(This page's most recent update is March 2025)
Indiana is one of the states that does have a central online repository for searching historical newspapers. Several states use the Library of Congress Chronicling America site as their main central online site for searching old newspapers. Indiana does have many online newspapers available on that site as well as their own central site. Indiana also has its online availability from several other different websites as well. Many are free and many require a subscription. Below is a list of where the titles are stored and the link so that you can access them.
There are over 4,700 newspapers that have been published in the Hoosier State. But there are quite a few that are indeed available. So go for it – find your Indiana ancestors and all the interesting articles that capture the stories of their lives.
Please note that I have not always entered the dates included in the collections, as I suspect they will change as more items are digitized. Also, I suspect some of these links may change over time – so if there is a dead link – please use your favorite search engine to find their new location.
(Recently added links are in BOLD)
Indiana Historical Newspapers
Free Sites:
Statewide Collections:
The Links for Chronicling America go to the new Version 2.0
- Adams County Witness (Berne, Adams County, Ind.) 1922-1931
- Brookville American (Brookville, Ind.) 1858-1861
- Daily State Sentinel (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1861-1865
- Evansville Daily Journal (Evansville, Ind.) 1863-1866
- Evansville Weekly Journal (Evansville, Ind.) 184?-18??
- Indiana American (Brookville, Ind.) 1833-1861
- Indiana American (Brookville, Ind.) 1865-1872
- Indiana Daily Times (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1914-1922
- Indiana State Sentinel (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1845-1851
- Indiana State Sentinel (Indianapolis) 1841-1853
- Indiana State Sentinel (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1861-1865
- Indiana Tribüne (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1878-1907
- Marshall County Democrat (Plymouth, Ind.) 1855-1859
- Marshall County Independent (Plymouth, Marshall County, Ind.) 1894-1895
- Marshall County Independent (Plymouth, Marshall County, Ind.) 1897-1902
- Marshall County Republican (Plymouth, Ind.) 1856-1878
- Ohio Valley Worker : Official Paper of the Federated Trades Council of Louisville, Trades and Labor Council of New Albany, Central Labor Union of Jeffersonville ([Louisville, Ky.]) 1904-????
- Plymouth Banner (Plymouth, Marshall County, Ind.) 1852-1855
- Plymouth Weekly Banner (Plymouth, Ind.) 1855-1856
- Randolph County Journal (Winchester, Indiana) 1864-1865
- Randolph County Journal (Winchester, Randolph County, Ind.) 1855-1862
- Randolph Journal (Winchester, Indiana) 1862-1862
- Randolph Journal (Winchester, Indiana) 1865-186?
- Richmond Daily Palladium (Richmond, Ind.) 1876-1904
- Richmond Daily Palladium (Richmond, Ind.) 1905-1906
- Richmond Indiana Palladium (Richmond, Ind.) 1837-1839
- Richmond Palladium (Richmond, Ia [i.e. Ind.]) 1839-1854
- Richmond Palladium (Richmond, Wayne County, Ind.) 1831-1837
- Richmond Weekly Palladium (Richmond, Ind.) 1875-1905
- Semi-Weekly Independent (Plymouth, Marshall County, Ind.) 1895-1897
- South Bend News-Times (South Bend, Ind.) 1913-1938
- The Berne Witness (Berne, Ind.) 1896-1921
- The Colored Visitor (Logansport, Ind.) 1879-18??
- The Daily Evansville Journal (Evansville, Ind.) 1862-1863
- The Daily Palladium (Richmond, Ind.) 1904-1905
- The Daily Wabash Express (Terre-Haute, Ind.) 1857-1867
- The Evansville Daily Journal (Evansville, Ia. [i.e. Ind.]) 1848-1862
- The Evansville Daily Journal (Evansville, Ind.) 1870-1875
- The Evansville Journal (Evansville, Ind.) 1834-184?
- The Evansville Journal (Evansville, Ind.) 1866-1870
- The Freeman (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1884-1927
- The Gary American (Gary, Ind.) 1928-Current
- The Gary Colored American (Gary, Ind.) 1927-1928
- The Indiana State Sentinel (Indianapolis) 1868-1895
- The Indianapolis Daily Herald (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1865-1868
- The Indianapolis Journal (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1867-1904
- The Indianapolis Leader (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1879-1890
- The Indianapolis Sentinel (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1880-1904
- The Indianapolis Times (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1922-1965
- The Indianapolis World (Indianapolis, Ind.; Indianapolis, Indiana) 188?-19??
- The Jasper Weekly Courier (Jasper, Ind.) 1858-1922
- The Lake County Times (Hammond, Ind.) 1906-1933
- The Plymouth Democrat (Plymouth, Ind.) 1869-1941
- The Plymouth Pilot (Plymouth, Marshall County, Ind.) 1851-1852
- The Plymouth Republican (Plymouth, Ind.) 1878-1901
- The Plymouth Tribune (Plymouth, Ind.) 1901-1911
- The Plymouth Weekly Democrat (Plymouth, Ind.) 1860-1869
- The Recorder (Indianapolis, Ind.) 1897-1910
- The Richmond Indiana Palladium (Richmond, Ind.) 1854-1855
- The Richmond Palladium (Richmond, Ind.) 1855-1875
- The Richmond Palladium (Richmond, Ind.) 1906-1907
- The Richmond Palladium and Sun-Telegram (Richmond, Ind.) 1907-1939
- The Weekly Republican (Plymouth, Ind.) 1911-1922
- The Weekly Review (New Albany, Ind.) 1881-188?
- The Winchester Journal (Winchester, Ind.) 18??-1920
- Tri-Weekly Journal (Evansville, Ia. [i.e. Ind.]) 1847-188?
- Wabash Express (Terre-Haute, Vigo Co[Unty], Ind.) 1841-186?
- Weekly Indiana State Sentinel (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1853-1861
- Winchester Journal (Winchester, Indiana) 1862-1863
Google News Archive
- Bluffton – Bluffton Weekly Chronicle
- Bluffton – Bluffton Chronicle
- Brookston – The News & Review
- Cambridge – Cambridge Reveille
- Cambridge – Western Wayne News
- Cambridge – The Western Mirror
- Cambridge – National Road Traveler
- Cambridge – The Cambridge City Tribune
- Crawfordsville – The Crawfordsville Review
- Crawfordsville – The Weekly News-Review
- Crawfordsville – The Weekly Argus News
- Crawfordsville – The Weekly Review
- Crawfordsville – The Daily News-Review
- Crawfordsville – Crawfordsville Star
- Crawfordsville – The Sunday Star
- Crawfordsville – The Daily Argus News
- Crawfordsville – The Star
- Indianapolis – Taglicher Telegraph
- Indianapolis – The Freeman
- Kendallville – Kendallville Standard
- Madison – The Madison Courier
- Manchester – North Manchester News-Journal
- Monon – The Hinton News
- Muncie – The Daily Muncie News
- Muncie – Muncie Morning News
- Muncie – The Sunday Morning News
- Muncie – The Muncie News
- Muncie – The Muncie Daily News
- North Manchester – News-Journal
- Rochester – The Rochester Sentinel
- Rochester – The Rochester Sentinel’s Compass
- Rochester – The Evening Sentinel
- Rochester – The News-Sentinel
- Royal Center – The Royal Centre Record
- Stark County – News Hawk
- Warren – Warren Weekly
- Warren – The Warren Tribune
- Warsaw – The Inter-Mountain
- Warsaw – Warsaw Daily Times and the Northern Indianian
- Warsaw – Warsaw Daily Times-the Northerm Indianan
- Warsaw – Indianian-Republican
- Warsaw – The Weekly Northern Indianian
- Warsaw – Warsaw Times – Union
- Warsaw – Times-Union
- Warsaw – The Northern Indianian
- Warsaw – Warsaw Union
- Warsaw – Warsaw Daily Times
- Warsaw – The Daily Indianian
- Warsaw – The Warsaw Weekly Republican
- Warsaw – Warsaw Daily Union
- Warsaw – Kosciusko Union
- Adams County Union (Decatur, Adams County)
- Banner Graphic (Greencastle, Putnam County; 1 March 1973 – 30 June 1992)
- Bedford Independent (Bedford, Lawrence County; 3 April 1856 – 19 August 1857)
- Bloomington Courier (Bloomington, Monroe County; 8 January 1881 – 20 September 1895)
- Bloomington Daily Telephone (Bloomington, Monroe County; 14 November 1932 – 31 December 1932)
- Bloomington Post (Bloomington, Monroe County; 6 November 1835 – 22 March 1839)
- Bloomington Progress (Bloomington, Monroe County; 19 May 1869 – 9 March 1900)
- Bloomington Republican (Bloomington, Monroe County; 6 January 1827 – 3 November 1827)
- Bloomington Telephone (Bloomington, Monroe County; 13 December 1879 – 29 December 1893)
- Brookville American (Brookville, Franklin County; 19 February 1858 – 21 December 1860)
- Brookville Inquirer (Brookville, Franklin County; 23 October 1824 – 21 June 1833)
- Brown County Banner (Nashville, Brown County; 18 August 1898 – 10 November 1898)
- Brown County Democrat (Nashville, Brown County; 23 October 1890 – 19 September 1918)
- Cass County Times (Logansport, Cass County; 16 November 1831 – 12 September 1833)
- Clark County Democrat (Charlestown, Clark County)
- Columbus Gazette (Columbus, Bartholomew County)
- Columbus Weekly News (Columbus, Bartholomew County)
- Columbus Weekly Union (Columbus, Bartholomew County; 7 December 1867 – 27 February 1869)
- Corydon Press, and Anti-Masonic Democrat (Corydon, Harrison County; 21 July 1830 – 24 November 1830)
- Crawfordsville Daily Journal (Crawfordsville, Montgomery County; 2 January 1890 – 31 December 1894)
- Crawfordsville Record (Crawfordsville, Montgomery County; 8 February 1834 – 4 June 1836)
- Crawfordsville Review (Crawfordsville, Montgomery County; 18 June 1853 – 30 December 1899)
- Crawfordsville Weekly Journal (Crawfordsville, Montgomery County; 16 June 1853 – 27 June 1902)
- Daily American (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 30 May 1855 – 13 September 1855)
- Daily Democrat (Decatur, Adams County; 13 January 1903 – 9 March 1907)
- Daily Evansville Journal (Evansville, Vanderburgh County; 21 May 1862 – 19 September 1863)
- Daily Greencastle Banner and Times (Greencastle, Putnam County; 1 October 1890 – 18 October 1897)
- Daily News (Franklin, Johnson County; 19 February 1880 – 29 November 1889)
- Daily State Sentinel (Indianapolis, Marion County; 3 November 1851 – 31 December 1869)
- Daily Tribune (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 1 December 1902 – 19 July 1919)
- Daily Wabash Express (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 12 February 1861 – 18 May 1890)
- Dale News (Dale, Spencer County; 14 January 1938 – 16 July 1943)
- Dearborn County Register (Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County)
- Decatur Daily Democrat (Decatur, Adams County; 11 March 1907 – 31 December 1964)
- Decatur Daily news (Decatur, Adams County; 4 December 1882 – 30 December 1882)
- Decatur Democrat (Decatur, Adams County; 29 July 1880 – 5 June 1913)
- Decatur Eagle (Decatur, Adams County; 13 February 1857 – 25 March 1870)
- Decatur Evening journal (Decatur, Adams County)
- Decatur Journal (Decatur, Adams County; 27 September 1879 – 15 January 1897)
- Decatur Morning Journal (Decatur, Adams County)
- Decatur News (Decatur, Adams County; 26 July 1899 – 25 December 1901)
- Decatur Weekly Journal (Decatur, Adams County; 6 May 1898 – 29 September 1899)
- Democratic Press (Decatur, Adams County; 18 October 1894 – 13 August 1896)
- Democratic Sentinel (Rensselaer, Jasper County; 15 June 1877 – 24 December 1898)
- Evansville Argus (Evansville, Vanderburgh County; 25 June 1938 – 22 October 1943)
- Evansville Daily Courier (Evansville, Vanderburgh County)
- Evansville Daily Journal (Evansville, Vanderburgh County; 21 September 1863 – 18 April 1866)
- Evansville Daily Journal (Evansville, Vanderburgh County; 24 November 1870 – 31 December 1870)
- Evansville Daily Journal (Evansville, Vanderburgh County; 26 April 1848 – 20 May 1862)
- Evansville Journal (Evansville, Vanderburgh County; 14 October 1840 – 4 November 1852)
- Evansville Journal (Evansville, Vanderburgh County; 19 April 1866 – 23 November 1870)
- Evansville Weekly Journal (Evansville, Vanderburgh County; 7 January 1848 – 4 November 1852)
- Evening Republican (Rensselaer, Jasper County; 1 January 1910 – 31 December 1920)
- Farmers & Mechanics Journal (Vincennes, Knox County; 14 December 1822 – 25 September 1823)
- Fayette Observer (Connersville, Fayette County; 29 July 1826 – 3 May 1828)
- Federal Union (Knightstown, Henry County)
- Fiery Cross (Indianapolis, Marion County; 8 December 1922 – 20 February 1925)
- Franklin Daily Herald (Franklin, Johnson County; 6 February 1880 – 8 October 1885)
- Franklin Repository (Brookville, Franklin County; 31 October 1826 – 19 November 1828)
- Free Soil Banner (Indianapolis, Marion County; 25 August 1848 – 3 November 1848)
- Freedom’s Banner (Marion, Grant County; 25 June 1910 – 6 August 1910)
- Greencastle Banner (Greencastle, Putnam County; 2 February 1853 – 16 January 1903)
- Greencastle Banner and Times (Greencastle, Putnam County; 18 September 1890 – 24 December 1897)
- Greencastle Herald (Greencastle, Putnam County; 1 April 1907 – 30 June 1931)
- Greencastle Star (Greencastle, Putnam County; 3 January 1880 – 24 December 1881)
- Greencastle Star Press (Greencastle, Putnam County; 24 December 1882 – 26 December 1896)
- Greenfield Evening Republican (Greenfield, Hancock County; 26 November 1894 – 27 June 1896)
- Greenfield Evening Star (Greenfield, Hancock County; 17 April 1905 – 31 December 1906)
- Greenfield Republican (Greenfield, Hancock County; 22 March 1889 – 24 June 1915)
- Hammond Times (Hammond, Lake County; 17 June 1906 – 30 December 1922)
- Harrison Gazette (Corydon, Harrison County)
- Hendricks County Republican (Danville, Hendricks County; 3 April 1879 – 19 December 1907)
- Hendricks County Union (Danville, Hendricks County; 6 September 1883 – 25 October 1883)
- Herald-Democrat (Greencastle, Putnam County; 4 April 1913 – 30 December 1921)
- Hickory Withe (Nashville, Brown County; 11 July 1856 – 24 April 1857)
- Hoosier Patriot (Rising Sun, Ohio County; 18 September 1852 – 9 October 1852)
- Hoosier Patron (Indianapolis, Marion County; 27 January 1877 – 28 April 1877)
- Hope Republican (Hope, Bartholomew County; 28 April 1892 – 19 April 1894)
- Independent Examiner (Vevay, Switzerland County; 15 February 1824 – 22 March 1824)
- Indiana American (Brookville, Franklin County; 19 July 1833 – 25 December 1857)
- Indiana American (Brookville, Franklin County; 29 September 1865 – 3 November 1871)
- Indiana Centinel (Vincennes, Knox County; 22 May 1819 – 8 September 1821)
- Indiana Democrat (Rising Sun, Ohio County)
- Indiana Farmer (Salem, Washington County; 1 June 1822 – 13 January 1826)
- Indiana Gazette (Corydon, Harrison County; 1 February 1821 – 1 April 1826)
- Indiana Gazette (Vincennes, Knox County; 7 August 1804 – 12 April 1806)
- Indiana Intelligencer (Charlestown, Clark County; 5 April 1821 – 18 June 1825)
- Indiana Monitor (Salem, Washington County)
- Indiana Oasis (Rising Sun, Ohio County; 5 September 1878 – 3 October 1878)
- Indiana Oracle (Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County; 15 April 1820 – 18 October 1823)
- Indiana Palladium (Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County; 7 January 1825 – 30 January 1836)
- Indiana Phoenix (Salem, Washington County; 19 October 1831 – 15 November 1832)
- Indiana Recorder and Public Advertiser (New Albany, Floyd County; 29 October 1825 – 3 March 1827)
- Indiana Register (Vevay, Switzerland County; 25 November 1817 – 2 December 1825)
- Indiana Republican (Madison, Jefferson County; 16 January 1817 – 5 October 1820)
- Indiana Reveille (Vevay, Switzerland County; 7 January 1857 – 26 December 1860)
- Indiana Socialist (Indianapolis, Marion County; 22 March 1913 – 12 July 1913)
- Indiana Socialist Party Bulletin (Indianapolis, Marion County; 1 October 1911 – 1 September 1913)
- Indiana Spectator (Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County; 11 December 1824 – 2 December 1825)
- Indiana State Gazette (Indianapolis, Marion County; 22 October 1829 – 29 July 1830)
- Indiana State Guard (Indianapolis, Marion County; 17 July 1860 – 20 July 1861)
- Indiana State Sentinel (Indianapolis, Marion County; 21 July 1841 – 30 December 1852)
- Indiana State Sentinel (Indianapolis, Marion County; 4 June 1845 – 29 December 1849)
- Indiana State Sentinel (Indianapolis, Marion County; 6 January 1874 – 26 December 1894)
- Indiana State Sentinel (Indianapolis, Marion County; 9 January 1861 – 30 May 1864)
- Indiana Tribüne (Indianapolis, Marion County; 17 August 1878 – 2 March 1907)
- Indiana True Democrat (Centerville, Wayne County)
- Indianapolis Daily Herald (Indianapolis, Marion County; 1 November 1865 – 11 April 1868)
- Indianapolis Journal (Indianapolis, Marion County; 2 February 1872 – 8 June 1904)
- Indianapolis Leader (Indianapolis, Marion County; 30 August 1879 – 24 June 1882)
- Indianapolis News (Indianapolis, Marion County; 7 December 1869 – 31 December 1920)
- Indianapolis Recorder (Indianapolis, Marion County; 7 January 1899 – 30 December 2005)
- Indianapolis Sentinel (Indianapolis, Marion County; 1 January 1885 – 31 May 1885)
- Indianapolis Times (Indianapolis, Marion County; 1 January 1920 – 30 September 1952)
- Jasper Banner (Rensselaer, Jasper County; 22 December 1853 – 19 February 1858)
- Jasper County Democrat (Rensselaer, Jasper County; 9 July 1898 – 25 December 1920)
- Jasper Republican (Rensselaer, Jasper County; 18 September 1874 – 28 January 1876)
- Jasper Weekly Courier (Jasper, Dubois County; 19 March 1858 – 30 June 1922)
- Jeffersonian and Working Men’s Advocate (Richmond, Wayne County; 11 January 1840 – 2 May 1840)
- Jewish Post (Indianapolis, Marion County; 10 March 1933 – 21 December 2005)
- Kankakee Valley Post (DeMotte, Jasper County; 28 July 1932 – 24 March 1950)
- Leavenworth Arena (Leavenworth, Crawford County; 17 May 1838 – 3 June 1841)
- Lebanon Daily Reporter (Lebanon, Boone County; 1 January 1917 – 31 December 1917)
- Lexington Clipper (Lexington, Scott County; 24 June 1858 – 25 December 1858)
- Lexington Times (Lexington, Scott County; 27 May 1858 – 3 June 1858)
- Liberty Express (Liberty, Union County; 3 March 1916 – 18 February 1921)
- Liberty Gazette (Liberty, Union County)
- Liberty Herald (Plymouth, Marshall County; 16 March 1854 – 10 July 1919)
- Locomotive (Indianapolis, Marion County; 16 August 1845 – 25 December 1858)
- Logansport Republican and Indiana Herald (Logansport, Cass County; 26 September 1833 – 19 December 1833)
- Madison Daily Courier (Madison, Jefferson County; 30 April 1849 – 30 April 1850)
- Marion Labor Sentinel (Marion, Grant County; 23 April 1914 – 12 November 1914)
- Marshall County Democrat (Plymouth, Marshall County; 15 November 1855 – 1 December 1859)
- Marshall County Independent (Plymouth, Marshall County; 17 December 1897 – 27 December 1901)
- Marshall County Independent (Plymouth, Marshall County; 26 October 1894 – 29 November 1895)
- Marshall County Republican (Plymouth, Marshall County; 9 October 1856 – 12 December 1878)
- Microscope and General Advertiser (New Albany, Floyd County; 11 December 1824 – 25 December 1824)
- Monroe’s Legal Tender Issue (Columbus, Bartholomew County; 30 August 1876 – 11 October 1876)
- Muncie Post-Democrat (Muncie, Delaware County; 18 February 1921 – 29 December 1950)
- Muncie Times (Muncie, Delaware County; 10 January 1991 – 25 August 2011)
- Name It & Take It (Smithville, Monroe County; 29 May 1897 – 9 July 1897)
- Nappanee Advance-News (Nappanee, Elkhart County; 27 March 1879 – 27 December 2018)
- National Patriot (Centerville, Wayne County; 29 January 1840 – 28 October 1840)
- Neutral Pennant (Rising Sun, Ohio County; 13 October 1853 – 10 February 1854)
- New Richmond Record (New Richmond, Montgomery County; 20 September 1900 – 8 July 1915)
- New-Albany Chronicle (New Albany, Floyd County; 5 May 1821 – 17 November 1821)
- New-Harmony and Nashoba Gazette, or, Free Enquirer (New Harmony, Posey County)
- Noblesville Hoosier Patriot (Noblesville, Hamilton County; 8 December 1859 – 26 April 1860)
- Olive Branch (Rockville, Parke County)
- Orland Echo (Orland, Steuben County)
- Orland Zenith (Orland, Steuben County; 6 April 1900 – 10 January 1923)
- Paoli Weekly News (Paoli, Orange County; 15 November 1876 – 14 May 1879)
- Parke County Democrat (Rockville, Parke County)
- Parke County Whig (Rockville, Parke County; 5 May 1848 – 16 May 1851)
- People’s Advocate (Salem, Washington County)
- People’s Pilot (Rensselaer, Jasper County; 2 December 1892 – 13 May 1897)
- Pike County Democrat (Petersburg, Pike County; 20 June 1874 – 28 December 1900)
- Plain Dealer (Brookville, Franklin County; 5 November 1816 – 12 November 1816)
- Plymouth Banner (Plymouth, Marshall County; 3 March 1853 – 24 May 1855)
- Plymouth Democrat (Plymouth, Marshall County; 9 September 1869 – 2 May 1878)
- Plymouth Journal (Plymouth, Marshall County)
- Plymouth Pilot (Plymouth, Marshall County; 16 April 1851 – 7 January 1852)
- Plymouth Republican (Plymouth, Marshall County; 19 December 1878 – 3 October 1901)
- Plymouth Tribune (Plymouth, Marshall County; 10 October 1901 – 5 January 1911)
- Plymouth Weekly Banner (Plymouth, Marshall County; 31 May 1855 – 4 September 1856)
- Plymouth Weekly Democrat (Plymouth, Marshall County; 26 January 1860 – 2 September 1869)
- Political Beacon (Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County; 7 October 1837 – 30 October 1845)
- Political Clarion (Connersville, Fayette County; 12 June 1830 – 7 April 1832)
- Potawattimie & Miami Times (Logansport, Cass County; 10 October 1829 – 24 August 1831)
- Public Leger (Richmond, Wayne County; 6 March 1824 – 11 June 1828)
- Randolph County Journal (Winchester, Randolph County; 1 January 1864 – 17 August 1865)
- Randolph County Journal (Winchester, Randolph County; 31 December 1857 – 19 December 1861)
- Randolph Journal (Winchester, Randolph County; 11 July 1862 – 26 September 1862)
- Randolph Journal (Winchester, Randolph County; 20 September 1866 – 27 June 1867)
- Rensselaer Democrat (Rensselaer, Jasper County; 15 April 1898 – 1 July 1898)
- Rensselaer Gazette (Rensselaer, Jasper County; 5 May 1858 – 18 April 1860)
- Rensselaer Journal (Rensselaer, Jasper County; 10 January 1901 – 19 March 1903)
- Rensselaer Republican (Rensselaer, Jasper County; 16 October 1879 – 31 December 1896)
- Rensselaer Semi-Weekly Republican (Rensselaer, Jasper County; 7 September 1897 – 31 December 1909)
- Rensselaer Standard (Rensselaer, Jasper County; 21 June 1879 – 27 December 1879)
- Rensselaer Union (Rensselaer, Jasper County; 8 October 1868 – 9 October 1879)
- Rensselaer Union and Jasper Republican (Rensselaer, Jasper County; 3 February 1876 – 8 June 1876)
- Republican & Banner (Madison, Jefferson County; 26 September 1833 – 16 October 1834)
- Richmond Palladium (Daily) (21 December 1877 – 10 February 1923)
- Richmond Palladium (Weekly) (8 January 1831 – 9 December 1875)
- Richmond Weekly Intelligencer (Richmond, Wayne County; 2 February 1822 – 25 September 1822)
- Rising Sun Times (Rising Sun, Ohio County; 16 November 1833 – 16 September 1837)
- Rockville Intelligencer (Rockville, Parke County)
- Rushville Weekly Republican (Rushville, Rush County; 3 November 1858 – 9 May 1860)
- Salem Whig (Salem, Washington County)
- Saturday Evening Mail (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 2 July 1870 – 11 March 1899)
- Scott County Democrat (Scottsburg, Scott County)
- Semi-weekly Express (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 3 January 1896 – 31 December 1897)
- Semi-weekly Independent (Plymouth, Marshall County; 4 December 1895 – 25 April 1896)
- Semi-Weekly Journal (Indianapolis, Marion County; 26 November 1840 – 16 October 1841)
- Shelby Volunteer (Shelbville, Shelby County; 17 February 1859 – 8 September 1864)
- Smithville News (Smithville, Monroe County; 31 July 1908 – 3 April 1914)
- South Bend News-Times (South Bend, St. Joseph County; 1 July 1913 – 31 December 1922)
- Southern Indianian (Charlestown, Clark County)
- Speedway Flyer (Indianapolis, Marion County; 27 November 1931 – 28 December 1972)
- Spirit of Progress (Charlestown, Clark County)
- Standard (Madison, Jefferson County; 6 February 1835 – 31 December 1835)
- Star-Democrat (Greencastle, Putnam County; 31 August 1906 – 28 March 1913)
- Sullivan Daily Times (Sullivan, Sullivan County; 4 January 1945 – 5 October 1949)
- Switzerland Guest (Vevay, Switzerland County; 8 May 1827 – 19 June 1827)
- Syracuse-Wawasee Journal (Syracuse, Kosciusko County; 10 December 1937 – 8 February 1962)
- Terre Haute Daily Gazette (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 1 June 1870 – 31 October 1872)
- Terre Haute Daily News (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 30 November 1889 – 21 August 1891)
- Terre Haute Daily Union (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 20 June 1857 – 11 January 1859)
- Terre Haute Evening Gazette (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 1 November 1872 – 6 May 1876)
- Terre Haute Journal (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 5 October 1858 – 7 January 1876)
- Terre Haute Weekly Gazette (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 9 October 1873 – 15 September 1887)
- Terre-Haute Daily American (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 5 May 1855 – 29 May 1855)
- Terre-Haute Journal (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 6 December 1850 – 22 September 1854)
- Terre-Haute Weekly Express (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 6 March 1867 – 14 August 1872)
- The Archer (Rensselaer, Jasper County)
- The Bartholomew Democrat (Columbus, Bartholomew County; 29 September 1871 – 14 April 1876)
- The Bloomington Hawkeye (Bloomington, Monroe County; 20 January 1881 – 3 March 1881)
- The Boone County Pioneer (Lebanon, Boone County; 9 July 1858 – 3 February 1860)
- The Bulletin (Indianapolis, Marion County; 10 January 1920 – 10 July 1920)
- The Butcher-Knife (Danville, Hendricks County; 2 May 1857 – 17 October 1857)
- The colored visitor (Logansport, Cass County)
- The Columbus Bulletin (Columbus, Bartholomew County; 18 September 1868 – 21 October 1870)
- The Columbus Herald (Columbus, Bartholomew County; 11 December 1896 – 24 June 1910)
- The Columbus Republican (Columbus, Bartholomew County; 1 August 1872 – 3 September 1874)
- The Corner Stone (College Corner, Union County; 8 April 1874 – 10 January 1877)
- The Cresset (New Albany, Floyd County)
- The Daily Banner (Greencastle, Putnam County; 2 March 1900 – 31 December 1968)
- The Daily Democrat (Mount Vernon, Posey County; 5 September 1887 – 6 September 1887)
- The Daily Evening Democrat (Columbus, Bartholomew County)
- The Daily Evening Democrat (Nashville, Brown County)
- The Daily News (Franklin, Johnson County)
- The Dunreith Record (Dunreith, Henry County)
- The Evening Democrat (Greencastle, Putnam County; 3 August 1896 – 2 November 1896)
- The Evening Gazette (Franklin, Johnson County; 16 February 1884 – 20 June 1884)
- The Evening Star (Franklin, Johnson County; 13 July 1885 – 24 August 1914)
- The Franklin Jacksonian (Franklin, Johnson County; 8 December 1883 – 25 July 1885)
- The Greencastle Daily Sun (Greencastle, Putnam County; 21 January 1890 – 14 August 1890)
- The Greencastle Democrat (Greencastle, Putnam County; 27 February 1892 – 30 October 1903)
- The Greencastle Times (Greencastle, Putnam County; 31 January 1884 – 14 August 1890)
- The Hendricks County Gazette (Danville, Hendricks County; 13 September 1881 – 17 March 1898)
- The Hendricks County Union (Plainfield, Hendricks County; 16 February 1865 – 29 January 1874)
- The Index (Nashville, Brown County)
- The Indiana Journal (Syracuse, Kosciusko County; 25 March 1937 – 25 November 1937)
- The Indiana Press (Greencastle, Putnam County; 29 May 1858 – 16 August 1865)
- The Indiana Times (Salem, Washington County)
- The Indiana Whig (Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County)
- The Indiana Whig (Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County; 18 April 1834 – 13 September 1834)
- The Jacksonian (Nashville, Brown County; 1 May 1873 – 30 March 1883)
- The Knightstown Journal (Knightstown, Henry County; 10 March 1905 – 22 September 1905)
- The Lafayette Argus (Lafayette, Tippecanoe County; 27 May 1858 – 29 November 1860)
- The Lafayette Daily Argus (Lafayette, Tippecanoe County)
- The Lafayette Daily Courier (Lafayette, Tippecanoe County)
- The Laporte Weekly Times (LaPorte, LaPorte County)
- The Lewisville Democrat (Lewisville, Henry County; 14 February 1878 – 4 September 1879)
- The Liberty Review (Liberty, Union County; 5 November 1886 – 30 November 1899)
- The Little Western (Noblesville, Hamilton County; 13 January 1844 – 25 January 1845)
- The Madison Daily Times (Madison, Jefferson County)
- The Mail-Journal (Milford, Kosciusko County; 4 January 1962 – 26 December 1990)
- The Marion Socialist (Marion, Grant County; 20 August 1911 – 27 October 1912)
- The Nashville Union (Nashville, Brown County; 7 August 1862 – 24 December 1863)
- The New Albany Daily Ledger (New Albany, Floyd County; 22 October 1858 – 17 November 1858)
- The New Wolcott Enterprise (Wolcott, White County; 27 July 1967 – 31 December 1970)
- The Newspaper (Noblesville, Hamilton County; 12 January 1837 – 22 March 1838)
- The People’s Friend (Covington, Fountain County; 25 September 1861 – 8 October 1862)
- The People’s Pilot (Rensselaer, Jasper County; 19 September 1895 – 13 May 1897)
- The Prairie Chieftain (Monticello, White County; 17 September 1850 – 23 December 1854)
- The Rensselaer Journal (Rensselaer, Jasper County)
- The Rushville Jacksonian (Rushville, Rush County; 2 April 1858 – 23 May 1860)
- The Scott County Journal (Scottsburg, Scott County)
- The Syracuse and Lake Wawasee Journal (Syracuse, Kosciusko County; 3 June 1915 – 26 April 1923)
- The Syracuse Enterprise (Syracuse, Kosciusko County; 7 January 1875 – 30 December 1875)
- The Syracuse Journal (Syracuse, Kosciusko County; 7 January 1908 – 18 March 1937)
- The Syracuse Register (Syracuse, Kosciusko County; 25 January 1894 – 6 January 1898)
- The Times News (Greencastle, Putnam County; 22 November 1933 – 27 December 1934)
- The Tipton County Argus (Tipton, Tipton County; 2 July 1858 – 10 December 1858)
- The Union Times (Liberty, Union County; 11 May 1876 – 7 December 1876)
- The Vernon Banner (Vernon, Jennings County; 25 December 1858 – 5 March 1859)
- The Vernon Times (Vernon, Jennings County; 5 June 1919 – 23 April 1920)
- The Versailles Dispatch (Versailles, Ripley County; 12 February 1858 – 31 May 1866)
- The Wabash Courier (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 21 June 1832 – 27 December 1856)
- The Western Register and Terre-Haute advertiser (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 21 July 1823 – 25 December 1830)
- Tocsin (Salem, Washington County; 8 April 1820 – 10 June 1820)
- Tri-weekly Journal (Evansville, Vanderburgh County; 15 May 1847 – 9 March 1848)
- Union County Democrat (Liberty, Union County; 22 September 1882 – 24 November 1882)
- Vevay Times and Switzerland County Democrat (Vevay, Switzerland County; 4 January 1840 – 3 December 1840)
- Vincennes Gazette (Vincennes, Knox County; 2 October 1830 – 2 October 1845)
- Wabash Express (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 12 January 1842 – 23 January 1861)
- Wabash Herald (Rockville, Parke County; 14 May 1831 – 14 April 1832)
- Wabash Scratches (Lafayette, Tippecanoe County)
- Wabash Telegraph (Vincennes, Knox County; 25 May 1827 – 21 November 1828)
- Waynetown Banner (Waynetown, Montgomery County)
- Waynetown Despatch (Waynetown, Montgomery County; 8 February 1896 – 25 July 1930)
- Waynetown Hornet (Waynetown, Montgomery County; 28 January 1888 – 11 February 1893)
- Weekly Indiana State Sentinel (Indianapolis, Marion County; 10 February 1855 – 2 January 1861)
- Weekly Messenger (Vevay, Switzerland County; 15 September 1831 – 11 February 1837)
- Weekly News (Rising Sun, Ohio County; 3 March 1854 – 6 October 1854)
- Weekly Republican (Plymouth, Marshall County; 12 January 1911 – 2 May 1912)
- Weekly Reveille (Vevay, Switzerland County; 23 June 1853 – 24 December 1856)
- Weekly Wabash Express (Terre Haute, Vigo County; 28 January 1863 – 27 February 1867)
- Western Annotator (Salem, Washington County; 31 May 1828 – 23 October 1834)
- Western Casket (Scottsburg, Scott County; 26 March 1857 – 14 May 1857)
- Western Censor, & Emigrants Guide (Indianapolis, Marion County; 4 June 1823 – 22 September 1823)
- Western Clarion (Madison, Jefferson County; 6 March 1822 – 18 September 1822)
- Western Commentator (Salem, Washington County)
- Western Dominion (Tipton, Tipton County)
- Western Eagle (Madison, Jefferson County; 6 August 1813 – 6 January 1816)
- Western Emporium (Richmond, Wayne County; 24 April 1824 – 30 April 1825)
- Western Plough Boy (Greencastle, Putnam County)
- Western Statesman (Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County; 10 March 1830 – 22 March 1834)
- Western Sun & General Advertiser (Vincennes, Knox County; 6 December 1817 – 27 December 1834)
- Western Sun (Vincennes, Knox County; 11 July 1807 – 29 November 1817)
- Western Times (Richmond, Wayne County; 29 August 1828 – 14 June 1833)
- Winchester Journal (Winchester, Randolph County; 3 October 1862 – 20 November 1863)
- Winchester Journal (Winchester, Randolph County; 9 June 1870 – 28 July 1870)
- Wolcott Beacon (Wolcott, White County; 19 October 1944 – 8 August 1968)
Indiana Legacy (multiple index search)
- Indiana Gazette
- Indianapolis Herald
- Indianapolis Journal
- Indianapolis News
- Indianapolis Sentinel
- Indianapolis Star
- Indianapolis News
- Logansport Journal
- Logansport Weekly Journal
- Logansport Democratic Pharos
- New Albany Ledger and Standard
- Western Sun
INSPIRE Collection (Must be Indiana Resident)
- (Angola) Steuben Republican (1860-1964)
- (Gas City) Twin City Journal-Reporter (1975-2024)
- (Greenfield) Hancock Democrat (1860-1957)
- (Indianapolis) Indiana State Sentinel (1841-1860, 1861-1984)
- (Indianapolis) Indiana Tribune (1900-1907)
- (Lafayette) Indiana State Commercial (1865-1866)
- (Lafayette) Indiana Trade Gazette (1869)
- (Lafayette) Indiana Union (1868)
- (Lafayette) Tippecanoe American (1856)
- (Lafayette) Tri-Weekly Journal (1846)
- (Lafayette) Wabash Standard (1844-1845)
- (North Vernon) Jennings County News (1924-1933)
- (Rushville) True Republican (1842-1852)
- (Terre Haute) Wabash Express (1856-1861)
- (Upland) Courier (1935-1972, 1994-2012)
- (Upland) Five-Star Weekly (1940-1941)
- (Vernon) Jennings County Review (1921)
- (Vincennes) Morning Commercial (1934)
- Angola Herald (1877-1963)
- Argos Reflector (1881-1966)
- Brazil Daily Times (1907-1964)
- Bremen Daily Enquirer (1891-1892)
- Bremen Enquirer (1885-1964)
- Bristol Banner (1877-1919)
- Brook Reporter (1895-1964)
- Brookville American (1858-1860, 1865-1932)
- Brookville Democrat (1896-1956)
- Brookville Indiana American (1853-1857)
- Charlestown Courier (1941-1964)
- Clinton Daily Clintonian (1935-1954)
- Colburn Courier (1895)
- Columbia City Commercial-Mail (1951-1964)
- Culver Citizen (1903-1964)
- Dayton Vidette (1878-1879)
- Edinburg Daily Courier (1877-1963)
- Evansville Daily Journal (1848-1870)
- Evansville Press (1906-1998)
- Evansville Tri-Weekly Journal (1847-1848)
- Evansville Weekly Journal (1840-1848)
- Fairmount News (1888-1964)
- Fort Wayne Daily Gazette (1864-1899)
- Fort Wayne Daily News (1874-1923)
- Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette (1873-1923)
- Fort Wayne Sentinel (1870-1923)
- Fort Wayne Weekly Gazette (1895-1903)
- Fort Wayne Weekly Journal (1890-1899)
- Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel (1875-1917)
- Fountain City Times (1905)
- Franklin Evening Star (1885-1963)
- Garrett Clipper (1885-1964)
- Garrett News (1876-1901)
- Goshen News (1984)
- Greenfield Daily Reporter (1905-2017)
- Hartford City and Upland Courier (2013-2024)
- Huntingburg Press (1987-2024)
- Indiana Daily Times (1920-1922)
- Indianapolis Journal (1883-1904)
- Indianapolis Leader (1879-1882)
- Indianapolis Sentinel (1865-1885)
- Indianapolis Star (1862-2024)
- Indianapolis Times (1922-1936)
- Jasper Weekly Courier (1858-1922)
- Lafayette Argus (1854-1861)
- Lafayette Daily Courier (1865)
- Lafayette Daily Dispatch (1869-1880)
- Lafayette Free-Press, and Commercial Advertiser (1833-1840)
- Lafayette Journal and Courier (1850-2024)
- Lafayette Journal (1850-1919)
- Lafayette Leader (1880-1936)
- Lafayette Morning Democrat (1864)
- Lafayette Star City (1851)
- Lafayette Sunday Times (1886-1914)
- Lafayette Weekly Courier (1846-1918)
- Lafayette Weekly Gazette (1853-1854)
- Lake County Times (1906-2024)
- Logansport Pharos-Tribune (1890-2006)
- Marshall County Independent (1894-1901)
- North Vernon Republican (1901-1913)
- North Vernon Sun (1872-2020)
- North Vernon Plain Dealer (1868-2024)
- Oak Hill Times (1979-2024)
- Pendleton Booster (1933-1934)
- Pendleton Gazette (1899-1903)
- Pendleton Times-Post (1922-2024)
- Plymouth Democrat (1855-1870)
- Plymouth Pilot (1855-1870)
- Plymouth Weekly Banner (1853-1856)
- Plymouth Weekly Republican (1856-1917)
- Princeton Clarion-Leader (1846-1901)
- Princeton Daily Clarion (1891, 1897-2024)
- Randolph Journal (1857-1867)
- Richmond Palladium-Item (1876-2024)
- Richmond Weekly Palladium (1831-1897)
- Rushville Graphic (1887)
- Rushville Republican (1861-1866, 1883-1903, 1889-2020)
- South Bend News-Times (1913-1922)
- Stockwell Times (1894)
- Terre Haute Star (1861-1973)
- Twin City Journal-Reporter (1975-2024)
- Vernon Banner (1859-1879)
- Vernon Journal (1892)
- Vincennes Commercial (1882-1920, 1931)
- Vincennes Post (1936)
- Vincennes Sun (1934-1935)
- Vincennes Sun-Commercial (1871-2016)
- Weekly Vincennes Western Sun (1856-1924)
- Winchester Journal (1870)
County and Library Collections:
- Adams County Witness (1921-1929)
- The Adams County Sun and Berne Daily Witness (1974-1976)
- The Berne Review (1927-1938)
- The Berne Tri-Weekly (1976-2016)
- The Berne Witness (1896-2016)
- Clarion News
- Crawford County Democrat
- Leavenworth Arena
- The Marengo Messenger
Dearborn County Newspaper Index
- Aurora Dearborn County Democrat (1838-1840)
- Aurora Western Commercial (1848-1851)
- Aurora Standard (1851-1856)
- Aurora Commercial (1859-1868)
- Aurora Peoples Advocate (1868-1870)
- Aurora Dearborn Independent (1868-1917)
- Aurora Farmer and Mechanic (1873-1874)
- Aurora Saturday News (1879-1880)
- Aurora Spectator (1882-1893)
- Aurora Saturday Bulletin (1894-1899)
- Lawrenceburg Indiana Oracle (1820-1823)
- Lawrenceburg Indiana Spectator (1824-1825)
- Lawrenceburg Indiana Palladium (1825-1836)
- Lawrenceburg Western Statesman (1830-1834)
- Lawrenceburg Political Beacon (1837-1845)
- Lawrenceburg Indiana Whig (1834, 1844)
- Lawrenceburg Standard and Press (1856-1857)
- Lawrenceburg Register (1877-1889)
- Wilmington Dearborn County Register (1842)
Evansville Historic Newspaper Index
- Evansville Enquirer
- Evansville Gazette
- Evansville Weekly Journal
- Evansville Tri-Weekly Journal
- Evansville Daily Journal
Barton Rees Pogue Memorial Library
- Chronicle-Tribune V2 (1966-1966)
- Chronicle-Tribune (1966-1973)
- Coshocton Tribune (1963-1963)
- Indianapolis News (1969-1969)
- Marion Chronicle (1887-1963)
- Marion Daily Chronicle (1901-1901)
- Marion Leader-Tribune (1967-1967)
- Marion Sunday Chronicle Tribune (1966-1966)
- Marion Weekly Chronicle (1867-1867)
- The Upland Enterprise (1909-1910)
- The Upland Monitor (1892-1918)
- The Weekly Sun (1992-1992)
- Upland Community Courier (1918-1976)
- Upland Courier (1942-1999)
- Upland General Shopper (1979-1992)
- Upland Misc (1900-1900)
- Upland New Community Courier (1927-1927)
- Upland Shopper (1971-1972)
Hamilton County Newspaper Database (index)
- Greentown Gem
- Greentown Grapevine
- The Vincennes Commercial (1906-1931)
- The Vincennes Sun (1931-1935)
- The Vincennes Sun-Commercial (1930-2021)
- The Vincennes Times (1865-1873)
- The Vincennes Weekly Sun (1856-1878)
- The Weekly Western Sun (1875-1883)
- The Western Sun and General Advertiser (1835-1924)
- The Western Sun (1882-1919)
- Vincennes Commercial (1886-1909)
- Vincennes Daily Commercial (1884-1909)
- Vincennes Sun-Commercial (1973-2024)
- Vincennes Weekly Sun (1875-1875)
- Western Sun (1919-1919)
- The News Herald (2006-2023)
- Cannelton Enquirer And Reporter (1836-1887)
- Cannelton Reporter (1854-1877)
- Independent Reporter (1856-1856)
- Santa Claus Town News (1936-1936)
- Tell City Anzeiger (1871-1912)
- Tell City Commercial (1874-1876)
- Tell City News (1891-1976)
- The Cannelton Enquirer (1870-1924)
- The Cannelton Journal (1883-1883)
- The Cannelton Mercury (1855-1855)
- The Cannelton News (1945-1976)
- The Cannelton Telephone (1892-1945)
- The Cannelton Tuesday News (1966-1974)
- The Economist (1849-1851)
- The Express (1851-1851)
- The Indiana Weekly Express (1852-1853)
- The Perry County Democrat (1946-1948)
- The Perry County Tribune (1910-1918)
- The Perry-Spencer County News (1916-1916)
- The Republican Banner (1856-1856)
- The Tell City Daily Journal (1895-1895)
- The Tell City Journal (1891-1917)
- The Tell City Thursday News (1966-1967)
- The Times-Telephone (1892-1893)
- The Troy Herald (1910-1910)
- The Troy Item (1885-1887)
- The Troy Times (1908-1909)
- Tell City News (1977-1992)
- The Cannelton News (1977-1977)
- The Perry County News (1992-2011)
Sullivan County Public Library
- Sullivan Daily Times (1924-1977)
- Sullivan Times-Democrat (1925-1934)
- Logansport Daily Tribune (1907 – 1920)
- Logansport Journal Tribune (1900 – 1920)
- Logansport Pharos Reporter (1913 – 2014)
- Logansport Pharos Tribune (1844 – 2017)
- Logansport Pharos Tribune and Press (1966 – 1976)
- Logansport Press (1921 – 1966)
New Albany – Floyd County Public Library Newspaper Index (Index only)
- Daily Ledger Standard
- Daily New Albany Democrat
- Daily Standard-Ledger
- Evening Tribune
- Indiana Recorder
- Indiana Republican
- Ledger Standard
- New Albany Argus
- New Albany Commercial
- New Albany Daily Commercial
- New Albany Daily Democrat
- New Albany Daily Gazette
- New Albany Daily Ledger
- New Albany Daily Ledger Standard
- New Albany Daily Living
- New Albany Daily Morning Herald
- New Albany Daily Standard
- New Albany Daily Times
- New Albany Daily Tribune
- New Albany Daily/Weekly Ledger
- New Albany Democrat
- New Albany Evening Ledger
- New Albany Evening News
- New Albany Evening Times
- New Albany Evening Tribune
- New Albany Female Seminary
- New Albany Friday
- New Albany Gazette
- New Albany High School
- New Albany Ledger
- New Albany Ledger & Tribune
- New Albany Ledger & Tribune (Weekly)
- New Albany Ledger (Daily)
- New Albany Ledger Daily and Weekly
- New Albany Ledger Daily Standard
- New Albany Ledger Standard
- New Albany Ledger Tribune
- New Albany Ledger Weekly
- New Albany Newspaper
- New Albany Register
- New Albany Sentinel
- New Albany Standard (Daily)
- New Albany Sunday Ledger-Tribune
- New Albany -The Saturday Herald
- New Albany Tribune
- New Albany Valley News
- New Albany Weekly
- New Albany Weekly & Daily Ledger
- New Albany Weekly Ledger
- New Albany Weekly Tribune
- New Albany Weekly-Daily Tribune
- News and Tribune
- Public Press
- The Flood
- The Indiana Gazette
- The Microscope
- The New Albany Citizen
- Unknown
Ohio County – Rising Sun Newspaper Index 1833-1860
- Hoosier Patriot (1852)
- Indiana Democrat (1858)
- Indiana Oasis (1878)
- Indiana Weekly Visitor (1857-1860)
- Indiana Whig (1848-1850)
- Neutral Pennant (1853-1854)
- Rising Sun (1833-1834)
- Rising Sun Mirror (1849-1851)
- Rising Sun Times (1834-1837)
- True Whig (1850)
- Weekly Times (1854)
St. Joseph County Public Library Newspapers
- The South Bend Herald (1879-1880)
- The New Era (1909-1912)
- South Bend Today (1914-1920)
- Business News (1923-1924)
- River Park Free Press (1928-1930)
- The South Bend Mirror (1942-1945)
- The Farm News of St. Joseph County (1944-1959)
- Clay Township News (1947-1954)
- The Reformer (1967-1970)
Switzerland County – Vevay Newspaper Index
- Campaign Palladium (1848)
- Daily Bulletin (1876)
- Independent Examiner (1824)
- Indiana Palladium (1843-1851)
- Indiana Register (1817-1825)
- Indiana Reveille (1857-1860, 1864)
- Ohio Valley Gazette (1851-1853)
- Reveille and News (1861)
- Switzerland Guest (1827)
- Vevay Democrat (1868-1898)
- Vevay Reveille (1862-1863, 1865-1901)
- Vevay Times and Switzerland County Democrat (1840)
- Village Times (1836-1837)
- Weekly Messenger (1831-1837)
- Weekly Reveille (1853-1856)
- Weekly Times (1856-1860)
Student Collections:
Anderson University – Anderson
Arsenal Technical School – Indianapolis
Ball State University – Muncie
Bethel University – Mishawaka
Bishop Chatard High School – Indianapolis
Burris Laboratory School – Muncie
Butler University – Indianapolis
Carmel High School – Carmel
Center School – Muncie
Central High School – Fort Wayne
Depauw University – Greencastle
Earlham College – Richmond
Franklin College – Franklin
Goshen College – Goshen
Grace College – Winona Lake
Hanover College – Hanover
Huntington University – Huntington
Indiana Boys School – Plainfield
Indiana School for the Deaf – Indianapolis
- Hooserian (1923)
- Orange and Black (1921-1938)
- The Hoosier (1935-1996)
- The Silent Hoosier (1887-1934)
- Silent Hoosier
Indiana State University – Terre Haute
Indiana University – Bloomington
Indiana University – Kokomo
Indiana University – Purdue University – Fort Wayne
Indiana University – Purdue University – Indianapolis
Indiana University – South Bend
Indiana University Southeast – New Albany
Indiana University School of Law – Bloomington
Indiana Wesleyan University – Marion
Jefferson High School – Lafayette
John Adams High School – South Bend
John Marshall High School – Indianapolis
Lawrence North High School – Indianapolis
Marian University – Indianapolis
New Albany High School – New Albany
North Central High School – Indianapolis
North Side High School – Fort Wayne
Notre Dame University – South Bend
- Notre Dame Alumnus 1923 – 1971
- Notre Dame Daily – 1923-1924
- Notre Dame Scholastic – 1867-2011
- Notre Dame Voice – 1963-1966
- The Observer – 1966-present
- Notre Dame Scholastic
Purdue University – West Lafayette
Purdue University Northwest – Hammond
Purdue University Northwest – Westville
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology – Terre Haute
Saint Joseph’s College – Rensselaer
South Side High School – Fort Wayne
Shortridge High School – Indianapolis
Southport High School – Indianapolis
Thomas Carr Howe High School – Indianapolis
Trine University – Angola
University of Evansville – Evansville
University of Indianapolis – Indianapolis
University of Southern Indiana – Evansville
Valparaiso University – Valparaiso
Wabash College – Crawfordsville
Miscellaneous Collections and Indexes:
Independent Voices – Alternative Newspapers
- Aerospaced
- The Spectator
- First Amendment
- Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Newspapers 1933-1942
- Angola – Pokagon Chieftain (Company 556)
- Angola – Pokagon Chieftain (Company 556)
- Angola – Pokagon Chieftain (Company 556)
- Angola – Pokagon Papoose (Company 556)
- Angola – Pokagon Papoose (Company 556)
- Brownstown – Camp Chatter Of Company 517 (Company 517)
- Chesterton – Hoosier Dunesman (Company 556)
- Corydon – Wyandotte Wa-Hoo (Company 517)
- Cynthiana – News (Company 539)
- Freetown – Screw Driver (Company 586)
- Jasonville – Shakamak Pow Wow (Company 522)
- Lagro – Salamonian (Company 589)
- Lagro – Salamonie Chow Bell (Company 589)
- Lincoln City – Lincoln Journal (Company 553)
- Madison – Camp Clifty Chips (Company 540)
- Martinsville – Flying Chips (Company 515)
- Medaryville – Sandlander (Company 515)
- Mitchell – Spring Mill Reveille (Company 539)
- South Bend – Ditch Dots And Dashes (Company 517)
- Versailles – Arrow (Company 596)
- Versailles – Cardinal (Company 596)
- Wabash – Tent City Tattler (Company 659)
- Washington – Beacon (Company 659)
- Washington – Signal Hill Beacon (Company 659)
- Winslow – Goose Hill News (Company 541)
Indiana State Library Civilian Conservation Corps Newsletters
- Boundary Hill Beacon (Co. 1596, Brookville, Franklin County)
- Camp Chatter of Company 517 (Co. 517, Brownstown, Jackson County)
- Camp Clark Comet (Co. 1599, Henryville, Clark County)
- Camp Clifty Clarion (Co. 1597, Madison, Jefferson County)
- Camp Eagle (Co. 1598, Wadesville, Posey County)
- Cardinal (Co. 596, Versailles, Ripley County)
- Ditch Dots and Dashes (Co. 517, South Bend, St Joseph Co, and Portland, Jay County)
- Eroder’s Camp Weekly (Co. 1511, Boonville, Warrick County)
- Flying Chips (Co. 515, Martinsville, Morgan County)
- Frankton Weekly (Co. 1585, Frankton, Madison County)
- Hoosier Civie (Fort Benjamin Harrison, Marion County)
- Hoosier Dunesman (Co. 556, Chesteron, Porter County)
- Hoosier Kernels (Co. 2583, Tell City, Perry County)
- Idle Hours (Co. 1583, Frankton, Madison County)
- Kokomo Klarion (Co. 1581, Kokomo, Howard County)
- Lintonian C.O.P. (Co. 2582, Linton, Greene County)
- Madison Sector News (Co. 514, Henryville, Jefferson County)
- News from C.C.C. Company 539 (Co. 539, Evansville, Vanderburgh County)
- No-Now (Co. 1582, Monon, White County)
- Peru Pitter Patter (Co. 3550, Peru, Miami County)
- Princeton Prattle (Co. 3550, Princeton, Gibson County)
- Ripley Veteran (Co. 3564, Versailles, Ripley County)
- Robin Hood Bugle (Co. 1596, South Bend, St. Joseph County)
- Shakamak Pow Wow (Co. 522, Jasonville, Greene Co.)
- Sand Hill Bulletin (Co. 1561, Medaryville, Pulaski County)
- Smile’s Weekly (Co. 1590, Fort Wayne, Allen County)
- The 539 Journal (Co. 539, Evansville, Vanderburgh County)
- The Arrow (Co. 596, Versailles, Ripley County)
- The Call Master (Co. 1589, Wadesville, Posey County)
- The Camp Jackson Blatter (Co. 1556, Brownstown, Jackson County)
- The Candlelight (Co. 1592, Corydon, Harrison Co. and Bluffton, Wells County)
- The Canyon Echo (Co. 689, Spencer, Owen County)
- The Cavalier (Co. 1593, Worthington, Greene County)
- The Chronicle (Co. 2582, Linton, Greene County)
- The Comet (Co. 1582, Monon, White County)
- The Englishton Eagle (Co. 2585, Lexington, Scott County)
- The Fort Ben Banner (Co. 3550, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Marion County)
- The Hilltop Observer (Co. 1561, Nashville, Brown County)
- The Lagrozette (Co. 589, Lagro, Wabash County)
- The Limberlost Ledger (Co. 2585, Kendallville, Noble County)
- The Little America Flash (Co. 1594, Kurtz, Jackson County)
- The Mud Turtle (Co. 1590, Fort Wayne, Allen County)
- The Muskrat (Co. 1589, Lebanon, Boone County)
- The Pokagon Chieftain (Co. 556, Angola, Steuben County)
- The Pokagon Papoose (Co. 556, Angola, Steuben County)
- The Princeton Builder (Co. 556, Angola, Gibson County)
- The Resurrector (Co. 1598, Wadesville, Posey County)
- The Robin (Co. 1596, South Bend, St. Joseph County)
- The Salamonian (Co. 589, Largo, Wabash County)
- The Salamonie Chow Bell (Co. 589, Largo, Wabash County)
- The Sandlander (Co. 515, Medaryville, Pulaski County)
- The Screw Driver (Co. 586, Freetown, Jackson County)
- The Spring Mill Reveille (Co. 539. Mitchell, Lawrence County)
- The Stripper-Lite (Co. 2582, Linton, Greene County)
- The Tecumseh Tattler (Co. 1587, Lafayette, Tippecanoe County)
- The Washington Beacon (Co. 559, Washington, Daviess County)
- The Weed Patch Vet Varieties (Co. 1557, Nashville, Brown County)
- Turkey Run Flash (Co. 2580, Marshall, Parke County)
- Valpo Vane (Co. 1583, Valparaiso, Porter County)
- Vets Defense Chronicle (Co. 3564, Nashville, Brown County)
- Wyandotte Wahoo (Co. 517, South Bend, St. Joseph County)
Indiana – Company Employee Newsletters/Newspapers
- Ayrograms (L. S. Ayres & Company, Indianapolis)
- Bell Telephone News (Indiana Bell Telephone Co., Indianapolis)
- Bendixline (Bendix Aviation Corporation, South Bend)
- Block’s Booster (The Wm. H. Block Company, Indianapolis)
- Blue Star/Lens Life (Continental Optical Co., Indianapolis)
- Cabidea Courier (Haynes Stellite Co., Kokomo)
- Calumet Service (Calumet Gas and Electric Company, Gary)
- Chain Gang: F.D.C. News Letter (Diamond Chain Mfg. Co., Indianapolis)
- Columbia Cauldron (Columbia Conserve Company, Indianapolis)
- Delco-Remy Clan (Delco-Remy Division of General Motors, Anderson)
- Dodge News (Dodge Manufacturing Corp., Mishawaka)
- Gary Works Circle (Gary Works, Illinois Steel Co., Gary)
- Guide Light (Guide Lamp Division of General Motors, Anderson)
- Kingan Folks (Kingan and Company, Indianapolis)
- Magnavoice (Magnavox, Fort Wayne)
- Malleable News (National Malleable and Steel Castings Co., Indianapolis)
- Mallory Life (P.R. Mallory and Co., Indianapolis)
- National News (National Furniture Mfg. Co., Evansville)
- News in General (The General Tire and Rubber Company, Wabash)
- Peerless (Peerless of America, Inc., Marion)
- Safety (Union Traction Co. of Indiana, Indianapolis)
- Scraps (The Diamond Chain and Manufacturing Co., Indianapolis)
- Servel Inklings (Servel, Inc., Evansville)
- Spirit of the Nation (Commercial Solvents Corporation, Terre Haute)
- Stanolind Record (Standard Oil Company (Indiana), Whiting)
- Stewart-Warner Reporter (Stewart-Warner Corporation, Indianapolis)
- Studebaker Spotlight (The Studebaker Corp., South Bend)
- Terre Haute’s Onizette (Owens Illinois Glass Co., Plant 25, Terre Haute)
- The Aluminator (Lafayette Works, Aluminum Co. of America, Lafayette)
- The Bullet (Chrysler Corp., Evansville)
- The Cabinetmaker (Singer Mfg. Co., South Bend)
- The Circle (Perfect Circle Co., Hagerstown)
- The Continental (Continental Foundry and Machine Co., East Chicago)
- The Dial Tone (Western Electric Company, Indianapolis)
- The Gold Star (Lone Star Cement Co., Greencastle)
- The Keener News (Kuhner Packing Company, Muncie, Fort Wayne)
- The McGillogram (McGill Manufacturing Co. Valparaiso)
- The McQuay-Way (McQuay-Norris Manufacturing Co., Connersville)
- The Pantagraph (Chicago South Shore and South Bend Railroad, Michigan City)
- The Rex Top-ics (Rex Manufacturing Company, Connersville)
- The Try-Square (Vonnegut Hardware Co., Indianapolis)
- U.S. Hoosiers (United States Rubber Company, Indianapolis)
- Vitreous Views (Vitreous Steel Products Company, Nappanee)
- Wayne Knit Rav-lings (Wayne Knit Co., Fort Wayne)
- Seymour IN Daily Republican
- North Manchester News – Journal — North Manchester
- Starke County NewsHawk — Hamlet
- The Message — Evansville
- The Monon News — Monon
- The News and Review — Monon
- The Purdue Exponent — West Lafayette
- The Royal Centre Record — Royal Center
- Warren Republican — Warren
- Warren Weekly — Warren
Old Fulton Postcards
- Greencastle IN Banner and Times
- Greencastle IN Banner and Times Continued
- Greencastle IN Putnum Banner
- Indianapolis IN Daily Herald
- Indianapolis IN Daily Sentinel
- Indianapolis IN Daily State Sentinel
- Indianapolis IN Evening News
- Indianapolis IN Free Soil Banner
- Indianapolis IN News
- Indianapolis IN Star News
- Rushville IN Daily Repubilcan
- Rushville IN Republican
- Seymour IN Daily Republican
For Obituary Indexes, transcriptions, and other death/obituary information from historical newspapers, please check out the Obituaries page.
Other Free Sites:
- Evansville Local History Database (clippings)
- Evansville Press, 1850-2012
- The Message – 1971-present
Fort Wayne
- Indianapolis News
- Indianapolis Recorder
- Indianapolis Sentinel and Indianapolis Herald 1851-1869
- Jewish Post and Opinion
- The Indiana Jewish Post and Opinion
- The Criterion Online – 1960-1965; 1998-present
- United Methodist Newspapers
- Urban Times
- Womankind
- The Indiana Weekly
- The Screamer
- The Works
- The New Works
Merrillville and Gary
New Garden
South Bend
- Catholic Peace Fellowship Bulletin – 1965-1978
- Notre Dame Religious Bulletin, 1921 – 1965 and 1984 – 1989
- The Reformer
South Bend and Fort Wayne
Subscription or Pay Sites:
There are currently 58 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Ancestry – Indiana Newspapers
Genealogy Bank:
There are currently 278 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Genealogy Bank – Indiana Newspapers
Newspaper Archive:
There are currently 1,215 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspaper Archive – Indiana
There are currently 420 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspapers.com – Indiana
And Finally:
You also need to check out the Indiana State Library site, which can tell you what is happening in the state with regard to the newspapers that have been digitized and are becoming available via microfilm or online.
Please note that even more may be available via a local library, where a library card is required. And of course, there is always microfilm for those that have not been made available online as yet.
For more links for different states, provinces, and countries, please see the Newspaper Links page on this website.
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!
3 replies on “Indiana Online Historical Newspapers Summary”
The Indiana Digital Historic Newspaper Program Database provides free access to over 60,000 pages of digitized, text-searchable Indiana newspapers. The collection currently contains 14,217 newspaper issues published between 1841 and 1922, such as the Wabash Express (Terre Haute, 1856-1864), Indiana American (Brookville, 1853-1868), and the Indianapolis Leader (1879-1882), which was Indianapolis’s first black-owned newspaper. The database also includes a crowd-source component that allows subscribers to edit the Optical Character Recognition Text (OCR).
Also refer to Indiana Memory.
Indiana Memory serves as a gateway website to the digitized collections of Indiana universities, libraries, and museums. The site provides free, online access to the abundance of materials in those collections, including Indiana-centric photographs, maps, newspapers, manuscripts, digitized books, and other primary sources which illuminate Indiana’s history and material culture. “Teacher Resources” are also made available through Indiana Memory to help educators teach with primary sources.
Database: https://newspapers.library.in.gov/
IN Memory: https://digital.library.in.gov/
Melissa B.
Project Coordinator
Digital Historic Newspaper Program
Indiana State Library
Here are the archives of everyday life and a goldmine of information for researchers – where information can be found that often exists nowhere else.
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