(This page's most recent update is January 2025)
Military records are another useful set that will help you find out more about your ancestors. There are a ton of records that are available for free online, and there are some very robust collections (such as Fold3 and Ancestry) that have sizable online military collections as well.
Typically, military records online fall into 5 different categories:
- Military Service Records:
Includes enlistment information, such as location and date enlisted. Also includes demographic information, such as full name, birth date and location, residence, and occupation, plus contact information of next of kin, medical and military information, and unit assignations while in the military. - Selective Service Records:
Includes full name, residence, age, occupation, marital status, birthplace, contact information, physical description, and other information. - Bounty Land Warrant Applications:
Includes similar information as in service records as well as other information. Only used between 1775 and 1855. - Pension Records:
Will include birth, marriage, and death records, demographic information, plus information about the spouse, and possibly children. - Special Records:
May include information if the person was a prisoner of war, was wounded or killed in action. 1910-1940 Census Records include questions about military service. Includes those buried in Veteran’s cemeteries.
A good primer on Military Records is found on FamilySearch’s Military Records page, available on their wiki.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Below, listed by state are links to military records that are available for free online. Included in each state’s page are links to free nationwide collections since there are a sizable number of collections that are available for the entire country.
Massachusetts Military Records
- American Battle Monuments Commission – Korean War Honor Roll
- American Battle Monuments Commission Burials Database
- American Prisoners of War During the Korean War, 1950-1953
- Burial Registers for Military Posts, Camps, and Stations,1768-1921
- Card Register of Burials of Deceased American Soldiers, 1917 – 1922
- Casualties of Army Personnel, Dependents and Civilian Employees, 1961-1981
- Casualties of the Vietnam War, 1956-1998
- Census of Union Veterans and Widows of the Civil War, 1890
- Civil War and Later Pension Index, 1861-1917
- Civil War Confederate Applications for Pardons, 1865-1867
- Civil War Confederate Papers of Citizens or Businesses, 1861-1865
- Civil War Records of Confederate Nonregiment Soldiers, 1861-1865
- Civil War Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865
- Civil War Service Records of Union Colored Troops, 1863-1865
- Civil War Service Records of Union Soldiers, 1864-1866
- Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Database
- Civil War Soldiers Index, 1861-1865
- Civil War Unfiled Papers of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865
- Civil War Widows and Other Dependents Pension Files, 1861-1934
- Compiled Military Service Records Of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served With The Colored Troops, 1861-1866
- Confederate Navy and Marine Service Records, 1861-1865 Images only.
- Confederate Officers Card Index, 1861-1865
- Doughboy MIA Database 1917-1918
- Enlisted and Officer Muster Rolls and Rosters, 1916-1939
- General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 Index Only.
- Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, 1925-1949
- Index to General Correspondence of the Pension Office, 1889-1904 Index only.
- Index to Indian Wars Pension Files, 1892-1926
- Index to Naturalizations of World War I Soldiers, 1918
- Index to Service Records, War with Spain, 1898
- Japanese Americans Relocated During World War II, 1942-1946
- Japanese Registers of POWs WWII, Index.
- Korean War Battle Deaths, 1950-1957
- Korean War Dead and Army Wounded, 1950-1953
- Korean War POW/MIA List
- Korean War Repatriated Prisoners of War, 1950-1954
- Lists of Fatal Casualties of the Korean War (6/28/1950 – 3/10/1954) and the Vietnam War (6/8/1956 – 5/28/2006)
- Mexican War Index and Service Records, 1846-1848
- Mexican War Pension Index, 1887-1926
- Mexican War Soldiers & Sailors Database
- Military Personnel Who Died During the Vietnam War, 1956-2003
- Mormon Battalion Pension Applications, 1846-1923, Index
- Muster Rolls of the Marine Corps, 1798-1937, Index and Images
- National Archives, Archival Databases, Civil War
- National Archives, Archival Databases, Korean War
- National Archives, Archival Databases, Vietnam War
- National Archives, Archival Databases, World War II
- National Cemetery Administration – Nationwide Gravesite Locator
- National Graves Registration Database
- National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1866-1938 Partial Index and Images.
- National Park Service – US Mexican War Soldiers and Sailors Database
- National Society Daughters of 1812 – Ancestor Database
- Naval Enlistment Rendezvous, 1855-1891, Index and Images
- Navy Widows’ Certificates, 1861-1910, Index
- Never Forgotten, Taiwan POW List
- Old War Pension Index, 1815-1926
- Original Mormon Battalion Roster – Mormon Battalion Association
- Pearl Harbor Casualty List
- Prisoners of the First World War
- Records of Confederate Prisoners of War, 1861-1865
- Records of Headstones of Deceased Union Veterans, 1879-1903
- Register of Confederates and Civilians Who Died in the North,1861-1865
- Registers of Enlistments in the Army, 1798-1914
- Remarried Widows Index to Pension Applications, 1887-1942
- Revolutionary War Compiled Service Records, 1775-1783
- Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Applications, 1800-1900
- Revolutionary War Pension Payment Ledgers, 1818-1872
- Revolutionary War Records – Daughters of the American Revolution
- Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783
- Revolutionary War, Virginia Pension Application Files, 1830-1875
- Roster of All Regimental Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons in the Late War, with the Service, and last-known Post-office Address (1882)” Compiled by N. A. Strait. The Text is Searchable.
- Rosters of Revolutionary War Soldiers and Sailors, 1775-1783
- Service Personnel Not Recovered Following WWII
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Military Servicemen in World War I Records
- United States French Combatants in the Revolutionary War, 1778-1783
- Veteran’s Administration Master Index, 1917-1940
- Veterans Administration Pension Payment Cards, 1907-1933
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial
- Vietnam War POW/MIA List
- War of 1812 Index to Pension Application Files, 1812-1910
- War of 1812 Index to Service Records, 1812-1815
- War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies
- War Relocation Authority Centers, Final Accountability Rosters, 1942-1946
- World War I American Expeditionary Forces Deaths, 1917-1919
- World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
- World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
- World War II Casualties for Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard
- World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942
- World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942
- World War II Prisoners of War of the Japanese, 1941-1945
- World War II Prisoners of War, 1941-1945
- WWII Army and Army Air Force Casualties
- YMCA World War I Service Cards, 1917-1919
- Barnstable County, Military Index
- Barnstable County, Military Records
- Barnstable County, Town Records, 1794-1865 [Dennis, Massachusetts]
- Barnstable County, Town Records, 1803-1871 [Brewster, Massachusetts]
- Berkshire County, Military Records
- Berkshire County, Military Records
- Berkshire County, Record of the Names of Soldiers and Sailors from Alford [Massachusetts] in the Civil War
- Berkshire County, Revolutionary War Pension Papers, 1818-1825, Berkshire County, Massachusetts
- Berkshire County, Vital Records of Sandisfield, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850: Sandisfield Revolutionary Soldiers
- Berkshire County, WPA Veteran’s Graves Registration, Berkshire County [Massachusetts] 1774 -1941
- Berkshire County, WPA Veteran’s Graves Registration, Berkshire County [Massachusetts] 1774 -1941
- Braintree, French War Muster List, 1759
- Bridgewater, Civil War Lists [part 1]
- Bridgewater, Civil War Lists [part 2]
- Bristol County, Military Records
- Bristol County, Military Records
- Bristol County, Town Records, 1735-1867 (Berkley, Massachusetts)
- Dover, Veterans from Various Wars
- Dukes County, Military Records
- Dukes County, Military Records
- Dukes County, Town Records, 1657-1873 [Edgartown, Massachusetts]
- Dukes County, Town Records, 1657-1873 [Edgartown, Massachusetts]
- Essex County, An Historical Sketch of Bradford, Mass., in the Revolution: including East Bradford, Now Groveland
- Essex County, Gloucester, Massachusetts, Revolutionary War Records 1775-1782
- Essex County, Gloucester, Massachusetts, Seamen and Officers, 1861-1865
- Essex County, Gloucester, Massachusetts, Spanish-American War Records, 1898-1899
- Essex County, Gloucester, Massachusetts, State Aid disbursement Volumes 1 and 2, 1861-1865
- Essex County, Gloucester, Massachusetts, World War Military Service Records 1916-1919
- Essex County, Haverhill in World War II: an Attempt to Record the Story of one American City, the valor and the sacrifice of its Sons and daughters in the Armed Forces, and the Labor and the sacrifice of its People at Home in the Protection of their own liberties and the liberties of All good Men everywhere
- Essex County, Military Records
- Essex County, Military Records
- Essex County, Newburyport in the World War: with Records of All the Men and Women Who Served in the Military and Naval Forces of the United States and its Allies
- Essex County, Newburyport in the World War: with Records of All the Men and Women Who Served in the Military and Naval Forces of the United States and its Allies
- Essex County, Patriots of Salem: Roll of Honor of the Officers and Enlisted Men, during the Late Civil War, from Salem, Mass., containing the rank, age, Date of Mustering in, Date of Discharge and Cause thereof, Prisoners of War, together with a List of Wounded, Killed and those Who Died in the Service
- Essex County, Swampscott Honor Roll: World War 1917-1918
- Essex County, The City of Newburyport in the Civil War from 1861 to 1865: with the individual Records of the Soldiers and Sailors Who Served to its credit; also the War Records of many natives and Residents of the City credited to Other Places
- Franklin County, Military Records
- Franklin County, Military Records
- Greenfield, Revolutionary War Soldiers, A – M
- Greenfield, Revolutionary War Soldiers, N – W
- Hampden County, Military Index
- Hampden County, Military Records
- Hampden County, Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution from Blandford, Massachusetts
- Hampshire County, Honor Roll
- Hampshire County, Military Records
- Hampshire County, Military Records
- Hampshire County, Nonotuck Guards
- Hampshire County, Other Enlistments
- Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Massachusetts
- Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the War of 1861-65
- Massachusetts Officers and Soldiers, 1723-1743: Dummer’s War to the War of Jenkins’ Ear
- Massachusetts Revolutionary War Bounty Land Applications 1805 1845
- Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors Revolutionary War
- Massachusetts, 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery
- Massachusetts, 20th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry – The Harvard Regiment
- Massachusetts, 28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
- Massachusetts, Adjutant General’s Office Records
- Massachusetts, Bearing arms in the Twenty-Seventh Massachusetts Regiment of Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War, 1861-1865
- Massachusetts, Camp Duty and inspections, 1840-1873
- Massachusetts, Compiled Military Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served with the United States Colored Troops: 1st through 5th United States Colored Cavalry, 5th Massachusetts Cavalry (Colored), 6th United States Colored Cavalry
- Massachusetts, Compiled Military Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served with the United States Colored Troops: 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment (Colored)
- Massachusetts, Compiled Military Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served with the United States Colored Troops: 55th Massachusetts Infantry (Colored)
- Massachusetts, Complete Record of the Names of All the Soldiers and Officers … from the Town of Mattapoisett during the Rebellion begun in 1861
- Massachusetts, Complete Record of the Names of All the Soldiers and Officers in the Military Service: and of All the Seamen and Officers in the Naval Service of the United States, from Enfield, during the Rebellion begun in 1861: together with the Authentic Facts Relating to the Military or Naval Career of each Soldier, Seaman and Officer
- Massachusetts, Complete Record of the Names of All the Soldiers and Officers in the Military Service: and of All the Seamen and Officers in the Naval Service of the United States, from Enfield, during the Rebellion begun in 1861: together with the Authentic Facts Relating to the Military or Naval Career of each Soldier, Seaman and Officer
- Massachusetts, Descriptive Lists of Massachusetts Volunteers in the U.S. Navy, 1861-186 5
- Massachusetts, Descriptive Lists of Recruits for Massachusetts Volunteers, 1863-1864
- Massachusetts, Descriptive Rolls of Massachusetts Volunteers, 1861-1865
- Massachusetts, Descriptive Rolls of Massachusetts Volunteers, 1863-1865
- Massachusetts, Elective Rolls of Massachusetts Volunteers, 1863-1865
- Massachusetts, Enlistment Rolls, 1796-1841
- Massachusetts, Enlistment Rolls, 1796-1841
- Massachusetts, French and Indian War Muster Roll Index Cards, 1603-1779
- Massachusetts, French and Indian War Muster Roll Index Cards, 1603-1779
- Massachusetts, GAR Descriptive Book, Col. Allen Post — Muster Roll 1861-1893
- Massachusetts, GAR Descriptive Book, Col. Allen Post — Muster Roll 1861-1893
- Massachusetts, Glover’s Marblehead Regiment in the War of the Revolution
- Massachusetts, Henry Wilson’s Regiment History of the Twenty-second Massachusetts Infantry, the Second Company sharpshooters, and the Third Light Battery, in the War of the Rebellion
- Massachusetts, Historical Sketch of the Old 6th Regiment of the Massachusetts Volunteers
- Massachusetts, Historical Sketch of the Old Sixth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers during its three Campaigns in 1861, 1862, 1863, and 1864: Containing the History of the Several Companies previous to 1861, and the Name and Military Record of each man connected with the Regiment during the War
- Massachusetts, History and Complete Roster of the Massachusetts Regiments: Minute Men of ’61 Who responded to the First Call of President Abraham Lincoln, April 15, 1861, to defend the flag and Constitution of the United States together with Photographs and Biographical Sketches of Minute Men of Massachusetts
- Massachusetts, History and Complete Roster of the Massachusetts Regiments: Minute Men of ’61 Who responded to the First Call of President Abraham Lincoln, April 15, 1861, to defend the flag and Constitution of the United States together with Photographs and Biographical Sketches of Minute Men of Massachusetts
- Massachusetts, History of the Fifth Massachusetts Battery
- Massachusetts, History of the Fifth Massachusetts Battery
- Massachusetts, History of the Fifth Massachusetts Battery: organized October 3, 1861; Mustered out June 12, 1865
- Massachusetts, History of the Fiftieth Regiment of Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia in the Late War of the Rebellion
- Massachusetts, History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of the Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
- Massachusetts, History of the First Regiment (Massachusetts Infantry) from the 25th of May, 1861, to the 25h of May, 1864: including Brief Reference to the operations of the Army of the Potomac
- Massachusetts, History of the First Regiment (Massachusetts Infantry) from the 25th of May, 1861, to the 25h of May, 1864: including Brief Reference to the operations of the Army of the Potomac
- Massachusetts, History of the Forty-Fifth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry: the Cadet Regiment
- Massachusetts, History of the Nineteenth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry 1861-1865
- Massachusetts, History of the Nineteenth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865
- Massachusetts, History of the Nineteenth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865
- Massachusetts, History of the Salem Light Infantry from 1805 to 1890
- Massachusetts, History of the Second Massachusetts Battery (Nims’ Battery) of Light Artillery, 1861-1865: Compiled from Records of the Rebellion, Official Reports, diaries and Rosters
- Massachusetts, History of the Thirty-sixth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862-1865
- Massachusetts, History of the Twenty-First Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, in the War for the preservation of the Union, 1861-1865: with Statistics of the War and of Rebellion Prisons
- Massachusetts, Honor Roll of Massachusetts Patriots–Heretofore Unknown–Being a List of Men and Women Who loaned money to the Federal Government during the American Revolution, 1777-1779
- Massachusetts, in the Army and Navy during the War of 1861-65
- Massachusetts, Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Massachusetts
- Massachusetts, Life with the Thirty-Fourth Mass. Infantry in the War of the Rebellion
- Massachusetts, List of Revolutionary Graves With Society Markers
- Massachusetts, Maine & Massachusetts Case Files of Deceased and Deserted Seamen 1837-1965
- Massachusetts, Members of Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts
- Massachusetts, Members of Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts
- Massachusetts, Members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in the Colonial Period
- Massachusetts, Memorial History of the Seventeenth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, (old and New Organizations), in the Civil War from 1861-1865: Issued by the authority of the supervisors authorized to Write and Publish the History
- Massachusetts, Memorial History of the Seventeenth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, (old and New Organizations), in the Civil War from 1861-1865: Issued by the authority of the supervisors authorized to Write and Publish the History
- Massachusetts, Men and Officers Who Served in King Philips War
- Massachusetts, Military Books: clothing, Letter, Post Guard, Report, Order, Roll, etc.
- Massachusetts, Military Correspondence and Medical Records, 1862-1869
- Massachusetts, Military Records
- Massachusetts, Military Records 1817-1915
- Massachusetts, Military Records, 1861-1917 [Massachusetts]
- Massachusetts, Military Records, 1862-1865, 1898-1899
- Massachusetts, Military Records, 1862-1866, 1904 [Massachusetts]
- Massachusetts, Military Records, 1864-1865 [Massachusetts]
- Massachusetts, Military Records: Records of the Fifty-Fourth Infantry Regiment (Colored), 1863-1865
- Massachusetts, Muster and Descriptive Rolls, Heavy Artillery, 1861-1864
- Massachusetts, Muster and Descriptive Rolls, Heavy Artillery, 1863-1864
- Massachusetts, Muster and Descriptive Rolls, Light Artillery, 1861-1864
- Massachusetts, Muster in and out Rolls, Mexican Border Service, 1916
- Massachusetts, Muster in Rolls, Civil War, 1862
- Massachusetts, Muster in Rolls, Mexican Border Service, 1916
- Massachusetts, Muster in Rolls, Mexican Border Service, 1916
- Massachusetts, Muster Rolls (index File Cards) of the Revolutionary War, 1767-1833 [Massachusetts]
- Massachusetts, Muster Rolls and Payrolls of the Massachusetts Militia, 1812-1815
- Massachusetts, Muster Rolls of Massachusetts Volunteers, 1861-1865 (unless otherwise indicated)
- Massachusetts, Muster/payrolls, and Various Papers (1763-1808) of the Revolutionary War [Massachusetts and Rhode Island]
- Massachusetts, Names and ranks of Men in the Military Service, 1781-1840
- Massachusetts, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard World War II Casualty List
- Massachusetts, New Hampshire Men On The Massachusetts Revolutionary War Rolls
- Massachusetts, Officers and Soldiers, 1723-1743: Dummer’s War to the War of Jenkins’ Ear
- Massachusetts, Overseas Military Naturalization Petitions, 1943-1945
- Massachusetts, Peirce’s Colonial Lists: Civil, Military and Professional Lists of Plymouth and Rhode Island Colonies, Comprising Colonial, County and Town Officers, clergymen, Physicians and Lawyers; with Extracts from Colonial Laws defining their duties. 1621-1700
- Massachusetts, Peirce’s Colonial Lists: Civil, Military and Professional Lists of Plymouth and Rhode Island Colonies, Comprising Colonial, County and Town Officers, clergymen, Physicians and Lawyers; with Extracts from Colonial Laws defining their duties. 1621-1700
- Massachusetts, Personal Returns of the 6th, 8th and 9th Massachusetts Regiments, 1779- 1782
- Massachusetts, Privateers of the Revolution
- Massachusetts, Record of the Massachusetts Volunteers, 1861-1865
- Massachusetts, Record of the Massachusetts Volunteers, 1861-1865
- Massachusetts, Record of the Service of the Forty-Fourth Massachusetts Volunteer Militia in North Carolina, August 1862 to May 1863
- Massachusetts, Records of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia: Called out by the Governor of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the War of 1812-14
- Massachusetts, Records of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia: Called out by the Governor of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the War of 1812-14
- Massachusetts, Records of the Massachusetts Volunteers 1861-1865
- Massachusetts, Regiment Lists of Mustering-outs, 1861-1865 [Massachusetts]
- Massachusetts, Reminiscences of the experiences of Company L, Second Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry, U.S.V., in the Spanish-American War
- Massachusetts, Report of the Commission on Massachusetts’ Part in the World War
- Massachusetts, Report of the Commission on Massachusetts’ Part in the World War
- Massachusetts, Report of the Committee Appointed to Revise the Soldiers’ Record
- Massachusetts, Revolutionary War Bounty Land Applications, 1805-1845
- Massachusetts, Revolutionary War, Index Cards to Muster Rolls, 1775-1783
- Massachusetts, Roll of Members of the Military Company of Massachusetts: Now Called the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts, with a Roster of the Commissioned Officers and preachers, 1638-1894
- Massachusetts, Roll of Students of Harvard College Who Have Served in the Army and Navy during the War of the Rebellion: Commemoration day, July 21, 1865
- Massachusetts, Rolls of Companies, 1819
- Massachusetts, Roster and Genealogies of the 15th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
- Massachusetts, Roster of the Officers of the Army of the United Colonies
- Massachusetts, Selective Service Records, and, Exemptions as Aliens for 1917-1918 [Massachusetts]
- Massachusetts, Selective Service Records, and, Exemptions as Aliens for 1917-1918 [Massachusetts]
- Massachusetts, Selective Service System Registration Cards [World War II]: Fourth Registration; NARA, M2090
- Massachusetts, Sleeper’s Battery – the Tenth Battery, Massachusetts Light Artillery, 1862-1865
- Massachusetts, Soldier in King Phillips War
- Massachusetts, Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution from Blandford, Massachusetts
- Massachusetts, Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War: a Compilation from the Archives
- Massachusetts, Soldiers and Sailors Revolutionary War
- Massachusetts, Soldiers of Oakham, Massachusetts, in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, and Civil War
- Massachusetts, Soldiers of the Revolution
- Massachusetts, Soldiers of the Revolution: Princeton, Mass.
- Massachusetts, Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines in the Civil War
- Massachusetts, State Archives Collection, Colonial and Post Colonial Period 1626-1806
- Massachusetts, State Military Records
- Massachusetts, Statewide Military Records
- Massachusetts, Technology’s War Record: an interpretation of the contribution made by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, its Staff, its Former Students and its undergraduates to the Cause of the United States and the Allied powers in the Great War, 1914-1919
- Massachusetts, The Fifty-Seventh Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion, Army of the Potomac
- Massachusetts, The Fifty-Third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers: Comprising also a History of the siege of Port Hudson
- Massachusetts, The First Regiment, Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, United States Volunteers, in the Spanish-American War of 1898: with Regimental Roster and Muster Rolls
- Massachusetts, The History of the Tenth Massachusetts Battery of Light Artillery in the War of the Rebellion: Formerly of the Third Corps, and afterwards of Hancock’s Second Corps, Army of the Potomac, 1862-1865
- Massachusetts, The History of the Tenth Massachusetts Battery of Light Artillery in the War of the Rebellion: Formerly of the Third Corps, and afterwards of Hancock’s Second Corps, Army of the Potomac, 1862-1865
- Massachusetts, The History of the Tenth Massachusetts Battery of Light Artillery in the War of the Rebellion: Formerly of the Third Corps, and afterwards of Hancock’s Second Corps, Army of the Potomac, 1862-1865
- Massachusetts, The Military History of Medway, Mass. 1745-1885: containing the Names of the Inhabitant Soldiers in the French and Indian Wars, the continental Soldiers and Minute-men in the War of the Revolution, a Mention of the War of 1812, the doings of the Town in the Support of the War for the Union, Record with Biographical Sketches of the Union Soldiers, and Portraits of Washington, Lincoln, and Grant, with Other Illustrations.
- Massachusetts, The Record of the procession and of the exercises at the dedication of the monument, Wednesday, July 17, A.D., 1878: erected by the People of Hanover, Massachusetts, in grateful memory of the Soldiers and Sailors of that Town Who Died in the War for the preservation of the Union
- Massachusetts, The Story of the Fifteenth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, in the Civil War, 1861-1864
- Massachusetts, The Story of the Fifteenth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, in the Civil War, 1861-1864
- Massachusetts, The Story of the Thirty-eighth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers
- Massachusetts, The Story of the Thirty-eighth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers
- Massachusetts, The Tenth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1864: a Western Massachusetts Regiment
- Massachusetts, The Tenth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1864: a Western Massachusetts Regiment
- Massachusetts, The Thirty-Ninth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, 1861-1865
- Massachusetts, The Thirty-Ninth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, 1861-1865
- Massachusetts, The Twentieth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865: at the Request of the Officers’ Association of the Regiment
- Massachusetts, The Twentieth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865: at the Request of the Officers’ Association of the Regiment
- Massachusetts, The Twenty-Fourth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, 1861-1866: New England Guard Regiment
- Massachusetts, The Twenty-Fourth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, 1861-1866: New England Guard Regiment
- Massachusetts, The Vietnam Veterans Memorial
- Massachusetts, Thirteenth Massachusetts Regiment
- Massachusetts, Three Years in the Army: the Story of the Thirteenth Massachusetts Volunteers from July 16, 1861, to August 1, 1864
- Massachusetts, Three Years in the Army: the Story of the Thirteenth Massachusetts Volunteers from July 16, 1861, to August 1, 1864
- Massachusetts, Twelve Months with the Eighth Massachusetts Infantry in the Service of the United States
- Massachusetts, U.S. Military Fatal Casualties of the Korean War
- Massachusetts, U.S. Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Massachusetts, Veterans’ Grave Registrations of Various Cemeteries in Athol, Massachusetts: Beginning with the Revolutionary War
- Massachusetts, World War 2 Casualties – Army, Air Force
- Massachusetts, World War I American Expeditionary Forces, Deaths, 1917-1919
- Massachusetts, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918)
- Mattapoisett, Soldiers of French & Indian, Revolutionary & 1812 Wars
- Middlesex County, Collection of Miscellaneous Papers ca. 1700-1850, Sudbury, Massachusetts
- Middlesex County, Harvard’s Military Records in the World War
- Middlesex County, Harvard’s Military Records in the World War
- Middlesex County, Medford in the Revolution: Military History of Medford, Massachusetts, 1765-1783, also List of Soldiers and Civil Officers, with Genealogical and Biographical Notes
- Middlesex County, Military Records
- Middlesex County, Military Records
- Middlesex County, Shirley (Massachusetts) Civil War Membership Records, 1861-1865
- Middlesex County, Shirley (Massachusetts) Civil War Membership Records, 1861-1865
- Middlesex County, Town Records [Sturbridge, Massachusetts], 1733-1858
- Middlesex County, Town Records 1673-1864, Medford, Massachusetts
- Middlesex County, Town Records 1673-1864, Medford, Massachusetts
- Nantucket County Military Records
- Nantucket County, Military Index
- Nantucket County, Military Records
- Nantucket County, Town Records, 1695-1852 [Nantucket, Massachusetts]
- Nantucket County, Town Records, 1695-1852 [Nantucket, Massachusetts]
- Norfolk County, Dedication of the Memorial hall, in Dedham, September 29, 1868: with an Appendix
- Norfolk County, Military Index
- Norfolk County, Military Records
- Norfolk County, The Military History of Medway, Mass. 1745-1885: containing the Names of the Inhabitant Soldiers in the French and Indian Wars, the continental Soldiers and Minute-men in the War of the Revolution, a Mention of the War of 1812, the doings of the Town in the Support of the War for the Union, Record with Biographical Sketches of the Union Soldiers, and Portraits of Washington, Lincoln, and Grant, with Other Illustrations.
- Plymouth County, Military Records
- Plymouth County, Military Records
- Plymouth County, Vital, chattel, and Miscellaneous Records, V. 1, ca. 1769-1870, for the Town of East Bridgewater, Massachusetts
- Stoughton, Minutemen
- Suffolk County, Enrolled Militia for Boston [Massachusetts]1840
- Suffolk County, Military Indexing
- Suffolk County, Military Records
- Suffolk County, Military Records of Hospital Care, 1854-1866 [Boston, Massachusetts]
- Swansea, Revolutionary War Muster Rolls
- Taunton, 1643 Militia
- Watertown, Bond’s List of Soldiers
- Watertown, Civil War Soldiers, Part I
- Watertown, Civil War Soldiers, Part II
- Watertown, Revolutionary Soldiers
- Worcester County, Catalogue of the Officers and Cadets of the Highland Military Academy, Worcester, Mass., from 1856 to 1870
- Worcester County, Civil War Military Personnel from Westborough, Massachusetts
- Worcester County, Civil War Roll of Honor
- Worcester County, Fitchburg in the War of the Rebellion
- Worcester County, History of Worcester in the War of the Rebellion
- Worcester County, History of Worcester in the War of the Rebellion
- Worcester County, Hubbardston, Massachusetts, Civil War Records, 1861-1865
- Worcester County, Lancaster Military Rolls
- Worcester County, Military Index
- Worcester County, Military Records
- Worcester County, Military Records of Barre, Massachusetts, 1775-1900
- Worcester County, Military Records of Berlin, Massachusetts, 1775-1942
- Worcester County, Military Records of Oxford, Massachusetts, 1805-1830
- Worcester County, Soldiers of Oakham, Massachusetts, in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, and Civil War
- Worcester County, Town Records [Sturbridge, Massachusetts], 1733-1858
- Worcester County, Town Records, 1800-1862 [Oxford, Massachusetts]
- Worcester County, Veterans’ Grave Registrations of Various Cemeteries in Athol, Massachusetts: Beginning with the Revolutionary War
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!