The Internet Archive is a remarkable resource for performing online genealogy research. There are hundreds of thousands of online genealogy resources such as BMD records, newspapers, yearbooks, town records, and much much more.
Another set of resources that are available and are numerous are eBooks. They can be read online; some are downloadable; some you can read online without restrictions, and some you can borrow for an hour at a time.
There are over 38.5 MILLION books available.
You can search by keyword. Here are some examples and links:
- All Books – (38,523,758 Books)
- Genealogy – (175,334 Books)
- Family History – (45,722 Books)
- Ancestry – (4,011 Books)
- Newspapers – (2,239,201 Books)
- Yearbooks – (76,918 Books)
- Town Records – (49,033 Books)
- Death Records – (4,853 Books)
All you have to do to change the subject is to first go to the main eBook page at and then enter your desired keyword in the “Search this Collection” box on the upper left of the page.
The largest provider in the Genealogy category is the Allen County Genealogy Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana with over 73,000 books!
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!