(This page's most recent update is December 2024)
Do you research school records? I’m not talking about yearbooks. Those can be found on the Yearbooks Page. I’m talking about actual school records, such as enrollment, attendance, and grade reports for example. These are interesting source documents because they might record the student’s age, birth date and location, and possibly their parents’ names. All great ways to find this information if you haven’t found them in other documents about your target ancestor. Besides, finding out your grandmother’s grades would be interesting!
The record collection links, listed below, feature school records from the state, and list collections of records that are available for free online.
If you wish to get educated with some basic information regarding what is available and how to navigate your research for school records, you can read these summaries:
- 5 Quick Tips to Get the Most Out of Education Records
- Top 10 Strategies for Finding School Records for Genealogy
- Getting Started With School Records for Genealogy Research
So, what types of records related to schools are maintained and often available?
- School Census
- School Catalogs
- Teacher’s Registers
- Attendance Records
- Report Cards
- Class Logs
- Teacher Rosters
- School Board Meetings/Reports
- Academic Team and Class Photos
- Local Newspaper Articles:
- Graduation Lists
- School Activities
- School Sports
- Student Newspapers
- Alumni Directories and Publications
- Yearbooks
- Yearbook Indexes
And, what types of information can you derive from these school records?
- Name (often includes a middle name which is useful).
- Age
- Physical Characteristics – color/race, disability.
- Birth Date
- Current Residence Address
- Name of Father
- Name of Mother
- Occupations of parents
- Grades
- Classes Taken
- Activities (from Photos)
- Date left school (can help with family residence relocation)
Below is a list of links to free online school record collections for the state;
Note: Some of the links go to sites with not much information and some go to sites with an extensive set of records.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Pennsylvania School Records
- 1904 Report and Roster of Children in the Soldiers’ Orphan Schools
- A Brief History of Westtown Boarding School with a General Catalogue of Officers, Students, etc.
- Alumni Record, Dickinson College
- Alumni Register of Swarthmore College: a Biographical List of managers, Teachers, Graduates and Former Students, 1862-1930
- Annual Register, Franklin and Marshall College and Theological Seminary, 1888-1889, Lancaster
- Bethlehem and Bethlehem School
- Biographical and Historical Catalogue of Washington and Jefferson College
- Biographical Catalogue of Lafayette College, 1832-1912
- Biographical Catalogue of the Matriculates of Haverford College, 1833-1900
- Birmingham, Grier School – Alumnae News, 1942
- Blair County, Student Information, 1877 Common School Report
- Blair County, Student Information, 45th Reunion, Altoona High School Class of 1918
- Blair County, Student Information, Allegheny Furnace School, 1928, First Grade
- Blair County, Student Information, Altoona Catholic High School Class of 1930: Graduates
- Blair County, Student Information, Altoona Catholic High School Class of 1932
- Blair County, Student Information, Altoona High School 55th & 60th Reunions, Class of 1923
- Blair County, Student Information, Altoona High School Alumni Directory, 1921, Part 1, 1877-1909
- Blair County, Student Information, Altoona High School Alumni Directory, 1921, Part 3, 1918-1922
- Blair County, Student Information, Altoona High School Alumni Directory, 1921,Part 2, 1910-1917
- Blair County, Student Information, Altoona High School Class of 1914
- Blair County, Student Information, Altoona High School Class of 1915
- Blair County, Student Information, Altoona High School Class of 1916
- Blair County, Student Information, Altoona High School Class of 1917
- Blair County, Student Information, Altoona High School Class of 1920
- Blair County, Student Information, Altoona High School Class of 1923
- Blair County, Student Information, Altoona High School Class of 1927
- Blair County, Student Information, Altoona High School Class of 1927 25th Reunion
- Blair County, Student Information, Altoona High School Class of 1928
- Blair County, Student Information, Altoona High School Class of 1928 Reunion
- Blair County, Student Information, Altoona High School Class of 1948
- Blair County, Student Information, Antis Township High School, 1931, Commencement
- Blair County, Student Information, Arch Spring School Students, 1911
- Blair County, Student Information, Arch Spring School Students, 1914
- Blair County, Student Information, Brick Church School, 1913-1914
- Blair County, Student Information, Catherine Township Grade School Class Souvenir, 1925-1926, Williamsburg
- Blair County, Student Information, CHIMROCK 1927 Yearbook, Hollidaysburg High School,
- Blair County, Student Information, CHIMROCK, 1928 Yearbook, Hollidaysburg High School
- Blair County, Student Information, Frankstown School No. 10, 1932 School Souvenir, Frankstown Township
- Blair County, Student Information, Friesville School Souvenir, 1916. Greenfield Township
- Blair County, Student Information, Friesville School Souvenir, 1919, Greenfield Township
- Blair County, Student Information, Hollidaysburg High School Class of 1926
- Blair County, Student Information, Hollidaysburg High School Class of 1932
- Blair County, Student Information, Hollidaysburg Seminary Annual Catalog, 1874-1875
- Blair County, Student Information, HOLLIDAYSBURG SEMINARY For Young Ladies, 1886, [Alumnae 1869-1886]
- Blair County, Student Information, Juniata High School Class of 1923
- Blair County, Student Information, Juniata High School Class of 1928
- Blair County, Student Information, Kinch Public School Souvenir, 1905, Tyrone Township
- Blair County, Student Information, McKnight Public School Souvenir, 1906, Antis Township
- Blair County, Student Information, Oak Grove School Souvenir, 1897
- Blair County, Student Information, Pike School, October 1924
- Blair County, Student Information, PURPLE AND Gold, 1927 Yearbook, Altoona Catholic High School
- Blair County, Student Information, PURPLE AND Gold, 1928 Yearbook, Altoona Catholic High School
- Blair County, Student Information, ROOSEVELTIAN, 1929 Roosevelt Junior High School Yearbook, Altoona
- Blair County, Student Information, Ss. Peter & Paul Elementary School, Class of 1939
- Blair County, Student Information, THE Blue AND White, 1924: Hollidaysburg High School Yearbook
- Blair County, Student Information, THE CHIMROCK, 1933 Yearbook, Hollidaysburg High School
- Blair County, Student Information, THE CHIMROCK, 1935 Yearbook, Hollidaysburg High School
- Blair County, Student Information, THE CHIMROCK, Class of 1935: Hollidaysburg High School Reunion
- Blair County, Student Information, THE FALCON, 1925 Yearbook, Tyrone High School
- Blair County, Student Information, THE FALCON, 1928 Yearbook, Tyrone High School – Text Only
- Blair County, Student Information, THE FALCON, 1939 Graduates, Tyrone High School
- Blair County, Student Information, THE H-BURGER, 1929, Jubilee Number: Hollidaysburg [grads 1879-1929]
- Blair County, Student Information, THE H-BURGER, Class of 1930: 30th Reunion
- Blair County, Student Information, THE HORSESHOE, 1925 Yearbook, Altoona High School
- Blair County, Student Information, THE HORSESHOE, 1930 Yearbook, Altoona High School
- Blair County, Student Information, THE HORSESHOE, 1932 Yearbook, Altoona High School
- Blair County, Student Information, THE HORSESHOE, 1933 Yearbook, Altoona High School
- Blair County, Student Information, THE HORSESHOE, 1934 Yearbook, Altoona High School
- Blair County, Student Information, THE HORSESHOE, 1936 Graduates, Altoona High School
- Blair County, Student Information, THE HORSESHOE, 1938 Graduates, Altoona High School
- Blair County, Student Information, THE HORSESHOE, 1939 Graduates, Altoona High School
- Blair County, Student Information, THE HORSESHOE, 1940 Graduates, Altoona High School
- Blair County, Student Information, THE HORSESHOE, 1963 Graduates, Altoona High School
- Blair County, Student Information, THE LOG, 1919: Juniata High School Yearbook
- Blair County, Student Information, THE LOG, 1920: Juniata High School Yearbook
- Blair County, Student Information, THE LOG, 1921: Juniata High School Yearbook
- Blair County, Student Information, THE LOG, 1924: Juniata High School Yearbook
- Blair County, Student Information, THE MicroCOSM, 1924 Yearbook, Altoona High School
- Blair County, Student Information, Tyrone High School Class of 1927
- Blair County, Student Information, Tyrone High School Class of 1930
- Bucknell University, Alumni Catalogue, 1851-1915
- Bucknell University, Alumni Catalogue, 1851-1921
- Bucknell University, Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Bucknell University
- Bucknell University, Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students, 1897-1898
- Carlisle, Alumni Record, Dickinson College
- Carlisle, Indian Census Rolls, Carlisle School, 1911
- Centennial History of Westtown Boarding School, 1799-1899
- Chambersburg Academy, Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Chambersburg Academy, 1874
- Chambersburg Academy: Catalogue; Preparatory to College, Scientific School and Business.
- Chambersburg Area Senior High School, Class of 1962, 20 Year Reunion
- Chambersburg, Chambersburg Academy – Catalog, 1896-97
- Chambersburg, Chambersburg Area Senior High School Class of 1962, 20 Year Reunion
- Chester County, A Historical Survey of the Schools Prior to 1834
- Chester County, Enrollment of Children Between the Ages of 6 and 16 Years of Age … residing in the London Britain [Township], 1902
- Chester County, School Book; a List of Children Returned by the Assessors of the Different Townships of Chester County, 1811-1815, 1826-1835
- Chester County, School Book; a List of Children to be Schooled, 1811-1815, 1826-1835
- Clarion State Normal School Catalog, June 1925, Clarion, Clarion County, PA
- Class of 1879 of the University of Pennsylvania: 1879-1899
- Clearfield County, Directory of the Teachers, 1933-34
- Clearfield County, Grassflat Class Roster 1896-1897
- Delaware County, Haverford College Class of 1924
- Easton, Biographical Catalogue of Lafayette College, 1832-1912
- Easton, Lafayette College – Biographical Records of the Men of Lafayette, 1832-1948
- First Pennsylvania State Normal School: Fifty-fifth Annual Commencement
- Franklin County, – Franklin County Schools for the School Term of 1936
- General Alumni Catalogue of Washington and Jefferson College 1918
- General Catalogue of the Western University of Pennsylvania: 1819-1886
- Germantown, The Stevens School, History and Alumnae Director, 1943
- Harford, Susquehanna County, Franklin Academy Reunion: June 14, 1900, a Complete Catalogue of All Students ever Attending the Academy
- Haverford College, Biographical Catalogue of the Matriculates 1833-1900
- History of Franklin and Marshall College: Franklin College, 1787-1853; Marshall College, 1836-1853; Franklin and Marshall College, 1853-1903
- History of Lehigh University
- History of the University of Pennsylvania: from its Foundation to A.D. 1770, including Biographical Sketches of the Trustees, Faculty, the First Alumni and Others
- Hosensack, The Hosensack Academy
- Indian Census Rolls, Carlisle School, 1911
- Indiana Normal School of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Indiana County, PA, 1896-1897
- Indiana Normal School of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Indiana County, PA, 1922-1923
- Lafayette College, 1826-1893, its History, its Men, their Record
- Lafayette College, Biographical Sketches of the Alumni of from its Organization to the Present Time
- Lafayette College, The Men of Lafayette, 1826-1893: its History, its Men, their Record
- Lancaster, Franklin and Marshall College, A record of the lives of the Deceased Alumni, 1837-1909
- Lancaster, Franklin and Marshall College, Catalogue of Officers and Students, 1787-1903
- Lebanon Valley College, Class of ’61 Reunion: June 4, 1966
- Lehigh University, 50-year Book, Lehigh 1891: Class Entered Lehigh September 14, 1887, Book Published September 14, 1937
- Lewisburg, Bucknell University – Alumni Catalogue, 1851-1910
- London Britain Township, Enrollment of Children Between the Ages of 6 and 16 Years of Age, 1902
- Luzerne County, 1901 St John’s School,
- Luzerne County, 1908 Ross Twp. School Class
- Luzerne County, 1940 Hazleton High School Class
- Luzerne County, 1946 Hazleton High School
- Luzerne County, Briggsville School 1895-1896
- Luzerne County, Broadway School 1889
- Luzerne County, Class of 1929 Hazleton High
- Luzerne County, Class of 1932 Hazleton High
- Luzerne County, Class of 1932 Kingston
- Luzerne County, Class of 1933 Kingston
- Luzerne County, Hazle Township High School Faculty 1934-1935
- Luzerne County, Kingstonian 1928
- Luzerne County, Nescopeck School 1897-1898
- Luzerne County, One Room Schools
- Luzerne County, St. Ann’s Academy of Wilkes-Barre
- Luzerne County, Students of 1902 Nescopeck School
- Luzerne County, Wyoming Seminary 1895
- Millersville, First Pennsylvania State Normal School, Fifty-fifth Annual Commencement
- Nazareth Hall, an Historical Sketch and Roster of Principals, Teachers and Pupils
- Nazareth Hall: an Historical Sketch and Roster of Principals, Teachers and Pupils
- Neighborhood Centre, Nursery Case Files, 1904-1950
- Pennsylvania, Commission of Soldiers’ Orphan Schools – Annual Report, 1911
- Pennsylvania, Roster of Children in the Soldier’s Orphan Schools, 1902 (By County)
- Perry County, The Andersonburg Academy
- Philadelphia – General Alumni Catalogue of the University of Pennsylvania, 1922
- Philadelphia County, Central High School, Class of 1895, 30th Reunion
- Philadelphia County, Central Manuel Training School, Class Day, 1905
- Philadelphia County, Episcopal Hospital School of Nursing, Graduates – 1890-1895
- Philadelphia County, Episcopal Hospital School of Nursing, Graduates – 1896-1901
- Philadelphia County, Episcopal Hospital School of Nursing, Graduates – 1902-1907
- Philadelphia County, Episcopal Hospital School of Nursing, Graduates – 1908-1912
- Philadelphia County, Frankford High School, Commencement, 1942
- Philadelphia County, Kensington High School Class of 1924
- Philadelphia County, Philadelphia High School for Girls, Graduating Class, January 1962
- Philadelphia County, West Philadelphia High School, Class of 1929, 40th Reunion
- Philadelphia Public Schools; Historical, Biographical, Statistical
- Philadelphia, The Public Schools, Historical, Biographical, Statistical
- Schuylkill County, Dresher’s School, Teacher’s Monthly Reports, 1861-1865
- Swarthmore, Alumni Register of Swarthmore College, 1862-1930
- The Bulletin of the Western Theological Seminary
- The Grier School: the First Hundred Years
- The Karux, 1922, Mercersburg Academy, Chambersburg, Franklin County, PA
- The Stevens School, History and Alumnae Directory
- Tyrone, The Grier School: the First Hundred Years
- University of Pennsylvania, Application for Admissions
- University of Pennsylvania, from its Foundation to A.D. 1770, including Biographical Sketches of the Trustees, Faculty, the First Alumni
- University of Pennsylvania, Catalogue of the Trustees, Officers and Graduates of the Departments of Arts and Science and of the Honorary Graduates, 1749-1880
- University of Pennsylvania, Catalogue of the Trustees, Officers and Graduates of the Departments of Arts and Science and of the Honorary Graduates, 1749-1880
- University of Pennsylvania, Classes, 1879-1899
- University of Pennsylvania, General Alumni Catalogue, 1922
- University of Pennsylvania, The Record of the Class of 1907
- University of Pennsylvania. Class of 1907 – The Record of the Class of 1907
- Washington County, Springhill School, Souvenir Roster, 1914,
- Washington, General Alumni Catalogue of Washington and Jefferson College, 1918
- Western University of Pennsylvania – General Catalogue, 1819-1886
- Westtown Boarding School, Centennial History of 1799-1899
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!