Free Online Genealogy Website of the Day – Genealogy Trails

Genealogy Trails is a set of websites that present transcribed genealogy records and collections for the United States. Each state has its own website, and there are subsites for each county in the state. It is a totally volunteer-based organization.

Their principles are (from their website): “In forming the Genealogy Trails Project, it was decided that all affiliated County Hosts have complete control over their respective pages. In this respect, all have agreed to abide by a few principles based on Common Sense and Good Manners. We welcome anyone wishing to adopt one of the counties not yet hosted and only expect them to follow these simple guidelines also.

  • Provide free on-line history and genealogy material.
  • Non-commercial use of these pages.
  • Update pages and material as often as possible.
  • No obscene or pornographic content of any kind.
  • A link back to the main page is required.”

It is similar in nature to the USGenWeb sets of sites, with one big difference in my opinion. Whereas the USGenWeb sites were allowed to have more freedom in templates, color, and presentation, the Genealogy Trails sites are quite similar from county to county, and state to state, which makes for a better user experience. There is an ability to search across and within states, which is useful. The content continues to grow. To access the site, go to:

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