The U. S. Federal Non-Population Census Schedules

Non-population schedules were schedules that were created as an adjunct to the “normal” population census” that was gathered every ten years and still is. Essentially they were gathered to obtain information on special subsets of the population for the government to determine what resources needed to be applied to these special subsets and to obtain statistical data. Below are some details about the schedules and links to where you can access them online.

There were eight types of these non-population schedules:

  • Agricultural
  • Manufacturing
  • Mortality
  • Veterans
  • Indian Population Inquiries
  • Slave
  • Dependent, Defective, and Delinquent Classes
  • Social Statistics

Here are two excellent discussions about the non-population schedules, with many details:

Here is a short description of each of the types of schedules:

  • Agricultural Schedule (1850-1880) – farm owner; the number of acres and value; the value of farm tools and implements; livestock and crop details
  • Manufacturing Schedule (1850-1880) – the name of business and type; capital invested; employees and costs; products manufactured, and value
  • Mortality Schedule (1850-1880) – name, age, gender, and color of those people who died the year prior to the decennial census. Also recorded were birthplace, cause of death, and month when the death occurred
  • Veterans Schedule (1890) – the name of veteran or widow, rank, name of the regiment, date of enlistment and discharge, address, and disability incurred
  • Indian Population (1900-1910) – tribe, tribe of father and mother, blood quantum, number of times married, and school and tax information
  • Slave Schedule (1850-1860) – age, sex, and color, name of the slave owner, fugitive status
  • Dependent, Defective, and Delinquent Classes Schedule (1880) – name, race, gender, age, and residence. Classes of individuals included Insane, Idiots, Deaf-mutes, Blind, Paupers and Indigent Persons, Homeless Children, Prisoners
  • Social Statistics and Supplemental Schedule (1850-1880) – include detailed information about cemeteries; trade groups, societies, lodges, clubs, and other organizations, churches; and current newspapers and periodicals

FamilySearch has an outstanding set of collections. Detailed links can be found at If you access the records available via the FamilySearch Catalog, make sure you are logged in or you won’t be able to access the records remotely.

The collections that FamilySearch has made available are:

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