(This page's most recent update is February 2025)
One of the main goals for genealogists is finding marriage information about their ancestors.
Over the past few decades, thanks to volunteers, librarians, and archivists, many indexes to marriage collections have been provided for free online. These searchable indexes provide specific marriage license, bond, and certificate information, and sometimes scanned images of the actual marriage documents themselves. These free online collections have hundreds of millions of records in them in total.
There are a great number of online and offline collections that may include marriage information that is not included in the lists below. These different types can be found in 27 Ways to Find Ancestor Marriage Information.
The lists below are specific marriage indexes and record collections that are available for free online for the state of Vermont.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Note: I have included links to Free Ancestry records and indexes. You do not need a subscription, but you do need an Ancestry account. You can view indexes without a subscription. If an image is associated with a record, in most cases, you will need a subscription, but the index does include very usable information.
Vermont Marriage Records
- Acton Town Records, 1794-1844
- Addison County, Marriage Indexes
- Addison Town Records and Deeds, 1761-1858; Deeds Index, 1761-1950
- Albany, Vital Records, 1800-2000
- Alburg Attachments, 1842-1897, and Marriage Records, 1842-1867
- Alburg Town Records and Land Records, 1792-1902
- Alburg Vital Records 1857-1882; Index ca. 1800-ca. 2000
- Andover Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1997; Indexes of Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1769-1997
- Andover Town Records, V. 1-3, 1769-1882
- Athens Marriage Certificates, 1867-1905
- Athens Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1895
- Athens Vital Records (B,M,D) 1732-2002
- Athens Vital Records, 1775-1867
- Bakersfield Vital Records 1792-May 2000
- Baltimore Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1869-1882
- Baltimore, Miscellaneous Town Records, 1795-1870
- Barnard Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1997
- Barnard Town Records, 1727-1896
- Barnet Town and Vital Records 1776?-Aug. 2001
- Barre Records Corrected by Probate Court, V. 1-4, 1940-1980
- Barre Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1761-1895
- Barre Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1895-1997 (Barre)
- Barre Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1895-1998; Card Indexes to Births, Marriages, and Deaths, Early to 1998
- Barton Town Records, 1789-1890
- Barton Vital Records 1857-July 2000
- Barton, Record of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1775 to 1860
- Belvidere Town Proceedings, 1797-1899
- Belvidere Vital Records 1781-2000; Indexes, 1860-1940
- Bennington Marriage Records, 1763-1850
- Bennington Town and Vital Records, 1741-1930 1741-1809
- Bennington Vital Indexes
- Bennington, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Marriage Records, 1834 – 1871
- Benson, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1995; Indexes to Births 1857-1994, Marriages 1794-1995
- Benson, Town Proceedings, V. 1-3, 1788-1863
- Berkshire Town and Vital Records, 1800-1855
- Berkshire Vital Records 1850-Mar. 2000; Indexes, ca. 1785-Aug.? 2000
- Berlin Marriage Records 1791-1876
- Bethel Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1769-1997
- Bethel Town Records, 1782-1886
- Bloomfield Vital Records 1868-2000
- Bolton Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1866-1999; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1861-1999
- Bolton Vital Records, 1989-2006
- Bradford Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1803-1860
- Bradford Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1998; Indexes to Births, Deaths, Marriages, 1857-1997
- Bradford Town Records, 1752-1868
- Bradford Vital Records, 1997-2006
- Braintree Indexes to Births, Deaths, and Marriages in Town Records, 1757-1880
- Braintree Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1855-1997; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, ca. 1780-1997.
- Braintree Town Records, V. 1-3, 1757-1880
- Braintree Vital Records, 1943-2006
- Brandon, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1775-1995
- Brattleboro Indexes to Marriages and Deaths (1857-1940); Births, Marriages, Deaths (1787-2002)
- Brattleboro Town and Vital Records, 1779-1915; Index to Vital Records, 1778-1864
- Bridgewater Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1868-1997; Indexes to Births, Deaths, Marriages, 1773-1997
- Bridgewater Town Records, V. 4, 1773-1869
- Bridport Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1868-1999; Indexes to Births, Deaths, Marriages, 1856-1999
- Bridport Town and Vital Records, 1792-1873
- Bridport, Births, Deaths and Marriages to 1860
- Brighton Town Record Book of Brighton, 1832-1865, including Vital Records, 1809-ca. 1865
- Brighton Vital Records 1856, 1866-2000
- Bristol Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1868-1998; General Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1857-1904, 1930-1998
- Bristol Town and Vital Records, 1790-1867
- Bristol, Town Records, Births, Deaths and Marriages to 1860
- Brookfield Vital Records, 1799-1997; Indexes to Vital Records, 1796-1996; Index to Family Records, 1779-1855
- Brookline Birth, Marriage, and Death Records (1897-2002) and Indexes (1857-1904)
- Brookline Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1857-1896
- Brookline Town Records, 1795-1915
- Brownington Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1861-1883; Index of Births and Deaths, 1861-1916
- Brunswick Town and Vital Records, 1796-1888
- Burke Town Records, 1796-1857
- Burke Vital Records 1857-Oct. 2001; Indexes, 1789-1989
- Burlington Marriage Records, Unitarian Church, 1822 – 1831
- Burlington Marriages 1789-1833
- Burlington List of Marriages, April 12, 1832-Oct. 23, 1832
- Burlington Marriage Index 1800-1883 (click on Newer Posts at bottom to get All of the Indexes)
- Burlington Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1789-2000; Indexes to Marriages, Births, Deaths, 1789-1982
- Burlington Vital Records, 1983-2006
- Cabot Births, Marriages & Deaths Records, V. 1, 1764-1881
- Cabot Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1867-1998; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1857-1998
- Calais Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1944; Indexes of Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1742-1950
- Calais Town Records, V. 1-4, 1746-1909
- Calais Vital Records, 1945-2006
- Caledonia County, Marriages
- Cambridge Town and Vital Records, 1785-Oct. 1999; Indexes, 1772-1999
- Canaan Town Meeting Records, 1796-1903
- Canaan Vital Records 1857-Feb. 2001
- Castleton, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1868-1995; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1761-1995
- Castleton, Town Records, 1767-1861
- Cavendish Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1900-1996
- Cavendish Records of Marriages, Births and Deaths, 1840-1900; Indexes to Marriages, 1778-1883
- Cavendish Town Records, 1776-1885
- Charleston Town and Vital Records, 1806-1870
- Charleston Town Meeting Records, Appointments, Licenses 1807-1900
- Charleston Vital Records 1803-1999
- Charlotte Town Records, V. 2-3, 1787-1897
- Charlotte Vital Records, 1857-2006
- Chelsea Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1761-1857; Indexes to Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1764-1861
- Chelsea Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1997
- Chelsea Vital Records, 1976-2006
- Chester Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1996; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1763-1995
- Chester Town Records and Land Records, 1763-1903; Indexes to Vital Records and Deeds, 1763-1960
- Chittenden County, Marriages
- Chittenden Town Records, 1757-1857
- Chittenden, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1870-1995; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, ca. 1790-1996
- Clarendon Marriage Records 1779-1799
- Clarendon, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1896, 1974-1995; Indexes to Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1755-1974
- Colchester Records and Indexes of Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1857-1922
- Colchester Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1922
- Colchester Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1922-2001
- Colchester Supplement-Marriages, Births, Deaths Recorded in Old Town of Colchester Town Books
- Colchester Town and Vital Records, 1795-1861
- Colchester Town Records, Proceedings, Appointments, etc., 1861-1880
- Concord Town and Vital Records, 1784-1856
- Concord Vital Records 1857-July 2001
- Corinth Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1997; Indexes to Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1998
- Corinth Vital Records, 1757-1864, 1883
- Cornwall Town and Vital Records 1791-Jan. 1999
- Coventry Vital Records 1872-Jan. 2001
- Craftsbury, Vital Records, 1781-2005; Indexes to Vital Records, 1781-1938
- Danby, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1995; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1770-1995
- Danville Registration of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1747- Aug. 2001
- Danville, Marriage and Death Records
- Derby Town and Vital Records, V. 5, 1827-1893
- Derby Vital Records 1827-April 2001; Indexes, 1794-April 2001
- Dorset Town Records, Vols. A, C, 1-3, 1734-1949
- Dover Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1790-1904; Index 1790-1904
- Dover Town and Vital Records, 1789-1856
- Dover Vital Records 1868-2002
- Dummerston Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1761-1911; Index, 1761-1886
- Duxbury Copies of Marriage Certificates, 1905-1908, 1928-1934
- Duxbury Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1883-1997; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1775-1997
- East Haven, Vital Records of East Haven, 1857-1859, 1866-July 2001
- East Montpelier Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1856-1997
- Eden Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1817-Feb. 2000
- Eden Town Records, 1802-1851
- Elmore Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1791-1867
- Elmore Vital Records 1857-Oct. 1999
- Enosburg Town and Vital Records, 1799-1859, 1936
- Enosburg Vital Records 1857-Mar. 2000; Index, ca. 1800-July 2000
- Essex County Vital Records of the unorganized Towns and gores 1886-2000; Index, 1882-1974
- Essex Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1999; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1774-2000
- Essex Town Records, V. 1-2, 1774-1861
- Fair Haven, Birth, Marriage, and Death Index Cards and Registers, 1800-2004
- Fair Haven, Birth, Marriage, and Death Registers (Fair Haven), and Marriage Certificates, 1868-1905
- Fair Haven, Marriage Certificates, 1881-1956
- Fairfax Marriage Records
- Fairfax Town Records, 1758-1845
- Fairfax Vital Records ca. 1797-May 2000, and pre-1870 Cemetery Transcription
- Fairfield Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1999
- Fairfield Town and Vital Records, 1786-1858
- Fairlee Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1998; Indexes of Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1776-1998
- Fairlee Town Records, 1767-1875
- Fayston Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1941
- Fayston Town Records, 1800-1852
- Ferrisburg Records of Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1857-1999; Indexes to Marriages, Births, Deaths, 1759-1999
- Ferrisburg Town Records, V. 1-3, 1759-1872
- Fletcher Vital Records 1787-2000
- Franklin County, Marriages
- Franklin General Alphabetical Card Index to Records, ca. 1780-1970
- Franklin Vital Records 1792-2000, and Earmarks, 1792-1867
- Georgia Town and Vital Records, 1792-1866
- Georgia Vital Records 1857-July 2000
- Glastenbury Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1979
- Glastenbury Town Records, 1786-1912
- Glover Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1802-May 2000
- Goshen Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1999; Index to Births and Deaths, 1857-1941
- Grafton Town and Vital Records, 1781-1865
- Grafton Vital Records (B,M,D) and Indexes 1857-2000
- Granby Town and Vital Records, 1791-1971
- Granby, Vital Records Index, 1821-2001
- Grand Isle Vital Records, 1744-Jan. 2001
- Granville Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1841-1998; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1785-1998
- Greensboro Town and Vital Records 1814-2000
- Groton Deeds with Vital Records, 1797-1854
- Groton Town and Vital Records, V. 1A, 1817-1854
- Groton Vital Records, Early to 1947
- Guildhall Town Records, 1799-1901
- Guildhall Vital Records 1765-2001
- Guilford Town and Vital Records, 1781-1900; Index to Vital Records, 1770-1952
- Halifax Birth, Marriage, Death Certificates and Transit Permits (1883-2002) and Index (1858-1906)
- Halifax Land Records and Deeds, 1772-1906; Index to Deeds, 1772-1937, with Town and Vital Records, 1772-1865
- Halifax Record of Marriages from 1857 to 1868
- Halifax Registers of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1857-1896
- Hancock Records of Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1856-1998; Indexes to Births, Deaths, Marriages, 1783-1998
- Hancock Town Records, V. 1-2, 1783-1902
- Hardwick Town and Vital Records, 1794-1939
- Hardwick Vital Records, 1850-2005
- Hardwick, Vital Records
- Hartford General Alphabetical Card Index to Case Files, 1783-1970
- Hartford Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1997
- Hartford Town Records, 1764-1863
- Hartland Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1856-1996
- Hartland Town and Vital Records, Early to 1871
- Highgate Deeds and Town Records, 1762-1895
- Highgate Vital Records 1857-Aug. 2000
- Highgate Vital Records, 1857-2006
- Hinesburg Family Registration Book from 1764-1906
- Hinesburg Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1905-1999; Indexes to Births, Deaths, Marriages, 1857-1999
- Hinesburg Vital Records, 1997-2006
- Holland Vital Records 1801-2000
- Hubbardton, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1995; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1857-1989
- Huntington Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1999
- Huntington Town and Vital Records, 1772-1892
- Hyde Records of Birth, Marriage, and Death, 1820-Jan. 2000; Indexes to Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1789-1947
- Ira Town Records, 1753-1908
- Irasburg Town and Vital Records, 1803-1892; Index, 1801-1951
- Irasburg Vital Records; Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1868-1882
- Isle La Motte Town and Vital Records 1791-Mar. 2000
- Jamaica Town and Vital Records, 1790-1880
- Jamaica Vital Records 1869-2001 and Indexes 1857-1908
- Jay, Town and Vital Records, 1789-1889
- Jay, Vital Records of Jay, 1844-Jan. 2000; Index, 1832-Jan. 2000
- Jericho Town and Vital Records, 1763-1892
- Jericho Vital Records 1777-May 2000
- Johnson Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1999
- Johnson Vital Records, 1766-1866
- Kirby Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1777-1964; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1777-1989
- Lamoille County Marriages
- Leicester Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1999
- Leicester Town Records, V. A-C, 1763-1862
- Lemington Vital Records, 1857-1883
- Lemington Vital Records, 1868-1991
- Lincoln Land Records, 1852-1905; General Index, 1782-1900
- Lincoln Vital Records 1868-1998
- Londonderry Town and Vital Records, 1796-1894; Index to Vital Records, 1777-1905
- Londonderry Vital Records 1857-1951 and Indexes 1781-1908
- Lowell Town Records, 1812-1834
- Lowell, Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1805-1865
- Lowell, Vital Records of Lowell, 1857-Sept. 2000
- Ludlow Deaths, Marriages, begun March 3d, 1795, Liber 1111, 4th
- Ludlow Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1754-1995
- Lunenburg Town and Vital Records, 1803-1869
- Lunenburg Vital Records 1857-June 2001; Indexes, 1782-1991
- Lyndon Book of Records for Marriages, Births, Deaths
- Lyndon Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1869-Aug. 2001; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1737-1992
- Maidstone Vital Records 1796-2000
- Manchester Records of Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1857-1995
- Manchester Town Records, V. 1, 1831-1919
- Mansfield Town and Vital Records, 1815-1844
- Marlboro Deeds and Vital Records 1778-1852; Index to Deeds 1778-1907; Land Records 1851-1880
- Marlboro Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1856-1939
- Marlboro Town Records, 1768-1857
- Marlboro Vital Records and Burials 1862-2003
- Marlboro Vital Records, V. 1-2, 1768-1857
- Marlborough Marriage Records
- Marriages in Montpelier, Burlington and Berlin, 1789-1876
- Marshfield Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1998; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1794-1998
- Marshfield Town Records, V. 1-3, 1794-1884
- Mendon Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1995
- Mendon Town Records, 1806-1851
- Middle Hero Marriage Records 1799-1847
- Middlebury Births, Deaths, Marriages (1806-2002), and Indexes
- Middlebury Vital Records, 1806-1866, 1901
- Middlesex Town Records, V. A-B, 1790-1858
- Middlesex, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1997
- Middletown Springs Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, V. 2, 1770-1867
- Middletown Springs, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1868-1995; Index to Births and Deaths, 1857-1905
- Milton Town and Vital Records, 1776-1811, 1850-May 2000; Indexes, 1776 to 1968
- Milton Vital Records, 1907-2006
- Miscellaneous BMD Records by County
- Monkton Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1885-1998; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1857-1998
- Monkton Town Records, 1788-1905
- Montgomery Vital Records 1906-May 2000; Indexes, 1750-July 2000
- Montgomery Vital Records, 1751-1905
- Montgomery Vital Records, V. 2A, 1750-1868; Index to Vital Records, 1802-1937
- Montpelier Marriage Records Index, 1791-1861
- Montpelier, Burlington, and Berlin, Marriages, 1789-1876
- Montpelier Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1759-1998
- Montpelier Town Records, 1759-1863
- Montpelier Vital Records, 1999-2006
- Moretown Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1857-1997; Indexes to Births, Deaths, Marriages, ca. 1857-1930
- Moretown Town Records, 1699-1935
- Morgan Town Records, 1822-1853
- Morgan Vital Records, 1857-2005
- Morristown Town and Vital Records, ca. 1800-Mar. 5, 2000
- Mount Holly, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1995
- Mount Holly, Town and Vital Records, 1792-1907
- Mount Tabor, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1868-1995; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1857-1972
- New Haven General Alphabetical Card Index to Case Files, ca. 1824-1959
- New Haven Town and Vital Records 1784-1998
- Newark Births 1919-1930, 1982-2001; Marriages 1919-1950, 1982-2001; Deaths 1919-2001
- Newark Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1786-1858
- Newark Records of Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1857-1918; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1857-1905
- Newbury Marriage Records 1790 – 1810
- Newbury Proprietor’s Records, 1763-1789; Vital Records, 1807-1917; Town Records, 1855-1884
- Newbury Town and Vital Records, 1764-1855
- Newbury Vital Records, 1854-2006
- Newfane Records of Marriages, Births, and Deaths (1761-1994) and Burial Transmit Permits (1989-2002) Newfane
- Newport Town and Vital Records, 1800-1876; Index to Vital Records, 1797-1918
- Newport Vital Records, 1857-1883; Marriage Index, 1857-1918
- North Hero Deeds, Town and Vital Records, 1795-1882
- North Hero Vital Records, 1903-2006
- North Vital Records, 1857-1897; Index to Vital Records, 1857-1915
- Northfield Indexes to Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1774-1950 Approx.
- Northfield Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1850-1998; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1764-1998
- Northfield Town Meeting Books 1A-3A, 1795-1889 Approx.
- Norton Vital Records 1885-1999
- Norwich Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1996
- Norwich Town Records, V. 1-3, 1761-1895
- Orange County Early Marriages
- Orange Births, Marriages, Deaths, and Intentions of Marriage, 1763-1921
- Orange Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1998
- Orange Vital Records, 1857-2006
- Orleans County, Marriages
- Orwell Marriage Records
- Orwell Index of Births, Deaths & Marriages Recorded in Early Land Records, 1829-1854
- Orwell Land, Town, and Vital Records, 1784-1887
- Orwell Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1883-1997; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1857-1997
- Panton Deeds, Town and Vital Records, 1784-1879
- Panton Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1999; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1857-1999
- Pawlet Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1768-1995; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1857-1995
- Pawlet Town Records, 1761-1896
- Peacham Births (1895-1930), Marriages (1799-1950), Deaths (1799-2001), and Indexes (early to 2001)
- Peacham Vital Records, 1787-1884
- Peru Town Records, V. 1, 4, 7, 10-11, 1769-1950
- Pittsfield Town Records, V. 1-2, 1746-1862
- Pittsford Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1745-1869
- Plainfield Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1998; Index to Births and Deaths, 1762-1902
- Plainfield Town Records, 1762-1908
- Plymouth Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1996
- Plymouth Town Records, 1830-1873
- Polish American Marriage Database for New Hampshire
- Pomfret Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1770-1996
- Pomfret, Town Records, Births, Deaths and Marriages to 1860
- Pownal Marriages and Deaths
- Pownal Marriages to 1850
- Pownal Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1808-1995
- Pownal Town Records, 1775-1903
- Proctor, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1886-1995; Card Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1886-1980
- Putney Marriages, Births and Deaths (1857-1994) and Indexes (1857-1905)
- Putney Records of Births, Marriages, Deaths, and Publishments, 1789-1914
- Putney Town Records, 1745-1846
- Putney, Town Records, Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1740-1832
- Randolph General Alphabetical Card Index to Case Files, 1797-1967
- Randolph Vital Records, V. A-B, Early to 1861; Index, 1785-1921
- Reading Marriage Records
- Reading Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1997; Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1770-1997
- Reading Town and Vital Records, 1785-1858; Miscellaneous Records, 1781-1919
- Readsboro Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1883-1994; Indexes to Births, Deaths, Marriages, 1785-1934
- Readsboro Town Records, 1785-1864
- Richford Index to Marriages, 1799-1913
- Richford Town Records, 1799-1871
- Richford Vital Records 1857-June 2000 and Card Index to Vital Records, ca. 1800-June 2000
- Richmond Town and Vital Records, 1795-1856
- Richmond Vital Records 1801-1819, 1868-Mar. 2000; Indexes, 1857-1999
- Richmond Vital Records, 1989-2006
- Ripton Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1998; Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1838-1998
- Ripton Town Records, 1780-1878
- Rochester Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1751-1997; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths
- Rochester Town Records, 1782-1920
- Rockingham Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1857-2002
- Rockingham Vital Records from the Beginning of the Records to January 1, 1845
- Rockingham, Records of the First Church of Rockingham from October 27, 1773, to September 25, 1839
- Roxbury Town and Vital Records, 1796-1851; Index to Vital Records, Early to 1951
- Roxbury Vital Records, 1858-2006
- Royalton Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1762-1997; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1762-1997
- Rutland County Miscellaneous Marriage Records 1809-1859
- Rutland County, Marriages
- Rutland County, Probate Index Cards for Marriage Certificates
- Rutland Vital Records, V. 7-11, 1759-1875
- Ryegate Births (1868-1930), Marriages (1868-1950), Deaths (1868-2001)
- Ryegate Town and Vital Records, 1770-1886; Index to Vital Records, 1858-1915
- Saint George Indexes to Births, Deaths, Marriages, 1787-1933
- Salisbury Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1857-1888
- Salisbury Marriage Records, 1883-1930; Index to Marriage Records, 1857-1959
- Salisbury Marriages, and Deaths / Burials, 1936-1950
- Salisbury Town and Vital Records, 1786-1858
- Searsburg Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1828-1994
- Searsburg Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1829-1952
- Shaftsbury Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1765-1908
- Shaftsbury Town Records, 1718-1840
- Sharon Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1997
- Sharon Town Records, 1768-1943
- Sheffield Births 1916-1930, Marriages 1916-1950, Deaths 1916-2001, and Birth and Death Indexes 1868-2001
- Sheffield Births, Deaths, and Marriages, V. 1-2, 1857-1896
- Sheffield Marriage Records, 1883-1915; Marriage Index, 1793-1970
- Sheffield Town Records, 1740-1901
- Shelburne Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1775-1999
- Shelburne Town Records, V. 1-2, 1776-1883
- Shelburne Vital Records, 1947-2006
- Shelburne, Town Records
- Sheldon Town and Vital Records 1798-Sept. 2000
- Sherburne, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1903-1995; Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1883-1995
- Shoreham Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1777-1852
- Shoreham Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1999
- Shoreham Shoreham Town Records and Associated Material, Includes Years 1783-1964
- Shrewsbury, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1978; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1771-1978
- Shrewsbury, Town Records, 1771-1946
- Somerset Index to Birth, Death, and Marriage Records (1766-1913) and Marriage, Birth and Death Records (1787-1970)
- South Burlington Vital Records 1865-11 June 2000
- South Hero Town and Vital Records 1768-2000
- Springfield Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1730-1996
- Springfield Town Records, 1769-1842
- St. Albans Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1897-2001; Indexes to Births, 1898-1902, 1944-2000; Indexes to Deaths, Marriages, 1945-2000
- St. Albans Town Records, 1784-1891
- St. Albans Vital Records 1897-Nov. 2000
- St. Albans Vital Records, V. 1, 1796-1881
- St. Johnsbury Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, ca. 1860-1904
- St. Johnsbury Town Records, 1788-1843
- St. Johnsbury Vital Records, 1790-1993
- Stamford Marriages, Births and Deaths, 1857-1886; Indexes to Marriages, Births and Deaths, 1857-1948
- Stamford Town Records, 1788-1842
- Starksboro Town Records 1783-1866
- Starksboro Vital Records 1857-1998
- Sterling Land Records and Vital Records, 1806-1852
- Stockbridge Town Records, 1757-1905
- Stowe Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1857-Feb. 2000
- Stowe Records of Marriages and Births, 1800-1856
- Stowe Records of the Justice of the Peace, 1814-1836
- Stowe Town Records, 1808-1858
- Strafford Vital Records, 1774-1796
- Strafford Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1903-1998
- Strafford Town and Vital Records, 1779-1905
- Stratton Records of Marriages, Births and Deaths, 1857-1881; Indexes of Birth, Death, and Marriage, 1857-1945
- Stratton Town and Vital Records, 1792-1878
- Stratton Vital Records 1883-2002
- Sudbury Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1758-1861; Indexes to Births, Deaths, Marriages, 1788-1949
- Sutton Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1868-2000; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1779-1992
- Sutton Town Records, 1779-1940
- Swanton Town and Vital Records, 1790-1823
- Swanton Vital Records 1793-1852 (extracted) and 1857-Oct. 2000
- Thetford Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1743-1997; Indexes of Births, Deaths, Marriages, 1743-1996
- Tinmouth Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1883-1995; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1770-1995
- Tinmouth Town Records, V. 1-2, 1770-1914
- Topsham Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1998; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1775-1998
- Topsham Town Records, 1771-1860
- Townshend Town and Vital Records, 1786-1869
- Townshend Vital Records (B,M,D) 1787-2002 and Indexes
- Troy Town Records, 1802-1842
- Troy Vital Records 1858-April 2000; Index, ca. 1800-April 2000; and Cemetery Transcriptions, 1813-1857
- Tunbridge Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1868-1997; Indexes to Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1857-1912
- Tunbridge Town and Vital Records, 1785-1878
- Underhill Town and Vital Records, 1797-Sept. 1999; Indexes, 1780s-Sept. 1999
- United States Marriages, 1733-1990
- United States, Freedmen’s Bureau Marriages, 1861-1872
- Vergennes Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1999; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1770-1999
- Vergennes Town and Vital Records, 1792-1864; Index to Vital Records, 1803-1927
- Vermont Marriages
- Vermont Marriages, 1791-1974
- Vermont Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records, 1732-2005
- Vermont Town Records, 1850-2005
- Vermont Vital Records Online
- Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1954
- Vermont Vital Records, Early 19th Century
- Vermont Genealogical Collection
- Vermont General Index to Vital Records 1871-1908
- Vermont General Index to Vital Records, Early to 1870
- Vermont State Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1909-1942
- Vermont State Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1942-1954
- Vermont Vital Records, 1760-2008
- Vernon Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1913; Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1857-1925
- Vershire Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1765-1998
- Victory Vital Records, 1863-2005
- Waitsfield Vital Records, 1834-1858
- Waitsfield Marriages, Consents, blood Tests, 1942-1946
- Waitsfield Record of Marriage Certificates, 1852-1876
- Waitsfield Records for Births, Deaths, and Marriages ca. 1780-1856
- Waitsfield Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1868-1911; Index to Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1857-1908
- Waitsfield Records of Marriages, V. 1-7, 1905-1941
- Walden Birth, Marriage Indexes 1794-1923 and Births, Marriages, Deaths 1857-1882
- Walden Births 1883-1930, Marriages 1883-1950, Deaths 1883-2001; Card Index, 1883-2001
- Walden Town and Vital Records, 1796-1884
- Wallingford, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1883-1995; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1772-1995
- Wallingford, Town Miscellaneous Records, V. 1-2, 1772-1890
- Waltham Town Records, 1842-1862
- Wardsboro Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1782-1883; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1782-1905
- Wardsboro Vital Records 1883-2002 and Indexes ca. 1900-1972
- Warren Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1904; Indexes to Births, Deaths, Marriages, 1857-1913
- Warren Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1996; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1857-1993
- Warren Town Records, 1767-1874
- Warren Vital Records, 1948-2006
- Washington County, Marriages
- Washington Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1997
- Washington Town Records, 1769-1895; Index to Marriages, 1783-1857
- Washington Vital Records, 1857-2006
- Waterbury Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1868-1988; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1761-1997
- Waterbury Town Records, V. 2, 1784-1857
- Waterbury Vital Records, 1922-2006
- Waterford Births 1883-1939, Marriages 1884-1950, Deaths 1883-2001, and Indexes, 1748-2001
- Waterford Vital Records, 1809-1931
- Waterville Town and Vital Records, 1807-April 2000
- Weathersfield Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1996
- Weathersfield Town Records, V. 1-3, 1746-1880
- Wells Marriage Records pre-1850
- Wells, Certificates of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1884-1995; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1902-1995
- West Fairlee Town Records, 1777-1863
- West Fairlee Vital Records, 1944-2006
- West Fairlee, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1856-1997; Card Index to Births, Marriages, Deaths, ca. 1900-1998
- West Haven, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1868-1995; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1857-1946
- West Haven, Town Records, V. 2, 1786-1836
- West Rutland, Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1887-1989
- West Windsor Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1857-1997
- Westfield Orleans County, Westfield, Vital Records, 1857-2006
- Westfield Orleans County, Westfield, Vital Records, 1883-2006
- Westfield Vital Records, ca. 1800-1872
- Westfield, Records
- Westfield, Town Records, Births, Deaths and Marriages to 1860
- Westford Vital Records 1857-Feb. 2000; Indexes, 1787-1999
- Westminster Births 1857-1930, Marriages 1857-1950, Deaths 1857-2001, and Indexes 1857-1903
- Westminster Vital Records, Early to 1857
- Westmore Vital Records 1805-1952
- Weston Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1772-1996
- Weybridge Vital Records, 1795-1859
- Wheelock Marriages 1940-1950 and Deaths 1940-2001
- Wheelock Town Records, V. 2, 1792-1838
- Wheelock Vital Statistics, 1857-1939, Indexes to Vital Statistics, 1785-1992
- Whiting Land and Vital Records, 1783-1863; Index to Land Records, 1783-1925
- Whiting Vital Records 1857-1998
- Whitingham Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1769-1994; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1764-1994
- Whitingham Town Records, Book 1, 1764-1837
- Williamstown Vital Records, 1999-2006
- Williamstown Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1770-1997
- Williston Indexes (B, M, 1764-1956, D, 1800-1956), Births (1866-1930), Marriages (1883-1950), Deaths (1883-2001)
- Williston Vital Records, 1766-1870; Indexes to Vital Records, 1763-1951
- Wilmington Records of Birth, Marriage, and Death, 1768-1868
- Wilmington Records of Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1770-1989; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1755-1994
- Windham County, Marriage Indexes
- Windham County, Marriages
- Windham Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1857-2001
- Windham Town and Vital Records, 1796-1860; Index to Vital Records, 1796-1949
- Windsor County Marriages
- Windsor County, Marriage Indexes
- Windsor Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, V. 1-3, 1764-1858
- Windsor Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1921-1997; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, ca. 1765-1996
- Winhall Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, V. 1-2, 1857- 1896; Indexes to Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1857-1976
- Winhall Vital Records, 1883-1983
- Winooski Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1921-2001 and Indexes
- Wolcott Vital Records 1769?-1999
- Woodbury Records of Birth, Marriage, and Death, 1776-1967; Indexes to Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1776-1864, 1977-1998
- Woodbury Vital Records, 1947-2005
- Woodford Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1858-1994; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, ca. 1800-1994
- Woodstock Records of Births, Marriages, Deaths, and Burial Permits, 1725-1997
- Worcester Births, Marriages, and Deaths from October 21, 1813 to June 18, 1858
- Worcester Records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1815-1941; Indexes to Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1815-1997
- Worcester Vital Records, 1938-2006
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!