(This page's most recent update is February 2025)
Over the past few decades, thanks to volunteers, librarians, and archivists (as well as the largest of them all – FamilySearch), a great number of indexes to death collections have been provided for free online. These searchable indexes provide specific death information and sometimes scanned images of the actual death certificates themselves. These free online collections have hundreds of millions of records in them in total.
There are a great number of online and offline collections that may include death information that is not included in the lists below. For example, newspapers and obituaries have death info, but most times obituary indexes include the date of the obituary but not the date of death. To find out which types of other records may include death information, please see:
The lists below are specific death indexes and record collections that are available for free online for the state.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Note: I have included links to Free Ancestry records and indexes. You do not need a subscription, but you do need an Ancestry account. Without a subscription, you can view indexes. If there is an image associated with a record, in most cases, you will need a subscription, but the index does include very usable information.
Kansas Death Records
- Allen County Newspaper Birth, Marriage, and Death Announcements
- Allen County, Death Indexes
- Anderson County, Death Indexes
- Atchison County, Death Indexes
- Barber County, Death Indexes
- Barton County, Death Indexes
- Bourbon County, Death Indexes
- Brown County Deaths 1907-1911
- Brown County Marriages & Deaths Recorded from The Morrill News: Jan 1907 – Feb 18, 1907; Jan 1916 – Dec 1916
- Brown County, Death Indexes
- Butler County Register of Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1886-1911
- Butler County, Death Indexes
- Chase County, Death Indexes
- Chautauqua County, Death Indexes
- Cherokee County Death Index
- Cherokee County Births, Deaths and Marriages, 1894-1911
- Cherokee County, Death Indexes
- Cheyenne County, Death Indexes
- Clark County, Death Indexes
- Clay County, Death Indexes
- Cloud County Early Deaths, before 1903
- Cloud County, Death Indexes
- Coffey County Registers of Vital Statistics, 1877-1908
- Coffey County, Death Indexes
- Comanche County Birth, Marriage, and Death Indexes
- Comanche County, Death Indexes
- Cowley County, Death Indexes
- Crawford County Birth and Death Index
- Crawford County Birth and Death Records, 1887-1911
- Crawford County, Death Indexes
- Decatur County Deaths 1885-1911
- Decatur County, Death Indexes
- Dickinson County Birth and Death Notices from Early Enterprise Newspapers, 1883 – 1900
- Doniphan County, Death Indexes
- Douglas County, Death Indexes
- Edwards County, Death Indexes
- Elk County, Death Indexes
- Ellis County, Death Indexes
- Ellsworth County, Death Indexes
- Emporia, Indexes, Death Notices from the Emporia Gazette
- Fairview, The Courier, Births, Deaths & Marriages & Other Articles of Genealogical Interest, September 29, 1893 – December 25, 1896
- Finney County, Death Indexes
- Ford County, Death Indexes
- Ford County, Deaths, 1905-1925
- Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery, Death/Cemetery Records, 1844-1963
- Franklin County, Death Indexes
- Geary County, Death Indexes
- Gove County Gove County, Death Records, 1892-1943
- Gove County, Death Indexes
- Graham County, Death Indexes
- Grant County, Death Indexes
- Gray County, Death Indexes
- Gray County, Death Records
- Greeley County, Death Indexes
- Greenwood County Vital Statistics Registers, 1885-1911
- Greenwood County, Death Indexes
- Hamilton County, Death Indexes
- Hamlin, The Hamlin News Gleaner Newspaper 1889 & 1890 & The Hamlin Reporter 1913 & 1915, Births, Deaths
- Harper County, Death Indexes
- Harvey County Register of Deaths, 1886-1911
- Harvey County, Ancient Order of United Workmen Death Claim Records, 1892-1974
- Harvey County, Death Indexes
- Haskell County, Death Indexes
- Hodgeman County, Death Indexes
- Horton, Horton Commercial 1899, Births, Marriages, Deaths
- Jackson County, Death Indexes
- Jefferson County, Death Indexes
- Jewell County, Death Indexes
- Johnson County Death Index
- Johnson County, Death Indexes
- Kansas City (Kansas) Record of Mortality, 1892-1911
- Kansas Deaths and Burials, 1885-1930
- Kansas Historical Society, Knights and Ladies of Security, Index to Death Claims, 1902-1930
- Kansas, 1880 Mortality Schedules, Deaths Occurring Between June 1, 1879 to May 31, 1880
- Kansas, Deaths, 1811-1940
- Kansas, Fraternal Order Death Index, 1873-1969
- Kansas, Fraternal Order Death Index, 1873-1969
- Kansas, Mortality Schedule 1870
- Kansas, Security Benefit Association, Death Index, 1902-1930
- Kansas, Spanish War Veterans Reports of Deaths, 1945-1970
- Kansas, World War I American Expeditionary Forces, Deaths, 1917-1919
- Kearny County, Death Indexes
- Kingman County, Death Indexes
- Kiowa County, Death Indexes
- Labette County, Death Indexes
- Lane County, Death Indexes
- Lawrence, Douglas County, Index of Deaths and Births in Daily Newspapers, 1864-1872
- Leavenworth County, Death Indexes
- Leavenworth, National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Death/Burial Records, 1927-1937
- Lincoln County Vital Indexes
- Lincoln County, Death Indexes
- Linn County Record of Vital Statistics, 1885-1911
- Linn County, Death Indexes
- Logan County, Death Indexes
- Lyon County, Death Indexes
- Marshall County Birth and Death Records, 1885-1911; Birth Index, 1885-1911
- Marshall County Miscellaneous Records, 1857-1995; Indexes, 1858-1972
- Marshall County, Death Indexes
- McPherson County Death Index
- McPherson County Birth-Death-Marriage Index
- McPherson County, Death Indexes
- McPherson County, Vital Records Indexes
- Meade County, Death Indexes
- Miami County Deaths
- Miami County Deeds Records, 1857-1902; Indexes, 1857-1904
- Miami County Registers of Marriages, Births & Deaths, 1870-1902
- Miami County, Death Indexes
- Miami County, Genealogy Records
- Miscellaneous BMD Records by County
- Mitchell County, Death Indexes
- Montgomery County Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1887-1911
- Montgomery County, Death Indexes
- Morris County, Death Indexes
- Morton County, Death Indexes
- Nemaha County, Death Indexes
- Neosho County Vital Statistics, 1892-1905
- Neosho County, Death Indexes
- Norton County, Death Indexes
- Norton County, Death Records, 1886-1901
- Online Searchable Death Indexes
- Ottawa City Vital Statistics Register, 1892-1907
- Ottawa County, Death Indexes
- Pawnee County, Death Indexes
- Phillips County, Death Indexes
- Plainville Death Index
- Potawatomi Agency Vital Statistics: Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1901-1933
- Pottawatomie County Registers of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1885-1911
- Pottawatomie County, Death Indexes
- Pratt County, Death Indexes
- Rawlins County, Death Indexes
- Reno County, Death Indexes
- Rice County, Death Indexes
- Riley County, Death Indexes
- Rooks County Deaths
- Rooks County, Death Records, 1870-2000
- Rooks County, Record of Deaths, 1911-1964
- Rush County Death Index
- Rush County, Death Indexes
- Russell County, Death Indexes
- Saline County, Death Indexes
- Saline County, Index to Birth and Death Records, 1885-1890
- Scott County, Death Indexes
- Sedgwick County Certificates of Death, 1903-1910
- Sedgwick County, Death Indexes
- Seward County, Death Indexes
- Shawnee County Birth, Marriage, and Death Indexes
- Shawnee County, Births and Deaths from 1894 – 1911
- Shawnee County, Death Indexes
- Sheridan County, Death Indexes
- Sheridan County, Death Records of C.E. Montgomery, undertaker, 1893-1938
- Sherman County, Death Indexes
- Sisseton Agency Birth and Death Records, 1928-1945
- Smith County, Death Indexes
- Stafford County, Death Indexes
- Stanton County, Death Indexes
- Stevens County, Death Indexes
- Sumner County, Death Indexes
- Thomas County, Death Indexes
- Thomas County, Death Records, 1886-1910
- Topeka Surname Index
- Trego County, Death Indexes
- United States Deaths and Burials, 1867-1961
- United States Korean War Battle Deaths, 1950-1957
- United States Social Security Death Index
- United States, World War I American Expeditionary Forces Deaths, 1917-1919
- Victoria St. Fidelis Parish, Register of Deaths 1876-1951
- Wabaunsee County, Death Indexes
- WaKeeney, Birth and Death Index to the Western Kansas World from March 1879 to January 1996
- Wallace County, Death Indexes
- Washington County, Death Indexes
- Wichita County, Death Indexes
- Wichita Death Index, 1887-1910
- Wichita Death Certificates
- Wichita, Certificates of Death, 1887-1899
- Wichita, I. W. Gill Mortuary, Register of Deaths
- Wilson County, Death Indexes
- Woodson County Births and Deaths
- Woodson County Deaths, 1980 – 1989
- Woodson County, Death Indexes
- Wyandotte County, Death Indexes
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!