(This page's most recent update is January 2025)
Voter registration records are available online and offline from all over the world and are what I consider a hidden gem of information that can assist you in advancing your family history and genealogy research.
Here are several reasons why voter records are such a wonderful tool for researching (and finding) ancestors:
- They fill in the gaps between censuses – in the ten years between censuses – people move, they die, they get married, etc. The advantage of voter registration records is that they can tell you their address, their occupation, etc. And like city directories, they are published yearly or every couple of years.
- Naturalization information – in some records from the 1800s, the date, and place of naturalization are included, which can provide leads for obtaining their detailed naturalization records.
- Middle names – often a complete name is included in voter registration records – in fact, the only place that I ever found my great grandfather’s middle name was in several of these records. Prior to finding them, I only knew his middle name as an initial.
- You can find a spouse – after 1920 for all of America, women could vote – so at that time, their names began to show up in Voter Registration records. Some states had passed women’s suffrage laws prior to 1920, but just a few. To be complete – women in some states in the late 1700s had voting rights until they were all taken away by 1807. The given name of a woman is sometimes included in the voter registration record. If a man and a woman with the same last name lived at the same address on the registration list, one could surmise that they were married to each other, or they could be siblings or have a parent-child relationship. But there is a good possibility that they may be married to each other, providing more clues.
- Nativity – again in the 1800s, the place of birth is entered, which is especially helpful for finding naturalized immigrants.
- Physical Characteristics – in a few states, the voter registration form includes the applicant’s age, height, complexion, eye, and hair color, as well as any distinguishing marks or scars.
- Political party or affiliation – usually abbreviated as Dem or Rep, but you will find other party names as well in addition to “None”. Remember that Democrats and Republicans from years ago did not necessarily align with the same principles as the parties do today.
- Migration – a few voter registration forms include a question regarding how long the voter lived in the state, the county, and the precinct. This can be useful to determine when they moved, which can help determine their whereabouts for additional research.
Most of the voter registration records are still in paper form or have been microfilmed. There is quite a bit online though, and I am capturing those links and they are below. The paid subscription sites such as Ancestry, Fold3, My Heritage, and FindMyPast have voter registration collections also.
Below are links to voter records available online. Unfortunately, some just list the voter’s name. Although that is sparse information it can help you find a person’s residence at a certain point in time, again helpful to find where ancestors resided between the census years.
Note: There may appear to be duplicate titles in the links. This is because there are scanned images of an original typed list or scanned images of original applications, and also a transcribed copy of a voter registration list.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
North Carolina Voter Records
- Alamance County Elections Records, 1897-1962
- Alexander County, Voting Records, 1869-1968
- Alleghany County, Voting Records, 1878-1944
- Alleghany County, Tax, Election and Road Records, 1848-1913
- Anson County Record of Elections, 1878-1932,1936-1962
- Ashe County, Permanent Registration of Voters, 1902-1908
- Avery County, Voting Records, 1912-1970
- Beaufort County Voter Registration Books 1868-1898
- Beaufort County Record of Elections, 1878-1960
- Beaufort County, Election Record
- Bertie County, Voting Records, 1878-1932
- Bladen County, Voting Records, 1896-1960
- Brunswick County Election Records, 1934-1962
- Brunswick County, Voting Records, 1898-1972
- Buncombe County Election Records, ca. 1871-1900
- Buncombe County, Voter Registration, 1902-1904
- Burke County, Voting Records, 1898-1970
- Burke County, Elections Records, 1880-1962
- Cabarrus County Record of Elections, 1878-1900, 1896-1916, 1898-1904, 1938-1964
- Caldwell County, Voting Records, 1898-1968
- Camden County Record of Elections, 1878-1960
- Camden County, South Mills, Voter Registration Book 1903-1915
- Carteret County, Voting Records, 1897-1958
- Caswell County Elections Records, 1884-1962
- Catawba County, Voting Records, 1906-1966
- Catawba County, Permanent Registration of Voters, 1902-1908
- Chatham County Voter Registration Books, 1882-1896
- Chatham County, Voter Registration Books, 1888-1896
- Chowan County, Election Records, ca. 1875-1912
- Chowan County, Returns, 1764-1805
- Clay County, Voting Records, 1878-1966
- Cleveland County, Voting Records, 1878-1936
- Columbus County, Tax Records, 1910-1916
- Columbus County, Voting Records, 1878-1936
- Craven County Voter Registration Records, 1902-1908
- Craven County, Voting Records, 1878-1969
- Cumberland County Election Records, 1906-1960
- Cumberland County, Voting Records, 1906-1960
- Currituck County NC Extant Voter Registrations of 1867
- Currituck County Return of Votes cast, 1896-1916; Record of Election, 1878-1932
- Dare County, Voting Records, 1878-1948
- Davidson County, Voting Records, 1878-1966
- Davie County Tax Records, 1838-1905
- Davie County, Voting Records, 1878-1967
- Dobbs County Voter List 1779
- Dobbs County/Greene County 18th Century Voter Lists
- Duplin County Record of Elections, 1878-1960
- Duplin County, Miscellaneous Record, 1754-1947
- Durham County, Voting Records, 1881-1904
- Edgecombe County Poll Tax Records, [1901], 1907-1910
- Edgecombe County, Voting Records, 1902-1908
- Edgecombe County, Election Records, 1878-1960
- Franklin County, Poll Tax Records, 1902-1904
- Franklin County, Voting Records, 1924-1932
- Franklin County, Election Records, 1924-1932
- Gaston County Election Records, 1880-1882
- Gaston County, Voting Records, 1890-1932
- Gates County Election Records, 1880-1964
- Granville County Voting Registers, 1902-1908
- Granville County, Voting Records, 1878-1968
- Granville County, Poll Tax Records, 1902
- Greene County, Miscellaneous Records, 1802-1956
- Greene County, Voting Records, 1878-1966
- Halifax County, Miscellaneous Records, 1761-1927
- Halifax County, Voting Records, 1878-1922
- Halifax County, Record of Elections, 1924-1961
- Hanover County, Wilmington Voters List 1780
- Harnett County, Voting Records, 1896-1966
- Haywood County Permanent Registration of Voters 1902-1912
- Haywood County, Certificates of Permanent Registration and Oaths 1902-1908
- Haywood County, Voting Records, 1878-1940
- Hertford County Election Records, 1878-1962
- Hoke County, Voting Records, 1916-1966
- Hyde County Record of Elections, 1880-1956
- Hyde County Tax Records, 1740-1936
- Iredell County, Voting Records, 1878-1964
- Jackson County, Permanent Registration, 1902-1908
- Jackson County, Voting Records, 1878-1968
- Johnston County Voter Registration Records 1902
- Johnston County Record of Elections, 1878-1926
- Johnston County, Court Record, 1764-1930
- Jones County, Elections Records, 1878-1964
- Lee County, Voting Records, 1908-1946
- Lenoir County, Voting Records, 1924-1974
- Lincoln County Election Records, 1878-1894, 1898-1904, 1924-1934 and 1954-1962
- Lincoln County, Permanent Roll of Registered Voters, 1902-1908
- Macon County, Election Records
- Macon County, Voting Records, 1878-1970
- Madison County, Voting Records, 1878-1968
- Madison County, Voting Registers, ca. 1932-1964
- Martin County, Voting Records, 1878-1922
- Martin County, Election Records, 1922-1962
- McDowell County, Voting Records, 1896-1968
- Mecklenburg County, Voting Records, 1908-1920
- Mitchell County, Voting Records, 1880-1970
- Mitchell County, Tax Records 1873-1911
- Montgomery County, Voting Records, 1880-1894
- Montgomery County, Election Records, 1896-1962
- Moore County, Voting Records, 1880-1933
- Nash County Election Record, 1830-1908, 1926-1962
- New Hanover County Record of Elections, 1878-1928, 1944-1960
- North Carolina, County Records, 1833-1970
- North Carolina, Voter Registers and Certificates of Registration, 1868-1964
- Northampton County Registered Voters 1902-1908
- Northampton County, Voting Records, 1880-1968
- Onslow County, Voting Records, 1878-1944
- Orange County Poll Tax Register 1902-1914
- Orange County Voter Registration 1896-1898
- Orange County Record of Elections, 1897-1962; Minutes of Board Meetings, 1956-1962
- Orange County, Tax List Ledger (including Poll Taxes), 1875
- Orange County, Voting Records, 1897-1960
- Pamlico County, Permanent Registration of Voters, 1902-1908
- Pamlico County, Record of Elections, 1926-1948, 1950-1968
- Pasquotank County Record of Elections, 1878-1960
- Pasquotank County Registration Book for Voters, 1892-1900
- Pasquotank County, Voting Records 1899-1922
- Pender County, Voting Records, 1918-1966
- Perquimans County Election Records, 1790-1868, 1878-1904, 1950-1960
- Person County, Voting Records, 1906-1964
- Pitt County Election Records, 1878-1962
- Polk County Registered Voters 1902-1908
- Polk County, Voting Records, 1878-1950
- Randolph County Registered Voters 1902-1908
- Randolph County, Voting Records, 1878-1972
- Randolph County, Election Records and Returns, 1791-1902
- Richmond County Registered Voters 1902-1908
- Richmond County Record of Elections, 1878-1964
- Rockingham County, Voting Records, 1878-1922
- Rowan County Election Records, 1897-1904
- Rowan County Record of Elections, 1880-1958
- Rowan County, Election Record
- Rowan County, Miscellaneous Records
- Rowan County, Voting Records, 1878-1948
- Rutherford County, Voting Records 1930-1940
- Rutherford County, Election Records, 1878-1964
- Rutherfordton Town Council Records, 1873-1964
- Sampson County Voter Registration Records 1902-1908
- Sampson County, Record of Elections, 1920-1964
- Stanly County Registered Voters, 1902-1908
- Stanly County, Poll Tax Records, 1912-1918
- Stanly County, Voting Records, 1878-1964
- Stokes County, Record of Elections, 1790-1964
- Surry County Poll Books 1878-1950
- Surry County, Voter Registrations, 1904, 1902-1908
- Surry County, Voting Records, 1878-1920
- Surry County, Election Records, 1878-1898
- Transylvania County Permanent Register, 1902-1908: Election Records
- Transylvania County Voter Registration Records, 1902-1934
- Transylvania County, Voting Records, 1874-1968
- Tyrrell County, Voting Records, 1880-1903
- Union County, Voting Records, 1878-1928
- Vance County, Voting Records, 1884-1966
- Wake County Permanent Registration of Voters 1904-1906
- Wake County, List of Persons Paying Poll Tax 1891-1918
- Wake County, Voting Records, 1886-1959
- Wake County, Election Returns, 1790-1938
- Warren County Record of Elections, 1842-1964
- Wayne County Voter Lists and Results
- Wayne County Record of Elections,1792-1964
- Wayne County Tax Records, 1780-1920
- Wilkes County, Election Records, 1904-1922, 1938-1954
- Willow Springs, Voting Register, 1907
For links to other states go to the Voter Records page.
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!