One of the main goals for genealogists is finding birth, marriage, and death (BMD) information about their ancestors.
Over the past few decades, thanks to volunteers, librarians, and archivists (as well as the largest of them all – FamilySearch), a great number of indexes to birth, marriage, and death collections have been provided for free online. These searchable indexes provide specific BMD information, and often scanned images of the actual birth, marriage, and death certificates themselves. These free online collections have hundreds of millions of records in them in total.
There are a great number of online and offline collections that may include birth, marriage, and death information that are not included in the lists below. For example, newspapers, draft registration files, naturalization records, etc. have BMD info. To find out which types of other records may include BMD information, please see:
- 27 Ways to Find Ancestor Birth Information
- 22 Ways to Find Ancestors Marriage Information
- 21 Ways to Find Ancestors Death Information
The lists below are specific birth, marriage, and death indexes and record collections that are available for free online.
Note: Some of the links listed below take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. In many cases there is a link to the digital collection in the middle of the page, but also near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. Please also note that I have listed below only BMD databases that are accessible digitally from your computer (or tablet/phone). Make sure that you are signed in to FamilySearch in order to make full use of a digitized collection.
Note: There are obituary record indexes included, but are only listed if the index contains the death date, not just the date of publication of the obituary.
(Updated November 2022)
- Canada Births and Baptisms, 1661-1959
- Canada Deaths and Burials, 1664-1955
- Canada Marriages, 1661-1949
- Canada Miscellaneous Marriages
Nova Scotia
- Amherst, Catholic Church, Saint Charles Borromeo, Parish Registers, 1888-Feb.1910
- Annapolis Book of Records 1747, 1774-1874, 1884
- Annapolis Royal, Church of England, St. Luke, Parish Register Transcripts, 1782-1817
- Annapolis Royal, Methodist Church , Church Records, 1835-1854
- Annapolis Township,, Book of Records for the township of Annapolis 1822 [dates cover 1747, 1774-1874, 1884]
- Annapolis, Births or Christenings, 1747-1874
- Annapolis, Marriages, 1781-1856
- Annapolis, Windsor and Wilmot Town Records
- Antigonish Catholic Diocese Vital Records 1823-1905
- Antigonish County Birth, Marriage, and Death Indexes
- Antigonish Marriages from the Parish Registers of St. Margaret’s Roman Catholic Church
- Atlantic Canada Genealogy Project – Vitals Data
- Aylesford, Church of England, St. Mary, Parish Register Transcripts, 1817-1861
- Barneys River Births and Baptisms, 1844-1882
- Barrington Township, Shelburn, Births or Christenings, 1762-1789
- Barrington Township, Shelburn, Births or Christenings, 1762-1789
- Barrington Township, Township Records, 1764-1861
- Barrington Twp., Shelburn, Births or Christenings, 1762-1789
- Beaubassin, Cumberland, Parish Register, Marriages, 1712-1748
- Beaubassin, Cumberland, Births or Christenings, 1717-1748
- Beaubassin, Eglise Catholique , Registres paroissiaux, 1712-1748
- Bridgewater, Catholic Church, Saint Joseph, Parish Registers, 1851-1925
- Caledonia, Catholic Church, Saint Joseph, Parish Registers, 1836-1909
- Cape Breton County Church Records, 1785-1945
- Cape Breton County, Cape Breton County inquest case files, 1906-1907
- Catholic Church. Holy Guardian Angels, L’Ardoise, Richmond County, L’Ardoise, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths/Burials, 1823-1905
- Catholic Church. Immaculate Conception, Heatherton, Antigonish County, Heatherton, Baptisms, Deaths, and Marriages, 1875-1905
- Catholic Church. Immaculate Conception, Main-à-Dieu, Cape Breton County, Main-à-Dieu, Baptisms, 1846-1905
- Catholic Church. Immaculate Conception, Sydney Mines, Cape Breton County, Sydney Mines, Baptisms and Marriages, 1884-1905
- Catholic Church. Sacred Heart, Johnstown, Nova Scotia); Catholic Church. Saint Mary, Big Pond, Cape Breton County, Johnstown and Big Pond, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, 1885-1905
- Catholic Church. Sacred Heart, Sydney, Cape Breton County, Sydney, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1833-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Alphonsus, Victoria Mines, Cape Breton County, Victoria Mines and Low Point area, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1856-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Andrew, Boisdale, Cape Breton County, Boisdale, Baptisms and Marriages, 1839, 1850, 1856-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Andrew, Judique, Inverness County, Judique, Baptisms and Marriages, 1853-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Andrew, St. Andrews, Antigonish County, St. Andrews, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, 1833-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Anne, Glace Bay, Cape Breton County, Glace Bay, Saint Anne Parish, Baptisms and Marriages, 1873-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Anthony, Glace Bay, Cape Breton County, Glace Bay, Saint Anthony Parish, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1903-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Barra, Christmas Island, Cape Breton County, Christmas Island, Baptisms and Marriages, 1854-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Columba, Iona, Victoria County, Iona, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, 1862-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Francis de Sales, Lower River Inhabitants, Richmond County, Lower River Inhabitants, Baptisms/Births, 1849, 1861-1906
- Catholic Church. Saint John the Baptist, Brook Village, Inverness County, Brook Village, Baptisms and Marriages, ca. 1865-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint John the Baptist, Glace Bay, Cape Breton County, Glace Bay, Saint John the Baptist Parish, Baptisms and Marriages, 1903-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint John the Baptist, River Bourgeois, Richmond County, River Bourgeois, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1840-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Joseph, Bras d’Or, Cape Breton County, Bras d’Or, Baptisms and Marriages, 1848-1850, 1879-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Joseph, North Sydney, Cape Breton County, North Sydney, Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1846-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Joseph, Port Hawkesbury, Richmond County, Port Hawkesbury, Baptisms and Marriages, 1863-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Joseph, Reserve Mines, Cape Breton County, Reserve Mines, Baptisms and Marriages, 1895-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Joseph, St. Joseph, Antigonish County, St. Joseph, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1859-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Joseph’s Mission, Lingan, Cape Breton County, Lingan, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1853-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Lawrence, Mulgrave, Guysborough County, Mulgrave, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths/Burials, 1850-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Margaret, Arisaig, Antigonish County, Arisaig, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, 1845-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Margaret, Broad Cove Chapel, Inverness County, Broad Cove Chapel, Baptisms and Marriages, 1853-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Margaret, Grand Mira South, Cape Breton County, Grand Mira North and Grand Mira South, Baptisms and Marriages, 1836-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Mary of Angels, Glendale, Inverness County, Glendale, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, 1875-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Mary, Frenchvale, Cape Breton County, Frenchvale, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths/Burials, 1853-1878
- Catholic Church. Saint Mary, Mabou, Inverness County, Mabou, Baptisms and Marriages, 1842-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Mary, Port Morien, Cape Breton County, Port Morien, Baptisms and Marriages, 1873-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Ninian’s Cathedral, Antigonish, Antigonish County, Antigonish, Baptisms and Marriages, 1833-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Patrick, Lochaber, Antigonish County, Lochaber, Baptisms and Marriages, 1861-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Paul, Havre Boucher, Antigonish County, Havre Boucher, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1811-1905
- Catholic Church. Saint Peter, St. Peter’s, Richmond County, St. Peter’s, Baptisms and Marriages, 1867-1905
- Catholic Church. Stella Maris, Creignish, Inverness County, Creignish, Baptisms and Marriages, 1865, 1870, 1873-1905
- Catholic Church. Stella Maris, Pictou, Pictou County, Pictou, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, 1850-1905
- Chester Births, Marriages and Deaths 1762-1830
- Chester Township Births 1762-1820
- Chester Township Deaths 1775-1818
- Chester Township Marriages 1774-1816
- Chester Township, Church of England, St. Stephen, Township and church Records : 1762-1859
- Chester, 1762-1830 : records kept by the town consisting of the “publishments” of Births, Marriages and Deaths
- Chester, Church of England, St. Stephen, Baptisms, 1762-1841
- Christ Church, Shelburne, Shelburn, Births or Christenings, 1783-1869
- Christ Church, Shelburne, Shelburne, Marriages, 1783-1869
- Clementsport, Church of England, St. Edmund, Parish Register Transcripts, 1841-1911
- Colchester County, Coroner, Colchester County inquest case files, 1885-1930
- Cornwallis Baptist Marriages 1847-1857
- Cornwallis Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1720-1885
- Cornwallis Township, Baptist Church, Marriages, 1801, 1804-1821
- Cornwallis Township, Church of England, St. John, Parish Register Transcripts, 1783-1920
- Cornwallis Township, Church of England, St. John, Township and church Records, 1720-1920
- Cornwallis Township, Methodist Church , Baptisms, 1814-1827
- Cornwallis, record of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1720-1885
- Coroners’ inquisitions, Nova Scotia : 1755-1928
- Cumberland Colchester Township Birth, Marriage, and Death Indexes
- Cumberland County Birth, Marriage, and Death Indexes
- Cumberland County, Marriage Records, 1820-1821
- Cumberland Township, Cumberland Township/Fort Lawrence District Records, 1766-1891
- Dartmouth, Catholic Church, Saint Peter, Parish Registers, 1830-1945
- Digby County Births, Marriages, and Deaths
- Digby, Trinity Church Notitia parochialis
- Digby, Trinity Parish, Notitia parochialis
- Douglas Township, Township Records, 1784-1873
- East Chezzetcook, Catholic Church, Saint Genevieve, Parish Registers, 1884-1889, 1906, 1910, 1912, 1928-1941
- Enfield, Catholic Church, Saint Bernard, Parish Registers, 1857-1961
- Falmouth Township, Town Records of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1747-1825 : Register of earmarks (live stock), 1760-1917
- Falmouth, Town Records of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1747-1825
- Falmouth, town records of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1747-1825
- Fortress of Louisburg Parish Records, 1713-1758
- Grand Pré, Eglise Catholique. Saint-Charles-des-Mines , Registres paroissiaux, 1702-1755
- Granville Township, Church of England, All Saints’ Church, Parish Register Transcripts, 1790-1918
- Granville Township, Church of England, All Saints’ Church, Township and church Records : 1779-1933
- Granville, Town Register of Births, Marriages, Deaths and Ear Marks, 1720-1881
- Granville, town Register of Births, Marriages, Deaths and ear marks, 1720-1881
- Guysborough County Christ Church Deaths
- Guysborough County, , Church, cemetery and genealogical Records
- Halifax and Dartmouth, City of Halifax and Town of Dartmouth medical examiners’ reports, 1895-Jan. 1931
- Halifax Death Index 1864-1877, 1908-1968, 1890-1908
- Halifax Medical Examiner Deaths 1895-1974
- Halifax, Catholic Church, Saint Agnes, Parish Registers, 1892-1930
- Halifax, Catholic Church, Saint John the Baptist, Marriages, 1922-1930
- Halifax, Catholic Church, Saint Joseph, Baptisms, 1868-1908; Marriages, 1868-1871, 1889-1912
- Halifax, Catholic Church, Saint Joseph’s Orphanage, Baptisms, 1894-1915
- Halifax, Catholic Church, Saint Mary’s Basilica, Parish Registers, 1830-1969
- Halifax, Catholic Church, Saint Patrick, Parish Registers, 1848-1940
- Halifax, Catholic Church, Saint Patrick’s Home, Parish Registers, 1885-1909
- Halifax, Catholic Church, Saint Peter, Register of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1800-1830
- Halifax, Catholic Church, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Parish Registers, 1919-1930
- Halifax, Catholic Church, Parish Registers for coloured people, 1827-1835
- Hants County Newspaper Clippings, ca. 1878-ca. 1979
- Herring Cove, Catholic Church, Saint Paul, Parish Registers, 1837-1930
- Horton Township Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1751-1895
- Horton Township, A Register of the Marriages, Births and Deaths
- Horton Township, , Horton Township book, 1751-1895
- Joggins, Catholic Church, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Parish Registers, 1885-1930
- Kings County, Kings County , Marriages, 1762
- La Baleine, Cape Breton, 1714-1757 : Births or Christenings, A thru Z
- La Baleine, Cape Breton, Births or Christenings, 1714-1757
- L’Ardoise, Eglise Catholique. Mission de Saint-Ange , Livre de compte et registre, 1820-1829, 1823-1827
- Laurent Le Bec, Cape Breton, 1728-1757 : Births or Christenings, A thru Z
- Laurent Le Bec, Cape Breton, Births or Christenings, 1728-1757
- Liverpool Township, Township Records. 1761-1870
- Liverpool, Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1735-1888
- Liverpool, Church of England, Trinity Church, Parish Register typescripts, 1819-1869
- Liverpool, Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 1735-1888
- Liverpool, Methodist Church , Church Records, 1796-1889
- Londonderry, Catholic Church, Saint Thomas More, Parish Registers, 1878-1930
- Londonderry, Church of England, St. Paul, Parish Register Transcripts, 1873-1889
- Louisbourg, Cape Breton, 1722-1758 : Births or Christenings, A thru Z
- Louisbourg, Cape Breton, 1722-1758 : Marriages, A thru Z
- Louisbourg, Cape Breton, Births or Christenings, 1722-1758
- Lunenburg County and Queens County Birth, Marriage and Death Records
- Lunenburg County Birth, Marriage, and Death Records Resource Databases
- Lunenburg County Births, Marriages and Deaths
- Lunenburg County Church Records; Marriages and Baptisms
- Lunenburg County Obituaries (most contain Death date)
- Lunenburg County, Coroner, Lunenburg County inquest case files, 1824-1907
- Lunenburg, Baptist Church, Church Records, 1802-1872
- Lunenburg, Church of England, St. John, Parish Register Transcripts, 1752-1869
- Lunenburg, Dutch Reformed Church , Church Records, 1770-1870
- Lunenburg, Methodist Church , Church Records, 1815-1837
- Mahone Bay, Lunenburg, (Saint James, Anglican Church), Parish Register, Christenings, 1844-1870
- Manchester Township, Township book, 1782-1870
- Margaree, United Church of Canada , Church Records, 1822-1977
- Newport, Township Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1752-1858
- Newport, township Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1752-1858
- Nova Scotia Births and Baptisms, 1702-1896
- Nova Scotia Births, 1864-1877
- Nova Scotia Church Records, 1720-2001
- Nova Scotia Coal Mining Fatalities
- Nova Scotia Deaths and Obituaries (Transcriptions)
- Nova Scotia Deaths, 1864-1877
- Nova Scotia Deaths, 1890-1955
- Nova Scotia Deaths, 1956-1957
- Nova Scotia Delayed Birth Registrations, 1837-1838, 1846-1905; Marriage Registrations, 1907-1930; Halifax Burial Permits/Death Registers, 1890-1908; and Death Registration Certificates/Books, 1908-1957
- Nova Scotia Delayed Births, 1837-1904
- Nova Scotia Historical Vital Statistics – Births; 1864-1877, 1908-1919
(delayed registrations 1830-1919) - Nova Scotia Historical Vital Statistics – Deaths; 1864-1877, 1908-1969
- Nova Scotia Historical Vital Statistics – Marriages; Bonds 1763-1864
Registrations 1864-1944 - Nova Scotia Historical Vital Statistics Marriages
- Nova Scotia Marriage Bonds 1763-1864; Marriage Registrations 1864-1943
- Nova Scotia Marriage Bonds, 1763-1871
- Nova Scotia Marriages, 1711-1909
- Nova Scotia Marriages, 1864-1918
- Nova Scotia Marriages, 1907-1932
- Nova Scotia Vital Records, 1763-1957
- Nova Scotia, Birth Registrations, 1864-1877
- Nova Scotia, Church and Civil Records, 1727-1884
- Nova Scotia, Death Records, 1864-1877
- Nova Scotia, Death Registrations, 1864-1957
- Nova Scotia, Marriage bonds [typed extracts], 1763-1871
- Nova Scotia, Marriage bonds, 1763-1871
- Nova Scotia, Marriage Records, 1864-1875
- Nova Scotia, Marriage Registrations, 1864-1932
- Nova Scotia, Registers of Births, 1864-1877; Deaths, 1864-1877; and Marriages, 1864-1918
- Nova Scotia, Coroner, Queens County inquest case files, 1828-1929, 1940
- Nova Scotia, Coroner, Shelburne County inquest case files, 1786-1904
- Nova Scotia, Index to Marriages from Cape Breton Island, N.S. newspapers, ca. 1840-1899
- Nova Scotia, Index to obituaries from Cape Breton Island, N.S. newspapers, ca. 1840-1899
- Nova Scotia, Marriage Licenses, 1849-1918
- Nova Scotia, Register of Deaths, 1908-1919, for District no. 1, Municipality of Yarmouth, Yarmouth County
- Nova Scotia. Birth Records, 1864-1877
- Onslow Township, Township Records, 1761-1841, 1896
- Oxford Journal News Summarized Vitals
- Parrsboro, Catholic Church, Saint Brigid, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, 1857-1876; Baptisms, 1853, 1855, 1877- 1910; Marriages, 1906-1910; Deaths, 1882-1887, 1906-1910; census, 1870
- Pictou County Births, Candlish Presbyterian Church
- Pictou County Marriages, Barneys River
- Pictou County Marriages, Various Sources
- Pictou, Card index to Advocate : 1895-1950
- Prospect, Catholic Church, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Parish Registers, 1823-1989
- Queens County Birth, Marriage and Death Indexes
- River Philip Township, Township Records, 1793-1928
- Saint Charles, Grand Pre, Kings, Births or Christenings, 1707-1748
- Saint Charles, Grand Pre, Kings, Marriages, 1709-1748
- Saint George, Sydney, Cape Breton, Births or Christenings, 1785-1813
- Saint George, Sydney, Cape Breton, Marriages, 1785-1885
- Saint Jean Baptiste, Port Royal, Annapolis, Births or Christenings, 1702-1717
- Saint Marie, Church Point, Digby, (Roman Catholic), Parish Register, Marriages, 1799-1801
- Saint Pauls, Rawdon, Hants, Births or Christenings, 1793-1875
- Sheet Harbour, St. Peters Church, Baptisms and Marriages
- Sheet Harbour, Catholic Church, Saint Peter, Parish Registers, 1857-1930
- Shelburne County Anglican Records, Miscellaneous Marriages and Baptisms
- Springhill, Catholic Church, Saint John, Parish Registers, 1897-1930; index, 1910-1930
- St. Mary’s River Township, Township Records, 1807-1867
- Stewiacke Area Deaths
- Sydney, Church of England, St. George, Parish Registers, 1785-1929
- The Register (Berwick) & The Outlook (Middleton) BMD Index
- Tor bay Area Births, Marriages, and Deaths Indexes
- Trinity Parish, Digby, Christenings, Marriages and Burials, 1786-1845
- Truro Township, Church of England, St. Paul, Township Records, 1770-1853
- Truro, Colchester County, Funeral Records & Ledgers (includes Death dates), 1899-1927
- Truro, Town Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1761-1851
- Truro, town Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1761-1851
- Truro, Catholic Church, Immaculate Conception, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1873-1893; Baptisms, 1894-1910; Marriages, 1894-1910
- West Caledonia, Catholic Church, Saint Jerome, Parish Registers, 1832-1981
- West Chezzetcook, Eglise Catholique. Saint-Anselme , Registres paroissiaux, 1785-1910, 1927-1956
- Wilmot, Annapolis Marriages, 1790-1880
- Wilmot, Annapolis, Births or Christenings, 1789-1875
- Wilmot, Annapolis, Marriages, 1790-1880
- Windsor, Catholic Church, Saint John the Evangelist, Parish Registers, 1834-2001
- Wolfville, Church of England, St. John, Baptisms, 1823-1876
- Yarmouth Times Vital Records, 1883-1885
Check out the links for other provinces on the BMD Records page.
For all Free Nova Scotia Links, click on the category of interest:
BMD Records