(This page's most recent update is February 2025)
One of the main goals for genealogists is finding marriage information about their ancestors.
Over the past few decades, thanks to volunteers, librarians, and archivists, a great number of indexes to marriage collections have been provided for free online. These searchable indexes provide specific marriage license, bond, and certificate information, and sometimes scanned images of the actual marriage documents themselves. These free online collections have hundreds of millions of records in them in total.
There are a great number of online and offline collections that may include marriage information that is not included in the lists below. These different types can be found in 27 Ways to Find Ancestor Marriage Information.
The lists below are specific marriage indexes and record collections that are available for free online for the state of Alaska.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Note: I have included links to Free Ancestry records and indexes. You do not need a subscription, but you do need an Ancestry account. You can view indexes without a subscription. If an image is associated with a record, in most cases, you will need a subscription, but the index does include very usable information.
Alaska Marriage Records
- Alaska Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church Index to Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, 1900-1936
- Alaska State Archives Vital Statistics by Name
- Alaska Vital Records Indexes
- Alaska, Marriage Records, 1913-1935
- Alaska, Mixed Vital Records, 1901-1929
- Alaska, Mixed Vital Records, 1916-1929
- Alaska, Vital Records, 1816-1959
- Aleutian Islands, Marriage Records, 1913-1953
- Barrow, Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1902-1959
- Bethel Precinct, Marriage Records, 1916-1995
- Bethel, Miscellaneous Records, 1912-1913
- Bristol Bay, Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1902-1961
- Cape Nome Precinct, Mixed Vital Records, 1915-1949
- Cape Nome, Marriage Records, 1913-1959
- Chandalar Precinct, Marriage Records, 1921-1949
- Chichagof Precinct, Marriage Records, 1918-1931
- Chichagof Precinct, Marriage Records, 1918-1936
- Chisana, Marriage Records, 1913-1917
- Chitina, Birth, Marriage, and Death Certificates, 1915-1969
- Circle Precinct, Marriage Records, 1913-1952
- Cook Inlet, Marriage Records, 1914
- Copper Center, Marriage Records, 1913-1915, 1949-1965
- Cordova, Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1912-1960
- Cordova, Marriage Records, 1917-1960
- Cordova, Miscellaneous Records, 1911-1958
- Council City, Marriage and Death Records, 1901-1915
- Craig, Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1910-1991
- Douglas, Alaska & Yukon Vital Records 1898-1922 as Reported in the Weekly Douglas Island Newspaper
- Douglas, Marriage Records, 1901-1930
- Douglas, Miscellaneous Records, 1916-1929
- Eagle, Marriage Records, 1913-1952
- Eagle, Marriage Records, 1916-1948
- Fairbanks North Star Borough Marriages
- Fairbanks Precinct, Miscellaneous Vital Records, 1917-1967
- Fairbanks, Marriage Records, 1905-1969
- Fairhaven, Marriage Records, 1902-1959
- Fort Yukon, Marriage Records, 1924-1959
- Forty Mile Precinct, Marriage Records, 1903-1926
- Galena and Nulato, Mixed Vital Records, 1914-1950
- Gold Precinct, Marriage Records, 1917-1941
- Goodnews Bay, Marriage Records, 1939-1948
- Haines, Marriage Records, 1941-1959
- Haines, Marriage, and Death Records, 1938-1950
- Homer, Marriage Records, 1950-1960
- Hoonah Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1903-1954
- Hoonah, Marriage Records, 1918-1954
- Hyder, Marriage Records, 1920-1957
- Juneau and Douglas, Marriage Records, 1898-1905
- Juneau Borough Marriages
- Juneau, Index to Vital Statistics, 1903-1915
- Juneau, Marriage Records, 1903-1960
- Juneau, Mixed Records, 1884-1896
- Juneau, Probate and Marriage Records, 1884-1960
- Karluk, Marriage Records, 1926-1940
- Kayak, Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1913-1928
- Kenai, Marriage Records, 1916-1960
- Ketchikan, Marriage Records, 1901-1959
- Killisnoo, Marriage Records, 1918-1921
- Kodiak, Marriage Records, 1900-1963
- Kougarok, Marriage Records, 1917
- Koyuk, Marriage Records, 1918-1950
- Koyuk, Mixed Vital Records, 1916-1950
- Koyukuk Precinct, Marriage and Death Records, 1915-1950
- Koyukuk Precinct, Marriage Records, 1904-1949
- Kuskokwim, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1902-1974
- Kvichak, Births, Marriage, and Death Records, 1888-1960
- Manley Hot Springs, Marriage Records, 1914-1971
- Miscellaneous BMD Records by County
- Mt. McKinley, Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1911-1957
- Nenana Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1916-1984
- Noatak-Kobuk Precinct, Marriage Records, 1913-1962
- Nome Census Area Marriages and Deaths
- Nome Census Area, Genealogy Records
- Nome, Marriage Records, 1813-1957
- North Slope Borough Births, Marriages, and Deaths
- Northwest Arctic Borough, Marriages
- Nulato Precinct, Marriage Records, 1917-1976
- Otter, Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1913-1950
- Palmer, Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1935-1959
- Palmer, Marriage Records, 1951-1963
- Petersburg, Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1913-1974
- Petersburg, Marriage Records, 1905-1959
- Petersburg, Miscellaneous Records, 1925-1961
- Point Barrow, Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1915-1959
- Point Hope, Marriage Records, 1919
- Port Clarence, Marriage Records, 1923-1930
- Rampart, Marriage Records, 1901-1951
- Russian Orthodox Church Records, 1845-1917
- Seldovia, Marriage Records, 1921-1960
- Seward, Marriage Records, 1950-1959
- Seward, Marriages, 1911-1919
- Shishmaref, Marriage Records, 1940-1950
- Sitka, Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1817-1960
- Sitka, Marriage Records, 1816-1933
- Skagway Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1898-1959
- Talkeetna, Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1910-1959
- Tanana Precinct, Marriage Records, 1917-1922
- Teller, Marriage Records, 1914-1958
- Teller, Mixed Vital Records, 1896-1951
- Tok, Marriage Records, 1952-1961
- Tolovana, Marriage Records, 1938-1940
- Tundra Times Newspaper Index (and Clippings) 1962-1997
- Unalaska, Marriage and Death Records, 1869-1897
- Unga Precinct, Marriage Records, 1929-1951
- Unga, Mixed Records, Marriage, Probate, Deeds, 1897-1900
- United States Marriages, 1733-1990
- United States, Freedmen’s Bureau Marriages, 1861-1872
- Valdez, Marriage Records, 1917-1960
- Wade Hampton Precinct, Marriage Records, 1915-1971
- Wainwright, Births, Marriages, and Deaths and Adoptions, 1930-1949
- Wasilla Marriage Records, 1924-1959
- Western States Marriage Index
- Wrangell, Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1938-1964
- Yakutat Precinct, Marriage Records, 1915-1977
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!