1959
- Winthrop, Congregational Church, 1957 Membership Directory
- Winthrop, Congregational Church, Manual, 1896
- Winthrop, Congregational Church, Records, Book 1
- Winthrop, Congregational Church, Records, Book 2A
- Winthrop, Congregational Church, Records, Book 5
- Winthrop, Congregational Church, Records, Book 7
- Winthrop, Kennebec, Births or Christenings, 1720-1875
- Woolwich, Rev. Josiah Winship’s Church, Records
- Yarmouth, Cumberland, Births or Christenings, 1830-1875
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!