(This page's most recent update is January 2025)
Military records are yet another very useful set of records that will help you in finding more about your ancestors. There are a ton of records that are available for free online, and there are some very robust collections (such as Fold3 and Ancestry) that have sizable online military collections as well.
Typically, military records online fall into 5 different categories:
- Military Service Records:
Includes enlistment information, such as location and date enlisted. Also includes demographic information, such as full name, birth date and location, residence, and occupation, plus contact information of next of kin, medical and military information, and unit assignations while in the military. - Selective Service Records:
Includes full name, residence, age, occupation, marital status, birthplace, contact information, physical description, and other information. - Bounty Land Warrant Applications:
Includes similar information as in service records as well as other information. Only used between 1775 and 1855. - Pension Records:
Will include birth, marriage, and death records, demographic information, plus information about the spouse, and possibly children. - Special Records:
May include information if the person was a prisoner of war, was wounded or killed in action. 1910-1940 Census Records include questions about military service. Includes those buried in Veteran’s cemeteries.
A good primer on Military Records is found on FamilySearch’s Military Records page, available on their wiki.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Below, listed by state are links to military records that are available for free online. Included in each state’s page are links to free nationwide collections since there are a sizable number of collections that are available for the entire country.
Missouri Military Records
- American Battle Monuments Commission – Korean War Honor Roll
- American Battle Monuments Commission Burials Database
- American Prisoners of War During the Korean War, 1950-1953
- Burial Registers for Military Posts, Camps, and Stations,1768-1921
- Card Register of Burials of Deceased American Soldiers, 1917 – 1922
- Casualties of Army Personnel, Dependents and Civilian Employees, 1961-1981
- Casualties of the Vietnam War, 1956-1998
- Census of Union Veterans and Widows of the Civil War, 1890
- Civil War and Later Pension Index, 1861-1917
- Civil War Confederate Applications for Pardons, 1865-1867
- Civil War Confederate Papers of Citizens or Businesses, 1861-1865
- Civil War Records of Confederate Nonregiment Soldiers, 1861-1865
- Civil War Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865
- Civil War Service Records of Union Colored Troops, 1863-1865
- Civil War Service Records of Union Soldiers, 1864-1866
- Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Database
- Civil War Soldiers Index, 1861-1865
- Civil War Unfiled Papers of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865
- Civil War Widows and Other Dependents Pension Files, 1861-1934
- Compiled Military Service Records Of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served With The Colored Troops, 1861-1866
- Confederate Navy and Marine Service Records, 1861-1865 Images only.
- Confederate Officers Card Index, 1861-1865
- Doughboy MIA Database 1917-1918
- Enlisted and Officer Muster Rolls and Rosters, 1916-1939
- General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 Index Only.
- Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, 1925-1949
- Index to General Correspondence of the Pension Office, 1889-1904 Index only.
- Index to Indian Wars Pension Files, 1892-1926
- Index to Naturalizations of World War I Soldiers, 1918
- Index to Service Records, War with Spain, 1898
- Japanese Americans Relocated During World War II, 1942-1946
- Japanese Registers of POWs WWII, Index.
- Korean War Battle Deaths, 1950-1957
- Korean War Dead and Army Wounded, 1950-1953
- Korean War POW/MIA List
- Korean War Repatriated Prisoners of War, 1950-1954
- Lists of Fatal Casualties of the Korean War (6/28/1950 – 3/10/1954) and the Vietnam War (6/8/1956 – 5/28/2006)
- Mexican War Index and Service Records, 1846-1848
- Mexican War Pension Index, 1887-1926
- Mexican War Soldiers & Sailors Database
- Military Personnel Who Died During the Vietnam War, 1956-2003
- Mormon Battalion Pension Applications, 1846-1923, Index
- Muster Rolls of the Marine Corps, 1798-1937, Index and Images
- National Archives, Archival Databases, Civil War
- National Archives, Archival Databases, Korean War
- National Archives, Archival Databases, Vietnam War
- National Archives, Archival Databases, World War II
- National Cemetery Administration – Nationwide Gravesite Locator
- National Graves Registration Database
- National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1866-1938 Partial Index and Images.
- National Park Service – US Mexican War Soldiers and Sailors Database
- National Society Daughters of 1812 – Ancestor Database
- Naval Enlistment Rendezvous, 1855-1891, Index and Images
- Navy Widows’ Certificates, 1861-1910, Index
- Never Forgotten, Taiwan POW List
- Old War Pension Index, 1815-1926
- Original Mormon Battalion Roster – Mormon Battalion Association
- Pearl Harbor Casualty List
- Prisoners of the First World War
- Records of Confederate Prisoners of War, 1861-1865
- Records of Headstones of Deceased Union Veterans, 1879-1903
- Register of Confederates and Civilians Who Died in the North,1861-1865
- Registers of Enlistments in the Army, 1798-1914
- Remarried Widows Index to Pension Applications, 1887-1942
- Revolutionary War Compiled Service Records, 1775-1783
- Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Applications, 1800-1900
- Revolutionary War Pension Payment Ledgers, 1818-1872
- Revolutionary War Records – Daughters of the American Revolution
- Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783
- Revolutionary War, Virginia Pension Application Files, 1830-1875
- Roster of All Regimental Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons in the Late War, with the Service, and last-known Post-office Address (1882)” Compiled by N. A. Strait. The Text is Searchable.
- Rosters of Revolutionary War Soldiers and Sailors, 1775-1783
- Service Personnel Not Recovered Following WWII
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Military Servicemen in World War I Records
- United States French Combatants in the Revolutionary War, 1778-1783
- Veteran’s Administration Master Index, 1917-1940
- Veterans Administration Pension Payment Cards, 1907-1933
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial
- Vietnam War POW/MIA List
- War of 1812 Index to Pension Application Files, 1812-1910
- War of 1812 Index to Service Records, 1812-1815
- War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies
- War Relocation Authority Centers, Final Accountability Rosters, 1942-1946
- World War I American Expeditionary Forces Deaths, 1917-1919
- World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
- World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
- World War II Casualties for Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard
- World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942
- World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942
- World War II Prisoners of War of the Japanese, 1941-1945
- World War II Prisoners of War, 1941-1945
- WWII Army and Army Air Force Casualties
- YMCA World War I Service Cards, 1917-1919
- 1818 Pension List
- 1835 Pension Roll
- 1840 Census of Pensioners
- Adair County, Civil War Soldiers
- Adair County, Civil War Soldiers, 1888
- Adair County, Military Data
- Adair County, Military Records
- Andrew County, Military Index
- Andrew County, Military Records
- Atchison County, Military Index
- Atchison County, Military Records
- Audrain County, Military Index
- Audrain County, Military Records
- Barry County, Military Index
- Barry County, Military Records
- Barry County, Missouri Tax Payers & Soldiers, Biographical Index to Goodspeeds, 1888
- Barton County, Military Index
- Bates County, Military Index
- Bates County, Military Records
- Benton County, Military Data
- Benton County, Military Records
- Benton County. People in World War II, those Who Served at Home, those Who Served away from Home
- Bollinger County, Military Discharge Records, 1918-1943; Index, 1918-1956
- Bollinger County, Military Records
- Bollinger County, Military Records
- Boone County, Military Index
- Boone County, Military Records
- Buchanan County, Military Data
- Buchanan County, Military Records
- Buchanan County, Missouri Wo[r]ld War II Veterans: taken from the January 30, 1944 [St. Joseph] News-press, St. Joseph, Missouri
- Buchanan County, Service Record Book of Men and Women of Rushville, Missouri and Community
- Butler County, Military Records
- Butler County, Military Records
- Butler County, Veteran Lists, 1917-1918
- Caldwell County, Military Records
- Caldwell County, Military Records
- Callaway County, Military Index
- Callaway County, Military Records
- Camden County, Military Records
- Camden County, Military Records
- Cape Girardeau County Civil War Records
- Cape Girardeau County, Military Index
- Cape Girardeau County, Military Records
- Carroll County, Military Index
- Carroll County, Military Records
- Carter County, Military Data
- Carter County, Military Records
- Cass County, Military Index
- Cass County, Military Records
- Cedar County, Military Records
- Cedar County, Military Records
- Chariton County, Military Data
- Chariton County, Military Records
- Christian County, Military Index
- Christian County, Military Records
- Clark County, Military Records
- Clay County, Military Index
- Clay County, Military Records
- Clay County, Missouri Biography & Service Record; Soldiers, Sailors & Marines, ca. 1917-1918
- Clay County, Missouri Military Discharge Records, World Wars, 1943-1956
- Clay County, Missouri, Confederate Soldiers Who were Killed or Who Died while in Service, 1861-1865
- Clay County, Soldiers and Sailors
- Clinton County, Military Index
- Clinton County, Military Records
- Cole County, Military Index
- Cole County, Military Records
- Cooper County, Military Index
- Cooper County, Military Records
- Crawford County, Military Records
- Crawford County, Military Records
- Dade County, Military Index
- Dade County, Military Records
- Dallas County, Military
- Dallas County, Military Records
- Daviess County, Military Index
- Daviess County, Military Records
- DeKalb County, Military Index
- DeKalb County, Military Records
- Dent County, Military Index
- Douglas County, Military Index
- Douglas County, Military Records
- Dunklin County, Military Records
- Dunklin County, Military Records
- Franklin County, Military Index
- Franklin County, Military Records
- Franklin County, The Centennial Biographical Directory of Franklin County, Missouri
- Gasconade County, Manwaring Post #320, G.A.R Hermann, Gasconade County, Missouri: [1887]
- Gasconade County, Military Records
- Gasconade County, Military Records
- Gentry County, Military Records
- Gentry County, Military Records
- Gentry County, Service Record Book of King City, Missouri and Vicinity, World War I and II Veterans
- Greene County, Honor Roll of Greene County, Missouri: an Illustrated Historical Biography Compiled from Private and Public Authentic Records
- Greene County, Military Index
- Greene County, Military Records
- Grundy County, Military Index
- Grundy County, Military Records
- Harrison County, Military Data
- Harrison County, Military Records
- Henry County, Military Index
- Henry County, Military Records
- Hickory County, Military Index
- Hickory County, Military Records
- Holt County, Military Index
- Holt County, Military Records
- Howard County, Military Index
- Howard County, Military Records
- Howell County, Military Index
- Howell County, Military Records
- Iron County, Military Index
- Iron County, Military Records
- Iron County, Military Records, 1919-1922
- Jackson County, Military Records
- Jackson County, Military Records
- Jasper County, Military Index
- Jasper County, Military Records
- Jefferson County, Military Index
- Jefferson County, Military Records
- Johnson County, Military Index
- Johnson County, Military Records
- Knox County, Military Index
- Laclede County, “Supplemental” Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865
- Laclede County, Military Records
- Laclede County, Military Records
- Lafayette County, History of Lafayette County, Mo.: Carefully Written and Compiled from the most Authentic Official and Private sources, including a History of its Townships, Cities, Towns, and Villages, together with a condensed History of Missouri; the Constitution of the United States, and State of Missouri; a Military Record of Volunteers in either Army of the Great Civil War
- Lafayette County, Military Records
- Lafayette County, Military Records
- Lawrence County, Military Index
- Lawrence County, Military Records
- Lewis County, Military Index
- Lewis County, Military Records
- Lincoln County, Military Index
- Lincoln County, Military Records
- Linn County, Military Index
- Linn County, Military Records
- Livingston County, Military Index
- Livingston County, Service Record Book of Men and Women of Chillicothe, Missouri and Community
- Macon County, Military Index
- Macon County, Military Records
- Madison County, Marriage, Deed, Tax and Military Records, 1943-1997
- Madison County, Military Index
- Madison County, Military Records
- Maries County, Military Index
- Maries County, Military Records
- Marion County, Military Records
- Marion County, Military Records
- McDonald County, Military Index
- McDonald County, Military Records
- McDonald County, Missouri Tax Payers of 1861, Physicians & surgeons, GAR Roster, Includes Marriage Records, 1865-1866
- Mercer County, Military Index
- Mercer County, Military Records
- Mercer County, Service Record Book of Men and Women of Princeton, Missouri and Community
- Miller County, Military Index
- Miller County, Military Records
- Miscellaneous Records of Morgan County, Missouri
- Mississippi County, 1890 Civil [War] Census: Union vets & Widows
- Mississippi County, Military Index
- Mississippi County, Military Records
- Mississippi County, Missouri Military Service Record, 1918-1919
- Missouri ex-Confederate Soldiers: available Pension Lists and Deaths at Confederate Soldiers Home, Higginsville, Mo
- Missouri Military Records
- Missouri, 21st Missouri Volunteer Infantry Regiment
- Missouri, 29th Missouri Volunteer Infantry Regiment
- Missouri, 8th Volunteer Infantry Regiment
- Missouri, A Partial Listing of Veterans of the American Revolution, the Civil War and the Spanish-American War: that are Buried in certain Missouri cemet[e]ries
- Missouri, Battle of Lone Jack Rosters
- Missouri, Biographical Records of Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, 1920-1922
- Missouri, Burial List of the 1st Missouri Cavalry (Union)
- Missouri, Burial List of the Members of the 1st Missouri Cavalry, Confederate States of America
- Missouri, Burial List of the Members of the 3rd Missouri Cavalry (Union)
- Missouri, Burial List of the Members of the 3rd Missouri Cavalry, Confederate States of America
- Missouri, Burial List of the Missouri Guards, Cadets, hussars, rangers, and miners, and sappers
- Missouri, Civil War Cemeteries
- Missouri, Civil War Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865
- Missouri, Civil War Service Records of Union Soldiers, 1861-1865
- Missouri, Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Missouri
- Missouri, Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Missouri
- Missouri, Confederate Casualties
- Missouri, Confederate Pension Applications and Soldiers Home Applications, 1911-1938
- Missouri, Confederate Service Record, out of State, Missouri, 1861-1865
- Missouri, Court-martial Papers, Record Group No. 133, Missouri State Archives, Jefferson City, 1862-1877
- Missouri, Descriptive Recruitment Lists of Volunteers for the United States Colored Troops for the State of Missouri,1863-1865: NARA, RG94, M1894
- Missouri, Enlistment and Discharge Records, 1919-1944; Index, 1918-1996
- Missouri, First Book of Discharges, 1864-1920
- Missouri, Gasconade County, Miscellaneous Records, 1820-1917
- Missouri, Genealogical Records
- Missouri, Gratiot Street Military Prison
- Missouri, Honorable Discharges from the United States Army, 1919-1950
- Missouri, Honorable Discharges, 1919-1962; Certificates in lieu of lost or Destroyed Discharge Certificates, 1918-1961; Alphabetical List (often Illegible) of World War I Participants, ca. 1914-1920
- Missouri, Index to Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Missouri
- Missouri, Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Missouri
- Missouri, Index to Discharged Veterans Records, 1866-1977: Civil War Discharge Records, 1862-1950
- Missouri, Index, Nineteenth Century Black and Associated White Persons (a) Named in primary Records at Clay County Archives & Historical Library, Liberty, Missouri; (b) Extracted from U.S. Colored Volunteer Enlistments (Civil War) on File at the National Archives and Records Administration, Central Plains Branch; and (c) Extracted from pre-Civil War Instruments on File in Clay County Recorders Office
- Missouri, List of Pensioners on the Roll January 1, 1883
- Missouri, Madison Co., 1890 Civil War Census: Union vets or Widows
- Missouri, Master List of Missouri Civil War Veteran Burials
- Missouri, Military Land Warrants in Missouri, 1819: Alphabetical Index of Missouri Patentees
- Missouri, Military Lists
- Missouri, Military Records
- Missouri, Military Records Regimental Histories of Missouri Troops, Hickory County Heroes: History 7th Regiment Civil War, & Partial Listing of War Veterans Buried in Missouri
- Missouri, Military Records, 1812-1904
- Missouri, Military Records, 1861-1866
- Missouri, Military Records, Spanish-American War, 1897-1898
- Missouri, Missouri and the Great War
- Missouri, Missouri Veterans Home (St. James) Inmate Register
- Missouri, Muster Lists of Balz’s Company, Missouri Miners and Sappers; Captain Voerster’s Company, Missouri Pioneers: King’s Company, Railroad Patrol Guard of the U.S. Reserve Corps, Missouri Infantry.
- Missouri, Muster Lists of the Missouri Confederates
- Missouri, Naturalization and Citizenship
- Missouri, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard World War II Casualty List
- Missouri, Official Army List of the Volunteers of Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado
- Missouri, Outline Description of the Military Posts in the Division of the Missouri
- Missouri, pre-WWII Adjutant General Enlistment Contracts, 1900-1941
- Missouri, Record of Discharged Soldiers, Vol. A, 1863-1933
- Missouri, Records of the Missouri Society: Service Records of Soldiers in the War of 1812 and their Descendants in the Missouri Membership
- Missouri, Recruitment Lists of Volunteers for the United States Colored Troops, 1863-1865
- Missouri, Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Naval Militia: of California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and South Carolina
- Missouri, Registers of Inmates in the Confederate Home
- Missouri, Report of the Adjutant General of Missouri, January 10, 1921-December 31, 1924
- Missouri, Reports of Separation Notices, 1941-1946
- Missouri, Revolutionary Soldiers, War of 1812, and Indian Wars: Pension List
- Missouri, Roster of Missouri Confederate Soldiers
- Missouri, Roster of Missouri Confederate Soldiers & Muster Roll, Springfield, Mo. Confederate Reunion, 1901
- Missouri, Soldiers Discharge Book, Civil War, 1862-1865
- Missouri, Soldiers Discharge Records, 1865
- Missouri, Soldiers Discharge Records, 1866-1890
- Missouri, Soldier’s Discharge Records, 1917-1922; Index, 1917-1991
- Missouri, Soldiers Discharges, 1863-1919
- Missouri, Soldiers Discharges, 1918-1919; Index, ca. 1918-1994
- Missouri, Soldiers in the Mexican-American War
- Missouri, Soldiers Records: War of 1812-World War I
- Missouri, State Summary of War Casualties, Missouri
- Missouri, Statewide Military Records
- Missouri, Statewood and County Military Records
- Missouri, The “Orphan Battery” and operations, 128th U.S. Field Artillery (1st Missouri F.A.) with Notes on the Organization of which Battery E became a Part, and Various Commentary Extracts
- Missouri, The 1890 Veteran Census for the Counties of Iron, Madison, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve and Washington
- Missouri, The Honor Roll: 1917-1918-1919
- Missouri, Troops in Service during the Civil War, Letter from the Secretary of War: in response to the Senate resolution Passed on June 14, 1902, Transmitting a Paper … showing Various Classes of Missouri Volunteers, Militia and Home Guards in Service during the Civil War …
- Missouri, Troops in Service during the Civil War: Letter from the Secretary of War
- Missouri, U.S. Military Fatal Casualties of the Korean War
- Missouri, U.S. Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Missouri, Union Regimental Index
- Missouri, United Confederate Veterans, Missouri Division: Proceedings 1908-1909 and 13th annual Reunion, Mexico, Mo., September 28-29, 1909
- Missouri, United States (with some from Ontario, Canada) Recruits for the Polish Army in France, 1917-1919: States Represented most frequently are New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Connecticut, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Delaware, Nebraska & Kansas
- Missouri, Vietnam Veterans Memorial
- Missouri, World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1940-1945
- Missouri, World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing. State of Missouri
- Moniteau County, Military Index
- Moniteau County, Military Records
- Monroe County, Military Data
- Monroe County, Military Records
- Montgomery County, Military Index
- Montgomery County, Military Records
- Morgan County, Military Records
- Morgan County, Military Records
- New Madrid County, Military Records
- New Madrid County, Military Records
- Newton County, Military Records
- Newton County, Military Records
- Nodaway County, Lost Towns, Bible, G.A.R. Service and two thousand Marriage Records for Nodaway County, Missouri
- Nodaway County, Military Records
- Nodaway County, Military Records
- Nodaway County, Service Record Book of Men and Women of Parnell, Missouri and Community
- Nodaway County, The Civil War and Nodaway County, Missouri
- Oregon County, Military Data
- Oregon County, Military Records
- Osage County, Military Index
- Osage County, Military Records
- Ozark County, Military Records
- Pemiscot County, Military Records
- Pemiscot County, Missouri Military Biography and Service Records, 1919-1920
- Pensioners of Revolutionary War Struck Off The Roll
- Perry County, 1883 Pensioners on the Roll
- Perry County, Military Records
- Perry County, Military Records
- Perry County, Military Records, 1919-1959
- Pettis County, Military Records
- Pettis County, Military Records
- Phelps County, Military Records
- Phelps County, Military Records
- Pike County, Military Records
- Pike County, Military Records
- Platte County, Military Records
- Platte County, Military Records
- Polk County, Military Records
- Polk County, Military Records
- Pulaski County, Military Index
- Pulaski County, Military Records
- Putnam County, Military Records
- Putnam County, Military Records
- Ralls County, Military
- Ralls County, Military Records
- Randolph County, Military Records
- Randolph County, Military Records
- Ray County, Military Data
- Ray County, Military Records
- Reynolds County, Military Records
- Ripley County, Military Records
- Ripley County, Military Records
- Saint Charles County, Military Index
- Saint Clair County, Military Records
- Saint Francois County, Military Index
- Saint Louis County, Military Records
- Saline County, History of Saline County, Missouri: including a History of its Townships, Cities, Towns and Villages
- Saline County, History of Saline County, Missouri: including a History of its Townships, Cities, Towns and Villages
- Saline County, Military Records
- Saline County, Military Records
- Schuyler County, Military Index
- Schuyler County, Military Records
- Scotland County, Boys in the Service
- Scotland County, Military Records
- Scotland County, Military Records
- Scott County, Military Records
- Scott County, Military Records
- Scott County, Military Records, 1917-1945
- Scott County, The History of Scott County, Missouri: up to the Year 1880
- Shannon County, Military Data
- Shannon County, Military Records
- Shelby County, Military Index
- Shelby County, Military Records
- St Charles County, Military Records
- St Clair County, Military Records
- St Francois County, Military Records
- St Louis County, Military Records
- St. Francois County, Military Service Records, 1919-1928
- St. Genevieve County, Military Records
- Ste. Genevieve County, 1890 Civil War Census
- Ste. Genevieve County, Military Records
- Ste. Genevieve County, Military Records, 1818-1942; Index to Discharges, 1919-1972
- Stoddard County, Military Records
- Stoddard County, Military Records
- Stoddard County, Military Records, 1917-1943
- Stone County, Military Records
- Stone County, Military Records
- Sullivan County, Military Data
- Sullivan County, Military Records
- Taney County, Military Index
- Taney County, Military Records
- Texas County, Military Records
- Texas County, Military Records
- Texas County, Service Record Book of Men and Women of Texas County, Missouri
- Vernon County, Military Records
- Vernon County, Military Records
- Warren County, Military Records
- Warren County, Military Records
- Washington County, Military Records
- Washington County, Military Records
- Wayne County, Military Index
- Wayne County, Military Records
- Webster County, Military Records
- Webster County, Military Records
- Worth County, Military Records
- Worth County, Military Records
- Wright County, Military Records
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!