For those of you who have ancestors/relatives from the Caribbean island countries, there are over 250 historical newspapers listed below that have been published over the last two hundred or so that may help you find some information and stories about them.
Listed are only those that are available online. As always, there are many more available via microfilm and in the original form via libraries and archives.
Please note that these are all free to search. Some are indexed, and some are not. You may see some duplicates – this is because the newspaper is provided on multiple online sites, so you may wish to search or browse each of the duplicates.
Antigua and Barbuda
- Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette.
- Leeward Islands Gazette
- Official newsletter of the Antigua and Barbuda High Commission
- Sun Weekend
- Aruba Esso News
- Aruba: Noticiero Oficial di Gobierno
- Aruba: Noticiero Oficial di Gobierno Insular
- Aruba: Organo di Servicio Informativo di Gobierno Insular
- Awe Mainta
- Vito
- Abaco Account
- Abaconian
- Bahama argus
- Bahama gazette
- Library informer
- Official gazette, Bahamas
- Tribune.Nassau, Bahamas.
- Barbados advocate
- Barbados Mercury, and Bridge-town Gazette
- Barbados Mercury, and Bridge-town Gazette
- Official gazette, Barbados
- Angelus
- Belize ag report
- e-bulletin
- Government gazette, British Honduras
- Independent reformer
- Insights Magazine
- STAR Newspaper
- Toledo Howler
- UB bulletin
- Bermuda Recorder
- Bermuda Times
- New era, or, Home journal.
- Royal Gazette
- Royal gazette and colonist daily.
- Royal gazette, Bermuda commercial and general advertiser and reco…
- The Mid-Ocean
- Workers Voice
British Virgin Islands
- Adelante
- Ahora!Holguín, Cuba
- Alma mater
- Ambito
- Arique, revista de poesia
- avance criollo.
- Biblioteca Digital Cubana historical Cuban newspapers from various sources – outstanding list of links
- Bohemia
- Carteles
- Cuba en Europa
- Cuba Review
- Daily Gazette
- Decree and proclamations.
- Diario de la Marina
- El amigo de los ninõs
- El curioso americano
- El moro muza
- El Negrito
- El Veterano
- Fragmentos: revista mensual
- Gitmo Gazette
- Gitmo Review
- Guantánamo Bay Gazette
- Guantanamo Daily Gazette
- Guantanamo Gazette
- Guantánamo gazette
- Horizontes del bibliotecario
- ImparcialHavana, Cuba
- Indian
- Juan Palomo
- Juventud
- La Charanga
- La edad de oro
- La ilustración cubana
- La última moda
- Lucha
- Noticias de hoy
- Patria
- Prensa libre
- Psiquis : revista mensual
- Renacimiento
- República Cubana
- Republique Cubaine
- Revista Cubana de Fisica
- Revista de Cayo Hueso
- Revista de la Asociación Femenina de Camagüey
- Revista de la Biblioteca Nacional
- Revista de las Antillas
- Rosendo : revista quincenal ilustrada
- Serranía
- Sierra maestra.
- Soñada
- Sport
- Sputnik
- Sputnik
- Sunday Supplement
- Teatro cubano
- The Havana Post
- Vanguardia
- Venceremos
- WireGuantánamo Bay, Cuba
- Amigoe di Curacao
- Amigoe di Curacao
- Amigoe di Curacao: weekly magazine for the Curacao islands
- The Curaçao current
Dominican Republic
- El Dominicano : Periodico Politico y Literario
- Listín diario
- Puro turismo
- Rebate
- Voz da religiao no Cariry
- Avenir
- Bulletin de la Croix Rouge Haitienne : publication mensuelle
- Conscience nationale
- Courrier d’Haiti
- drapeau
- Exposé général de la situation de la République d’Haïti
- Feuille du commerce
- Gazette Nationale ou Le Moniteur Universel, Port-au-Prince copy
- Globe
- Haïti en marche
- Haïti illustrée
- Haiti sun
- Indépendance.
- independant
- intérêt général
- La Union
- Le Civilisateur
- Le Matin
- L’echo d’Haiti
- L’oeuil
- L’Ordre
- L’Union
- Moniteur
- Nouvelliste
- Patriote
- Plaidoyer national
- Quotidien
- Raison
- république
- Réveil
- Revue des tribunaux
- Revue-express
- The Responder : Joint Task Force Haiti Newsletter
- Unite
- Voie
Honduras Bay Islands
- Abeng
- Arts Jamaica
- Backayard magazine
- Caribbean Quarterly
- Hotness! Newsletter
- Jamaica Journal
- Jamaica Times
- Jamaica Tourist
- Panache JamaicaPJM magazine
- Planters’ Punch
- StruggleKingston, Jamaica
- The Jamaica Outpost
- Antigua, Montserrat and Virgin Islands gazette.
- The Montserrat Observer (1 Sep 1956)
- The Montserrat Observer (3 Apr 1948)
- The Montserrat Standard (19 Mar 1952)
Netherlands Antilles
Panama Canal Zone
- El FaroBalboa, Panama
- News from … the Panama Canal
- Panama Canal Customer newsletter
- Panama Canal news
- Panama Canal spillway : el Canal de Panamá spillway
- Panama star & herald
- Spillway
- The Parrakeet
Puerto Rico
- Faro del Suroeste
- Isla Nena
- Pagina del Este
- IDentidad
- Live & life in Palmas
- La democracia
- La democracia
- Bosque Pluvial
- Gazeta de Puerto-Rico
- Gazeta de Puerto-Rico
- Gazeta de Puerto-Rico
- Sargasso
- Boletín mercantil de Puerto Rico
- Borinqueneers
- Claridad
- Correspondencia de Puerto Rico
- El Imparcial
- El Mundo
- El Mundo
- La correspondencia de Puerto Rico
- La Gaceta de Puerto Rico
- Presente Magazine
- Siempre Presente
- El Morro
- El Nuevo Vieques
- Página de Cheo
- The Vieques Times
- Periodicos Historicos de Puerto Rico
Saint Barthelemy
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Sint Eustatius
- Free Voice: independent weekly magazine for Suriname
- Staatsolie nieuws
- Suriname: colonial news and advertising magazine
- Surinamese news and advertising magazine
- The settler: newspaper dedicated to the interests of Suriname
- The Surinamese: news and advertising magazine
- The West: newspaper from and for Suriname
Trinidad and Tobago
- Caribbean belle
- Caribbean reef magazine
- Port of Spain gazette
- Tapia
- Trinidad and Tobago gazette.
- Trinidad Guardian
- Trinidad Guardian Reporting on Prime Minister, Dr. Eric Williams
- Tropic news
- UWI today
- West Indies gazette
Turks and Caicos Islands
U.S. Virgin Islands
- All at sea
- Danish West Indies Government Avis (1802- 1807)
- Danish West Indies Government Avis (1815-1843)
- Danish West Indies Government Extraordinair-Avis (1815)
- Lightbourn’s Mail-Notes (1884-1917)
- Sanct Thomæ Tidende ()816-1817)
- Sanct Thomæ Tidende (1815-1816)
- Sanct Thomæ Tidende (1817-1828)
- Sanct Thomæ Tidende (1828-1917)
- St. John tradewinds
- St.Croix Avis (1844-1917)
- St.Croix Avis (1844-current)
- The Bulletin, which includes the Saint Thomas Commercial and Shipping Gazette (1876-1935)
- The Danish West Indian (1900-1901)
- The Herald
- The Herald (1915-1925)
- The Old St.Croix Gazette (1813)
- The Royal Danish American Gazette (1770-1801)
- The Royal Danish American Gazette (1802)
- The Royal Saint Croix Gazette (1813-1815)
- The Saint Croix Bulletin (1885-1917)
- The Saint Thomas Gazette (1809-1815)
- The Saint Thomas Herald (1882-1884)
- The St.Croix Gazette (1801-1802)
- The St.Croix Gazette (1808-1813)
- Virgin Islands Daily News
- Virgin Islands Daily News (1930-1980)
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!
4 replies on “Historical Free Caribbean Newspapers Online”
This is an amazing resources that’s led me to some great discoveries. A couple of the USVI links of interest to me link to an archive that’s just Cuban newspapers. I’ve tried to figure out where the link should go but I’ve had no luck. Can you check the links to early Stl Thomas papers?
The first 2 or 3 in the list are correct. I think the Cuban site has changed since I first included the VI papers. I will have to do further research. Sorry.
Just found this link and haven’t been able to modify the Caribbean article yet.
Try this http://www2.statsbiblioteket.dk/mediestream/avis/list/doms_newspaperAuthority:uuid:46272a0e-0320-4b64-9d37-8fe6be52b988
Thanks! I’ll check it out. I appreciate what you’ve done here. It a huge help. I’m trying to do research on my St. Thomas ancestors but I’m living in SE Asia, so need to work online. This resource is invaluable!