(This page's most recent update is December 2024)
Do you research school records? I’m not talking about yearbooks. Those can be found on the Yearbooks Page. I’m talking about actual school records, such as enrollment, attendance, and grade reports for example. These are interesting source documents because they might record the student’s age, birth date and location, and possibly their parents’ names. All great ways to find this information if you haven’t found them in other documents about your target ancestor. Besides, finding out your grandmother’s grades would be interesting!
The record collection links, listed below, feature school records from the state, and list collections of records that are available for free online.
If you wish to get educated with some basic information regarding what is available and how to navigate your research for school records, you can read these summaries:
- 5 Quick Tips to Get the Most Out of Education Records
- Top 10 Strategies for Finding School Records for Genealogy
- Getting Started With School Records for Genealogy Research
So, what types of records related to schools are maintained and often available?
- School Census
- School Catalogs
- Teacher’s Registers
- Attendance Records
- Report Cards
- Class Logs
- Teacher Rosters
- School Board Meetings/Reports
- Academic Team and Class Photos
- Local Newspaper Articles:
- Graduation Lists
- School Activities
- School Sports
- Student Newspapers
- Alumni Directories and Publications
- Yearbooks
- Yearbook Indexes
And, what types of information can you derive from these school records?
- Name (often includes a middle name which is useful).
- Age
- Physical Characteristics – color/race, disability.
- Birth Date
- Current Residence Address
- Name of Father
- Name of Mother
- Occupations of parents
- Grades
- Classes Taken
- Activities (from Photos)
- Date left school (can help with family residence relocation)
Below is a list of links to free online school record collections for the state;
Note: Some of the links go to sites with not much information and some go to sites with an extensive set of records.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
New York School Records
- A History of the Pulaski Schools from 1808 through 1938
- A History of the University of Buffalo
- A Story Historical of Cornell University, with Biographies of Distinguished Cornellians
- An Historical Sketch of the State Normal College at Albany, N.Y., and a History of its Graduates for Fifty Years, 1844-1894
- Annals of Public Education in the State of New York, from 1626 to 1746
- Auburn Theological Seminary, General Catalogue, including the Trustees, Treasurers, Professors, and Alumni
- Auburn, Auburn Theological Seminary – General Catalogue of the Auburn theological Seminary: including the Trustees, Treasurers, Professors, and Alumni, 1883
- Baldwinsville Academy and Union School Annual Catalogue
- Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of the U.S. Military Academy, from 1802 to 1867: Rev. ed., with a Supplement Continuing the Register of Graduates to January 1, 1879
- Brooklyn, Chronicles of Erasmus Hall
- Canton, General Catalogue of the Trustees, Officers, and Graduates, and of Students and non Graduates of the St. Lawrence University, 1856-1910
- Catalogue of Officers and Graduates of Columbia University from the Foundation of King’s College in 1754, 1906
- Catalogue of Officers and Graduates of Columbia University from the Foundation of King’s College in 1754, 1912
- Catalogue of Officers and Graduates of Columbia University from the Foundation of King’s College in 1754-1916
- Cayuga County, 1816-1817 Genoa – Five Corners School Records
- Cayuga County, 1844 Catalogue Of Teachers And Pupils – Poplar Ridge Seminary (PDF)
- Cayuga County, 1880 Class Photo Album For Auburn Academic HS
- Cayuga County, 1945 Union Springs Seniors
- Cayuga County, 1955 Union Springs Seniors
- Cayuga County, 1965 USCS Seniors
- Cayuga County, 1975 Union Springs Seniors
- Cayuga County, 1985 USCS Seniors
- Cayuga County, 1994 Union Springs Central School Seniors
- Cayuga County, 1995 Union Springs Seniors
- Cayuga County, Auburn High School Class Of 1891
- Cayuga County, Auburn High School Class Photo of 1935
- Cayuga County, Auburn NY High School Grads1868-1893
- Cayuga County, Auburn West High Class Of 1944
- Cayuga County, ca. 1922 Southern Cayuga Co. Spelling Test Results
- Cayuga County, Photo of Auburn High Class of 1923
- Cayuga County, Port Byron NY High School Fiftieth Anniversary 1872-1922
- Cayuga County, Sherwood NY Select School 1923-24
- Cayuga County, Union Springs Class Of 1944
- Cayuga County, Union Springs Class Of 1954
- Cayuga County, Union Springs Class Of 1964
- Cayuga County, Union Springs Class Of 1974
- Cayuga County, Union Springs Class Of 1984
- Cayuga County, Weedsport High School 1909 – 1910 Catalogue And Announcements
- Charleston, Montgomery County, List of those Attending School, District No.1, 1796
- Chautaqua County, Jamestown High School Graduates, 1929
- Chautaqua County, Jamestown High School Graduates, 1931
- Chautaqua County, School Student Lists and School Photos
- Clinton, Hamilton College – Complete Alumni Register of Hamilton College, 1812-1932
- Clinton, Hamilton College – General Roll of Hamilton College, 1812-1908
- Clinton, Biographical Record of the Class of 1865, of Hamilton College
- Clinton, Documentary History of Hamilton College
- Clinton, Hamilton College – A History of the Cass of 1857
- Clinton, Hamilton College, A Historical Sketch
- Colgate Rochester Divinity School Bulletin, General Catalog, 1819-1939
- Colgate University – Addresses of Alumni, 1891
- Colgate University (Hamilton, New York) – General Catalogue with List of Alumni, 1905
- Columbia University, Catalogue of Officers and Graduates of Columbia University from the Foundation of King’s College in 1754
- Cornell University Alumni Directory, 1868-1931
- Cornell University Directory of Living Alumni, 1868-1938
- Cornell University, a History
- Cortland, Report of School District No. 8, 1853-1895
- Cortland; History of Cortland Normal School and State University of New York Teachers College at Cortland, 1869-1959
- Cortlandville School Districts No. 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 21 for 1845-1853
- DeWitt, School Commissioners’ Minute Book, 1835-1915
- Elbridge, Onondaga County, Catalogue and Circular of the Munro Collegiate Institute,1875-6
- Elmira College – Alumnae and Former Students Address List, 1922
- First Fifty Years of Cazenovia Seminary, 1825-1875, its History, Proceedings of the semi-centennial Jubilee, General Catalogue
- Fulton County, 1928 Fulton County School Directory
- Fulton County, Broadalbin Class of 1877, Reunion of 1902 (& Addresses)
- Fulton County, Broadalbin Class of 1877, Reunion of 1907
- Fulton County, Broadalbin Class of 1877, Reunions of 1887 & 1897
- Fulton County, Broadalbin High School Bugle, (Newspaper) Spring 1933; also Includes Graduates from 1901-1932
- Fulton County, Broadalbin High School, Class of 1877
- Fulton County, Fulton’s Earliest Schools, by Lewis Decker
- Fulton County, Gloversville Business School, Listing of Partial Ex-students
- Fulton County, Gloversville High School, Commencement, 1920
- Fulton County, Gloversville Public Schools, 1924-25 Handbook
- Fulton County, Gloversville Public Schools, 1944-45 Handbook
- Fulton County, Johnstown District #17, West Bush School Meeting Minutes, 1903-1913
- Fulton County, Johnstown District #17, West Bush School Meeting Minutes, 1914-1922
- Fulton County, Johnstown District #17, West Bush School, Meeting Minutes, 1895-1902
- Fulton County, Johnstown High School, Class of 1912
- Fulton County, Johnstown High School, Class of 1928
- Fulton County, Oppenheim/Ephratah Schools – Listings of Schools, Students Teachers, etc.
- Fulton County, The Silk Screen Art Building – Johnstown School #18
- Fulton County, West Bush School, Annual School Meeting Minutes, For Years 1928, 1936, 1939
- Fulton County, West Bush School, Memories of the School, Teachers and Students, 1943-1951
- Fulton County, West Bush School, PTA Activities, 1947-48
- Fulton County, West Bush School, PTA Activities, 1948-49
- Fulton County, West Bush School, PTA Activities, 1949-50
- Fulton County, West Bush School, PTA Activities, 1950-51
- Fulton County, Yonkers Bush Students, 1893
- Fulton, Falley Seminary, History; Sketches of Departed Teachers, and Names and Addresses of Teachers and Students
- General Catalog of the Officers and Graduates of Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, 1920
- General Catalog of the University of Rochester, 1850-1911
- General Catalogue of the University of Rochester, 1850-1900
- Geneva, Hobart College – General Catalogue of Officers, Graduates and Students, 1825-1897
- Geneva, Hobart College- The Centennial of Hobart College, 1822-1922
- Geneva, Hobart College. General Catalogue of Officers, Graduates and Students. 1825-1897
- Hamilton College, Records of the Class of 65
- Hamilton, The First Half Century of Madison University (now Colgate), (1819-1869), Containing Sketches of eleven Hundred Living and Deceased Alumni
- History of Columbia University, 1754-1904: Published in Commemoration of the one Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of King’s College
- History of the School of the Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church in the City of New York, from 1633 to 1883
- Jefferson County, Black River Literary and Religious Institute, Class Rosters, 1837-1842
- Jefferson County, Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the Antwerp Liberal Literary Institute, Antwerp, NY from May, 1861 to August, 1863.
- Jefferson County, Clayton Center School Class Records, 1847-1865
- Jefferson County, Mercy Hospital Training School Class Photos
- Jefferson County, St. Joachim’s Training School For Nurses, 1905-1926 Class Photos
- Lewis County, 1947 West Leyden Central School Faculty and Students
- Lincolndale, Lincoln Hall School, Residents’ Identification Cards, ca. 1880-1938
- Livingston County, Dansville High School, Class Register, 1918-1919
- Lowville, Lowville Academy semi-centennial Anniversary: celebrated at N.Y., July 21st and 22d, 1858
- Marathon, Cortland County, Miscellaneous Record, 1839-1878
- Mexico, School days at Mexico Academy, 1826-1976
- Mount Hope, Pupils in School District No. 6, 1845
- New York City, Bellevue Hospital Medical College, Second Decennial Catalogue of the Trustees, Faculty, Officers and of the Alumni of the of the City of New York, 1861 to 1881
- New York City, Columbia College, Graduates, 1769-1810
- New York City, Long Island College Hospital, Long Island College of Medicine, and the State University of New York College of Medicine, Alumni Association Highlights, 1880-1955 and Biographies of Graduates, 1900-1955
- New York City, Officers and Graduates of Columbia College, 1754-1894
- New York City, Union Theological Seminary, Alumni Catalogue, 1836-1926
- New York County, New York College of Dentistry Graduates, 1925
- New York University, General Alumni Catalogue of 1833-1907
- New York, State Library School Register 1887-1926
- New-York African Free School Records, 1817-1832
- Niagara Falls, History of Niagara University, Seminary of Our Lady of Angels, 1856-1931
- Oneida County, Whitestown Seminary Alumni, 1878
- Oneida County, Whitestown Seminary, Alumni
- Oneonta, Hartwich College, Throughout All the Years: the bicentennial Story of Hartwich in America, 1746-1946
- Onondaga County, Onondaga Academy Students, 1906-1907
- Onondaga County, Solvay High School 1920 Graduation Class
- Oxford, Chenango County, The Oxford Academy Jubilee
- Poughkeepsie, Vassar College, The Fourth General Catalogue of the Officers and Graduates of Vassar College, 1861-1910
- Preble, Cortland County, School, Taxation, and Business Records, 1813-1871
- Rensselaer County, Emma Willard High School Class List, 1931
- Rensselaer County, School Register of District No. 8, Berlin
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Trustees, Officers, and Graduates, 1824-1894
- Richmond County, Curtis High School Graduates, 1928
- Richmond County, Curtis High School Graduates, 1957
- Richmond County, Curtis High School Graduates, 1963
- Richmond County, Curtis High School Graduates, 1964
- Richmond County, Curtis High School Graduates, 1965
- Richmond County, New Dorp High School Graduates, 1954
- Richmond County, PS 14, Graduation, 1904
- Richmond County, Public School 44, Jan 1947 Graduates
- Richmond County, St. Peter’s Girls High School Graduates, 1928
- Rochester, Rochester Theological Seminary General Catalogue 1850 to 1910
- Sandy Creek, The Book of the Sandy Creek High School, 1916-1921
- Schenectady, Union College, Centennial Catalog 1795-1895 of the Officers and Alumni
- Schenectady, Union University, the lives and Works of its Founders, benefactors, Officers, Regents, Faculty, and the Achievements of its Alumni
- Scoharie County, Jefferson, 1868 School Reports
- Scott, Cortland County, Justice of the Peace and School Records, 1816-1850
- Scott, Cortland County, School Records, 1847-1850
- Seneca County, Lodi High School, Students 1920
- Sherburne Records, Persons Names in Reports of School and Road Districts, 1821-1876
- Sherburne, Early School and Road Records, 1821-1876
- St. John’s School, Manlius, N.Y., 1891
- St. Lawrence University (Canton, New York) – General Catalogue of the Officers, Graduates, and non-graduates, 1856-1925
- St. Lawrence University, Quinquennial Catalogue of the Trustees, Officers and Graduates and of Students not Graduates, of the Saint Lawrence University, 1856-1890
- State University College at Potsdam, First quarto-centennial History of the State Normal and Training School, Potsdam, N.Y., 1869-1894
- Syracuse City School District, Personnel Directory
- Syracuse School District, Directory of School Personnel, 1920
- Syracuse School District, Directory of School Personnel, 1960-1961
- Syracuse School District, Directory of School Personnel, 1963
- Syracuse School District, Directory of School Personnel, 1964
- Syracuse School District, Directory of School Personnel, 1965
- Syracuse School District, Directory of School Personnel, 1966
- Syracuse School District, Directory of School Personnel, 1967
- Syracuse School District, Directory of School Personnel, 1969
- Syracuse School District, Directory of School Personnel, 1973-74
- Syracuse University Directory
- Syracuse University Student and Faculty Directory, 1913-1914
- Syracuse University Student and Faculty Directory, 1914-1915
- Syracuse University Student and Faculty Directory, 1915-1916
- Syracuse University Student and Faculty Directory, 1916-1917
- Syracuse University Student and Faculty Directory, 1921
- Syracuse University Student and Faculty Directory, 1921-1922
- Syracuse University Student and Faculty Directory, 1924-1925
- Syracuse University Student and Faculty Directory, 1925-1926
- Syracuse University Student and Faculty Directory, 1926-1927
- Syracuse, Board of Education, Directory of School Personnel
- Syracuse, Board of Education, Syracuse Board of Education, 1848-1959
- Syracuse, The Maxwell Graduate School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, 1924-49
- Syracuse, Central City Business School, Catalogue
- Syracuse, Saint Andrew’s Divinity School, Directory of Members
- The Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York: Historical and Biographical Sketches of its First Fifty Years
- Tioga County, Miscellaneous Class Photos
- Tompkins County, 1877 Cornell Commencement Program
- Tompkins County, 1896 Cornell Graduates
- Tompkins County, Caroline Schools
- Tompkins County, Caroline, Record of School District 23
- Tompkins County, Caroline, West Slaterville School
- Tompkins County, Cornell University Biographies
- Tompkins County, Cornell Winter Dairy Course, 1909-10
- Tompkins County, Dryden, Ellis Hollow School No. 10
- Tompkins County, Enfield Center School 1934 Class Photo
- Tompkins County, Enfield, Millers Corners District #4 School, circa 1938-39
- Tompkins County, History of Cornell University
- Tompkins County, Ithaca High School Class of 1925
- Tompkins County, Ithaca High School Class of 1926
- Tompkins County, Ithaca, East Lawn School
- Tompkins County, Ithaca, Graduates and Teachers of Ithaca High School 1876-1900
- Tompkins County, Ithaca, West Hill School
- Tompkins County, Newfield High School Class of 1937
- Tompkins County, Newfield, Cutter School Students, about 1930
- Tompkins County, Newfield, Cutter School, 1932
- Tompkins County, Trumansburg High School Class of 1941
- Tompkins County, Trumansburg, Mrs. Cogan’s Fourth Grade Class, 1953-54
- Tompkins County, Trumansburg, Swamp College School, circa 1914
- Tompkins County, West Dryden School, c. 1915-1917
- Tompkins County, West Dryden School, c. 1933-34
- Troy Female Seminary, Emma Willard and her Pupils1822-1872
- Ulster County, Ellenville High School Class of 1915
- Ulster County, Kettleborough School District Minutes and Records (1827-1927)
- Union College, A General Catalogue of the Officers, Graduates and Students of from 1795 to 1854
- Union University (Schenectady, New York) – Centennial Catalog, 1795-1895, of the Officers and Alumni of Union College in the City of Schenectady, N.Y
- Union University (Schenectady, New York) – Union College Alumni in the Civil War, 1861-1865
- United States Military Academy – Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of the U. S. Military Academy from its Establishment, in 1839 to 1890
- United States Military Academy – Biographical Register of the Officers and Graduates of the U. S. Military Academy: from its Establishment March 16, 1802 to the Army re-organization of 1866-67
- United States Military Academy, Official Register of the Officers and Cadets, 1818-1966
- United States Military Academy, Official Register of the Officers and Cadets
- United States Military Academy, Records Relating to the United States Military Academy, 1812-1867
- United States Military Academy, Register of Graduates and Former Cadets of the United States Military Academy
- United States Military Academy, Selected Documents Relating to Blacks Nominated for Appointment to the U. S. Military Academy during the 19th Century, 1870-1887
- United States, Military Academy Registers, Records of the Adjutant General’s Office, 1780s-1917
- United States, Register of Cadet Applicants, Records of the Adjutant General’s Office, 1780s-1917, 1819-67
- University of Rochester – The Alumni Address List, 1909
- University of Rochester – The Alumni Address List, 1915
- University of Rochester- General Catalogue with Alumni List: 1850-1879
- University of Rochester, Triennial Catalogue of the Officers and Alumni and of the Honorary and Other Graduates: of the University of Rochester, 1850-1873
- University of the State of New York Bulletin, 1928
- Virgil, Cortland County, Records of School District #9, 1828-1880
- Virgil, Cortland County, Records of School District #9, 1828-1880
- Wales, Erie County, A List of the Names of Scholars Who Attended the District School in District No. 11 1855-1865
- Wayne County, Graduates of Albany NY Normal School, 1844-1894
- Yates County, Penn Yan Academy Seniors, 1926
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!