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(This page's most recent update is November 2024)
Probate records and wills are available online from all over the U.S. and are what I consider another hidden gem of information that can assist you in advancing your family history and genealogy research.
What can you find in these records? How about the date of death, spouse’s and children’s names, birth order, siblings and siblings’ spouses, parent’s names, and residence locations for all named persons? Also, ownership of land and/or other significant property, business names and occupation, military service, guardianships, and adoptions. Basically, anything owned by the deceased is typically listed and to whom it is to be assigned.
I won’t pretend to be an expert on the probate process – all I know is that I have discovered an amazing amount of good information from probate records and wills as part of my personal genealogy research.
Here are a few good primers on the benefits of searching probate documents and wills:
- FamilySearch – United States Probate Records
- Wills and Probate Records are Genealogy Riches
- How to Use Wills and Estate Records to Learn About Your Ancestors
- Probate Records Could Be the Key to Unlocking Your Family’s Hidden Past
Below, listed are links to probate records, wills, and indexes available for free online for the state.
Note: Please be aware that if you find a desired will or probate record in an index, the holder of the actual materials (e.g., (archive, county court, etc.) may charge a small fee to send you a copy of the material itself.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Mississippi Probate and Wills
- Adams County Administrators, Guardians and Executors Accounts Allowed, V. 20, 1919-1932
- Adams County Court Minutes, 1803-1835
- Adams County Court Records, 1836-1920
- Adams County Probate Real Estate Records, 1839-1908
- Adams County Probate Records, 1800-1956
- Adams County, Adams County, Original Spanish Court Records, 1781-1796
- Alcorn County Miscellaneous Records, 1881, 1885-1890
- Alcorn County Will Book, Old Tishomingo Co. and Alcorn Co., 1854-1921
- Amite County Amite County Papers
- Amite County Miscellaneous Index to Probate
- Amite County Probate Minute Book, 1835-1869
- Amite County Probate Records, 1827-1956; Indexes, 1809-1971
- Amite County Will Book, 1818-1922
- Amite County, Probate Records, 1699-1890
- Attala County Index to Wills, 1860-1990
- Attala County Court Records, 1858-1870
- Attala County Descriptive Register of Persons 1864-1865
- Attala County Probate Records, 1858-1934
- Benton County Will Records, 1871-1972
- Bolivar County Probate Minutes, 1865-1870
- Bolivar County Will Records of the 2nd District, 1900-1924
- Bolivar County Wills and Inventories, 1861-1924; Index to Wills and Inventories, 1861-1907
- Carroll County Executors Bonds, 1835-1869; Administrators Bonds, 1834-1857
- Carroll County Probate Court Minutes 1834-1870
- Carroll County Probate Records 1840-1869
- Carroll County Record of Final Judgments, 1837-1839, 1852-1856, 1860-1870
- Carroll County Will Books, 1834-1939
- Carroll County, Mississippi Probate Case Files, 1834-1909
- Chickasaw County Administrators’ Bonds and Letters, 1886-1906, 1920
- Chickasaw County Court Minutes, 1863-1870
- Chickasaw County Court Minutes, 1868-1896
- Chickasaw County Final Record of Court Cases, 1870-1876
- Chickasaw County Probate Docket, p. 1-309, 1853-1870
- Chickasaw County Record of Annual and Final Accounts of Estates, 1868-1897
- Chickasaw County Wills, 1863-1960; Appraisements and Inventories, 1863-1872
- Choctaw County Final Record of Court Cases, 1883-1926
- Choctaw County Will Records, 1879-1964
- Claiborne County Chancery Court Records, 1804-1932; Indexes, 1835-1938
- Claiborne County Court Records, 1819-1887
- Claiborne County Probate Records, 1802-1956; Will Index, 1802-1969
- Claiborne County, Orphans Court Records, 1811-1899
- Clarke County Court Records and Minute Books, 1839-1876
- Clarke County Court Records, 1840-1934; Index, 1840-1942
- Clarke County Index to Administrators, Executors and Guardians Bonds
- Clarke County Minute Books, 1839-1845
- Clarke County Probate Records, 1846-1973
- Clay County Administrators’ and Executors’ Bonds and Letters, 1872-1904
- Clay County Chancery Court Probate Records 1872-1924
- Clay County Final Record of Court Cases, Vols. 1-2, 1872-1901
- Clay County Guardian Records 1872-1905
- Clay County Will Records 1872-1952
- Coahoma County Administrators, Guardians and Executors Record, 1873-1879
- Coahoma County Court Minutes, 1845-1870
- Coahoma County Court Minutes, 1856-1892
- Coahoma County Estate and Divorce Files (mixed together) 1850-1950
- Coahoma County Final Probate Records, 1839-1880
- Coahoma County Final Record of Court Cases, 1856-1885
- Coahoma County Index to Estates of Decedents, Minors, Lunatics, and Convicts … (1839 – 1880)
- Coahoma County Petitions & Letters of Guardianship 1892-1943
- Coahoma County Probate and Chancery Court Docket, 1860-1873
- Coahoma County Will Records; 1841-1930, Probate Indexes
- Copiah County Court Docket, 1854-1858; 1866-1869
- Copiah County Court Minutes, 1834-1889; Index to Minutes, 1825-1848
- Copiah County Probate and Final Records, 1826-1903
- Copiah County Probate Records (loose Papers), 1823-1875
- Copiah County Probate Records, 1844-1924
- Copiah County Wills, 1832-1921
- Covington County Court Minutes, 1854-1872
- Covington County Court Records, 1854-1891
- Covington County Executors’ Roll, 1854-1862
- Covington County Inventory of money and Debts belonging to Estates of Deceased Persons, 1901-1939
- Covington County Probate Court Minutes, 1854-1889
- Covington County Will Record, Vol. 1, 1892-1948
- Covington County, General Index to Circuit and Chancery Court Records
- De Soto County Chancery Court Minutes 1856-1904
- De Soto County Estate Records and Dockets, 1838-1940; Index to Estates and Guardianship Matters, 1838-1972
- De Soto County Final Record Chancery Court 1854-1892
- De Soto County Final Record Probate Court 1836-1869
- De Soto County Minutes, 1843-1870
- De Soto County Will Record, Index to Wills, 1851-1990, 1851-1957
- DeSoto County, Chancery Court Records, 1838-1950
- DeSoto County, Index to Estates and Guardianship Matters
- Forrest County Wills Index and Abstracts 1908-1924
- Forrest County Will Records, 1880-1890, 1898-1924
- Franklin County Court Minutes, Vols. 1-2, 1857-1900
- Franklin County Court Record, Minutes, Docket, 1860-1892
- Franklin County Final Records, 1872-1906
- Franklin County Probate Records, 1842-1910; Indexes, 1863-1868
- Franklin County Register of Claims against Descendents’ Estates, 1876-1934
- Franklin County Will Book A, 1877-1935
- George County Index to Wills, power of Attorney and General Conveyances
- George County Will Records, 1908-1927
- Greene County Record of Wills, Vol. 1, 1878-1927
- Grenada County Administrators, Guardians, Executors Record and Accounts, Vol. A, 1873-1906; Vol. B, 1871-1892; Vol. C, 1918-1942
- Grenada County Court Minutes, 1870-1896
- Grenada County Final Record, 1870-1936
- Grenada County General Docket, 1870-1913
- Grenada County Record of Wills, Vol. A, 1872-1900; Vol. B, 1896-1929
- Hancock County Chancery Court Case Files; Index, 1853-1907
- Hancock County Probate Records (1853-1924; Index 1916-1921), 1853-1924
- Hancock County Will Records, V. A-B, 1860-1916
- Harrison County Administrators, Executors & Guardianship Records, 1853-1927; Index 1916-1921, 1853-1927
- Harrison County Probate Records, ca. 1837-1927, 1837-1927
- Harrison County Probate Records, Indexes, 1838-1916
- Harrison County, Index of Wills, 1853-1927
- Harrison County, Wills, 1853-1927
- Hinds County Inventory Books, 1822-1882
- Hinds County Probate Court Records, 1822-1875; Indexes, 1831-1874, 1822-1875
- Hinds County Probate Records, 1823-1925; Indexes, 1827-1844; 1872-1884, 1823-1925
- Hinds County Probate Records, 1825-1922, 1825-1922
- Hinds County, Orphan’s Court Records, 1832-1848
- Hinds County, Will Book I, 1822-1859
- Holmes County Probate Records, 1833-1888, 1893-1977; Indexes, 1833-1977, 1833-1977
- Issaquena County Apprentice Records, 1866-1869
- Issaquena County Probate Records and Indexes, 1849-1952
- Issaquena County Probate Records, 1849-1879
- Issaquena County Will Books, 1845-1944
- Itawamba County Estate Accounts of Deceased Persons, 1899-1936
- Itawamba County Estate Records, 1854-1859, 1871-1876, 1887-1954
- Itawamba County Final Record of Court Cases, 1875-1922
- Itawamba County Guardians’ Bonds and Letters, 1858-1879, 1899, 1941-1942
- Jackson County Court Records, ca. 1875-1917; Index, ca. 1875-1960
- Jackson County Probate Records, 1874-1921; Index ca. 1874-1890
- Jackson County Wills and powers of Attorney, 1858-1958
- Jasper County Court Records, 1906-1958
- Jasper County Minutes of Probate Court, 1851-1856; Registry of Claims, 1906-1998
- Jasper County Will Record 1, Second District, 1855-1944
- Jasper County, Index of Wills and Land Grants, 1834-1905
- Jefferson County Will Abstracts from Book A 1800-1833
- Jefferson County Chancery Court Records, 1804-1954
- Jefferson County Index to Probate Papers
- Jefferson County Papers, 1806-1872
- Jefferson County Probate Minutes, 1830-1834
- Jefferson County Probate Minutes, 1835-1886
- Jefferson County Probate Records, 1800-1930
- Jefferson Davis County Guardianship and Administrators Bonds and Letters; 1906-1953
- Jefferson Davis County Record of Wills, Vol. 1, 1888-1948
- Jones County Final Record of Court Cases, 1857-1890
- Jones County Will Records, 1894-1954
- Jones County Wills Records, 1897-1934
- Jones County, Probate Records, 1873-1952
- Kemper County Court Records, 1880-1955
- Kemper County, Probate Records, 1881-1972
- Kemper County, Register of Claims by creditors against Estates of Deceased Persons, Vol. A, 1881-1972
- Lafayette County Guardian Bonds and Letters, 1872-1936 (Lafayette County, Mississippi)
- Lafayette County Probate Court Docket, V. 3, 1858-1862
- Lafayette County Probate Records, 1836-1870
- Lafayette County Will Records, 1843-1952 (Lafayette County
- Lafayette County, Will Abstracts, 1836-1898
- Lafayette County, Will Books, 1843-1897; an Index
- Lamar County Record of Wills, Vol. 1, 1901-1925
- Lauderdale County Administrators’ Bonds and Letters, 1858-1908
- Lauderdale County Court Dockets, 1852-1870
- Lauderdale County Court Minutes, 1849-1852, 1855-1870
- Lauderdale County Court Minutes, 1856-1890
- Lauderdale County Court Records, 1851-1858
- Lauderdale County Executors’ Bonds and Letters Testamentary, 1868-1898
- Lauderdale County Final Record of Petitions to the Court, 1858-1868
- Lauderdale County Guardians’ Bonds and Letters, 1858-1916
- Lauderdale County Inventory and Appraisement of Estates of Deceased Persons, 1858-1891
- Lauderdale County Settlement of Estates of Deceased Persons, 1858-1887
- Lauderdale County Will Records, 1858-1931
- Lawrence County Court Minutes, Vol. B, 1836-1840
- Lawrence County Court Records, 1858-1866
- Lawrence County Will Book, 1881-1955
- Leake County Court Records, 1844-1862
- Leake County Probate Records, 1852-1951
- Lee County Court Minutes, 1867-1870
- Lee County Court Minutes, 1867-1873
- Lee County Final Record of Court Cases, 1867-1870
- Lee County Will Records, 1867-1919
- Leflore County Will Record, 1845-1931; Master Index, Wills, 1845-1969
- Lincoln County Chancery Records, 1875-1921
- Lincoln County Guardians and Administrators Records, 1895-1942
- Lincoln County Record of Wills, 1893-1971
- Lowndes County Administrators’ Bonds and Letters, 1858-1924
- Lowndes County Estate Records 1830-1921
- Lowndes County Executors’ Bonds and Letters Testamentary, 1858-1938
- Lowndes County Final Records of Court Cases 1846-1941
- Lowndes County Guardians’ Bonds, 1858-1945
- Lowndes County Guardians Bonds, 1871-1929
- Lowndes County Index to Probate-estate Dockets, 1830-1939
- Lowndes County Inventory Records of Estates, 1858-1936
- Lowndes County Probate Accounts, 1879-1916
- Lowndes County Probate Court Minutes, 1837-1870
- Lowndes County Probate Records, 1830-1866
- Lowndes County Will Records, 1847-1935
- Lowndes County Wills, 1906-1936; Index
- Lowndes County, Deeds & Wills & Record, ca. 1834-1875
- Madison County Chancery Court Records, ca. 1832-1950; Indexes, ca. 1828-1982; Divorces, ca. 1844-1950, 1828-1950
- Madison County Clerks Minute Book A, 1870-1881
- Madison County Court Minutes, 1870-1889
- Madison County Probate Records, 1828-1869, 1872-1929, 1828-1929
- Madison County Probate Records, 1828-1912; Index to Wills, 1828-1892, 1828-1912
- Marion County Court Records, 1812-1832
- Marion County Estate Record, 1854-1950
- Marion County Probate Records, 1831-1915
- Marion County Redemption Record of Estates, 1847-1872
- Marion County Will Book A, 1836-1850; Will Record A, 1871-1944; Will Record B, 1919-1963
- Marion County, Orphan Court Records (Abstracts of Wills and Estates), 1812-1859
- Marshall County Court Minutes, 1839-1844, 1866-1888
- Marshall County Court Minutes, 1840-1870
- Marshall County Court Records, 1839-1871
- Marshall County Final Record of Court Cases, 1856-1886
- Marshall County Probate Docket, No. 603-1224, 1847-1858
- Marshall County Will Records, 1891-1952
- Marshall County Wills and Related Probate Matters, 1836-1839
- Mississippi Probate Records, 1781-1930
- Monroe County Administration Record, 1870-1926
- Monroe County Appraisements and Inventories of Estates, 1870-1897, 1911
- Monroe County Chancery Court Docket, 1869-1871
- Monroe County Executor’s Record 1871-1916
- Monroe County Final Records of Court Cases, 1856-1894
- Monroe County Guardians’ Bonds and Letters, 1870-1919
- Monroe County Index to Wills, Inventories and Dockets (various Years)
- Monroe County Inventory Record of Estates, 1821-1830
- Monroe County Inventory Records of Estates, 1839-1921
- Monroe County Judge’s Chancery Docket, 1857-1879
- Monroe County Ledger of Accounts in Court Cases, 1834-1851
- Monroe County Mixed Estate and Probate Court Files 1821-1916
- Monroe County Probate Docket, 1838-1847
- Monroe County Reference to Estate Matters, 1837-1850
- Monroe County Will Book, 1835-1851
- Monroe County, Probate Records
- Montgomery County Board of Executor’s Bonds-Letters, No. 1; Executor’s Bonds and Letters Testamentary, 1871-1957
- Montgomery County Chancery Docket, 1872-1909
- Montgomery County Final Record of Court Cases, 1871-1909
- Montgomery County Register of Claims against Estates of Deceased Persons, 1872-1971
- Montgomery County Will Records, 1872-1926
- Neshoba County Court Minutes, Vols. 1-2, 1857-1905
- Neshoba County Court Records, 1859-1931; Index, 1908-1957
- Neshoba County Probate Records, 1860-1947
- Newton County Court Records, 1876-1906
- Newton County Probate Records, 1876-1969
- Newton County Will Record, Vols. 1-2, 1872-1930
- Noxubee County Chancery Court Records 1834-1916; Indexes, 1834-1865
- Noxubee County Final Record of Chancery Court Cases 1876-1907
- Noxubee County Inventories and Appraisements of Estates, 1875-1902
- Noxubee County Ledgers of the Board of Police, 1834-1845, 1892
- Noxubee County Pension Records 1892-1950
- Noxubee County Probate Court Dockets 1861-1871
- Noxubee County Probate Court Minutes 1834-1870
- Noxubee County Probate Court Records 1834-1858
- Noxubee County Record of Wills 1834-1926
- Noxubee County Register of Claims against Estates 1872-1918
- Noxubee County Settlements of Estates 1857-1872, 1875-1919
- Noxubee County, Miscellaneous Court Papers, 1835-1881
- Oktibbeha County Bonds and Letters of Administrators, 1866-1872
- Oktibbeha County Chancery Court Case Records 1880-1920
- Oktibbeha County Court Minutes, 1854-1860
- Oktibbeha County Court Minutes, 1880-1887
- Oktibbeha County Final Record of Probate Cases, 1857-1867
- Oktibbeha County Will Books, 1881-1941
- Panola County Administrator’s Bond Book for the Second District, 1880-1952, Volume A
- Panola County Administrator’s Record, Volume H, 1870-1891
- Panola County Administrators, Executors and Guardians Bonds, 1836-1848
- Panola County Annual Accounts of Executors, Administrators and Guardians, Volume A, 1870-1871
- Panola County Chancery Court Records, 1840-1906; Index, 1880-1972
- Panola County Court Records, 1836-1870
- Panola County Estates, Wills, Divorce Cases 1880-1950
- Panola County Executor’s Bond Book for the Second District, 1880-1952, Volume A
- Panola County Executor’s Record, Volume G, 1861-1870
- Panola County Guardian’s Bonds for the Second District, 1880-1952, Volume A
- Panola County Guardian’s Records, 1861-1891
- Panola County Sale of Lands in Estates, 1866-1869
- Panola County Will Book of the 2nd District, 1880-1921
- Panola County Will Books of the 1st District, 1845-1932
- Pearl River County Record of Wills, Vols. 1-2, 1899-1948
- Perry County Will Records, 1889-1952
- Pike County Executors’ Bonds and Letters Testamentary, 1884-1927
- Pike County General Chancery Docket, Vol. 1, 1882-1919; Court Minutes, Vol. 1, 1882-1894
- Pike County Guardians’ Bonds and Letters, 1882-1923
- Pike County Probate Records, 1882-1957
- Pike County Record of Wills, Vols. 1-3, 1882-1947
- Pike County, Probate Records, 1882-1948
- Pontotoc County Probate and Wills Index
- Pontotoc County Bonds and Letters of Administration and Guardianship, Accounts and Inventories of Estates of Deceased Persons, 1848-1850; Administrators Bonds, 1867-1877
- Pontotoc County Book of Wills, 1837-1846; Record of Wills, 1890-1925
- Pontotoc County Court Minutes, 1836-1849, 1855-1858, 1865-1869
- Pontotoc County Court Minutes, 1872-1906
- Pontotoc County Estate Journal, 1845-1848
- Pontotoc County Final Records of Court Cases, 1871-1898
- Pontotoc County Final Records of Probate Cases, 1850-1874
- Pontotoc County General Index to Records and Files. (dates not given)
- Pontotoc County, Deed Books, 1836-1872
- Pontotoc County, Probate Records
- Prentiss County Executors’ Bonds, 1870-1943; Administrators’ Bonds, 1870-1926; Guardians’ Bonds, 1870-1913
- Prentiss County Final Record of Court Cases, 1872-1896
- Prentiss County Miscellaneous Final Record of Probate Business, 1872-1881
- Prentiss County Will Records, 1870-1932
- Quitman County Administrators Bonds and Letters, 1878-1888; Guardians Bonds and Letters, 1877-1894
- Quitman County Final Record of Court Cases, 1886-1896
- Quitman County Inventories and Appraisements of Estates, 1878-1888
- Quitman County Probate Minute Book, 1877-1900
- Quitman County Will Records, 1878-1934
- Rankin County Accounts and Reports of Probate, 1872-1894
- Rankin County Bond Book and Wills, 1841-1905
- Rankin County Estate and Divorce Files, 1855-1950
- Rankin County Index to Estates, 1923
- Rankin County Inventories and Appraisements, 1828-1923
- Rankin County Probate Records, 1852-1912
- Rankin County Rankin County Probate Court Records, 1819-1882
- Rankin County Record of Petitions of Probate, 1847-1911
- Scott County General Chancery Docket, 1873-1905; Minutes, 1873-1899; Final Record, 1878-1887
- Scott County Land Records, 1835-1936; Indexes, 1835-1995; Deeds and Wills, 1835-1839
- Scott County Probate Records, 1835-1951; Index to Wills, 1866-1972
- Sharkey County Final Record of Court Cases, Vol. A, 1880-1929
- Sharkey County Guardians’ Bonds and Letters, Vol. A, 1877-1936
- Sharkey County Minute Book, 1879-1896
- Sharkey County Record of Administrators’ Bonds and Letters, Vol. A, 1876-1936
- Sharkey County Record of Executors’ Bonds and Letters Testamentary, Vol. A, 1877-1936
- Sharkey County Record of Inventories and Appraisements of Estates of Deceased Persons, Vol. A, 1877-1935
- Sharkey County Will Book A, 1877-1923
- Simpson County Administrators’ Bonds and Letters, Vol. A, 1872-1952
- Simpson County Court Records, 1872-1914
- Simpson County Guardians’ Bonds and Letters, Vol. A, 1872-1949
- Simpson County Inventory and Appraisement Record of Estates of Deceased Persons, Vol. A, 1877-1948
- Simpson County Probate Records, 1887-1972
- Simpson County Will Record, Vol. A, 1873-1924
- Smith County Probate Records, 1893-1947
- Sunflower County Record of Wills, 1884-1918; Index to Wills, 1884-1972
- Tallahatchie County Court Minutes, 1856-1900
- Tallahatchie County Final Record of Court Cases, 1856-1910
- Tallahatchie County Probate Records: Minutes, Inventories, Appraisements; Bonds of Administrators, Executors and Guardians, 1834-1939
- Tallahatchie County Will Books, 1830-1925
- Tate County Bonds and Letters of Guardians, Administrators, Executors, 1873-1959
- Tate County Minutes and Final Records of Court Cases, 1873-1893; Index to General Chancery Docket, 1873-1953
- Tate County Will Record, V. 1-2, 1873-1937
- Tippah County Records, 1836-1923
- Tippah County Administrators’ and Guardians’ Records, Bonds and Letters, 1855-1954
- Tippah County Court Minutes, 1851-1856
- Tippah County Court Minutes, 1876-1883
- Tippah County Will Records, 1858-1934
- Tippah County, Probate Record, 1868-1923
- Tippah County, Marriage and Miscellaneous Court Records, 1849-1880
- Tishomingo County Court Records, Minutes, Dockets, 1836-1870
- Tishomingo County Guardians Bonds and Letters, 1858-1870
- Tishomingo County Inventories and Appraisements of Estates, 1858-1869
- Tishomingo County Miscellaneous Records, 1860-1870
- Tishomingo County Will Books, 1887-1948
- Tunica County Final Records, 1867-1895; General Dockets, 1868-1918
- Tunica County Probate Minutes, 1863-1869
- Tunica County Wills, Letters Testamentary, Record of Inventories, Accounts of Administrators, 1839-1922
- Union County Will Records, 1881-1952
- Walthall County Record of Wills, Vol. 1, 1913-1955
- Warren County Account Books, 1828-1926
- Warren County Chancery Court Minutes and Records, 1855-1926; Index 1810-1971
- Warren County General Probate Court Docket, 1810-1940
- Warren County Inventories of Estates, 1845-1903
- Warren County Minute Books, 1824-1924; Index 1859-1893
- Warren County Probate Records: Administrators’ Accounts, Bonds, Letters; Guardian Bonds, 1842-1939
- Warren County Wills, Bonds, Orders, 1823-1927
- Washington County Will Records, 1839-1922
- Washington County, Wills, Court Records, 1830-1919
- Wayne County Final Record of Court Cases, Vol. 1, 1879-1921
- Wayne County Will Records, Vols. 1-2, 1895-1947
- Webster County Administrator’s Bonds and Letters, 1874-1907
- Webster County Probate Minutes, 1879-1880
- Webster County Will Records, 1874-1934
- Wilkinson County Dockets, 1847-1870
- Wilkinson County Inventory and Accounts, 1808-1897
- Wilkinson County Minutes of the Probate Court, 1814-1870
- Wilkinson County Probate Records. 1822-1965
- Wilkinson County Rough Minutes of the Probate Court, 1831-1870
- Wilkinson County Will Records, 1824-1926
- Winston County Administrators’ and Guardians’ Bonds, Oaths, Letters Records, 1858-1929
- Winston County Chancery Court Packets, 1860-1932
- Winston County Court Dockets, 1859-1870
- Winston County Court Minutes
- Winston County Court Minutes, 1834-1854, 1861-1873
- Winston County Court Records, 1835-1875
- Winston County Estate Settlements: Annual and Final Settlements of Administrators, Guardians and Executors, 1858-1880
- Winston County Probate and Police Court Records, 1837-1869
- Winston County Probate County Court Records, 1834-1866
- Winston County Reports of Guardians, Administrators, 1848-1851
- Winston County Roll of Administrators, Guardians, Executors Records, Vol. 1, 1881-1891
- Winston County Will Records, 1860-1929
- Winston County, Final Records of Court Cases, 1856-1875, 1892-1927
- Yalobusha County Court Dockets, Records, Minutes, 1834-1870
- Yalobusha County Court Records, 1834-1901
- Yalobusha County Index to Estates, 1860-1882
- Yalobusha County Inventories of Estates, 1834-1895
- Yalobusha County Probate Records; Administrators, Executors Guardians Bonds and Letters, 1834-1971
- Yalobusha County Will Books of the 1st District, Vols. A-C, 1834-1958
- Yalobusha County Wills of the 2nd District, 1871-1911
- Yazoo County Chancery Court Minutes 1867-1890; Indexes, 1860-1943
- Yazoo County Probate Court Minutes and Proceedings 1834-1873
- Yazoo County, Probate Records, 1833-1948
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!