(This page's most recent update is March 2025)
Probate records and wills are available online from all over the U.S. and are what I consider another hidden gem of information that can assist you in advancing your family history and genealogy research.
What can you find in these records? How about the date of death, spouse’s and children’s names, birth order, sibling’s and siblings’ spouses, parent’s names, and residence locations for all named persons? Also, ownership of land and/or other significant property, business names and occupation, military service, guardianships, and adoptions. Basically, anything owned by the deceased is typically listed and to whom it is to be assigned.
I won’t pretend to be an expert on the probate process – all I know is that I have discovered an amazing amount of good information from probate records and wills as part of my personal genealogy research.
Here are a few good primers on the benefits of searching probate documents and wills:
- FamilySearch – United States Probate Records
- Wills and Probate Records are Genealogy Riches
- How to Use Wills and Estate Records to Learn About Your Ancestors
- Probate Records Could Be the Key to Unlocking Your Family’s Hidden Past
Below, listed are links to probate records, wills, and indexes available for free online for the state.
Note: Please be aware that if you find a desired will or probate record in an index, the holder of the actual materials (e.g., (archive, county court, etc.) may charge a small fee to send you a copy of the material itself.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
New York Probate and Wills
- Albany County Wills & Probate Records
- Albany County Original Records of Administrations of Estates, Inventories and Accounts 1600s-1700s, 1700-1825
- Albany County Wills, 1691-1835
- Albany County Wills, Letters Testamentary, Letters Administration, etc., 1787-1902
- Albany County, Abstracts of Probate and Family Records
- Albany County, Calendar of Wills, 1626-1836
- Albany County, Index to Wills from 1780 to Dec. 1, 1895, Index to Letters of Administration 1794 to Dec. 1 1895
- Albany County, Deeds, 1654-1901; Index, 1630-1966
- Albany, Calendar of Wills, 1626-1836
- Albany, Probate Records: 1787-1796
- Albany, Record of Wills 1629-1802; Index 1629-1828
- Allegany County Record of Wills, Other Miscellaneous surrogate Records, 1807-1930
- Bronx County Wills & Probate Records
- Bronx Probate Estate Files, 1914-1931
- Bronx, Probate Estate Files, 1914-1931
- Broome County Administrators Orders and Decrees, 1879-1897
- Broome County Decedents Estate Index, 1806-1951
- Broome County Executors Orders and Decrees, 1871-1901
- Broome County Judicial Settlement of Estates, 1874-1902 [Broome County, N.Y.]
- Broome County Minutes, Orders, Decrees, 1856-1910
- Broome County Miscellaneous Records, Vols. 1-2, 1863-1908
- Broome County Probate Records, 1806-1917
- Broome County Probate Records, 1830-1903
- Broome County, Wills 1806-1906
- Canandiagua, Ontario County, Records of Deeds, Wills, and Probate, 1770-1901
- Cattaraugus County Probate Records, 1820-1936; General Index, 1800-1956; Index to Wills, 1832-1893
- Cattaraugus County, Miscellaneous Records 1800-1911
- Cayuga County Wills & Probate Records
- Cayuga County Probate Records, 1799-1905; Index, 1799-1952
- Cayuga County, .Surrogate Records, V. “A-1” (1799-1815)
- Cayuga County, Abstracts Wills 1799-1842. Volumes 1-4
- Cayuga County, Early Wills
- Chautauqua County Probate Records, 1811-1901; Index, 1811-1962
- Chautauqua County Probate Records, 1818-1911
- Chautauqua County Surrogates’ Minutes, 1830-1903
- Chautauqua County, Proceeding of Administration 1842-1901
- Chemung County Abstracts Wills from 1836-1850
- Chemung County Estate Papers, 1836-1900; Estate Index, 1933-1970
- Chemung County Probate Records, 1836-1927; Probate Index, 1836-1932
- Chemung County Wills, 1836-1923
- Chemung County, Miscellaneous Records, 1836-1906
- Chenango County Miscellaneous Records, Insolvent Discharges, 1799-1895
- Chenango County Miscellaneous Records: Wills, Mortgage satisfaction, 1824-1841
- Chenango County Probate Records, 1798-1970
- Chenango County Transcribed Records, 1883-1894
- Chenango County Wills, 1792-1922
- Chenango County, Index to Wills from 1797-1875
- Chenango County, Unpublished Wills
- Chenango County, Wills, Unpublished, 1791-1900
- Clinton County Probate Records, 1790-1969
- Clinton County Records of Wills, 1807-1902
- Columbia County Administration Papers, 1830-1880
- Columbia County Guardian Papers, from before 1830-1880
- Columbia County Will Books and Index, 1786-1904: Decrees on Settlements of Accounts, 1880-1901; Letters Testamentary and Administrations, 1830-1904; Letters of Administration, 1787-1903; Records of Bonds, Guardians, Trustees, Administrators, and Executors, 1890-1903; Minutes of Proceedings, 1831-1920
- Columbia County, Abstract of Wills, 1796-1851
- Cortland County Wills & Probate Records
- Cortland County Estate Files, 1810-1893
- Cortland County Miscellaneous Record, 1830-1919; Index, 1830-1960
- Cortland County Probate Records, 1809-1935; Indexes, 1808-1970
- Cortland County, Early Wills 1832-1836
- Delaware County Wills and Index (Transcriptions)
- Delaware County Estate Papers and Proceedings, 1797-1900
- Delaware County General Index to Wills and Proceedings, 1797-1963, Guardians Index to Proceedings, 1797-1965
- Delaware County Minutes, 1835-1897
- Delaware County Probate Records, 1803-1930
- Delaware County Wills, 1797-1926
- Delaware County, Index Wills, 1795-1885
- Delaware County, Letters of Administration
- Delaware County,Abstracts Wills 1796 – 1875
- Dutchess County Abstracts Wills from October, 1834 to October, 1839
- Dutchess County Index of Wills 1742-1814
- Dutchess County Wills, 1751-1903; Index, 1790-1905
- Dutchess County General Index to surrogate Records, 1751-1934
- Dutchess County Letters Testamentary and of Administration, 1787-1865
- Dutchess County Probate Packets, 1793-1868 (approx.)
- Dutchess County Real Estate Record, V. 1, 1821-1853
- Dutchess County Surrogates Minutes, 1830-1866
- Dutchess County, Abstracts of Wills, 1752-1818
- Dutchess County, Abstracts Wills from October 1834 to October, 1839
- Dutchess County, Ancient Documents 1721-ca. 1862
- Dutchess County. Index to Wills
- Erie County Miscellaneous Records, 1808-1907
- Erie County Surrogate’s Records, Approx. 1800-1929
- Essex County Probate Records 1803-1910; Index to Probate, 1799-1938
- Franklin County Probate Records, 1839-1927
- Franklin County Wills, 1809-1905
- Franklin County, Index Wills 1809-1900
- Fulton County Probate Records, 1789-1955; General Index, 1830-1967
- Genesee County Decrees, 1856-1880
- Genesee County Decrees, 1867-1901
- Genesee County General Index and Reference, 1805-1939
- Genesee County Probate Books, 1856-1908
- Genesee County Probate Records, 1805-1911
- Genesee County Record of Wills, 1809-1911
- Genesee County Surrogates Records and Orders, 1809-1901
- Greene County Wills & Probate Records
- Greene County Wills Abstracts
- Greene County Estate Papers
- Greene County Will Books, 1800-1923; Letters Testamentary, 1830-1917; Letters of Administration, 1804-1900; Executors and Administrators, 1831-1879; Decrees on Executors, Administrators, and Guardians Accounts, 1883-1902; Letters of Guardianship, Administrators Bonds, 1816-1906; Minute Book, 1830-1899
- Greene County, Abstracts Wills 1800-1900
- Hamilton County Estate Papers, nos. 1-175; 1861-1900s
- Hamilton County Probate Records, 1861-1934
- Herkimer County Wills & Probate Records
- Herkimer County Estate Papers, 1792-1900
- Herkimer County Letters of Administration, 1792-1902; Index, 1792-1970
- Herkimer County Letters of Testamentary, 1861-1902
- Herkimer County Miscellaneous Records, 1882-1901
- Herkimer County Probate Records, 1800-1938
- Herkimer County Wills, 1792-1917; Will Index, 1792-1970
- Jamaica, Long Island, Wills and Administrations, Guardians, and Inventories, 1680-1781
- Jefferson County Wills & Probate Records
- Jefferson County Disposal of Real Estate, 1832-1895
- Jefferson County Estate Papers, 1805-1945
- Jefferson County Letters of Administration, 1830-1924; Index to Letters, 1830-1900
- Jefferson County Letters Testamentary, 1850-1900
- Jefferson County Minutes, Orders and Decrees, 1830-1910
- Jefferson County, Pension Records, Wills, and Vital Records
- Jefferson County, Record of Wills 1830-1900
- Kings County Estate Files, 1866-1923
- Kings County Wills & Probate Records
- Kings County, Abstracts Wills
- Kings County, Decrees on Final Accounting, 1831-1870
- Kings County, Decrees on Final Accounting, 1870-1915; Index, 1830-1898
- Kings County, Final Accountings, 1830-1865
- Kings County, Index to the Wills, Administrations and Guardianships 1650-1850
- Kings County, Index, Probate of Wills, January 1, 1850 to December 31, 1890
- Kings County, Inventories of Estates, 1832-1865
- Kings County, Letters Testamentary, 1830-1865
- Kings County, Master Card File Index to Probate Records, 1789-1971
- Kings County, Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1842-1865
- Kings County, Petitions and Orders of Administration, 1817-1865
- Kings County, Probate Administration Records, 1866-1923
- Kings County, Probate Proceedings, 1829-1866
- Kings County, Probate Records, 1866-1904
- Kings County, Real Estate Proceedings, 1798-1868
- Kings County, Real Estate Proceedings, Property disposition for the Deceased, 1868-1909
- Kings County, Record of Inventories, A-Z, 1732-1923
- Kings County, UnProbated Sealed Wills, 1853-1864
- Kings County, Wills and Indexes, 1787-1923
- Kings County, Letters of Administration 1787-1923
- Lewis County Index to Wills
- Lewis County Wills & Probate Records
- Lewis County Probate Records, 1805-1883
- Lewis County Wills and Testaments, 1806-1870; Index to Wills, 1805-1940
- Livingston County Wills & Probate Records
- Livingston County Orders, Decrees, 1824-1969
- Livingston County Probate Records, 1822-1915
- Livingston County Record of Wills, 1821-1905; Surrogate Index, A-Z, 1821-1931
- Madison County Administration Bonds, 1890-1903
- Madison County Book of dower, 1830-1880
- Madison County General Index to Surrogates’ Office, ca. 1890-1919
- Madison County Judicial Settlements, 1830-1846, 1856-1900, and Index, 1806-1890
- Madison County Letters Testamentary, 1847-1899 and Index, 1806-1890
- Madison County Probate of Heirship, 1893-1925
- Madison County Register and Index of Bonds and undertakings, 1889-1901
- Madison County, Estate Real Estate Sales, 1807-1838, 1844-1899; Indexes
- Madison County, Minutes, Order and Decrees, 1830-1902, and Miscellaneous Minutes, Orders and Decrees, 1854-1900
- Madison County, Wills
- Madison County, Estate Records, 1806-1876
- Madison County, General Index to Registers of Estates, 1806-1920
- Madison County, Letters of Administration, 1830-1903, and Index, 1806-1890
- Madison County, Letters of Administration, with the Will Annexed, 1890-1927, and Index, 1806-1890
- Madison County, Will Records, 1806-1900
- Monroe County Early Surrogate Court Wills and Indexes
- Monroe County Surrogate Records
- Monroe County Will Books Indexes
- Monroe County Wills & Probate Records
- Monroe County, Abstracts of Wills
- Monroe County, Miscellaneous Record Index, 1821-1923
- Monroe County, Probate Records, 1826-1912; Index, 1821-1970
- Montgomery County Wills & Probate Records
- Montgomery County Record of Wills and Administration, 1787-1922
- Montgomery County, Abstracts and Indexes of Wills, 1782-1838
- New Rochelle, Old Wills, 1784-1830
- New York City Index to inventories of Estates, 1783-1834
- New York City Wills & Probate Records
- New York City, Index of Wills Proved in the Supreme Court, Court of Common Pleas, County Court, and Court of Probate
- New York City, Records of New York Surrogate’s Court, 1823
- New York City, Abstracts of Wills on File in the Surrogate’s Office, 1665-1801
- New York County Abstracts Wills from March 22, 1850 to April 1856
- New York County Index Wills from 1662-1850
- New York County Wills & Probate Records
- New York County Accounts not in Decrees, 1810-1862
- New York County Administration Bonds, 1753-1866
- New York County Decrees on Accounting, 1828-1865; Indexes, 1828-1907
- New York County Estate Orders, 1840-1865
- New York County Executors Renunciations, 1792-1890, Index, 1830-1912
- New York County Inventories, 1862-1865
- New York County Letters and Petitions of Administration, 1798-1862
- New York County Letters of Collection 1858-1865
- New York County Letters Testamentary, 1830-1866
- New York County Miscellaneous Orders, 1803-1870
- New York County Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1800-1869
- New York County Municipal Archive Indexes, 1830-1929
- New York County Orders Admitting Wills, 1851-1866
- New York County Orders Granting and Denying Petitions, 1828-1865; Index, 1830-1882
- New York County Petitions and Accounts, 1803-1888
- New York County Petitions for Letters of Administrations
- New York County Probate Proceedings, 1830-1865
- New York County Proceedings in the Sale of Real Estate, 1800-1872, Index, 1800-1872
- New York County Proceedings to Probate Wills of Real Estate, 1830-1867
- New York County Real Estate Proceedings, 1800-1880
- New York County Record of dower, 1831-1856
- New York County Rejected Wills Index 1807-1926
- New York County Special Collection Bonds, 1849-1870
- New York County, Abstracts of Wills Probated in the Common Pleas Court, 1817-1892; Supreme Court of Judicature, 1821-1829, 1847- 1870
- New York County, Abstracts Wills from 1808-1814
- New York County, Index to Wills from 1851-1875
- New York County, Record of Wills, 1665-1916; Index to Wills, 1662-1923
- New York County, Letters of Administration 1743-1866; Index, 1743-1910
- New York County, Wills and Administrations 1680-1804
- New York, Early Original Wills
- New York, Probate Records 1783-1806
- New York, Wills on File in Court of Appeals
- New York, Probate Records, 1629-1971
- Niagara County Probate Records, 1930-1971
- Oneida County Executors and Administrators Accounts, 1830-1900
- Oneida County Executors and Administrators Accounts, 1890-1892
- Oneida County Notices to Heirs and Deceased Soldiers Concerning Appointments of Guardians and Other Probate Matters, from 1800 Approx.
- Oneida County Petitions, Administrators Bonds, Oaths to Inventory and Other Loose Papers, 1870-1875
- Oneida County Probate Proceedings, 1867-1965
- Oneida County Probate Records, Appointments of Appraisers, Decrees of Real Estate and Guardianship, Administrators Bonds, Letters of Appraisal and Guardianship, Misc. Records, 1830-1901
- Oneida County Will Books, 1798-1900 with Index, 1798-1909
- Oneida County, Abstracts of Wills, 1798-1848
- Oneida County, Abstracts Wills, 1798-1848
- Onondaga County Appointment of Guardians, 1824-1960
- Onondaga County Letters of Guardianship and Proceedings of Real Estate, V. A, 1824-1829
- Onondaga County Letters Testamentary and Letters of Administration 1830-1866
- Onondaga County Miscellaneous Orders and Decrees, 1821-1868
- Onondaga County Proceedings in dower, V. A, 1830-1879
- Onondaga County Proceedings, disposition of Real Estate, V. A-B, 1831-1881
- Onondaga County Wills, 1796-1867
- Onondaga County, Abstracts Wills 1796-1842
- Onondaga County, Letters of Administration and Testamentary, 1795-1850
- Onondaga Surrogate Records, 1795-1842
- Ontario County Abstracts Wills 1794-1834
- Ontario County Estate Inventory Files, 1797-1822
- Ontario County Probate Records, 1795-1924
- Ontario County Surrogate Record General Index, 1789-1965
- Ontario County, Probate Records 1830-1883
- Orange and Rockland Counties, Abstracts of Wills 1770-1845
- Orange County Probate Records, 1787-1938
- Orange County Wills & Probate Records
- Orange County Wills, 1787-1831
- Orange County Orange County Wills Transcribed, [1785-1797]
- Orange County Probate Records, 1787-1916; Index to Surrogate’s Records, 1787-1941
- Orange County, Abstracts Wills, 1787-1813
- Orange County, Probate Records, Wills, 1773-1933
- Orange County, Probate Records: Case Files, 1868-2008
- Orange County, Probate Records: Minutes, Decrees, Orders, Bonds, Journals, Guardianships, and Others
- Orange County, Probate Records: Petitions for Administration, Letters of Administration, Letters Testamentary, 1823-1969
- Orleans County Probate Records, 1825-1920; Index to Probate Records, 1825-1926
- Oswego County Wills & Probate Records
- Oswego County, Probate Records 1816-1915
- Otsego County Wills & Probate Records
- Otsego County Administration Proceedings, 1830-1886
- Otsego County Administrator’s Bonds, 1792-1864
- Otsego County Discharges, 1874-1914
- Otsego County Dower Book, 1810-1871
- Otsego County Executors and Administrators Accounts, 1827-1836
- Otsego County Final Settlement, 1864-1892
- Otsego County Index of Proceedings in Administration of intestates Estates.
- Otsego County Letters Testamentary and of Administration, 1816-1890
- Otsego County Petitions for Probate, 1829-ca. 1934
- Otsego County Real Estate Proceedings, 1813-1832
- Otsego County Wills and Administrations, 1792-1902
- Otsego County, Abstracts Wills 1794-1850
- Otsego County, Index Wills from 1792-1850
- Otsego County, Miscellaneous Records, 1781-1877
- Oyster Bay, Old Original Deeds and Wills, 1697-1769
- Probate Indexes 1805-1900
- Probate Records [Niagara County, New York], 1835-1970
- Probate Records, [Niagara County, New York] 1820-1906 (approx.)
- Putnam County Wills & Probate Records
- Putnam County Probate Records, 1812-1936; General Index, 1812-1970
- Queens County Card Index to Probate Records, 1900-1987
- Queens County Probate Records, 1785-1950
- Queens County Wills & Probate Records
- Queens County Accounts of Executors and Administrators, 1835-1865
- Queens County Accounts, 1800-1888
- Queens County Administration Bonds, 1787-1791; Letters of Administration, 1787-1799
- Queens County Card Index to Letters of Administration, 1832-1899
- Queens County Letters of Administration, 1792-1916; Index to Letters of Administration, 1791-1900
- Queens County Letters Testamentary, 1830-1916; Index to Letters Testamentary, 1830-1900
- Queens County Real Estate Sales, 1803-1874
- Queens County Wills and Probate Proceedings, 1787-1881
- Queens County Wills of Real Estate, 1864-1916; Index, 1787-1922
- Queens County, Abstract of Wills
- Queens County, Abstracts of Early Wills, Recorded in Libers A and C of Deeds, 1683-1744
- Queens County, Abstracts Wills 1787-1850
- Queens County, Accounting Records, 1823-1899
- Queens County, Administration Records, 1787-1899
- Queens County, Index of Administrations, 1787-1908
- Queens County, Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1880-1899
- Queens County, Mixed Proceedings, 1899-1932, 1899-1932
- Queens County, Mixed Proceedings, 1933-1937
- Queens County, Mixed Proceedings, 1938-1943
- Queens County, Mixed Proceedings, 1944-1945
- Queens County, Personal Wills
- Queens County, Probate Records, ca. 1804-1899
- Queens County, Sale of Real Estate Records, 1804-1899
- Queens County, Wills of Real Estate
- Queens County, Wills of Real Estate
- Queens County, Wills of Real Estate, Libers A-G, 1787-1835
- Queens County, Wills, 1787-1889
- Queens County, Wills of Personal Estate, 1835-1898
- Rensselaer County Wills and Probate Records (Transcriptions)
- Rensselaer County Probate Records, 1791-1921; Index to Probate Records, 1794-1916
- Rensselaer County, Abstracts of All Wills, 1791 to 1821 Inclusive
- Rensselaer County, Wills, Abstracts of All Wills, 1794-1850
- Rensselaer County,Abstracts of Wills Proved in the Court of Common Pleas 1794 to 1822 …
- Richmond County Wills & Probate Records
- Richmond County Probate Records, 1664-1866
- Richmond County Probate Records, 1787-1967
- Riverhead, Suffolk County, Long Island, Court of Sessions, Contents of Session Book, 1669-1684
- Rockland County Abstracts Wills from 1845 to 1870
- Rockland County Wills & Probate Records
- Rockland County Administration, 1800-1900
- Rockland County Decrees, 1830-1900
- Rockland County Letters Administration, 1798-1900
- Rockland County Letters Testamentary, 1798-1904
- Rockland County Minutes, 1798-1901
- Rockland County Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1802-1910
- Rockland County Probate Records, 1802-1900
- Rockland County Wills, Orders, 1798-1901
- Rockland County, Abstracts Wills, Book “E-H”, from May 6, 1845-Dec.24, 1870
- Rockland County, Index of Wills, 1786-1845
- Saratoga County Probate Records, 1815-1923, Index, 1878-1904
- Saratoga County, Abstracts Wills, 1791-1815
- Saratoga County, Will Records, 1796-1805
- Saratoga County, Record of Wills, 1791-1921, Index 1799-1893
- Schenectady County Abstracts Wills 1809-1854
- Schenectady County Wills & Probate Records
- Schenectady County Probate Records, 1809-1929
- Schenectady County, Abstracts of Wills from 1809-1820
- Schoharie County Miscellaneous Records, 1851-1901
- Schoharie County Probate Records, 1795-1933
- Schoharie County, Abstracts of Wills, Letters of Administration and Guardianship
- Schoharie County, Abstracts Wills, Letters Administration, Letters Guardianship, from 1795-1863
- Schuyler County Probate Records, 1829-1917; Probate Index, 1855-1970
- Schuyler County Will Abstracts
- Seneca County Wills & Probate Records
- Seneca County Probate Records, 1804-1923
- St. Lawrence County, Probate Records, 1830-1919; Indexes, 1830-1955
- Steuben County Wills & Probate Records
- Steuben County Probate Records, 1796-1936
- Steuben County Testamentary and Administration Indexes, 1796-1936
- Suffolk County Abstracts intestate Records
- Suffolk County Miscellaneous Will Abstracts and Inventories
- Suffolk County Wills & Probate Records
- Suffolk County Probate Records Recorded at Riverhead, 1780-1849
- Suffolk County, Early Long Island Wills, 1691-1703
- Suffolk County, Index of Wills in Book A
- Suffolk County, Surrogate Records, 1787 per 1829; Indexes of Wills and Abstracts
- Suffolk County, Wills, Liber A, 1787-1798
- Suffolk County,Abstracts Wills, Recorded at Riverhead
- Sullivan County, Index Wills, 1876-1909
- Tioga County Final Settlement, 1858-1902
- Tioga County Letters of Administration, Wills, Accounts, Executors, Administrators, 1825-1847; 1873-1936
- Tioga County Minutes, Orders, Decrees, 1882-1969
- Tioga County Miscellaneous Records, 1829-1964
- Tioga County Probate Minute and Order Books, 1840-1909
- Tioga County Probate Records, 1800-1969
- Tioga County Probate Records, 1825-1947
- Tioga County Will Books (Record of Probate, Letters of Administration, Wills) 1798-1905
- Tioga County, Abstracts Wills from 1799-1847
- Tompkins County Miscellaneous Records, 1817-1905
- Tompkins County Petitions, Proof of Wills, Letters of Administration, and Estate Papers, 1818-1900, (approximately)
- Tompkins County Probate Records, 1817-1932; Index, 1818-1951
- Tompkins County, Abstracts Wills from 1817-1833
- Tompkins County, Probate Records
- Ulster County Recorded at Kingston, Abstracts of Wills 1772-1813
- Ulster County Wills & Probate Records
- Ulster County Probate Records, 1707-1921 Approx.
- Ulster County Probate Records, 1787-1916
- Ulster County Probate Records, 1823-1914
- Ulster County, Will Books, E and F, 1814-1926 [1826]
- Ulster County, Miscellaneous Papers, Accounts and Agreements, 1718-1814
- Ulster County, Probate Court Records, Wills and Administrations, 1662-1783, 1787-1822
- Warren County Abstracts Wills Book A., 1813-1850
- Warren County Book of Judicial Settlements and Real Estate Sales, 1885-1953
- Warren County Estate Records, No. 1-13, 353; Book of Wills
- Warren County Letters of Administration and Testamentary, 1830-1919
- Warren County Wills, 1813-1920
- Washington County Abstracts Wills
- Washington County Index Wills from 1825-1890
- Washington County New York Probate Records, 1788-1916
- Washington County General Minutes, 1830-1900
- Washington County Letters of Administration of Estates, 1787-1916
- Washington County Probate Records, 1788-1916
- Wayne County Wills & Probate Records
- Wayne County Probate Records, 1823-1903; Probate Index, 1823-1964
- Wayne County, Abstracts Wills libers A-H, 1823-1859
- Westchester County Wills & Probate Records
- Westchester County Wills Index
- Westchester County Estate Tax Files, 1775-1900
- Westchester County Wills 1787-1905; Card Index to Wills 1813-1983; Letters of Administration 1777-1905; and Letters of Guardianship 1802-1901
- Westchester County, Lists of Original Wills, 1777-1812
- Wyoming County Estate and Transfer Tax Proceedings, 1887-1900
- Wyoming County General Index to surrogate Record, 1886-1906
- Wyoming County Guardians Petitions & Bonds, 1841-1900
- Wyoming County Inventories, 1841-1900
- Wyoming County Miscellaneous Records, 1841-1929
- Wyoming County Petition and Proofs of Wills, 1841-1900
- Wyoming County Petitions, Bonds of Administrators, 1841-1900
- Wyoming County Probate of Heirship, dowers Proceedings, 1841-1900
- Wyoming County Probate Orders, Letters, Bonds, 1841-1969
- Wyoming County Real Estate Proceedings, 1842-1899
- Wyoming County Record of Wills, 1841-1918
- Wyoming County Settlements, 1841-1900
- Wyoming County Wills, 1841-1900
- Yates County Probate Records Index
- Yates County Will Index
- Yates County Miscellaneous Records, 1823-1913
- Yates County Probate Records, 1823-1951
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!