(This page's most recent update is January 2025)
Institutional records are another class of collections that should be part of one’s genealogy research repertoire. Although most of your ancestors may not have spent time in an institution, I’ll bet that almost every family tree has several that have. So they are worth your effort to research.
Here are a few good primers for searching institutional records:
- FamilySearch – Institution and School Records
- Finding Your Ancestors in Poor House or Poor Farm Records
- Researching Ancestors in Asylums
What kind of institutions and types of records can we discover?
- Poorhouse
- Poor Farm
- Orphanage
- Orphan Train
- Mental Hospital
- Workhouse
- Almshouse
- Institutional School
- Sanitarium
- Asylums
- Correctional institutions
Acquiring records from each of these types of institutions may be difficult because of privacy concerns, but they are worth the effort.
Below you will find free online institutional records you can use to help you discover more about your relatives who have spent time in an institution.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
South Carolina Free Online Institutional Records
- Aiken County, Aiken County Home Cemetery AKA Aiken County Poorhouse Cemetery
- Anderson County, Poor Farm Cemetery AKA County Home Cemetery AKA Detention Center Cemetery
- Anderson County, Jail Book, 1897-1907
- Charleston County, Charleston Poorhouse and Correctional House Records, 1803-1916
- Charleston County, Charleston, Correctional Records, 1868-1885
- Charleston County, Charleston, Orphan’s Records, 1795-1810
- Charleston County, Charleston, Poor Law Records, 1832-1916
- Charleston County, Charleston, Probate Records: indentures, 1790-1904
- Charleston County, Jenkins Orphanage Cemetery
- Cherokee County, Limestone Township Jail 1930 Index of Prisoners
- Clarendon County, Chain Gang 1930 Index of Prisoners
- Coleton County, Convict Camp 1930 Index of Prisoners
- Fairfield County, Poor House Farm Cemetery
- Fairfield County, Jail Books, 1875-1905
- Florence County, County Farm Cemetery AKA Poor Farm Cemetery
- Freedmen’s Bureau Hospital and Medical Records, 1865-1872
- Greenwood County, Greenwood Convict Camp 1930 Index of Prisoners
- Lexington County, Jail Book, 1873-1900
- Marion County, County Poor Farm Cemetery
- Marlboro County, County Poor Farm Cemetery
- Newberry County, 1828-1876 South Carolina Lunatic Asylum Admissions
- Newberry County, 1876-1885 South Carolina Lunatic Asylum Admissions
- Newberry County, 1881-1887 South Carolina Lunatic Asylum Admissions
- Newberry County, 1887-1889 South Carolina Lunatic Asylum Admissions
- Newberry County, 1889-1898 South Carolina Lunatic Asylum Admissions
- Newberry County, 1898-1902 South Carolina Lunatic Asylum Admissions
- Newberry County, 1902-1909 South Carolina Lunatic Asylum Admissions
- Newberry County, 1909-1915 South Carolina Lunatic Asylum Admissions
- Newberry County, 1915-1919 South Carolina Lunatic Asylum Admissions
- Newberry County, 1920-1926 South Carolina Lunatic Asylum Admissions
- Oconee County, Poor Farm Cemetery
- Pickens County, Poor Farm Cemetery
- Richland County, Alms House Burial Ground
- Richland County, Colored Asylum Cemetery AKA State Hospital Cemetery
- Richland County, Geiger Avenue Cemetery AKA SC State Hospital Cemetery AKA Confederate Home Cemetery
- Richland County, Pisgah Church Road Cemetery AKA South Carolina State Hospital Cemetery
- Richland County, South Carolina Penitentiary 1880 Index of Prisoners
- Richland County, State Cemetery AKA Penitentiary Cemetery
- South Carolina, Alcatraz Inmates born in South Carolina
- South Carolina, Inmates Tried in South Carolina Courts and incarcerated in Alcatraz – 1902-1922
- South Carolina, Lunacy Records 1881-1921
- South Carolina, Paroled Convicts
- South Carolina, State Hospital Cemetery Survey Index
- South Carolina, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, Prisoners, Insane, In Hospitals, 1917-1918
- Spartanburg County, Spartanburg Convict Camp 1930 Index of Prisoners
- Spartanburg County, Spartanburg Lunacy Records
- Sumter County, Chain Gang Lines 24-49 1930 Index of Prisoners
- Sumter County, Probate Records, Some Lunacy Records and Records from Industrial School, 1800-1953
- Union County, Jail Book, 1883-1901
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!