(This page's most recent update is January 2025)
Military records are yet another very useful set of records that will help you in finding more about your ancestors. There are a ton of records that are available for free online, and there are some very robust collections (such as Fold3 and Ancestry) that have sizable online military collections as well.
Typically, military records online fall into 5 different categories:
- Military Service Records:
Includes enlistment information, such as location and date enlisted. Also includes demographic information, such as full name, birth date and location, residence, and occupation, plus contact information of next of kin, medical and military information, and unit assignations while in the military. - Selective Service Records:
Includes full name, residence, age, occupation, marital status, birthplace, contact information, physical description, and other information. - Bounty Land Warrant Applications:
Includes similar information as in service records as well as other information. Only used between 1775 and 1855. - Pension Records:
Will include birth, marriage, and death records, demographic information, plus information about the spouse, and possibly children. - Special Records:
May include information if the person was a prisoner of war, was wounded or killed in action. 1910-1940 Census Records include questions about military service. Includes those buried in Veteran’s cemeteries.
A good primer on Military Records is found on FamilySearch’s Military Records page, available on their wiki.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Below, listed by state are links to military records that are available for free online. Included in each state’s page are links to free nationwide collections since there are a sizable number of collections that are available for the entire country.
Virginia Military Records
- American Battle Monuments Commission – Korean War Honor Roll
- American Battle Monuments Commission Burials Database
- American Prisoners of War During the Korean War, 1950-1953
- Burial Registers for Military Posts, Camps, and Stations,1768-1921
- Card Register of Burials of Deceased American Soldiers, 1917 – 1922
- Casualties of Army Personnel, Dependents and Civilian Employees, 1961-1981
- Casualties of the Vietnam War, 1956-1998
- Census of Union Veterans and Widows of the Civil War, 1890
- Civil War and Later Pension Index, 1861-1917
- Civil War Confederate Applications for Pardons, 1865-1867
- Civil War Confederate Papers of Citizens or Businesses, 1861-1865
- Civil War Records of Confederate Nonregiment Soldiers, 1861-1865
- Civil War Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865
- Civil War Service Records of Union Colored Troops, 1863-1865
- Civil War Service Records of Union Soldiers, 1864-1866
- Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Database
- Civil War Soldiers Index, 1861-1865
- Civil War Unfiled Papers of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865
- Civil War Widows and Other Dependents Pension Files, 1861-1934
- Compiled Military Service Records Of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served With The Colored Troops, 1861-1866
- Confederate Navy and Marine Service Records, 1861-1865 Images only.
- Confederate Officers Card Index, 1861-1865
- Doughboy MIA Database 1917-1918
- Enlisted and Officer Muster Rolls and Rosters, 1916-1939
- General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 Index Only.
- Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, 1925-1949
- Index to General Correspondence of the Pension Office, 1889-1904 Index only.
- Index to Indian Wars Pension Files, 1892-1926
- Index to Naturalizations of World War I Soldiers, 1918
- Index to Service Records, War with Spain, 1898
- Japanese Americans Relocated During World War II, 1942-1946
- Japanese Registers of POWs WWII, Index.
- Korean War Battle Deaths, 1950-1957
- Korean War Dead and Army Wounded, 1950-1953
- Korean War POW/MIA List
- Korean War Repatriated Prisoners of War, 1950-1954
- Lists of Fatal Casualties of the Korean War (6/28/1950 – 3/10/1954) and the Vietnam War (6/8/1956 – 5/28/2006)
- Mexican War Index and Service Records, 1846-1848
- Mexican War Pension Index, 1887-1926
- Mexican War Soldiers & Sailors Database
- Military Personnel Who Died During the Vietnam War, 1956-2003
- Mormon Battalion Pension Applications, 1846-1923, Index
- Muster Rolls of the Marine Corps, 1798-1937, Index and Images
- National Archives, Archival Databases, Civil War
- National Archives, Archival Databases, Korean War
- National Archives, Archival Databases, Vietnam War
- National Archives, Archival Databases, World War II
- National Cemetery Administration – Nationwide Gravesite Locator
- National Graves Registration Database
- National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1866-1938 Partial Index and Images.
- National Park Service – US Mexican War Soldiers and Sailors Database
- National Society Daughters of 1812 – Ancestor Database
- Naval Enlistment Rendezvous, 1855-1891, Index and Images
- Navy Widows’ Certificates, 1861-1910, Index
- Never Forgotten, Taiwan POW List
- Old War Pension Index, 1815-1926
- Original Mormon Battalion Roster – Mormon Battalion Association
- Pearl Harbor Casualty List
- Prisoners of the First World War
- Records of Confederate Prisoners of War, 1861-1865
- Records of Headstones of Deceased Union Veterans, 1879-1903
- Register of Confederates and Civilians Who Died in the North,1861-1865
- Registers of Enlistments in the Army, 1798-1914
- Remarried Widows Index to Pension Applications, 1887-1942
- Revolutionary War Compiled Service Records, 1775-1783
- Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Applications, 1800-1900
- Revolutionary War Pension Payment Ledgers, 1818-1872
- Revolutionary War Records – Daughters of the American Revolution
- Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783
- Revolutionary War, Virginia Pension Application Files, 1830-1875
- Roster of All Regimental Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons in the Late War, with the Service, and last-known Post-office Address (1882)” Compiled by N. A. Strait. The Text is Searchable.
- Rosters of Revolutionary War Soldiers and Sailors, 1775-1783
- Service Personnel Not Recovered Following WWII
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Military Servicemen in World War I Records
- United States French Combatants in the Revolutionary War, 1778-1783
- Veteran’s Administration Master Index, 1917-1940
- Veterans Administration Pension Payment Cards, 1907-1933
- Vietnam Veterans Memorial
- Vietnam War POW/MIA List
- War of 1812 Index to Pension Application Files, 1812-1910
- War of 1812 Index to Service Records, 1812-1815
- War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies
- War Relocation Authority Centers, Final Accountability Rosters, 1942-1946
- World War I American Expeditionary Forces Deaths, 1917-1919
- World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
- World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946
- World War II Casualties for Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard
- World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942
- World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942
- World War II Prisoners of War of the Japanese, 1941-1945
- World War II Prisoners of War, 1941-1945
- WWII Army and Army Air Force Casualties
- YMCA World War I Service Cards, 1917-1919
- Accomack County, Military Records
- Accomack County, Military Records
- Accomack County, Revolutionary Soldiers and Sailors
- Albemarle County, Military Records
- Albemarle County, Military Records
- Alleghany County, Military Records
- Alleghany County, Military Records
- Amelia County, Military Records
- Amelia County, Military Records
- Amherst County, Military Records
- Amherst County, Military Records
- Appomattox County, Military Records
- Appomattox County, Military Records
- Arlington County, Military Records
- Augusta and Rockbridge Counties, Some Virginia Revolutionary War and Pension Records 1776-1833
- Augusta County, Military Records
- Augusta County, Military Records
- Augusta County, Militia Court martials 1779-1783
- Augusta County, Muster Roll, 1861-1865
- Augusta County, Partial List of Early Settlers, Revolutionary Soldiers and the Graves of Soldiers Located to Date
- Bath County, Military Records
- Bath County, Military Records
- Bedford County, Military Records
- Bedford County, Military Records
- Bedford County, Military Records of Men with the Armed Forces of World War II
- Bedford County, Remnants of War, 1861-1865: Civil War Records
- Bedford County, Revolutionary War Pensions
- Bland County, Military Records
- Bland County, Military Records
- Botetourt County, Military Records
- Botetourt County, Military Records
- Brunswick County, Military Records
- Brunswick County, Military Records
- Buchanan County, Military Records
- Buchanan County, Military Records
- Buckingham County, Military Records
- Buckingham County, Military Records
- Campbell County, Military Records
- Campbell County, Military Records
- Caroline County, Military Records
- Caroline County, Military Records
- Carroll County, Military Records
- Carroll County, Military Records
- Charles City County, Military Records
- Charles City County, Military Records
- Charlotte County, Military Records
- Charlotte County, Military Records
- Charlotte County, Minutes of the Proceedings of the Several Regimental and battalion Courts of Inquiry of the Twenty-six Regiment, 1811-1814, 1822
- Charlotte County, Muster Roll of Charlotte County, Virginia, in the War in defense of Virginia, 1861 – 1865
- Charlottesville City, Confederate Pension Rolls
- Chesapeake, The War of 1812 Veterans
- Chesterfield County, Court Records pertaining to the Franklin, Brintle, Bridgewater, Nunally and Related Families
- Chesterfield County, Military Records
- Chesterfield County, Military Records
- Chesterfield County, Muster Rolls, 1861-1865, 1812-1813
- City of Danville, Military Records
- City of Fredericksburg, Military Records
- City of Hopewell, Confederate Pension Rolls
- City of Lynchburg, Military Records
- City of Norfolk, Military Records
- City of Radford, Military Records
- City of Richmond, Military Records
- City of Roanoke, Military Records
- City of Suffolk, Military Records
- City of Williamsburg, Military Records
- Clarke County, Military Records
- Clarke County, Military Records
- Clarke County, Virginia, and its connection with the War between the States
- Confederate Disability Applications
- Confederate Navy Index
- Confederate Pension Applications, Veterans and Widows
- Confederate Rosters Index
- Confederate Veteran Magazine Index
- Craig County, Military Records
- Craig County, Military Records
- Culpeper County Classes, 1781 Index
- Culpeper County, Military Records
- Culpeper County, Military Records
- Culpepper County, Confederate History in the War between the States, together with a Complete Roster of the Confederate Soldiers from this County
- Culpepper County, List of Militia Classes and Index1781
- Cumberland County, Military Records
- Cumberland County, Military Records
- Dickenson County, Military Records
- Dickenson County, Military Records
- Dinwiddie County, Military Records
- Dinwiddie County, Military Records
- Dunmore’s War Payroll and Service Claims
- Elizabeth City County, Military Records
- Elizabeth City County, Military Records
- Essex County, Military Records
- Essex County, Military Records
- Fairfax County, Military Records
- Fairfax County, Military Records
- Fairfax County, Muster Roll, 1861-1865
- Fauquier County, Military Records
- Fauquier County, Military Records
- Fauquier County, Muster Rolls, etc., 1861-1865
- Fauquier County, Virginia, 1759-1959
- Floyd County, Military Records
- Floyd County, Military Records
- Fluvanna County, Military Records
- Fluvanna County, Military Records
- Franklin County, Military Records
- Franklin County, Military Records
- Frederick and Winchester County, Men and Events of the Revolution
- Frederick County, Military Records
- Frederick County, Military Records
- Frederick County, Muster Rolls, in the War in defense of Virginia, 1861-1865
- Frederick County, Officers and Men, Militia in the Year 1756
- Giles County, Military Records
- Giles County, Military Records
- Gloucester County, Military Records
- Gloucester County, Military Records
- Goochland County, Military Records
- Goochland County, Military Records
- Grayson County, Military Records
- Grayson County, Military Records
- Greene County, Military Records
- Greene County, Military Records
- Greensville County, Military Records
- Greensville County, Military Records
- Halifax County, Military Records
- Halifax County, Military Records
- Hampshire County, Roster of Registrants and non-registrants,, World War II
- Hanover County, Military Records
- Hanover County, Military Records
- Henrico County, Military Records
- Henrico County, Military Records
- Henry County, Military Records
- Henry County, Military Records
- Highland County, Military Records
- Highland County, Military Records
- Isle of Wight County, Military Records
- Isle of Wight County, Military Records
- Isle of Wight County, Records 1634-1951
- James City County, Military Records
- James City County, Military Records
- King and Queen County, Military Records
- King and Queen County, Military Records
- King George County, Military Records
- King George County, Military Records
- King Williams County, Military Records
- King Williams County, Military Records
- Lancaster County, Military Records
- Lancaster County, Military Records
- Lee County, Military Records
- Lee County, Military Records
- Lewis County, in the Civil War, 1861-1865
- Lewis County, in World War II: Presenting the Pictures of 800 Young Men and Women serving in the United States Armed Forces
- Loudon and Prince William Counties, Miscellaneous Military Records
- Loudoun County, Military Records
- Loudoun County, Military Records
- Louisa County, Military Records
- Louisa County, Military Records
- Louisa County, Militia Records, Sept.-Dec. 1814; Accounts, 1816-1822
- Louisa County, Muster Roll, 1861-1865
- Lunenburg County, History of Lunenburg County in World War II
- Lunenburg County, Military Records
- Lunenburg County, Military Records
- Madison County, Military Records
- Madison County, Military Records
- Madison County, Muster Roll of Madison County, Virginia, in the War in the defense of Virginia, 1861 – 1865
- Mason County, Minute Book, 1817-1844
- Mathews County, Military Records
- Mathews County, Military Records
- Mecklenburg County, Military Records
- Mecklenburg County, Military Records
- Mexican War Soldiers Index
- Middlesex County, Military Records
- Middlesex County, Military Records
- Montgomery County, Military Records
- Montgomery County, Military Records
- Nansemond County, Military Records
- Nansemond County, Military Records
- Nelson County, Civil War Soldiers
- Nelson County, Military Records
- Nelson County, Military Records
- New Kent County, Abstracts of the Application Papers of Revolutionary War Pensioners
- New Kent County, Military Records
- New Kent County, Military Records
- Newport News, Military Records
- Norfolk County, Military Records
- Norfolk County, Military Records
- Northampton County, Military Records
- Northampton County, Military Records
- Northumberland County, Military Records
- Northumberland County, Military Records
- Nottoway County, Military Records
- Nottoway County, Military Records
- Orange County, Military Records
- Orange County, Military Records
- Page County, Military Records
- Page County, Military Records
- Patrick County, Military Records
- Patrick County, Military Records
- Patrick County, Muster Roll, 1861-1865
- Petersburg, Military Records
- Pittsylvania County, Land Entries, 1737-1770; Index to Residents Who Filed Claims for Revolutionary supplies, 1782
- Pittsylvania County, Military Records
- Pittsylvania County, Military Records
- Portsmouth, Military Records
- Powhatan County, Military Records
- Powhatan County, Military Records
- Powhatan County, Military Records and History of Powhatan County’s Troop and Artillery, 1861-1865
- Prince Edward County, Military Records
- Prince Edward County, Military Records
- Prince Edward County, Muster Rolls, 1861-1865
- Prince George County, Military Records
- Prince George County, Military Records
- Prince William County, Military Records
- Prince William County, Military Records
- Princess Anne County, Military Records
- Princess Anne County, Military Records
- Pulaski County, Military Records
- Pulaski County, Military Records
- Rappahannock County, Military Records
- Rappahannock County, Military Records
- Revolutionary War Bounty Land Claims
- Revolutionary War Public Service Claims Index
- Revolutionary War Virginia State Pensions
- Richmond County, Military Records
- Richmond County, Military Records
- Roanoke County, Military Records
- Roanoke County, Military Records
- Robert E. Lee Camp Confederate Soldiers’ Home Applications
- Rockbridge County, Military Records
- Rockbridge County, Military Records
- Rockingham County, Military Records
- Rockingham County, Military Records
- Rockingham County, Minute Book, 1900-1936
- Rockingham County, Minutes of Court martials, 1814-1815
- Rockingham County, Muster Roll, Rockingham County, Virginia, in the War with Germany, 1917-1918
- Rockingham County, Muster Rolls, in the War in defense of Virginia, 1861-1865
- Rockingham County, Names of Discharged & Rejected Soldiers 1917-1918
- Rockingham County, Record of Returned Servicemen, 1918-1919
- Rockingham County, Records of Civil War Veterans, 1860-1865
- Russell County, Military Records
- Russell County, Military Records
- Russell County, Virginia in the Civil War
- Scott County, Military Records
- Scott County, Military Records
- Shenandoah County, Military Records
- Shenandoah County, Military Records
- Smithfield County, Constitution and by-laws of R.E. Lee Camp No. 4 of Confederate Veterans, 1903-1912
- Smyth County, Military Records
- Smyth County, Military Records
- Smyth County, Order Books, 1832-1904
- Soldiers of the War of 1812
- Southampton County, Military Records
- Southampton County, Military Records
- Spotsylvania County, 1721-1800: Transcriptions, from the Original Files at the County Court House, of Lists of Revolutionary Pensioners
- Spotsylvania County, Military Records
- Spotsylvania County, Military Records
- Spotsylvania County, Patriots, 1774-1786
- Spotsylvania County, Patriots, 1774-1786
- Spotsylvania County, Virginia Records
- Stafford County, Military Records
- Stafford County, Military Records
- Stafford County, Muster Roll in the War with Germany, 1917-1918
- Stafford County, Muster Roll of Co. A, 9th Va. Cavalry of Stafford County, Virginia, in the War in defense of Virginia, 1861-1865
- Surry County, Military Records
- Surry County, Military Records
- Surry County, Military Records, 1795-1919
- Sussex County, Military Records
- Sussex County, Military Records
- Tazewell County, Alphabetical List of Registrants: Registration of Sept. 12, 1918
- Tazewell County, Military Records
- Tazewell County, Military Records
- U.S. Military Fatal Casualties of the Korean War for Virginia
- Virginia Civil War Papers, ca.1859-1903
- Virginia Continental Army, February 15, 1822: Roll of Officers of the Sixteen Virginia Regiments of the Continental Army Who received Land Bounty in the Virginia Military Districts
- Virginia Military Dead Index
- Virginia Military Warrants,, [1796-1831]
- Virginia Revolutionary War Petitions
- Virginia Revolutionary War Records
- Virginia Soldiers of 1776
- Virginia, 17th VA Inf. Regiment, Co. D, Fairfax Rifles
- Virginia, 1813 Pension List
- Virginia, 1813 Pension List for Revolutionary War Pensioners
- Virginia, 1818 Pension List
- Virginia, 1820 Pension List
- Virginia, 1820 Pension List for Revolutionary War or Military Service Pensioners
- Virginia, 51st Virginia Infantry
- Virginia, 51st Virginia Infantry
- Virginia, A List of non-commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the Virginia line on continental Establishment and a List of non-commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the Virginia State line, and non-commissioned Officers and Seamen and Marines of the State Navy …
- Virginia, A List of Officers on Continental Establishment
- Virginia, A List of Persons Who are liable to perform Militia Duty and Registered 1855
- Virginia, A Narrative of the Indian and Civil Wars in Virginia, in the Years 1675 and 1676
- Virginia, A Pay Roll of the Officers and Sailors belonging to the Brig “Liberty”, 1774-1776
- Virginia, Alphabetical List of Graduates of the Virginia Military Institute from 1839 to 1924: with Post-office Address
- Virginia, Application for the Relief of needy Confederate Women, 1915-1967
- Virginia, Augusta, Bedford, Botetourt, Culpeper and Fincastle Payrolls and Public Service Claims, 1775: also known as Dunmore’s War
- Virginia, Bounty Warrants, 1779-1860
- Virginia, Campaign and Battle of Lynchburg, Va
- Virginia, Catalogue of Military Land Warrants Granted by the Commonwealth of Virginia to Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution
- Virginia, Chancery Docket Books, 1805-1835, 1842-1843, 1862-1867
- Virginia, Civil War Muster Roll, 1861-1865
- Virginia, Civil War Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865
- Virginia, Civil War Service Records of Union Soldiers, 1861-1865
- Virginia, Collection #41 Ritter, ca. 1910-1926
- Virginia, Collection of Bible Records, Cemetery Inscriptions, Revolutionary War Records and Appraisements
- Virginia, Collection, Foltz, ca. 1748-1956
- Virginia, Common Law Order Books, 1832-1914
- Virginia, Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Virginia
- Virginia, Confederate Disability Applications
- Virginia, Confederate Navy Index
- Virginia, Confederate Pension Applications, Veterans and Widows
- Virginia, Confederate Rosters Index
- Virginia, Confederate Service Record, out of State, Virginia, 1861-1865
- Virginia, Confederate Soldiers Service Records
- Virginia, Confederate Veteran Magazine Index
- Virginia, Continental Officers Who Died In Service Or Were Killed In Action Before May 28, 1778
- Virginia, Court martials, Military, District of Alexandria, 1864-1865
- Virginia, Dunmore’s War Payroll and Service Claims
- Virginia, Dunmores War Rosters
- Virginia, Early Troop Record, 1755-1761
- Virginia, Enrollment of Militia, 1854-1855
- Virginia, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania Civil War Cemeteries, Soldiers from Virginia
- Virginia, Genealogies and County Records
- Virginia, Half Pay and Other Related Revolutionary War Pension Application Files, ca. 1778-1875
- Virginia, History of the Doles-Cook Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia, C.S.A: containing Muster Rolls of each Company of the Fourth, Twelfth, Twenty-First and Forty-Fourth Georgia Regiments, with a Short Sketch of the Services of each Member, and a Complete History of each Regiment, by one of its own Members, and Other matters of interest
- Virginia, Index to Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Virginia
- Virginia, Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Virginia
- Virginia, Index to Confederate Service Records of Virginia; Confederate Service Records of Virginia, 1861-1865
- Virginia, Index to Saffell’s List of Virginia Soldiers in the Revolution
- Virginia, Invalid Pension List of the Revolutionary War
- Virginia, Isle of Wight, Military Records, 1861-1925
- Virginia, Land Grants, Revolutionary War, 1783-1832
- Virginia, Lee Camp Soldiers’ Home Records, 1885-1919
- Virginia, Lineages of Revolutionary War Regiments
- Virginia, List of Civil War Veterans, 1861-1864
- Virginia, List of Company A, 13th Virginia Cavalry C.S.A.
- Virginia, List of Military Land Bounty Warrants: September 1, 1833-September 1, 1834
- Virginia, List of Servicemen, 1918-1919
- Virginia, List of the Revolutionary Soldiers of Virginia
- Virginia, List of the Revolutionary Soldiers of Virginia
- Virginia, Livingston Collection, Military Records, 1742-1833
- Virginia, Location of War of 1812 Veteran Graves in Virginia: arranged Alphabetically by Veteran and by City or County Location
- Virginia, Louisiana Soldiers’ Relief Association and Hospital in the City of Richmond, Virginia
- Virginia, Memoirs and History of Capt. F. W. Alexander’s Baltimore battery of light Artillery U. S. V.
- Virginia, Memorial, Virginia Military Institute: Biographical Sketches of the Graduates and eleves of the Virginia Military Institute Who fell during the War between the States
- Virginia, Mexican War Soldiers Index
- Virginia, Military Certificates, A-Z: July 14, 1782-August 5, 1876
- Virginia, Military Certificates, July 14, 1782-August 5, 1876
- Virginia, Military Dead Index
- Virginia, Military Records, ca. 1700-1930
- Virginia, Military Records: Miscellaneous Civil War-related Records, 1780-1937
- Virginia, Military Report, 1933
- Virginia, Militia Commission Papers, Governor’s Office, 1784-1856
- Virginia, Militia Court Records of the 100th Regiment, 1797-1808
- Virginia, Militia Court Records of the 25th Regiment, 1789-1812, 1824-1860
- Virginia, Militia Court Records of the 31st and 51st Regiments, 1796-1821
- Virginia, Militia Court Records of the 32nd Regiment, 1756-1812
- Virginia, Militia Court Records of the 3rd Regiment, 1813-1853
- Virginia, Militia Court Records of the 56th and 57th Regiments, 1793-1827
- Virginia, Militia Court Records of the 5th Regiment, 1815-1830
- Virginia, Militia Court Records of the 71st Regiment, 1840-1862
- Virginia, Militia Court Records of the 75th Regiment, 1818-1839
- Virginia, Militia in the Revolutionary War: McAllister’s Data
- Virginia, Muster Roll of Captain Joseph Humes’ Company, War of 1812
- Virginia, Muster Roll of the War in defense of Virginia, 1861-1865
- Virginia, Muster Rolls of Several Military Units, 1861-1865
- Virginia, Muster Rolls, 1861-1865
- Virginia, Muster Rolls, Pay Rolls, and Index of the Virginia Militia in the War of 1812
- Virginia, Ninth Virginia Regiment of Cavalry
- Virginia, Old Military and importation Warrants; Land Bounty Certificates, French and Indian War; Index, Land Bounty Books, French and Indian War
- Virginia, Old rights, Proprietary rights, Virginia Entries and Soldiers Entitled to Donation Lands
- Virginia, Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia
- Virginia, Payroll Records, 1884-1917
- Virginia, Pension Abstracts of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and Indian Wars
- Virginia, Pension Abstracts of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and Indian Wars
- Virginia, Pensioners Of Revolutionary War Struck Off The Roll
- Virginia, Record of Service in the World War of V.M.I. Alumni and their alma mater
- Virginia, Records from General Hospital, Danville, Virginia
- Virginia, Records from Orange and Farmville Hospital, 1861-1863
- Virginia, Records of Examination, 1908-1919
- Virginia, Records of the Virginia Forces Command Headquarters from the War Department Collection of Confederate Records
- Virginia, Register of Former Cadets: 1939
- Virginia, Register of Former Cadets: Memorial Edition; Virginia Military Institute
- Virginia, Register of the Confederate Dead, interred in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va.
- Virginia, Register, Bounty Land Warrants, March 30, 1808-March 11, 1870
- Virginia, Register, Military Warrants and preemption Warrants: July 5, 1783-March 24, 1808; December 10, 1782-November 23, 1787
- Virginia, Registers of Veterans at the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Southern Branch in Hampton, Virginia, 1871-1933
- Virginia, Revolutionary Militia
- Virginia, Revolutionary War Bounty Land Claims
- Virginia, Revolutionary War Pensions and Index
- Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims Index
- Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims Recorded in County Court Booklets, Lists & Index
- Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims, Commissioners Books, 1783
- Virginia, Revolutionary War Records
- Virginia, Revolutionary War Records: Virginia Army and Navy Forces with Bounty Land Warrants
- Virginia, Revolutionary War Rejected Claims and Index of Soldiers from Virginia, 1811-1851
- Virginia, Revolutionary War Virginia State Pensions
- Virginia, Revolutionary, War of 1812 & Indian Wars Pensioner List of Alexandria, Virginia
- Virginia, Robert E. Lee Camp Confederate Soldiers’ Home Applications
- Virginia, Roster of Captain Abel Westfall’s Company, 8th Continental Line of Virginia
- Virginia, Roster of Captain Jonathan Clark’s Company, 8th Continental line of Virginia
- Virginia, Roster of Captain Thomas Berry’s Company, 8th Continental Line of Virginia
- Virginia, Roster of Captain William Darke’s Company, 8th Continental Line of Virginia
- Virginia, Roster of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865
- Virginia, Roster of Graduates of the Virginia Military Institute, 1842-1919: with Brief Biographical Notes
- Virginia, Roster of Officers of the Hampton Roads Port of embarkation
- Virginia, Society of War of 1812 Applications, 1970-2009
- Virginia, Soldiers of the War of 1812
- Virginia, Soldiers of Virginia Who fought in her defense in the War between the States, 1861-1865: Muster Rolls: Troops of Cavalry, Companies of Artillery, and Companies of Infantry, organized, Recruited or Enlisted, in Whole or in Part, in the City of Lynchburg during the War between the States
- Virginia, Southern Campaigns Revolutionary War Pension Statements and Rosters
- Virginia, Southern Claims Commission Approved Claims 1871-1880
- Virginia, Southern Claims Commission Approved Claims, 1871-1880
- Virginia, Statewide Military Records
- Virginia, Statewide Military Records
- Virginia, The Appomattox Roster: a List of the paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia Issued at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865
- Virginia, The History of Virginia’s Navy of the Revolution
- Virginia, The Militia Officers 1777-1835; Militia Men 1798-1835
- Virginia, The Muster of the Inhabitants [of] the College Land in Virginia taken the 23rd January 1624
- Virginia, U.S. Military Fatal Casualties of the Korean War
- Virginia, U.S. Military Fatal Casualties of the Korean War for Virginia
- Virginia, U.S. Military Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War
- Virginia, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Applications for the Relief of Needy Confederate Women, 1915-1967
- Virginia, United States Revolutionary War, Virginia Pension Application Files 1830-1875
- Virginia, War of 1812 Pay Rolls and Muster Rolls Index
- Virginia, World War 2 Casualties – Army and Air Force
- Virginia, World War 2 Casualties, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard
- Virginia, World War I American Expeditionary Forces, Deaths, 1917-1919
- Virginia, World War I History Commission Questionnaires
- Virginia, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
- Virginia, World War II Draft Registration Cards 1940-1945
- Virginia, World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1940-1945
- Virginia, World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1940-1947
- Virginia. General Land Office: Military Pensions Revolution, 1775-1783
- Virginia’s Participation in World War I
- Virginia’s Participation in the Spanish American War, Philippine-American War, and China Relief Expedition
- War of 1812 Pay Rolls and Muster Rolls Index
- Warren County, Military Records
- Warren County, Military Records
- Warwick County, Military Records
- Warwick County, Military Records
- Washington County, Civil War Records, 1861-1865
- Washington County, Military Records
- Washington County, Military Records
- Westmoreland County, Military Records
- Westmoreland County, Military Records
- Wise County, Military Records
- Wise County, Military Records
- World War I History Commission Questionnaires
- Wythe County, During the War between the States, 1861-1865
- Wythe County, Military Records
- Wythe County, Military Records
- Wythe County, Militia Roster of the 35th Regiment, 1813
- York County, Military Records
- York County, Military Records
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!