(This page's most recent update is January 2025)
Another type of genealogy record that provides tremendous value is criminal records. Some of our ancestors unfortunately got in trouble with the law. Records were kept, from arrests through court cases to prison documents. Now, more and more of these records are being digitized or transcribed and are being made available online.
Types of Records
- Criminal court proceedings
- Police reports
- Prison and jail admission registers
- Arrest records
- Mug books
- Pardon and discharge information
- Hospital record books
- Workhouse records
Types of Information
- Name
- Age
- Birth date
- Height
- Weight
- Complexion
- Eye color
- Hair color
- Nationality
- Occupation
- Education
- Habits (alcohol use)
- Relations (parents living)
- Date incarcerated
- Court where charged
- Recommitments
- How and when discharged
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Listed below are links to criminal records that are available for free online for the state; the first list is for multi-state collections:
North Carolina Criminal Records
United States
- Before the Needles, Executions in America Database
- Death Penalty USA, Executions 1607-1976 (by state)
- Federal Bureau of Prisons, Inmate Search 1982-
- Freedmen’s Bureau Records Relating to Murders and Outrages
North Carolina
- Beaufort County, Court Records
- Buncombe County, Court Minutes, 1880-1909; Court Minutes Civil, 1909-1948; and Court Minutes Criminal, 1889-1897, 1900-1945
- Burke County, North Carolina Superior Court Records, 1832, 1865-1954; Indexes, 1866-1963, 1832, 1865-1963
- Caldwell County, Criminal Actions Concerning Slaves (as well as Civil Actions), 1842-1848, 1850-1851, 1855-1859,1861-1863, 1866
- Camden County, Court Minutes, 1853-1925
- Cleveland County, Civil Actions Concerning Slaves and Free Persons of Color, ca. 1841-1868
- Craven County, Civil Actions Concerning Slaves and Free Persons of Color, 1775-1885
- Cumberland County, Court Record, 1788-1916
- Currituck County, Court Records, 1781-1915
- Davidson County, Miscellaneous Records, 1822-1946
- Davie County, Miscellaneous Records, 1813-1927
- Duplin County, Miscellaneous Records, 1754-1947
- Forsyth County, Miscellaneous Index, 1849-1968
- Gaston County, Miscellaneous Records, 1847-1910
- Gates County, Miscellaneous Records, 1780-1912
- Gates County, Slave Records, 1794-1867
- Graham County, Miscellaneous Records, 1836-1940
- Granville County Convict Camp, 1930 Index of Prisoners
- Granville County, Records Concerning Slaves and Free Persons of Color, 1755-1876
- Halifax County, Convict Camp Prisoners -1900
- Harnett County Convict Camp, Index of Prisoners for the Year 1930
- Iredell County, Slave Records, 1824-1872
- Johnston County, Court Records, 1764-1930
- Lincoln County, Slave Records, 1784-1864
- Macon County, Court Record
- Mecklenburg County, Minutes, Civil and Criminal, 1811-1889
- Montgomery County, Civil and Criminal Action Papers, 1799-1955
- Nash County, Slave Records, 1781-1864
- New Hanover County, Record of Slaves and Free Persons of Color, 1786-1888
- New Hanover County, Superior Court Minutes, 1843-1939
- North Carolina, List of Persons Executed
- Northampton County, Civil and Criminal Actions, Slave Records 1785-1867
- Northampton County, Minutes of the Superior Court, 1818-1932
- Onslow County, Miscellaneous Records of Slaves and Freemen, 1763-1912
- Pamlico County, Criminal Action Papers, 1875-1914
- Pamlico County, Criminal Action Papers, 1875-1915
- Perquimans County, Criminal Action Papers, 1861-1940
- Perquimans County, Slave Records, 1759-1864
- Pitt County, Court Minutes for County Court, Superior Court, both Civil and Criminal, 1858-1941
- Pitt County, Records of Slaves and Free Persons of Color, 1858-1870
- Plymouth Convict Camp Lines 46-65, 1930 Index of Prisoners
- Polk County, General Index to Civil and Criminal Minutes, 1855-1968
- Randolph County, Court Record, 1772-1920
- Randolph County, Miscellaneous Records, 1780-1922
- Randolph County, Records of Slaves and Free Persons of Color, 1788-1870, 1887
- Richmond County, Criminal Records, 1777-1798
- Richmond County, Slave Records, 1778-1866
- Rowan County, Court Record, 1755-1915
- Rowan County, Criminal Docket, 1909
- Rutherford County Home, Inmate Register, 1914-1961
- Rutherford County, Minute Docket (Civil and Criminal) 1869-1964, and Index to Criminal Minute Docket, 1939-1964
- Salisbury, Confederate Prison, History
- Stanly County, Miscellaneous Court Records, 1832-1964
- Stanly County, Records of Slaves and Free Persons of Color 1830-1868
- Wake County, Central Prison Cemetery
- Wake County, Criminal Minute Docket, 1942-1949
- Wake County, Panther Branch Township, Justice of the Peace Records, 1872-1912
- Warren County, Court Record
- Warren County, Criminal Action Papers, 1783-1942
- Warren County, Minute Docket, Superior Court, 1854-1964; Index to Criminal Minutes, 1823-1964
- Warren County, Records of Slaves and Free Persons of Color, 1779-1870
- Washington County, Plymouth Convict Camp, 1930 Index of Prisoners
- Wilson County Stockade, 1930 Index of Prisoners
- Wilson County, Index to Court Records, 1867-1968; Court Records, 1867-1920, 1867-1968
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!