(This page's most recent update is October 2024)
Florida has a sizable state-wide free online collection for searching historical newspapers. Many states use the Library of Congress Chronicling America site as their main central online site for searching old newspapers. Currently, Florida has quite a few newspapers also available on that site. There are free online newspapers available on other sites and collections available on subscription sites. Below is a list of where the titles are stored and the link to access them.
There are over 2,300 newspapers that have been published in the Sunshine State – certainly, not all of them are searchable online. But there are several that are indeed available. So go for it – find your Florida ancestors and all the interesting articles that capture the stories of their lives.
Please note that I have not always entered the dates that are included in the collections, as I suspect they will change as more items are digitized. Also, I suspect that some of these links may change over time – so if there is a dead link – please use your favorite search engine to find their new location.
(Recently added links are in BOLD)
Florida Historical Newspapers
Free Sites:
Statewide Collections:
The Links for Chronicling America go to the new Version 2.0
- Boletin De El Internacional (Tampa, Fla.) 1936-1937
- Boletin Obrero (Tampa, Fla.) 1903-190?
- Bradford County Telegraph (Starke, Fla.) 1888-Current
- Deland News (Deland, Volusia County, Fla.) 190?-1921
- Diario Las Américas (Miami, Fla.) 1953-Current
- El Federal (Tampa, Fla.) 1902-1903
- El Internacional (Tampa, Fla.) 1904-193?
- El Internacional (Tampa, Fla.) 1937-19??
- Fort Pierce News (Fort Pierce, Fla.) 190?-1920
- Gainesville Daily Sun (Gainesville, Fla.) 190?-1938
- Gulf Coast Breeze (Crawfordville, Fla.) 1897-19??
- La Gaceta (Tampa, Fla.) 1922-Current
- Live Oak Daily Democrat (Live Oak, Fla.) 190?-190?
- Nassau County Leader (Fernandina, Fla.) 1925-19??
- Palatka Daily News (Palatka, Fla.) 1919-1994
- Panama City Pilot (Panama City, Washington County, Fla.) 1907-19??
- Suwannee Democrat (Live Oak, Fla.) 1897-Current
- The Champion (Arcadia, Fla.) 1895-1911
- The Chipley Banner (Chipley, Washington County, Fla.) 1893-1943
- The Daily News (Pensacola, Fla.) 1889-190?
- The Daytona Daily News (Daytona, Fla.) 1903-1926
- The Daytona Gazette=news (Daytona, Fla.) 1901-1922
- The De Soto County News (Arcadia, Fla.) 1898-1924
- The Deland Weekly News (Deland, Fla.) 1887-190?
- The Enterprise-Recorder (Madison, Fla.) 1908-1933
- The Evening Leader (Tarpon Springs, Fla.) 191?-19??
- The Florida Agriculturist (Deland, Fla.) 1878-1911
- The Florida Evangelist (Jacksonville, Fla.) 1896-1902
- The Florida Sentinel (Pensacola, Fla.) 1887-1???
- The Florida Star (Titusville, Fla.) 1880-1917
- The Gainesville Star (Gainesville, Fla.) 1903-19??
- The Gazette and Land Bulletin (Waycross ; Brunswick, Ga. ; Tampa, Fla.) 1896-19??
- The Gazette-News (Daytona, Fla.) 1???-1901
- The Key Outpost (U.S. Naval Activities, Key West, Fla.) 1952-19??
- The Key West Citizen (Key West, Fla.) 1879-Current
- The Lakeland Evening Telegram (Lakeland, Fla.) 1911-1922
- The Miami Times (Miami, Fla.) 1923-Current
- The Morning Sun (Tallahassee, Fla.) 1907-19??
- The New Enterprise (Madison, Fla.) 1901-1908
- The Ocala Banner (Ocala, Marion County, Fla.) 1883-194?
- The Ocala Evening Star (Ocala, Fla.) 1895-1943
- The Ocaleean Ensign (Ocala, Fla) 1917-19??
- The Palatka Daily News (Palatka, Fla.) 1884-1888
- The Palatka News (Palatka, Fla.) 1905-1908
- The Palatka News and Advertiser (Palatka, Fla.) 1902-1905
- The Palatka News and Advertiser (Palatka, Fla.) 1908-19??
- The Pensacola Journal (Pensacola, Fla.) 1898-1985
- The Punta Gorda Herald (Punta Gorda, Fla.) 1893-1958
- The San Mateo Item (San Mateo City, Putnam County, Fla) 189?-19??
- The Southern Jewish Weekly (Jacksonville, Fla.) 1939-1992
- The St. Lucie County Tribune (Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Fla.) 1905-1920
- The Sun (Jacksonville, Fla.) 1905-1908
- The University News (Gainesville, Fla.) 1906-190?
- The Weekly Floridian (Tallahassee, Fla.) 1867-19??
- The Weekly Tallahasseean (Tallahassee, Fla.) 18??-1905
- The Weekly True Democrat (Tallahassee, Fla.) 1905-1912
Google News Archive
- Boca Raton – Boca Raton News
- Bristol – The Calhoun-Liberty Journal
- Daytona Beach – The Sunday News Journal
- Daytona Beach – The News-Journal
- Daytona Beach – Daytona Beach Morning Journal
- Daytona Beach – The Volusian
- Daytona Beach – Daytona Beach Morning Journal and Daytona Beach Evening News
- Daytona Beach – Daytona Beach News Journal
- Daytona Beach – Daytona Beach Sunday News-Journal
- Defuniak Springs – The Beach Breeze
- DeFuniak Springs – The DeFuniak Springs Herald
- DeFuniak Springs – The Breeze and The Defuniak Herald
- Florala – The Florala News
- Gainesville – Gainesville Sun
- Gainesville – The Gainesville Sun Sunday
- Lakeland – Lakeland Ledger
- Ocala – Ocala Star-Banner
- Orlando – Heritage Florida Jewish News
- Sarasota – Sarasota Herald-Tribune
- Sarasota – Sarasota Journal
- St. Petersburg – Sunday Independent
- St. Petersburg – St. Petersburg Times
- St. Petersburg – St. Petersburg Daily Times
- St. Petersburg – St. Petersburg Evening Independent
- St. Petersburg – The Evening Independent
- St. Petersburg – St. Petersburg Independent
- Tallahassee – Fsview and The Florida Flambeau
- Tallahassee – Fsview & Florida Flambeau
Florida Digital Newspaper Library
- 7 días del Diario de la marina en el exilio.
- Adjutant General’s report
- Advertiser
- After action report
- Air Commando Association Newsletter
- Alachua advocate
- Alachua Booster
- Alachua citizen
- Alachua County Today
- Albany Argus.
- alliance
- Alliance agenda
- Alligator times
- Altoona Argus
- American eagle
- American traveller.
- American, and commercial daily advertiser
- Ancient city
- Angel’s Wings
- Another printing of White’s talk to Payne and the Seminoles.
- Apalachicola courier
- Apalachicola gazette.
- Apalachicola times
- Apalachicolian
- Apopka chief
- Apopka Chief
- Arcadia daily news
- Arcadia enterprise
- Arcadian.
- Army and navy chronicle.
- artisan
- Aurora 1/20/1818 2:2-5 & 3:1-3
- avance criollo.
- Ave Maria Sun
- Babcock Ranch telegraph
- Bahama herald
- Bahama News
- Baker County Press
- Baker County press
- Baker County star
- Baltimore patriot & evening advertiser.
- Baltimore Patriot & Evening Advertiser 7/20/1814 2: 4-5
- Banner
- Banner
- Bartow advance courier
- Bartow informant
- Bay beacon
- Beach post
- Beaches leader.
- Bee
- Belle Glade herald
- Belong Magazine
- Best of ..
- Biscayne Boulevard times
- Biscayne times
- Boca Raton tribune
- Boston Gazette 10/18/1810 2:2
- Boston Gazette 8/23/1810 1 :4-5
- Boston Gazette 9/13/1804 2:2
- Boston patriot.
- Boston Recorder
- Boston weekly messenger.
- Boynton Beach Monday Paper
- Boynton Beach news
- Boynton Beach news journal
- Boynton Beach star
- Boynton bugle
- Boynton Herald
- Boynton hi-lite
- Boynton news
- Boynton progress
- Bradford County Telegraph.
- breeze
- broadcaster
- Bronson weekly artery
- Brooksville herald
- Broome Republican.
- Buccaneer (Vero Beach, Florida)
- Buddy Line
- Business observer
- By mail. From Savannah Gazette. Same letter again, concerning Bowles crossing the St. Johns River
- Calhoun news
- Calhoun-Liberty Journal (Bristol, Fla.).
- Caloosa belle
- Caloosahatchee current
- Cape Coral breeze
- Cape Coral daily breeze
- Caribbean today (Miami, Fla.)
- Carrefour Floride
- Cedar Key beacon
- Cedar Key Gulf-Coaster
- Cedar Keys telegraph
- Central Florida times
- CERP report; The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan
- Chai Life
- champion.
- Charlotte Sun
- Charlotte sun herald
- Chattahoochee bulletin
- Chiefland citizen
- Chipley banner.
- Christian voice monthly
- Citizen-reporter
- Citrus County chronicle
- Citrus County star
- Clay County times
- Clay today
- Clearwater evening sun
- Clearwater news (Clearwater, Fla.)
- Clearwater sun
- Clearwater sun and herald
- Clewiston news
- Closer up
- Coastal breeze news
- Coastal compass
- Coastal courier
- Coastal NewsLine
- Coastal star
- Cocoa tribune
- Coconut telegraph
- College Park community paper
- Collegiate digest
- colored citizen
- Columbia County citizen and Florida tobacco plant
- Columbia Democrat (Alligator, Fla.)
- Columbian (Lake City, Fla.)
- Columbian centinel.
- Columbian centinel.
- Columbian phenix, or, Providence patriot.
- Columbian register.
- Come out with pride!
- Commercial advertiser (Apalachicola, Fla. : 1843)
- commonwealth
- Community paper
- Connection
- Connections
- Connections
- Connections
- Conservator
- Conway news
- Cotton states (Micanopy, Fla.)
- Countdown!
- County record
- Courier (Plant City, Fla.)
- Courier=informant
- CreekLine
- Crescent City call Volusia times & Flagler County news
- Crescent City journal
- Crescent City news
- Crestview News Bulletin
- Cruisin News Communiqué
- Crystal River herald
- Crystal River mirror
- Crystal River news.
- Cuba standard monthly
- Dade City banner
- Daily advocate (Gainesville, Fla.)
- Daily bee (Gainesville, Fla.)
- Daily Commercial
- Daily courier-informant
- daily Democrat
- daily Democrat
- Daily evening traveller
- Daily Florida citizen (Jacksonville, Fla.)
- Daily Florida herald
- Daily Florida standard (Jacksonville, Fla.)
- Daily Florida union
- Daily Floridian
- daily herald
- Daily item (Ocala, Fla.)
- Daily Key
- Daily metropolis
- Daily military review
- Daily national intelligencer.
- daily news
- Daily Palm Beach breeze
- Daily Palm Beach news
- Daily Sanford journal
- Daily Sentinel
- daily sun
- Daily sun
- Daily sun and press
- Dale Mabry observer
- Daytona Beach evening news
- Daytona Beach news
- Daytona Beach news-journal
- Daytona Beach observer
- Daytona Daily News
- De Soto County news (Arcadia, Fla.)
- DeFuniak Herald combined with the Breeze.
- DeLand daily news
- DeLand daily sun
- DeLand news.
- DeLand sun
- DeLand Sun News
- DeLand Weekly News
- DeLeon Springs courier
- Delray Beach News
- Delray Beach News-Journal
- Delray Beach Pineapple
- Delray Newspaper
- Democratic press.
- Democratic union
- Diario de Pernambuco
- Diario las Américas
- Different Drummer
- Dixie (Jacksonville, FL)
- Dixie County advocate.
- DoF News
- Dominica chronicle
- Dominica chronicle
- Dominica colonist
- Downtown community paper
- Drew Field echoes.
- Dunedin times
- Eagle’s Eye
- East Coast advocate.
- East County observer
- East Florida advocate (Jacksonville, Fla.)
- East Florida banner (Ocala, Fla.)
- East Florida Courier
- East Florida herald
- East Floridian
- East Floridian (Fernandina, Fla.)
- East Orlando sun
- East Pasco County business focus
- Eastern Herald (Palatka, Fla.)
- echo
- Eglin flyer
- Eight Bells
- El Yara
- Energy Express
- enterprise
- Enterprise herald
- Enterprise-recorder
- ESC Today
- Essex patriot.
- Ethnic Newspapers Database and the Florida Digital Newspaper Library
- Eustis Lake region
- Evening herald
- evening leader
- evening news
- evening record
- evening sentinel
- Everglades News
- Everglades report
- Examiner
- Examiner
- Extra globe
- Eye
- Family friend.
- Farmer and stockman
- Federal republican & commercial gazette.
- Federation Star
- Fernandina Beach news-leader.
- Fernandina courier
- Fernandina express.
- Fernandina news
- Fernandina news (Fernandina, Fla. : 1891)
- Fernandina news-leader
- Fernandina news-record
- Fernandina news-record
- Fernandina observer (Fernandina, Fla.)
- Fernandina record
- Fine print
- Flagler Tribune
- Florida
- Florida advocate
- Florida agriculturist (De Land, Fla.).
- Florida agriculturist (Jacksonville, Fla.)
- Florida alliance
- Florida alligator.
- Florida Argus, and Pensacola literary, agricultural & commercial register.
- Florida Baptist witness
- Florida Beacon
- Florida beacon
- Florida black voice
- Florida Catholic
- Florida Catholic
- Florida Catholic
- Florida Catholic
- Florida Catholic
- Florida Catholic
- Florida Catholic
- Florida Christian advocate
- Florida Christian advocate.
- Florida courier
- Florida daily times
- Florida Democrat
- Florida Democrat and mechanic’s and workingman’s advocate
- Florida Democrat and mechanic’s and workingman’s advocate (Pensacola, Fla.)
- Florida Digital Newspaper Library ( FDNL ) Webinar for the Tampa Bay Library Consortium
- Florida dispatch (Jacksonville, Fla.)
- Florida dispatch (Live Oak, Fla.)
- Florida dispatch (Newnansville, Fla.)
- Florida dispatch and farmer and fruit grower
- Florida dispatch.
- Florida East Coast homeseeker
- Florida evangelist
- Florida farmer
- Florida farmer & fruit grower (Jacksonville, Fla. : 1887)
- Florida farmer & fruit grower (Jacksonville, Fla. : 1893)
- Florida farmer and homeseeker
- Florida farmer and stockman
- Florida gazette
- Florida guardsmen
- Florida Herald
- Florida Herald and Southern Democrat
- Florida highland press
- Florida home companion (Ocala, Fla.)
- Florida home-seeker
- Florida Immigrant
- Florida independent
- Florida index (Lake City, Fla.)
- Florida Intelligencer
- Florida journal
- Florida journal (Apalachicola, Fla. : 1840)
- Florida Keys keynoter.
- Florida labor advocate
- Florida metropolis
- Florida mirror (Fernandina, Fla.)
- Florida news (Jacksonville, Fla. : 1852)
- Florida newspapers held at the University of Florida
- Florida New-Yorker
- Florida Normalite
- Florida poultryman
- Florida record
- Florida Republican
- Florida Republican (Jacksonville, Fla. : 1848)
- Florida Republican (Jacksonville, Fla.)
- Florida review
- Florida review
- Florida ruralist
- Florida semi-tropical news
- Florida sentinel
- Florida sentinel
- Florida sentinel
- Florida sentinel (Tallahassee, Fla.)
- Florida sentinel bulletin
- Florida star
- Florida star (Jacksonville, FL)
- Florida star (Titusville, FL)
- Florida State journal
- Florida sun
- Florida Telegraph.
- Florida times-union (Jacksonville, Fla. : 1883)
- Florida times-union and citizen
- Florida times-union and citizen
- Florida times-union.
- Florida Towndsendite
- Florida union
- Florida union (Jacksonville, Fla. : weekly)
- Florida watchman (Tallahassee, Fla.)
- Florida weekly
- Florida weekly
- Florida weekly
- Florida weekly express
- Florida weekly news
- Florida weekly press
- Florida weekly record
- Florida weekly times
- Florida weekly times
- Florida Whig
- Florida-Georgia news
- Florida’s financial and industrial record.
- Floridian & advocate
- Floridian and Journal.
- Forgive them, for they know not what they do!
- Fort Lauderdale greetings
- Fort Lauderdale sentinel
- Fort Lauderdale shopper
- Fort Myers daily press
- Fort Myers news-press
- Fort Myers press
- Fort Myers press
- Fort Myers press consolidated with the tropical news
- Fort Myers tropical news
- Fort Myers weekly press
- Fort Pierce news.
- Fort Pierce news-tribune
- Four Corners News-Sun
- Francophone international
- Franklin chronicle
- Franklin county chronicle
- free press
- Freedom press
- Frostproof news
- Ft. Lauderdale daily news and evening sentinel
- Gabber
- Gaceta
- Gadsden County Times
- Gadsden Democrat
- Gainesville daily sun.
- Gainesville elevator
- Gainesville iguana.
- Gainesville news
- Gainesville star.
- Gainesville sun
- Gainesville sun (Gainesville, Fla. : 1964)
- Gainesville sun.
- Gainesville times
- Gainesville weekly sun
- Gate City chronicle
- Gay rag
- Gazette and land bulletin
- gazette-news
- Gilchrist County journal.
- Glades County Democrat.
- globe. (Washington, D.C. : Daily).
- Gosport (Pensacola, Fla.)
- Green Cove spring
- Groveland graphic
- Guide
- Gulf Breeze News
- Gulf Coast breeze.
- Gulf Coast news
- Gulf Coast progress
- Gulf County breeze
- Gulf Defender
- Halifax journal
- Halyard
- Happenings
- Hartford times.
- Hastings herald
- Havana herald
- Headdress ball
- Hendry County news
- Herald-advocate.
- Heritage Florida Jewish News
- Hernando news (Brooksville, Fla.)
- Hernando sun
- Highlands County news
- Highlands news-sun
- Highlands Sun
- Hollywood free press
- Hollywood Gazette
- Holmes County advertiser
- Holmes County times-advertiser
- home journal
- home news
- Homeless voice
- Homestead enterprise
- Hometown news
- Hometown news
- Hometown news (Daytona Beach, FL)
- Hometown news (Fort Pierce, FL)
- Hometown news (Martin County, FL)
- Hometown news (Melbourne, FL)
- Hometown news (Palm Beach Gardens, FL)
- Hometown news (Port Orange, FL)
- Hometown news (Port St. Lucie, FL)
- Hometown news (Sebastian, FL)
- Hometown news (Vero Beach, FL)
- Howey tribune
- Hurlburt patriot
- Illustrated hotel news
- Immokalee bulletin
- Imparcial
- Incoming Mail
- independent chronicle.
- Independent Florida Alligator
- independent press
- Indian River advocate and East Coast chronicle.
- Indian River advocate.
- Indian River star
- Indian Rocks sentry
- Interlachen Bulletin
- Irving messenger
- Island City News.
- island reporter
- Island Sand Paper
- Island sun (Sanibel, Fla.)
- Island times
- Islander (Anna Maria, Fla. : 1992)
- Islander (Anna Maria, Fla.)
- Islander news
- Jackson County Floridan
- Jacksonville advocate
- Jacksonville American
- Jacksonville courier (Jacksonville, Fla.)
- Jacksonville daily record
- Jacksonville free press
- Jacksonville herald
- Jacksonville journal
- Jacksonville Mercury
- Jacksonville morning news
- Jacksonville record & observer
- Jacksonville standard (Jacksonville, Fla.)
- Jacksonville tri-weekly union
- Jacobean, The Voice of Jacob
- Jasper news (Jasper, Fla.)
- Jax air news.
- JaxStrong
- Jefferson County journal
- Jewish Floridian (Miami, Fla.)
- Jewish Floridian (Palm Beach, Fla. : December 24, 1982-August 30, 1985)
- Jewish Floridian and Shofar of Greater Hollywood
- Jewish Floridian of greater Ft. Lauderdale
- Jewish Floridian of North Broward
- Jewish Floridian of North Broward
- Jewish Floridian of Palm Beach County (Palm Beach, Fla. : February 28, 1975-December 17, 1982)
- Jewish Floridian of Palm Beach County (Palm Beach, Fla. : September 13, 1985- )
- Jewish Floridian of Pinellas County
- Jewish Floridian of South Broward
- Jewish Floridian of South County
- Jewish Floridian of Tampa
- Jewish News of Sarasota-Manatee
- Jewish Press of Pinellas County
- Jewish Press of Tampa
- Jewish Unity.
- Jewish Way
- Kaleidoscope
- Kennedy Space Center annual report
- Kerr City advertiser
- Key Largo City news
- Key look out.
- Key of the Gulf (Key West, Fla. : 1855)
- Key outpost
- Key West citizen (Key West, Fla.)
- Key West Democrat.
- Key West dispatch (Key West, Fla.)
- Key West Druggist
- Key West enquirer (Key West, Fla.)
- Key West gazette (Key West, Fla.)
- Key West gazette.
- Key West herald
- Key West Morning Call
- Key West morning journal.
- Key West register, and commercial advertiser
- Key West weekly
- Key-West guardian
- Kings Bay periscope
- Kissimmee Valley
- Kissimmee Valley gazette.
- La Gaceta
- LaBelle current
- Labor journal
- Lake City reporter
- Lake City reporter
- Lake City reporter and Columbia gazette
- Lake County citizen
- Lake Okeechobee news
- Lake region
- Lake Region Monitor
- Lake Wales news
- Lake Worth Herald
- Lake Worth, Boynton Beach, and Lantana (Palm Beach County, FL) city directory
- Lakeland evening ledger
- Lakeland evening telegram
- Lakeland Ledger
- Lakeland morning star
- Lakeland star
- Lakeland star telegram
- Laker
- Laker (Wesley Chapel Edition)
- Laker (Zephyrhills edition)
- Land o’ Manatee
- land of flowers
- Largo leader
- Largo sentinel
- Ledger
- Ledger
- Lee County news
- Leesburg commercial
- Leesburg morning commercial
- Leon County journal
- Levy County citizen
- Levy County journal.
- Levy County news
- Levy County times
- Levy enterprise
- Levy times-Democrat (Bronson, Fla.).
- Liberacion
- Liberty Hall & Cincinnati gazette
- Liberty journal
- Libraries receive $325,000 National Endowment for the Humanities grant award ( National Digital News..
- Libraries receive $325,000 National Endowment for the Humanities grant award ( National Digital Newspaper Program 2013 ) New Release
- Life in Florida
- Live & life in Palmas
- Live oak (Pensacola, Fla.)
- Live Oak daily Democrat.
- Lloyd’s evening post.
- Lochmede
- London chronicle, or, Universal evening post.
- Longboat observer
- Lucerne herald
- Lutz news
- LWR life
- Lynn Haven tribune
- Macclenny sentinel
- Madison County Carrier
- Madison enterprise-recorder.
- Madison recorder
- Madisonian
- Magnolia advertiser
- Mail call
- Manatee banner
- Manatee River journal
- Manatee River journal
- Manatee River journal and Bradentown herald
- Manatee River journal and Braidentown news
- Manatee River journal-herald
- Manatee River journal-news
- Mandarin newsline
- Manufacturers’ & farmers’ journal, Providence and Pawtucket advertiser.
- Marathon weekly
- Marianna courier (Marianna, Fla.)
- Marion citizen
- Marion free press
- Marion star
- Massachusetts Mercury.
- Mayo free press
- Mayo free press
- Melbourne journal
- Melbourne sentinel
- Melbourne times
- Mercury & Floridian
- Methodist news
- Metropolis
- Miami daily metropolis
- Miami daily news and metropolis
- Miami Daily News. July 14, 1929.
- Miami herald
- Miami Jewish News
- Miami Laker
- Miami metropolis
- Miami New Times (Florida)
- Miami news-metropolis
- Miami times
- Miamian
- Micanopy gazette
- Miccosukee Everglades news
- Middle Florida Industrial Bulletin
- Military musings
- Milton gazette
- Milton index
- Mirror
- Mirror (Mayport, FL)
- Missileer
- Monthly Florida bulletin
- Monticello news (Monticello, Fla.).
- morning star
- Morning Sun
- morning tribune
- Morning Tribune (Tampa, Florida)
- Mount Dora topic
- Mount Dora voice
- Mullet Rapper
- mysteries and miseries of the great metropolis
- Naples Florida weekly
- Napoli navigator
- Nassau County leader
- Nassau County star
- National intelligencer.
- Network
- neutral.
- New capitol
- new enterprise.
- New era (Gainesville, Fla.)
- New era (Key West, Fla.)
- New Florida liberator
- New Hampshire gazette
- New Jewish Unity
- New Smyrna Beach news
- New Smyrna breeze
- New Smyrna inlet
- New Smyrna news
- New South (Jacksonville, Fla. : 1874 : Weekly)
- new South.
- New times
- New Times Broward-Palm Beach
- New York herald
- New York times and commercial intelligencer.
- Newport gazette
- News
- news
- News (Jacksonville, Fl)
- News articles on Mr. William A. Smith’s settlement in Florida
- News research for better newspapers.
- newscaster
- News-gazette
- News-herald
- News-Leader (Fernandina Beach, Fla.).
- newspaper and its public
- Newspapers 1963
- News-register
- News-sun.
- New-York American.
- New-York commercial advertiser.
- New-York daily tribune
- New-York weekly tribune
- Nonahood news
- Northeast journal
- Nuevos rumbos
- observer
- Observer news
- Ocala argus (Ocala, Fla.)
- Ocala banner (Ocala, Fla. : 1883)
- Ocala banner-lacon
- Ocala Down Town
- Ocala evening star.
- Ocaleean ensign
- official Come out St. Pete guide
- Okaloosa news=journal
- Okaloosa news-journal
- Okeechobee call
- Okeechobee News.
- Okeechobee News.
- OnCuba travel
- Orange City press
- Orange City sunshine
- Orange City times
- Orange City times
- Orange County chief
- Orange County reporter
- Orange Park, Florida : with its 9,000 acres and seven-and-one-half miles of high bluff river front.
- Orange peel
- Orlando daily record
- Orlando gay and lesbian travel guide
- Orlando Morning Sentinel
- Orlando record
- Orlando star
- Osceola news-gazette.
- Osprey observer (Bloomingdale/FishHawk)
- Osprey observer (Brandon)
- Osprey observer (Brandon/Winthrop)
- Osprey observer (Riverview/Apollo Beach)
- Osprey observer (Valrico)
- Out clique magazine
- Oviedo chronicle
- Pabor Lake Pineapple
- Palatka daily news
- Palatka daily news
- Palatka daily news
- Palatka daily times
- Palatka herald
- Palatka morning post
- Palatka news and advertiser
- Palatka Weekly Advertiser
- Palatka weekly times.
- Palette
- Palm Beach independent
- Palm Beach independent
- Palm Beach post
- Palm Beach post
- Panama City news-herald
- Panama City pilot.
- Park press
- Pasco East
- Pasco news
- Patriot Reader Newsletter
- PCB life
- Pelican
- Peninsula (Fernandina, Fla.)
- Pensacola advance
- Pensacola advance=gazette
- Pensacola commercial
- Pensacola commercial (Pensacola, Fla. : 1883)
- Pensacola commercial (Pensacola, Fla. : 1888)
- Pensacola evening news.
- Pensacola fish news
- Pensacola gazette
- Pensacola Gazette
- Pensacola Gazette and Florida Advertiser
- Pensacola Gazette and West Florida Advertiser
- Pensacola journal.
- Pensacola news
- Pensacola observer
- Pensacola press
- Pensacola semi=weekly commercial.
- Pensacola weekly commercial
- Pensacola weekly gazette
- Pensacolian
- Perry News-Herald (Perry, Fla.)
- Phoenix
- Phosphate field
- Piedmont Republican
- Planeside Magazine
- Plant City courier
- Plant City courier & tribune
- Plant City daily news
- Plant City enterprise
- Polk City chronicle
- Polk County Democrat (Bartow, Fla.).
- Polk County journal
- Polk County labor journal
- Polk County record
- Polk County star
- Polk County sun
- Polk news sun
- Pomona progress and tri-county advertiser
- Pompano Pelican
- Ponte Vedra leader.
- Ponte Vedra NewsLine
- Port Charlotte sun
- Port of Spain gazette
- Port Saint Joe sentinel
- Post
- Postal express news
- Preserving Access to Florida’s Newspapers ( LSTA Grant )
- Pride gala, business awards
- public spirit
- Punta Gorda herald.
- Putnam County Courier Journal
- Q magazine
- Quincy commonwealth
- Quincy Florida herald
- Quincy herald
- Quincy journal
- Quincy new era
- Quincy republic
- Quincy semi-weekly dispatch
- Quincy sentinel
- Quincy times (Quincy, Fla.)
- Raíces de la perla
- recherche
- Record dispatch
- Redland district news
- Reporter
- Ribbiting News Communiqué
- River weekly news
- Riverbend news
- Riverland news
- Rural free press
- Safety Harbor herald
- Saint Johns County weekly St. Augustine chronicle
- San Antonio herald
- San Antonio news
- San Fernando gazette
- San Mateo item.
- Sanford daily journal
- Sanford herald
- Sanford herald
- Sanford herald
- Sanford journal
- Santa Rosa’s press gazette
- Sarasota herald
- Sarasota living with pride
- Sarasota News Leader
- Sarasota observer
- Sarasota Pride
- Scuttlebutt
- sea breeze
- Seald-sweet chronicle
- Sebring daily American
- Sebring white way
- Semi=tropical
- Seminole beacon
- Seminole herald
- Seminole Indian news
- Seminole voice
- Semi-weekly true Democrat
- Senior focus
- Shining Beacon
- Shpiel.
- Siesta Key observer
- Silver Springs news pictorial
- Silver Springs Park herald
- Smith’s weekly
- Solares Hill
- Soleil de la Floride
- South Florida Argus
- South Florida banner
- South Florida courier
- South Florida developer
- South Florida Gay News
- South Florida home
- South Florida journal
- South Florida messenger
- South Florida sentinel
- South Florida times
- South Floridian
- South Lake press
- South Marion Citizen
- Southern advocate
- Southern argus
- Southern Baptist witness
- Southern Confederacy
- Southern Jewish weekly
- Southern journal
- Southern messenger
- Southern Republican
- Southern rights (Jacksonville, Fla.)
- Southern sun (Ocala, Fla.)
- Southernmost flyer
- Southside NewsLine
- Southwest Orange observer
- Spaceport magazine
- Spaceport news
- Spotlight
- spring
- Spring arts guide
- St. Andrews Bay news
- St. Andrews buoy.
- St. Andrews messenger
- St. Augustine Beaches News Journal
- St. Augustine evening news
- St. Augustine evening record
- St. Augustine examiner (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
- St. Augustine news
- St. Augustine press
- St. Augustine record (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
- St. Augustine Shores Observer
- St. Augustine weekly news
- St. Augustine weekly record
- St. Cloud tribune
- St. Johns County herald
- St. Johns County herald and St. Augustine weekly record
- St. John’s mirror
- St. Johns tribune
- St. John’s weekly
- St. Joseph times
- St. Lucie County tribune.
- St. Pete Pride
- St. Petersburg advocate
- St. Petersburg times
- Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.).
- Star advocate
- Star of Florida
- Star of the west (Apalachicola, Fla.)
- Star-advocate.
- state
- Stuart daily news
- Stuart messenger
- Stuart times
- Summer gator
- Sumter County times.
- Sun
- Sun (Belle Glade, Fla.).
- Sun Bay paper
- sun.
- Sunday sentinel
- Sunland tribune (Tampa, Fla.)
- Sunshine Spokesman
- supplement
- Surfside Islander slant
- Surfside slant
- Surfside slant – Islander
- Surfside Sun
- Suwannee citizen
- Suwannee Democrat.
- Suwannee leader
- Suwannee news
- Suwannee Valley times
- Syrian Lebanese star.
- Taco times.
- tahoochee News-Herald & Sneads Sentinel
- Tallahassee daily capital
- Tallahassee daily Democrat
- Tallahassee sentinel (Tallahassee, Fla.)
- Tallahassee weekly capital
- Tallahasseean
- Tampa Bay newspapers
- Tampa Bay newspapers
- Tampa citizen
- Tampa daily times
- Tampa daily tribune
- Tampa herald.
- Tampa journal
- Tampa life
- Tampa morning telegraph
- Tampa morning tribune
- Tampa morning tribune
- Tampa Pride
- Tampa tribune
- Tampa weekly times
- Tarpon Springs Beacon
- Tarpon Springs leader
- Tavares herald
- Taylor County herald
- Telegraph (Cedar Key, Fla.)
- The Burning Spear
- The Clay County crescent.
- The Collier County news.
- The Daily Equator-Democrat.
- The Daily Miami metropolis.
- The daily news.
- The daily news.
- The Daytona gazette news.
- The Family Tree
- The Florida Catholic
- The Florida cracker
- The Florida peninsular.
- The Florida times.
- The Florida Weekly Advocate
- The Floridian.
- The Fort Myers press.
- The Homestead Leader
- The Key West Advertiser
- The Key West journal.
- The Key West over-sea Sunday star.
- The Kissimmee gazette.
- The leader-enterprise.
- The Miami metropolis.
- The morning sentinel.
- The Navigator
- The News leader
- The news leader.
- The news-herald
- The Newsletter
- The Palatka news.
- The Pride Center Voice
- The Semi-weekly Floridian.
- The Signature
- The Starke Telegraph.
- The Stuart news.
- The Weekly Miami metropolis.
- The Weekly newspaper
- The Winter Haven sun
- Times-herald (Palatka, Fla.)
- Times-Leader
- Times-Union & Journal
- Tip of the spear
- Titusville star-advocate
- Townsendite
- Trench and camp
- Triangle news leader
- Tribune
- Trinidad Gazette
- Tri-weekly Florida sun
- tri-weekly observer
- Tri-weekly union (Jacksonville, Fla.)
- tropical farmer
- Tropical paradise
- Tropical plant
- Tropical sun.
- true Southerner
- Tuskawilla news (Micanopy, Fla.)
- Twice-a-week sun.
- Tyndall target.
- U. S. Newspaper Program : Florida
- Union County blade
- Union County times.
- union labor news
- United States Newspaper Program : Florida
- university news.
- Upper Keys weekly
- Venice gondolier (Venice, Fla. : 1946)
- Venice gondolier sun.
- Vero Beach journal
- Vero Beach press
- Vero Beach press journal
- Vero press
- Veteran voice
- Veteranos su salud cuenta
- Veterans health matters
- Veterans Newsletter
- Veterans’ Voice
- Victims’ advocate
- voice of Saint Lucia
- Voice of South Marion
- Volusia County herald
- Volusia County record (De Land, Fla. : 1888)
- Voz catolica
- Wakulla County news.
- Wakulla neighbor
- Wakulla news.
- Wakulla times
- Warrior Medic Magazine
- Warrior Medic Monthly
- Washington County news
- Watchman of the Gulf
- Waterfront times
- Watermark
- Web defender
- Wedding guide
- weekly bee
- weekly Democrat
- Weekly East Floridian
- Weekly Florida citizen (Jacksonville, Fla.)
- Weekly Florida Telegraph
- Weekly Florida times
- Weekly Florida times-union
- Weekly Florida union
- Weekly Floridian
- Weekly Fort Myers press
- Weekly industrial record.
- weekly journal
- Weekly Lake Worth news
- weekly press
- weekly record
- Weekly sun and press
- Weekly Tallahasseean.
- weekly tribune
- weekly true Democrat
- weekly true Democrat.
- Welaka independent
- Welaka times
- Wellen Park journal
- West Florida commercial
- West Florida labor news
- West Marion messenger
- West Orange observer
- West Orange times
- West Villages journal
- West-Florida times (Pensacola, Fla.)
- Westside journal
- Whig banner (Palatka, Fla.)
- Whistlestop News Communiqué
- Whiting tower
- Wildwood echo
- Williston pioneer sun news
- Williston progress
- Williston sun
- Wilton Manors gazette
- Windermere Observer
- Winning hand
- Winter Haven daily chief
- Winter Haven Daily News-Chief
- Winter Park advocate
- Winter Park post
- Winter Park-Maitland observer
- Winter Pride Tampa Bay
- Wire magazine
- WomaNews : Gainesville’s Feminist Newspaper.
County and Library Collections:
- Boca Raton News (1955–1970)
- The Pelican (1948–1953)
- The Spanish River Papers (1973–1987)
- The Weekly Tattler (June–September 1938)
Boynton Beach Public Library Digital Newspapers
- Boynton Beach Monday Paper
- Boynton Beach News
- Boynton Beach News Journal
- Boynton Beach Star
- Boynton Bugle
- Boynton Herald
- Boynton Hi-Lite
- Lake Worth Herald
- Lucene Herald
- Palm Beach Post Brown Wrapper
- Sun Sentinel Sunday Brown Wrapper
- The Boynton News
- The Boynton Progress
- The Examiner
- The Times-Leader
Central Florida Memory Newspapers
- Lochmede
- Orange County Reporter
- Sanford Chronicle
- Sanford Today
- St. Cloud Tribune
- Stetson Collegiate
- The Greeter
- The Rollins Sandspur
- The Script
- This Week in Sanford
Coral Gables Memory – Newspapers
- Coral Gables Times
- The Guide
- The Times-Leader
- Coral Gables Riviera
- Coral Gables Riviera Times
- Riviera Times
- The Times
- Panama City Pilot
- Panama Kraft Messenger
- Panama Kraft News
- St Andrews Bay News
- The Bay Liner
- Jackson County Floridan
- Papoose
- Smoke Signals
- Destin Log
- Destin Weekly Log
- Lynn Haven Free Press
- Lynn Haven Tribune
- The Weekly Spokesman
- De Funiak Springs Signal
- Okaloosa News-Journal
- The Breeze
- The Defuniak Herald
- The Florala News
- The Florala News Democrat
- West Florida Daily Globe
- Union County Times
University of South Florida Newspaper Archives
- Bohemia
- Drew Field Echoes
- El Audaz
- Florida Sentinel Bulletin Collection
- La Gaceta [Newspaper]
- La Revista
- Suniland [Magazine]
- Tampa Ilustrado
- Tampa Life
- Tampa/ Cuba Latino Periodicals – Other
- Temple Terrace Sentinel
- Tobacco Leaf Journal
- Tyndall Target
Student Collections:
Barry University – Miami Shores
- Barry College Digest 1940 to 1941
- Angelican 1941
- Angelicus 1941 to 1969
- Hourglass 1969 to 1984
- The Barry Buccaneer 1984 to 2015
- Buccaneer 2015 –
Broward College – Fort Lauderdale
Christopher Columbus High School – Miami
College of Boca Raton – Boca Raton
Coral Reef Senior High School – Miami
Daytona State College – Daytona Beach
Eckerd College – St. Petersburg
Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University – Daytona Beach
Flagler College – St. Augustine
Florida A&M University – Tallahassee
Florida Atlantic University – Boca Raton
Florida Gulf Coast University – Fort Meyers
Florida Institute of Technology – Melbourne
Florida International University – Miami
Florida Southern College – Sutherland
Florida State College – Jacksonville
Florida State University – Tallahassee
Florida State University College of Law – Tallahassee
Gulf Coast State College – Panama City
Jacksonville University – Jacksonville
Lakeland High School – Lakeland
Lakewood High School – St.Petersburg
Lynn University – Boca Raton
Marymount College – Boca Raton
Miami Dade College North – Miami
Miami Dade College – Miami
Miami Palmetto Senior High School – Palmetto
Miami Senior High School – Miami
New College of Florida – Sarasota
Nova Southeastern University – Fort Lauderdale
- Nova Knights Newsletter (1983-1984)
- Nova Newsletter (1982-1983)
- The Current
- The Knight (1992-2004)
- The Nova Knight (1984-1992)
Palm Beach Atlantic University – West Palm Beach
Palm Beach State College – Lake Worth
Rollins College – Winter Park
Roosevelt Junior College – West Palm Beach
Saint Leo University – St. Leo
Seminole State College – Sanford
Stetson University – DeLand
Tallahassee Community College – Tallahassee
University of Central Florida – Orlando
University of Florida – Gainesville
University of Miami – Coral Gables
University of North Florida – Jacksonville
University of South Florida – St. Petersburg
University of South Florida – Tampa
University of Tampa – Tampa
University of West Florida – Pensacola
Valencia College – Orlando
Miscellaneous Collections and Indexes:
Jacksonville Newspaper Indexes
- The Jacksonville Journal
- The Florida Times-Union
- The Florida Times-Union Star Edition
Independent Voices – Alternative Newspapers
- Balaklava
- The Flamingo Park Gazette
- WomaNews
- Defense Committee Newsletter
- Hogarm
- Instauration
- Olive Branch, The
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Newspapers 1933-1942
- Brooksville – Chinsegut Star (Company 5468)
- Chipley – Camp Glen News (Company 1416)
- Niceville – Camp Bigby News (Company 1402)
- Niceville – Scrappy Daze (Company 1402)
- Olustee – O-Lustee Cheer (Company 453)
- Olustee – Ocean Pond Tradewind (Company 451)
- Olustee – Olustee Events (Company 418)
- Sebring – Rogers-Post (Company 453)
- Sumatra – Sumatra Sun (Company 295)
- Valpariso – Valpariso News (Company 1402)
- White Springs – Suwanee Echoes (Company 450)
- Bee Ridge – Myakka Rattler, CCC Company 1421
- Carrabelle – Camp Carrabelle Crier, CCC Company 1419
- Chipley – Chip Bona, CCC Company 1416
- Green Cove Springs – Cat Face, CCC Company 1431
- Green Cove Springs – Tent Town Topics, CCC Company 1421
- Lake City – Osceola News, CCC Company 4430
- Miami – Everglade, CCC Company 269
- Miami – Wanderer, CCC Company 1421
- Milton – Pest, CCC Company 1425
- Niceville – Boggy Bayou Breeze, CCC Company 1402
- Ocala – Mill Dam Mirror, CCC Company 1401
- Ocala – Seedling Pine, CCC Company 1420
- Olustee – Ocean Pond Woodsman, CCC Company 451
- Olustee – O-lustee Cheer, CCC Company 453
- Sarasota – Myakka Rattler, CCC Company 1421
- Sebring – C-bring C-amp C-ourier, CCC Company 262
- Sebring – Rogers-Post, CCC Company 453
- Shady Grove – Chronicle, CCC Company 4451
- Shady Grove – Pine Knot Journal, CCC Company 1410
- Starke – Pick and Spade, CCC Company 2444
- Sulpher Springs – Bugle Blasts, CCC Company 1418
- Vilas – Longleaf, CCC Company 1439
- White Springs – Suwannee Echoes, CCC Company 450
- Wilma – The Slash, CCC Company 298
- Youngstown – Bear Creek Babble, CCC Company 1406
- The Calhoun-Liberty Journal Bristol, Florida
- The DeFuniak Springs Herald Defuniak Springs, Florida
- FSView & Florida Flambeau Tallahassee, Florida
- Heritage Florida Jewish News Fern Park, Florida
- Boca Beacon Boca Grande
- The Campus Voice Jacksonville
- The City Observer Lake Helen
- Kalliope Jacksonville
- Naples Historical Society
For Obituary Indexes, transcriptions, and other death/obituary information from historical newspapers, please check out the Obituaries page.
Other Free Sites:
Broward County
Camp Blanding
Ft. Lauderdale
Key West
Miami Beach
Miami-Dade County
Safety Harbor
St. Augustine
St. Cloud
Temple Terrace
Winter Park
Subscription or Pay Sites:
There are currently 30 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Ancestry – Florida Newspapers
Genealogy Bank:
There are currently 320 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Genealogy Bank – Florida Newspapers
Newspaper Archive:
There are currently 143 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspaper Archive – Florida
There are currently 121 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspapers.com – Florida.
And Finally:
You also need to visit the University of Florida Libraries site from time to time, which can tell you what is occurring in the state with regard to online and other format newspaper availability.
Please note – even more may be available via a local or state library where a library card is required. And of course, there is always microfilm for those that have not been made available online as yet.
For more links for different states, provinces, and countries – please see the Newspaper Links page on this website.
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!
2 replies on “Florida Online Historical Newspapers Summary”
I grew up in Hialeah, FL during the 50s. There was a small new paper called “The Home News.” If possible, I’d like to know how I can research and get copies of issues of that news paper. Can you help?
Thank you!!
It so interesting to be able to search newspapers. History comes alive.