(This page's most recent update is October 2024)
Iowa is one of the states that does not have a single central online state repository for searching historical newspapers, however, there are numerous library and county-wide online collections that are quite good (and abundant). Several states use the Library of Congress Chronicling America site as their main central online site for searching old newspapers and currently, Iowa has many newspapers available on that site. There are hundreds of free online newspapers available on other sites and there are collections available on subscription sites. Below is a list of where the titles are stored and the link so that you can access them.
There are almost 4,000 newspapers that have been published in the Hawkeye State – certainly not all of them are searchable online. But there are several that are indeed available. So go for it – find your Iowa ancestors and all the interesting articles that capture the stories of their lives.
Please note that I have not always entered the dates that are included in the collections, as I suspect they will change as more items are digitized. Also, I suspect that some of these links may change over time – so if there is a dead link – please use your favorite search engine to find their new location.
(Recently added links are in BOLD)
Iowa Historical Newspapers
Free Sites:
Statewide Collections:
The Links for Chronicling America go to the new Version 2.0
- Audubon County Journal (Exira, Iowa) 1884-1993
- Audubon County Republican (Audubon, Audubon Co., Iowa) 1885-1894
- Audubon Republican (Audubon, Iowa) 1894-1925
- Bloomington Herald (Bloomington, I. T. [Iowa]) 1840-1849
- Buchanan County Bulletin (Independence, Iowa) 1869-1891
- Buchanan County Bulletin and Guardian (Independence, Iowa) 1866-1869
- Burlington Hawk-Eye (Burlington, Iowa) 1845-185?
- Burlington Tri-Weekly Hawk-Eye (Burlington [Iowa]) 1852-1855
- Cedar Falls Gazette (Cedar Falls, Iowa) 1860-1895
- Charles City Intelligencer (Charles City, Floyd County, Iowa) 1864-1866
- Charles City Republican Intelligencer (Charles City, Iowa) 1861-1864
- Council Bluffs Bugle (City of Council Bluffs, Iowa) 1853-1857
- Council Bluffs Bugle (Council Bluffs, Iowa) 1860-1868
- Cresco Plain Dealer (Cresco, Howard County, Iowa) 1913-1945
- Daily Davenport Democrat (Davenport, Iowa) 1864-1874
- Daily Davenport Gazette (Davenport, Iowa) 1854-1855
- Daily Democrat and News (Davenport, Iowa) 1859-1864
- Daily Iowa State Democrat (Davenport, Iowa) 1856-1859
- Decorah Public Opinion (Decorah, Winneshiek County [Iowa]) 1895-1928
- Decorah-Posten (Decorah, Iowa) 1874-1903
- Decorah-Posten Og Ved Arnen (Decorah, Iowa) 1903-1972
- Demoine Courier (Ottumwa, Iowa) 1854-1856
- Der Demokrat (Davenport, Iowa) 186?-1868
- Der Tägliche Demokrat (Davenport, Iowa) 186?-1918
- Des Moines Courier ([Ottumwa] Iowa) 1848-1854
- Du Buque Visitor (Dubuque, Lead Mines, Wisconsin Territory) 1836-1837
- Evening Times-Republican (Marshalltown, Iowa) 1890-1923
- Fest=chronik (Dubuque, Iowa) 1892-1892
- Hawk-Eye (Burlington, Iowa) 1843-1845
- Iowa Baptist Standard (Des Moines, Iowa) 1897-1???
- Iowa Capitol Reporter (Iowa City, Iowa) 1841-1855
- Iowa News (Dubuque, Upper Mississippi Lead Mines, Wisconsin Territory) 1837-1841
- Iowa State Bystander (Des Moines, Iowa) 1894-1916
- Iowa Territorial Gazette and Advertiser (Burlington, Iowa Territory [Iowa]) 1840-1846
- Iowa Voter (Knoxville, Iowa) 1867-1874
- Knoxville Journal (Knoxville, Iowa) 1874-1986
- Luxemburger Gazette (Dubuque, Iowa) 1871-1918
- Manchester Democrat (Manchester, Iowa) 1875-1930
- Missouri Valley Times (Missouri Valley, Iowa) 1874-1931
- Muscatine Journal (Bloomington, Iowa) 1849-185?
- Muscatine Weekly Journal (Muscatine, Iowa) 185?-1890
- New Oregon Plaindealer (New Oregon, Iowa) 1859-1866
- North Iowa Times (McGregor, Iowa) 1867-Current
- Ottumwa Semi-Weekly Courier (Ottumwa, Iowa) 1899-1903
- Ottumwa Semi-Weekly Courier (Ottumwa, Iowa) 1916-1918
- Ottumwa Tri-Weekly Courier (Ottumwa, Iowa) 1903-1916
- Ottumwa Weekly Courier (Ottumwa, Wapello County, Iowa) 1872-1899
- Pokrok (Chicago, Ill.) 1867-1878
- Quasqueton Guardian (Quasqueton, Buchanan County, Iowa) 1856-1858
- Sioux City Register (Sioux City, Iowa) 1858-1871
- St. Charles City Republican Intelligencer (St. Charles City [Charles City], Iowa) 1857-1861
- St. Charles Republican Intelligencer (St. Charles [Charles City], Iowa) 1856-1857
- Svenska Monitoren (Sioux City, Iowa) 18??-1939
- Tama County Republican (Toledo, Tama County, Iowa) 1867-1872
- The Buchanan County Guardian (Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa) 1858-1864
- The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye (Burlington [Iowa]) 1860-1876
- The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye (Burlington, Iowa) 1857-1858
- The Bystander (Des Moines, Iowa) 1916-1922
- The Cedar Co. News-Letter (Tipton, Iowa) 1853-1853
- The Cedar County Advertiser (Tipton, Iowa) 1853-1856
- The Council Bluffs Nonpareil (Council Bluffs [Iowa]) 1857-1867
- The Daily Gate City (Keokuk, Iowa) 1855-1916
- The Daily Gate City and Constitution-Democrat (Keokuk, Iowa) 1916-1922
- The Davenport Daily Gazette (Davenport, Iowa) 1856-1869
- The Davenport Gazette (Davenport, Scott Co., Iowa) 1841-185?
- The Denison Review (Denison, Iowa) 1867-Current
- The Hawk-Eye and Iowa Patriot (Burlington, I.T. [Iowa]) 1839-1843
- The Iowa Patriot (Burlington [Iowa]) 1839-1839
- The Iowa Plain Dealer (New Oregon, Howard County, Iowa) 1867-1895
- The Iowa Transcript (Toledo, Tama County, Iowa) 1858-1866
- The Leon Reporter (Leon, Iowa) 1887-1930
- The Miners’ Express (Dubuque, Iowa) 1849-1854
- The North Iowa Times (M’gregor [i.e. McGregor], Iowa) 1856-1857
- The Oskaloosa Herald (Oskaloosa, Mahaska County, Iowa) 1885-1919
- The Tipton Advertiser (Tipton, Cedar Co., Iowa) 1856-1962
- The Toledo Chronicle (Toledo, Tama County, Iowa) 1873-1924
- The Weekly Avalanche (Des Moines, Iowa) 1891-1???
- The Weekly Hawk-Eye (Burlington, Iowa) 1858-1860
- The Weekly North Iowa Times (McGregor, Iowa) 1857-1867
- The Weekly Oskaloosa Herald (Oskaloosa, Iowa) 1855-1885
- The Weekly Ottumwa Courier (Ottumwa, Iowa) 1857-1872
- Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer (Cresco, Howard County, Iowa) 1895-1913
- Webster City Freeman (Webster City, Hamilton County, Iowa) 1884-1946
- Weekly Council Bluffs Bugle (Council Bluffs, Iowa) 1857-1860
- Weekly Hawk-Eye and Telegraph (Burlington, Iowa) 1855-1857
- Weekly Miners’ Express (Dubuque, Iowa) 184?-1849
- Weekly New Oregon Plain Dealer (New Oregon, Howard County, Iowa) 1866-1867
Google News Archive
- Akron – Akron Hometowner
- Boonsboro – Boone County Republican
- Carlisle – The Carlisle Citizen
- Carroll City – The Carroll Herald
- Clinton – The Clinton Weekly Age
- Clinton – The Clinton Age
- Clinton – The Sunday Morning Age
- Clinton – The Clinton Weekly News
- Clinton – Clinton Daily Age
- Clinton – The Clinton Semi-Weekly Age
- Clinton – The Iowa Age
- Clinton – The Clinton Morning Age
- Clinton – The Clinton Evening News
- Davenport – Davenport Democrat
- Davenport – The Daily Morning News
- Davenport – Davenport Weekly Democrat
- Davenport – The Davenport Gazette
- Davenport – Davenport Weekly Republican
- Davenport – Davenport Daily Republican
- Dayton – Dayton Review
- Decorah – The Decorah Journal
- Decorah – Decorah Public Opinion
- Dubuque – Dubuque Sunday Herald
- Dubuque – Dubuque Telegraph-Herald
- Dubuque – Weekly Express and Herald
- Dubuque – Dubuque Daily Herald
- Dubuque – The Telegraph-Herald
- Dubuque – Dubuque Herald
- Dubuque – Daily Dubuque Herald
- Dubuque – Iowa News
- Dubuque – Daily Express and Herald
- Dubuque – The Telegraph-Herald and Times-Journal
- Dubuque – Dubuque Weekly Observer
- Dubuque – Dubuque Daily Telegraph
- Dubuque – Dubuque Democratic Herald
- Elk Horn – The Danish Villages Voice
- Elk Horn – Elk Horn-Kimballton Review
- George – Lyon County News
- Harlan – Harlan News Advertiser
- Harlan – The Shelby County Republican
- Hull – Sioux County Index-Reporter
- Inwood – West Lyon Herald
- Inwood – Inwood Herald
- Kalona – The Highland Review
- Keokuk – The Sunbeam
- Keokuk – Keokuk Daily Post
- Keokuk – Keokuk Dispatch
- Keokuk – Keokuk News
- Keokuk – Keokuk Saturday Post
- Lone Tree – The Lone Tree Reporter
- Lyons – Clinton Mirror
- Lyons – Lyons Weekly Mirror
- Lyons – The Lyons Mirror
- Mount Vernon – The Hawkeye Record
- Mount Vernon – Mount Veron Hawk-Eye
- Moville – Moville Record
- Northwood – The Northwood Anchor
- Norwalk – N/warren Town and County News
- Ogden – The Ogden Reporter
- Pleasantville – Marion County News
- Red Oak – The People’s Telephone
- Rock Rapids – Lyon County Reporter
- Rome – Rock Rapids Review
- Spencer – The Daily Reporter
- Spencer – The Sunday Times
County and Library Collections
Adair County
Casey Public Library
- Adair News
- Casey Vindicator
- Casey Weekly Vindicator
- Menlo Journal
- Soldier Sentinel
- Vindicator
Adams County
Adams County Historical Newspapers (1876–2000)
- Adams County Gazette
- Adams County Free Press
- Ruthven Free Press
- Ruthven Zipcode
- Ruthven News
- Adams County Union Republican
- Adams County Union
Allamakee County
Meehan Memorial Lansing Public Library
- Allamakee Democrat
- Lansing Chronicle
- Lansing Journal
- Lansing Mirror
- Lansing Morning Journal
- Mirror and Chronicle
- North Iowa Journal
- The Allamakee Democrat
- The Allamakee Journal
- The Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror
- The Daily Journal
- The Lansing Journal
- The Lansing Mirror
- The Lansing Patriot
- The Lansing Weekly Mirror
- The Lansing Weekly Union
- The Mirror and Chronicle
- The North Iowa Journal
- The Weekly Union
- Graphic
- Iowa Volksblatt
- Postville Herald
- Postville Herald Leader
- Postville Herald-Leader
- Postville Leader
- Postville National Advocate
- Postville Post
- Postville Review
- Postville Star
- The Herald
Appanoose County
Appanoose County Historical Society
- Ad Express
- Ad Express Daily Iowegian
- Ad Express Daily Iowegian And Citizen
- Ad – Express And Daily Iowegian
- Ad – Express And Daily Iowegian And Citizen
- Ad – Express And Daily Iowegian And Citizen V2
- Appanoose Chieftain
- Appanoose Iowegian
- Appanoose Times
- Cedar Rapids Gazette
- Centerville Citizen
- Centerville Daily Citizen
- Centerville Daily Iowegian
- Centerville Daily Iowegian And Citizen
- Centerville Daily Iowegian And Citizen V2
- Centerville Daily Journal
- Centerville Iowegian
- Centerville Iowegian And Citizen
- Centerville Iowegian And Citizen V2
- Centerville Journal
- Centerville Loyal Citizen
- Centerville Times
- Centerville Weekly Citizen
- Centerville Weekly Journal
- Daily Iowegian
- Industrial Iowegian
- Iowa Klan Kourier
- Iowa Legionaire
- Iowegian and Citizen
- Saturday Morning Citizen
- Semi Weekly Iowegian
- Semi Weekly Journal
- Semi-Weekly Iowegian
- Semi-Weekly Iowegian V2
- Southern Iowa American
- Southern Iowa Express
- The Arkansas Traveller
- The Cincinnati Review
- The Hawkeye X-Ray
- The Iowegian And Citizen
- The Mystic Telegram
- The Udell American
Benton County
Belle Plaine Community Library
- Every Other Daily Union
- Fontanelle Observer
- Independent
- Lever
- Preston Times
- South Benton Star Press
- Star Press Union
- The Bedford Times Press
- The Belle Plaine Union
- The Belle Plaine Union And Herald
Benton County Historical Society
- Cedar Valley Daily Times
- Cedar Valley Times
- The Vinton Eagle
- Vinton Eagle
- Vinton Review
- Vinton Semi-Weekly Eagle
- The Cedar Valley Daily Times
- The Cedar Valley Times
- The Semi – Weekly Vinton Eagle
- Benton County Signal
- Benton County Star
- Norway Leader
- Blairstown Press
- South Benton Star Press
- Van Horne Record
- The Keystone Bulletin
- The Belle Plaine Union
Black Hawk County
La Porte City
- La Porte City Progress
- La Porte City Review
- Progress Review
- La Porte City Progress Review
- La Porte City Register
- Daily Review
- Cedar Falls Semi Weekly Cedar Falls Gazette
- Iowa State Reporter
- Semi Weekly Iowa State Reporter
- Semi Weekly Reporter
- Waterloo Courier
- Waterloo Daily Courier
- Waterloo Daily Reporter
- Waterloo Evening Courier
- Waterloo Hometowner
- Waterloo Insider
- Waterloo Parish News
- Waterloo Reporter
- Waterloo Semi Weekly Courier
- Waterloo Times Tribune
- Waverly Hometowner
- Waverly Insider
Boone County
- Boone County Democrat
- Boone County Pioneer
- Boone County Republican
- Boone Daily News
- Boone News-Republican
- Boone Weekly News
- Buchanan County Republican
- Charles City Daily Intelligencer
- The Boone County Index
- The Boone Standard
- The Boonsboro Index
- The Evening Republican
- The Montana Standard
- The Madrid Register-News
- Madrid Register-News
- The Lyon County Reporter
Bremer County
Sumner Public Library
- Sumner Gazette
- Sumner Herald
- Sumner Journal
- Northeast Iowa Farmer
- Bremer County Independent
- Fair Expositor
- Independent Republican
- Waverly Democrat
- Waverly Phoenix
- Waverly Republican
- Waverly Weekly Republican
- Weekly Republican
- Weekly Republican
- Bremer County Phoenix
- Democrat
- The Waverly Democrat
Buchanan County
Jesup Public Library
- Citizen Herald
- Citizens Herald
- Jesup Citizen Herald
- Lamont Leader
- Lyon County News
- The Progress Review
Buena Vista County
- Buena Vista County Journal
- Fonda Journal And Times
- Journal And Times
- Newell Weekly Mirror
- Pocahontas County Historic Book
- Pocahontas Times
- The Fonda Times
- The Newell Mirror
- The Varina Enterprise
- News Letter
- Pilot Tribune
- Pilot Tribune V2
- Storm Lake Buena Vista County Democrat
- Storm Lake Buena Vista County Herald And The Linn Grove News
- Storm Lake Buena Vista Evening Sun
- Storm Lake Buena Vista Sentinel
- Storm Lake Buena Vista Vidette
- Storm Lake Chautauqua Souvernir Program
- Storm Lake Daily Sentinel
- Storm Lake Pilot
- Storm Lake Pilot Tribune
- Storm Lake Pilot Tribune V2
- Storm Lake Pilot-Tribune
- Storm Lake Register
- Storm Lake Register V2
- Storm Lake Register V3
- Storm Lake Register V4
- Storm Lake Reporter
- Storm Lake Times
- Storm Lake Tribune
- The Storm Lake Times
- Albert City Appeal
- Albert City Pioneer
- The Albert City Appeal And The Marathon Republic
- The Albert City Gazette
- The Republic Appeal
- The Alta Advertiser
- Buena Vista County Journal
- Marathon Republic
- Bulletin Press
- Rembrandt Booster
- Sioux Rapids Bulletin Board
- Sioux Rapids Bulletin Press
- Sioux Rapids Press
- Sioux Rapids Republican
- The Greenville News
- The Newell Mirror
- The Rembrandt News
- The Republican
- The Republican Press
- The Daily Reporter
- Alternative Papers
- Buena Vista Tack
- College World
- College Yell
- Inquisitor
- Tack
- Tackless
- Tacky
- Tick
Butler County
- Butler County Tribune-Journal
- The Allison Tribune
- Allison Butler County Tribune
- Butler County Tribune
Aplington Legion Memorial Library
- The Aplington News
- Butler County Press
- Butler County Recorder
- Greene Recorder
- GreeneIA
- The Clarksville Star
- The Greene Recorder
- The Iowa Recorder
- Clarksville Star
- Eclipse News Review
- Parkersburg Eclipse
- Calhoun County Advocate
- Lake City Graphic
- The Dayton Review
- The Enterprise
- The Graphic And News
- The Lohrville Enterprise
- The Newspaper
- The Pioneer Herald
- The Rockwell City Advocate
- The Rockwell City Advocate And The Calhoun County Republican
- Twin Lakes Trader
- Calhoun County Times And The Lytton News
- The Graphic Advocate
Calhoun County
- Pomeroy Herald
- Pomeroy Herald The
- The Messenger
- The Pomeroy Herald
- Rockwell City Advocate
- The Daily Advocate
- The Farmers Advocate
Carroll County
Carroll County Genealogical Society
- Breda News
- Glidden Graphic
- Lake City Graphic
- Atlas Of Carroll County Iowa
- Carrol Daily Times Herald
- Carrol Times Herald
- Carroll Daily Herald
- Carroll Daily Sentinel
- Carroll Herald
- Carroll Sentinel
- Carroll Times
- Carroll Times and Carroll Sentinel
- Daily Fair Bulletin
- Daily Times Herald
- Der Carroll Demokrat
- The Carroll Herald
- Western Herald
- Coon Rapids Enterprise
- The Coon Rapids Enterprise
Cass County
Cass County Genealogical Society
- Atlantic Advertiser
- Atlantic Bruces Optimist
- Atlantic Cass County Advocate
- Atlantic Cass County Democrat
- Atlantic Daily Democrat
- Atlantic Daily Telegraph
- Atlantic Evening News
- Atlantic Messenger
- Atlantic News Telegraph
- Atlantic News-Telegraph
- Atlantic Semi Weekly Telegraph
- Atlantic Telegraph
- Atlantic Times
- Atlantic Weekly News
- Atlantic Weekly Telegraph
- Daily And Semi-Weekly Telegraph
- Daily And Weekly Telegraph
- Express
- Farmers Messenger
- Elliott Daily Graphic
- Elliott Graphic
- Griswold Advocate
- Griswold American
- Griswold Gleaner
- Lewis Independent
- Lewis Standard
- Lewis Weekly Standard
- Standard
- The Anita Record
- The Anita Tribune
- The Anita Republican
- The Anita Times
- Anita Tribune
Cedar County
Cedar County Historical Society
- Cedar County Advertiser
- Cedar County Newsletter
- Cedar County Post
- Cedar County Republican
- The Tipton Advertiser
- The Tipton Advertiser And Bennett Gazette
- The Tipton Conservative and Advertiser
- The Vinton Eagle
- The Wapello Republican
- Tipton Conservative
- Cedar County Post
- Clarence Sun
- Lowden Enterprise
- Lowden News
- Northeastern Cedar County Post
- Sun
- Sun News
- Sun News and Advertiser
- Wheatland Gazette
- Sun-News
- Sun-News and Advertiser
- Local Record
- West Branch Local Record
- West Branch Times
- Advocate News
- Muscatine Journal
- The Durant News
- The New Advocate News
- The Wilton Advocate
- The Wilton Advocate and Durant News
- The Wilton Advocate And Review
- The Wilton Chronicle
- Wilton Daily Herald
- Wilton Durant Advocate News
- Wilton Exponent
- Wilton Herald
- Wilton Review
Cerro Gordo County
Clear Lake
- Cerro Gordo County Republican
- Cerro Gordo Republican
- Clear Lake Independent
- Clear Lake Mirror
- Clear Lake Observer
- Clear Lake Record
- Clear Lake Reporter
- Fertile Enterprise
- Mason City Express Republican
- The Clear Lake Reporter
- The Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Cherokee County
Aurelia Public Library
- Aurelia Sentinel
- Aurelia Star
- Cherokee Daily Times
- The Aurelia Sentinel
- Cherokee County Daily Times
- Cherokee County Herald
- Cherokee Daily Times
- Cherokee Daily Times And Cherokee Chief
- Cherokee Evening Times
- Cherokee Reporter
- Cherokee Republican
- Cherokee Times
- Cherokee Times-Herald
- Chronicle Times
- Daily Times
- Iowa Free Press
- Iowa Independent
- The Cherokee Chief
- The Cherokee Courier
- The Cherokee Cyclone
- The Cherokee Democrat
- The Cherokee Democrat Semi-Weekly
- The Cherokee Enterprise
- The Cherokee Herald
- The Cherokee Leader
- The Cherokee Reporter
- The Cherokee Times
- The Cherokee Weekly Times
- The Chronicle
- The Home Guard
- The Iowa Free Press
- The Iowa Independent
- The Mirror
- The Semi-Weekly Democrat
- The Weekly Cherokean
- The Weekly Cherokean – Democrat
- The Weekly Cherokean-Democrat
- The Marcus News
- Marcus News
Chickasaw County
Chickasaw County Public Libraries
- Cedar Falls Gazette
- Chickasaw County Times
- Economist
- Fredericksburg Review
- Lawler Dispatch
- New Hampton American
- New Hampton Chickasaw County Tribune
- New Hampton Courier
- New Hampton Economist
- New Hampton Gazette
- New Hampton Tribune
- New Hampton Tribune Gazette
- Saturday Gazette
- The Fredericksburg News
- The Nashua Reporter
- The Nashua Reporter And Weekly Nashua Post
- The New Hampton Tribune
- The Weekly Nashua Post
- Tribune
- Nashua Reporter
Clarke County
Osceola Public Library
- Clarke County Clipper
- Clarke County Sentinel
- Melbourne Record
- Onawa Sentinel
- Osceola County Tribune
- Osceola Sentinel
- Osceola Sentinel Tribune
- Osceola Tribune
- Osceola Weekly Sentinel
- Spirit Of The Age
- The Daily Times
- The Murray Journal
- The Murray News
- The Osceola Beacon
- The Osceola Democrat
- The Osceola Sentinel
- The Osceola Tribune
- The Union Sentinel
- The Weekly Osceola Sentinel
Clay County
Kirchner-French Memorial Library
- The Peterson Patriot
- Peterson Patriot
- The Patriot
- Spencer Clay County News
- Spencer Daily Reporter
- Spencer Herald
- Spencer News
- Spencer News Herald
- Spencer Reporter
- The Clay County News
Clayton County
Elkader Public Library
- Clayton County Centennial
- Clayton County Herald
- Clayton County Journal
- Clayton County Messenger
- Clayton County Register
- Elkader Argus
- Elkader Register
- Elkader Semi Weekly Register
- Elkader Weekly Register
- North Iowa Times
- Register And Argus
- The Clayton County Register
- Times Register
- Clayton County Herald
- Clayton County Journal
- Clayton County Journal
- Garnavillo Independent
- Garnavillo Observer
- Garnavillo Sentinel
- Garnavillo Tribune
- Guttenberg Press
- Nord Iowa Herold
- The Clayton County Journal
- The Clayton Picket
- Clayton County Herald
- Clayton County Journal
- Elkport Ledger
- Garnavillo Press
- Guttenberg Press
- Mississippi Valley Register
- The Guttenberg Press
- Clayton County Press Journal
- Edgewood Journal
- Edgewood Reminder
- Mail Press
- McGregor News
- North Iowa Times
- Press Journal
- Reporter
- Strawberry Point Mail Press
- Strawberry Point Press
- Strawberry Point Press Journal
- Times Register
- Volga City News
- Weekly North Iowa Times
- The Clayton County Press Journal
- Billboard
- Clayton County Register
- Monona Billboard
- Monona Leader
- Outlook
- Tribune
Clinton County
Clinton Public Library
- Clinton County Advertiser
- Clinton Daily Advertiser
- Clinton Daily Age
- Clinton Herald
- Clinton Morning Age
- Clinton Morning News
- Clinton Semi Weekly Age
- Clinton Semi Weekly Herald
- Clinton Sunday Age
- Clinton Weekly Age
- Iowa Age
- Lyons City Advocate
- Lyons Mirror
- Lyons Weekly Mirror
- Sunday Morning Age
- The Clinton Advertiser
- The Clinton Age
- The Clinton Evening News
- The Clinton Herald
- The Clinton Mirror
- The Clinton Sunday News
- The Clinton Weekly Herald
- The Clinton Weekly News
- Weekly Clinton Age
- Weekly Lyons Mirror
- Clinton Daily Herald
- Clinton Weekly Herald
- The Clinton Daily Herald
Central Community Historical Society
- Buxtons Wheatland Gazette
- Calamus Record
- Charlotte Record
- Clinton County Advocate
- Grand Mound Messenger
- Lost Nation Chronicle
- Observer
- Observer
- The Charlotte Call
- The Charlotte Web
- The Clinton County Journal
- The Clinton County Journal
- The Community Scoop
- The Delmar Journal
- The Dewitt Observer
- The Dewitt Observer
- The Dewitt Standard
- The Dewitt Standard
- The Grand Mound Herald
- The Grand Mound Herald
- The Grand Mound Record
- The Lost Nation News
- The Lost Nation Press
- The Maquoketa Excelsior
- The New Wheatland Gazette
- The Oxford Mirror
- The Press-Gazette
- The Spectator
- The Wheatland Gazette
- The Wheatland News
Crawford County
Charter Oak
- Charter Oak Times
- Charter Oak Ute Newspaper
- Soldier Sentinel
- Ute Independent
- Denison Bulletin
- Denison Bulletin And Herald
- Denison Review
- Denison Zeitung
- Der Crawford County Demokrat
- Der Denison Herald
- Grinnell Herald Register
- Manchester Press
- Times Republican
- Denver Forum
- Readlyn Chronicle
- The Denison Bulletin
- The Spotlight
- The Spotlight And Progressive News
- The Spotlight And Progressive-News
- Schleswig Leader
- Kiron Weekly News
Dallas County
- Dallas Center Globe
- Dallas Center Times
- Historical Book
- The Dallas Center Times
- The New Times
- The Perry Daily Chief
- The Times
- Dallas County Today
- Dexfield Reivew-Sentinel
- The Minburn Booster
- Bulletin
- Chief Advertiser
- Chief Reporter
- Perry Bulletin
- Perry Chief
- Perry Pilot
- Reporter
- The Perry Advertiser
- The Perry Chief
- The Perry Chief And Perry Pilot
- The Perry Daily Chief
- The Perry Daily Chief And Advertiser
- The Perry Press
- The Prohibition Journal
- The Weekly Chief
- Dallas County Today
- Dexfield Review-Sentinel
- The Minburn Booster
- Northeast Dallas County Record
- The Bouton Press
- The Enterprise
- The Northeast Dallas County Record
- The Woodward Enterprise
- Woodward Bulletin
- Woodward Enterprise
- Dallas County Democrat
- Dallas County Gazette
- Dallas County News
- Dallas County Record
- Northeast Dallas County Record
- The Dallas Weekly Gazette
- The New Era
- Perry Advertiser (1886 – 1899)
- Perry Bulletin (1893 – 1914)
- Perry Chief (1874 – 1889)
- Perry Chief Advertiser (1914 – 1957)
- Perry Chief Reporter (1898 – 1910)
- Perry Daily Chief (1894 – 1924)
- Perry Pilot (1883 – 1885)
- Perry Reporter (1892 – 1893)
- Perry Weekly Chief (1910)
Decatur County
- College City Chronicle
- Independent Patriot
- Lamoni Gazette
- The Iowa Magazine
- The Lamoni Chronicle
- The Lamoni Gazette
- The Lamont Leader
Delaware County
Manchester History Archive
- Delaware County News
- Delaware County Recorder
- Delhi Monitor
- Earlville Camera
- Earlville Phoenix
- Earlville Review
- Greeley Home Press
- Hopkinton Leader
- Manchester Democrat Radio
- Manchester Press
- Sand Spring Sentinel
- The Manchester Democrat
- The Manchester Press
Dickinson County
Dickinson County
- Arnolds Park News
- Carnegie Document
- Dickinson County Mail News
- Dickinson County News
- Lake Park News
- Milford Mail
- Milford Mail and Terril Record
- Milford Mail Terril Record
- Spirit Lake Beacon
- Terril Record
- Terril Tribune
- Whats What
Dubuque County
Dubuque Witness
- Witness
Emmet County
Estherville Public Library
- Advocate
- Emmet County Republican
- Emmett County Herald
- Estherville Daily News
- Estherville Democrat
- Estherville Enterprise
- Estherville News
- Estherville Publications Spirit Edition
- Estherville Spirit
- Evening Tribune
- Fairfield Ledger
- National Broad-Axe
- Northern Vindicator
- Opera House Reporter
- Semi-weekly Northern Vindicator
- Senior Citizen Monthly
- Standard Atlas Of Emmet County Iowa
- Vindicator And Republican
- Weekly Northern Vindicator
- Ringsted Dispatch
Estherville Newspaper Archives
- Emmet County Republican (1887 – 1986)
- Emmett County Herald (1884)
- Estherville Advocate (1976 – 1997)
- Estherville Daily News (1930 – 2003)
- Estherville Democrat (1895 – 1929)
- Estherville Enterprise (1901 – 1993)
- Estherville Evening Tribune (1902)
- Estherville News (1927 – 1995)
- Estherville Publications Spirit Edition (1984 – 1989)
- Estherville Spirit (1987 – 2003)
- Fairfield Ledger (1979)
- National Broad Axe (1882 – 1884)
- Northern Vindicator (1868 – 1897)
- Opera House Reporter (1916 – 1917)
- Senior Citizen Monthly (1974 – 1975)
- Vindicator and Republican (1902 – 1945)
- Weekly Northern Vindicator (1897 – 1899)
- Semi weekly Northern Vindicator (1896 – 1897)
Fayette County
Elgin Public Library
- Elgin Echo
- Fayette County Leader
- Fayette County Union
- Fayette Leader
- Fayette Reporter
- Iowa Postal Card
- Leader Press
- Upper Iowa Press
- The Maynard News
- Oelwein Daily Register
- Oelwein Register
- Oelwein Weekend Daily Register
- The Oelwein Daily Register
- Observer
- Public Review
- The Argo
- The Fayette County Clarion
- The Fayette County Union
- The Fayette County Union and The West Union Argo Gazette
- The Observer
- The Union
- The West Union Argo
- The West Union Gazette
- The West Union Gazette and Clermont Leader
- West Union Argo-Gazette
- West Union Gazette
- West Union Republican Gazette
- West Union Semi-Weekly Republican Gazette
- West Union Weekly Republican Gazette
- Union Echo Leader
- The Collegian
- Fayette Leader
Floyd County
Rockford Public Library
- Advertiser
- Advertiser Register
- Charles City Press
- Lyon County Reporter
- Nora Springs Advertiser
- Nora Springs Advertiser And Rockford Register
- Nora Springs Rockford Register
- Rock
- Rockford Gazette
- Rockford Register
- Rudd Rustler
- Shell Rock Valley Times
- Charles City Press
- Charles City Daily Intelligencer
- Charles City Daily Press
- Charles City Intelligencer
- Charles City Press and Evening Intelligencer
- Charles City Republican Intelligencer
- Floyd County Advocate
- St Charles City Republican Intelligencer
- The Daily News
- The Daily Press
- Charles City Press
- Charles City Semi Weekly Intelligencer
- Rockford Register
- The Charles City Herald
- The Evening Intelligencer
Fremont County
Fremont County Historical Society
- The Fremont County Herald
- The Fremont County Sun
- The Fremont Democrat
- The Fremont Herald
- The Sidney Argus
- The Sidney Argus Herald
- The Sidney Union
- The Sidney Union Advocate
Greene County
Jefferson Public Library
- Bee
- Globe-Free Press And Rippey News
- Jefferson Herald
- Scranton Journal
- The Globe-Free Press And The Paton Portrait And The Rippey News
- The Reporter
- Allamakee Journal
- Gold Nugget
- Grand Junction HeadLight
- Lohrville Enterprise And The Farnhamville Index
- Rippey Booster
- The Churdan Reporter
- The Era Headlight
- The Free Lance
- The Globe Free Press
- The Globe Free Press And Paton Churdan News And The Rippey News
- The Grand Junction Globe
- The Grand Junction Globe And The Paton Patriot
- The Grand Junction Globe And The Paton Portrait And The Rippey News
- The Iowa Illustrated Jefferson Edition
- The Jefferson Bee
- The Jefferson Era
- The Jefferson Herald
- The Jefferson Herald Free Press
- The Rippey Booster
- The Souvenir
- Lohrville Enterprise
- Paton Churdan News
- The Scranton Journal
- Allamakee Journal
- The Globe Free Press And The Paton Portrait And The Rippey News
Grundy County
Kling Memorial Library
- Argus
- Grundy Center Herald
- Grundy County Atlas
- Grundy County Democrat
- Grundy County Dispatch
- Grundy County Herald
- Grundy County Republican
- Grundy Register
- The Grundy Center Herald
- The Grundy County Argus
- The Grundy Democrat
- The Grundy Register
- The Grundy Republican
Beaman Community Memorial Library
- Everybodys Advertiser
- The Beaman Advertiser
- The Beaman Bee
- Beaman News
- Ostfriesen Zeitung
- Ostfriesische Nachrichten
- Wellsburg Herald
- Wellsburg Herald And The Grundy County Spokesman
- Beaman Journal
- Conrad Journal
- Conrad Record
- Grundy Register
- Record
- Dike New Era
Guthrie County
Bayard Public Library
- Bagley Gazette The
- Bayard Advocate The
- Bayard Bulletin The
- Bayard News
- Bayard News The
- News Gazette
- News Gazette The
- The Bayard News
- The News Gazette
- Guthrian
- Guthrie Center Times
- Guthrie County Times
- Guthrie Times
- The Guthrie County Vedette
- Times
- Guthrie Center Times
- Guthrie County Ledger
- Panora Weekly Umpire
- The Guthrie County Vedette
- The Panora Vedette
- The Sanborn Pioneer
- The Sword
- Umpire Vedette
- Stuart Herald
- Stuart Locomotive
- Stuart Locomotive And Ledger
- Stuart News
- The Stuart Herald
Bayard News Newspaper Archives
- Bayard Advocate (1913 – 1916)
- Bayard News (1934 – 1982)
- Bayard News Gazette (1997 – 2002)
- Bayard North Guthrie News (1934)
Hamilton County
- Ellsworth Chronicle
- Ellsworth News
- Ellsworth Yearbook
- Record
- South Hamilton News
- South Hamilton Record
- South Hamilton Record News
- Daily Freeman Journal
- Daily Freeman Tribune
- Evening Journal
- Fort Dodge Messenger
- Fort Dodge Messenger And Chronicle
- Graphic Herald
- Hamilton County Journal
- Hamilton Freeman
- Jewell Record
- Saturday Mail
- Stanhope Enterprise
- Stanhope Mail
- Stanhope Observer
- Stanhope Sentinel
- Stratford Courier
- The Webster City Herald
- Webster City Daily News
- Webster City Freeman
- Webster City Graphic Herald
- Webster City Journal
- Webster City Tribune
- Weekly Graphic Herald
- Williams Wasp
- The Weekly Stratfordite
- Stratford Courier
- The Weekly Stratfordite
Hancock County
Hancock County
- Britt News Tribune
- Dyersville Commercial
- Garner Herald
- Garner Leader
- Garner Leader and Garner Signal
- Garner Leader and Garner Signal and Garner Herald
- Garner Leader and Signal and Garner Herald
- Garner Signal
- Hancock County Democrat
- Hancock Signal
- Kanawha Record
- Klemme Times
- Leader
- The Britt News
- The Britt News-Tribune
- The Corwith Herald
- The Garner Leader And Signal And Garner Herald
- The Garner Signal
- The Kanawha Record
- The Kanawha Reporter
- The Klemme Times
- Weekly News
- The Leader
Hardin County
- Ackley Enterprise
- Ackley Independent
- Ackley Phonograph
- Ackley World
- Ackley World Journal
- Inter-County Journal
- World Journal
- Ackley World-Journal
- EJC Life
- Ellsworth College Life
- Ellsworth Journal
- Iowa Falls Citizen
- Journal
- The Cats Meow
- The Ellsworth Student
- The Old Gold and Purple
- The Panthers Pup
- The Panthers Tale
- The Spotlight
- The Tip of the Tale
Harrison County
Dunlap Public Library
- Dunlap Reporter
- Dunlap Reporter and Herald
- Dunlap Pioneers and Progress Centennial
- The Dunlap Reporter
Missouri Valley Public Library
- Daily Times
- Daily Times News
- Harrison County News
- Missouri Valley Daily Times
- Missouri Valley Daily Times And Harrison County News
- Missouri Valley Times
- Missouri Valley Times News
- Mt Pleasant News
- Valley Times News
Henry County
Winfield Public Library
- Burlington Post And The Burlington Times
- Transcript
- Winfield Beacon
- Winfield Beacon and Wayland News
- Winfield Beacon Wayland News
- Winfield Courier
- Winfield Daily Beacon
- Winfield News
- Wheatland Gazette
Howard County
Howard Winnishiek-Cresco
- Cresco Plain Dealer
- Cresco Times Plain Dealer
- Howard County Times
- Iowa Plain Dealer
- Times Plain Dealer
- Cresco Times
- Elma Graphic
- Elma New Era
- Elma Reminder
- Elma Riceville New Era
- Howard County Platbook
- Lime Springs Herald
- Lime Springs Sun
- Record
- Recorder
- Riceville Recorder
- Sun Herald
- The Elma New Era
- The TPD Cresco Times Plain Dealer
- Twice a Week Plain Dealer
Humboldt County
- Bode Bugle
- Bode Republican
Humboldt County Genealogical Society
- Algona Kossuth County Advance
- Algona Upper Des Moines
- Humboldt Independent
- Humboldt Republican
- Kossuth County Advance
- Livermore Gazette
- Livermore Reporter
- Livermore Star
- Livermore Star and the Ottosen Boomer
- Lu Verne Tribune
- Enterprise
- Gilmore City Enterprise
- Gilmore City Globe
- Globe
Ida County
Town of Battle Creek
- The Battle Creek
- The Battle Creek Times
- Ida County Courier
- Ida County Pioneer
- Ida County Pioneer Record
- Ida Grove Era
- Maple Valley Era
- Maple Weekly Republican Valley Era
- Humboldt Independent
- Ida County Press
- Ida County Watch
- The Ida County Courier
- The Holstein Advance
- Holstein News-Dispatch
Iowa County
Williamsburg Historical Commission Newspaper Archive
Jackson County
Jackson Sentinel Newspaper Archives
- Jackson Sentinel (1868 – 1954)
- Maquoketa Jackson Sentinel (1868 – 1938)
- Maquoketa Sentinel (1854 – 1868)
- Semi Weekly Jackson Sentinel (1885)
- Bellevue Courier
- Jackson Argus
- The Bellevue Journal
- The Jackson County Leader
- The Press And Journal
- The Union Banner
Jasper County
Colfax Public Library
- Colfax Tribune
- The Colfax Clipper
- The Colfax Tribune
- The Weekly Clipper
- The Weekly Colfax Clipper
- Jasper County Tribune
- The Jasper County Tribune
- Jasper County Mirror
- Monroe Citizen
- Monroe Legacy
- Monroe Mirror
- Iowa State Democrat
- Jasper County Head-Light
- Jasper County Independent
- Jasper County Record
- Jasper County Recorder
- Jasper Free Press
- Newton Daily Journal
- Newton Daily Record
- Newton Free Press
- Newton Free Press and Jasper Weekly Republican
- Newton Free Press and Republican
- Newton Journal
- The Newton Daily News
- The Newton Free Press
- The Newton Free Press and Jasper Weekly Republican
- The Newton Herald
- The Newton Journal
- The Newton Record
- The Newton Daily News And The Jasper County Record
- Newtonium Forum
- The Newton Daily Times
- Coralville Courier
- Coralville Weekly Courier
- Weekly Courier
Jefferson County
- Fairfield Daily Journal
- Fairfield Ledger
- Fairfield Weekly Journal
- Iowa Sentinel
- Jefferson County Republican
- The Batavia News
- The Evening Journal
- The Fairfield Journal
- The Fairfield Tribune
- The Industrial Era
- The Lockridge Herald
- The Lockridge Times
- Daily Ledger Journal
- Fairfield Daily Ledger
- The Fairfield Daily Ledger And Journal And Tribune
- The Weekly Ledger Journal
Johnson County
Iowa City Public Library
- Besidka Slovana
- County Herald
- Daily Citizen
- Daily Crescent
- Daily Evening Press
- Daily Evening Reporter
- Daily Iowa State Press
- Daily Iowan
- Daily Press
- Daily State Press
- Independent Herald
- Iowa Anti Monopolist
- Iowa Banner
- Iowa Capital Reporter
- Iowa Capitol Reporter
- Iowa Citizen
- Iowa City Citizen
- Iowa City Daily Bulletin
- Iowa City Daily Citizen
- Iowa City Daily News
- Iowa City Daily Press
- Iowa City Daily Republican
- Iowa City Evening Republican
- Iowa City Herald
- Iowa City Journal
- Iowa City Post
- Iowa City Press Citizen
- Iowa City Republican
- Iowa City Volksfreund
- Iowa City Weekly Republican
- Iowa Daily Citizen
- Iowa Farm Republic
- Iowa Post
- Iowa Republican
- Iowa State Letter
- Iowa State Press
- Iowa State Weekly Reporter
- Iowa Tribune
- Iowa Weekly Republican
- Iowa Weekly Tribune
- Johnson County Independent
- Johnson County News
- Johnson County Teacher
- Legislative Reporter
- Press
- Red and White
- Slovan Americky
- Slovan Amerikansky
- State Democratic Press
- State Press
- State Reporter and National Crescent
- Tri Weekly Capital Reporter
- Weekly Herald
- Weekly Iowa Capital Reporter
- Weekly State Reporter
- Johnson County Democrat
- Johnson County Democrat And Oxford Leader
- Oxford Leader
- Oxford Weekly Journal
- Protection And Reciprocity
- Tiffin Journal
- Solon Economist
- Solon Economy
- Solon Reaper
- Solon Reporter
- The Coralville News
- The Leader
- The News
- The Solon News
Jones County
Jones County Genealogical Society
- Anamosa Eureka
- Anamosa Journal
- Anamosa Journal Eureka
- Cascade Courier
- Cascade Pioneer
- Cascade Pioneer Advertiser
- Jones County Liberal
- Journal Eureka
- Midland Times
- Monticello Express
- Oxford Mirror
- The Anamosa Eureka
- The Anamosa Journal
- The Anamosa Journal – Eureka
- The Anamosa Journal Eureka
- The Anamosa Journal-Eureka
- The C Press
- The Eureka
- The Monticello Express
- The Olin Recorder
- The Weekly Eureka
- The Wyoming Journal
- The Wyoming Weekly Journal
- Wyoming Journal
Ross & Elizabeth Baty Public Library, Monticello
- Jones County Liberal
- Monticello Express
- The Monticello Express
Keokuk County
- Daily Gate City
- Hedrick Journal
- Fremont What Cheer Vine
North English Community Archive
- Cedar Rapids Citizen The
- Cedar Rapids Gazette
- Cedar Rapids Press
- Cedar Rapids Press American
- Cedar Rapids Tribune
- Citizen Times
- Evening Gazette
- Evening Gazette And Republican
- Gazette
- Gazette And Republican
- North English Record
- The North English Record
- Rosecrans Rubrics
- The Barnes City News
- The Deep River Record
- The Delta Chronicle
- The Delta Press
- The Patriot Chronicle
- The What Cheer Patriot
- The What Cheer Patriot Chronicle
- The What Cheer Reporter
- Ulster County Gazette
- What Cheer Chronicle
- What Cheer Paper
- What Cheer Paper Patriot-Chronicle
- What Cheer Patriot
- What Cheer Reporter
- What Cheer Twice A Week Patriot
Kossuth County
Kossuth County Genealogical Society
- Bancroft Register
- Bancroft Register And Kossuth County Review
- Bayard News
- Burt Monitor
- Des Moines Valley News
- Fenton Reporter
- Kossuth County Review
- Luverne News
- Luverne Tribune
- New Whittemore Newspaper
- Swea City Herald
- Swea City Herald Press
- Tele News
- The Bancroft Register
- Wesley News
- Wesley News World
- Wesley Reporter
- Whittemore Champion
- Whittemore Independent
- Algona Advance
- Algona Courier
- Algona Pioneer Press
- Algona Republican
- Algona Times
- Algona Upper Des Moines
- Daily Upper Des Moines
- Kossuth County Advance
- Upper Des Moines Republican
- Ackley World-Journal
- Algona Pioneer Press
- Algona Times
- Daily Upper Des Moines
Linn County
Cedar Rapids Public Library
- Cedar Rapids Citizen The
- Cedar Rapids City Directories
- Cedar Rapids Daily Republican
- Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette
- Cedar Rapids Gazette
- Cedar Rapids Press
- Cedar Rapids Press American
- Cedar Rapids Republican
- Cedar Rapids Times
- Cedar Rapids Tribune
- Cedar Rapids Weekly Gazette
- Cedar Rapids Weekly Times
- Cedar Valley Times
- Citizen Times
- Coe Cosmos
- Evening Gazette
- Evening Gazette And Republican
- Gazette
- Gazette And Republican
- Killian Store
- New Cosmos
- Republican
- Republican And Times
- Center Point Courier Journal
- Center Point Independent
- Center Point Journal
- The Center Point Herald
- The Center Point Lotus
- The Center Point Mirror
- The Courier Journal
- The Daily Rustler
- Coggon Monitor
- Linn County Patriot
- Linn County Register
- Marion First Newspapers
- Marion Herald
- Marion Pilot
- Marion Record
- Marion Register
- Marion Sentinel
- Marion Sentinel And Linn County Farmer
- Marion Sentinel The
- Marion Times
- Marion Today
- Marion Tribune
- Marion Weekly Register
- Marion Weekly Sentinel
- Semi Weekly Register
- Sentinel And Linn County Farmer
- Terrace Park
- Times
- Hawk-Eye Cornellian
- Linn County Hawkeye
- Lisbon Sun
- Mount Vernon And Lisbon Hawkeye Herald
- Mount Vernon Hawk-Eye
- Mount Vernon Hawkeye And Lisbon Herald
- Mount Vernon Hawkeye And The Lisbon Herald
- Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record And Lisbon Herald
- Mount Vernon News Extra
- Sun
- The Lisbon Herald
- The Mount Vernon News
- The Reporter
- The Sun
- The Sun And Hawk-Eye Record Herald
- Mount Vernon and Lisbon Sun
National Czech and Slovak Museum & Library
- Kronika osady sv Vaclava
- Letopisy sv Vaclavske
- Noviny Sokol Cedar Rapids
- Sibrinky
- Sokol Broadcast of the East
- Sokol Bulletin
- Sokol Newsletter
- St Wenceslaus
- Zlate Jubileum
- Zlate Jubileum osady vs Vaclava
- Center Point Courier Journal
- Center Point Independent
- Center Point Journal
- The Center Point Herald
- The Center Point Lotus
- The Center Point Mirror
- The Courier Journal
- The Daily Rustler
- Coe College Courier
- Coe College Courier Annual Report
- Coe Cosmos
- Coe College Cosmos
- Cosmos
- The Coe College Cosmos
- The Coe Cosmos
- The Cosmos
Louisa County
Mellinger Public Library
- Board of Education
- Horizon
- Horizons
- Mellinger Memorial Library
- Memorie
- Memories of 1984
- Morning Sun
- Morning Sun Community School
- Morning Sun Herald
- Morning Sun News
- Morning Sun News Herald
- Morning Sun News-Herald
- Nevermore
- Our Year Forever
- Reflections
- Special Moments
- Spirit of 76
- Sun News
- Sunbeam Staff
- Sunners
- Tiger
- Tiger Prints
- Today Is Our Moment Now Is Our Story
- Louisa County Record
- The Louisa County Democrat
- The Record-Republican
- The Tribune
- The Wapello Republican
- The Wapello Times
- The Wapello Tribune
- Wapello Daily Times
Lucas County
Chariton Public Library
- Chariton Democrat
- Chariton Democrat-Leader
- Chariton Herald
- Chariton Herald – Patriot
- Chariton Herald Patriot
- Chariton Herald-Patriot
- Chariton Leader
- Chariton Patriot
- The Chariton Herald
- The Chariton Leader
- The Chariton Patriot
- The Clarinda Herald-Journal
- The Lucas Ledger
- The Lucas Recorder
- The Lucas Review
- The Union-Tribune
- The Chariton Leader And The Herald-Patriot
Lyon County
Rock Rapids Public Library
- Lyon County Reporter
- Reporter
- Review
- Rock Rapids Reporter
- The Rock Rapids Review
- The Waverly Democrat
Madison County
Earlham Public Library
- Earlham Echo
- Eldora Herald Ledger
- East Peru Mail
- Independent
- Madison County Reporter
- Madisonian
- Reporter
- Semi Weekly Madisonian
- The Weekly Madisonian
- Truro Enterprise
- Truro News
- Weekly Madisonian
- Winterset Daily Reporter
- Winterset Madisonian
- Winterset Madisonian And Chronicle
- Winterset News
- Winterset Reporter
- Winterset Review
- Winterset Semi Weekly Madisonian
- Saint Charles Reporter
- St Charles Hawkeye
- The St Charles News
- The Weekly Hawkeye
- Truro Star
- Winterset City Limit News
Marion County
Marion County
- Knoxville Express
- Knoxville Journal
- Marion County News
- Daily Knoxville Journal
- Iowa Voter
- Knoxville Weekly Journal
- Marion County Republican
- The Commonwealth
- The Knoxville Express
- The Knoxville Journal
- Bussey Community Effort
- Journal Express
- Booster Press
- Central Ray
- Chronicle
- Daily Advertiser
- Osceola Tribune
- Pella Blade
- Pella Chronicle
- Pella Chronicle Advertiser
- Pella Gazette
- Pella Republican
- Pella Twice A Week Press
- Pella Weekblad
- Pella Weekly Blade
- Saturday Advertiser
- The Advertiser
- The Baptist Record
- The Chronicle
- The Collegium Forense
- The Cosmos
- The Pella Advertiser
- The Pella Banner
- The Pella Blade
- The Pella Chronicle
- The Pella Gazette
- The Pella Herald
- The Pella Press
- The Pella Press And Shopper
- The Pella Times
- The Pella Weekly Gazette
- The Pella Weekly Herald
- The Ray
- The Record
- The Red Oak Express
- The Scentral Bray
- The Scentral Fray
- The Simpsonian
- The Weekly Herald
- Weekly Pella Blade
- Weekly Pella Gazette
- Weekly Visitor
- Central College Ray
- Central College Vander Ray
- Central Ray
- Ray
- The Collegium Forense
- The Cosmos
- The Pelican Yearbook
- The Ray
- The Scentral Bray
- The Scentral Fray
- The Simpsonian
Marshall County
Marshalltown Public Library
- Marshalltown Times Republican
- Evening Times Republican
- Daily Times Republican
- Electric Light
- Iowa Temperance Standard
- Marshall County Reporter
- Marshall County Times
- Marshall Daily Times Republican
- The Iowa Times Republican
- The Marshall County Times
- The Marshall Statesman
- The Marshalltown Reflector
- The Reflector
- The Statesman
- The Statesman-Press
- The Statesman-Press Twice-A-Weekly
- Weekly Times Republican
- Clippings
- Enterprise
- Golden Gait
- Golden Memories
- Golden Torch
- Image Drama Action Impact Memories
- Lifemag
- Melbourne Record
- Memories
- Mid Iowa Enterprise
- Monitor Review
- Pictorial History
- Rocket
- School Daze
- Seasons Of 77
- State Center Enterprise
- State Center Enterprise-Record
- The Looking Glass
- West Marshall Golden Gait
- Wildcat
- Wm Golden Gait
Mills County
- Beacon Enterprise
- Glenwood Opinion
- Glenwood Opinion Tribune
- Mills County Journal
- Mills County Tribune
- Opinion Tribune
- The Fremont Mills Beacon Enterprise
- The Sent of God
- The Tabor Beacon
- Malvern Leader
- Malvern Republic Leader
- Mills County Republican
- The Malvern Leader
Silver City Historical Society
- Silver City Review
- Silver City Times
- The Silver City Times
Mitchell County
Nissen Public Library
- St Ansgar Enterprise
- St Ansgar Enterprise Journal
- St. Ansgar Enterprise Journal
- Enterprise Journal
- St. Ansgar Enterprise
- Mitchell County Press
- Mitchell County Press And The Osage Journal
- Mitchell County Press And The Osage News
- Mitchell County Press News
- The Lake Mills Graphic
- The Mitchell County Press-News
Monona County
Mapleton Public Library
- Castana Times
- Mapleton Press
- Mapleton Press Advocate
- Mapleton Standard
- Press And Standard
- Sioux City Journal
- Sioux Valley Tribune
- The Blencoe Herald
- The Charter Oak Ute
- The Mapleton Press
- The Mapleton Press And Rodney News
- The Mapleton Press V2
- The Orange Peelings
- The Peoples Press
- The Press
- The Rodney News And Mapleton Press
- Home Advocate
- Monona County Democrat
- Monona County Gazette
- Onawa Democrat
- Onawa Enquirer
- Onawa Gazette
- Onawa Sentinel
- Onawa Weekly Democrat
- Peoples Press
- The Onawa Democrat
- West Iowa Gazette
- The Blencoe Herald
- The Soldier Sentinel
- Little Sioux Hustler
- Mapleton Standard
- Pisgah News-Hustler
- Press And Standard
- The Hustler
- The Independent
- The Whiting Argus
Monroe County
Monroe County Historical Society
- Albia Republican
- Albia Union Republican
- Albia Union-Republican
- Albia Weekly Gazette
- Lovilia Press
- Melrose Bell
- Monroe County News
- Monroe County News and Albia Democrat
- Monroe County News And The Albia Union Republican
- Reporter
- The Albia Republic
- The Albia Republican
- The Albia Union
- The Albia Union and Republican
- The Albia Union – Republican
- The Albia Union-Republican
- The Albia Weekly Republican
- The Friday Union
- The Jefferson Blade
- The Monroe County News
- The Saturday Union
- The Tuesday Union
- The Weekly Albia Union
- Union Republican
Montgomery County
Villisca Public Library
- The Villisca Review
- The Weekly Iowa Mercury
- Villisca Review
- Villisca Review Stanton Viking
- Villisca Weekly Review
- Stanton Call
- Stanton Viking
- Stanton Zephyr
- Montgomery County Independent
- Red Oak Daily Express
- Red Oak Daily Independent
- Red Oak Express
- Red Oak Independent
- Red Oak Republican
- Sun
O’Brien County
General N. B. Baker Library
- Sutherland Courier
- The Calumet Courier
- The Calumet Herald
- The Calumet News
- The Weekly Review
- Hartley Everly Royal Sentinel News
- Hartley Sentinel Everly Royal News
- Hartley Sentinel News
- The Hartley Herald
- The Hartley Journal
- The Hartley Record
- The Hartley Sentinel
- The Hartley Sentinel V2
- The Hartley Sentinel-News
- The Hartley Sentinel – The Everly Royal News
- Courier
- Brien County Bell
- Brien County Bell Times Courier
- Brien County Democrat
- Brien Pioneer
- Oakland Acorn
- Paullina Times
- Primghar Times
- The O Brien County Bell
- Courier
- Paullina Times
- Paullina Times Sutherland Courier
- Sutherland Courier
- O’Brien County Bell Times Courier
- Sanborn Pioneer
- The O’Brien Pioneer
- The Sanborn Journal
- The Sanborn Pioneer
- The Sheldon Mail
- The Sheldon Sun
- Sheldon Democrat
- Sheldon Eagle
- The Daily Democrat
- The Daily Mail
- The Sheldon Eagle
- The Sheldon Mail
- The Sheldon News
- The Sheldon Republic
- The Sheldon Sun
- The Sheldon Weekly Sun
Osceola County
Sibley Public Library
- Gazette Tribune
- Gazette-Tribune
- Gazette – Tribune
- Osceola County Tribune
- Sibley Gazette
- Sibley Gazette Tribune
- The Osceola County Gazette-Tribune
- The Osceola County Tribune
- The Sibley Gazette
- The Sibley Gazette-Tribune
- The Sibley Herald
- The Sibley Tribune
Page County
Lied Public Library
- Clarinda Chronicle
- Clarinda Herald Journal
- Clarinda Herald-Journal
- Daily Evening Star
- Labor News
- Page County Democrat
- Page County Herald
- The Clarinda Daily Journal
- The Clarinda Herald
- The Clarinda Herald Journal
- The Clarinda Journal
- The Fremont Herald
- The Herald-Journal
- Essex Independent
- The Argus
- The Essex Independent
- The Essex Independent V2
- Democratic World
- Friday Sentinel
- Henry Field’s Seed Sense
- Monday Sentinel
- Semi-Weekly Sentinel
- Sentinel-Post
- Shenandoah Republican
- The Evening Sentinel
- The Evening Sentinel-World
- The Firebrand
- The Iowa Republican
- The Shenandoah Daily World
- The Shenandoah Gazette
- The Shenandoah Post
- The Shenandoah Sentinel
- The Shenandoah World
- Thursday Sentinel
- Tri-Weekly Sentinel
- Tri-Weekly Sentinel-Post
- Tuesday Sentinel
- Wednesday Sentinel
Palo Alto County
Palo Alto County
- Democrat
- Palo Alto County Gazette
- Reporter
- Ruthven Appeal
- Ruthven Zipcode
- Ruthven Zipcode 51358
- The Democrat
- The Reporter
- The Ruthven Free Press
- The Ruthven Zipcode
- West Bend Journal
- West Branch Times
- West Point Bee
- Your Graettinger Times
- The Reporter Democrat
- The Graettinger Times
- Graettinger Times
- Globe Free Press
Graettinger Times Newspaper Archives
Plymouth County
Akron Public Library
- Akron Hometowner
- Akron Register Tribune
- Akron Tribune
- The Akron Hometowner
- Diamond Jubilee
- Kingsley Democrat
- Kingsley News
- Kingsley News Times
- Kingsley Times
- Pierson Press
- Plymouth County Lynx
- Daily Sentinel
- Evening Sentinel
- Floyd Valley Farmers News
- Floyd Valley News
- Iowa Liberal
- Le Mars Daily Liberal
- Le Mars Daily Liberal Globe-Post
- Le Mars Daily Sentinel
- Le Mars Globe-Post
- Le Mars Leader
- Le Mars Semi-Weekly Globe
- Le Mars Semi-Weekly Post
- Le Mars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
- Le Mars Sentinel
- Le Mars Sun
- Le Mars Weekly Sentinel
- Le Mars Weekly Sun
- LeMars Daily Sentinel
- Die Remsen Glocke
- Manly Signal
- Paullina Times
- Remsen Bell Enterprise
- Remsen Bell-Enterprise
- Remsen Bell – Enterprise
- The Remsen Bell
- The Remsen Enterprise
- The Remsen News
- The Remsen Weekly Bell
- The Semi-Weekly Bell
Pocahontas County
Pocahontas Public Library
- Pocahontas Democrat
- Pocahontas Record Democrat
- Pocahontas Record-Democrat
- The Pocahontas Record
- Pocahontas Democrat
- Enterprise
- Havelock Enterprise
- Pocahontas County Historic Book
- Rolfe Centennial History
- The Arrow
- The Havelock Herald
- The Havelock News
- The New Deal
- The Plover Herald
- The Plover Herald V2
- The Plover News
- The Plover Pointer
- The Reveille
- The Reveille V2
- The Rolfe Arrow
- The Semi-Weekly Reveille
- Laurens 100 Chronicle of First 100 Years
- Laurens Leader
- Laurens Sun
- Pocahontas County Historic Book
- Pocahontas County Sun
Polk County
- Childrens And Families Of Iowa
- Childrens Home Herald
- History Of The Iowa Childrens Home Society
- Iowa Cares
- Iowa Childrens Home Society Bulletin
- Voices
- The Gold Star
- ISSDA Directory Issue
- Bulls Eye
- Johnston Advance
- Johnston News
- Johnston Northern Polk County News
- Johnston Press Citizen
- Northern Polk County News
- West Des Moines Express
- Western Express
Pottawattamie County
Walnut Public Library
- Marne Monitor
- Walnut Bureau
- Walnut News
- The Walnut Bureau
Buena Vista Genealogical Society
- Avoca Delta
- Avoca Herald
- Avoca Journal
- Avoca Record
- Avoca Tribune
- Journal Herald
- Souvenir of Avoca
Botna Valley Genealogy Society
- Oakland Acorn
- Oakland Daily Acorn
- The Globe
Poweshiek County
- Brooklyn Chronicle
- The Chronicle
- Poweshiek County Herald
- The Grinnell Herald
- The Grinnell Register
- The Malcom Bulletin
- The Montezuma Standard
- The Signal
Ringgold County
Tingley Vindicator
- Tingley Vindicator
- Arispe News
- Chronicle
- Clearfield Chronicle
- Clearfield Enterprise
- Dexfield Review-Sentinel
- Diagonal Reporter
- Kellerton Globe
- Knowlton Sentinel
- Le Mars Daily Sentinel
- Messenger
- Redding Herald
- Ringgold County Bulletin
- Ringgold Record
- Shannon City Messenger
- The Diagonal Progress
- The Ringgold County Republican
- The Ringgold Record
- The Ringgold Record And Republican
- Twice a Week News
- Mount Ayr Journal
- Mount Ayr Record News
- Mt Ayr Journal
- Ayr Journal
- Ayr Semi Weekly Journal
- News Extra
- The Daily News
- The Independent
- The Weekly News
- Wayne County Democrat
- Diagonal Reporter
- Ellston Weekly Register
- Knowlton Sentinel
- Redding
- Supplement of the Shannon City Express
- The Creston New Advertiser
- The Kellerton Globe
- The Redding Herald
- The Redding Rustler
- Tingley High School Journal
- Tingley Vindicator
- Twice-A-Week Press
Sac County
Lytton Public Library
- Depot Days
- Lytton Centennial History Book
- Lytton Star
- Lytton Town Crier
- The Lytton News
- The Lytton Star
- Chronicle
- Lake View Argus
- Lake View Resort
- Odebolt Observer
- Odebolt Reporter
- Sac County Democrat
- Sac County Farm Register
- Sac County Herald
- Sac County Star
- The Chronicle
- The New North
- The Odebolt Chronicle
- The Odebolt News
- The Odebolt Record
- The Sac Sun
- The Sac Sun Star
- Wall Lake Blade
- Wall Lake Journal
- The Lake View Resort
- Little Rock Free Lance
- Schaller Herald
Scott County
Catholic Messenger
- Catholic Messenger
- The Catholic Messenger And The Western World
- Iowa Catholic Messenger And Northwestern Catholic
- North Scott Press
The Quad City Times Newspaper Archives
- Davenport Daily Davenport Gazette (1854 – 1900)
- Davenport Daily Gazette (1817 – 1925)
- Davenport Daily Leader (1858 – 1904)
- Davenport Daily Republican (1895 – 1903)
- Davenport Daily Tribune (1880 – 1902)
- Davenport Gazette (1847 – 1887)
- Davenport Leader (1893 – 1904)
- Davenport Morning Tribune (1880 – 1892)
- Davenport Tribune (1887 – 1902)
- Davenport Weekly Leader (1889 – 1904)
- Morning Democrat (1955)
- Sunday Democrat and Times (1955)
Shelby County
Harlan Public Library
- Harlan Tribune
- Harlan News Advertiser
- Harlan News-Advertiser
Sioux County
Libraries of Sioux County
- Alton Democrat
- Alton Review
- Boyden Reporter
- Corn Belt Weekly
- De Volksvriend
- Hawarden Independent
- Hawarden Independent Ireton Examiner
- Holstein Advance
- Hospers Tribune
- Hull Index
- Iowa Index
- Ireton Clipper
- Ireton Examiner
- Ireton Ledger
- Ireton Weekly Ledger
- Maurice Review
- Maurice Times
- Nieuwsblad Voor Orange City
- Orange City People Friend
- Reporter
- Riverside Current
- Rock Valley Bee
- Rock Valley Register
- Sibley Gazette
- Sioux Center Corn Belt Weekly
- Sioux Center News
- Sioux Center News (Hull)
- Sioux Center Nieuwsblad
- Sioux County Bee
- Sioux County Bee And Rock Valley Register
- Sioux County Capital
- Sioux County Capital Democrat
- Sioux County Expositor
- Sioux County Herald
- Sioux County Independent
- Sioux County Index
- Sioux County Index Reporter
- Siouxland Press
- The Rock Valley Bee
- The Sioux County Capital-Democrat
- The Sioux County Index-Reporter
- Banner
- The Northwestern College Beacon
- The Monitor
Rock Valley Bee Digital Archives
- Alton Democrat (1885 – 1982)
- Alton Review (1883 – 1885)
- Hawarden Independent (1878 – 2003)
- Hospers Tribune (1908 – 1941)
- Hull Index (1894 – 1913)
- Ireton Clipper (1891 – 1892)
- Ireton Ledger (1911 – 1942)
- Ireton Weekly Ledger (1904 – 1906)
- Maurice Times (1916 – 1929)
- Orange City People Friend (1895)
- Rock Valley Bee (1903 – 2004)
- Rock Valley Register (1892 – 1896)
- Sioux Center News (1896 – 2008)
- Sioux Center Nieuwsblad (1892 – 1929)
- Sioux County Bee (1897 – 1901)
- Sioux County Bee and Rock Valley Register (1897 – 2007)
- Sioux County Capital (1895 – 2000)
- Sioux County Herald (1872 – 1916)
- Sioux County Independent (1878 – 1883)
- Sioux County Index (1913 – 1999)
Story County
Bertha Bartlett Public Library
- South Hamilton News
- Story City Herald
- Story City News
- The Messenger
- Ames Daily Intelligencer
- Ames Daily Tribune
- Ames Daily Tribune and Times
- Ames Evening Times
- Ames Intelligencer
- Ames Times
- Ames Tri Weekly Tribune
- Ames Tribune
- Ames Weekly Tribune
- Daily Tribune
- Milepost
- Story County Sun
- Tribune
- The Tribune
- Evening Journal
- Journal
- Nevada Evening Journal
- Nevada Evening Journal And The Nevada Representative
- Nevada Journal
- Nevada Representative
- Nevada Watchman
- Representative
- Story County Aegis
- Story County Representative
- Story County Watchman
- Watchman
- Roland Record
- The Slater News
- The Tri-County Times
Tama County
Tama County
- Toledo Chronicle
- Toledo Chronicle Democrat
- Amateur Star The
- Daily Star Clipper
- Garwin Gazette
- Garwin News
- Garwin Record
- Garwin Star
- Garwin Sun
- Iowa Transcript
- Le Grand Herald The
- Le Grand Record
- Le Grand Record The
- Le Grand Reporter
- LeGrand News
- Orford Weekly Leader
- Star Clipper
- Tama Citizen
- Tama County Advocate
- Tama County Democrat
- Tama County Leader
- Tama County Republican
- Tama County Semi Weekly Leader
- Tama County Union
- Tama Free Press
- Tama Herald
- Tama Northern
- The Dysart Reporter
- The Tama Citizen
- The Tama County Union
- Traer Clipper
- Traer Star
- Traer Star Clipper
- Traer Weekly Star
- The Tama Herald
- The Tama News Herald
- The Toledo Chronicle
Taylor County
Lenox Public Library
- Lenox Time Table
- Lenox Time-Table
- The Lenox Time Table
Union County
Creston Historical Preservation Commission
- Afton Enterprise
- Afton Star-Enterprise
- Afton Tribune
- Creston Advertiser
- Creston Commonwealth
- Creston Daily Advertiser
- Creston Daily Commonwealth
- Creston Daily Gazette
- Creston Evening News
- Creston Semi Weekly Advertiser
- Creston Semi Weekly Advertiser Gazette
- Creston Weekly Advertiser Gazette
- Enterprise
- Independent American
- The Creston Commoner
- The Creston Monitor
- The Creston Weekly Times
- The Every Sunday Morning
- The Kent Bulletin
- The Kent Herald
- The Lorimor Journal
- The Morning American
- The Plain Dealer
- Trans-Mississippi Exposition
- Workingmans Advocate
Wapello County
Eddyville Public Library
- Eddyville Advertiser
- Eddyville Free Press
- Eddyville Signal
- Eddyville Star
- Eddyville Tribune
- Eddyville Weekly Advertiser
- Signal
- Demoine Courier
- Des Moines Courier
- Evening Democrat
- Morning Democrat
- Ottumwa Daily Courier
- Ottumwa Daily Democrat
- Ottumwa Daily Review
- Ottumwa Review
- Ottumwa Semi-Weekly Courier
- Ottumwa Tri-Weekly Courier
- Ottumwa Weekly Courier
- Ottumwa Weekly Democrat
- Ottumwa Weekly Times
- Spirit of the Times
- The Ottumwa Daily Vindicator
- The Ottumwa Democrat
- The Saturday Herald
- The Sun
- The Weekly Ottumwa Courier
- The Weekly Ottumwa Democrat
- Weekly Democratic Union
- Ottumwa Courier
- The Ottumwa Courier
Warren County
- Annual Report
- Names That Live at Simpson
- Simpson Alumnus, Bulletin
- Simpson Magazine
- The Simpsonian
Warren County Historical Society
- Advocate Tribune
- Daily Advocate Tribune
- Des Moines Conference Daily
- Evening Herald
- Indianola Herald
- Indianola Journal
- Indianola Record
- Indianola Republican
- Indianola Times
- Indianola Tribune
- Lacona Ledger
- Maxwell Tribune
- Milo Enterprise
- Milo Motor
- Morning Herald
- New Virginian
- Real Estate News
- The Carlisle Citizen
- The Carlisle Citizen And Milo Motor-Carlisle Reporter
- The Carlisle Optimist
- The Indianola Herald
- The Indianola Record
- The Indianola Tribune
- The Marion Sentinel
- The New Virginian
- The North Warren Town And County News
- The Osceola Tribune
- The Record-Herald
- The Record-Herald And Indianola Tribune
- Warren County Leader
- Warren County Tribune
- Warren Eagle
- Warren Record
- Weekly Indianola Banner
- Weekly Indianola Visitor
- Weekly Visitor
Washington County
Kalona Public Library
- The Kalona News
- Kalona News
Washington County Library Association
- Ainsworth Clipper
- Brighton Enterprise
- Brighton News
- Brighton Pioneer and Home Visitor
- Brighton Record
- Brighton Register
- Brighton Reporter
- Brighton Star
- Burlington Post And The Burlington Times
- Clarion
- Clarion Plainsman
- Columbus Gazette
- Columbus Safeguard
- Columbus Semi Weekly Safeguard
- Crawfordsville Imprint
- Daily Comet
- Daily Globe
- Daily Reporter
- Democrat Independent
- Evening Journal
- Greenback World
- Henry County Press
- Iowa Free Democrat
- Iowa Home Journal
- Iowa Union Farmer
- Junior Democrat
- Kalona News
- Keota Alta
- Keota Eagle
- Lebanon Courier
- Lone Tree Branch
- Lone Tree Reporter
- Louisa County Safeguard
- Mediapolis New Era News
- Mediapolis News
- Mount Pleasant Journal
- Mt Pleasant News
- Mt. Pleasant Daily News
- Mt. Pleasant Free Press
- Mt. Pleasant Herald
- Mt. Pleasant News-Journal
- Mt. Pleasant Republican
- Mt. Pleasant Weekly News
- Mt. Pleasant Weekly News-Journal
- Plainsman Clarion
- Reporter
- Richland Clarion
- Richland Clarion and Pekin Community News
- Richland Plainsman
- Riverside Current
- Riverside Leader
- Tattler
- The Chicago Chronicle
- The Dial of Progress
- The Enterprise
- The Enterprise Index
- The Evening News
- The Free Press
- The Home Journal
- The Iowa Freeman
- The Iowa True Democrat
- The Kalona News
- The Mediapolis New Era
- The Mediapolis New Era News
- The Mediapolis News
- The Morning Journal
- The Mount Pleasant News
- The National Republican
- The New Era
- The Wapsie Index
- The Weekly Enterprise
- The Weekly News
- The West Liberty Index
- Transcript
- Tri Weekly
- Wapsie Weekly Index
- Washington County Press
- Washington Democrat
- Washington Democrat Independent
- Washington Evening Journal
- Washington Gazette
- Washington Press
- Washington Weekly Press
- Wayland News
- Weekly Observer
- Wellman Advance
- West Liberty Enterprise
- Western Star
- Wheatland Gazette
- Winfield Beacon
- Winfield Beacon and Wayland News
- Winfield Beacon Wayland News
- Winfield Courier
- Winfield Daily Beacon
- Winfield News
- Fairfield Daily Journal
- Fairfield Ledger
- Fairfield Weekly Journal
- Iowa Sentinel
- Jefferson County Republican
- The Batavia News
- The Evening Journal
- The Fairfield Journal
- The Fairfield Tribune
- The Industrial Era
- The Lockridge Herald
- The Lockridge Times
- Daily Ledger Journal
- Fairfield Daily Ledger
- The Fairfield Daily Ledger And Journal And Tribune
- The Weekly Ledger Journal
- Kalona News
- Mt. Pleasant Daily News
- Southeast Iowa Union
- Southeast Iowa Union and Mt Pleasant News
Wayne County
Seymour Community Library
- Seymour Democrat
- Seymour Herald
- Seymour Press
- The Seymour Democrat
- The Seymour Herald
- The Seymour Herald
- The Seymour Leader
Webster County
Fort Dodge Public Library
- Daily Chronicle
- Dayton Weekly Review
- Evening Messenger
- Fort Dodge City Directory
- Fort Dodge Daily Chonicle
- Fort Dodge Daily Messenger
- Fort Dodge Daily Times
- Fort Dodge Democrat
- Fort Dodge Messenger
- Fort Dodge Messenger And Chronicle
- Fort Dodge Semi-Weekly Chronicle
- Fort Dodge Semi-Weekly Times
- Fort Dodge Sentinel
- Fort Dodge The Weekly Times
- Fort Dodge Times
- Fort Dodge Weekly Chronicle
- Gazette And Messenger
- Greenville Times
- Harcourt News
- Iowa North West
- Iowa Real Estate Register
- Lehigh Valley Argus
- Northwest Chronicle
- Republican Extra
- Saturday Evening Messenger
- Saturday Evening Post
- Saturday Messenger
- Semi Weekly Messenger
- Service Press
- The Badger Herald
- The Barnum Booster
- The Callender Call
- The Callender News
- The Callender Press
- The Callender Times
- The Clare Clipper
- The Clare Record
- The Dayton Review
- The Duncombe Dispatch
- The Duncombe News
- The Fort Dodge Methodist
- The Fort Dodge Post
- The Fort Dodge Republican
- The Gowrie News
- The Harcourt And Callender News
- The Lanyon And Harcourt News
- The Lanyon News
- The Messenger Junior
- The Moorland Monitor
- The Otho Argus
- The Real News
- The Somers Sun
- Tribune
- Webster County Gazette
- Webster County Gazette And Fort Dodge Messenger
- Weekly Messenger
- Lehigh Valley Argus
- Independent Argus
Winnebago County
Buffalo Center Tribune Archives
- Forest City Summit
- The Forest City Summit
- The Independent
- The Summit
- The Winnebago County Republican
- Winnebago Summit
- Winnebago-Hancock Summit
- Summit-Tribune
- Lake Mills Graphic
- Independent Herald
- North Star
Winneshiek County
Winneshiek County Newspapers
- Bee and Decorah Journal
- Calmar Courier
- Daily Republican
- Decorah Bee
- Decorah Gazette
- Decorah Journal
- Decorah Journal and Press
- Decorah Public Opinion
- Decorah Public Opinion and Decorah Republican
- Decorah Public Opinion And The Decorah Journal
- Decorah Radical
- Decorah Republic
- Decorah Republican
- Decorah Weekly Journal
- Driftless Journal
- Nordic Fest
- Public Cresco Opinion
- Saturday Evening Journal
- Ventilator
- Ossian Bee
- The Decorah Journal
- The Decorah Journal And Press
- The Ossian Bee
- Driftless Journal And Decorah Public Opinion
Woodbury County
Catholic Globe
- Correctionville Argus
- Correctionville News
- Sioux Valley News
- Danbury Review
- Decorah Journal
- The Battle Creek Times
- The Danbury Preview
- The Danbury Review
Morningside University Archives
- L’Echo
- The Collegian Chief
- The Collegian Reporter
- The Scoop
Worth County
Worth County Historical Society
- Kensett News
- Manly Signal
- Manly Signal And The Kensett News
- Northwood Anchor
- Northwood Pioneer
- The Kensett News
- The Kensett News And Manly Chronicle
- The Northwood Anchor
- The Northwood Anchor And The Worth County Index Consolidated
- The Northwood Pioneer
- The Oakland Acorn
- Worth County Eagle
- Worth County Index
Wright County
Clarion Public Library
- Clarion Clipper
- Winterset Madisonian
- Wright County Democrat
- Wright County Monitor
- Wright County Tribune
- The Wright County Monitor
- Dows Advocate
- Dows Tribune
- Wright County Reporter
- Dows Dispatch
- Boone Valley Gazette
- Boone Valley Telephone
- Eagle Grove Eagle
- Eagle Grove Times
- Eagle Grove Times And Gazette
- Eagle Grove Times Gazette
- Evening Times
- Goldfield Booster
- Goldfield Chronicle
- Goldfield Gazette
- Times Gazette
- Weekly Telephone
- Woolstock News
Student Collections:
Buena Vista University – Storm Lake
Central College – Pella
Coe College – Cedar Rapids
Cornell College – Mount Vernon
Dordt College – Sioux Center
Drake University – Des Moines
Grinnell College – Grinnell
Iowa State University – Ames
Johnston High School – Johnston
Luther College – Decorah
Morningside College – Sioux City
Saint Ambrose University – Davenport
- The Buzz (1992 – present)
University of Iowa – Iowa City
University of Northern Iowa – Cedar Falls
Upper Iowa University – Fayette
Wartburg College – Waverly
West High School – Iowa City
Miscellaneous Collections and Indexes:
- Herald-Patriot
- Herald
- The Chariton Leader
- Democrat
Independent Voices – Alternative Newspapers
- Ain’t I a Woman
- Common Lives/Lesbian Lives
- Penal Digest International
- Prisoners Digest International
- The Second Battle of Chicago 1969
- The Pawn
- Search for Tomorrow
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Newspapers 1933-1942
- Albia – Spirit Of 771 (Company 771)
- Ames – Camp Ames News (Company 1709)
- Bancroft – Voice (Company 3728)
- Boone – Out-Burst (Company 780)
- Cascade – Rog Rifter (Company 772)
- Charlton – Dizzy Echoes (Company 2715)
- Clarion – Ditch Digger Gazette (Company 3726)
- Cresco – Cresco Conservation Camp Bulletin (Company 1749)
- Cresco – Forty-Niner (Company 1749)
- Denison – Veteran (Company 1777)
- Dundee – Backbone Lyre (Company 1756)
- Dundee – Dam Lyre (Company 1756)
- Fairfield – Barracks City Bugle (Company 1756)
- Fairfield – Camp News (Company 1756)
- Fairfield – Question Mark (Company 1756
- Fairfield – White City News (Company 1756)
- Guthrie Center – Green Valley Echoes (Company 2717)
- Guthrie Center – Springbrook See See See-An (Company 779)
- Hampton – Company 2717 Reporter (Company 2717)
- Hampton – Hampton Conservation Camp (Company 2717)
- Indianola – Chief (Company 769)
- Lake View – Black Hawk (Company 778)
- Lamoni – Camp 2724 News (Company 2724)
- Lamoni – Camp Lamoni News (Company 1709)
- Lamoni – Honker (Company 2724)
- Lenox – Current Camp Chips (Company 777)
- McGregor – Camp Coulee Des Sioux News (Company 1754)
- McGregor – Mcgregor C.C. Camp News (Company 1754)
- Milford – Okoboji Shore Line (Company 778)
- Missouri Valley – Camp News (Company 778)
- New London – Geode Echo (Company 2725)
- Oakland – Megaphone (Company 780)
- Oakville – Blackhawk (Company 1753)
- Oskaloosa – Ccc 776 Reporter (Company 776)
- Sioux City – Stone Park Echoes (Company 2725)
- Whiting – Blotter (Company 3725)
Iowa Old Press (1800’s–1900’s) (transcriptions)
World War II Iowa Press Clippings 1940s
Museum of Danish America newspapers (1873–2012)
- Bien
- Dannevirke
- Den Danske Pioneer
- Danskeren
- Lauritz Melchior
- The Carlisle Citizen Carlisle, Iowa
- The Danish Villages Voice Elk Horn, Iowa
- Dayton Review Dayton, Iowa
- Decorah Journal Decorah, Iowa
- Decorah Public Opinion Decorah, Iowa
- Harlan News-Advertiser Harlan, Iowa
- Harlan Tribune Harlan, Iowa
- Highland Review Kalona, Iowa
- The Kalona News Kalona, Iowa
- The Lone Tree Reporter Lone Tree, Iowa
- Lyon County News, Inc. George, Iowa
- Lyon County Reporter Rock Rapids, Iowa
- Marion County News Pleasantville, Iowa
- Mount Vernon Hawkeye Record Unavailable, Iowa
- Moville Record Moville, Iowa
- N. Warren Town & County News Norwalk, Iowa
- The Northwood Anchor Northwood, Iowa
- The Ogden Reporter Ogden, Iowa
- Rock Rapids Review Rock Rapids, Iowa
- Sioux County Index Reporter Hull, Iowa
- The Sun Mt. Vernon, Iowa
- West Lyon Herald Inwood, Iowa
- Akron Hometowner Akron
- Akron Registar-Tribune Akron
- American Harlan
- Boyden Reporter Hull
- Catholic Messenger Davenport
- Catholic Mirror Des Moines
- Clear Lake Mirror Reporter Clear Lake
- Elk Horn-Kimballton Review Elk Horn
- Harlan Herald Harlan
- Harlan Hub Harlan
- Harlan Republican Harlan
- Inwood Herald Inwood
For Obituary Indexes, transcriptions, and other death/obituary information from historical newspapers, please check out the Obituaries page.
Other Free Sites:
Council Bluffs
Des Moines
Subscription or Pay Sites:
There are currently 208 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Ancestry – Iowa Newspapers
Genealogy Bank:
There are currently 464 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Genealogy Bank – Iowa Newspapers
Newspaper Archive:
There are currently 1,215 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspaper Archive – Iowa
There are currently 300 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspapers.com – Iowa.
And Finally:
You also need to visit the State Historical Society of Iowa site from time to time, which can tell you what is occurring in the state with regard to online newspaper availability.
Please note – even more may be available via a local or state library where a library card is required. And of course, there is always microfilm for those that have not been made available online as yet. The University of Northern Iowa has An Online Guide: Iowa Historical Newspapers.
For more links for different states, provinces, and countries – please see the Newspaper Links page on this website.
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!
23 replies on “Iowa Online Historical Newspapers Summary”
Excellent list, as usual! It should be noted that the Daily Iowan, listed for Iowa City, was published by the University of Iowa.
You finally published about a site where I have ancestors. And I found lots of stuff about them. Thanks so much for the list.
The Monroe County Historical Society has fairly recently posted the Albia and Monroe county papers from 1859 to 1987. It’s an awesome site and worthy of being added to your oh-so-helpful list. THANKS!
Thanks Ellen. I thought that I had that county in the list but apparently not. I will add it. Thanks! How new is the site for that county – do you know?
The Pocahontas Library has digitized the local paper and it is searchable online.
The Dickinson County newspapers are online at the Spirit lake Iowa library…..online
The Onawa Public Library has free access to several digital publications from Onawa and Monona County, Iowa. This is a great resource!! Thanks for putting this online.
Was there ever a Dallas County newspaper?
I haven’t seen anything from Ft. Madison or Lee County. Are they being considered?
Every entity that has old paper newspapers or microfilmed images of old newspaper pages (usually a library, but could be a historical society, etc.) makes their own decision about if they want to pay some company to turn those items into digital images to be posted somewhere on the internet.
So if you know of some old newspapers you wanted to see posted online, you could call a local or county library near where the old papers were distributed, and ask them if they have original paper newspapers or microfilm rolls of them. If they say yes, ask them if those images are online. If no, ask them if they plan to digitize them and post them online. If yes, what website will they be on?
The Kirchner-French Memorial Library & Spencer Public Library Archives are in Clay County, not Clayton County, please fix 🙂
This is an great list, thank you!!
Humboldt Public Library has digitized Humboldt, Iowa newspapers. Visit the library website to access them (username and password).
You seem to have gotten the Warren County link tucked into the Keokuk County listing
Here’s a few:
Atlantic (Cass Co) Has some of its newspapers digitized through the library. Here’s the link http://atlanticpl.newspaperarchive.com/ it also contains info from the Griswold, Iowa area, as those are very small places. Thanks for all the help 🙂 I’ve found so much for my ancestors.
LeMars, Iowa
Here’s one for Carroll, IA
To whom it may concern:
The Shenandoah Public Library in Page County Iowa has digital newspapers, but they are NOT available for access outside the library, per directive of the copyright holders (in spit of our efforts to secure a broader agreement). Please remove the link from this list. Thank you.
Joy Stortvedt
Technology & Teen Librarian
Shenandoah Public Library
Under Other Free Sites, the Lansing, Iowa newspaper, Allamakee Journal mistakingly goes to the Jefferson Public Library site (i.e. Greene County, Iowa). Is the Allamakee Journal available online?
Sorry Karon it has taken me so long to respond. I can’t seem to find it anywhere. Tried the Postville Library in Allamakee County but no luck with that online collection.
My family owned the Ute Independent in Ute, Monona County, IA in the early 1900’s. It was started in 1890 and my 2nd Great Uncle helped with the printing of the 1st copy.
It is stored at the Onawa Public Library, as well as the ones mentioned in your list. I have actually flown from AZ to Iowa, just to research the paper.
Is there any possibility of getting it digitized?
Thanks for your time.
A couple of oops! Wapello is not in Wapello County. It is actually in Louisa county. Under Wapello County, there is a listing for the Ottumwa Courier. The Courier is NOT free, it requires a paid subscription to view.
I’ll fix the wrong county in the next update. I’m pretty sure that the Ottumwa site used to be free as many but certainly not all of the Newspaper Archive sites are. I always check that. That’ll be fixed too. Thanks for the heads up.
Newspaper Archive sites have never been free. It has always been a paid subscription as it still is. If you click the links that you give above, you will find that eventually you have to buy a membership to see the paper. Recently the Ottumwa Public library digitized some of their pre-1930 newspapers and those are free on Advantage Preservation at ottumwa.advantage-preservation.com.
You still have newspapers from Louisa county listed under Wapello County. Louisa county has a town named Wapello which is different from Wapello county.
“Taylor County Newspaper Archives” links to NewspaperArchive.com which requires paid membership, so they are not free
NewspaperArchives is deleting a lot of their formerly free archives. I haven’t updated my spreadsheet for each one as it happens. Thanks