(This page's most recent update is March 2025)
Probate records and wills are available online from all over the U.S. and are what I consider another hidden gem of information that can assist you in advancing your family history and genealogy research.
What can you find in these records? How about the date of death, spouse’s and children’s names, birth order, sibling’s and siblings’ spouses, parent’s names, and residence locations for all named persons? Also, ownership of land and/or other significant property, business names and occupation, military service, guardianships, and adoptions. Basically, anything owned by the deceased is typically listed and to whom it is to be assigned.
I won’t pretend to be an expert on the probate process – all I know is that I have discovered an amazing amount of good information from probate records and wills as part of my personal genealogy research.
Here are a few good primers on the benefits of searching probate documents and wills:
- FamilySearch – United States Probate Records
- Wills and Probate Records are Genealogy Riches
- How to Use Wills and Estate Records to Learn About Your Ancestors
- Probate Records Could Be the Key to Unlocking Your Family’s Hidden Past
Below, listed are links to probate records, wills, and indexes available for free online for the state.
Note: Please be aware that if you find a desired will or probate record in an index, the holder of the actual materials (e.g., (archive, county court, etc.) may charge a small fee to send you a copy of the material itself.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Virginia Probate and Wills
- Accomack County Accounts of Fiduciaries, 1780-1787, 1851-1894
- Accomack County Accounts of Fiduciaries, 1849-1903
- Accomack County Administrator and Executor Bonds, 1784-1962
- Accomack County Administrator and Executor Bonds, 1797-1863
- Accomack County Inventories, Appraisements and Accounts of Sale, 1828-1893
- Accomack County Official Bonds, 1827-1906
- Accomack County Records of Fiduciaries, 1850-1969
- Accomack County, Wills and Deeds, 1789-1892
- Accomack County, Wills, Deeds, and Orders, General Indexes to Wills, 1663-1922, 1632-1640, 1663-1881
- Accomacke County, 1637-1640
- Albemarle County, Abstract of Wills, Inventories, and Administration Accounts 1748-1800: Will Books
- Albemarle County, Will Books, No. 4, 5, and 6, 1798-1820
- Albemarle County, Wills, 1748-1919; General Index, 1748-1930
- Albemarle County, Unrecorded Deeds for Future Proofs, 1785-1896
- Alexandria County Administrator’s Bond Book, 1847-1850
- Alexandria County Executor’s Bond Book, 1847-1850
- Alexandria County Fiduciary Bond Book, 1851-1877
- Alexandria County General Bond Book, 1850-1855
- Alexandria, Will Books, 1800-1878; Index to Wills, 1800-1951
- Alleghany County, Settlements of Estates, 1831-1892, and Election Returns, 1865-1866
- Alleghany County, Wills and Inventories, 1822-1876; General Index to Wills, 1822-1953
- Amelia County, Will Books, 1734-1865; General Indexes to Wills, 1734-1974
- Amherst County, Abstracts of Wills, Inventories and Administration Accounts 1761-1800, Will Books 1-3
- Amherst County, An Abstract of Will Book A with Full Index, 1801-1854
- Amherst County, Will Books, V. A1-B2, 1810-1897
- Amherst County, Wills; Index to Wills, 1761-1920, 1761-1870
- Augusta County, Administrators, Executors and Guardians Bonds, 1787-1865
- Augusta County, Will Book, V. 2A, 1831-1871
- Augusta County, Will Books, 1745-1871; Index to Wills, 1745-1903
- Augusta County; Staunton District, Will Book, V. 1A, 1789-1828
- Bath County, Administrators and Executors Bonds, 1793-1872
- Bath County, Deeds, Wills, etc., 1809-1871
- Bath County, Will Books, 1791-1876
- Bedford County, Deed and Will Books, V. A-B, 1810-1888
- Bedford County, Index of Wills from 1754 to 1830
- Berkeley County, Executor Bonds, V. 1, 1824-1842
- Bland County, Bonds, 1861-1964
- Bland County, Fiduciary Records and Settlements, 1879-1910
- Botetourt County, Records of Fiduciaries, 1850-1882, 1922-1946
- Botetourt County, Will Books, 1770-1869; General Indexes to Wills, 1770-1972
- Botetourt County, Wills and Other Probate Documents, 1842-1901
- Brunswick County, Will Books, 1732-1925; General Index to Wills, 1732-1948
- Brunswick County. Clerk of the County Court, Court Order Books, 1732-1904
- Campbell County, Will Book, 1810-1878
- Campbell County, Will Books, 1782-1870; General Index to Will Books, 1782-1947
- Caroline County Bond Books, 1938-1983
- Caroline County Clerk’s Order Books, 1904-1918, 1973-1983
- Caroline County Index to Will and Fiduciary acct., 1814-1819, 1853-[1925?]
- Caroline County, Order Books, 1732-1824; Index to Wills, Inventories and Administrations 1732-1800
- Caroline County, Will Records, 1814-1866; General Indexes to Wills, 1814-1983
- Caroline County, Wills 1742, 1762-1830 and Plats 1777-1847
- Carroll County, Will Books, 1842-1875; General Index to Wills, 1842-1953
- Charles City County, County Court Records of Deeds, Wills, and Estate Accounts, 1689-90, 1763 -64, 1766-74
- Charles City County, Will Books, 1789-1878; General Index to Wills and Fiduciary Accounts, 1789-1954
- Charlotte County, Will Books, 1765-1904; General Index to Wills, 1765-1904
- Chesapeake, Brief Abstract of Lower Norfolk County and Norfolk County Wills, 1637-1710
- Chesapeake, Brief Abstracts of Norfolk County Wills, 1710-1753
- Chesapeake, Deeds and Wills, 1637-1900; General to Deeds and Wills, 1637-1900, 1967-1974
- Chesapeake, Original Wills, 1693-1821
- Chesapeake, Wills, 1755-1868, 1968; General Index to Wills, 1755-1950
- Chesterfield County, Will Books, 1749-1873, 1928-1931, 1967; Index, 1749-1958
- Clarke County, Will Books, 1836-1904; General Index to Wills 1836-1983
- Craig County, Will Books, 1851-1920, 1971-1977; Index to Wills, ca. 1848-1894
- Culpeper County, Mixed Probate Records, 1749-1870; Index, 1749-1930
- Culpeper County, Will Abstracts
- Culpeper County, Will Books B and C, Court Suits, Loose Papers, Inscriptions
- Cumberland County, Will Books, with Inventories and Accounts, 1749-1887; General Indexes to Wills, 1749-1975
- Dinwiddie County Fiduciary Account Books, 1892-1927, 1973-1975
- Dinwiddie County, Fiduciary Book, 1850-1871, and Fiduciary Bond Books, 1850-1929
- Dinwiddie County, Loose Wills, ca. 1758-1869
- Dinwiddie County, Will Books, 1830-1939, 1974-1975; General Indexes, 1830-1975
- Essex County Wills and Deeds, 1703-1706, 1711-1717
- Essex County, List of Fiduciaries Who Have Qualified in, or Been Appointed by the County Court, 1870-1956
- Essex County, Rappahannock (old) County, Deeds, Wills, etc., 1656-1901; General Indexes, 1656-1936
- Essex County, Records, 1717-1722 Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates, No. 3, 1717-1722
- Essex County, Reports of Trustees under Deeds of Trust, 1896-1940
- Essex County, Will Book, 1809-1814, 1823
- Essex County, Will Books, 1717-1904; General Indexes to Wills and Fiduciary Accounts, 1717-1904
- Essex County, Will Books, 1834-1902, 1978; General Index to Wills, 1904-1978
- Fairfax County, Administrators’ Bonds, 1752-1782
- Fairfax County, Will Books, 1742-1866; General Index to Wills, 1742-1951
- Fauquier County, Deeds, Wills, etc. 1809-1829
- Fauquier County, Land Causes, 1809-1850
- Fauquier County, Miscellaneous Records, 1759-1807
- Fauquier County, Will Books, 1759-1912, 1966-1967; Index, 1759-1924
- Floyd County, Will Books, 1831-1900, 1975-1980; General Indexes to Wills, 1831-1980
- Fluvanna County, Fiduciary Bond Books, 1865-1913
- Fluvanna County, Will Book, 1831-1834, 1863-1867
- Fluvanna County, Will Books, 1777-1912; General Indexes, 1777-1976
- Franklin County Will Book, V. 2, 1804-1901
- Franklin County Will Books, 1786-1906; General Index, 1786-1948
- Franklin County, Abstracts from Will Book 1, 1786-1812
- Frederick County, Administrator Bonds, 1762-1897
- Frederick County, Administrator Bonds, 1797-1849, 1866-1913
- Frederick County, Executors Bonds, V. 8, 1850-1865
- Frederick County, Fiduciary Books, 1847-1904
- Frederick County, Will Books, 1743-1898; General Index to Wills, 1743-1917
- Frederick County, Will Books, 1791-1859
- Frederick County, Abstracts of Wills, Inventories, and Administrations Accounts
- Fredericksburg Deeds and Wills Index 1727-1920
- Fredericksburg, Will Books, 1782-1928, 1952-1956; General to Wills, 1782-1973
- Giles County Bond Books, 1833-1921
- Giles County Will Books, 1806-1924; General Index to Wills, 1806-1953
- Goochland County, Deed Books (with Wills, Inventories, etc.), 1728-1901; General Indexes to Deeds, Wills, etc., 1728-1969
- Goochland County, Wills and Deeds
- Grayson County, Will Book 1, 1796-1839
- Grayson County, Will Book, V. [4?]A, 1848-1899
- Grayson County, Will Books, 1796-1869; General Index to Wills, 1796-1953
- Green County, Stanardsville, Will Book No. 1 & 1A
- Greensville County, Common Law Will Book, 1824-1876
- Greensville County, Will Books, 1781-1864; General Index to Wills, 1781-1904 [1928]
- Halifax County, Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery, Will Book, V. A-1, 1833-1857
- Halifax County, Will Books, 1753-1903; General Indexes, 1752-1949
- Hampton, General Index to Deeds and Wills, 1759-1899; Mixed Probate and Land Records, 1642-1859
- Hampton, Minute Books, Order Books and Court Records, 1684-1861
- Hampton, Wills [loose], Etc., 1701-1832 (1904)
- Hanover County, Miscellaneous Probate and Land Records, 1733-1792
- Hanover County, Wills, Inventories, and Accounts in the Court of Quarterly Session and in the Court of Monthly Session, 1785-1836, 1886; 1862-1868
- Hanover County, Wills, Inventories, and Accounts, 1851-1865; 1862-1895
- Henrico County, County Court Records, Deeds, Wills, Settlements of Estates, etc., 1677-1787
- Henrico County, Court Records, 1677-1739
- Henrico County, Mixed Probate Records, 1781-1904
- Henry County, Will Books, 1777-1867; General Indexes, 1777-1949
- Isle of Wight County Records, 1634-1951
- Isle of Wight County Wills Abstracts
- Isle of Wight County, General Index to Deeds, 1688-1890; Deeds, 1688-1900; Wills, 1715-1726; Court Orders, 1755-1757
- Isle of Wight County, Mixed Probate Records, 1643-1866; to Wills, 1850-1985
- Isle of Wight County, Mixed Probate Records, 1833-1902
- Isle of Wight County, Probate Bonds, 1837-1907
- Isle of Wight County, Probate Records, 1769-ca. 1900
- Isle of Wight County, Wills and Administrations 1647-1800
- Isle of Wight County, Wills and Administrations, 1647-1800
- Isle of Wight County, Wills and Administrations, 1647-1800
- Isle of Wight, Fiduciary Records, 1906-1930
- Isle of Wight, Guardian Records, 1766-1879
- Jefferson County, Court Records, 1802-1901
- King and Queen County, Will Book, 1864-1893; General Index to Wills, [1841?]-1981
- King George County, Inventories and Fiduciary Accounts, 1721-1898; General Index to Fiduciary Accounts, 1721-1921
- King George County, Record of Fiduciaries, 1909-1982
- King George County, Deeds, 1721-1868; Inventories and Appointments, 1745-1784; General Indexes to Deeds, 1721-1892, 1980-1982
- King William County, Miscellaneous Records (photostats), 1702-1884; General Index, 1701-1885
- King William County, Miscellaneous Records, 1702-1880
- King William County, Will Books, 1885-1927, 1969-1974
- Lancaster County, Administrator and Executor Bonds, 1795-1798
- Lancaster County, Court Records, Will Books 28 & 29
- Lancaster County, Deed and Will Books, 1652-1900; General Indexes, 1652-1900
- Lancaster County, Estate Books, 1796-1912; General Index to Fiduciary Accounts, etc., 1750-1914
- Lancaster County, Miscellaneous Bonds, 1721, 1740-1804
- Lancaster County, Will Book, 1690-1949; General Indexes to Wills, etc., ca. 1700-1977
- Lancaster County, Will Book, 1831-1857
- Lancaster County, Wills and Probate Information
- Lancaster County, Abstracts Wills 1653-1800
- Lee County, Court Records
- Lee County, Deeds by Sheriff, V. 4 1/2, 1803-1860
- Lee County, Fiduciary Settlements, V. 1, 1853-1872
- Lee County, Will Books, 1793-1930, 1957-1963; General Index to Wills, 1793-1944
- Lee County, Index to Will Book No. 1, 1800-1868
- Loudon County Wills Indexes
- Loudoun County, Will Books, 1757-1879; Indexes, 1757-1949
- Louisa County, Fiduciary Accounts, 1854-1886
- Louisa County, Will Books, 1745-1865; General Index to Wills, 1742-1947
- Louisa County, Will Books, 1810-1901
- Lunenburg County, Mixed Probate Records and Index, 1746-1949
- Lunenburg County, Wills, 1746-1825
- Lynchburg, Abstract of Will Book A with Index of Testators and Legatees
- Lynchburg, Will Book, Vol. 1, 1826-1876
- Lynchburg, Will Books, 1809-1924; General Index to Wills, Etc., [1809-1913?]
- Madison County Will Books, 1819-1914; General Index to Wills, 1820-1943
- Madison County, Will Books, 1793-1921; General Index to Wills, 1793-1905
- Madison County, Wills, 1793-1820
- Marshall County Wills, Loose Papers, 1848-1856
- Mecklenburg County Clerk’s Order Book, V. 2, 1921-1931
- Mecklenburg County Decrees, 1843-1844
- Mecklenburg County Fiduciary Books, 1765-1947
- Mecklenburg County Guardians’ Bond Book, 1765-1850
- Mecklenburg County Index to Old Orders etc. of Interest, 1767-1837
- Mecklenburg County Will Records, 1765-1922; General Index to Wills and List of Heirs, Decedents, 1765-1948
- Middlesex County, Administration Bond Books, 1767-1850
- Middlesex County, Bond Books, 1875-1904
- Middlesex County, Bond Books, 1941-1949
- Middlesex County, Common Law Will Book, 1844-1890
- Middlesex County, Executor Bond Books, 1811-1849
- Middlesex County, Fiduciary and Other Bond Books, 1847-1875
- Middlesex County, Fiduciary Bond Book, 1854-1875
- Middlesex County, Guardian Account Books, 1820-1857
- Middlesex County, Will Book, 1819-1844
- Middlesex County, Will Books, 1698-1870; General Index to Wills, 1675-1950
- Middlesex County, Wills, etc. (loose Wills), 1675-1798
- Middlesex County, Wills, etc. (photostat Copies), 1675-1798
- Middlesex County, Miscellaneous Journal, 1864-1909
- Montgomery County, Estate Accounts, Inventories, and Settlements, 1821-1889
- Montgomery County, General Index to Mixed Probate Records, 1773-1953; Mixed Probate Records, 1797-1874
- Montgomery County, Will Book 1, 1786-1809
- Montgomery County, General Index to Deeds, 1773-1933; Deeds, 1773-1868; Wills, 1773-1797
- Nelson County, Will Books, 1808-1931; General Index to Wills, etc., 1808-1966
- New Kent County, Loose Wills and Inventories, 1864-1865
- Norfolk, Brief Abstract of Wills, 1637-1710
- Norfolk, Wills, 1784-1868; General Index to Wills, 1784-1928
- Northampton County, Accounts of Fiduciary, 1850-1914
- Northampton County, Completed Cases, 1819-1828
- Northampton County, Completed Cases, 1843-1883
- Northampton County, Court Records including Wills, Estate Inventories and Appraisements, 1819-1828, 1811-1831
- Northampton County, Court Records of Orphan, Guardian, and Estate Accounts, 1811-1841, 1842-1850
- Northampton County, Order and Minute Books, 1655-1904
- Northampton County, Will Books, 1632-1897, 1968-1973; General Indexes, 1632-1973
- Northampton County, Wills, Estate Accounts and Inventories, 1831-1901
- Northampton County, Deeds, Wills, Court Orders, etc., 1640-1867; Index to Deeds, 1632-1917
- Northumberland County, Deeds and Orders, and Record Books, 1649-1749
- Northumberland County, Estate Books, 1847-1912
- Northumberland County, Guardianship Accounts, 1788-1923
- Northumberland County, Land Records: Deeds and Miscellaneous Papers, 1764-1797, 1865-1867
- Northumberland County, Record and Deed Books, 1749-1906; General Index to Deeds, 1749-1892
- Northumberland County, Wills, 1847-1912; General Index to Wills, No. 1, 1749-1950
- Nottoway County, Will Records, 1789-1964; General Indexes, 1865-1975
- Orange County Wills and Probate Records
- Orange County Final Chancery Decrees, 1868-1900
- Orange County Guardians Accounts, 1825-1852
- Orange County Index to Wills, 1734-1947; Will Books, 1735-1906
- Page County, Will Book, 1870-1885
- Page County, Will Books, 1831-1901; General Indexes to Wills, 1831-1985
- Page County, Administrators’ Bond Books, 1850-1934
- Patrick County, Will Books, 1791- 1921, 1959-1962; General Indexes to Wills, 1791-1974
- Petersburg, Hustings Court, Abstracts of Will Book 1 and Will Book 2 with Index
- Petersburg, Will Books, 1784-1898, Index to Wills, 1784-1973
- Pittsylvania County, Accounts current, Inventories, etc., 1767-1949; General Index to Accounts current, Inventories, etc., 1767-1949
- Pittsylvania County, Deed Books, 1767-1901 (with Wills 1767-1820); Indexes to Deeds, 1767-1934
- Pittsylvania County, Memorandum of Facts for Decedents or Wards, 1971-1973
- Pittsylvania County, Records of Qualifications of Fiduciaries, 1850-1938
- Pittsylvania County, A List of Wills, 1800-1870
- Pittsylvania County, Wills, Inventories, and Accounts current, 1809-1865, 1888-1906
- Pleasants County Bonds, 1854-1952
- Pleasants County Inventories of Estates, 1851-1929
- Powhatan County, General and Supplementary Indexes to Deeds, 1777-1947; Deeds, 1809-1866; Wills, 1809-1898
- Powhatan County, General Index to Wills, 1777-1947; Wills, Inventories & Accounts, 1777- 1868
- Prince Edward County Abstracts of Wills: Books nos. 1-7, 1754-1837
- Prince Edward County, Record and Will Books, 1791-1899
- Prince Edward County, Will Books, 1754-1869; General Indexes to Wills, 1754-1915, 1937, 1974-1984
- Prince George County 1733-1792: Abstracts of Record Books and Miscellaneous Wills
- Prince George County, Estate Inventories and Accounts, 1835-1841
- Prince George County, Record of Marriages and Wills 1801-1850
- Prince George County, Surveyor’s Platt Book, Deeds, Wills, Inventories, and Settlements of Estates, 1711-1792
- Prince William County, Bond Book of Executors of Wills, 1753-1786, 1813-1847, 1852-1873
- Prince William County, General Index to Wills, 1734-1951; Wills, Inventories & Accounts, 1734- 1872
- Prince William County, Land Causes, 1789-1849
- Rappahannock County, General Index to Bond Books
- Rappahannock County, Guardian, Administrator, and Executor Bonds, 1833-1850
- Rappahannock County, Will Book A, 1833-1878
- Rappahannock County, Will Book, 1833-1878
- Rappahannock County, Will Books 1829-1877
- Rappahannock County, Will Books, 1833-1866; General Indexes, 1833-1986
- Rappahannock County, Reports of Administrators, etc., 1844-1851
- Rappahannock County, Wills, 1656-1692
- Richmond County, Account Books, 1724-1866
- Richmond County, Wills and Inventories, 1699-1879; General Index to Wills, 1699-1950
- Richmond, Will Books, 1874-1909
- Roanoke County General Index to Mixed Probate Records, 1838-1953; Mixed Probate Records, 1838-1903
- Rockbridge County, Executor Bond Books, 1810-1889
- Rockbridge County, Executor Bond Books, 1825-1869
- Rockbridge County, Will Book, 1809-1874
- Rockbridge County, Will Books, 1778-1902; General Index, 1778-1925
- Rockingham County Administrators’ Bonds, 1778-1874
- Rockingham County Bond Books, 1873-1898
- Rockingham County Bond Books, 1905-1920
- Rockingham County Executors’ Bonds, 1778-1854
- Rockingham County Fee Books, Fiduciary Accounts, 1924-1952
- Rockingham County Fiduciary Bond Book, 1865-1969
- Rockingham County Fiduciary Bond Books, 1873-1903
- Rockingham County General Indexes to Wills and Fiduciaries, 1787-1979
- Rockingham County Settlement Books, 1871-1904; Index to Will Books and Settlement Books, 1864-1886
- Rockingham County Will and Settlement Books, 1867-1903
- Rockingham County Will Book, 1803-1862
- Russell County, Will Books, 1803-1910; Fiduciary Settlements, 1922-1930; General Index to Wills and Fiduciaries, 1803-1929
- Scott County, Will Books, 1816-1868, with Index, 1815-ca. 1925
- Shenandoah County, Will Books (loose Documents), 1772-1811
- Shenandoah County, Will Books, 1772-1866; General Indexes to Wills, 1772-1925
- Shenandoah County, Wills and Accounts Book, 1809-1863
- Shenandoah County, Wills and Settlements Books, 1856-1913
- Shenandoah County, Will Records, 1771-1791
- Smyth County, Will Books, 1832-1901; General Indexes to Wills, 1832-1969
- Southampton County Abstracts Will Book 1, 1749-1762: with Inventories and Accounts
- Southampton County, Will Books, with Inventories and Accounts, 1749-1916; General Index to Wills, 1749-1937
- Southampton County, Wills and Administrations, 1749-1800
- Spotsylvania County Deeds and Wills Index 1722-1921
- Spotsylvania County Guardian, Administrator and Executor Bonds, 1849-1851
- Spotsylvania County, 1721-1800: Being Transcriptions, from the Original Files at the County Court House, of Wills, Deeds, Administrators’ and Guardians’ Bonds, Marriage Licenses, and Lists of Revolutionary Pensioners
- Spotsylvania County, Will Books, with Inventories and Accounts, 1722-1911; General Index 1722-1947
- Spotsylvania County, Wills and Other Probate Records, 1789-1895
- Stafford County Estate Accounts, 1827-1834, 1852-1873
- Stafford County, Abstracts of Deeds, Wills, and Court Order Books
- Stafford County, Court Records, 1664-1693; Order Books, 1806-1827; Scheme Book, 1790-1793
- Stafford County, Deed and Will Books, 1699-1900; General Indexes, 1664-1977
- Stafford County, Fiduciary Register, 1871-1904
- Stafford County, Record Book, 1686-1694
- Stafford County, Will Book, 1865-1929; General Index to Wills
- Suffolk, Will Books, 1866-1872, 1881-1919
- Surry County, Administrators Bonds, 1797-1891
- Surry County, Deeds, Wills, Inventories, etc., 1645-1686
- Surry County, Probate Records
- Surry County, Wills and Deeds 1652-1907
- Surry County, Guardian and Fiduciary Accounts, 1672-1922, 1947-1949
- Sussex County, Will Books, 1754-1864; Index to Wills, 1754-1948
- Tazewell County Probate Records Index
- Tazewell County Will Books, 1800-1932; General Indexes to Wills, 1800-1985
- Tazewell County, Bond Books, 1843-1903
- Virginia Beach, Brief Abstract of Lower Norfolk County and Norfolk County Wills, 1637-1710
- Virginia Beach, Index to Wills and Marriages, 1754-1799
- Virginia Genealogies and County Records
- Virginia Index to Wills and Administrations
- Virginia Will Abstracts pre-1799
- Virginia Wills and Administrations, 1632-1800;an Index of Wills Recorded in Local Courts, 1632-1800, and of Administrations on Estates Shown by Inventories of the Estates of intEstates Recorded in Will (and Other) Books of Local Courts, 1632-1800
- Virginia, Livingston Collection, Will Records, 1751-1867
- Warren County, Administrator Bond Book, 1850-1891
- Warren County, Wills, 1836-1866; General Index to Wills, 1836-1904
- Washington County, Deed Books, 1778-1887; Wills, 1811-1813; General Indexes to Deeds, 1776-1900
- Washington County, Deed Books, 1789-1840; General Index to Deeds, 1789-1840
- Washington County, Guardians’ Accounts, 1840-1919
- Washington County, Will Books, 1777-1908; General Index to Wills, divisors and divisees, 1777-1937
- Westmoreland County Will Abstracts
- Westmoreland County General Index to Deeds, 1653-1898; Mixed Deeds and Wills, 1723-1868
- Westmoreland County Miscellaneous Land and Probate Records, 1654-1790
- Westmoreland County Records and Inventories of Estates, 1723-1746, 1752-1756, 1767-1776, 1790-1867, 1942-1944, 1967-1968
- Westmoreland County Will Index, General Index to Wills, 1653-1950
- Westmoreland County, Mixed Deeds, Wills, Court Orders, and Poll Lists, 1653-1859
- Westmoreland County, Orders, 1690/91-1698: Probates and Administrations
- Westmoreland County, Wills, 1654-1800
- Williamsburg, Wills
- Winchester, Will Books, 1794-1874; General to Wills, Estates, Etc., 1794-1976
- Wythe County, Deed Book, V. 1-A, 1810-1828, 1845
- Wythe County, Will Books 1-2, 1790-1822
- Wythe County, Wills, 1790-1906; General Index to Wills, 1790-1911
- York County Estate Inventories
- York County, Book 3, Wills, Deeds, and Orders, Pages 5-60, 1657-1659
- York County, Deeds, Orders, Wills, 1633-1710; Orders, Wills, 1709-1732; Wills and Inventories, 1732-1811
- York County, Will Books, 1811-1909; General Indexes to Wills, 1811-1942, 1972-1973
- York County, Wills, Estate Administrations, Inventories, Appraisements and Accounts, 1831-1858
- Yorktown, Court Records, 1787-1794
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!