(This page's most recent update is March 2025)
One of the main goals for genealogists is finding birth, baptism, and/or christening information about their ancestors.
Over the past few decades, thanks to volunteers, librarians, and archivists, many indexes to birth and baptism collections have been provided for free online. These searchable indexes provide specific birth, baptism, or christening information, and sometimes scanned images of the actual birth documents themselves. These free online collections have millions of records in them in total.
There are a great number of online and offline collections that may include birth information that is not included in the lists below. These different types can be found in 32 Ways to Find Ancestor Birth Information
If you are interested in baptism indexes that may include the birth date as well as baptism information, make sure and check out Church Records.
The lists below are specific birth, baptism, and christening indexes and record collections that are available for free online for the state.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Note: I have included links to Free Ancestry records and indexes. You do not need a subscription, but you do need an Ancestry account. You can view indexes without a subscription. If an image is associated with a record, in most cases, you will need a subscription, but the index does include very usable information.
Kansas Birth Records
- Allen County Newspaper Birth, Marriage, and Death Announcements
- Brown County Atchison Globe: Births, Weddings, Anniversaries, 1998
- Brown County, Birth Announcements
- Butler County Register of Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1886-1911
- Chase County, Births Abstracted from Military Records, 1869-1939
- Cherokee County Births, Deaths and Marriages, 1894-1911
- Cherokee County, Birth Announcements
- Clay County Births, Marriages, and Deaths
- Clay County Record of Births, 1885-1911
- Coffey County Registers of Vital Statistics, 1877-1908
- Comanche County Birth, Marriage, and Death Indexes
- Crawford County Birth and Death Index
- Crawford County Birth and Death Records, 1887-1911
- Crawford County, Birth Indexes
- Dickinson County Birth and Death Notices from Early Enterprise Newspapers, 1883 – 1900
- Elk County, Birth Indexes
- Fairview, The Courier, Births, Deaths & Marriages, September 29, 1893 – December 25, 1896
- Fort Leavenworth, Births or Christenings, 1847-1855
- Gove County, Birth Records, 1892-1942
- Greenwood County, Vital Statistics Registers, 1885-1911
- Haskell, Indian Census Rolls, 1927-1931
- Horton, Horton Commercial, Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other News items
- Jefferson County, Birth Announcements
- Jefferson County, Health Records, 1892-1904
- Jewell County, Register of Births
- Kansas Births and Christenings, 1818-1936
- Kansas City (Kansas), Record of Births, V. A-B, 1892-1903
- Kansas County Birth Records, 1885-1911
- Kansas, Births and Baptisms, 1811-1940
- Labette County Birth Records, 1885-1892
- Lawrence, Douglas County, Index of Deaths and Births in Newspapers, 1864-1872
- Lincoln County Vital Indexes
- Linn County Record of Vital Statistics, 1885-1911
- Marshall County Birth and Death Records, 1885-1911; Birth Index, 1885-1911
- Marshall County Miscellaneous Records, 1857-1995; Indexes, 1858-1972
- McPherson County Birth-Death-Marriage Index
- Miami County Births
- Miami County Registers of Marriages, Births & Deaths, 1870-1902
- Miami County, Birth Indexes
- Miami County, Genealogy Records
- Miscellaneous BMD Records by County
- Montgomery County Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1887-1911
- Montgomery County, Birth Announcements
- Neosho County Vital Statistics, 1892-1905
- Osage County, Birth Announcements
- Ottawa City Vital Statistics Register, 1892-1907
- Potawatomi Agency Vital Statistics: Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1901-1933
- Pottawatomie County Registers of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1885-1911
- Rawlins County Birth and Marriage Indexes
- Reno County, Birth Indexes
- Riley County Vital Records
- Rooks County Births
- Rooks County, Birth Record Index, 1886-1901
- Russell County, Birth Indexes
- Saline County, Index to Birth and Death Records, 1885-1890
- Saline County, Vital Statistics on File Cards, ca. 1800-1991
- Scott County Births 1904-1911
- Seward County, Birth Announcements
- Shawnee County Birth, Marriage, and Death Indexes
- Sheridan County, Birth Records, 1886-1936
- Sisseton Agency Birth and Death Records, 1928-1945
- Smith County Births, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Stafford County Births and Deaths
- Sumner County, Birth Indexes
- Thomas County, Birth Announcements
- United States Births and Christenings, 1867-1931
- WaKeeney, Birth and Death Index to the Western Kansas World of WaKeeney, from March 1879 to January 1996
- Woodson County Births and Deaths
- Wyandotte County, Birth Indexes
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!