(This page's most recent update is March 2025)
Probate records and wills are available online from all over the U.S. and are what I consider another hidden gem of information that can assist you in advancing your family history and genealogy research.
What can you find in these records? How about the date of death, spouse’s and children’s names, birth order, sibling’s and siblings’ spouses, parent’s names, and residence locations for all named persons? Also, ownership of land and/or other significant property, business names and occupation, military service, guardianships, and adoptions. Basically, anything owned by the deceased is typically listed and to whom it is to be assigned.
I won’t pretend to be an expert on the probate process – all I know is that I have discovered an amazing amount of good information from probate records and wills as part of my personal genealogy research.
Here are a few good primers on the benefits of searching probate documents and wills:
- FamilySearch – United States Probate Records
- Wills and Probate Records are Genealogy Riches
- How to Use Wills and Estate Records to Learn About Your Ancestors
- Probate Records Could Be the Key to Unlocking Your Family’s Hidden Past
Below, listed are links to probate records, wills, and indexes available for free online for the state.
Note: Please be aware that if you find a desired will or probate record in an index, the holder of the actual materials (e.g., (archive, county court, etc.) may charge a small fee to send you a copy of the material itself.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Georgia Probate and Wills
- Appling County Administrator Bonds and Oaths 1887-1949
- Appling County Docket and General Index to Proceedings of Estates
- Appling County Estate Petitions and Orders, 1897-1956
- Appling County Guardianship Vouchers on Estates, etc., 1856-1860,1876-1891
- Appling County Inventories and Appraisements of Estates 1897-1945, Appling County, Georgia
- Appling County Journal of Letters of Dismission, Administrators, Guardianship and Bonds, 1883-1899
- Appling County Letters of Administration 1911-1949
- Appling County Letters of Administration, Guardianships, and Tax Records, 1889-1908
- Appling County Minutes, 1879-1958
- Appling County Miscellaneous Estate Records, 1877-1940
- Appling County Twelve Months’ Support (from Estates Being Administered in the Court of Ordinary) 1897-1953
- Appling County Wills, 1877-1937
- Appling County Wills, Letters, and Probate of Wills 1901-1938
- Baker County Bills of Sales and Marriages, 1875-1878
- Baker County Probate Records, 1872-1924, 1872-1924
- Baker County Temporary Letters and Bonds of Administration, 1902-1940
- Baker County Will Records, 1868-1962
- Baldwin County Probate Records: Wills, Court Minutes, Administrators, Guardianship and Testamentary Letters; Administrators and Guardians Bonds; Inventories; Appraisements and Returns
- Baldwin County, Wills, Marriages, Lottery Registrants
- Banks County Probate Records, including Guardianship, Administration Letters and Bonds, Inventories, Annual Returns, etc., 1859-1930
- Bartow County Administrators Bonds, 1858-1910, 1920
- Bartow County Administrators’, Guardians’, and Executors’ Returns, 1852-1856
- Bartow County Annual Returns, 1856-1901
- Bartow County Guardian Bonds, 1858-1926
- Bartow County Letters of Administration and Guardianship, 1856-1901
- Bartow County Probate Records, 1853-1908
- Bartow County Wills, 1836-1922
- Berrien County Probate Records, 1858-1925
- Berrien County Record of Wills, 1855-1956
- Bibb County Docket and General Index to Proceedings of Estates, 1823-1964
- Bibb County Inferior Court Minutes, 1824-1864
- Bibb County Probate Records, Administrators, Guardians Letters, Bonds, Inventories, Appraisements, Returns, etc., 1829-1938
- Bibb County Will Records, 1823-1933
- Bibb County, Early Wills and Cemetery Records
- Brooks County Probate Records 1859-1966
- Brooks County Record of Wills, 1860-1964
- Bryan County Administration Bonds, Letters of Administration, Letters of Dismission, Guardian Bonds, 1883-1935
- Bryan County Administrators’ Bonds 1865-1870, and Administrators’ Bonds and Letters of Administrations and Testamentary 1870-1883
- Bryan County Annual Returns of Estates, 1882-1943
- Bryan County Court of ordinary Accounts 1875-1880, 1887-1892, and Estate Accounts 1889-1902
- Bryan County General Index to Estates, 1861-1939
- Bryan County Guardian Bonds and Letters, 1867, 1870-1902
- Bryan County Inventories and Appraisements, 1865-1952
- Bryan County Minutes, 1865-1929
- Bryan County Petitions, Applications Regarding Estates and Properties, Homestead Records, Minutes, 1873-1896
- Bryan County Sale Bills of Estates, 1870-1889, 1906-1948
- Bryan County Vouchers, including those of Estates, 1868-1889, 1898-1902
- Bryan County Wills and Letters Testamentary 1870-1891, and Wills, 1891-1933
- Bulloch County Administrator and Guardian Bonds, 1831-1940
- Bulloch County Inventories, Appraisements and Sales, 1874-1927
- Bulloch County Letters of Administration, Guardians, Testamentary, and Dismission, 1874-1947
- Bulloch County Twelve Months’ Support of Widows, 1878-1924
- Bulloch County Wills and Miscellaneous Estate Records, 1816-1927
- Burke County Will Index
- Burke County Administrator Bonds 1893-1934
- Burke County Annual Returns, 1856-1900
- Burke County Appraisements, Inventories, and Sales, 1856-1926
- Burke County Bill of Sales, 1868-1942
- Burke County Division of Estates, 1868-1950
- Burke County Equity Records, 1834-1895
- Burke County Guardian’s Bonds, 1858-1948
- Burke County Letters of Guardianship, 1858-1949
- Burke County Miscellaneous Records in the Office of the Ordinary, 1787-1918
- Burke County Temporary Administrator Bonds, 1898-1936
- Burke County Temporary Letters of Administrations, 1898-1935
- Burke County Testamentary Letters, 1882-1950
- Burke County Twelve Months’ Support, 1868-1903
- Burke County Vouchers, 1856-1897
- Burke County Wills, 1856-1931
- Butts County Administrator and Guardian Bonds, 1828-1945
- Butts County Bonds, 1850-1909
- Butts County Letters of Administration and Guardianship 1860-1917, and Administration and Guardianship Letters of Dismission 1883-1955
- Butts County Petitions for Twelve Months Support, 1881-1927
- Butts County Returns, Vouchers, Wills, Appraisements and Sales, 1826-1905
- Butts County Sales and Appraisements, 1852-1918
- Butts County Wills 1850-1949
- Calhoun County Estate Letters, 1854-1951; Board of Commissioners Minutes, 1876-1886
- Calhoun County Vouchers, 1870-1924
- Calhoun County Wills, 1855-1900
- Camden County Accounts, Vouchers, and Returns of Estates, 1829-1921
- Camden County Administration Bonds 1833-1896
- Camden County Administration of Estates, Wills, Guardianship Papers, 1820-1914
- Camden County Applicants and Petitions on Estates 1887-1916
- Camden County Inventory and Appraisements of Property & Estates, 1832-1908
- Camden County Letters of Administration of Estates, 1858-1922, 1927-1935
- Camden County Reports (accounts) on Estates and Administration, 1809-1828
- Camden County Will Index 1795-1916, and Wills 1795-1829, 1868-1932
- Camden County Will Records, 1918-1945
- Campbell County Administrators’ and Guardians’ Bonds, 1839-1856
- Campbell County Records of the Court of Ordinary
- Campbell County,Abstracts of Will Book B, 1863-1908
- Carroll County Wills, Book A. 1852-1858
- Carroll County Estate Records; Index, 1800-1950
- Carroll County Guardianships, 1800-1950; Index, 1800-1950
- Catoosa County Probate Records, 1860-1975; Index, 1876-1975
- Catoosa County Wills, 1874-1975
- Charlton County Probate Records 1854-1966
- Chatham County Abstracts of Wills
- Chatham County Administrator (of Estates) Bonds, 1830-1936
- Chatham County Administrator’s Bonds cum Testamento Annexo (Executor not Named in Will), 1852-1936
- Chatham County Division of Estates 1876-1944
- Chatham County Estate Account Sales 1876-1952
- Chatham County Estate Accounts, 1814-1902
- Chatham County Estate Administrations 1783-1791
- Chatham County Estate Records, Wills, Estates, Administrations and Bonds, Alphabetically arranged, 1777-1852
- Chatham County Estate Trustees’ Bonds 1873-1951
- Chatham County Final Receipts of Estates, 1885-1907
- Chatham County Guardian Bonds, 1845-1924
- Chatham County Index to Estates, 1742-1955
- Chatham County Inventories and Appraisements of Estates, 1783-1927
- Chatham County Letters of Administration cum Testamento Annexo (executor not Named in Will) 1855-1922
- Chatham County Letters of Administration of Estates, 1818-1922
- Chatham County Letters of Dismission, 1860-1925
- Chatham County Letters of Guardianship, 1856-1924
- Chatham County Letters Testamentary, 1818-1924
- Chatham County Temporary Administrator (of Estates) Bonds, 1845-1920
- Chatham County Temporary Letters of Administration of Estates, 1856-1913
- Chatham County Warrants of Appraisements, 1855-1925
- Chatham County Widow’s Years Support, 1856-1920
- Chatham County Wills, 1775-1927
- Chattahoochee County Court Minutes, 1854-1920
- Chattahoochee County Probate Records, 1854-1940
- Chattahoochee County Will Records, 1854-1935
- Chattooga County Estate Records Index, 1839-1939
- Chattooga County Probate Records, Administration and Guardian Letters and Bonds, Inventories, Sales Bill, Vouchers, Support, etc., 1865-1929
- Chattooga County Wills Records, 1856-1924
- Chattooga, County Estate Records 1856-1915
- Cherokee County Annual Returns, 1848-1929
- Cherokee County Estate Records List not Found in Books, 1856-1866
- Cherokee County Inventories and Appraisements, 1854-1924
- Cherokee County Probate, School District Records, 1839-1901
- Cherokee County Twelve Months’ Support of Widows and Minor Children, 1857
- Cherokee County Wills and Bonds 1847-1866 and Wills 1865-1921
- Clarke County Administrators and Guardian Bonds, 1811-1949
- Clarke County Annual Returns and Mixed Records, 1799-1956
- Clarke County Bonds, 1847-1957
- Clarke County Estate Records, 1797-1949
- Clarke County Executors and Administrators, 1805-1821
- Clarke County Letters of Administration, Testamentary, Guardianship, 1876-1924
- Clarke County Receipts, 1825-1868
- Clarke County Widows & Minors Years Support, 1881-1925
- Clarke County Wills, 1802-1911
- Clay County Court Minutes, 1854-1911
- Clay County Probate and Guardianship Records, 1854-1966
- Clay County Will Records, Book A-B, 1852-1963, 1966
- Clayton County General Index to Estates, 1859-1939
- Clayton County Letters of Dismission, 1901-1911
- Clayton County Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1859-1957
- Clayton County Petition for Twelve Months Support, 1882-1929
- Clayton County Record of Sales and Annual Returns, 1872-1919
- Clayton County Wills, 1858-1919
- Clinch County Probate and Guardianship Records
- Clinch County Record of Wills and Miscellaneous Ordinary Records, 1868-1966
- Coffee County Application for and leave to sell Land, 1897-1975
- Coffee County Probate Records, 1877-1981
- Coffee County Real Estate Division, 1901-1941
- Coffee County Will Records, 1874-1931
- Colquitt County Estate Records, 1837-1929
- Colquitt County Probate Records, 1903-1955
- Colquitt County Record of Wills, 1904-1967
- Colquitt County, Guardianships, 1880-1928
- Columbia County Will Index
- Columbia County Court Minutes, 1799-1893
- Columbia County Estate Records and 12 Month Support, 1833-1911
- Columbia County Estate Records, 1788-1940
- Columbia County Inventories, Appraisements, 1882-1959; Annual Returns, Vouchers, 1860-1877
- Columbia County Probate Records; Letters of Administration, Testamentary, Guardian Bonds, 1850-1964
- Columbia County Record of Wills, 1790-1851, 1930-1963
- Columbia County Wills, 1789-1939 (alphabetically arranged)
- Columbia County, Abstracts 0f Early Wills, 1790-1804
- Columbia County, Abstracts of Early Wills
- Columbia County, Inventory of Surnames Found in Loose Estate Papers, 1789-1931
- Columbia County, Wills, 1790-1890
- County Letters of Dismission, 1881-1962
- Coweta County Georgia Administrator and Executors Deeds
- Coweta County Georgia Probate Records, 1826-1966
- Crawford County Court Minutes, 1838-1856, 1880-1913
- Crawford County Probate Records: Wills; Administrators, Testamentary and Guardianship Letters; Guardian and Administrators Bonds, Inventories, Appraisements, Sales, Vouchers, Returns, Guardians, Letters of Dismission, Executors Letters of Dismission, Administrators Letters of Dismission; Years Support and General Index
- Dade County Probate Records: Wills; Minutes; Miscellaneous Estate Records; Bonds & Letters of Administration, Guardianship, Executors, Dismission; Inventories & Appraisements, Annual Returns & Vouchers
- Daughters County Wills, Family Records Bible Records
- Dawson County Annual Returns, 1858-1962
- Dawson County Inventories, Appraisements and Sales, 1858-1962
- Dawson County Probate Records, 1857-1962
- Dawson County Twelve Months’ Support 1896-1962, and Estate Sales Records 1896-1961
- Dawson County Wills, 1876-1959
- Decatur County Appraisements and Sales of Estates, 1828-1925
- Decatur County Estate Records, 1829-1931
- Decatur County Probate Records, 1824-1900; Homesteads, 1885-1893
- Decatur County Wills, 1817-1913
- Decatur County, Early Marriage Records & Abstracts of Early Wills
- DeKalb County Probate Records, Wills, Administration and Guardians Bonds and Letters, Vouchers, Annual Returns, Appraisements, Twelve Months Support, etc., 1840-1964
- Dodge County Probate and Guardian Records 1871-1966
- Dodge County Probate Records, 1870-1966
- Dooly County Probate Records, 1838-1935
- Dooly County Will Records, 1847-1901
- Dougherty County Administrators’ Temporary Bonds 1882-1935, and Guardian Bonds’ 1854-1909
- Dougherty County Estate Appraisements, 1854-1890
- Dougherty County Inventories and Appraisals, 1891-1919
- Dougherty County Letters of Administration, 1856-1960
- Dougherty County Letters of Guardianship, 1856-1906
- Dougherty County Testamentary Letters 1884-1939, and Letters of Dismission 1882-1958
- Dougherty County Vouchers and Returns, 1849-1917
- Dougherty County Wills, 1844-1925
- Dougherty County Year’s Support, 1884-1958
- Douglas County Probate Records, Letters of Administration, Guardianship, Bonds, Twelve Months Support, Sales, Returns, Inventories and Appraisements, 1871-1950
- Douglas County Wills Records, 1870-1932
- Early County Annual Returns, 1852-1906
- Early County Bonds, 1834-1957
- Early County Probate Letters, 1856-1958
- Early County Sales, Appraisements, and Inventories, 1839-1914
- Early County Wills, 1824-1941
- Echols County Probate Records, 1898-1967
- Echols County Record of Wills, 1875-1952
- Effingham County Annual Returns, 1818-1916
- Effingham County Estate Sales, 1828-1896
- Effingham County General Index of Estates, 1791-1934
- Effingham County Guardian & Administrator’s Bonds, 1830-1914
- Effingham County Guardianship Letters, 1856-1934
- Effingham County Inventories and Appraisement of Estates, 1827-1958
- Effingham County Letters Testamentary, 1819-1932
- Effingham County Petitions for Letters Testamentary (Records of Petitions to Probate Wills), 1898-1937
- Effingham County Poor School Fund 1853-1863, and Year’s Support of Widows 1866-1891, 1897-1940
- Effingham County Vouchers of Estates, 1846-1856
- Effingham County Wills, 1829-1950
- Elbert County Administrators and Guardians Bonds, 1830-1913
- Elbert County Annual Returns 1835-1907
- Elbert County Inventories and Appraisements, V. 1, 1897-1915
- Elbert County Letters of Administration, Testamentary, Guardianship, 1856-1909
- Elbert County Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1791-1808
- Elbert County Probate and Marriage Records 1803-1919
- Elbert County Probate Records 1791-1806, 1830-1835
- Elbert County Year’s Support, V. A-B & 2, 1856-1924
- Elbert County, Court Records
- Elbert County, Deeds
- Elbert County, Estate Records, 1790-1900
- Elbert County, Land Records, 1791-1822
- Elbert County, Miscellaneous Records, 1790-1950
- Elbert County, Probate Records, 1790-1950
- Elbert County, Wills, 1791-1895
- Emanuel County Accounts current of Executors, Administrators & Guardians, and Sale of Property, 1850-1873
- Emanuel County Annual Returns, 1836-1903
- Emanuel County Division of Estates, 1858-1859
- Emanuel County Inventories and Appraisements of Estates, 1812-1906
- Emanuel County Miscellaneous Bonds, 1854-1940
- Emanuel County Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1812-1916
- Emanuel County Mixed Register of Births, Druggists, and Estates, 1818-1894
- Emanuel County Records of Wills, Administrations, Guardians, and Bonds, 1815-1907
- Emanuel County Twelve Months Support, 1857-1935
- Emanuel County Vouchers, 1859-1884
- Fannin County Administrator, Guardian, and Executor Bonds, 1897-1916
- Fannin County Estate Annual Returns and Vouchers, 1866-1917
- Fannin County Estate Records and Miscellaneous Bonds, 1866-1949
- Fannin County Inventories, Appraisements, and Miscellaneous Estate Records, 1865-1903
- Fannin County Letters of Administration, Guardianship, and Executors, 1897-1913
- Fannin County Twelve Months’ Support (Widows and Minor Children), 1866-1900
- Fannin County Wills 1868-1929 and Miscellaneous Estate Records 1854-1865
- Fayette County Administration and Guardian Bonds, 1830-1954
- Fayette County Administrator and Executor Bonds, 1874-1953
- Fayette County Annual Returns, 1878-1911
- Fayette County Letters of Administration and Dismission, 1856-1913
- Fayette County Petition for Year’s Support 1879-1941, and Bills of Sale 1876-1950
- Fayette County Probate and Guardian Records, 1874-1957
- Fayette County Returns of Administration and Guardians, Inventories, Appraisals, 1827-1960
- Fayette County Wills 1828-1953
- Floyd County Administrators and Guardians Bonds, 1871-1941
- Floyd County Annual Returns, 1842-1902
- Floyd County Guardians’ Letters and Bonds, 1895-1924
- Floyd County Inventories, Appraisements, & Sales, 1842-1901
- Floyd County Miscellaneous Loose Estate Papers, 1828-1911
- Floyd County Records of Administrators & Guardianship, 1871-1941
- Floyd County Temporary Letters of Administration and Bonds, 1895-1934
- Floyd County Twelve Months Support of Widows, 1883-1912
- Floyd County Wills, 1852-1918
- Forsyth County Administrator Bonds, 1835-1937
- Forsyth County Annual Returns and Vouchers, 1869-1901
- Forsyth County Appraisements, Inventories, and Estate Records, 1848-1905
- Forsyth County Estate Letters and Bonds, 1869-1903
- Forsyth County Twelve Months Support of Widows and Minor Children, 1883-1920
- Forsyth County Wills and Related Probate Matters, 1833-1848, 1856-1939
- Franklin County Will Books Indexes
- Franklin County Probate Records, 1786-1964
- Franklin County, Abstract of Wills and Inventories, Ordinary Court, 15 May 1786-6 Sep 1813
- Franklin County, Index to Annual Returns, Jul. 1861-May 1864
- Franklin County, Index to Annual Returns, Sales and Appraisal Bills, 1856-1858
- Franklin County, Index to of Ordinary Letters of Administration, 1855-1865
- Franklin County, Index to Wills, 1848-1933
- Franklin County, Records
- Fulton County Court Records, 1829-1931
- Fulton County Probate Records, 1854-1947;Indexes, 1854-1921
- Fulton County, Court of Ordinary, Probate Estate Records, 1864-1955
- Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990
- Georgia Wills pertaining to the Counties of Clarke, Columbia, Fayette, Marion, Muscogee, Randolph, Upson, Warren and Wilkes
- Georgia, Abstracts of Colonial Wills of the State, 1733-1777
- Georgia, Abstracts of Colonial Wills, 1733-1777
- Georgia, Abstracts of Wills, St. John’s Parish, Christ Church Parish and St. Paul’s Parish, 1759-1776
- Georgia, Colonial Estate Records
- Georgia, Colonial Will Books
- Georgia, Colonial Wills
- Georgia, Early Wills Index, 1700s
- Georgia, Abstracts of Colonial Wills 1733-1777
- Gilmer County Annual Returns, 1848-1904, and Year’s Support, 1866-1916
- Gilmer County Inventories and Appraisements, 1853-1910
- Gilmer County Letters of Administration, Testamentary and Dismission 1876-1917, and Administrator and Guardian Bonds 1848-1902
- Gilmer County Record of Vouchers of Estates, 1851-1911
- Gilmer County Wills, Returns, Accounts, Inventories and Appraisements, 1836-1914
- Glascock County Inferior and Court of Ordinary Minutes, 1858-1917
- Glascock County Inventories and Appraisements, and Bills of Sales, 1858-1924
- Glascock County Letters of Administration, Guardianship, Executors, Dismission, 1862-1888
- Glascock County Miscellaneous Estate Records: Wills, Inventories and Appraisements, Annual Returns and Vouchers, etc., 1854-1925
- Glascock County Twelve Month Support, 1858-1916
- Glascock County Will Records, Bk A-B, 1859-1966
- Glynn County Accounts on Estates, 1870-1895
- Glynn County Administration and Guardian Bonds, 1848-1919
- Glynn County Annual Returns & Vouchers, 1896-1921
- Glynn County Deeds and Bonds, 1787-1869
- Glynn County Estate Records, 1800-1928
- Glynn County Final Record of Proceedings, 1902-1918
- Glynn County Guardianships, 1800-1928
- Glynn County Inventories and Appraisements of Estates 1792-1921
- Glynn County Letters of Administration and Guardianship 1870-1931
- Glynn County Letters of Dismission 1900-1959
- Glynn County Sales and Returns on Estates 1866-1910
- Glynn County Wills and Appraisements, 1810-1916
- Gordon County Will Records, 1856-1964
- Greene County Administrators, Executors and Guardians Bonds and Letters, 1812-1916
- Greene County Court Minutes, 1805-1893
- Greene County Court Records, 1820-1836, 1859-1874
- Greene County Estate Records, 1790-1943
- Greene County Index to Records, 1790-1942
- Greene County Inventories, Appraisements and Sales of Estates, 1798-1893
- Greene County Miscellaneous Loose Court Papers 1798-1906
- Greene County Returns and Divisions of Estates, 1816-1851
- Greene County Wills, 1786-1921
- Greene County Wills, 1798-1914
- Greene County, Guardianships, 1804-1916
- Greene County, Wills, 1786-1877
- Gwinnett County Wills, 1858-1873
- Gwinnett County Annual Returns and Vouchers, 1856-1902
- Gwinnett County Estate Records (marked Bench Docket), 1856-1920
- Gwinnett County Guardians’ Bonds, 1871-1901
- Gwinnett County Inventories and Appraisements, 1856-1866, 1886-1912
- Gwinnett County Letters of Administration, Dismission, Guardianship, Testamentary, 1871- 1912
- Gwinnett County Record of Wills, Book H, 1959-1964
- Gwinnett County Sales Bills, 1867-1923
- Gwinnett County Temporary and Permanent Administrators’ Bonds 1871-1930
- Gwinnett County Wills, 1852-1917
- Habersham County Probate Records, Early 1800s-1961
- Habersham County Will Records, 1847-1964
- Habersham County, Abstract of Index to Probate Court Minutes, 1824-1886
- Habersham County, Index to Annual Returns, 1819-1920
- Hall County Estate Case Files 1819-1978
- Hall County Index to Estate Case Files, 1819-1978
- Hall County, 12 Months Support-inventory and Appraisemnt, Misc. – D., 1850-1868
- Hall County, Probate Records
- Hall County, Probate Records
- Hancock County Bonds, 1856-1908
- Hancock County Estate Sales, 1863-1957
- Hancock County Family Records and Wills
- Hancock County Letters of Dismission, 1882-1914
- Hancock County Letters of Guardianship and Administration, 1860-1920
- Hancock County Minutes, 1794-1903
- Hancock County Record [of] Widow Support, 1885-1959
- Hancock County Wills and Administration of Estates, 1794-1958; General Index, 1793-1900
- Hancock County Wills, 1863-1909
- Haralson County Letters to the Probate Court, 1866-1972
- Haralson County Probate Records, 1850-1950; Index to Estate Records, 1850-1950
- Harris County Administrator and Guardian Bonds, 1849-1866
- Harris County General Index to Estates, 1828-1940
- Harris County Guardian Bonds and Letters, 1898-1955
- Harris County Letters of Administration 1892-1958, and Temporary Administrator Bonds, Oaths, and Letters 1893-1962
- Harris County Letters of Administration and Bonds, 1856-1865
- Harris County Letters of Dismission, 1889-1931
- Harris County Letters Testamentary and Guardianship 1865-1869, and Administrator and Guardian Bonds, Oaths, and Letters, 1877-1898
- Harris County Temporary Letters of Administration 1865-1872, and Administrator and Guardian Bonds and Temporary Letters 1865-1877
- Harris County Twelve Months’ Support (Widow’s and Minor Children’s), 1857-1937
- Harris County Wills, 1833-1932
- Harris County Wills, Inventories, Appraisements, Guardian and Administrator Bonds, Returns, Sales, and Vouchers, 1824-1921
- Hart County Probate Records, Temporary Letters, Administration Letters, Bonds, Inventories, Appraisements, Annual Returns, Vouchers, Bills of Sales: Twelve Months Support, 1854-1920
- Hart County Wills, Minutes, and Estate Records Index with Wills Record, 1847-1945
- Hart County, Index to 12 Months Support Book A, 1862-1897
- Heard County Court Minutes, 1894-1914
- Heard County Probate Records: Letters of Administration, Guardianship, Executors, etc. Administrators, Guardians and Executors, Bonds; Inventories & Appraisements; Annual Returns & Vouchers; Bills of Sale; and 12 Month Support 1894-1955
- Heard County Will Records, 1894-1965.
- Henry County Annual Returns, 1836-1949
- Henry County General Index of Proceedings of Estates 1821-1939
- Henry County Inventories, Appraisals, and Annual Returns, 1821-1954
- Henry County Letters of Administration, 1856-1891, 1893-1929
- Henry County Letters of Guardianship & Administration, 1835-1915
- Henry County Letters Testamentary, 1856-1935
- Henry County Register of Sales, 1829-1941
- Henry County Temporary Letters of Administration 1856-1926
- Henry County Vouchers, 1852-1950
- Henry County Widows’ Twelve Months Support 1857-1896
- Henry County Wills and Bonds, 1826-1952
- Houston County Administrators and Guardian Bonds, 1830-1954
- Houston County Annual Returns and Vouchers, 1847-1901
- Houston County Appraisements and Sales, 1834-1919
- Houston County Guardian Bonds 1852-1947, and Temporary Administrator Bonds 1852-1924
- Houston County Houston County, Probate Records, 1824-1958
- Houston County Letters of Administration, 1856-1923
- Houston County Letters of Guardianship and Administration, 1856-1924
- Houston County Wills 1855-1926
- Houston County, Administrators & Guardians Bond Abstracts, 1852-1870
- Houston County, Inferior Court Records, 1824-1889
- Irwin County Estate and Guardianship Records, 1873-1970; Index to Estate and Guardianship Records, 1823-1970
- Irwin County Inferior Court Minutes, 1820-1902
- Irwin County Probate Records, Wills Administrators, Guardians Letters and Bonds, Inventories, Sales, Appraisements, Returns and Years Support, 1821-1923
- Irwin County, Probate Records, 1821-1840
- Jackson County Wills and Appraisements of Estates, 1796-1799
- Jackson County Annual Returns, 1800-1903
- Jackson County Letters of Administration and Guardianship 1804-1843
- Jackson County Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1844-1955
- Jackson County Sale Bills for Property of Deceased Persons, 1875-1908
- Jackson County Temporary Letters, 1856-1921
- Jackson County Twelve Months Support, 1874-1908
- Jackson County Wills, V. A-C, 1796-1814, 1860-1919
- Jackson County, Early Court Records, 1796-1831
- Jackson County, Miscellaneous Records
- Jackson County, Probate Book
- Jasper County Estate Case Files (Jasper 1809-1907
- Jasper County Probate Records, 1809-1941; Index, 1812-1941
- Jefferson County Administrator Bonds, 1823-1931
- Jefferson County Annual Returns of Estates, 1816-1922
- Jefferson County Guardian Bonds, 1822-1930
- Jefferson County Inventories & Appraisals of Estates, 1801-1923; Court Minutes, 1865-1871
- Jefferson County Letters of Administration and Guardianship, 1801-1921
- Jefferson County Letters of Administration, 1873-1934
- Jefferson County Letters of Guardianship, 1873-1940
- Jefferson County Letters Testamentary, 1873-1921
- Jefferson County Minutes, 1796-1858; Inventories and Appraisals, 1865-1884
- Jefferson County Petitions for Letters of Administrations, 1897-1933
- Jefferson County Petitions for Year’s Support of Widows 1897-1920, and Year’s Support of Widows 1912-1931
- Jefferson County Record of Wills, 1796-1945
- Jefferson County Sales of Estates, 1824-1945
- Jefferson County Temporary Administrator Bonds, 1855-1858, 1865-1888
- Jefferson County Vouchers of Estates, 1852-1912
- Jefferson County Warrants of Appraisements for Year’s Support of Widows, 1897-1921
- Johnson County Administrators Bonds, 1859-1946
- Johnson County Annual Returns and Vouchers, 1858-1916
- Johnson County Bastardy Bonds, 1884-1915
- Johnson County Bills of Sales, 1849-1896
- Johnson County Court Minutes, 1859-1905
- Johnson County Distribution of Estates, 1874-1887
- Johnson County Division of Estates, 1860-1929
- Johnson County Guardians Bonds, 1859-1952
- Johnson County Inventories and Appraisements, 1859-1941
- Johnson County Letters of Administration, 1859-1924
- Johnson County Letters of Dismission; Administrators, 1881-1953, Guardians, 1884-1965, 1881-1965
- Johnson County Letters of Guardianship, 1859-1919
- Johnson County Letters of Testamentary, 1860-1950
- Johnson County Twelve Month Support, 1886-1925
- Johnson County Warrant of Appraisements, 1859-1931
- Johnson County Will Records, 1859-1961
- Jones County Probate Records, 1808-1949; Index, 1820-1832
- Jones County, Twelve Months Support Records, 1865-1924
- Laurens County Wills
- Laurens County Court Minutes, 1816-1821, 1827-1903
- Laurens County Deeds of Trust or Gifts, Vol. B-C, E, 1818-1872
- Laurens County Inferior Court Minutes, 1808-1870, 1882-1886; Ordinary Court Minutes, 1854-1904
- Laurens County Probate Records, 1808-1934
- Laurens County Will Records 1809-1926
- Lee County Minutes of Court Meetings, 1858-1910
- Lee County Minutes of Inferior Court, 1858-1878
- Lee County Wills, Administrators, Guardians Bonds, Inventories, Appraisements, Returns, Sales, etc., 1852-1960
- Liberty County Probate Index 1783-1793
- Liberty County Wills
- Liberty County Abstracts of Wills 1772-1887
- Liberty County Administrator Bonds, 1791-1811, 1859-1915
- Liberty County Annual Returns, 1814-1923
- Liberty County Appraisements and Distributions of Estate Properties, 1874-1955
- Liberty County Estate Accounts, 1818-1874
- Liberty County Estate Records, 1775-1892
- Liberty County Inventories and Appraisements of Estates 1897-1932
- Liberty County Letters of Administration, 1801-1820, 1856-1955; Temporary Letters of Administration, 1883-1956; Administrations, 1869-1967
- Liberty County Letters of Dismission, 1866-1868, 1870-1948
- Liberty County Letters Testamentary, 1853-1873, 1877-1957
- Liberty County Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1850-1934
- Liberty County Probate and Guardian Records, 1784-1912
- Liberty County Returns of Sales of Estates 1875-1913
- Liberty County Temporary Administrator Bonds, 1789-1802, 1909-1957
- Liberty County Widows’ Twelve Months Support 1874-1927
- Liberty County Wills and Appraisements, 1790-1942
- Liberty County Wills, 1864-1957
- Liberty County, Guardianships, 1884-1968
- Liberty County, Probate and Guardian Records, 1850-1907
- Lincoln County Administrators Bonds, 1830-1926
- Lincoln County Annual Returns, 1808-1950
- Lincoln County Docket of Executors, Administrators, and Guardians, 1878-1884
- Lincoln County Estate Accounts 1852-1878
- Lincoln County General Index to All Records, 1796-1939
- Lincoln County Inventory & Appraisements, 1807-1953
- Lincoln County Letters of Administration 1853-1957
- Lincoln County Letters Testamentary 1853-1952
- Lincoln County Minutes, 1799-1908
- Lincoln County Vouchers, 1852-1936
- Lincoln County Wills & Estate Records, 1796-1936
- Lincoln County, Early Georgia Wills
- Lincoln County, Estate Administrators 1796-1899
- Lowndes County Probate Records, 1862-1987
- Lowndes County Record of Wills, 1871-1965
- Lumpkin County Annual Returns, Inventories and Appraisements, Sales and Vouchers, 1844-1906
- Lumpkin County Bond Temporary Letters of Administration Lumpkin County: Book A, 1909-1964
- Lumpkin County Letters of Administration, Guardianship, Testamentary, and Dismission, 1856-1912
- Lumpkin County Probate Minutes, 1885-1941
- Lumpkin County Probate Records, 1833-1923
- Lumpkin County Twelve Months Support of Widows, 1883-1936
- Lumpkin County, Minute Book
- Lumpkin County, Record of Returns, 1855-1890
- Macon County Administrators’ Bonds, 1844-1948
- Macon County Annual Returns and Vouchers, 1857-1901
- Macon County Appraisements, Inventories, and Estate Sales, 1872-1913
- Macon County Court of Ordinary Minutes, 1857-1908
- Macon County Guardian’s Bonds and Letters 1838-1895, and Guardian’s Bonds 1895-1948
- Macon County Letters and Temporary Letters of Administration, 1857-1934
- Macon County Letters Testamentary and Guardianship 1856-1894, and Letters of Guardianship 1889-1932
- Macon County Wills, 1856-1937
- Macon County Year’s Support, 1861-1935
- Madison County Wills, 1812-1833
- Madison County, Estate Records: Index to Inventories, Appraisements, Sale Bills and Distributions, Books A-D, 1812-1857; Index to Annual Estate Returns, Books A-H, 1816-1861
- Marion County Court Minutes, 1854-1958
- Marion County Probate Records, 1839-1965
- Marion County Will Records, 1846-1940
- McDuffie County Annual Returns, 1871-1915
- McDuffie County Inventories and Appraisements and Year’s Support, 1871-1927
- McDuffie County Letters of Administration and Guardianship, 1871-1913; Administration Bonds, 1871-1913
- McDuffie County Wills 1872-1927
- McIntosh County Administrator Bonds of Estates, 1878-1905
- McIntosh County Estate Accounts 1886-1953
- McIntosh County Inventories and Appraisements of Estates 1887-1911
- McIntosh County Letters of Guardianship, 1877-1904, and Letters of Dismissions of Estates, 1877-1938
- McIntosh County Letters Testamentary, 1888-1901, and Letters of Administration of Estate, 1877-1908
- McIntosh County Minutes, 1873-1957
- McIntosh County Miscellaneous Estate Records
- McIntosh County Wills 1873-1915
- Meriwether County Administrator and Guardian Bonds, 1830-1930
- Meriwether County Annual Returns, 1825-1902
- Meriwether County General Index to Estates, 1828-1963
- Meriwether County Letters of Administrators, Guardians, and Temporary Letters, 1856-1881
- Meriwether County Twelve Months’ Support (Widows and Minor Children) 1866-1905, and Letters of Dismission 1865-1878
- Meriwether County Vouchers, 1851-1880
- Meriwether County Wills 1831-1903
- Miller County Probate Records, 1871-1925
- Miller County Will Records, 1871-1965
- Mitchell County Probate Records, 1867-1952
- Mitchell County Record of Wills and Estate Records, 1868-1965
- Monroe County Alphabetical List of Administrators, Guardians, Executors, and Trustees of Estates, ca. 1875-1952
- Monroe County Bonds, 1831-1957
- Monroe County Court of Ordinary day Book (Estates, Sales, Bonds, Receipts, etc.), 1861- 1872
- Monroe County Inventories and Appraisements of Estates, 1852-1954
- Monroe County Letters of Administration, 1856-1920, and Letters of Administration (de bonis non), 1891-1955
- Monroe County Letters of Dismission 1895-1958
- Monroe County Letters Testamentary 1856-1956
- Monroe County Natural Guardian Bonds, 1895-1958
- Monroe County Petitions for Twelve Months Support 1882-1952
- Monroe County Probate Records 1831-1956
- Monroe County Returns, 1854-1857
- Monroe County Sale Bill Book (Estates) 1866-1900
- Monroe County Trustees’ Bonds ca. 1839-1901
- Monroe County Wills, 1824-1958
- Montgomery County Administration and Guardian Bonds 1830-1955
- Montgomery County Annual Returns, 1853-1910
- Montgomery County Bills of Sale 1829-1911
- Montgomery County General Index to Proceedings of Estates, 1800-1940
- Montgomery County Inventories and Appraisements, V. A-B, 1801-1906
- Montgomery County Letters [of] Guardianship, Testamentary, Administration, 1857-1957
- Montgomery County Letters of Dismission, 1874-1930
- Montgomery County Loose Papers, 1794-1868
- Montgomery County Temporary Administrator Bonds, 1895-1956
- Montgomery County Temporary Letters of Administration, 1895-1956
- Montgomery County Twelve Months Support of Widows, 1886-1919
- Montgomery County Wills, 1806-1903
- Morgan County Administration Application Docket, 1864-1902
- Morgan County Record of Administration & Guardian Bonds, 1816-1912
- Morgan County Record of Appraisements, Sales, citations & Administrations as well as Guardian Entries, 1808-1904
- Morgan County Record of Vouchers for Estates, 1858-1901
- Morgan County Record of Wills and Marriages, 1808-1899
- Morgan County Records of Wills and Marriages, 1808-1908
- Morgan County Returns of Estates, 1845-1883
- Morgan County Sale Lists of Estates, 1885-1905
- Murray County Minutes of Ordinary Court, 1853-1905
- Murray County Probate Records, Administration, Guardianship, Testamentary Letters, Bonds, Inventories, Returns, Vouchers, Bills of Sale, Twelve Months Support, 1835-1952
- Murray County Record of Wills, 1840-1922
- Muscogee County Bonds and Letters of Administration, Guardianship, Testamentary, Dismission, 1838-1903
- Muscogee County Record of Wills, 1834-1964
- Muscogee County, Administrator Bonds 1838-1849
- Newton County Annual Returns, 1822-1902
- Newton County Bonds and Administrators 1822-1963
- Newton County Bonds of Administrators, Guardians and Trustees, 1851-1905
- Newton County Inventories and Appraisements 1896-1915, and Twelve Months’ Support (widows’ and Minor Children) 1856-1961
- Newton County Letters of Administration, 1856-1959
- Newton County Letters of Guardianship, 1856-1902
- Newton County Letters Testamentary, 1856-1954
- Newton County Wills, 1823-1936
- Oconee County Probate Records: Letters of Administration, Guardianship & Dismission; Administrators & Guardian Bonds; Inventories & Appraisements; Annual Returns & Vouchers; Bills of Sales and Twelve Month Support, 1875-1964
- Oconee County Will Records, 1875-1966
- Oglethorpe County Equity and Appeals, 1846-1905
- Oglethorpe County Estate Records, 1790-1962
- Paulding County Bastardy Bonds, 1880-1911
- Paulding County Lunacy Records, 1895-1920
- Paulding County Miscellaneous Ordinary Records, 1867-1885
- Paulding County Miscellaneous Ordinary Records, 1867-1886
- Paulding County Probate Records: Wills, Inferior and Ordinary Court Minutes; Estate Records; Inventories and Appraisements; Annual Returns and Vouchers; Bills of Sales, Miscellaneous Estate Records, and 12 Month Support, 1850-1965
- Pickens County Probate Records, Temporary Letters, Letters of Guardianship, Administration, Executors, Dismission, Inventories, Appraisements, Bills of Sales, Annual Returns, Vouchers and Twelve Months Support, 1856-1923
- Pickens County Will Records with a few Administration and Guardian Bonds, 1854-1935
- Pierce County Administrator and Guardian Bonds, 1875-1913
- Pierce County Estate Vouchers, 1871-1912
- Pierce County General Index to Probate Records, 1871-1940]; Wills, 1872-1941
- Pierce County Inventories and Appraisements, 1875-1911
- Pierce County Letters of Administration and Guardianship, 1875-1952
- Pierce County Records of Estate Sales Accounts, 1875-1928
- Pike County Administrators Bonds, 1829-1962
- Pike County Annual Returns, 1824-1900
- Pike County Guardian Bonds, 1829-1955
- Pike County Letters of Administration and Guardianship, 1856-1920
- Pike County Letters Testamentary, 1864-1912
- Pike County Temporary Letters of Administration, 1864-1913
- Pike County Twelve Months’ Support of Widows and Minor Children, 1882-1924
- Pike County Wills, Inventory, Appraisements, Minutes, 1823-1829; Wills, 1844-1912
- Pike County, Abstracts of Will Books A and B, Part of C
- Polk County Lunacy Records, 1895-1912
- Polk County Minutes, 1865-1910
- Polk County Probate Records, 1851-1963
- Pulaski County Administrator Bonds, 1828-1946
- Pulaski County Annual Returns of Estates, 1817-1956
- Pulaski County Appraisements and Sales, 1817-1910
- Pulaski County Estate Records, 1800-1938
- Pulaski County Family Records, Revolutionary Soldiers, Bible Records, Wills, Cemetery Records
- Pulaski County Guardian Bonds, 1829-1909
- Pulaski County Judgments, 1836-1895
- Pulaski County Letters of Administration 1839-1907, and Temporary Letters of Administration 1875-1920
- Pulaski County Letters of Guardianship, 1856-1909
- Pulaski County Letters Testamentary, 1856-1920
- Pulaski County Lunacy Records, 1821-1920
- Pulaski County Miscellaneous Court Records, 1875-1911
- Pulaski County Register of Administrators, etc., 1857-1915, and List of Administrators, Guardians and Executors, 1810-1824
- Pulaski County Sale Bills, 1825-1938
- Pulaski County Temporary Letters of Administration Bonds, 1875-1923
- Pulaski County Twelve Months Support of Widows, 1863-1913
- Pulaski County Will Records, 1795-1940
- Pulaski County, Administrator and Guardian Bonds 1810-1852
- Putnam County Probate Records, 1800-1964 etc., 1809-1964
- Putnam County Will Records, 1808-1964
- Rabun County Annual Returns and Vouchers, 1855-1910
- Rabun County Inferior Court Minutes, sitting for County Purposes, 1826-1896
- Rabun County Inventories and Appraisements, 1869-1901
- Rabun County Probate Records, 1868-1906
- Rabun County Sales Bills of Deceased Persons’ Property, 1870-1903
- Rabun County Wills, 1863-1930
- Randolph County Administrators and Guardianship Papers, 1840-1943
- Randolph County Probate Records, 1835-1916
- Randolph County Returns, 1858-1907
- Randolph County Widows and Orphans’ Year Support, 1857-1858
- Randolph County, Administrator and Guardian Bonds 1839-1851
- Richmond County Administrator’s Letters of Dismission, 1841-1900
- Richmond County Bonds of Administrator, 1830-1900
- Richmond County Estate Account Books, 1793-1900
- Richmond County Executor’s Letters Dismission, 1852-1900
- Richmond County Inventory’s, Account Sales, Divisions, Years Support
- Richmond County Letters Testamentary, 1841-1900
- Richmond County Minutes, 1844-1898
- Richmond County Oath of Administrators, 1856-1896
- Richmond County Petition for Letters of Administration, 1868-1879
- Richmond County Probate Records, 1793-1955
- Richmond County Returns of Trustees, 1857-1898
- Richmond County Temporary Administrator’s Bonds, 1844-1896
- Richmond County Will Books, 1777-1900; Index to Wills, 1777-1957
- Rockdale County Administrator and Guardian Bonds, 1871-1949
- Rockdale County Annual Returns, 1876-1906
- Rockdale County Inventories and Appraisements, 1897-1938
- Rockdale County Letters of Administration, 1872-1936
- Rockdale County Letters Testamentary, 1872-1960
- Rockdale County Probate Minute Books 1871-1940
- Rockdale County Sales Bills of Deceased Persons’ Property, 1889-1950
- Rockdale County Twelve Months’ Support of Widows and Minor Children, 1881-1922
- Rockdale County Wills 1872-1940
- Schley County Court Records (marked Journal): Contains Some Guardian and Probate Records, 1858-1901
- Schley County Inferior Court Minutes, 1858-1902: with Some Estate Records
- Schley County Probate Records, 1858-1964
- Schley County Will Records, 1858-1905
- Spalding County Probate and Guardianship Records
- Spalding County, Abstracts of Will Book A, 1852-1880
- Stewart County Court Minutes, 1834-1843
- Stewart County Court Minutes, 1850-1903
- Stewart County Probate Records: 1831-1944; Index, 1831-1837
- Sumter County Appraisements & Bills of Sale, 1848-1904
- Sumter County Bonds, 1852-1942
- Sumter County Letters of Administration, 1854-1921
- Sumter County Probate Records, 1838-1926; Marriages, 1849-1850
- Sumter County Records of Vouchers, 1848-1871
- Sumter County Returns, 1851-1882
- Sumter County Year’s Support Book, 1857-1901
- Talbot County Annual Returns, 1828-1926
- Talbot County Guardian Bonds, 1830-1938
- Talbot County Inventories & Appraisements, 1829-1924
- Talbot County Letters of Administration, 1852-1943
- Talbot County Letters of Dismission, 1852-1960
- Talbot County Sales Books, 1829-1924
- Talbot County Vouchers, 1850-1914
- Talbot County Wills, 1828-1928
- Taliaferro County Administrators Bonds and Letters, 1826-1905; Homesteads & Exemptions, 1 878-1889
- Taliaferro County Executors, Administrators and Guardians Accounts, 1826-1927
- Taliaferro County Inventories, Sales & Divisions of Estates, 1826-1937
- Taliaferro County Inventory, Appraisal, Sales, Division of Estates, and Years Support, 183 3-1839
- Taliaferro County Miscellaneous Probate Records, 1826-1951
- Taliaferro County Wills, 1826-1922
- Taliaferro County, Early Records
- Taliaferro County, Estate Receipts, 1836-1898
- Tattnall County Annual Returns, 1857-1913
- Tattnall County Minutes, 1853-1913
- Tattnall County Miscellaneous Estate Records, 1837-1917
- Tattnall County Record of Letters of Administrations and Will, 1846-1933
- Tattnall County Twelve Months Support, 1858-1923
- Tattnall County Vouchers, 1852-1909
- Tattnall County Wills, 1854-1939
- Tattnall County, Administrator Bonds, 1862-1865
- Taylor County Administration and Testamentary Letters, 1856-1908
- Taylor County Administrator and Guardian Bonds, 1852-1915
- Taylor County Annual Returns of Estates, 1857-1911
- Taylor County Distribution of Estates, 1858-1887
- Taylor County Estate Sales, 1852-1909
- Taylor County Guardianship Letters and Temporary Letters of Administration, 1894-1943
- Taylor County Index Record Book No. 1 (Books A-E) to Proceedings on Estates
- Taylor County Inventories and Appraisements, 1852-1952
- Taylor County Twelve Months’ Support, 1894-1924
- Taylor County Vouchers and Returns, 1852-1864
- Taylor County Wills, 1853-1917
- Taylor County, Abstract of Administrator and Guardian Bonds Book A 1852-1908
- Telfair County Probate Records, 1831-1961
- Terrell County Administrators’ Bonds 1856-1903
- Terrell County Estate Records, 1857-1949
- Terrell County Guardian Bonds, 1856-1938
- Terrell County Letters of Dismission, 1889-1906
- Terrell County Letters of Guardianship, 1856-1954
- Terrell County Letters of Temporary Administration, 1856-1911
- Terrell County Letters Testamentary, 1857-1928
- Terrell County Returns of Estates, 1856-1910; Indentures of Apprenticeship, 1866-1920
- Terrell County Wills, 1857-1913
- Thomas County Wills
- Thomas County Account Sales of Estates 1855-1901
- Thomas County Annual Returns, 1845-1901
- Thomas County Bonds, 1829-1905
- Thomas County Establishment of lost Papers 1887-1920, and Estates Returned and Admitted to Records 1851-1852
- Thomas County General Index to Court of Ordinary Records, 1826-1957
- Thomas County Inventories and Appraisements, 1847-1931
- Thomas County Letters of Administration and Guardianship 1867-1908
- Thomas County Oaths 1869-1907
- Thomas County Petition for Years Support 1897-1928
- Thomas County Record of Distributions, 1855-1914
- Thomas County Record of Final Settlements, 1855-1902
- Thomas County Wills, 1826-1957
- Towns County Probate Records, 1854-1941; Index, 1859-1865
- Troup County Administrator and Guardian Bonds 1848-1866, and Administrator and Guardian Temporary Bonds 1884-1925
- Troup County Annual Returns, 1839-1908
- Troup County Inventories and Appraisements, Annual Returns and Estate Sales, 1828-1836
- Troup County Letters of Administration, Guardianship, and Testamentary, 1857-1866, 1884-1925
- Troup County Letters of Testamentary and Guardianship, 1891-1943
- Troup County Wills, 1888-1929; Index to Wills and Estate Records, 1828-1953
- Twiggs County Probate Court Records, 1890-1929
- Twiggs County Probate Records 1877-1972
- Twiggs County Wills, 1872-1963
- Union County Probate Records, including Administration, Guardianship, Inventories, Appraisements, Sales, Annual Returns, Twelve Months Support, etc., 1851-1941
- Union County Wills Records, 1877-1943
- Upson County Administrators’ and Guardians’ Bonds, 1829-1876
- Upson County Inventories and Appraisements, 1825-1929
- Upson County Letters of Administration 1871-1924, and Temporary Letters of Administration 1898-1962
- Upson County Letters of Administrators, 1854-1901
- Upson County Letters of Guardianship 1896-1962, and Letter of Dismission from Administration 1898-1962
- Upson County Miscellaneous Court Records, 1825-1831; Estate Records, 1839-1899
- Upson County Record of Vouchers, 1852-1903
- Upson County Sales Records of Personal Estates, etc., 1881-1948
- Upson County Temporary Administrator Bonds 1888-1962, Administrator Bonds 1888-1955, Guardian Bonds 1888-1959, and natural Guardian Bonds 1889-1961
- Upson County Upson Co. Wills, 1826-1910 and Marriages, 1901-1925
- Upson County Wills, 1825-1915
- Upson County Year’s Support Records, 1886-1925
- Walker County Probate Dockets 1883-1940
- Walker County Court Minutes, 1883-1906
- Walker County Probate Records, 1869-1950
- Walker County Will Records, 1883-1956
- Walton County Administration and Guardian Bonds, 1830-1933
- Walton County Estate Account Books 1865-1870, and Lunacy Records 1897-1918
- Walton County Estate Papers, 1820-1900
- Walton County Letters of Administration and Guardianship, 1856-1949
- Walton County Probate Records, 1820-1923; Index to Estates, 1820-1938
- Walton County Returns, 1895-1916
- Ware County Administrator & Guardian Returns, 1874-1910
- Ware County Administrators Bonds, V. A-B, 1879-1935
- Ware County Inventories and Appraisements, V. A-B, 1879-1946
- Ware County Letters of Administration and Guardianship, 1879-1909
- Ware County Petitions and Letters of Guardianship, V. B, 1895-1959
- Ware County Petitions for Letters of Dismission, V. A-1, 1895-1959; Letters of Dismission, V. B, 1895-1946
- Ware County Petitions for Permanent Administration, V. A, 1896-1952; Permanent Letters of Administration, V. B, 1895-1832
- Ware County Petitions for Temporary Letters of Administration, V. A, 1895-1937; Temporary Letters of Administration, V. B, 1895-1937
- Ware County Twelve Months Support, 1895-1920
- Ware County Wills, 1879-1949
- Warren County Wills
- Warren County Administration [of] Estates and Wills, 1798-1937
- Warren County Administration of Estates, 1850-1857
- Warren County Administrators Bonds, 1810-1954
- Warren County Estate Dockets 1851-1868, and Letters of Testamentary 1881-1947
- Warren County Inventories, Appraisements, and Sales, 1794-1927
- Warren County Letters of Administrators, Trustees and Administrations 1859-1915, and Temporary Letters of Administration 1899-1956
- Warren County Records of Administration, Guardianship, and Executor Returns, 1803-1901
- Warren County, Wills, 1790-1890
- Washington County Estate Papers, 1855-1927
- Washington County Probate Records, 1829-1963
- Washington County Wills, 1852-1903
- Washington County, Index to Will Book B, 1852-1903
- Wayne County Accounts on Estates, 1883-1905
- Wayne County Administrator Bonds, 1857-1865
- Wayne County Administrator Bonds, 1892-1929, and Guardian Bonds, 1897-1936
- Wayne County Annual Returns, 1875-1915
- Wayne County Estate Records (incomplete), 1813-1870
- Wayne County Guardian and Administrator Dockets 1824-1868, and liquor Licenses 1856- 1870
- Wayne County Inventories and Appraisements of Estates 1892-1934
- Wayne County Letters of Guardianship and Administration, 1878-1900; Administration, 1892-1915; Temporary Letters of Administration, 1865-1869, 1892-1921
- Wayne County Letters Testamentary 1897-1925
- Wayne County Marriage and Estate Records, 1809-1855
- Wayne County Minutes, 1815-1916
- Wayne County Sale Bills of Estate Property 1901-1912
- Wayne County Twelve Months’ Support 1886-1919
- Wayne County Warrants of Appraisements 1892-1915
- Wayne County Wills 1884-1927
- Webster County Court Minutes, Book A-B, 1854-1914
- Webster County Estray Records, 1854-1907
- Webster County Mixed Estate Records, 1873-1906
- Webster County Probate Records, 1854-1914: Letters of Administration, Testamentary and Guardianship; Administrators and Guardians Bonds; Inventories, Appraisements, Returns and Sales, Vouchers and Wild Land Tax digest
- Webster County Will Records, 1854-1910, 1914-1965
- White County Minutes, 1858-1911
- White County Probate Records, 1858-1948
- White County Will Records, 1863-1961
- Whitfield County Probate Records, 1852-1960; Index, 1852-1961
- Wilcox County Administrators’ Bonds 1891-1936, 1858-1888
- Wilcox County Letters of Administration, 1858-1961
- Wilcox County Letters of Guardianship 1891-1962, and Applications for Guardianship 1893-1923
- Wilcox County Letters, and Petitions of Dismission, 1890-1961
- Wilcox County Warrants of Appraisement 1894-1932; Appraisements and Sales 1857-1898; and Inventories and Appraisements 1891-1927
- Wilcox County Wills, 1858-1957
- Wilcox County Year’s Support Petitions and Warrants, 1890-1931
- Wilkes County Administration Letters of Dismission, 1889-1946
- Wilkes County Administrator Bonds, 1806-1925
- Wilkes County General Index to Estates, 1780-1925
- Wilkes County Heirs & legatees Estate Book Index, 1777-1877
- Wilkes County Inventory & Appraisement and Sales on Estates, 1794-1924
- Wilkes County Letters of Administration, 1857-1912
- Wilkes County Letters Testamentary, 1857-1951
- Wilkes County Minutes, 1799-1903
- Wilkes County Mixed Records of Estates, 1839-1873
- Wilkes County Petition for 12 Months Support, 1888-1913
- Wilkes County Record of Returns of Estates, 1811-1903
- Wilkes County Temporary Letters of Administration, 1893-1957
- Wilkes County Vouchers, 1852-1873
- Wilkes County Wills (original Loose Papers) 1790-1852
- Wilkes County Wills, 1791-1921
- Wilkes County, Abstracts of Wills, 1790-1852, and Marriages, 1790-1832
- Wilkes County, Wills and Settlements of Estates
- Wilkinson County Records of Wills and Estates
- Wilkinson County Court Minutes, 1835-1932
- Wilkinson County Homestead Record, 1886-1923
- Wilkinson County Probate Records, 1820-1986
- Wilkinson County, Wills 1817-1920
- Worth County Probate Records, 1865-1967
- Worth County Sales of Estates, 1879-1951
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!