(This page's most recent update is March 2025)
Probate records and wills are available online from all over the U.S. and are what I consider another hidden gem of information that can assist you in advancing your family history and genealogy research.
What can you find in these records? How about the date of death, spouse’s and children’s names, birth order, sibling’s and siblings’ spouses, parent’s names, and residence locations for all named persons? Also, ownership of land and/or other significant property, business names and occupation, military service, guardianships, and adoptions. Basically, anything owned by the deceased is typically listed and to whom it is to be assigned.
I won’t pretend to be an expert on the probate process – all I know is that I have discovered an amazing amount of good information from probate records and wills as part of my personal genealogy research.
Here are a few good primers on the benefits of searching probate documents and wills:
- FamilySearch – United States Probate Records
- Wills and Probate Records are Genealogy Riches
- How to Use Wills and Estate Records to Learn About Your Ancestors
- Probate Records Could Be the Key to Unlocking Your Family’s Hidden Past
Below, listed are links to probate records, wills, and indexes available for free online for the state.
Note: Please be aware that if you find a desired will or probate record in an index, the holder of the actual materials (e.g., (archive, county court, etc.) may charge a small fee to send you a copy of the material itself.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Oklahoma Probate and Wills
- Adair County General Probate Index, 1907-1946; Appearance Docket Probate, 1907-1937
- Adair County, Probate and Guardianship Records, 1906-1973
- Adair County, Probate Records
- Alfalfa County Administrators Record, 1896-1909
- Alfalfa County Civil Appearance Dockets, 1892-1955
- Alfalfa County Guardians Record, 1894-1908
- Alfalfa County Probate Case Files, 1907-1930: Index, 1907-1982
- Alfalfa County Probate Will Records, 1896-1905
- Alfalfa County Will Records, 1907-1933
- Atoka County Index to Wills, 1903-1977
- Atoka County Administrators and Executors Records, 1904-1964
- Atoka County Probate Case Files, ca. 1904-1934
- Atoka County Probate Indexes, 1897-1937
- Atoka County, Civil Appearance Dockets, 1907-1952; Court Journals, 1907-1935; Indexes to District Court Records, 1907-1967
- Beaver County Probate Files, 1890-1930
- Beaver County Wills, 1895-1917
- Beckham County Miscellaneous Records 1907-1995
- Beckham County, 1907-1928
- Blaine County Probate Index 1892-1998
- Blaine County Probate Records 1893-2008; Indexes, 1892-1998
- Blaine County Civil Appearance Docket, 1892-1998
- Blaine County Miscellaneous Records 1891-1929
- Blaine County Record of Wills and Certificates, 1896-1906; Index, 1902-1982
- Bryan County Administration and Will Records, 1902-1939
- Bryan County Probate Case Files, ca. 1902-1929; Indexes to Case Files, ca. 1902-1929
- Bryan County Probate Fee Records, 1902-1926
- Bryan County Probate Indexes, 1902-1967
- Bryan County Record of Annual Settlements of Administrators and Guardians, 1906-1923
- Bryan County, Chancery Court Records, Oct 1902 – Nov 1907
- Bryan County, Civil Docket, United States Commissioner, Durant, Indian Territory, 1902-1903
- Caddo County Probate Index, 1901-1952
- Caddo County Probate Packets, 1891-1983; Probate Bonds, 1904-1930
- Caddo County Wills, 1903-1937
- Caddo, Comanche and Wichita Agency, 1879
- Canadian County Court Records, 1890-1983
- Canadian County Probate Packets, 1890-1928
- Carter County Probate Packets 1899-1956
- Central District, Melba Hall County Matter of last Will and Testament, 1903-1907
- Central District, Melba Hall County Probate Docket Book, 1900-1907
- Cherokee County Probate Appearance Dockets, 1907-1917; Probate Index, 1907-1979
- Choctaw County Probate Records 1853-1952; Index, 1908-1946
- Choctaw County Civil Appearance Records 1907-1933
- Choctaw County, Orders, full blood Deeds 1908-1953
- Cimarron County Probate Records, 1908-1945; Probate Index, 1908-1999
- Cleveland County Guardianship Records, 1890-1931
- Cleveland County Probate Case Files, 1890-1928; Index, 1890-1928
- Cleveland County Probate Court Journals and Dockets, 1893-1938
- Cleveland County Wills and Estate Records, 1889-1934
- Cleveland County, Civil Appearance Divorce Dockets, 1935-1952
- Coal County Full blood Approvals, 1913-1928
- Coal County Probate Index, 1907-1974
- Columbia Township, Kingfisher County, Miscellaneous Records
- Comanche County Estate Records, 1901-1909
- Comanche County Probate Packets, 1901-1928; Index to Probate Packets, 1901-1928
- Comanche County Probate Records, 1904-1933
- Cotton County Probate Index, 1912-1973
- Cotton County Probate Packets, 1912-1930
- Cotton County Probate Records, 1912-1971
- Cotton County, Civil Court Index, 1912-1963
- Craig County Probate Records, 1895-1937; Index, 1900-1955
- Craig County, Civil Records, 1907-1938; Index, 1907-1946
- Delaware County Probate Appearance Docket, 1913-1931; Probate Index, 1911-1981
- Delaware County Probate Appearance Dockets, 1912-1965
- Delaware County Probate Case Files, 1906-1928; Probate Index, 1912-1993
- Delaware County Will Register, 1911-1981
- Dewey County Will Records, 1895-1937; Index, 1909-1982
- Dewey County Probate Appearance Docket, 1894-1926
- Dewey County Probate Records, 1901-1928
- El Dorado Probate Records, 1908-1919
- Ellis County Administrators’ Record, 1893-1930
- Ellis County Probate Packets, 1902-1927; General Index, 1903-1984
- Ellis County, Court Records, 1900-1931
- Ellis County, Probate Dockets, 1893-1907
- Ellis County, Probate Journals, 1893-1909
- Ellis County, Civil Appearance Dockets, 1919-1931
- Ellis County, General Index to Deeds, 1889-1907; Deeds, 1896-1901; Final Receipts, 1895-1907
- Enid Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution Abstracts of Wills of our forefathers
- Garfield County Probate Records, 1894-1950
- Garvin County Probate Records, 1907-1929
- Grady County Probate General Index, 1907-1967
- Greer County Administrator Records, 1901-1929; Executor Records, 1902-1907
- Greer County Estate Minutes, 1901, 1905-1911
- Greer County Guardianship Records, 1902-1988
- Greer County Inventory of Minors Estates, 1902-1905; Inventory of Estates, 1902-1906
- Greer County Probate General Index; Probate Docket, 1905-1907; Probate Minutes, 1902-1909; Probate Court Packets, 1901-1930
- Greer County, Civil Index, 1915-1929; Civil Appearance Docket, 1896-1932
- Greer County, District Court Minutes, 1894-1896; Cross Index District Court, 1886- 1939
- Greer County, Journal Records, 1898-1934
- Greer County, Wills, 1904-1924
- Greer County, Court Journals, 1887-1934
- Harmon County Probate Records 1902-1969
- Harmon County Court Records Index 1909-1950
- Harper County Records of Executors and Administrators, 1907-1917
- Harper County Probate Case Files, 1907-1928
- Harper County Probate Records, 1907-1983
- Hughes County Probate Case Files 1908-1928
- Hughes County Probate Appearance Dockets, 1907-1930
- Jackson County Probate General Index 1907-1920
- Jackson County Probate General Index, 1907-1994; Probate Index for Recording, 1907-1994
- Jackson County Probate Packets, 1907-1930
- Jackson County Will Records, 1907-1956
- Jackson County, Journal District Court, 1907-1930
- Jefferson County General Probate Index, 1907-1959
- Kay County Inheritance Tax Record, 1908-1926
- Kay County Probate Appearance Dockets, 1909-1929
- Kay County Probate Records, 1894-1945; Indexes, 1893-1996
- Kay County, District Court Civil Appearance Dockets, 1893-1918; Indexes, 1893-1996
- Kingfisher County Civil Appearance Dockets, 1901-1929
- Kingfisher County Probate Packets, 1900-1928; Probate Index, 1900-2003
- Kingfisher County, Deed Records, 1889-1921; Miscellaneous Deed Records, 1890-1923; oil and gas leases, 1916-1917; General Index, 1890-1893; Index to Deeds, 1890-1928
- Latimer County Inventory and Appraisement Records, 1906-1914
- Latimer County Register of Wills, 1907-1982
- Latimer County Administrators and Executors Records, ca. 1907-1959
- Latimer County Full blood [Indian] Conveyance of Land Records, ca. 1911-1944
- Latimer County General Probate Index, 1907-1977
- Latimer County Probate Case Files, 1902-1928; Index, 1902-1928
- Latimer County Probate Minutes, 1907-1925
- Latimer County, Journal of District Court, 1923-1930
- Latimer County, Miscellaneous [land] Records, ca. 1901-1927; Index to Miscellaneous [land] Records, ca. 1890-1918
- Le Flore County Miscellaneous Records, Guardianships, Wills, Land and Property, 1908-1929
- Leflore County Probate Records, 1897-1930; Probate Indexes, 1895-1935
- Lincoln County Land Records, 1891-1930; Indexes 1892-1921
- Lincoln County Miscellaneous Records, 1891-1925; Indexes, 1892-1921
- Lincoln County Probate Records, 1893-1929
- Logan County General Index Estates, 1894-1980
- Logan County Territorial Records, 1890-1907; Index, 1890-1907
- Logan County Will and Administration Records, 1907-1910, 1945-1947
- Major County Administrators Records, 1894-1928; Administrators Will and Records, 1913-1969; Wills, 1908-1914
- Major County Guardians Records, 1908-1927
- Major County Probate Case Files 1907-1928; Index to Probate Case Files, 1907-1991
- Marshall County Administrators and Executors Bond Book, 1908-1952
- Marshall County Probate Case Files, 1905-1928; Probate Index, 1907-1956
- Mayes County Probate Records, 1907-1929; Probate Index 1907-1940
- McClain County Court Records, 1907-1945
- McClain County Probate Index, 1907-1983
- McClain County Probate Record, 1906
- McClain County Probate Records, 1895-1931
- McClain County, Civil Appearance Dockets, 1895-1906
- McClain County, Court Records, 1895-1959, Indexes, ca. 1895-1956
- McClain County, Miscellaneous Land Records, 1903-1921
- McClain County, Report of Court Fees, 1911-1913
- McCurtain County Probate Records 1903-1965
- McCurtain County Civil Appearance Docket 1907-1917, 1939-1944
- McCurtain County Dead Claim Index 1907-1910
- McIntosh County Probate Records, 1907-1956
- Melba Hall County Administrator Records, 1905-1907
- Melba Hall County Administrators and Executors Records, 1907-1927
- Melba Hall County Administrator’s Records, 1911-1948
- Melba Hall County Index to Administrators and Executors Records, 1908-1938
- Melba Hall County Probate and Guardianship Records, 1905-1907
- Melba Hall County Probate Bench Dockets, 1912-1942
- Melba Hall County Probate Court Appearance Dockets, 1908-1948
- Melba Hall County Probate Index of separate Court Town, 1908-1922
- Melba Hall County Probate Index, 1897-1907
- Melba Hall County Probate Inventories, 1904-1907
- Melba Hall County Probate Journals, 1911-1937, Miscellaneous Records, 1927-1935 and Guardianship 1911-1937
- Melba Hall County Probate Records of County Court, 1908-1912
- Melba Hall County Probate Records, 1895-1906
- Melba Hall County, Chancery Dockets, 1905-1907
- Melba Hall County, Court Records, 1908-1929
- Melba Hall County, Executor’s or Administrator’s Inventory and Affidavit, Appraisement and Sale Bill, 1897-1907
- Melba Hall County, General Index to Civil Cases and Journal Entries, 1895-1907
- Melba Hall County, Journal, 1897-1907
- Muskogee Area Office, Agency Records, 1883-1945
- Muskogee County Petition for Appointment of Guardian, 1907-1928
- Muskogee County Probate Records 1890-1968
- Muskogee County Administrator’s Record, 1907-1922; Administrator’s and Executor’s Bond, 1907-1934
- Muskogee County Appearance Bond Record, 1917-1921
- Muskogee County, Index to Civil Cases, 1907-1940
- Muskogee County, Mayor’s Court Records, 1898-1906
- Muskogee County, Common Record, porum, 1913
- Muskogee County, County Court Records, 1907-1929
- Noble County Probate Records, 1893-1928; Index, 1893-1982
- Noble County, Civil Court Docket Books, 1893-1956; Index, 1893-1970
- Northern District, Nowata County Probate Appearance Docket, 1903-1907
- Nowata County Probate Packets 1909-1941
- Nowata County Probate Records 1907-1936
- Nowata County Probate Appearance Docket, 1908-1940; Wills, 1908-1927; General Probate Index, 1907-1943
- Okfuskee County Estate Fee Records, 1907-1929
- Okfuskee County Probate Index, 1907-1972
- Oklahoma (Territory), Certificate of Citizenship, 1890-1901 Declaration of Intention, 1898- 1906
- Oklahoma Chapters N.S.D.A.R., Abstracts of Wills
- Oklahoma County Probate Records Index, 1890-1928
- Oklahoma County Miscellaneous Records, 1890-1921; Index to Miscellaneous Records, 1890-1923
- Oklahoma County Probate Case Files, 1890-1928; Probate Index, 1890-1928
- Oklahoma County Probate Records, 1891- 1905; Index, 1895-1949
- Oklahoma County, Probate Records and Wills 1889-1908
- Oklahoma County, Superior Court Case Files, 1909-1914; Index, 1909-1914
- Oklahoma Probate Records, 1887-2008
- Oklahoma, D.A.R. chapters, Collection of Old Wills
- Oklahoma, Miscellaneous Wills
- Okmulgee County Probate Appearance Docket, 1907-1910; Probate Index, 1907-1963
- Osage County, Probate Case Files, 1907-1935
- Ottawa County Probate Appearance Dockets 1907-1929; Docket Index, 1907-1980
- Ottawa County Probate Packets 1907-1932
- Pawnee Agency, Heirship Records of Kaw Estates, 1908-1920
- Payne County Probate Records, 1889-1951
- Pittsburg County Probate Appearance Dockets, 1907-1919; Probate Court Journals, 1927-1931; Probate Minutes, 1907-1923; Guardians Bonds and Records, 1907-1940; Index 1907-1961
- Pittsburg County Probate Case Files, 1893-1936; Index, ca. 1894-1961
- Pittsburg County Probate Records, 1894-1921
- Pittsburg County, District Court Minutes, 1910-1912
- Pontotoc County General Probate Index, 1907-1978
- Pontotoc County Probate Records, 1906
- Pottawatomie County Court Records 1909-1930; Indexes, 1892-1938
- Pottawatomie County Probate Index 1900-1952
- Pottawatomie County Probate Records 1893-1956
- Pottawatomie County Marriage Records Pottawatomie County 1892-1952; Indexes, 1892-1980
- Pushmataha County Probate Fee Journal 1933-1952
- Pushmataha County, Central District Record of Wills 1904-1905
- Roger Mills County Probate Records 1893-1928
- Roger Mills County Index to Civil Cases
- Roger Mills County Marriage Records Roger Mills County 1893-1963
- Roger Mills County, Deed Records, 1892-1927
- Rogers County Probate Records, 1902-1941; Index, 1907-1964
- Rogers County Wills, 1909-1944, 1909-1944
- Seminole County Approval Docket and Record of Conveyances, 1909-1933
- Seminole County Approval of Deeds Case Files,1908-1928; Approval of Deeds Index Cards, 1908-1928
- Seminole County General Probate Index, 1907-1930
- Seminole County Probate Case Files, 1899-1928; Card Index to Probate Case Files, 1899-1928
- Seminole County Probate Records, 1899-1907
- Seminole County, Civil Appearance Docket, 1899-1907
- Seminole County, Common Court Record, 1907
- Seminole County, Land and Property Records, ca. 1903-1945
- Sequoyah County Probate Record Indexes, 1907-1949
- Shawnee Agency, Agency Records, 1890-1943
- Stephens County Miscellaneous Records Stephens County 1906-1923
- Stephens County Probate Record, 1917
- Texas County Administrators Records, 1907-1915
- Texas County Probate Case Files, 1907-1928; Probate Index Cards, 1907-1968
- Texas County Probate Records, 1907-1950; Indexes, 1907-1931
- Texas County, Civil Appearance Dockets, 1907-1966
- Tillman County Land and Property Records,1902-1921; Indexes, 1903-1922
- Tillman County Probate Case Files, 1907-1928; Indexes, 1907-192
- Tulsa County Probate Records, 1907-1933; Probate Index, 1907-1969
- Tulsa County Probate Records, 1907-1950; Index, 1907-1977
- Union Agency, Latimer County Full blood [Indian] Conveyance of Land Records from Probate Case Files, 1909-1928; full blood Conveyance Index, ca. 1911-1927
- Wagoner County, Probate Appearance Docket Index, 1907-1980, 1907-1930
- Washington County Probate Appearance Docket, 1907-1929
- Washita County General Index to Probate and Divorce; Probate, 1903-1997 and Divorce,1893-1997
- Washita County Probate Packets, 1903-1928; Probate Index, 1903-1996
- Wichita Agency, Court Summons, Receipts of Payment and Receipt of Purchase, 1902
- Wilma Parr County Probate Records, 1895-1947; Indexes, 1897-1977
- Woods County Estate Fee Records, 1901-1938
- Woods County Probate Case Files Guardianship Files, 1896-1930
- Woods County Probate Court Case Files Estate Files, 1893-1930
- Woods County Probate Records
- Woodward County Administrators Records, 1894-1928
- Woodward County Probate Records, 1894-1928
- Woodward County, Civil Appearance Docket, 1894-1930
- Woodward County, Proceeding Books of the Territory, 1901-1902
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!