Linkpendium is included here as a Link Site, but it has some very special features that users should try out.
The site was built in the early 2000s. The creators, Karen and Karen and Brian “Wolf” Leverich were the original creators of Rootsweb which occurred in the 1990s.
You can search by location to see what categories of collections are available, along with the links to each collection. This is the typical link list approach. In addition, the site provides links to message boards and forums for that location, which can be extremely helpful.
They include subscription databases in the collection link lists as well as those that are free.
The real power (for me at least), is the ability to do a Surname search, where certain collections are searched for that surname, with the results returned to you. This is very powerful. In addition, the Family Discoverer is a way to do a deep dive using a surname. I suggest that be tried as well, especially for unique surnames.
I would recommend the use of this site. However, it suffers from the same malady that all link list sites suffer from – and that is Broken Links. With over 10 million links, there are bound to be many that are broken, so exercise some patience
To access the site, go to www.Linkpendium.com
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