(This page's most recent update is February 2025)
Over the past few decades, thanks to volunteers, librarians, and archivists (as well as the largest of them all – FamilySearch), many indexes to death collections have been provided for free online. These searchable indexes provide specific death information and sometimes scanned images of the death certificates. These free online collections have hundreds of millions of records in total.
There are a great number of online and offline collections that may include death information that is not included in the lists below. For example, newspapers and obituaries have death info, but most times obituary indexes include the date of the obituary but not the date of death. To find out which types of other records may include death information, please see:
The lists below are specific death indexes and record collections that are available for free online for the state of Tennessee.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Note: I have included links to Free Ancestry records and indexes. You do not need a subscription, but you do need an Ancestry account. Without a subscription, you can view indexes. If there is an image associated with a record, in most cases, you will need a subscription, but the index does include very usable information.
Tennessee Death Records
- Anderson County Death Index 1914-1933
- Anderson County Miscellaneous Vital Records
- Anderson County Vital Statistics: Births, 1881-1882; Births and Deaths, 1891-1899, 1909-1912
- Anderson County, Deaths
- Anderson County, Transcribed Death Certificates (African-American), 1911-1997
- Bedford County Deaths 1968-1969
- Bedford County, Death Notices, 1968-1969
- Belleville, Mount Hebron Presbyterian Church, Church Records, 1829-1957
- Benton County, 1850 Mortality Census Schedule
- Bledsoe County, Deaths
- Blount County Death Certificate Index 1914-1933
- Blount County Marriages and Deaths
- Blount County Births and Deaths 1881-1882, 1908-1912
- Blount County, Death Indexes
- Blount County, Deaths
- Bradley County Vital Statistics; Births, Deaths, 1908-1912
- Bradley County, Deaths
- Bradley County, Flint Spring Congregation , Minutes of Session, 1845-1949; Church Register, 1844-1960
- Campbell County Deaths
- Campbell County, Death Indexes
- Campbell County, Deaths
- Cannon County Death Indexes
- Cannon County, Deaths
- Carroll County Death Certificate Index 1914-1933
- Carter County Vital Statistics, Births, Deaths, 1881-1912
- Carter County, Deaths
- Chattanooga Death Records 1872-1923
- Cheatham County Vital Statistics: Births, Deaths, 1881-1882, 1908-1912; Deaths, 1925-1941
- Cheatham County, Deaths
- Cherokee Baptist Church, Jonesboro, Church Records, 1787-1923
- Chester County, Deaths
- Claiborne County Deaths 1914
- Claiborne County Vital Statistics, 1908-1912
- Claiborne County, Deaths
- Clay County Births and Deaths, 1908-1912
- Clay County, Deaths
- Cleveland, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Church Registers, 1837-1901
- Cocke County Records, 1860-1930
- Cocke County Vital Statistics, Births and Deaths, 1908-1912
- Cocke County, 1850 Mortality Schedule
- Cocke County, Deaths
- Cocke County, Deaths Recorded in Big Pidgeon Baptist Church Minutes 1787-1874
- Coffee County Death Index 1914-1933
- Coffee County Newspaper Index
- Coffee County, Deaths
- Coxville, Cox Chapel, Church of Christ, Church Records, 1887-1907
- Crockett County Death Indexes
- Crockett County Births, 1908-1911, ca. 1925-1939; Deaths, 1908-1911, ca. 1924-1939
- Crockett County, Death Indexes
- Crockett County, Deaths
- Cumberland County Death and Obituary Index
- Cumberland County, Deaths
- Dandridge, Dandridge Baptist Church, Church Records, 1786-1940
- Davidson County Death Index
- Davidson County Death Records
- Davidson County Death Records, 1900-1913
- Davidson County, Death Records, 1900-1913
- Davidson County, Deaths
- DeKalb County, Death Indexes
- DeKalb County, Deaths
- Dickson County Marriage Records 1859-1950, Court Ordered Birth Records ca. 1875-1941, Death Records 1930-1939
- Dickson County, Deaths
- Dover, Hamblen, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Cumberland Presbyterian Church Records, 1870-2007
- Dumplin, Dumplin Creek Baptist Church, Church Records, 1797-1938
- Dyer County Death Indexes
- Dyer County Vital Statistics; Birth & Death 1908-1912
- Dyer County, Death Indexes
- Dyer County, Deaths
- Dyer County, Mortality Schedule, 1850
- Early Middle Tennessee, Death Records of Early Middle Tennessee, 1780-1805
- Fayette County Collection
- Fayette County Death Records, 1925-1930
- Fayette County, 1850 Mortality Schedule
- Fayette County, Deaths
- Fayette County, Mount Pleasant Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Church Records, 1847-1935
- Fayetteville, Baptist Church, Lists of Members and Minutes of Meetings, 1881-1902
- Fayetteville, Presbyterian Church, Church Minutes, 1820-1904
- Fentress County Death and Marriage Indexes
- Fentress County, Deaths
- Franklin County Vital Statistics, 1881-1885
- Franklin County, Deaths
- Gibson County Death and Marriage Indexes
- Gibson County Births, 1881-1882; Births & Deaths, 1909-1912
- Gibson County, 1850 Mortality Schedule
- Gibson County, Death Indexes
- Gibson County, Deaths
- Gibson County, Robert & Karnes Funeral Home Records,1943-2004
- Gibson County, Shelton-Hunt Funeral Home Records,1934-2004
- Gibson County, Vitals Records, 1881-1999
- Giles County Death and Marriage Indexes
- Giles County Death Records 1930 – 1945
- Giles County Death Records 1946 – 1952
- Giles County Vital Statistics: Births, Deaths, 1908-1912
- Giles County, Death Indexes
- Giles County, Deaths
- Giles County, Genealogy in County Newspapers, 1859-1899
- Grainger County Record of Deaths 1925-1937
- Grainger County Vital Statistics; Births, Deaths, 1908-1912
- Grainger County, Deaths
- Greene County Listing of Miscellaneous Records 181-1939
- Greene County Vital Statistics: Births and Deaths, 1881-1882, 1925-1939
- Greene County, Deaths
- Greene County, New Hope Monthly Meeting of Friends, Births, Marriages, Deaths
- Grundy County Death Records 1908-1925
- Grundy County Vital Statistics; Births, Deaths, 1908-1912
- Grundy County, Deaths
- Hamblen County Record of Deaths 1925-1939
- Hamblen County Vital Statistics; Births and Deaths, 1909-1912
- Hamblen County, Deaths
- Hamblen County, St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church Records, 1804-2004
- Hamblen County, Death Records
- Hamilton County Vital Statistics Record No. 1, 1908-1915; Vital Statistics Record No. 2, 1911-1912
- Hancock County, Deaths
- Hardeman County Birth, Marriage, and Death Indexes
- Hardeman County Birth and Deaths Records 1881-1939
- Hardeman County, 1850 Mortality Schedule
- Hardeman County, Death Indexes
- Hardeman County, Deaths
- Hardin County, Deaths
- Hardin County, Mortality Schedule, 1850
- Hardin, Perry, Putnam, Counties, Vital Records, 1908-1939
- Hawkins County Vital Records Indexes
- Hawkins County, Deaths
- Haywood County Death Index
- Haywood County Vital Statistics: Births, 1881-1882; Births & Deaths, 1908-1912
- Haywood County, Death Indexes
- Haywood County, Deaths
- Henderson County Vital Records Indexes
- Henderson County, 1850 Mortality Schedule
- Henry County Death Records, 1925-1939
- Henry County Vital Statistics, Birth, Death, 1881-1939
- Henry County, Deaths
- Henry County, Mortality Schedule 1850
- Hickman County, Deaths
- Houston County Vital Statistics; Birth, Death, 1881-1882
- Houston County, Deaths
- Howell, Cumberland Presbyterian, Cane Creek Congregation, Church Register, 1871-1892
- Humphreys County Vital Statistics: Births, Deaths, 1908-1912
- Humphreys County, Deaths
- Index to Tennessee Death Records (1914 – 1933)
- Index to Tennessee Death Records 1908-1912
- Jackson County Death Indexes 1914-1945
- Jackson County Death Records, 1881-1883, 1909-1912
- Jackson County Records, 1801-1974
- Jackson County, Death Indexes
- Jefferson County Vital Statistics: Births, Deaths, 1908-1912
- Jefferson County, Deaths
- Jefferson County, Lost Creek Quarterly Meeting Society of Friends, Book of Records of Births, Deaths and Marriage Certificates, [of] Lost Creek Monthly Meeting of Friends, Lost Creek, Jefferson County, Tennessee
- Johnson County Vital Statistics: Births, Deaths, 1908-1912
- Johnson County, Deaths
- Kelso, Cumberland Presbyterian, New Lebanon Congregation, Church Register, 1883-1917
- Knox County Death Records, 1914 –1920
- Knox County Death Records, 1921-1925
- Knox County, Deaths
- Knox County, Transcribed Death Certificates (African-American), 1921-2000
- Knoxville Death Records 1881-1913
- Lake County, Death Indexes
- Lake County, Deaths
- Lauderdale County Death Indexes
- Lauderdale County Birth & Death Records 1881-1882
- Lauderdale County, Coroners Inquest Records, 1845-1937
- Lauderdale County, Death Indexes
- Lawrence County Birth Marriage, and Death Indexes
- Lawrence County Vital Statistics: Births and Deaths, 1908-1912
- Lawrence County, Deaths
- Lawrenceburg, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Howards Chapel, Church Records, 1886-1925
- Lewis County Death Records
- Lewis County Vital Statistics: Births, Deaths, 1908-1912
- Lewis County, Deaths
- Lexington, Baptist Church, Church Records, 1864-1937
- Lexington, Mt. Gilead Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Church Records, 1830-1893
- Lincoln County, Deaths
- Lincoln County, Mount Carmel Baptist Church, Church Records, 1812-1921
- Loretto, United Methodist Church, Church Records, 1918-1971
- Loudon County Deaths
- Loudon County Vital Statistics: Births, Deaths, 1908-1936
- Loudon County, Death Indexes
- Loudon County, Deaths
- Macon County Death Records
- Macon County Record of Deaths, [v. D], & Report of Deaths May 1925 – Feb. 1939
- Macon County, Deaths
- Madison County Death and Marriage Indexes
- Madison County Death Records, 1925-1939
- Madison County, Vital Statistics, 1908-1912
- Madison County, Death Indexes
- Madison County, Deaths
- Marion County Vital Statistics; Birth and Death, 1908-1912
- Marion County, Deaths
- Marshall County, Bear Creek Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Church Records, 1902-1938
- Marshall County, Deaths
- Maury County Newspapers (Abstracts) 1810-1844, 1846-1850
- Maury County Vital Statistics; Births, Deaths, 1908-1912
- Maury County, Deaths
- McKenzie, Zion Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Church Records 1872-1927, 1954-1972
- McMinn County Vital Statistics; Births, Deaths, 1908-1912
- McMinn County, Deaths
- McNairy County Birth and Death Records
- McNairy County, Deaths
- Meigs County, Deaths
- Memphis Death Records 1848-1966
- Memphis, Death Records Found in Memphis – 1866
- Memphis, Death Records Found in Memphis – 1866
- Memphis, Death Records Found in Memphis – 1866
- Memphis, Death Records Found in Memphis – 1866
- Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Bethel Society. Prospect Circuit, Church Register
- Miscellaneous BMD Records by County
- Monroe County Vital Statistics; Births and Deaths, 1881-1882, 1908-1940
- Monroe County, Deaths
- Montgomery County Death Index
- Montgomery County Obituary Collection, 1911-2009
- Montgomery County, Deaths
- Moore County Vital Statistics, Births and Deaths 1908-1911, Births 1881-1882
- Moore County, Deaths
- Morgan County Vital Statistics: Births, Deaths, 1908-1912
- Morgan County, Births, 1925-1939, Deaths,1925-1939
- Morgan County, Deaths
- Nashville Death Index
- Nashville Death Records, 1874-1913
- Nashville Deaths from Abstracts from Methodist Publications
- Nashville Deaths, 1926-1938
- Nashville, Moore Memorial Presbyterian Church, Church Records, 1873-1896
- Normandy, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Center Congregation, Church Records, 1870-1956
- Obion County Vitals Indexes
- Obion County Miscellaneous Records, 1870-1900
- Obion County Vital Statistics: Births, Deaths, 1881
- Obion County, 1850 Mortality Schedule
- Obion County, Death Indexes
- Obion County, Deaths
- Online Searchable Death Indexes
- Overton County Death and Marriage Indexes
- Overton County Vital Records
- Overton County, Death Certificates
- Overton County, Deaths
- Paris, Death Certificates, 1946-1991; Death Notices, 1961-1987
- Paris, Walnut Fork Primitive Baptist Church of Christ Church Records, 1821-1968
- Perry County Birth, Marriage, and Death Indexes
- Perry County Vital Statistics, 1881-1912
- Perry County, Deaths
- Perry County, Mortality Schedule 1850
- Pickett County, Deaths
- Putnam County Marriage and Death Indexes
- Putnam County, Death Indexes
- Putnam County, Deaths
- Rhea County, Deaths
- Ripley, Baptist Church, Church Records, 1889-1928
- Roane County Vital Statistics: Births, Deaths, 1881
- Roane County, Deaths
- Roane County, Transcribed Death Certificates (African-American), 19218-1926
- Robertson County Births and Deaths, 1908-1912
- Robertson County, Deaths
- Rutherford County Death Index 1904 – 1925
- Rutherford County,
Death Records Index (1881-1939) - Rutherford County, Deaths
- Savannah, Death Notices and Obituaries, Savannah Courier, 1885-1890
- Scott County Death Records
- Scott County, Deaths
- Sequatchie County Births 1881,1908-1920; Deaths, 1881,1908-1911
- Sequatchie County, Deaths
- Sevier County Death Records, 1881-1882
- Sevier County, Death Indexes
- Sevier County, Deaths
- Shelby County Births, Marriages, Deaths
- Shelby County Death Records and Index, 1848-1977
- Shelby County, Deaths
- Shelby County, Memphis, Board of Health Death Records, 1848-1913
- Smith County Death and Birth Records, 1881-1883
- Smith County Death Records 1914-1926
- Smith County Death Records, 1925-1935
- Smith County Vital Statistics Records, 1908-1912
- Smith County Vital Statistics; Birth, Death, 1881-1912
- Smith County, Deaths
- Spring Hill, United Methodist Church, Church Records, 1840-1945
- Stewart County Birth, Marriage, and Death Indexes
- Stewart County Vital Statistics, 1881-1912
- Stewart County, Deaths
- Sullivan County Deaths, 1881-1894; Births, 1881-1882, 1908-1912
- Sullivan County, Deaths
- Sumner County Death Indexes
- Sumner County Birth Record, 1908-1912; and Death Records, 1881
- Sumner County, Deaths
- Taft, Shiloh-Taft Methodist Episcopal Church, Church Register, 1837-1974
- Tennessee Death Records, 1914-1966
- Tennessee Deaths 1949-2014
- Tennessee Deaths and Burials, 1874-1955
- Tennessee, Death Records, 1914-1966
- Tennessee, Vital Records
- Tennessee, World War I American Expeditionary Forces, Deaths, 1917-1919
- Tennessee, Deaths (enumerator Record Series), 1908-1912
- Tipton County, Deaths
- Tipton County, Birth Records, 1881-1950; Death Records, 1930-1945, 1881-1950
- Trousdale County, Deaths
- Unicoi County, Deaths
- Union City, Deaths and Births 1869-1883, 1869-1883
- Union County, Deaths
- United States Deaths and Burials, 1867-1961
- United States Korean War Battle Deaths, 1950-1957
- United States Social Security Death Index
- United States, World War I American Expeditionary Forces Deaths, 1917-1919
- Van Buren County Vital Statistics; Births and Deaths, 1908-1911
- Van Buren County, Deaths
- Warren County Vital Statistics, 1881-1912; Births, 1881-1898, Deaths, 1908-1912
- Warren County, Deaths
- Wartburg, First Baptist Church, Church Records, 1892-1924
- Wartburg, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Church Records, 1810-1974
- Washington County, Buffalo Ridge Baptist Church, Church Minutes, 1827-1874
- Washington County, Deaths
- Wayne County Death Records
- Wayne County Vital Statistics (Deaths, 1881-1883 and 1908-1912; Births, 1908-1912) Reports from School Districts, 1881-1912
- Wayne County, Deaths
- Weakley County Births and Deaths, 1908-1912
- Weakley County, Deaths
- White County Records, 1809-1975
- White County Vital Statistics, 1881-1909
- White County, Death Indexes
- White County, Deaths
- White County, Mortality Schedule, 1850
- Williamson County Birth and Death Records 1881-1939
- Williamson County Births, and Deaths, 1881, 1908-1912
- Williamson County, Death Records
- Williamson County, Deaths
- Wilson County Birth Records, 1881-1882, 1908-1912, and Death Records, 1908-1912
- Wilson County, Death Indexes
- Wilson County, Deaths
- Yukon, Prosperity Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, Church Register, 1828-1974
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!