(This page's most recent update is January 2025)
Institutional records are another class of collections that should be part of one’s genealogy research repertoire. Although most of your ancestors may not have spent time in an institution, I’ll bet that almost every family tree has several that have. So they are worth your effort to research.
Here are a few good primers for searching institutional records:
- FamilySearch – Institution and School Records
- Finding Your Ancestors in Poor House or Poor Farm Records
- Researching Ancestors in Asylums
What kind of institutions and types of records can we discover?
- Poorhouse
- Poor Farm
- Orphanage
- Orphan Train
- Mental Hospital
- Workhouse
- Almshouse
- Institutional School
- Sanitarium
- Asylums
- Correctional institutions
Acquiring records from each of these types of institutions may be difficult because of privacy concerns, but they are worth the effort.
Below you will find free online institutional records you can use to help you discover more about your relatives who have spent time in an institution.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Ohio Free Online Institutional Records
- Adams County, Poor Farm Cemetery
- Allen County Home, Register of Inmates, 1904-1951; Certificates of Application for Relief, 1910-1912; Certificates of Admission, 1909-1912
- Allen County Lima State Hospital Deaths
- Allen County, Lima State Hospital 1920 Census
- Allen County, Lima State Hospital Cemetery AKA Allen County Infirmary Cemetery
- Allen County, Jail Register, 1870-1902, 1907-1923
- Athens County Children’s Home, Register of Admission, 1882-1911
- Athens County Home, Register of Athens County Infirmary, Vol. 1-2, 1857-1928
- Athens County, Ridges Cemetery AKA Athens Lunatic Asylum Cemetery
- Auglaize County Home, Record of Inmates, 1889-1935
- Auglaize County, Burials from Auglaize Acres: Formerly Auglaize County Infirmary, Auglaize County Home, & County Poor Farm
- Belmont County Children’s Home, Register of Admittance and Indentures, 1880-1947
- Belmont County, Jail Registers, 1866-1922
- Bloom Township, Wood County, Poor Record & Account Book, 1881-1887
- Bridgewater Township, Soldiers’ Relief Records, 1890-1910
- Brown County Children’s Home, Record of Indentures, 1886-1921
- Brown County, Children’s Home Records, 1884-1921
- Champaign County Home, Record of Inmates, 1838-1963
- Champaign County, Childrens Home Records
- Champaign County, Poor Farm List of Paupers in 1847
- Cincinnati, Cincinnati Branch Hospital Records
- Clark County Home, Record of Inmates: 1836-1922
- Clinton County Children’s Home, Registers of Admittance and Indentures, 1884-1926
- Clinton County, Infirmary, Clinton County Home, Director’s Minutes, 1904-1908
- Clinton County, Jail Register, 1917-1927
- Columbiana County, County Home, Admission and Discharge Records, 1834-1911
- Cuyahoga County, Cleveland State Hospital Cemetery
- Delaware County, Ohio Home Cemetery AKA Girls Industrial School Cemetery
- Erie County, Jail Registers, V. 3-4, 1909-1925
- Fairfield County, Fairfield School For Boys Cemetery AKA Boys Industrial School Cemetery
- Fayette County Home, Paupers Record, 1884-1896; Infirmary Record, 1883-1914
- Franklin County, State of Ohio Asylum for the Insane Cemetery AKA Columbus State Hospital Cemetery
- Franklin County, State of Ohio Asylum for the Insane Cemetery AKA Columbus State Hospital Cemetery
- Franklin County, State of Ohio Feebleminded Cemetery AKA Developmental Center Cemetery
- Fulton County Home, County Home Record Books, 1876-1956
- Fulton County Soldiers Relief Commission, Soldiers Application and Statement for Relief, 1904, 1936-1954
- Gallia County, Gallipolis, Master’s Certificate for Sick or Disabled Seamen & U.S. Marine Hospital Patient Listing, 1883-1917
- Greene County Children’s Home, Indenture and Inmate Records, 1896-1924
- Greene County, Ohio Veterans Childrens Home Cemetery AKA Ohio Soldiers and Sailors Orphans Home
- Greene County, County Home, Infirmary and Indenture Records, 1881-1908
- Hancock County Home, Registers, 1868-1947
- Hardin County, Enumeration of Deaf, Dumb, Blind, Idiotic and Insane, 1861-1898
- Harrison County, Jail Register, 1913-1936
- Hocking County, Infirmary/Poorhouse Inmates in 1880 Census
- Hocking County, Infirmary/Poorhouse Inmates in 1900 Census
- Huron County, County Home, 1864-1970
- Lake Township, Wood County, Soldiers’ Relief Orders, 1887-1892, 1914-1915
- Lawrence County Children’s Home, Register of Inmates, 1874-1931
- Lawrence County, Jail Register, 1867-1923
- Licking County, Infirmary Index Card, 1840-1887
- Licking County, Jail Register, 1875-1878, 1904-1914
- Logan County, County Home, Record of Inmates, 1850-1978
- Lorain County, Andress Cemetery AKA Gore Orphanage Cemetery
- Lucas County, Saint Johns Lutheran Church Cemetery AKA Lutheran Orphanage Cemetery
- Lucas County, Toledo State Hospital Cemetery
- Lucas County, Toledo State Hospital New Cemetery AKA Toledo Mental Health Center Cemetery
- Lucas County, Toledo State Hospital Old Cemetery
- Lucas County, Jail Register, 1857-1859
- Madison County Home, Infirmary Register, 1868-1885
- Madison County, Institution Cemetery
- Madison County, Jail Register, 1875-1928
- Mahoning County Infirmary, Infirmary Records, 1855-1859
- Marion County, Infirmary Register & Relief Record, 1856-1921
- Meigs County, Sheriff’s Cash Book with Names of City Prisoners 1904-1908
- Mercer County Home, Record of Inmates, 1888-1938
- Mercer County, Infirmary Inmates Census Records
- Miami County Children’s Home, Record of indentures, 1880-1904
- Miami County Children’s Home, Record of Inmates, Vols. 1-2, 1894-1939
- Miami County, Infirmary, Miami County Home Director’s Minutes, 1890-1910
- Miami County, Jail Register, 1882-1920
- Monroe County Infirmary; Record of Inmates in the Monroe County Home, 1855-1978
- Montgomery County, Children’s Home, Children’s Home Records, 1867-1924
- Montgomery County, Woodland Cemetery and Arboretum AKA State Hospital Cemetery
- Noble County, Probate Records (Ohio), 1851-1921; Index to Lunacy Files, 1851-1973
- Ohio, Boys Industrial School Inmate Case Records, 1858-1918
- Ohio, Burials and Civil War Prisoners’ Records, 1861-1896
- Ohio, Girls Industrial School Inmate Case Record, 1869-1911
- Ohio, Inmates of the Ohio State Penitentiary from Marion County 1834-1875
- Ohio, Meigs County Prisoners in the Ohio State Penitentiary
- Ohio, Wardens of State Penitentiary
- Ohio, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, Prisoners, Insane, In Hospitals, 1917-1918
- Ohio, Children’s Home Index Card, 1872-1907
- Paulding County Infirmary, County Home Register, 1862-1908, 1920-1990
- Paulding County, Jail Registers, 1868-1940
- Perry Township, Wood County, Poor Relief Record, 1909-1913
- Perry Township, Wood County, Soldiers’ Relief Record, 1897-1905
- Pickaway County Childreńs Home, Register of Admittance and Indentures, 1906-1923
- Pickaway County, Orient Feeble Minded Institute Cemetery AKA Orient Correctional Institure Cemetery
- Pickaway County, Jail Register, 1861-1880
- Pike County Children’s Home, Admittance Register, 1882-1970
- Pike County Home, Register, 1882-1938
- Pleasant Township, Putnam County, Certificates of Application for Public Relief, 1908-1912
- Portage County, County Home, Home Register, 1840-1913
- Preble County Infirmary, Record of Inmates, 1838-1904
- Putnam County, Poorhouse, Court Records, 1869-1927
- Richland County, Ohio State Reformatory Cemetery AKA Masfield Prison Cemetery
- Richland County, Prisoners brought to Ohio State Reformatory from Ohio Penitentiary
- Richland County, Residents of the County Jail in 1920 Census
- Richland County, Minutes of Meetings of Richland County Childrens Home Commission, 1880-1917
- Ross County, Chillicothe Correctional Institute Prison Cemetery
- Sandusky County Home, Admittance Records, 1844-1944; Certificates of Application, 1914, 1917-1929, 1932, 1942; Statements of Fact, 1921-1948
- Sandusky, Providence Hospital, Sick Call Register, 1848-1982
- Seneca County Home, Infirmary Records, 1856-1986
- Seneca County, Tiffin State Hospital Cemetery AKA State Hospital Cemetery
- Shelby County, Administrator, Executor, and Guardian Records 1849-1919
- Shelby County, County Home, Record of Inmates, 1866-1947
- Summit County, Edwin Shaw Sanatorium Records, 1915-1947
- Summit County, Hospital Records, 1882-1949
- Tiffin, Mercy Hospital, Sick Call Register, 1969-1982
- Toledo, St. Anthony Orphanage, Register of Admissions and Placement, 1855-1921 and Record Book, 1901-1981, 1855-1981
- Toledo, Jail Registers, 1907-1921
- Trumbull County, Infirmary Records, 1865-1952
- Tuscarawas County, Jail Register, 1904-1929
- Union County Children’s Home, Register of Admittance and Indentures, 1884-1907; Minutes of Board of Trustees, 1884-1907
- Union County, a List of Deaf and Dumb, Blind, Insane, and Idiotic Persons, 1863-1864
- Union County, Prison Infirmary Records, 1867-1974
- Van Wert County Infirmary, County Home Register, 1867-1990
- Van Wert County, Enumerations of Death, Dumb, Blind, Idiotic and Insane Persons, 1910
- Van Wert County, Jail Register, 1874-1912
- Warren County Infirmary, Records, 1908-1966
- Warren County Orphan Asylum and Children’s Home, Record of Inmates, 1874-1952
- Washington County Home, Washington County Infirmary Register of Inmates, 1836-1920
- Webster Township, Wood County, Poor Relief Records, 1898-1899
- Williams County, Infirmary Admissions
- Williams County, Infirmary Records, 1874-1955
- Wood County Infirmary, Record of Inmates, Applications for Relief, and Relief Supply Orders, 1869-1956
- Wood County, Records of indentures, 1837-1890
- Wood County, Jail Register, 1864-1922
- Wood County, Poor Relief Record, 1900-1926
- Wyandot County, Jail Register, 1848-1868
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!