(This page's most recent update is March 2025)
Probate records and wills are available online from all over the U.S. and are what I consider another hidden gem of information that can assist you in advancing your family history and genealogy research.
What can you find in these records? How about the date of death, spouse’s and children’s names, birth order, siblings and sibling’s spouses, parent’s names, and residence locations for all named persons? Also, ownership of land and/or other significant property, business names and occupation, military service, guardianships, and adoptions. Basically, anything owned by the deceased is typically listed and to whom it is to be assigned.
I won’t pretend to be an expert on the probate process – all I know is that I have discovered an amazing amount of good information from probate records and wills as part of my personal genealogy research.
Here are a few good primers on the benefits of searching probate documents and wills:
- FamilySearch – United States Probate Records
- Wills and Probate Records are Genealogy Riches
- How to Use Wills and Estate Records to Learn About Your Ancestors
- Probate Records Could Be the Key to Unlocking Your Family’s Hidden Past
Below, listed are links to probate records, wills, and indexes available for free online for the state.
Note: Please be aware that if you find a desired will or probate record in an index, the holder of the actual materials (e.g., (archive, county court, etc.) may charge a small fee to send you a copy of the material itself.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
North Carolina Probate and Wills
- Abstract of North Carolina Wills 1760-1800
- Alamance County Probate Records, 1859-1963
- Alamance County Record of Pension, 1921-1945
- Alamance County Will Records, 1849-1963
- Alamance County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Alamance County, Apprentice Bonds, 1878-1918
- Alamance County, Land Sale and resale, dowers and Receivership Records, 1915-1963
- Albemarle County, Letters of Administration, Land Patents
- Alexander County Record of Accounts, 1869-1934
- Alexander County Appointments of Administrators, Executors and Guardians, 1868-1933; Cross Index to Administrators and Executors, 1906-1945
- Alexander County Record of Settlements, 1869-1968
- Alexander County Record of Wills, 1865-1922; Index to Wills, 1865-1967
- Alexander County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Alexander County, Apprentice Bonds, 1875-1878
- Alleghany County Administrator’s Bonds, 1911-1918
- Alleghany County Cross Index to Administrators and Executors, 1911-1934
- Alleghany County Guardians’ Bonds, 1869-1940
- Alleghany County Probate Records, 1862-1948
- Alleghany County Record of Accounts, 1870-1927
- Alleghany County Record of Settlements, 1887-1929
- Alleghany County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Anson County Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1849-1962
- Anson County Probate Court Minutes, 1869-1872
- Anson County Will Records, 1751-1962, also Contains a few Family Sketches
- Anson County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Anson County, Abstract of Wills, 1750-1880
- Anson County, Calendar of Wills
- Anson County, Wills 1754-1802
- Ashe County Wills, 1801-1941
- Ashe County Court Minutes, 1806-1866
- Ashe County Cross Index to Wills, 1816-1970
- Ashe County Deeds and Grants 1778-1869; Wills and Equity Dockets 1820-1829
- Ashe County Estate Records, 1853-1873
- Ashe County Executors’ Records, 1869-1919; Administrators’ Bonds, 1876-1925
- Ashe County Guardians’ Bonds, 1876-1897, 1922-1966
- Ashe County Probate Records, 1801-1966
- Ashe County Record of Commissioners and Probate of Deeds, 1897-1903
- Ashe County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Avery County Estate Files, ca. 1916-1955
- Avery County Avery County Records of Administrators, Executors, etc., 1911-1955; Index, 1911-1968, 1911-1968
- Avery County Record of Dowers, 1913-1925
- Avery County Settlements, 1912-1968
- Avery County Wills 1911-1968
- Beaufort County Appointment of Receivers, 1908-1932
- Beaufort County Inheritance Tax Record, 1920-1960
- Beaufort County Orders and Decrees, 1869-1960
- Beaufort County Partitions and Divisions, 1736-1878
- Beaufort County Probate Records: Administrators, Guardians and Executors Records, 1845-1960
- Beaufort County Settlements Records, 1862-1960
- Beaufort County Will Records and Index 1720-1960
- Beaufort County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Beaufort County, Will Records, 1808-1968
- Beaufort County, Wills 1703-1799
- Bertie County Abstracts of Wills
- Bertie County Wills: [1758-1799]
- Bertie County Bertie County Bonds, 1762-1769
- Bertie County Bertie County Wills, 1761-1942; Index, 1761-1961, 1761-1961
- Bertie County Guardians Accounts, 1853-1868
- Bertie County Guardians’ Admins, 1753-1844, and a few Miscellaneous Wills and Deeds
- Bertie County Guardians’ Bonds, 1848-1931, with a few Miscellaneous Wills and Deeds
- Bertie County Probate Records, 1728-1844, 1848-1961; Indexes, 1868-1961, 1728-1961
- Bertie County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Bertie County, Records of Estates
- Bertie County, Wills 1761-1799
- Bladen County Administrations, Letters Testamentary, Guardianships, 1911-1961
- Bladen County Administrators Accounts, 1868-1961; Index to Final Accounts, 1869-1961
- Bladen County Administrators Bonds, 1909-1912
- Bladen County Estate Division Records, 1899-1939
- Bladen County Record of Executors, 1946-1961
- Bladen County Record of Guardians, 1922-1961
- Bladen County Record of Settlements, 1885-1919
- Bladen County Wills, 1761-1961; Index, 1766-1961
- Bladen County, Wills 1767-1806
- Brunswick County Court Minutes, 1781-1868
- Brunswick County Probate Records, 1868-1963
- Brunswick County Record of Accounts, 1870-1963
- Brunswick County Record of Wills, ca. 1790-1946; Cross Index to Wills, 1764-1946
- Brunswick County Resale of Land by Mortgagees and Trustees, 1920-1963
- Brunswick County Settlement Records, 1869-1963
- Brunswick County Special Proceedings, 1908-1963; Cross-Index to Special Proceedings, 1938-1963
- Brunswick County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Brunswick County Wills, 1868-1963; Cross Index to Wills, 1763-1963
- Brunswick County, Wills 1762-1800
- Buncombe County Account Records, 1868-1964
- Buncombe County Probate Records, 1822-1964
- Buncombe County Special Proceedings, 1798-1812, 1854-1953, and Cross-Index, 1854-1964
- Buncombe County Will Records, 1831-1864
- Buncombe County Will Records, 1831-1964; Index, 1831-1964
- Buncombe County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Burke County Wills and Estate Papers, 1663-1978
- Burke County Wills, 1793-1905
- Burke County Administrators Bonds, 1869-1896; Record of Administrators, 1897-1922
- Burke County Probate Records, Accounts, Administrators, Guardians, Executors, Inventories, Settlements, etc., 1832-1963
- Burke County Will Records, 1793-1963
- Bute County Land and Probate Records, 1760-1800
- Bute County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Bute County Wills and Estate Papers 1764-1784
- Cabarrus County Accounts of Minors for Whom the Clerk is Receiver, Record of Receivership of Minor Accounts, Appointment of Receivers, 1915-1966
- Cabarrus County Administrator and Guardian Proceedings, 1881-1899
- Cabarrus County Administrators’ Bonds, Record of Administrators, 1875-1966
- Cabarrus County Appointment and Record of Executors, 1868-1965
- Cabarrus County Estates not exceeding $300, 1929-1966
- Cabarrus County Guardians’ Bonds, 1853-1924
- Cabarrus County Index to Final Accounts, Administrators, Executors, Guardians and Wards, 1846-1962
- Cabarrus County Inheritance Tax Record, 1923-1966
- Cabarrus County Record of Accounts, 1875-1965
- Cabarrus County Record of Guardians and Trustees, 1924-1966
- Cabarrus County Record of Inventories and Accounts of Sales, 1869-1965
- Cabarrus County Record of Settlements, 1846-1965
- Cabarrus County Records of Wills, 1794-1966; Index to Will Books, 1843-1964; unprocessed Wills,1794-1970
- Cabarrus County Widows Year’s Support, 1946-1966
- Cabarrus County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Cabarrus County Wills, 1842-1868
- Cabarrus County, Probate Records, 1794-1970
- Cabarrus County, Wills 1793-1797
- Caldwell County Record of Wills, 1827-1915; Index to Wills, 1841-1966
- Caldwell County Wills and Estate Papers, 1663-1978
- Caldwell County, Wills, 1909-1934
- Camden County Wills, 1755-1854
- Camden County Administrators’ Bonds, 1853-1916
- Camden County Guardian Accounts, 1858-1869; Guardian Bonds, 1856-1870
- Camden County Guardians Bonds, 1871-1918
- Camden County Orders and Decrees, 1869-1912
- Camden County Record of Settlements, 1862-1960
- Camden County Records of Accounts of Estates, 1866-1960
- Camden County Widows’ Dowers, 1894-1918
- Camden County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Camden County Wills, 1822-1920; Index to Wills, 1822-1960
- Camden County Wills, Pasquotank and Camden County: the Oldest Will Book on File, 1752-1798
- Carteret County Appointment of Executors, 1868-1961
- Carteret County Deeds, 1721-1931; Index to Deeds, 1720-1961
- Carteret County Estates under $500., 1951-1961
- Carteret County Guardians, Administrators, Executors Accounts, Inventories, and Accounts of Sales, 1829-1862
- Carteret County Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1717-1844
- Carteret County Record of Accounts, 1869-1961
- Carteret County Record of Administrators, Executors, and Guardians, 1903-1936
- Carteret County Record of Guardianship, 1929-1961
- Carteret County Record of Settlements, 1885-1961
- Carteret County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Carteret County Wills, 1745-1961
- Carteret County Wills, Inventories, Sales and Settlements of Estates, 1741-1887
- Carteret County, Wills 1760-1799
- Caswell and Rockingham County Abstracts of Some Wills 1772-1850
- Caswell County Abstracts of Some Wills 1779-1850
- Caswell County Probate Records, 1776-1963
- Caswell County Will Records, with Some Inventories, Estates and Settlements, 1777- 1963
- Caswell County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Caswell County, Wills 1777-1799
- Catawba County Accounts and Inventories, 1869-1922; Inventories and Sales, 1843-1868
- Catawba County Division of Land and dowers, 1875-1948
- Catawba County Probate Orders and Decrees, 1868-1924; Index, 1868-1966
- Catawba County Record of Administrators, Executors, Guardians, 1868-1939; Index to Administrators, Executors, Guardians, 1843-1966
- Catawba County Record of Estates, 1843-1868
- Catawba County Records of Settlements, 1868-1928
- Catawba County Widows’ Support, 1871-1907
- Catawba County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Catawba County Wills, 1843-1939; Index to Wills, 1843-1966
- Catawba County, Widow’s Support Records, 1894-1907
- Chatham County Deeds, Bills of Sale, Inventories of Estates and Settlements, and Wills 1779-1840
- Chatham County Executors, Administrators and Guardians Records, 1800-1842, 1867-1960
- Chatham County Inventories of Estates, 1795-1868
- Chatham County Orders and Decrees, 1870-1912
- Chatham County Record of Estates, Inventories, and Sales, 1782-1868
- Chatham County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Chatham County Wills, 1770-1931
- Chatham County, Abstracts of Wills and Inventories of Estates, 1798-1857
- Chatham County, Inventories and Settlements of Estates, 1821-1827
- Chatham County, Miscellaneous Records
- Chatham County, Wills 1784-1799
- Cherokee County Record of Wills, 1869-1934; Index, 1869-1966
- Cherokee County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Chowan County Abstract of Wills
- Chowan County Abstract of Wills
- Chowan County Accounts of Sales of Estates and Account Records, 1707-1808, 1811-1924, 1707-1924
- Chowan County Administrators Bonds, 1748-1903; Administrators Records, 1919-1932; Executors and Guardians Records, 1936-1939; Appointment of Executors, 1868-1922; Index to Administrators, Executors, Guardians, etc., 1809- 1928
- Chowan County Chowan County Will Abstracts, 1707-1850. — 1976
- Chowan County Division of Estates, ca. 1700s-1868
- Chowan County Executors and Administrators Accounts and Divisions of Estates, 1811-1868; Inventories of Estates, 1735-1868, 1735-1868
- Chowan County Indenture Bonds, 1871-1909
- Chowan County Index to Estates, 1811-1960
- Chowan County Index to Wills by devisor, 1757-1960
- Chowan County Minutes, 1735-1738, 1762-1801, 1808-1868; Orders, 1780-1832
- Chowan County Miscellaneous Court Records, 1724-1866
- Chowan County Mixed Guardian and Probate Records, 1740-1916
- Chowan County Orders and Decrees (Chowan County), 1868-1966: .
- Chowan County Petitions to County Court, 1816-1841
- Chowan County Petitions, 1770-1887
- Chowan County Record of Estates, 1745-1820
- Chowan County Returns sent to the Comptroller 1764-1805
- Chowan County Settlement Records, 1859-1927
- Chowan County Suits Dismissed and Miscellaneous Court Papers, 1687-1783
- Chowan County Widow’s Years Support, 1869-1953, 1960
- Chowan County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Chowan County Wills, 1694-1808
- Chowan County Wills, 1760-1942; Cross Index to Wills, 1760-1940
- Chowan County, Division of Estates
- Chowan County, Probate Records, 1780-1830
- Chowan County, Widow’s Support Records, 1786-1966
- Chowan County, Wills
- Chowan County, Apprentice Bonds, 1871-1884
- Clay County Administrators’ and Executors’ Bonds, 1870-1915; Guardian Bonds, 1870- 1921
- Clay County Cross Index to Wills, 1870-1966; Wills, 1870-1966
- Clay County Orders and Decrees, 1870-1926
- Clay County Record of Accounts, 1870-1951
- Clay County Record of Settlement, 1873-1946
- Clay County Records of Dowers, 1871-1931
- Clay County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Clay County, Apprentice indentures, 1871-1910; Apprentice Bonds, 1871-1879
- Cleveland County Cross Index to Guardians, 1870-1960; Guardians Accounts, 1841-1932
- Cleveland County Record of Estates, 1841-1935
- Cleveland County Record of Settlements, 1869-1928
- Cleveland County Record of Wills, 1841-1960; Index, 1841-1910
- Cleveland County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Cleveland County Wills, 1841-1867
- Cleveland County, Wills, 1910-1942
- Columbus County Wills and Estate Records
- Columbus County Division of Estates, 1887-1935
- Columbus County Probate Records 1869-1913, 1935-1949
- Columbus County Record of Accounts, 1869-1913
- Columbus County Record of Wills, 1808-1908; Index, 1808-1967
- Columbus County Records of Executors, Administrators and Guardians, 1857-1956; Index, 1869-1968
- Columbus County Special Proceedings Cases 1873-1900
- Columbus County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Columbus County Wills, 1817-1867
- Columbus County, Estate Records, 1812-1968
- Columbus County, Apprentice Bonds, 1874-1891
- Craven County Wills
- Craven County Wills, 1740-1800
- Craven County Abstracts of Some of the Wills from Will Books A, B and C, 1790-1840
- Craven County Administrator’s Bonds, 1868-1947
- Craven County Appointment and Record of Guardians, 1810-1869
- Craven County Cross-Index to Special Proceedings, 1867-1960; Special Proceedings Minutes, 1869-1926
- Craven County Deeds and Wills, 1744-1789; Inventories, Accounts of Sales and Deeds, Inventories of Estates, Administrators’ Accounts
- Craven County Guardians and Administrators Accounts, 1808-1869; Guardian Book, 1845-1869
- Craven County Index to Estates, 1968-1981
- Craven County Inventories of Estates and Accounts of Sales, 1807, 1830-1926, 1960
- Craven County Inventory of the Estate of Major Willis, 1844
- Craven County Loose Estate Records, 1740-1870
- Craven County Loose Wills and Estate Papers, 1746-1890
- Craven County Miscellaneous Probate Indexes, 1868-1960
- Craven County Mixed Court Records, 1737-1891
- Craven County Orders and Decrees, 1868-1925
- Craven County Record of Accounts, 1829-1926
- Craven County Record of Administrators, 1919-1935
- Craven County Record of Settlements, 1869-1930
- Craven County Relating to Estates, 1869-1940
- Craven County Wills 1700-1960; unprocessed Wills, 1859-1970, 1700-1970
- Craven County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Craven County Wills and Estate Papers, 1736-1865
- Craven County Wills, 1755-1860
- Craven County Wills, 1941-1960
- Craven County, Probate Records, 1969-1970
- Cumberland County Wills Index and Abstracts
- Cumberland County Accounts and Inventories, 1868-1962
- Cumberland County Administrators’ Records, 1825-1956; Administrators’ Accounts, 1830-1868
- Cumberland County Appointments of Administrators, Executors, Guardians and Trustees, 1868- 1906, 1956-1962
- Cumberland County Bastardy Bonds, 1867-1883
- Cumberland County Divisions of Estates, 1818-1860
- Cumberland County Final Accounts, 1916-1962
- Cumberland County Guardians’ Accounts, 1830-1956; Guardians’ Bonds, 1868-1906
- Cumberland County Miscellaneous Records of Cumberland County
- Cumberland County Record of Division of Estates, 1808-1860; Estates not exceeding $300.00, 1930-1956; Index to Estates, 1949-1962; Record of Estates, 1898-1909
- Cumberland County Record of Settlements, 1869-1916
- Cumberland County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Cumberland County Wills, 1757-1869
- Cumberland County Wills, 1761-1942
- Cumberland County Wills, 1797-1962; Index to Wills, 1796-1962; Cross Index to Wills, 1796- 1933
- Cumberland County, Apprentice Bonds, 1873-1894
- Currituck County Accounts of Estate Sales, 1835-1843
- Currituck County Accounts of Sales of Estates, 1830-1884
- Currituck County Administrators Bonds, 1834-1928
- Currituck County Appointments of Administrators, Executors and Guardians, 1795-1960
- Currituck County Cross Index to Wills, 1761-1928; Wills, 1761-1960
- Currituck County Guardians Accounts, 1830-1870; Guardian Bonds, 1827-1834
- Currituck County Guardians Bonds, 1840-1927
- Currituck County Inventories of Estates, 1830-1856
- Currituck County Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1772-1845
- Currituck County Orders and Decrees, 1868-1915
- Currituck County Record of Accounts, 1869-1907
- Currituck County Record of Inventory, 1856-1960
- Currituck County Settlement Records, 1869-1947
- Currituck County Special Minute Docket, 1869-1918
- Currituck County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Currituck County, Miscellaneous Records, 1787-1914
- Dare County Indexes to Executors, Administrators, Guardians, 1870-1966
- Dare County Record of Wills, 1870-1946; Index to Wills, 1870-1967
- Dare County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Davidson County Administrators’, Executors’ & Guardians’ Records, 1830-1923; Cross Index, 1868-1966
- Davidson County Division of Land, 1835-1922
- Davidson County Orders and Decrees of the superior Court and Probate Court, 1869-1888
- Davidson County Record of Estate Accounts and Inventories, 1830-1892; Settlements, 1869- 1897
- Davidson County Wills 1823-1969; Index to Wills, 1823-1955
- Davidson County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Davidson County, Miscellaneous Records, 1822-1946
- Davie County Probate Records, 1837-1967
- Davie County Record of Wills, 1837-1967
- Davie County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Dobbs County Miscellaneous Material for Dobbs County, 1765-1769
- Dobbs County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Duplin County Administrators Bonds, 1846-1925
- Duplin County General Index and Record of Committees to divide Real Estate, 1800-1960
- Duplin County Guardian Bonds, 1846-1916
- Duplin County Guardians Annual Settlements, 1856-1882
- Duplin County Inheritance Tax Records, 1919-1961
- Duplin County Inventories and Accounts of Estates, 1769-1800
- Duplin County Inventories and Accounts, 1830-1849
- Duplin County Inventories and Accounts, 1851-1936
- Duplin County Inventories, Divisions of Estates and Wills, 1761-1804
- Duplin County Orders and Decrees, 1872-1938
- Duplin County Record of Accounts, 1869-1961
- Duplin County Record of Administrators, 1918-1962
- Duplin County Record of Guardians, 1918-1962
- Duplin County Record of Settlements, 1869-1961
- Duplin County Special Proceedings, 1872-1962
- Duplin County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Duplin County Wills, 1760-1962
- Duplin County, Miscellaneous Record, 1754-1947
- Durham County Probate Records, 1881-1968
- Durham County Record of Wills, 1881-1907; Index to Wills, 1881-1968
- Durham County Wills and Estate Papers 1875-1926
- Durham County, Widow’s Support Records, 1881-1944
- Durham County, Widows Year Support Records, 1881-1944
- Durham County, Apprentice Bonds, 1882-1913
- Edenton District A Docket of the Minutes of the Superior Court of Law and Equity, 1782-1800, 1816-1868
- Edenton District Pleadings and Decrees, Court of Equity, 1788
- Edenton District Wills and Estate Papers 1756-1806
- Edgecombe County Abstracts of Wills
- Edgecombe County Probate Records, 1730-1961; Indexes, 1760-1961
- Edgecombe County, Apprentice Bonds, 1875-1924
- Edgecombe County, Wills, 1663-1978; Estate Papers, 1748-1917
- Forsyth County Administrators’ Bonds, 1882-1893
- Forsyth County Appointments of Executors, Administrators, Guardians, 1868-1898, 1923-1928; Index to Administrators, Executors, Guardians, 1849-1968
- Forsyth County Guardian Bonds, 1875-1903
- Forsyth County Guardian Bonds, 1946-1953
- Forsyth County Inventories of Estates, 1849-1868
- Forsyth County Probate Records 1833-1969
- Forsyth County Record of Accounts, 1868-1878, 1882-1932
- Forsyth County Record of Settlements, 1868-1907
- Forsyth County Record of Wills, 1842-1932; Index to Wills, Devisor, 1849-1969; Devisee, 1849-1969
- Forsyth County, Wills, 1833-1969
- Forsyth County, Apprentice indentures, 1875-1891
- Franklin County Wills and Estate Records
- Franklin County Account Records, 1901-1964
- Franklin County Administrators and Executors Records, 1921-1935
- Franklin County Court Minutes, 1785-1868
- Franklin County Executors, Administrators and Guardians Appointments, 1902-1964, and Index to Administrators and Executors, 1872-1964
- Franklin County Inheritance Tax Record, 1920-1964
- Franklin County Inquisition of Lunacy, 1900-1964
- Franklin County Inventories and Sales of Estates, 1789-1838
- Franklin County Orders and Decrees, and Index, 1869-1964
- Franklin County Owelty Docket, 1900-1963
- Franklin County Settlement Records, 1898-1964
- Franklin County Special Proceedings, 1910-1964
- Franklin County Widows Years Support, 1925-1964
- Franklin County Will and Inventory Records, and Index, devisor and devisee, 1785-1964
- Franklin County Wills, 1787-1838
- Franklin County, Wills and Estate Papers, 1663-1978
- Gaston County Account Records, 1869-1963
- Gaston County Administrators Records, 1913-1963, Index, 1925-1936, and Administrators Bonds, 1868-1904
- Gaston County Appointments of Administrators, Executors, Guardians, 1901-1918, and Index, 1963
- Gaston County Estate Records, 1847-1863, and Index, 1963
- Gaston County Orders and Decrees, 1869-1954, and Special Proceedings Docket, 1883-1953, Gaston County
- Gaston County Probate Records, Executors, Guardians, Appointments of Executors, Guardian Bonds, and Settlements
- Gaston County Sales and Inventories of Estates, 1863-1869
- Gaston County Will Records and Index, 1847-1963
- Gaston County Wills 1663-1978; Estate Papers, 1839-1928, 1663-1978
- Gaston County, Estate Records, 1854-1971
- Gates County Abstract of Wills
- Gates County Account Records, 1869-1964
- Gates County Accounts of Sales of Estates, 1816-1832
- Gates County Administrators’ Bonds, 1812-1914
- Gates County Administrators’, Executors’ and Guardians’ Appointment Records 1804-1964, and Index 1868-1944
- Gates County Equity Minute and Petitions Docket and Settlement of Estates, 1847- 1874
- Gates County Guardians’ Accounts, 1808-1867
- Gates County Guardians’ Records, 1810-1904; Cross Index to Guardians, 1868-1944
- Gates County Inheritance Tax Records, 1923-1964
- Gates County Inventories of Estate, 1819-1842
- Gates County Inventory, 1779-1805
- Gates County Minutes, 1779-1868
- Gates County Orders and Decrees, 1868-1908, 1910-1964
- Gates County Record of Estates, 1807-1867
- Gates County Settlement Records, 1867-1964
- Gates County Special Proceedings, Book 2-3, 1910-1957, and Cross-Index, 1869-1964
- Gates County Will Records, 1807-1964, and Cross Index, 1779-1964
- Gates County Will Records, Books 1-3, 1779-1867
- Gates County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Gates County Wills, 1762-1805
- Graham County Probate Records 1847-1966
- Granville County Index to Wills, Estates, Settlements, Inventory, Etc.
- Granville County Account Records of Estates, 1868-1961
- Granville County Administrators Bonds, 1868-1891
- Granville County Estate Records 1854-1958
- Granville County Executors Appointed by Probate Court, 1868-1874
- Granville County Index and Records of Administrators, Executors, and Guardians, 1896-1968
- Granville County Index to Special Proceedings, 1852-1961; Records of Special Proceedings, 1852-1925
- Granville County Loose Wills, 1749-1771
- Granville County Record of Accounts, 1868-1931
- Granville County Record of Settlements, 1868-1961
- Granville County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Granville County Wills, 1746-1943; Index, 1749-1943
- Granville County Wills, 1749-1771, 1942-1961; Cross-Index to Wills, 1762-1961
- Granville County, Estate Records, 1746-1919
- Greene County Court Minutes, 1839-1845
- Greene County Executor, Administrator, Guardian Records, 1868-1967
- Greene County Probate Records 1663-1978
- Greene County Probate Records 1746-1962
- Greene County Record of Wills 1842-1972; Index, 1868-1966
- Greene County, Wills, 1907-1935
- Guilford County Guardians’ Accounts, 1821-1849
- Guilford County Probate Records, 1771-1968
- Guilford County Record of Wills, 1771-1943; Index, 1772-1934
- Guilford County Settlements of Estates, 1820-1853
- Guilford County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Guilford County Wills, 1771-1943
- Guilford County, Estate Records, ca. 1778-1933, 1939-1942
- Guilford County, Widow’s Support Records, 1886-1947
- Halifax County Abstract of Wills, 1760-1830
- Halifax County Abstracts of Wills, 1825-1891
- Halifax County Appointment of Administrators, Executors and Guardians, 1868-1909
- Halifax County Cross Index to Special Proceedings, 1868-1963; Special Proceedings, 1868 -1947
- Halifax County Cross Index to Wills, 1759-1963; Record of Wills, 1939-1961
- Halifax County General Index and Records of Administrators, Executors, and Guardians, 1903-1963
- Halifax County Inventories of Estates, 1773-1779
- Halifax County Miscellaneous Legal Papers, 1772-1867
- Halifax County Orders and Decrees, 1932-1938
- Halifax County Qualifications, Trustee under Will, 1962
- Halifax County Record of Accounts, 1868-1954
- Halifax County Record of Inventories, 1931-1950
- Halifax County Record of Settlements, 1870-1950
- Halifax County Records of Estates: Inventories and Accounts, 1828-1862
- Halifax County, Wills and Estate Papers, 1663-1978
- Halifax County, Wills, 1755-1854
- Halifax County, Wills, 1759-1943
- Harnett County Will Book 1, 1885-1909, 1915-1935
- Harnett County Cross Index to Special Proceedings, 1892-1957; Special Proceedings Docket, 1894-1919
- Harnett County Cross Index to Wills, 1908-1956; Index to Wills, 1883-1968; Wills, 1885- 1939
- Harnett County Record of Accounts, 1884-1928
- Harnett County Record of Administrators, 1910-1928; Appointment of Administrators, Executors and Guardians, 1892-1908
- Harnett County Record of Dowers, 1893-1938
- Harnett County Record of Settlements, 1889-1923
- Hartford County Wills, 1663-1978, 1663-1978
- Haywood County Estate Records, 1809-1942; Index, 1809-1942
- Haywood County Record of Wills and Inventories, 1808-1919, 1921 (only 1); Qualifications of Trustee, 1963-1966; Index to Wills, 1829-1966
- Haywood County Appointments and Bonds of Administrators and Executors, 1870-1966
- Haywood County Appointments and Bonds of Guardians, 1870-1966; Index, 1870-1966
- Haywood County Index to Estates, 1808-1939
- Haywood County Orders and Decrees, 1870-1921
- Haywood County Record of Accounts, 1874-1909
- Haywood County Record of Settlements, 1869-1931
- Haywood County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Haywood County Wills, Inventories, and Minute Books for 1829-1878
- Henderson County Estate Records, 1838-1968
- Henderson County Administrators’, Executors’ and Guardians’ Records, 1845-1931
- Henderson County Record of Accounts, 1871-1929
- Henderson County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Henderson County, Record of Settlements, 1869-1926
- Henderson County, Record of Wills, 1841-1923; Index to Wills, 1841-1968, 1841-1968
- Henderson County, Wills, 1838-1882
- Hertford County Account Records, 1830-1840,1847-1963, 1830-1963
- Hertford County Accounts and Inventories, 1895-1963
- Hertford County Administrators Bonds, 1869-1915; Guardians Bonds, 1869-1915
- Hertford County Administrators Records, 1918-1963
- Hertford County Administrators, Executors and Guardians Appointments and Records, 1868-1935
- Hertford County Executors Records, 1933-1963; Guardians Records, 1931-1962
- Hertford County Inheritance Tax Collection Records, 1920-1963
- Hertford County Minutes, 1830-1868
- Hertford County Orders and Decrees, 1868-1963
- Hertford County Settlement Records, 1868-1963
- Hertford County Wills, 1830-1866
- Hertford County Wills, 1868-1963; Cross Index to Wills, 1830-1963
- Hertford County, Estate Records, 1858-1914
- Hillsborough District Wills and Estate Papers 1772-1806
- Hoke County Record of Wills 1911-1966
- Hyde County Accounts, 1869-1921
- Hyde County Administrators’ Bonds, 1869-1919
- Hyde County Cross Index to Executors and Administrators, 1868-1960; Appointment of Executors, 1868-1918
- Hyde County Cross Index to Guardians, 1871-1960; Guardians Records, 1837-1919
- Hyde County Estate Records, 1735-1944
- Hyde County General Index and Wills 1764-1960; Cross Index to Wills, 1764-1970
- Hyde County Journal [of Estates], 1845-1853
- Hyde County Orders and Decrees, 1869-1941
- Hyde County Record of Settlements, 1869-1905
- Hyde County Wills 1778-1869
- Hyde County Wills 1907-1968
- Hyde County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Hyde County Wills, Inventories and Sales, 1765-1802
- Hyde County, Estate Records, 1735-1944
- Index to Wills at the North Carolina Commission, 1682-1905
- Iredell County Estate Records Index, 1790-1970, 1790-1970
- Iredell County Estate Records, 1790-1970
- Iredell County Probate Records, 1893-1946; Index, 1788-1965
- Iredell County Record of Wills, 1868-1965; Index, 1788-1965
- Iredell County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Iredell County Wills, 1790-1868
- Jackson County Record of Estates 1853-1968
- Jackson County Record of Guardianship 1870-1968
- Jackson County Record of Probate, 1865-1894
- Jackson County Record of Settlements, 1868-1935
- Jackson County Record of Wills 1860-1966; Cross Index to Wills, 1853-1966
- Jackson County Superior Court Proceedings 1912-1946
- Johnston County Estate Records, 1771-1962
- Johnston County Estates Records, 1781-1868
- Johnston County Wills, 1759-1863
- Johnston County Accounts of Commissioners Land Sales, 1907-1962
- Johnston County Administrators Bonds, 1849-1940
- Johnston County Appointment of Administrators, Executors and Guardians, 1868-1923
- Johnston County General Index to Proceedings of Estates and devisees of Land, 1923-1962
- Johnston County Guardian Accounts, 1903-1924
- Johnston County Guardian Bonds, 1847-1859, 1898-1962; Guardians Scire facias, 1808-1862
- Johnston County Guardians’ Records, 1799-1859
- Johnston County Index of Wills, 1854-1904
- Johnston County Index to intestate Land Divisions and Heirs’ Land Divisions, 1789-1925; Land Book Division of Estates, 1789-1960
- Johnston County Orders and Decrees, 1868-1939
- Johnston County Record of Accounts, 1808-1946
- Johnston County Record of Assignments, 1894-1951; Bonds for Trustees in Assignments, 1913-1916
- Johnston County Record of Dowers, 1902-1949; Record of Widow’s Years Support, 1902-1939
- Johnston County Record of Guardians, 1866-1869
- Johnston County Record of money Paid into Court by Administrators for Minors and Others, 1900-1942
- Johnston County Record of Settlements, 1868-1925
- Johnston County Widows Dowers and Partitions of Land, 1793-1817
- Johnston County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Johnston County Wills, 1760-1968; Indexes, 1853-1970
- Johnston County, Widow’s Support Records, 1902-1939
- Johnston County, Land Division, 1818-1914
- Jones County Estate Records 1783-1959; Index 1858-1914
- Jones County Inventories of Estates, Guardians and Administrators Admins, Sales, Other Probate Records and a few Land Entries, 1779-1967
- Jones County Minutes and Judgment Docket of the Superior Court, 1820-1964; Index to Judgments, 1868-1968
- Jones County Will Records and Index, 1760-1964, with a few Marriages
- Jones County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Lee County Administrators, Executors, and Guardians, 1908-1927; Index to Executors and Administrators, 1908-1924; Index to Guardians, 1912-1923
- Lee County Record of Settlements, 1912-1926
- Lee County Record of Wills, 1908-1937; Index to Wills, 1908-1924
- Lenoir County Estate Records, 1830-1956
- Lenoir County Appointment of Administrators, Executors, Guardians; Administrators Bonds, 1894-1955
- Lenoir County Record of Wills, 1869-1922; Indexes 1869-1966
- Lenoir County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Lincoln County Account and Settlement Records and Index, 1869-1964
- Lincoln County General Index; Special Proceedings, Orders and Decrees, Adoptions, Lunacy Proceedings, etc.
- Lincoln County Miscellaneous Material, Wills and Marriage Consents, 1829, 1840, 1872-1873
- Lincoln County Orders and Decrees, 1868-1954
- Lincoln County, Probate Records, 1831-1964
- Lincoln County, Will Records, 1824-1964, Will Index, 1772-1964; Estate Records, 1735-1914
- Lincoln County, Wills and Estate Papers, 1663-1978
- Macon County Appointment of Executors, Administrators, Guardians, and Wards 1868-1966, 1868-1966
- Macon County Record of Settlements, 1870-1927
- Macon County Record of Wills, 1830-1927; Index, 1830-1966, 1830-1966
- Macon County Wills 1829-1853
- Macon County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Macon County, Estate Records, 1831-1920
- Madison County Guardian Bonds, 1874-1892
- Madison County Guardians Bonds, 1917-1968
- Madison County Orders & Decrees, 1868-1928
- Madison County Probate Records, 1851-1968
- Madison County Record of Wills, 1851-1952; Cross Index to Wills, 1851-1969
- Madison County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Madison County, Estate Records, 1833-1943; Index 1833-1943, 1833-1943
- Madison County, Apprentice Bonds, 1874-1914
- Martin County Administrators, Guardians Appointments and Records, Accounts, Inventories, Years Support, Executors and Widows dowers, 1869-1963
- Martin County Wills, 1774-1867
- Martin County Wills, 1774-1963
- Martin County Wills, ca. 1663-1978; Estate Papers, 1831-1916; Index to Estate Records, 1831-1916, 1663-1978
- Martin County, Widow’s Support Records, 1885-1947
- Martin County, Will Book 1774-1973
- McDowell County Appointment of Executors, 1870-1910; Index to Estates, 1843-1968
- McDowell County Inventories of Estates, 1859-1867
- McDowell County Record of Accounts, 1869-1926
- McDowell County Record of Wills, 1843-1923; Index to Wills, 1843-1968
- McDowell County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- McDowell County Wills, 1843-1865
- McDowell County, Estate Records, 1830-1939
- McDowell County, Widow’s Support Records, 1923-1966
- Mecklenburg County Accounts and Settlements of Estates, 1785-1871
- Mecklenburg County Guardian Bonds, 1780-1873
- Mecklenburg County Index to Estates; Wards, Administrators, Executors, Guardians, 1785-1965
- Mecklenburg County Record of Wills, 1763-1965, including Index of Will devisors and devisees
- Mecklenburg County Wills 1879-1967
- Mecklenburg County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Mecklenburg County Wills, 1749-1869
- Mecklenburg County Wills, 1763-1930
- Mecklenburg County, Bonds, 1779-1954
- Mecklenburg County, Estate Records, 1880-1952
- Mecklenburg County, Guardians’ Records, 1782-1955
- Mecklenburg County, Apprentice Bonds, #1-151, 1871-1920
- Miscellaneous North Carolina source Records, 1700-1970
- Mitchell County Estate Records, 1826-1946
- Mitchell County Guardian Records, 1866-1926
- Mitchell County Probate Records, 1871-1963; Indexes, 1869-1968, 1869-1968
- Mitchell County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Montgomery County Estate Records, 1818-1970
- Montgomery County Account Records, 1847-1964
- Montgomery County Administrators’ Bonds, 1874-1891, and Administrators’ Records, 1900-1964
- Montgomery County Appointment of Executors, 1868-1946
- Montgomery County Appointment of Guardians, 1901-1964, and Guardian Bonds, 1894-1904
- Montgomery County Court Minutes and Partial Index, 1843-1868
- Montgomery County Estates under $300, 1932-1958
- Montgomery County Indigent Children Records of amounts Paid, 1913-1947
- Montgomery County Inheritance Tax Records, 1923-1964
- Montgomery County Orders and Decrees, 1868-1962
- Montgomery County Settlement Records, 1868-1964
- Montgomery County Special Proceedings and Index, 1869-1933
- Montgomery County Will Records, 1843-1964, and Cross Index, 1848-1964, 1843-1964
- Montgomery County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Moore County Cross Index to Executors and Administrators, 1787-1819; 1898-1916
- Moore County Miscellaneous Records, 1785-1818
- Moore County Record of Dowers and Widows Years Support, 1889-1921
- Moore County Record of Settlements, 1869-1909
- Moore County Wills and Estate Papers (Moore County), 1663-1978
- Moore County Wills, 1783-1817, Inventories and Estate Sales
- Moore County Wills, 1818-1915; Indexes, 1793-1965, 1793-1965
- Moore County, Wills, 1915-1926
- Nash County Inventories of Estates, 1818-1838
- Nash County Minutes, 1778-1868
- Nash County Orders and Decrees, and General Index, Plaintiffs and Defendants, 1869-1963
- Nash County Probate Records, 1779-1964
- Nash County Settlement Records, 1869-1964
- Nash County Will Records and Index, devisor and devisee, 1778-1964
- Nash County Wills, 1663-1978; Estate Papers, 1770-1909
- Nash County Wills, 1776-1943
- Nash County Wills, 1778-1859
- New Bern District Wills and Estate Papers 1779-1807
- New Hanover County Original Estate Records, ca. 1741-1942
- New Hanover County Administrators’ Bonds, 1844-1946
- New Hanover County Appointment of Executors, 1868-1878
- New Hanover County Guardian Bonds, 1890-1910
- New Hanover County Miscellaneous Records, 1843-1863
- New Hanover County Probate Records, 1746-1858
- New Hanover County Record of Accounts of Estates, 1879-1940
- New Hanover County Record of Guardian Accounts, 1904-1934
- New Hanover County Special Proceedings, 1877-1937
- New Hanover County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- New Hanover County Wills, 1732-1864
- New Hanover County Wills, 1735-1961
- North Carolina Abstract of Wills from about 1760 to about 1800
- North Carolina Abstract of Wills Probated Prior to 1760
- North Carolina Abstract of Wills Probated Prior to 1760
- North Carolina Abstract of Wills, Executed and Probated Prior to 1760
- North Carolina Loose Estates Index
- North Carolina Wills
- North Carolina Wills and Abstracts of Wills, 1740-1860
- North Carolina Wills and Court Records, 1679-1775
- North Carolina Wills and Inventories
- North Carolina Wills and Inventories
- North Carolina Wills, 1655-1871, 1917
- North Carolina Wills, 1663-1789
- North Carolina Wills: Compiled from Original and Recorded Wills in the Office of the Secretary of State, 1690-1760
- North Carolina Abstract of Wills: [Executed and Probated Prior to 1760]
- North Carolina, Apprentice Bonds and Records, 1716-1921
- North Carolina, County Records, 1833-1970
- North Carolina, Estate Files, 1663-1979
- North Carolina, Index of Wills
- North Carolina, Index to Wills, 1663-1900
- North Carolina, Civil Suits and Bonds in General Court and Court of Admiralty, 1706-1762
- North Carolina, Colonial Estate Papers, 1669-1759
- North Carolina, Inheritance Tax Record, 1920-1962
- North Carolina, Inheritance Tax Record, 1921-1962
- North Carolina, Inheritance Tax Record, 1923-1960
- North Carolina, Miscellaneous Records, 1972
- North Carolina, Probate Records, 1735-1970
- North Carolina, Wills, 1663-1789
- Northampton County Administrators’ Bonds, 1868-1907
- Northampton County Administrators Records, 1911-1961
- Northampton County Estate Record ca. 1766-1911
- Northampton County Final Account Records, 1887-1961
- Northampton County Guardian Bonds, 1868-1918
- Northampton County Inventories and Accounts of Sales, 1865-1868
- Northampton County Orders, Decrees, and Sales of Estates, 1869-1934; Index, 1869-1961, 1869-1961
- Northampton County Record of Accounts of Estates, 1868-1961
- Northampton County Record of Estates, 1781-1868
- Northampton County Record of Executors, 1923-1961
- Northampton County Record of Guardians, 1908-1961
- Northampton County Record of Settlements, 1869-1892
- Northampton County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Northampton County Wills, 1760-1792
- Northampton County Wills, 1760-1871
- Northampton County Wills, 1760-1961; Cross Index to Wills, 1760-1961
- Northampton County Wills, 1770-1808
- Northampton County, Estate Records, 1766-1949
- Northampton County, Wills, 1763-1950
- Onslow County Abstracts of Records, 1734-1850
- Onslow County Account Records, 1868-1961
- Onslow County Administrators Bonds, 1870-1913
- Onslow County Appointment of Executors, 1869-1912
- Onslow County bastard Bonds, 1776-1848
- Onslow County Final Settlement Records, 1869-1961
- Onslow County Guardian Bonds, 1857-1912
- Onslow County Homestead Exemptions, 1869-1922
- Onslow County Inventories and Accounts of Sales, 1845-1862
- Onslow County Inventories, 1780-1786
- Onslow County Record of Administrators, 1913-1931
- Onslow County Record of Estates, 1824-1854
- Onslow County Wills and Probate Records
- Onslow County General Index to Wills (divisor and divisee), 1765-1961
- Onslow County Minute Docket, Special Proceedings before the Court, 1882-1923
- Onslow County Orders and Decrees, 1868-1926
- Onslow County Probate Records 735-1968
- Onslow County, Wills and Estate Papers, 1663-1978
- Orange County Abstracts of Wills
- Orange County Abstracts of Wills, 1800-1850
- Orange County Abstracts of Wills Recorded 1752 through 1800 in Will Books A B and C, plus 20 pages in Book D
- Orange County Administrators Bonds, 1891-1913
- Orange County Appointment of Guardians, 1870-1915; Guardian Bonds, 1880-1899
- Orange County Cross Index to Wills, 1756-1962; Wills, 1752-1952
- Orange County Guardian Accounts, 1910-1951
- Orange County Guardians’ Accounts, 1837-1853
- Orange County Inventories and Settlements of Estates, 1826-1843
- Orange County Record of Accounts, 1869-1949
- Orange County Record of Administrators, Executors, and Guardians, 1914-1962
- Orange County Record of Inventories, 1912-1951
- Orange County Record of Settlements, 1868-1954
- Orange County Wills 1753-1865
- Orange County Wills 1782-1968
- Orange County Wills, 1663-1978, Estate Papers, 1754-1944
- Orange County Wills, 1752-1946; Cross Index to Wills, 1752-1946
- Orange County, Probate Record
- Orange County, Wills: Books A, B, and C
- Orange County, Abstracts of Wills Recorded 1752 through 1800
- Pamlico County Indexes to Executors, Administrators and Guardians, 1872-1968
- Pamlico County Record of Wills, 1872-1951; Cross Index to Wills, 1872-1968
- Pamlico County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Pamlico County, Widow’s Support Records, 1899-1945
- Pasquotank County Account Records, V. 1-6, 1868-1919
- Pasquotank County Administrators’ Accounts, V. 2-3, 1925-1943
- Pasquotank County Administrators’ Bonds, V. 1-3, 1865-1904
- Pasquotank County Executor’s Records, 1915-1960, V. 1-2
- Pasquotank County Guardian Bonds, 1798-1867
- Pasquotank County Settlement Records, 1868-1960
- Pasquotank County Widows’ Years Support, 1882-1960
- Pasquotank County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Pasquotank County Wills, 1720-1941
- Pasquotank County Wills, 1950-1960
- Pender County Record of Accounts Paid Indigent Children, 1913-1926
- Pender County Record of Final Accounts, 1875-1968
- Pender County Record of Inventories; Accounts of Sales; audited Accounts, 1875-1932
- Pender County Record of Wills, 1875-1910; Index to Wills, 1875-1968
- Pender County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Pender County, Wills, 1910-1938
- Perquimans County Abstract of Wills
- Perquimans County Estate Divisions 1736-1805
- Perquimans County Estate Records 1855-1973
- Perquimans County Minutes of Court and a Cross Index to Guardian Records in Court Minutes, 1827-1868
- Perquimans County Minutes of Precinct Court and Misc. Court Actions including Some Probate and Land Records, 1688-1738
- Perquimans County Probate Records 1804-1960
- Perquimans County Will Records, 1711-1800, Alphabetically arranged
- Perquimans County Will Records, 1762-1960
- Perquimans County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Person County Will Abstracts
- Person County Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1847-1867; Cross Index to Wills, 1792-195 2
- Person County Probate Records, 1792-1966
- Person County Will, Inventories and Taxables, 1792-1876
- Person County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Pitt County Pitt County Guardians and Administrators Accounts, Qualifications, Appointments, Executors and Settlements, 1868-1963
- Pitt County Wills and Testaments, 1858-1868
- Pitt County Wills with Index (devisor and devisee), 1858-1963
- Pitt County Miscellaneous Papers, 1762-1851
- Pitt County Probate Records 1663-1978
- Pitt County, Widow’s Support Records, 1858-1946
- Pitt County, Years Allowance and dower for Widows, 1858-1946
- Polk County Probate Records 1663-1978
- Polk County Probate Records, 1868-1968
- Polk County Record of Wills, 1855-1909; Index to Wills, 1855-1968
- Polk County, Wills, 1855-1935
- Randolph County Will Abstracts
- Randolph County Administrators’ Bonds, 1870-1964
- Randolph County Appointments of Executors, 1868-1913
- Randolph County Distribution Docket, 1885-1958
- Randolph County Record of Accounts of Probate, 1868-1964
- Randolph County Record of Settlements of Probate, 1867-1964
- Randolph County Record of Wills, 1773-1964, with Index
- Randolph County Widows’ dowers and Year’s Support 1872-1887
- Randolph County Wills, 1663-1978; Estate Papers, 1781-1928
- Randolph County Wills, Inventories, and Settlements of Estates (1773-1923), and Cross Index to Wills (1779-1905)
- Randolph County, Probate Record
- Randolph County, Widow’s Support Records, 1888-1964
- Richmond County Inheritance Tax Records 1923-1964
- Richmond County Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1821-1868
- Richmond County Probate Records and Estate Records, 1865-1964; Index to Estates and Wards, 1911-1964, 1865-1964
- Richmond County Records of Wills and Estates 1779-1971; Will Index, 1779-1953
- Richmond County Widow’s Yearly Allowance, 1927-1963; and Qualifications of Trustees under Wills, 1963
- Richmond County Wills, 1663-1978; Estate Papers, 1772-1933
- Robeson County Administrators’ Records, 1907-1921
- Robeson County Qualifications of Trustees under Wills, 1962-1965
- Robeson County Record of Administrators, Executors, and Guardians, 1903-1912
- Robeson County Record of Administrators, Executors, J.P!s and Notaries, 1869-1936
- Robeson County Record of Wills, 1787-1966
- Robeson County Wills, 1663-1978; Estate Papers, 1801-1935
- Robeson County Wills, 1783-1851
- Robeson County Wills, 1787-1865
- Rockingham County Record of Accounts of Probate, 1868-1965; Administrators’ and Guardians’ Records, 1864-1965
- Rockingham County Record of Settlements, 1817-1965
- Rockingham County Record of Wills, 1785-1965, with Index
- Rockingham County Wills, 1663-1978; Estate Papers, 1780-1926
- Rockingham County Wills, 1804-1864
- Rowan County Will Abstracts
- Rowan County Account Records of Estates, 1908-1959; Record of Estates, 1849-1864; Record of Accounts, 1869-1908
- Rowan County Administrator and Guardian Appointments, Vol. 3, 1889-1909
- Rowan County Administrators’ Bonds, 1753-1830
- Rowan County Administrators Bonds, 1870-1959
- Rowan County Appointments of Executors, Administrators, and Guardians, 1868-1909
- Rowan County County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Minutes 1753-1868
- Rowan County Cross Index to Wills, 1761-1959
- Rowan County Division of Estates 1807-1868
- Rowan County Estates Index, 1949-1962
- Rowan County Guardians Bonds, 1764-1952; Guardians Accounts, 1849-1860; Record of Guardians, 1909-1941
- Rowan County Index to Special Proceedings, Orders and Decrees, Adoptions and Lunacy Proceedings for Plaintiffs and Defendants, 1938-1962
- Rowan County Indexes to Wills, and Wills, 1757-1942
- Rowan County Minute Dockets, 1904-1948
- Rowan County Minutes and Records, 1787-1848
- Rowan County Minutes, 1819-1822
- Rowan County Processioner’s Returns, 1803-1893; Division of Estates, 1807-1842
- Rowan County Qualification of Trustees under Wills, 1933-1956
- Rowan County Record of Administrators and Guardians, 1879-1959
- Rowan County Record of Executors and Letters Testamentary, 1926-1942
- Rowan County Record of Sales, Mortgagees, Trustees and Executors, 1916-1959
- Rowan County Records of Probates of Deeds & Mortgages 1884-1885
- Rowan County Records of the Court of Chancery, 1820-1834
- Rowan County Settlement Records of Estates, 1902-1959; Record of Settlements, 1868- 1903
- Rowan County Widows’ Dowers A-Y, 1796-1861
- Rowan County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Rowan County Wills and List of Early Settlers, 1743-1868
- Rowan County Wills, 1757-1959
- Rutherford County Account and Settlement Records, 1868-1964 and Index to Final Accounts, 1835-1964
- Rutherford County Administrators Records, 1896-1963
- Rutherford County Estate Records, 1831-1868
- Rutherford County Executor Appointment Records, 1868-1964
- Rutherford County Guardian Records, 1911-1964
- Rutherford County Inheritance Tax Record, 1922-1964
- Rutherford County Minutes, Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1779-1868
- Rutherford County Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1784-1850
- Rutherford County Sales of Mortgages, Trustees and Executors, 1921-1926, and Appointment of Receivers Records, 1922-1934
- Rutherford County Special Proceedings, 1868-1959, and Index, 1868-1950
- Rutherford County Widow’s Years Allowance Records, 1884-1964
- Rutherford County Will Records and Cross Index, 1782-1964
- Rutherford County Wills, 1663-1978; Estate Papers, 1802-1968
- Rutherford County, Miscellaneous Records, Vol. II, 1750-1970
- Sampson County Administrators’ Bonds, 1908-1950
- Sampson County Amounts Paid to Indigent Children, and Inheritance Tax Record, 1924-1965
- Sampson County Deed Records with Some Wills, 1791-1820; Indexes, ca. 1790-1930, ca. 1790-1930
- Sampson County Guardians’ Bonds, 1907-1965
- Sampson County Indexes to Estates, and Probates, 1848-1965
- Sampson County Probate Records 1663-1978
- Sampson County Record of Accounts, 1868-1958
- Sampson County Record of resale, 1922-1957
- Sampson County Record of Settlements, 1869-1961
- Sampson County Record of Wills, 1782-1965
- Sampson County Records of Wills (1820-1922), and Cross Index to Wills (1820-1925)
- Scotland County Wills, 1663-1978; Estate Papers, 1887-1951
- Scotland County, Will Records, 1898-1949
- Stanly County Appointment of Administrators, Executors, Guardians, 1868-1920; Record of Administrators, 1899-1927; Administrators Bonds, 1870-1883; Guardian Bonds, 1887-1912
- Stanly County Bastardy Bonds, 1870-1878
- Stanly County Probate Records, 1841-1903
- Stanly County Record of Estates, 1841-1869
- Stanly County Record of Settlements, 1866-1925
- Stanly County Wills, 1663-1978; Estate Papers, 1820, 1839-1952
- Stanly County Wills, 1841-1867
- Stanly County Wills, 1841-1923; Index to Wills, 1841-1967
- Stanly County, Apprentice Bonds, 1872-1906 and 1938
- Stokes County Will Abstracts, Volumes I & II (1790-1816)
- Stokes County Wills and Estates
- Stokes County Inventories, 1790-1809
- Stokes County Probate Records 1753-1971; Indexes 1753-1965
- Stokes County Wills 1792-1865
- Stokes County, Wills and Estate Papers, 1775-1971
- Surry County Accounts, Inventories and Settlements, 1772-1963; Index, 1794-1963, 1772-1963
- Surry County Estate Records 1771-1943
- Surry County Guardian and Administrators’ Bonds, 1876-1963
- Surry County Probate Docket, 1868-1918
- Surry County Record of Estates 1831-1883
- Surry County Record of Wills, 1771-1963
- Surry County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Surry County Wills, Inventories & Settlements of Estates, 1777-1796; Land Entries, 1778-1795; Lists of Taxables, 1771-1772, 1782
- Swain County Estate Records, 1818-1956
- Swain County Probate Records, 1871-1966
- Transylvania County Estate Records 1810-1951
- Transylvania County Probate Records 1861-1968
- Transylvania County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Tryon County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Tryon County Wills, 1765-1779
- Tyrrell County Probate Records
- Tyrrell County Wills and Probate Documents
- Tyrrell County Administrators Accounts and Inventories, 1758-1775
- Tyrrell County Appointment of Executors and Others 1868-1889
- Tyrrell County Bonds, 1859-1924
- Tyrrell County Cross Index to Wills, 1750-1960
- Tyrrell County Estate Records, 1738-1968
- Tyrrell County Guardians’ Bonds, 1739-1871
- Tyrrell County Inventories, 1802-1837
- Tyrrell County Miscellaneous Probate Records and Indexes, 1905-1961
- Tyrrell County Orders and Decrees, 1868-1959
- Tyrrell County Record of Accounts, 1868-1960
- Tyrrell County Record of Accounts, Inventories, and Sales, 1865-1868
- Tyrrell County Record of Dowers, 1907-1939
- Tyrrell County Record of resale of Land by Trustees, 1932-1956
- Tyrrell County Record of Settlements, 1869-1960
- Tyrrell County Record of Wills, 1750-1961
- Tyrrell County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Tyrrell County Wills, 1744-1836
- Union County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Union County Wills, 1843-1868
- Union County, Probate Records 1818-1969, Index 1818-1969, 1818-1969
- Vance County Record of Accounts, 1881-1929
- Vance County Record of Wills, 1881-1916; Cross Index to Wills, 1903-1969; Index to Special Proceedings and Wills, 1881-1969
- Wake County Administrators’ Bonds (1941-1950), and Guardian Bonds (1910-1916)
- Wake County Administrators’ Bonds, 1868-1941
- Wake County Appointment of Executors and Guardians, 1878-1951
- Wake County Dowers, 1879-1953; Index to dowers, 1801-1944
- Wake County Estate Indexes, ca.1858-1958
- Wake County Final Settlements and Accounts of Estates, 1883-1950
- Wake County General Index to Executors and Administrators, 1920-1959; Inventories of Executors and Administrators, 1891-1900
- Wake County Guardian Bonds, 1858-1957
- Wake County Guardian Docket 1817-1828
- Wake County Guardians’ Accounts 1878-1939
- Wake County Index to Minute Docket, Probate Court 1878-1880
- Wake County Miscellaneous Records, 1820-1839
- Wake County Orders’ and Decrees’ Docket, 1878-1949
- Wake County Partition of Land, 1879-1928
- Wake County Record Books of Wills, Inventories, Settlements of Estates (1771-1902), and, Indexes to Wills and Divisions of Land (1770-1946)
- Wake County Records of Sales by Mortgagees, Trustees, and Executors, 1916-1940
- Wake County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Warren County Abstractions
- Warren County Records of Estates
- Warren County Will Records
- Warren County Divisions of Estates, 1782-1825
- Warren County Estate Records, 1772-1940
- Warren County Guardians Accounts, 1792-1825
- Warren County Index to Administrators, 1866-1965; Records of Administrators, 1905-1934
- Warren County Record of Accounts and Inventories, 1868-1964
- Warren County Record of Guardians and Administrators, 1905-1906, 1912-1964; Record of Assignments, 1898-1939; Inheritance Tax Record, 1923-1964
- Warren County Record of Orders and Decrees, 1877-1955; Special Proceedings, 1918-1947
- Warren County Record of Wills, Accounts, Inventories, and Settlements, 1764-1964
- Warren County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Warren County Wills, 1780-1825
- Washington County Accounts of Administration, Executive and Guardians, 1873-1944
- Washington County Estate Records 1795-1959
- Washington County Record of Wills Index, 1873-1967, 1872-1967
- Washington County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Watauga County Bastardy Bonds, 1873-1878
- Watauga County Estate Records, 1858-1948
- Watauga County Probate Records, 1873-1968
- Watauga County Record of Administrators, 1911-1949
- Watauga County Records of Wills, 1873-1969
- Watauga County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Watauga County, Apprentice Bonds, 1874-1906
- Wayne County Deeds and Wills, 1811-1850
- Wayne County Constable and bastardy Bonds, 1861-1878, 1889
- Wayne County Estate Records, 1782-1937; Indexes 1782-1937
- Wayne County Guardian Bonds, 1892-1900; Administrators, Executors, and Guardians Accounts, 1874-1882; Administrators and Executors Bonds, 1861-1896; Index to Guardians, 1903-1919; Index to Estates, Executors, Guardians, Trustees, and Administrators, 1820-1965
- Wayne County Index and Record of Receivers of Inheritance, 1937-1964
- Wayne County Inventories of Estates, 1807-1851
- Wayne County Probate Records, 1824-1957; Indexes, 1786-1965, 1786-1965
- Wayne County Processioners’ Record, 1819-1820
- Wayne County Record of Settlements, 1878-1953
- Wayne County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Wayne County Wills, 1776-1805; Wills, Inventories, and Settlements of Estates, 1782- 1807; Cross Index to Wills, 1780-1923; Index to Wills, 1782-1970
- Wayne County Wills, Accounts, Inventories, and Sales of Estates, 1807-1957; Indexes, 1782-1965, 1782-1965
- Wayne County, Apprentice and indenture Bonds, 1861-1889
- Wilkes County Will and Probate Indexes and Abstracts
- Wilkes County Will Books One and Two, 1778-1811
- Wilkes County Estate Records, 1777-1945
- Wilkes County Probate Records, Administrators, Guardians, Executors Appointments and Bonds, Accounts, Settlements, Widows Allowance, etc., 1805-1963
- Wilkes County Will Books 3 and 4, Wilkes County: 1811-1848
- Wilkes County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Wilkes County Wills, Inventories, and Sales of Estates, 1779-1852
- Wilkes County, Index to Will Book One (1) 1778-1800
- Wilkes County, Will Abstracts
- Wilkes County, Will Records and Index 1780-1963
- Wilkes County, Wills, Deeds, Tax Lists, etc.
- Wilson County Account Records of Estate Sales, 1868-1924
- Wilson County Administrator, Executor, and Guardian Records, 1855-1960
- Wilson County Administrators Bonds, 1869-1916
- Wilson County Estate Settlement Records, 1868-1958
- Wilson County Guardian’s Bonds, 1869-1919
- Wilson County Index to Wills, 1855-1971; Wills, 1855-1960
- Wilson County Indexes to Appointment of Administrators and Executors, and Guardians (1900-1960), and Cross Index to Guardians and Executors (1900-1924)
- Wilson County Record of Accounts, 1865-1919
- Wilson County Record of Dowers, Divisions of Land, and Widow’s Years Support, 1855-192 3
- Wilson County Record of Executors, 1912-1940
- Wilson County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Wilson County Wilson County, Estate Records, 1854-1959, Index 1854-1959, 1854-1959
- Yadkin County Inventory of Estates, 1851-1888; Administrators Records, 1868-1917; Guardian Bonds, 1868-1913; Accounts, 1897-1913; Settlements, 1872-1929; Appointments of Executors, Guardians, and Administrators, 1868-1905
- Yadkin County Record of Wills, 1851-1957; Index, 1851-1957
- Yadkin County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
- Yadkin County Yadkin County North Carolina Estate Records, 1850-1920; Index 1850-1920, 1850-1920
- Yadkin County, Record Book
- Yancey County North Carolina Estate Records, 1853-1915; Index 1853-1915, 1853-1915
- Yancey County Administrators’ Bonds, 1870-1900
- Yancey County Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1834-1869
- Yancey County Probate Records, 1855-1938
- Yancey County Record of Administrators, Executors, Guardians, 1909-1961
- Yancey County Wills and Estate Papers 1663-1978
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!