(This page's most recent update is October 2024)
Massachusetts is one of the states that do not have a central online repository for searching historical newspapers. Several states use the Library of Congress Chronicling America site as their main central online site for searching old newspapers. A few have a central portal for many of the newspapers that have been digitized. The online newspaper titles are available from several different sites, many free, and many require a subscription. Below is a list of where the titles are stored and the link so that you can access them.
There are around 4,500 newspapers that have been published in the Bay State – not all of them are searchable online. But there are quite a few that are indeed available. So go for it – find your Massachusetts ancestors and all the interesting articles that capture the stories of their lives.
Please note that I have not always entered the dates that are included in the collections, as I suspect they will change as more items are digitized. Also, I suspect that some of these links may change over time – so if there is a dead link – please use your favorite search engine to find their new location.
(Recently added links are in BOLD)
Massachusetts Historical Newspapers
Free Sites:
Statewide Collections:
Chronicling America – Massachusetts
The Links for Chronicling America go to the new Version 2.0
- Cronaca Sovversiva (Barre, Vt.) 1903-1920
- Der Izraeliṭ = the Israelite (Providence, R.I.) 1895-189?
- Hartford-Springfield Chronicle (Springfield, Mass.) 1940-194?
- Lancaster Gazette (Lancaster, Mass.) 1828-1830
- Massachusetts Spy and Worcester Advertiser ([Worcester, Mass.]) 1823-1825
- Massachusetts Weekly Spy (Worcester [Mass.]) 1858-1882
- Morning Star (Limerick, Me.) 1826-1904
- Springfield Republican (Springfield, Mass.) 1838-1851
- Springfield Weekly Republican (Springfield, Mass.) 1851-1946
- The Boston Advance (Boston, Mass.) 1896-1907
- The Boston Courant (Boston, Mass.) 1890-19??
- The Daily Spy (Worcester [Mass.]) 1845-1850
- The Guardian (Boston, Mass.) 1901-1960
- The Liberator (Boston, Mass.) 1831-1865
- The Massachusetts Spy (Boston [Mass.]) 1770-1772
- The Massachusetts Spy (Worcester [Mass.]) 1821-1823
- The Massachusetts Spy (Worcester [Mass.]) 1831-1858
- The Massachusetts Spy, and Worcester County Advertiser ([Worcester, Mass.]) 1825-1831
- The Massachusetts Spy, Or, Thomas’s Boston Journal (Boston [Mass.]) 1772-1775
- The Worcester Spy (Worcester, Mass.) 1898-1904
- Thomas’s Massachusetts Spy, Or, Worcester Gazette (Worcester, Mass.) 1811-1821
- Worcester Daily Press (Worcester, Mass.) 1873-1878
- Worcester Daily Spy (Worcester [Mass.]) 1850-1888
- Worcester Morning Daily Spy (Worcester, Mass.) 1888-1898
Google News Archive
- Boston – Post-Gazette
- Boston – Daily Evening Transcript
- Boston – Boston Daily Evening Transcript
- Boston – Boston Evening Transcript
- Boston – The Real Paper
- Boston – Daily Evening Transcript
- Boston – The Boston Phoenix
- Edgartown – Vineyard Gazette
- Fall River – L’Echo du Canada
- Fall River – L’Independant
- Harvard – Other Stand
- Haverhill – Haverhill Museum
- Haverhill – Merrimack Intelligencer
- Holyoke – La Justice
- Lowell – L’Etoile
- New Bedford – New Bedford Mercury
- New Bedford – New Bedford Evening Journal
- Newton – Computer World
- Norton – The Hometown News
- Southbridge – The Southbridge Journal
- Springfield – Le Citoyen Franco-Americain
- Turner Falls – The Turners Falls Reporter
- Worcester – L’Etendard National
- Worcester – Le Travailleur
- Worchester F – L’Opinion Publique
County and Library Collections:
Barnstable County
Brooks Free Library Historical Newspapers
- Harwich Independent
- Harwich Oracle
- Central Cape Press
- Orleans Record
- Cape Cod Republican
- The Falmouth Enterprise
- Cape Cod Independent
- New Beacon
- Provincetown Advocate
- Provincetown Banner
- Provincetown Beacon
- Provincetown News
- Academy Breezes
- Cape Cod Advocate and Nautical Intelligencer
- Cape Cod Gazette
- Cape Cod News
- Casino Bulletin
- Sandwich Broadsider
- Sandwich Independent
- Sandwich Observer
- The Barnstable Press
- The Bourne Independent
- The Cotuit Citizen
- The Falmouth Journal
- The Hyannis Tribune
- The Independent
- The Osterville Times
- The Sagamore Herald
- The Sandwich Enterprise
- The Sandwich Independent
- The Sandwich Observer
- The Sandwich Review
- The Seaside Press
- The Village Broadsider
- The Wareham Courier
- The Weekly Review
Berkshire County
- Adams News And Transcript
- Hoosac Valley News And Transcript
- The Adams Freeman
- The Adams Transcript
- The North Adams Transcript
- The Weekly Transcript And Berkshire County Intelligencer
- Weekly Transcript
- Berkshire Gleaner
- Valley Gleaner
Bristol County
- The Attleboro Sun
- The Sun Chronicle
- Mansfield News
- Foxboro Times
- The Mansfield News and The Foxboro Times
- The Evening Chronicle
- Mansfield News
- Journal-News Independent
- Fall River Globe
- The Herald News
- Fall River Herald
- Fall River Herald and Evening News
- Fall River Herald News
- The Evening Herald
Essex County
Amesbury Public Library
- Amesbury Advocate
- Amesbury and Salisbury Villager
- Amesbury Daily
- Amesbury Daily News
- Amesbury Hospital Courier
- Amesbury News
- Amesbury Times
- Daily News
- Essex Transcript
- Leader
- Merrimac Valley Times
- Merrimac Valley Echo
- Morning Courier
- River Side Press
- Transcript
- Village Transcript
- Villager
- Weekly News
- Beverly Citizen
- Beverly Evening Times
- Saturday Morning Citizen
- Pennysaver
- Tri Town Transcript
- Tri Town Transcript and Pennysaver
- US News and World Report
- Tri Town Transcript
- US News and World Report
- Tri Town Transcript and Pennysaver
- Pennysaver
Gloucester Lyceum and Sawyer Free Library
- Gloucester Daily Times And Cape Ann Advertiser
- Gloucester Daily Times
- Columbian Centinel
- Ipswich Bulletin
- Ipswich Independent
- Ipswich Observer
- Ipswich Register
- Ipswich Today
- National Gazette And Literary Register
- The Ipswich Chronicle
- Today’s Magazine
- Daily Evening Item
- Beetle and Wedge
- Cape Ann Advertiser
- Manchester Cricket
- Manchester Cricket and Essex Echo
- Beetle and Wedge
- Cape Ann Advertiser
- Manchester Cricket
- Manchester Cricket and Essex Echo
- The Manchester Cricket
- The Methuen Transcript
- Methuen Transcript And Essex Farmer
- Methuen Life
- Marblehead Messenger
- Marblehead Reporter
- Reporter
- American Signal
- Boston Courier
- Boston Daily Bee
- Boston Gazette
- Comet
- Daily American Signal
- Daily Bee
- Daily Herald
- Essex Journal
- Essex Journal And Merrimack Packet
- Essex Journal And New Hampshire Packet
- Essex Journal And The Massachusetts And New Hampshire
- Essex Journal Or New Hampshire Packet
- Essex Journal Or The New Hampshire Packet
- Herald
- Herald Of The United States
- Herald Office
- Herald Office
- Impartial Herald
- Independent Chronicle And Boston
- Independent Whig
- Massachusetts Spy Or Worcester Gazette
- Morning Star
- New York Morning Post
- Newburyport Daily Herald
- Newburyport Daily News
- Newburyport Daily News and Newburyport Herald
- Newburyport Herald
- Newburyport Herald And Commercial Gazette
- Newburyport Herald And Country Gazette
- Newburyport Herald Commercial And Country Gazette
- Pennsylvania Packet And Daily Advertiser
- Political Gazette
- Salem Gazette
- Statesman
- Sun
- Thomas Massachusetts Spy Or Worcester Gazett
- The Daily News
Peabody Institute Library of Danvers
- Danvers Mirror
- Danvers Herald
Franklin County
Montague Public Library Digital Archives
- The Turners Falls Reporter
- Turners Falls Reporter
- Turners Falls Herald
- Orange Journal
- Orange Enterprise
- Enterprise and Journal
- Millers Falls News
- Orange Enterprise and Journal
Hampden County
Westfield Athenaeum Library
- Hampden County Leader
- The Valley Echo
- The Westfield Journal
- Times and News-Letter
- Western Hampden Leader
- Western Hampden Times
- Western Hampden Times and Westfield News-Letter
- Westfield Daily Journal
- Westfield Daily Times
- Westfield Evening Echo
- Westfield Evening Journal
- Westfield News Letter
- Westfield Times
- Wilbraham Hampden Times
- Times
Middlesex County
Acton Memorial Library
- Acton Beacon
- Acton Bedford Enterprise
- Acton Enterprise
- Acton Liberty Bell
- Assabet Valley Beacon
- Concord Enterprise
- Concord Maynard Enterprise
- The Acton Beacon
- The Beacon
- Groton Public Spirit
- Public Spirit
- The Public Spirit
- The Weekly Public Spirit
- Turners Public Spirit
- Nashoba Valley Voice
- Times Free Press
- Times Free Press Public Spirit
- The Weekly Town Crier
- Bedford Minute-Man
- Bedford Minute-Man and Bedford Times
- Bedford Bulletin
- Bedford Enterprise
- Bedford Minuteman
- The Telephone
- Lexington Independent
- Lexington Minute-Men
- Lexington Townsman
- Lexington Townsman And Lexington Times-Minute-Man
- The Lexington Patriot
- The Lexington Times
- The Lexington Times And Lexington Minute-Men
- North Reading Transcript
- Citizen
- Fence Viewer
- Lincoln Citizen
- Sudbury Citizen
- Sudbury Enterprise
- Sudbury Tab
- Sudbury Town Crier
- Sudbury Town Crier and Fence Viewer
- Sudbury Town Crier and Tab
- Wayland Citizen
- Hudson Daily Sun
- Hudson News Enterprise
- News Enterprise
- Hudson News-Enterprise
- Marlboro Daily Enterprise
- Enterprise Sun
- Feltonville Standard
- Marlboro Enterprise
- Marlboro Mirror-Journal
- The Hudson Daily Sun
- The Hudson Enterprise
- The Hudson News
- The Hudson News-Enterprise
- The Hudson Pioneer
- The Hudson Register
- The Marlboro Mirror
- The Maynard Journal
- The Minuteman Chronicle
- The Pioneer
- The Southboro Press
- The Stow Sentinel
- Eagle
- Westford Eagle
- Rustic
- Liberty Bell
- Beacon
- Fence Viewer
- Wakefield Daily Item
- Wakefield Citizen And Banner
- The Wakefield Citizen
- The Maynard News
- Maynard Enterprise
- The Assabet Valley Beacon
- Melrose Free Press
- Melrose Journal
- Melrose Record
- Melrose Weekly Visitor
- The Melrose Free Press
- The Melrose Reporter
- The Melrose Visitor
- Natick Bulletin
- Natick Bulletin and Tab
- Natick Suburban Press
- Natick Suburban Press and Recorder
- NewsWest
- Suburban Free Press and The County Recorder
- Suburban Press and Recorder
- The Bulletin Board
- The Natick Bulletin
- The Natick Bulletin and Natick Sun
- The Natick Citizen
- The Natick Herald
- The Natick Observer
- The Natick Sun
- The Natick Times
- Everett Evening News-Gazette
- Everett Leader-Herald
- Everett Leader-Herald And News Gazette
- The Everett Leader-Herald
- Daily Times Chronicle
- Reading Chronicle
- Reading Weekly News And Chronicle
- The Daily Times And Chronicle
- The Daily Times Chronicle
- The Reading Chronicle
- Middlesex Journal
- Arlington Advocate
- Arlington Daily News
- Arlington Enterprise
- Arlingtonian Herald
- Index to Arlington Advocate
- Index to Arlington Enterprise
- Index to Arlington News
- Middlesex Townsman
- The Arlington News
- The Arlington News The Arlington Press
- The Arlington Press
- The Arlingtonian
- Somerville Journal
- Somerville Community News
- Somerville Citizen
- Stoneham Independent
- Independent
- Holiday Independent
- Stoneham Daily Independent
- Stoneham Press
- Stoneham Ledger
- The Stoneham Independent
- Merrimack Valley Advertiser
- Scroll
- Tewksbury Advertiser
- Tewksbury Advocate
- Tewksbury Town Crier
- Times Advertiser
Norfolk County
Brookline Public Library
- The Chronicle
- Brookline Chronicle
- Brookline Independent
- Brookline News
- Brookline Transcript
- Brookline Tribune
- The Brookline Journal News
- The Brookline News
- The Brookline Press
- The Brookline Townsman
- The Suburban
- Brookline Chronicle Citizen
- Brookline Citizen
- Brookline Citizen and Brookline Press
- Brookline Press
- Brookline Citizen Journal
- Brookline Spy
- The Brookline Bulletin
- The Brookline Journal
- The Brookline Standard
- The Brookline Tab
Foxborough Historical Commission
- Foxboro Reporter
- Norfolk County Chronicle
- The Eagle and Flag
- The Foxboro Courier
- The Foxboro Gazette
- The Foxboro Times
- The Home Library
- The Salmagundi Journal
- The Foxboro Reporter
- Franklin Sentinel
- Franklin Register
- Advertiser and Review 1887 – 1894
- Norwood Advertiser 1894 – 1905
- Norwood Free Press 1937 – 1950
- Norfolk County Free Press 1950 – 1962
- Norfolk County Press 1962 – 1965
- Holbrook Sun
- Holbrook Times
- The Holbrook Sun
- Sharon Advocate
- Sharon Enterprise
- Sharon Item
- Sharon Ozone
- Sharon Sentinel
- Sharon Transcript
- The Sharon Advocate
- Times Advocate
- Stoughton Chronicle
- Stoughton News
- The Easton Journal
- The Stoughton News Sentinel
- The Stoughton Sentinel
- Canton Journal
- Stoughton Chronicle And News Sentinel
- Stoughton Journal
- Stoughton Record
Turner Free Library Digital Archive
- Randolph Herald
- Randolph Mariner
- The Townsman
Plymouth County
- Hingham Gazette
- Hingham Journal
- Hingham Journal And South Shore Advertiser
- Hingham Patriot
- Spunkville Chronicle
- The Hull Beacon
- Hull News Mirror
- Middleboro News
- Middleborough Gazette
- Namasket Gazette
- The Middleboro Gazette
- The Middleborough Gazette and Old Colony Advertiser
- Cohasset Cottager
- Marshfield Mail
- Mirror
- Scituate Herald
- Scituate Mariner
- Scituate Mirror
- Scituate Mirror Summer
- South of Boston
- South of Boston Mirror
- South Shore Mirror
- South Shore News
- South Shore Weekly Mirror
Suffolk County
Bunker Hill Community College
- Revere Journal
Worcester County
Beals Memorial Library
- Winchendon Courier
- The Winchendon Courier
- The Winchendon Journal
- The Times
- The Webster Times
- The Webster Weekly Times
- Webster Daily Times
- Webster Evening Times
- Webster Times
- North Brookfield Journal
- The Journal
- Leominster Daily Enterprise
- Leominster Enterprise
- Enterprise
- The Pioneer
- The Daily Sentinel and Leominster Enterprise
- American Optical News
- The Item
Andover Memorial Hall Library Historical Newspaper Collection (1853–1925)
- Andover Advertiser
- Andover Townsman
- Lawrence American
Belmont Public Library Historical Newspapers
- Belmont Bulletin Mar. 8, 1890 – Feb. 26, 1898
- Belmont Tribune Nov.14, 1902 – Apr. 14, 1916
- Belmont Courier Jan. 2, 1889 – Dec. 1, 1917
- Belmont Patriot Jan. 5, 1918 – Dec. 28, 1918
- Belmont Citizen Mar. 29, 1919 – Mar. 31, 1988
- Belmont Herald Jan. 5, 1945 – April 1, 1988
- Belmont Citizen Herald April 7, 1988 – 2015
Brookline Public Library Newspapers – (index only)
- Brookline Chronicle
- Brookline Chronicle-Citizen
- Brookline Citizen (1980s-1990s)
- Brookline Citizen (1930s-1950s)
- Brookline Citizen Journal
- Brookline Independent
- Brookline Journal
- Brookline Journal-News
- Brookline News (1880s)
- Brookline News (1930s)
- Brookline Press
- Brookline Spy
- Brookline Standard
- Brookline Suburban
- Brookline TAB
- Brookline Townsman
- Brookline Transcript
- Brookline Tribune
- Boston Globe
- Boston Herald-Traveler
- Boston Herald
- Brookline Magazine
- Our Town Brookline
Cambridge Public Library – Historic Cambridge Newspaper Collection
- Boston Herald American’s Cambridge Rambler
- The Cambridge Chronicle
- The Cambridge Express
- The Cambridge Press
- The Cambridge Sentinel
- The Cambridge Tab
- The Cambridge Tribune
- Fax
Concord Free Public Library – Cambridge Newspapers Up To the Civil War
- Middlesex Gazette May 4, 1816 – Sep. 1, 1821
- Middlesex Observer June 22, 1822 – June 14, 1823
- Concord Gazette & Middlesex Yeoman Nov. 29, 1823 – Feb. 25, 1826
- Yeoman’s Gazette Mar. 4, 1826 – Jul. 18, 1840
- The Republican July 24, 1840 – Aug. 6, 1841
- Concord Freeman Dec. 11, 1834 – Mar. 19, 1847
- The Sunbeam Sept. 27, 1839 – Nov. 15, 1839
- Middlesex Freeman Feb. 2, 1851 – Jul. 2, 1852
- The Monitor April 19, 1862 – June 21, 1862
Eldredge Public Library Chatham and Cape Cod Collection
- Chatham Monitor
- The Chatham Shopper News
- The Chatham News
- Lower Cape Cod Chronicle
- Cape Cod Chronicle
Nantucket Atheneum’s Digital Historic Newspaper Archive
- Nantucket Gazette: 1816-17
- Nantucket Commerce Gazette: 1816-17
- Nantucket Weekly Magazine: 1817-18
- Nantucket Journal: 1826-28
- The Islander: 1840-43
- Weekly Telegraph: 1843
- The Telegraph: 1843
- Daily Telegraph: 1843-44
- Morning Telegraph: 1844-45
- The Warder: 1846
- The Daily Warder: 1846
- Island Review: 1874-78
- Island Review: 1874-78
- Nantucket Journal: 1878-99
- The Daily Nantucket: 1889-99
- Nantucket Light: 1964-65
- Nantucket Inquirer: July 5, 1821 to Dec.29, 1847
- Nantucket Weekly Mirror: June 14, 1845 to March 1865
- Inquirer: Jan. 5, 1848 to June 29, 1855
- Nantucket Inquirer: July 6, 1855 to March 22, 1865
- The Inquirer and Mirror: April 1, 1865 to 2013
Student Collections:
Amherst College – Amherst
Assumption College – Worcester
Assumption High School – Worcester
Babson College – Wellesley
- Babson Free Press (Fall 1970 – 2015)
- Babson Globe News (Fall 1957 – Spring 1961)
- Babson Liberated Press (Fall 1969 – Spring 1970)
- The Exec (Fall 1961 – Spring 1965)
- The Executive (Fall 1965 – May 1969)
Bay Path University – Longmeadow
Bentley University – Waltham
Boston Latin School – Boston
Boston College – Boston
- 885
- AHANA collage
- Boston Pilot (1838-1857)
- C21 Resources
- Collage
- Inscape
- Irish Literary Supplement
- Jesuit, or, Catholic sentinel (1829-1831)
- Jesuit, or, Catholic sentinel (1834)
- Literary and Catholic Sentinel (1835)
- Pilot
- The Heights
- The Sacred Heart Review
- The Sisyphus Papers
- The Stylus
- United States Catholic Intelligencer (1831-1833)
Boston College Law School – Boston
Boston University – Boston
Brandeis University – Waltham
Bridgewater State Normal School – Bridgewater
Bridgewater State University – Bridgewater
Cape Cod Community College
Center School – Longmeadow
College of the Holy Cross – Worcester
Concord-Carlisle High School – Concord
Eastern Nazarene College – Quincy
Emerson College – Boston
Emmanuel College – Boston
Fitchburg State University – Fitchburg
- College Courier
- Cycle
- Gavel
- Hickory Stick
- Kampus Vue
- Point
- Rhetoric
- Shaft
- State Norma-lite
- Stick
- Strobe
- Th’cycle
- The Normal Record
- Twig
Framingham State University – Framingham
Gordon College – Wenham
Greenfield Community College – Greenfield
Harvard University – Cambridge
Lasell University – Newton
Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School – Sudbury
Lowell Textile/Technological Institute – Lowell
Malden High School – Malden
Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Cambridge
Massachusetts College of Optometry – Boston
Mount Holyoke College – South Hadley
Newton North High School – Newton
Northeastern University – Boston
Perkins School for the Blind – Watertown
Phillips Academy – Andover
Radcliffe College – Cambridge
- The Bay Tree – (1925-1926)
- Etc. – (1938-1942)
- Excerpts – (1974)
- From the Forum – (November 1977-June 1978)
- Make a Record for Radcliffe – (1921-1923)
- Radcliffe Culinary Times – (1991-2007)
- Radcliffe Daily – (1927-1932)
- Radcliffe News – (1914-1927)
- Radcliffe News – (1933:Oct.-1958: Oct.Gaps)
- Radcliffe News – (1989-2002)
- Radcliffe News Bulletin – (July-October 1944)
- Radcliffe news presents By-line – (1952-1955)
- Radcliffe News-Daily – (1932-1933)
- Radcliffe re-news – (1947-1961)
- Radcliffe Round-Up – (December 1935 – October 1941)
- Radcliffe Union of Students Newsletter – (March 1968-May 1970)
- Radcliffe: News from the College – (1961-1977)
- Rap-up – (1969)
- RGA Newsletter – (October 1962 – December 1967)
- Seventh Sister – (1977-1984)
- Signature (formerly Radditudes) – (1947-1950)
- The Crucible – (1911)
- The Radcliffe Promoter – (1952-1965)
Roxbury Community College – Boston
Smith College – Northampton
Springfield College – Springfield
Tufts University – Medford
University of Massachusetts – Amherst
- Aggie Life
- College Monthly
- College Signal
- Friday War Cry
- Massachusetts Collegian
- Razor Blade
- The Plague
University of Massachusetts – Lowell
Wayland High School – Wayland
Wellesley College – Wellesley
Wellesley High School – Wellesley
Westfield State University – Westfield
Williams College – Williamstown
Worcester Polytechnic Institute – Worcester
Miscellaneous Collections and Indexes:
Annotated Newspapers of Harbottle Dorr, Jr.
- Boston Chronicle
- Boston Evening-Post and supplements
- Boston Gazette, and Country Journal and supplements
- Boston Post-Boy & Advertiser
- Boston Weekly News-Letter
- Continental Journal and Weekly Advertiser
- Essex Gazette
- Massachusetts Gazette and supplements
- Massachusetts Gazette and Boston News-Letter
- Massachusetts Gazette and Boston Weekly News-Letter
- Massachusetts Gazette and Boston Post-Boy and Advertiser
- New-England Chronicle
- New-England Chronicle or, the Essex Gazette
Woburn Public Library Newspaper Indexes
- Grattan Echo Index, 1881-1882
- Guide-Post Index, 1847-1848
- Union Weekly Index, 1884
- Weekly Advertiser Index, 1846
- Woburn Citizen 1935-1936 Newspaper Index
- Woburn City Press Index, 1889-1891
- Woburn Daily City Press Index, 1891-1892
- Woburn Gazette Index, 1844-1846
- Woburn Telegram Index, 1914
- Woburn Townsman Index, 1864
- Woburn Weekly Budget Index, 1857-1863
- Woburn/Middlesex Journal Index, 1851-1913, A-D
- Woburn Advertiser Index, 1871-1888
- Woburn Daily Times Index, 1904-1980 non-consecutive, 1995-2014
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Newspapers 1933-1942
- Andover – Harold Parker Review (Company 110)
- Assonet – 110Th Co. Daily (Company 110)
- Assonet – 110Th Co. News (Company 110)
- Assonet – 110Th Review (Company 110)
- Assonet – Out-Guard (Company 105)
- Athol – Montachusett News (Company 120)
- Athol – Montachusett (Company 120)
- BaldwinVille – Axe And Quill (Company 167)
- BaldwinVille – Otter River News (Company 1102)
- Becket – Eagle (Company 120)
- Becket – October Mountain Eagle (Company 120)
- Becket – October Mountain Outlook (Company 125)
- Becket – Sawdust (Company 120)
- Brimfield – Screech Owl (Company 136)
- Charlemont – Mohawk Leader (Company 143)
- Charlemont – Tannery Bark (Company 143)
- Chester – Ink Crumbs (Company 113)
- East Otis – Vet (Company 372)
- Chester – Plutocrat (Company 113)
- Chester – Quarrytown Crier (Company 113)
- Fitchburg – Camp Sweepings (Company 197)
- Fitchburg – Notown Review (Company 197)
- Hawley – The Hawley Hawk (Company 114)
- Millers Falls – Aristocrat (Company 116)
- New Marlboro – Beaver (Company 196)
- North Adams – Florida Flyer (Company 143)
- North Reading – 167Th Company Times (Company 167)
- North Reading – Company 167 C.C.C. Times (Company 167)
- North Reading – Green Mountain Herald (Company 167)
- Palmer – Camp Courier (Company 173)
- Pittsfield – Esprit De Corps (Company 127)
- Pittsfield – Ghost Of Greylock (Company 107)
- Pittsfield – Greylock Tower (Company 107)
- Pittsfield – Lulu-Weekly Lampost (Company 127)
- Pittsfield – Mt. Grelock Flashes (Company 107)
- Pittsfield – Panorama (Company 107)
- Plymouth – Myles Standish News (Company 103)
- Plymouth – Puritan Gossip (Company 102)
- Savoy – Tannery Eagle (Company 128)
- South Lee – Beartown Call (Company 108)
- South Lee – Beartown Ccc C-All (Company 108)
- Spencer – Among The Pines (Company 198)
- West Granville – Ye Granville Mare (Company 114)
- Windsor Jambs – The Jamboreers (Company 115)
Independent Voices – Alternative Newspapers
- Alcheringa
- Amazon Quarterly
- Audience
- BDRG Newsletter
- Black Belt Woman
- Bring the Troops Home Now Newsletter
- Catharsis
- Fire Exit
- Free Fire Zone
- Lavender Vision
- Liberation News Service
- Modern Occasions
- Morning Report
- New England Military News
- No More Fun and Games
- Old Mole
- Origin
- Osawatomie
- Osiris
- Raw Truth, The
- Reservists Against War
- Resist
- Second Wave: A Magazine for the New Feminism
- Shell
- Sojourner
- Top Secret
- United Artists
Franklin County News Archive Index
Greater Lowell Newspaper Archive
- Lowell Courier
- Lowell Daily Courier
- Lowell Daily Journal and Courier
- Lowell Morning Courier
- Lowell Sun
- Lowell Patriot
- Lowell Free Press
- The Ashfield News
- The Brookfield Citizen
- Post-Gazette
- Vineyard Gazette
- La Gazetta Boston
- La Gazetta Del Massachusetts Boston
- Norton Hometown News Norton
- Norton Shopper Norton
Old Fulton Postcards
- Andover MA Advertiser
- Boston MA Christian Science Monitor
- Boston MA Hellenic Chronicle
- Boston MA Illustrated Police News
- Boston MA Liberator
- Boston MA Masonic Mirror
- Boston MA Pilot
- Boston MA Weekly Messenger
- Cambridge MA Chronicle
- Greenfield MA Daily Recorder
- Greenfield MA Franklyn Democrat
- Greenfield MA Franklyn Herald
- Greenfield MA Gazette
- Greenfield MA Recorder
- Lawrence MA Ameican
- Lawrence MA American
- Lowell MA Courier
- Newton MA Graphic
- Quincy MA Sun
- Weymouth MA Gazette
- Wiggins MA Enterprise
Portuguese American Digital Newspaper Collections
- Diario de Noticias
- O Colonial
- O Heraldo Portuguez
Digital Commonwealth Newspaper Clippings
James Michael Curley Notebook Collection – clippings
For Obituary Indexes, transcriptions, and other death/obituary information from historical newspapers, please check out the Obituaries page.
Other Free Sites:
- American Traveller
- Amerikas Westnesis
- Avatar
- Banner of the Church
- Boston Gazette and Country Journal
- Boston Globe Archives
- Boston Irish Reporter
- Boston Post
- Christian Register
- Colored American Magazine
- Congregationalist
- Courier de Boston
- Crux – 2014-present
- Der Emes̀ – דער אמת (בוסטון)
- Der Idisher zshurnal – דער אידישער זשורנאל
- Di Bosṭoner idishe shṭime – דיא באָסטאָנער אידישע שטימע
- East Boston Community News
- Excelsior
- Fatat Boston
- Gazzetta del Massachusetts
- Il Moscone
- Illustrated Police News
- Independent Chronicle & Boston Patriot
- Jewish Times
- Jingo
- Liberator
- Liberator
- Liberator
- New England Palladium 1803, 1812
- New England Palladium and Commercial Advertiser
- Publick Occurences
- Remonstrance Against Woman Suffrage
- Repertory and General Advertiser
- Repertory
- Sheet Anchor
- Sheet Anchor
- Freedmen’s Record
- The Gleaner
- The Guardian
- The Irish Echo
- The Repertory
- The Watchman
- Worker
Chestnut Hill
East Cambridge
Franklin County
New Bedford
South Hadley
Subscription or Pay Sites:
There are currently 38 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Ancestry – Massachusetts Newspapers
Genealogy Bank:
There are currently 727 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Genealogy Bank – Massachusetts Newspapers
Newspaper Archive:
There are currently 90 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspaper Archive – Massachusetts
There are currently 52 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspapers.com – Massachusetts
And Finally:
You also need to check out the Boston Public Library site, which can tell you what is happening in the state with regard to the newspapers that have been digitized and are becoming available via microfilm or online. Also, they have a catalog of all newspapers in microfilm or original form that can be accessed.
Please note – even more may be available via a local library where a library card is required. And of course, there is always microfilm for those that have not been made available online as yet.
For more links for different states, provinces, and countries – please see the Newspaper Links page on this website.
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!
15 replies on “Massachusetts Online Historical Newspapers Summary”
Read your blog regularly and use the links you provide to look for stories about SHACKFORDs. Today I found a new link by accident that you may want to add to your list.
The Chicopee Public Library Archives
has digital searchable copies of the Chicopee Weekly Journal. Learned that Samuel A Shackford was elected town moderator in 1864!
Oops – Samuel A Shackford was elected in 1854.
Your link to the Googlenews, Boston Globe archives, doesn’t work.
New Bedford Public Library would help me with articles from the NB Journal except that their microfilm copies for the dates I am seeking are no good. I was referred to the BPL who told me that the
Boston Public Library is NOT for people who do not live there. They have a lot of resources that are not on the internet but you have to be able to travel to BPL and look them up yourself.
Mrs. L
While it is true that the BPL does not offer all it’s databases online for home use, any person who lives in Massachusetts can get a librarycard and use the databases they do offer. You do have to go in person one time to get it.
It is not clear from your message if you live in Massachusetts, but I thought I would mention it.
If you have the exact date of an obituary, you may be able to obtain it from them through “ask a librarian”
You can apply for a Boston Public Library card, a regular or the e-card version as long as your a Massachusetts resident. Even if you didn’t want to get a card; and Im not sure why you wouldn’t;t, you can get a researchers pass for the day. Its an amazing library, anyone that is lucky enough to live close to it is very lucky.
I also got a few New Bedford papers from the BPL that I couldn’t get at the New Bedford Public Library.It is sad that their newspaper collection isn’t being digitized. The clock is ticking and a lot of it is going to be lost.
This is an excellent site, I maybe able to get more info on the Chace/Chase Families. Thank you
What an incredibly helpful list, and so far I’ve only explored Mass. and Rhode Island. FYI, your Lawrence MA American links are the same, but the second URL should read “American” toward the end, where the first one has a typo (Fulton’s typo).
Hi, Kenneth. I have a newspaper clipping of an article about a family member and have been trying to locate the source online. From the event described, I know the date will be spring 1961, probably April. Based on the telephone exchange in ads on the back of the clipping and the residence of the person at the time, I suspect the clipping appeared in the Billerica Minuteman (MA). I’ve searched all the free and major newspaper subscription sites I can think of, including the Boston and Billerica Public Libraries and NEHGS, with no luck. I have a friend in the area who can do some local exploring, and I can contact the newspaper to find out where I might find the papers from that period, but I’m wondering if you have looked into this newspaper and have any suggestions. One thing I haven’t tried is a Google Images search. Thanks!
It appears the link for the Boston Public Library Microtext page has changed. Is this the one you wanted to post?
Thanks Rob, but I don’t know which one is the bad one. Could you please point out the broken link?
Thank you so much for this site and continuing to update it. Because Massachusetts newspapers are not (yet?? why not??) part of the Library of Congress Chronicling America site, I was looking elsewhere. That the best compendium is a private effort is a great credit to you.
I am a reference librarian at the Boston Public Library, and I discovered this excellent website. As Rob Gumlaw notes, the link on this website to the Boston Public Library is dead (website redesign along with a reorganization of services.) You may want to use https://guides.bpl.org/newspapers for the link to the BPL, as it will give people access to what we have on microfilm and other media.
Several newspapers are available here, for the Springfield Mass area: https://masslive.newsbank.com/
Unfortunately, these are not free unless one is accessing the database for Newsbank in the library.
Your work is really good and I appreciate this information. I forever prefer to read quality and glad I found this thing in your post. Thank you for the comprehensive article.