(This page's most recent update is September 2024)
North Dakota is one of the states that does not have a single central online state repository for searching historical newspapers, but they use the Library of Congress Chronicling America site as their main site for searching old newspapers. There are many free online newspapers on other sites and collections available on subscription sites. Below is a list of where the titles are stored and the link so that you can access them.
There are almost 1,500 newspapers that have been published in the Peace Garden State – certainly not all of them are searchable online. But there are several that are indeed available. So go for it – find your North Dakota ancestors and all the interesting articles that capture the stories of their lives.
Please note that I have not always entered the dates that are included in the collections, as I suspect they will change as more items are digitized. Also, I suspect that some of these links may change over time – so if there is a dead link – please use your favorite search engine to find their new location.
(Recently added links are in BOLD)
North Dakota Historical Newspapers
Free Sites:
Statewide Collections:
Chronicling America – North Dakota
Note: The Links for Chronicling America go to the new Version 2.0
- Bismarck Daily Tribune (Bismarck, Dakota [N.D.]) 1881-1916
- Bismarck Tribune (Bismarck, D.T. [N.D.]) 1878-1884
- Bismarck Tri-Weekly Tribune (Bismarck, D.T. [N.D.]) 1875-1881
- Bismarck Weekly Tribune (Bismarck, D.T. [N.D.]) 1875-1878
- Bismarck Weekly Tribune (Bismarck, Dakota [N.D.]) 1884-1943
- Cavalier County Farmers Press (Langdon, N.D.) 1920-1921
- Cooperstown Courier (Cooperstown, Griggs Co., Dak. [N.D.]) 1883-1884
- Courier Democrat (Langdon, N.D.) 1891-1920
- Der Staats=anzeiger (Rugby, N.D.) 1906-Current
- Devils Lake Inter-Ocean (Devils Lake, N.D.) 1909-1915
- Devils Lake Inter-Ocean (Devils Lake, Ramsey Co., Dakota [N.D.]) 1884-1905
- Devils Lake Inter-Ocean and Devils Lake Free Press (Devils Lake, Ramsey County, N.D.) 1905-1909
- Devils Lake Weekly World (Devils Lake, N.D.) 1911-1914
- Devils Lake World (Devils Lake, N.D.) 1914-1915
- Emmons County Record (Williamsport, D.T. [i.e. N.D.]) 1884-Current
- Golden Valley Chronicle (Beach, Billings County, N.D.) 1905-1916
- Grand Forks Daily Herald (Grand Forks, N.D.) 1914-1916
- Grand Forks Daily Herald and the Evening Times (Grand Forks, N.D.) 1914-1914
- Grand Forks Herald (Grand Forks, N.D.) 1916-1955
- Griggs County Courier (Cooperstown, Griggs Co., Dak. [N.D.]) 1885-1885
- Griggs Courier (Cooperstown, Griggs Co., Dak. [N.D.]) 1885-1902
- Jamestown Alert (Jamestown, Stutsman County, D.T. [N.D.]) 1878-1882
- Jamestown Weekly Alert (Jamestown, Stutsman County, D.T. [N.D.]) 1882-1925
- Oakes Republican (Oakes, N.D.) 1898-1906
- Oakes Weekly Republican (Oakes, Dickey County, D.T. [i.e. N.D.]) 1883-1898
- Sioux County Pioneer (Fort Yates, Sioux County, N.D.) 1914-1929
- The Bad Lands Cow Boy (Little Missouri, Dakota [i.e. N.D.]) 1884-1886
- The Bismarck Tribune (Bismarck, D.T. [N.D.]) 1873-1875
- The Bismarck Tribune (Bismarck, N.D.) 1916-Current
- The Bottineau Courant (Bottineau, Bottineau County, N.D.) 1895-1929
- The Bottineau Pioneer (Bottineau, N.D.) 1885-1895
- The Bowbells Tribune (Bowbells, Ward Co., N.D.) 1899-1969
- The Cooperstown Courier (Cooperstown, Griggs Co., N.D.) 1902-1913
- The Devils Lake World (Devils Lake, N.D.) 1911-1911
- The Devils Lake World (Devils Lake, N.D.) 1920-1982
- The Devils Lake World and Inter-Ocean (Devils Lake, N.D.) 1915-1920
- The Dickinson Press (Dickinson, Stark County, D.T. [i.e. N.D.]) 1883-1927
- The Evening Times (Grand Forks, N.D.) 1906-1914
- The Fargo Forum and Daily Republican (Fargo, N.D.) 1894-1957
- The Hope Pioneer (Hope, N.D.) 1882-1964
- The Nonpartisan Leader (Fargo, N.D.) 1915-1921
- The Oakes Times (Oakes, N.D.) 1906-Current
- The Pioneer Express (Pembina, Dakota [N.D.]) 1883-1928
- The State-Line Herald (North Lemmon, Adams County, N.D.) 1907-1912
- The Wahpeton Times (Wahpeton, Richland County, Dakota [N.D.]) 1879-1919
- The Ward County Independent (Minot, Ward County, N.D.) 1902-1965
- The Washburn Leader (Washburn, McLean County, N.D.) 1890-1986
- The Weekly Times-Record (Valley City, N.D.) 1912-1922
- Williston Graphic (Williston, Williams County, N.D.) 1895-1919
Google News Archive
- Beach – Golden Valley News
- Drayton – Valley News & Views
- Ellendale – Dickey County Leader
- Lake Metigoshe – Lake Metigoshe Mirror
- Medora – The Billings County Pioneer
- New Salem – The New Salem Journal
- Oakes – The Oakes Times
- Park River – Walsh County Press
- Rolla – Turtle Mountain Star
- Towner – Mouse River Farmers Press
- Towner – Mouse River Journal
- Wilmot – Wilmot Enterprise
- Abercrombie Sentinel
- Alkabo Gazette
- Ambrose Herald
- Ambrose Newsman
- Ambrose Tribune
- Barnes County Populist
- Beacon
- Benson County Farmers Press
- Beulah Beacon
- Beulah Independent
- Beulah News
- Beulah Newspaper
- Bishop Ryan Catholic Schools
- Bismarck State College Student Newspaper
- Bottineau County News
- Bottineau Courant
- Cando Record
- Carrington Weekly Independent
- Census
- Cogswell Enterprise
- Columbus Reporter
- Congregational Messenger
- Crosby Diamond Jubilee 1904-1979
- Crosby Eagle
- Crosby Review
- Daily News And Times
- Daily Ward County Reporter
- Dawson Press
- De Lamere News
- Devils Lake Daily Journal
- Devils Lake News
- Dickey County Leader
- Dickey County Leader and Ellendale Commercial
- Dickinson Daily News
- Divide County Farmers Press
- Divide County Farmers Press and Crosby Review
- Divide County History
- Divide County Journal
- Dogden News
- Ellendale Commercial
- Farmer’s Weekly Optic
- Flasher Hustler
- Flasher Tribune
- Folkets Avis
- Fort Abercrombie Scout
- Fortuna Leader
- Foster County Independent
- Gascoyne Advance
- Glen Ullin Advocate
- Grand Forks Herald
- Grand Forks Plaindealer
- Grand Forks Republican And Northwest News
- Grand Forks Weekly Plaindealer
- Grand Rapids Journal
- Harvey Herald
- Hatton Free Press
- Havana Record
- Hettinger County Herald
- Hillsboro Banner
- Hudson Herald
- Independent Reporter
- Jim River Journal
- Journal
- Kermit News
- Kermit Republican
- Kibby Pioneer
- Kidder County Republican
- Lake Metigoshe Mirror
- Lamoure County Chronicle
- Larimore Leader
- Larimore Pioneer
- Mandan Daily Times
- McClusky Gazette
- McIntosh County Democrat
- McIntosh Republican
- McLean County Gazette
- Medina Star
- Minot Daily Optic Reporter
- Minot Daily Reporter
- Minot High School
- Minot High School Supplement
- Minot Weekly Optic Reporter
- Mott Pioneer Press
- Mouse River Journal
- Nelson County Capital
- New Rockford Transcript
- New Town News and Sanish Sentinel
- Noonan Miner
- Noonan Republican
- North Dakota Farmer
- North Dakota Globe
- North Dakota Independent
- North Dakota Record
- North Dakota Review
- North Dakota State Journal
- North Dakota Volunteer
- North Dakota Workman
- Oakes Independent
- Oakes Republican
- Oakes Times
- Oakes Weekly Republican
- Oriska News
- Park River Republican And Adams Enterprise
- Pierce County Post
- Protection And Reciprocity
- Ramsey County Courier
- Ranson City Pilot
- Richland County Farmer
- Richland County Farmer Globe
- Richland County Gazette
- Sanish Sentinel
- Sargeant County Teller
- Sargent County Sentinel
- Sargent County Teller
- Sentry
- Stady Leader
- Standard
- Standing Rock Star
- Stark County Herald
- Steele County Progress
- Steele Herald
- Steele Weekly Herald
- Stirum Citizen
- Stutsman County Pioneer
- Sykeston News
- Sykeston Tribune
- The Advertiser
- The Barlow Enterprise
- The Bisbee Republican
- The Bottineau Courant And Bottineau County Herald
- The Burlington Reporter
- The Campaigner
- The Carrington News
- The Carrington Record
- The Cathay Bee
- The Cayuga Citizen
- The Citizen
- The Congregational Messenger
- The Daily Courier
- The Daily News
- The Dawson Press
- The Dawson Standard
- The Dawson Times
- The Dawson Times And Standard
- The De Lamere Mistletoe
- The Donnybrook Mirror
- The Edgeley Sentinel
- The Energy Sun
- The Erderlin Journal
- The Evening Times Record
- The Farmer Globe
- The Farmers Sentinel
- The Farmers Sentinel And Forbes Republican
- The Farmers Sentinel And Oakes Journal
- The Fessenden Advertiser
- The Forbes Republican
- The Forbes Republican And Forbes Tribune
- The Forbes Republican And Tribune
- The Forbes Tribune
- The Forman Independent-News
- The Forman News
- The Fort Abercrombie Scout
- The Foster County Independent
- The Free Press
- The Fullerton Farmer
- The Fullerton Independent
- The Glenburn News
- The Globe Gazette
- The Grace City Gazette
- The Grace City Journal
- The Graphic
- The Haley Record
- The Harvey Advertiser
- The Harvey Herald
- The Havana Herald
- The Havana Union
- The Havelock Journal
- The Herald
- The Independent Dakotan
- The Independent Press
- The Inkster Review
- The Item
- The Journal
- The Kensal Journal And North Dakota State Journal
- The Kensal Progress
- The Kensal Times
- The Keystone Commercial
- The Langdon Times
- The Little Missourian
- The Ludden Times
- The Maddock Standard
- The Magic City Sun
- The McHenry Tribune
- The Medina Citizen
- The Medina Star
- The Mercury
- The Merricourt Valley News
- The Messenger
- The Minot Daily News
- The Minot Daily News And Daily Optic Reporter
- The Minot Daily News And Minot Daily Optic Reporter
- The Minot Daily Optic
- The Minot Journal
- The Minot Mirror
- The Minot Optic
- The Minot Weekly Optic
- The Monango Journal
- The New Rockford State Center
- The North Dakota Presbyter
- The North Dakota Standard
- The Oakes Journal
- The Oakes Times
- The Park River News
- The Peoples Herald
- The Pettibone Spectator
- The Pierce County Globe
- The Pierce County Tribune
- The Pierce County Tribune And Rugby Optimist
- The Port Emma Times
- The Prairie Press
- The Progressive Democrat
- The Ray Recorder
- The Regent Times
- The Rolette Record
- The Rutland Leader
- The Sargent County Independent
- The Sargent County News
- The Sentry
- The Sheyenne Blizzard
- The Socialist Advocate
- The Standard
- The Steele Herald
- The Steele Ozone
- The Sun
- The Sunbeam
- The Tioga Gazette
- The Transcript New Era
- The Wahpeton Times
- The Ward County Independent
- The Weekly X-Rays
- The Wells County News
- The Western Call And Reeder Times
- The Williams County Press
- The Williston Tribune
- The Wishek News
- The Woodworth Rustler
- Tioga Tribune
- Towner County Record Herald
- Traill County Times
- Traill County Tribune
- Valley City Daily Reminder
- Valley City Reminder
- Wahpeton Gazette
- Wahpeton Globe
- Wahpeton-Breckenridge Daily News
- Ward County Independent
- Ward County Reporter
- Ward County Reporter And The Minot Journal
- Wells County Gazette
- Westby News
- Westhope Standard
- Wildrose Courant
- Wildrose Mixer
- Wildrose Plainsman
- Williams County Banner
- Williams County Leader
- Williams County Mixer
- Williams County Plainsman
- Williams County Plainsman and Paddington Journal
- Willow Lake Wave
- Wishek News
- Wisheker Nachrichten
- Wochentlicker Volks-Herald
County and Library Collections:
Bottineau County
- Bottineau Courant
- Standard
- The Bottineau Courant And Bottineau County Herald
- The Western Call And Reeder Times
- Westhope Standard
- The Standard
Dickey County
Dickey County Historical Society
- Dickey County Leader
- Ellendale Commercial
- Grand Rapids Journal
- Hudson Herald
- Jim River Journal
- Mandan Daily Times
- McIntosh Republican
- North Dakota News
- Oakes Independent
- Oakes Republican
- Oakes Times
- Oakes Weekly Republican
- Protection And Reciprocity
- Standing Rock Star
- The Edgeley Sentinel
- The Enderlin Journal
- The Farmers Sentinel
- The Farmers Sentinel And Forbes Republican
- The Farmers Sentinel And Oakes Journal
- The Forbes Republican
- The Forbes Republican And Forbes Tribune
- The Forbes Republican And Tribune
- The Forbes Tribune
- The Fullerton Farmer
- The Fullerton Independent
- The Keystone Commercial
- The Little Missourian
- The Ludden Times
- The Merricourt Valley News
- The Monango Journal
- The Oakes Journal
- The Oakes Times
- The Port Emma Times
- Dickey County Leader and Ellendale Commercial
- North Dakota Record
- Dickey County Leader
Divide County
- Alkabo Gazette
- Ambrose Herald
- Ambrose Newsman
- Ambrose Tribune
- Census
- Columbus Reporter
- Crosby Eagle
- Crosby Review
- Divide County Farmers Press
- Divide County Farmers Press and Crosby Review
- Divide County Journal
- Fortuna Leader
- Foster County Independent
- Journal
- Kermit News
- Kermit Republican
- Mouse River Journal
- Noonan Miner
- Noonan Republican
- Stady Leader
- Westby News
- Wildrose Courant
- Wildrose Mixer
- Wildrose Plainsman
- Williams County Leader
- Williams County Mixer
- Williams County Plainsman
- Williams County Plainsman and Paddington Journal
- Willow Lake Wave
Foster County
- Carrington Weekly Independent
- Daily News And Times
- Devils Lake News
- Folkets Avis
- Foster County Independent
- Grand Forks Herald
- Grand Forks Plaindealer
- Grand Forks Republican And Northwest News
- Grand Forks Weekly Plaindealer
- Harvey Herald
- Larimore Leader
- Nelson County Capital
- North Dakota Independent
- North Dakota Review
- North Dakota State Journal
- North Dakota Volunteer
- North Dakota Workman
- Park River Republican And Adams Enterprise
- Pierce County Post
- Ramsey County Courier
- Steele County Progress
- Stutsman County Pioneer
- Sykeston News
- Sykeston Tribune
- The Barlow Enterprise
- The Burlington Reporter
- The Carrington News
- The Carrington Record
- The Cathay Bee
- The Citizen
- The Daily Courier
- The Donnybrook Mirror
- The Energy Sun
- The Fessenden Advertiser
- The Foster County Independent
- The Free Press
- The Glenburn News
- The Grace City Gazette
- The Grace City Journal
- The Graphic
- The Harvey Advertiser
- The Harvey Herald
- The Independent Dakotan
- The Kensal Journal And North Dakota State Journal
- The Kensal Progress
- The Kensal Times
- The Langdon Times
- The Maddock Standard
- The Magic City Sun
- The McHenry Tribune
- The Minot Journal
- The Minot Optic
- The New Rockford State Center
- The North Dakota Presbyter
- The Park River News
- The Pettibone Spectator
- The Progressive Democrat
- The Sheyenne Blizzard
- The Socialist Advocate
- The Weekly X-Rays
- The Wells County News
- The Williams County Press
- The Williston Tribune
- The Woodworth Rustler
- Traill County Times
- Ward County Reporter
- Wells County Gazette
- Williams County Banner
Morton County
- Flasher Hustler
- Flasher Tribune
- Dogden News
Mountrail County
- New Town News and Sanish Sentinel
- Sanish Sentinel
Pierce County
- The Pierce County Globe
- The Pierce County Tribune
- The Pierce County Tribune And Rugby Optimist
Richland County
- Abercrombie Sentinel
- Devils Lake Daily Journal
- Fort Abercrombie Scout
- North Dakota Globe
- Richland County Farmer
- Richland County Farmer Globe
- Richland County Gazette
- The Daily News
- The Farmer Globe
- The Globe Gazette
- The Independent Press
- The Medina Citizen
- The Mercury
- The Regent Times
- The Rolette Record
- The Wahpeton Times
- Wahpeton Gazette
- Wahpeton Globe
- Wahpeton-Breckenridge Daily News
Sargent County
- Cogswell Enterprise
- De Lamere News
- Havana Record
- Independent Reporter
- Sargeant County Teller
- Sargent County Sentinel
- Sargent County Teller
- Stirum Citizen
- The Cayuga Citizen
- The De Lamere Mistletoe
- The Forman Independent-News
- The Forman News
- The Havana Herald
- The Havana Union
- The Item
- The Prairie Press
- The Rutland Leader
- The Sargent County Independent
- The Sargent County News
Traill County
- Hillsboro Banner
- Traill County Banner
- Hatton Free Press
Ward County
- Bishop Ryan Catholic Schools
- Daily Ward County Reporter
- Farmer’s Weekly Optic
- Minot Daily Optic-Reporter
- Minot Daily Reporter
- Minot High School
- Minot High School Supplement
- Minot Weekly Optic-Reporter
- The Burlington Reporter
- The Campaigner
- The Minot Daily News
- The Minot Daily News And Daily Optic Reporter
- The Minot Daily News And Minot Daily Optic Reporter
- The Minot Daily Optic
- The Minot Journal
- The Minot Mirror
- The Minot Optic
- The Minot Weekly Optic
- The Ward County Independent
- Ward County Reporter
- Ward County Reporter And The Minot Journal
Williams County
- Tioga Tribune
- The Tioga Gazette
- The Ray Recorder
Student Collections:
Bismarck State College – Bismarck
Dickinson State University – Dickinson
Ellendale High School – Ellendale
Lake Region State College – Devils Lake
Minot State University – Minot
North Dakota State University – Fargo
- Spectrum (current issues archive)
- The Spectrum Index (Index only)
- The Spectrum Archives
- It’s Happening at State, 1967-1998
- Bison Briefs, 1917 – Present (index only)
University of Jamestown – Jamestown
University of North Dakota – Grand Forks
Valley City State University – Valley City
Miscellaneous Collections and Indexes:
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Newspapers 1933-1941
- Bismark – Golden Chevron (Company 4750)
- Lakota – C.C.C. Issue (Company 2760)
- Medora – Badlands Newsette (Company 2767)
- Trenton – Reclamation Review (Company 2772)
- Watford City – Badlander (Company 2772)
- Watford City – Camp News (Company 2772)
Independent Voices – Alternative Newspapers
- My Knot
- The Billings County Pioneer Beach, North Dakota
- The Dickey County Leader Ellendale, North Dakota
- Golden Valley News Beach, North Dakota
- Lake Metigoshe Mirror Bottineau, North Dakota
- Mouse River Journal Towner, North Dakota
- The New Salem Journal New Salem, North Dakota
- The Oakes Times Oakes, North Dakota
- Turtle Mountain Star Rolla, North Dakota
- Valley News and Views Drayton, North Dakota
- Walsh County Press Park River, North Dakota
For Obituary Indexes, transcriptions, and other death/obituary information from historical newspapers, please check out the Obituaries page.
Other Free Sites:
- Catholic New Earth
- Fargo Forum Newspaper Index, 1879-1995 (Index only)
- Nonpartisan Leader
- The Record, 1895-1905
- North Dakota Farmer
Fort Totten
Fort Union
Subscription or Pay Sites:
There are currently 22 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Ancestry – North Dakota Newspapers
Genealogy Bank:
There are currently 84 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Genealogy Bank – North Dakota Newspapers
Newspaper Archive:
There are currently 46 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspaper Archive – North Dakota
There are currently 36 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspapers.com – North Dakota.
And Finally:
You also need to visit the State Historical Society site from time to time, which can tell you what is occurring in the state with regard to online newspaper availability. There are also other useful newspaper-related resources on that site.
Please note – even more may be available via a local or state library where a library card is required. And of course, there is always microfilm for those that have not been made available online as yet.
For more links for different states, provinces, and countries – please see the Newspaper Links page on this website.
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!
2 replies on “North Dakota Online Historical Newspapers Summary”
Would love to see some more and also “North Dakota Territories” if that is possible. My great Grandfather was Johan Mikkal Herberg and he and his wife were among the first settlers of Fargo. In fact, my great Grandfathers log house that he built is in Bonanzaville, attributed to the Hector family but it is not theirs.
Great list of resources. Thanks for updating it recently.