(This page's most recent update is January 2025)
Another type of genealogy record that provides tremendous value is tax records. Like city directories and voting registers, for example, they provide information for us between federal censuses. They also can go back to colonial times.
Types of Taxes
- Income tax
- Federal direct tax
- Poll or head tax
- Real property, e.g., land
- Personal property, e.g., livestock, equipment, carriages, enslaved persons
- Other, such as special levies for roads, schools, etc.
Types of Information
- Date
- Residence address; property, license, or goods; value; tax amount; possibly profession, occupation, or trade
- Name of the taxpayer, usually white adult males
- Town/township/city, county, and state of residence
- Owner and/or renter of the property
- Number of white adult males in the home
- Type and value of property
- Livestock owned
- Personal property owned
- Amount of tax owed
- Profession, occupation, or trade
- Number of school-aged children
- Number of enslaved persons
Derivative information, such as birth date, death date, and date of marriage can often be estimated or determined from the presence or absence of a person in a tax list.
Good primers regarding the genealogical value of tax records and more details can be found in these articles:
- The Genealogical Benefits of Tax Records
- Using Poll Tax Records for Genealogy
- Genealogy 101: Tax Records
- Back to the Basics with Tax Records: Part 1
- Back to the Basics with Tax Records: Part 2
- Back to the Basics with Tax Records: Part 3
- United States Taxation
- The Value of Using US Tax Records in Genealogy Research
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Tennessee Tax Records
Listed below are links to tax records that are available for free online for the state:
- Bedford County, Personal Property Tax List, 1840-1842
- Bedford County, Tax Books, 1875-1895, 1897, 1899-1904, 1906-1923, 1925, 1931-1965
- Benton County, Tax Books, 1836-1909
- Bledsoe County, 1836 Tax Lists
- Bledsoe County, Tax Lists
- Blount County, Tax Lists
- Blount County, Tax Books, Districts 1-17, 1846-1856, 1864-1867
- Bradley County, 1839 Tax List
- Bradley County, Tax Lists
- Bradley County, Tax Lists
- Bradley County, Inheritance Taxes and Minutes, 1897-1906
- Bradley County, Tax Books, 1865-1890
- Campbell County, Tax Lists
- Campbell County, Tax Lists
- Carroll County, Tax Books, 1848-1850, 1871, 1902
- Carter County, Tax Lists
- Carter County, Tax Books, 1860-1861, 1863-1864, 1866-1869, 1871-1872, 1875-1880
- Cheatham County, Tax Books, 1856-1949
- Chester County, Tax Books, 1890-1894
- Claiborne County, Tax Books, 1850-1900
- Cocke County, Tax Lists
- Cocke County, Tax Books, 1876-1877, 1881-1884, 1889-1894
- Coffee County, Poll Tax, 1879-1920
- Coffee County, Tax Books, 1836-1899
- Davidson County, Tax List – 1805
- Davidson County, Tax List – 1805
- Davidson County, Tax List – 1812
- Davidson County, Tennessee, Tax List, 1812
- Decatur County, Tax Books, 1888-1889, 1896-1898
- DeKalb County, Tax Books, 1857, 1859-1863, 1865-1870, 1889-1890
- Dickson County 1839 Tax List
- Dickson County, Tax Books, 1831-1965
- Dickson County, Trustee’s Book, 1868-1875
- Dyer County, 1836 Tax List
- Dyer County, Tax Lists
- Dyer County, Tax Books, 1862, 1873-1884
- East Tennessee Early Taxpayers
- Fayette County, Tax List 1836
- Fayette County, Tax List 1836
- Fayette County, Tax List 1836
- Fayette County, Tax List 1836
- Franklin County, Tax and Voter Registration List, 1812
- Franklin County, Tax Lists
- Franklin County, Tax Books, 1852-1878
- Franklin, Report of Taxable Property, 1787
- Gibson County, Tax List – 1836
- Gibson County, Tax List – 1836
- Gibson County, Tax Lists
- Gibson County, Tax Records, 1823-1900
- Gibson County, Tax Records, 1867-1884
- Giles County, Tax List, 1812
- Giles County, Tax Lists
- Grainger County, A List of the Free Taxable Inhabitants in 1805]
- Grainger County, Early Records
- Grainger County, Tax List, 1814-1815
- Grainger County, Tax List, 1814-1815
- Grainger County, Tax Lists
- Grainger County, Tax Lists for 1810
- Grainger County, Tax Duplicates, 1851-1859, 1875-1876, 1879-1882
- Grainger County, Tax Lists, 1797-1837
- Green County, 1805 Enumeration
- Greene County, Tax Books, 1809-1817
- Greene County, Tax List, 1783
- Greene County, Tax Lists
- Greene County, Tax Lists
- Greene County, Tax Books, 1809-1892
- Greene County, Tax Records, 1828-1832
- Grundy County, Tax Books, 1850-1867
- Hamblen County, Tax Books, 1877, 1879-1882, 1886-1889
- Hamilton County, 1836 Civil Districts and Tax Lists
- Hardeman County, Tax Lists
- Hardeman County, Tax Books, 1824-1880
- Hardin County, Record of Tax Sales to the State, 1896-1913
- Hardin County, State Tax on Mortgages, 1917-1928
- Hawkins County, 1809-1812 Tax List
- Hawkins County, Civil District and Tax Lists, 1836
- Hawkins County, Tax Books, 1879-1880, 1886, 1892-1893
- Haywood County, Tax Books, 1834-1888
- Henderson County, Tax List Index
- Henry County, 1836 Tax Record
- Henry County, Tax Books, 1827-1873
- Henry County,1836 Tax Record
- Henryville, Tax Book, 11th District, 1859, 1862, 1863, 1869, 1871
- Hickman County, 1836 Tax Records
- Hickman County, Tax Duplicates, 1867-1871, 1875-1886
- Houston County, Tax Books, 1873-1965
- Humphreys County, Revenue Docket, 1832-1866, 1874-1886
- Humphreys County, Tax Books, 1898-1916
- Jackson County, 1802 Tax List
- Jackson County, Tax Books, 1872-1884
- Jefferson County, Tax List, 1890
- Jefferson County, Tax Books, 1822-1888
- Johnson County, Tax List – 1836
- Johnson County, Tax List, 1836-1839
- Johnson County, Tax Books, 1836-1889
- Knox County, Highway Tax Book, 1888
- Knox County, Road Book, 1886-1900
- Lake County, Tax Books, 1878-1879
- Lauderdale County, Roadwork Excuses and Poll Tax, 1882-1927
- Lauderdale County, Tax Books, 1852-1856, 1873-1887
- Lawrence County, Tax Books, 1859, 1861, 1872, 1875-1876, 1881-1882, 1885-1886
- Lewis County, Notes from the Lewis County Tax Assessors Office, 1917
- Lewis County, Equalization Records, 1898-1914
- Lincoln County, Tax Books, 1846-1867
- Loudon County, Tax Lists
- Loudon County, Tax Lists
- Loudon County, Tax Books, 1870-1878
- Madison County, Poll Tax Records, 1856-1932
- Marion County, Tax Books; Main Assessment Roll, 1875; Tax Duplicate, 1903, 1904
- Marshall County, Tax Record, 1839-1841
- Marshall County, Tax Books, 1839-1843, 1853-1878
- Maury County Tax List – 1832
- Maury County, – 1832 Tax List
- Maury County,- 1832 Tax List
- Maury County, Tax Books, 1811-1878
- McMinn County, Tax Books, (1829-1832, 1872, 1875-1898), 1829-1898
- McNairy County, Tax Books, 1867-1882
- Meigs County, Tax Books, 1839-1863, 1872-1883, 1940-1964
- Monroe County, Tax Books, 1868, 1874, 1899-1900
- Montgomery County, 1798 Property Tax List
- Montgomery County, 1800 Tax List,
- Montgomery County, Tax Lists
- Montgomery County, Tax Books, 1960-1966
- Moore County, Tax Books, 1872-1966
- Morgan County, Tax List – 1848
- Obion County, Tax List 1837
- Obion County, Tax Lists
- Obion County, Civil Cases, 1823-1900; Indexes, 1823-1885
- Obion County, Tax Books, 1825-1885
- Obion County, Tax Records, 1856-1919
- Overton County, Tax Duplicates, 1872-1890
- Perry County, Tax Books, 1873-1878
- Polk County, Tax Books, 1893-1902
- Putnam County, Tax Lists
- Rhea County, Minute Books, 1815-1910
- Roane County, Tax Lists
- Roane County, Tax Lists, 1814-1821
- Roane County, Tax Lists, 1846-1849
- Roane County, Tax Books, 1858-1878
- Robertson County, Tax Books, 1867-1964
- Rutherford County, Tax List, 1809-1849
- Rutherford County, Tax List, 1816
- Rutherford County, Privilege License, 1884-1909
- Rutherford County, Tax Books, 1809-1963; Miscellaneous Tax Book, Main Assessment Roll, 1875-1878
- Rutherford County, Tax Records, Land Sold for Taxes, 1897-1918
- Sequatchie County, Tax Books, 1861-1891
- Sevier County, Tax Books, 1864-1872
- Shelby County, Tax Lists, 1837-1838
- Shelby County, Tax Records, 1846-1896
- Smith County, Tax Lists
- Smith County, Tax Books, 1860-1885
- Smith County, Tax Books, 1871-1965
- Stewart County, Tax Lists
- Stewart County, Tax Books, 1808-1959
- Sullivan County, Tax Books, 1877-1895
- Sumner County, Tax List
- Sumner County, Tax List, 1787-1794
- Sumner County, Tax Lists
- Sumner County, Tax Book Records, 1891-1965
- Tennessee, Assessment Lists
- Tennessee, Tax Records Index, 1810-1820
- Tipton County, Tax Rolls 1837-1838
- U.S., Internal Revenue Assessment Lists, 1862-1874
- Unicoi County, Tax Books, 1876-1899
- Union County, Tax Duplicates, 1854-1860, 1869-1874, 1893
- United States Internal Revenue Assessment Lists, 1862-1874
- Van Buren County, Tax Aggregate Books, 1840-1874
- Warren County, Tax List 1812
- Warren County, Tax Lists
- Warren County, Tax Lists
- Washington County, Miscellaneous Records, 1778-1900
- Washington County, Tax List, 1814-1819
- Washington County, Tax Lists
- Washington County, Tax Lists
- Washington County, Record of Land Sales, 1911-1914
- Washington County, Tax Books, 1778-1885
- Wayne County, 1890 Taxpayers
- Wayne County, Tax Books, 1873-1888
- Weakley County, Probate Records, 1828-1923
- Weakley County, Tax Books, 1842-1874
- White County, 1811 Tax List – Polls & Taxable Property
- White County, Federal Tax Liens, 1955-1966
- White County, Tax Lists
- White County, Tax Book, 1816-1836
- White County, Tax Books, 1811-1965
- Williamson County, Tax Records, 1800-1963
- Wilson County, Tax Lists
- Wilson County, Tax Books, 1821-1964
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!