The Ancestor Hunt regularly adds and updates new collection links, as well as searches for and fixes broken links.
(This page's most recent update is December 2024)
Do you research school records? I’m not talking about yearbooks. Those can be found on the Yearbooks Page. I’m talking about actual school records, such as enrollment, attendance, and grade reports for example. These are interesting source documents because they might record the student’s age, birth date and location, and possibly their parents’ names. All great ways to find this information if you haven’t found them in other documents about your target ancestor. Besides, finding out your grandmother’s grades would be interesting!
The record collection links, listed below, feature school records from the state, and list collections of records that are available for free online.
If you wish to get educated with some basic information regarding what is available and how to navigate your research for school records, you can read these summaries:
- 5 Quick Tips to Get the Most Out of Education Records
- Top 10 Strategies for Finding School Records for Genealogy
- Getting Started With School Records for Genealogy Research
So, what types of records related to schools are maintained and often available?
- School Census
- School Catalogs
- Teacher’s Registers
- Attendance Records
- Report Cards
- Class Logs
- Teacher Rosters
- School Board Meetings/Reports
- Academic Team and Class Photos
- Local Newspaper Articles:
- Graduation Lists
- School Activities
- School Sports
- Student Newspapers
- Alumni Directories and Publications
- Yearbooks
- Yearbook Indexes
And, what types of information can you derive from these school records?
- Name (often includes a middle name which is useful).
- Age
- Physical Characteristics – color/race, disability.
- Birth Date
- Current Residence Address
- Name of Father
- Name of Mother
- Occupations of parents
- Grades
- Classes Taken
- Activities (from Photos)
- Date left school (can help with family residence relocation)
Below is a list of links to free online school record collections for the state;
Note: Some of the links go to sites with not much information and some go to sites with an extensive set of records.
Note: Some links listed take you to a FamilySearch Collection of digital images. Near the bottom of the page under Film/Digital Notes is the name of each sub-collection. If there is a camera icon at the right of the name (in the Format column) then the collections’ images are browsable. If there is a camera with a key icon, it is only available at a Family History Center or affiliated library. If there is a film reel icon, then it is only available in microfilm format, not digital. To take full advantage of this, please make sure that you are logged in to FamilySearch. The results may be different if you are signed in, rather than not.
Tennessee School Records
- Bedford County, School Board Minutes, 1921-1952
- Benton County Schools, Lists and Photos
- Benton County, Teachers and Schools
- Brainerd Mission School, Roll
- Carter County, Miscellaneous School Records
- Crockett County, School Accounts, 1888-1896
- DeKalb County School Lists and Photos
- Dickson County, Minutes of School Board, July 1918 – Jan. 1967
- Franklin County, Wilder’s Chapel Elementary School Teachers
- Gibson County, School Records, 1833-1931
- Grainger County, Common School Papers, 1833-1834
- Grainger County, School Census Records, 1946-1956
- Grundy County, Enumeration of Scholastic Population, 1876-1880
- Hamblen County, School District Records, 1873-1889
- Haywood County School Lists and Photos
- Houston County, Board of Education, Minutes, 1907-1967
- Humphreys County, Scholastic Record, 1885-1897
- Humphreys County, School Accounts, 1906-1915
- Jefferson County School Lists and Photos
- Jonesboro Educational Society, Society Records, 1885-1923
- Lake County Alumni Associations
- Lawrence County, Miscellaneous School Records
- Lewis County School Lists and Photos
- Lincoln County, Miscellaneous Histories of Churches and Schools
- Madison County, Vital Statistics from School Districts, 1908-1912
- Marshall County School Lists and Photos
- Maury Academy, Account Books, 1800s
- Maury County, School Census 1838 and 1842
- McNairy County. School Registers, 1921-1939
- Meigs County, Record of the Reports of Common Schools for 1838
- Memphis Tech High School – Class Rosters 1922-1987
- Memphis, Graduates of the Higbee School, 1869-1889
- Memphis, Graduates of the Higbee School, 1869-1889
- Middlefork Village, Henderson County, Big Springs School, 1873-1898
- Montgomery County, School Board Minutes, 1906-1967
- Moore County, Minutes of the School Board, 1929-1966
- Munfordville School Students 1913-1914
- Nashville Public Schools
- Obion County School Lists and Photos
- Polk County School Lists
- Rhea County, Common School Record, 1859-1867
- Robertson County, Scholastic Population Listing, 1839-1851
- Robertson County, School Board Minutes, 1907-1964
- Rutherford County, School Fund, 1870-1896, School Board Minutes, 1929-1960, and School Superintendent’s Correspondence Incoming and Outgoing, 1945-1947
- Scott County School Lists and Photos
- Scott County, FNB Chronicles Index
- Sequatchie County, School Records, 1871-1873
- Sevier County High School Graduates, 1922-1949
- Smith County School Pictures
- Smith County, Report of the Common School Commissioners, 1856-1876
- Smith County, School Board Minutes, 1914-1966
- Smith County, Silver Lake School; Trinity School and Church, Minutes of Trustees, 19 May 1871-8 October 1905
- Stewart County School Group Photos
- Stewart County, Board of Education, Minutes, 1907-1967
- Sumner County Scholastic Populations and School Photos
- Sumner County, School Board Minutes, 1938-1967
- Tennessee School for the Blind, History
- Tennessee, A History of Pioneer Women in Education
- Tennessee, Pioneer Preachers and Teachers
- Tennessee, Superintendent of Education, Records, 1865-1870
- Washington County, Boon’s Creek Academy, School Records, 1854-1881
- Weakley County School Lists and Photos
- White County, School Board Minutes, 1920-1967
- Williamson County, School Board Minutes 1936-1965; Report of Common School Commissioners, April, 1871-July, 1884
- Williamson County, School Census 1838-1939
- Wilson County, Report of Common School Commissioners, 1838-1851, 1923-1965
- Wilson County, School Census Records, 1888-1956
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!
3 replies on “Free Tennessee Online School Records”
When I follow the link for Scott county School lists and photos, I am taken to a page about Scott County but I do not see a link for the School records. Am I missing something? Thank you in advanxe
I’ll take a look at it. Thanks for bringing to my attention. Please give ma couple days.
If you go to the FNB Chronicles Link, there are a ton of school references. Apparently, the main page has changed and it no longer has a special section for School Records. Sorry.