Free Online Genealogy Website of the Day – Access Genealogy

Access Genealogy is an aggregation site, which means that it has a number of genealogy categories for all of the United States. Its primary feature is links to other collections on other websites. Most of these are free, but there are multiple links to subscription databases, such as Ancestry. It does have records on the site itself. It started in 1999.

From their website: “ contains the largest collection of free genealogy for your United States research. Find hundreds of thousands of free websites with billions of names you can use to further your family genealogy! Specifically, we provide sources for birth records, death records, marriage records, census records, tax records, church records, court records, military records, historical newspapers, cemeteries, and ethnic records. We also provide some historical details about different times and people in America’s history. Our specialty, however, is Native American genealogy and research. You can always access our Native American collection of material, by using the link at the top of every page. Access Genealogy directs researchers to free United States genealogy resources online. We do this in two methods, by categorizing your search (links in the menu at the top of every page) or by enabling you to search by locality (links on the right of every page under the US Genealogy heading)”

I have found this site to be useful from time to time. It combines a large link collection with various transcribed records, collections, and documents. To access the site, go to

Click HERE for other Free Online Genealogy Websites of the Day

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