(This page's most recent update is March 2025)
Delaware is one of the states that does not have a single central online state repository for historical newspapers, but they use the Library of Congress Chronicling America site as their main site for searching old newspapers. There are a few free online newspapers on other sites and collections available on subscription sites. Below is a list of where the titles are stored and the link so that you can access them.
There are about 300 newspapers that have been published in The First State – certainly, not all of them are searchable online. But there are several that are indeed available. So go for it – find your Delaware ancestors and all the interesting articles that capture the stories of their lives.
Please note that I have not always entered the dates that are included in the collections, as I suspect they will change as more items are digitized. Also, I suspect that some of these links may change over time – so if there is a dead link – please use your favorite search engine to find their new location.
(Recently added links are in BOLD)
Delaware Historical Newspapers
Free Sites:
Statewide Collections:
Chronicling America: Delaware Newspapers
The Links for Chronicling America go to the new Version 2.0
- American Watchman (Wilmington, Del.) 1814-1822
- American Watchman and Delaware Advertiser (Wilmington, Del.) 1809-1828 [Microfilm Reel]
- Blue Hens Chicken & Delaware Democratic Whig (Wilmington, Del.) 1845-1848
- Blue Hen’s Chicken (Wilmington, Del.) 1848-1854
- Blue Hen’s Chicken and Commonwealth (Wilmington, Del.) 18??-186?
- Business Index (Wilmington, Del.) 1876-18??
- Clayton Herald (Clayton, Del.) 1867-1870
- Daily Enterprise (Wilmington, Del.) 1858-18??
- Daily Republican ([Wilmington, Del.]) 1874-1890
- Delaware Advertiser & Star (Wilmington, Del.) 1832-18??
- Delaware Advertiser and Farmer’s Journal (Wilmington, Del.) 1828-1831
- Delaware City Press (Delaware City, Del.) 1913-19??
- Delaware Democrat (Wilmington, Del.) 1857-1858
- Delaware Gazette (Wilmington, Del.) 1837-1883
- Delaware Gazette and American Watchman (Wilmington, Del.) 1828-1837
- Delaware Gazette and Peninsula Advertiser (Wilmington, Del.) 1814-1820
- Delaware Gazette and State Journal (Wilmington, Del.) 1883-1902
- Delaware Inquirer (Wilmington, Del.) 1859-18??
- Delaware Journal (Wilmington [Del.]) 1827-1832
- Delaware Patriot & American Watchman (Wilmington, Del.) 1828-1828
- Delaware Republican (Wilmington, Del.) 1843-1874
- Delaware Republican, and Farmers’, Manufacturers’ and Mechanics’ Advocate (Wilmington, Del.) 1841-1843
- Delaware State Journal (Wilmington, Del.) 1870-1883
- Delaware State Journal and Statesman (Wilmington, Del.) 1855-1870
- Delaware State Journal, Advertiser and Star (Wilmington, Del.) 1832-1833
- Delaware State Reporter (Dover, Del.) 1853-1859
- Delaware Straight-Out Truth Teller ([Wilmington, Del.]) 1872-18??
- Delaware Tribune (Wilmington, Del.) 1867-1877
- Delaware Tribune, and the Delaware State Journal (Wilmington, Del.) 1877-18??
- Delaware Weekly Advertiser and Farmer’s Journal (Wilmington, Del.) 1827-1828
- Delaware Weekly Republican (Wilmington, Del.) 1841-188?
- Evening Journal (Wilmington, Del.) 1888-1932
- Every Evening, Wilmington Daily Commercial (Wilmington, Del.) 1878-1928
- Grimshaw’s Messenger (Wilmington, Del.) 1858-18??
- Holiday Journal (Wilmington, Del.) 1879-1879
- Holly Oak Journal (Holly Oak, Del.) 1889-1???
- Independent Delawarian (Wilmington, Del.) 184?-18??
- Middletown Transcript (Middletown, Del.) 1868-Current
- Milford Beacon (Milford, Del.) 1848-1855
- Milford Chronicle (Milford, Del.) 1878-1974
- Mirror of the Times & General Advertiser (Wilmington, Del.) 1799-1806
- Newark Post (Newark, Del.) 1910-1969
- Newport Enterprise (Newport [Del.]) 1889-1???
- Peninsular News and Advertiser (Milford, Del.) 1872-1904
- Saturday Visitor (Newark, Del.) 1876-1876
- Smyrna Times (Smyrna, Del.) 1854-1987
- The Advance (Wilmington, Del.) 1899-19??
- The Advertiser (Wilmington, Del.) 1879-18??
- The Advertiser (Wilmington, Del.) 1879-1879
- The Clayton Call (Clayton, Del.) 188?-189?
- The Commonwealth (Wilmington, Del.) 1858-18??
- The Daily Gazette (Wilmington, Del.) 1874-1883
- The Daily Republican (Wilmington, Del.) 1902-19??
- The Delaware Abolitionist (Wilmington, Del.) 1847-18??
- The Delaware City News (Delaware City, Del.) 188?-18??
- The Delaware Democrat (Georgetown, Del.) 1882-1905
- The Delaware Farm and Home (Wilmington, Del.) 1885-19??
- The Delaware Farmer (Milford, Del.) 1883-18??
- The Delaware Gazette (Wilmington [Del.]) 1809-1810
- The Delaware Herald (Smyrna, Del.) 1850-1854
- The Delaware Leader (Laurel, Del.) 191?-19??
- The Delaware Ledger (Newark, Del.) 1879-19??
- The Delaware Register, Or, Farmers’, Manufacturers’ & Mechanics’ Advocate (Wilmington, Del.) 1828-1829
- The Delawarean (Dover, Del.) 1859-1927
- The Delawarean, and Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Advertiser (Wilmington, Del.) 183?-18??
- The Delmar News (Delmar, Del.) 1904-19??
- The Delmarva Leader and the Seaford News (Seaford, Del.) 1944-1975
- The Diamond State (Milford, Del.) 1855-1859
- The Dover Argus and Delaware Advertiser (Dover, Del.) 1804-18??
- The Dover Herald (Dover, Del.) 1800-18??
- The Evening Republican (Wilmington, Del.) 1902-1902
- The Faulkland Quiz (Faulkland, Del.) 1892-18??
- The Herald (Smyrna, Del.) 1870-1871
- The Messenger (Georgetown, Del.) 1858-18??
- The Monitor & Wilmington Repository (Wilmington, Del.) 1800-1801
- The Monitor, Or, Delaware Federalist (Wilmington, Del.) 1801-1802
- The Morning Herald (Wilmington, Del.) 1875-1880
- The Museum of Delaware & General Advertiser (Wilmington, Del.) 1807-1809
- The Museum of Delaware (Wilmington, Del.) 1804-1806
- The New Era (Middletown, Del.) 1885-18??
- The Newark Ledger (Newark, Del.) 1877-1???
- The Odessa Herald (Odessa, Del.) 1888-1892
- The Odessa Leader (Odessa, Del.) 1892-18??
- The Smyrna Call (Smyrna, Del.) 1897-19??
- The Smyrna Telegraph (Smyrna, Del.) 1849-1850
- The Society News (Wilmington, Del.) 1883-18??
- The Statesman & Blue Hen’s Chicken (Wilmington Del.) 1854-1855
- The Sun (Wilmington, Del.) 1897-19??
- The Sunday Critic (Wilmington, Del.) 1883-19??
- The Sunday Mirror (Wilmington, Del.) 1880-18??
- The Sussex Countian and Laurel Gazette (Laurel, Del.) 189?-19??
- The Sussex Gazette (Georgetown, Del.) 1838-18??
- The Sussex Republican (Georgetown, Del.) 1888-1933
- The Union (Georgetown, Del.) 1863-1866
- The Union Republican (Georgetown, Del.) 189?-19??
- The Weekly Times (Wilmington, Del.) 1886-18??
- The Wilmington Daily Republican (Wilmington, Del.) 1890-1902
- The Wilmington Democrat (Wilmington, Del.) 18??-19??
- The Wilmington Mercury (Wilmington, Del.) 1798-1798
- The Wilmingtonian (Wilmington, Del.) 1823-1824
- The Wilmingtonian (Wilmington, Del.) 1882-188?
- The Wilmingtonian, and Delaware Advertiser (Wilmington, Del.) 1825-1827
- The Wilmingtonian, and Delaware Register (Wilmington, Del.) 1824-1825
- Weekly Delaware State Journal and Statesman (Wilmington, Del.) 18??-18??
- Weekly Delaware State Journal, Statesman and Blue Hen’s Chicken (Wilmington, Del.) 1855-18??
- Weekly Post (Wilmington, Del.) 1889-1???
- Wilmington Argus (Wilmington, Del.) 1880-18??
- Wilmington Daily Commercial (Wilmington, Del.) 1866-1877
- Wilmington Daily Gazette (Wilmington, Del.) 1872-1874
- Wilmington Expositor (Wilmington, Del.) 1831-18??
- Wilmington Lokal-Anzeiger Und Wilmington Freie Presse (Wilmington, Del.) 19??-19??
Google News Archive
- Lewes – Cape Gazette
- Wilmington – Sunday Morning Star
- Wilmington – Wilmington Sunday Star
- Wilmington – The Star
- Wilmington – Sunday Star
County and Library Collections:
New Castle Public Library Newspapers
- New Castle County Gazette (1938-1944)
- Weekly News Letter (1919-1920)
- New Castle Gazette (1947-1981)
- New Castle Eagle (1983-1990)
- Gazette (1981-1983)
- New Castle Weekly (1969-2023)
- The Weekly (2018-2019)
- Weekly (2016-2017)
- Sussex County Index
- The Delmarva Leader
- Seaford Tribune
- The Delaware Pilot
- The Leader and State Register
- The Seaford News
- Seaford High Aloha
- Seaford High Pow Wow
Student Collections:
Delaware State University – Dover
Delaware Tech – multiple campuses
Goldey–Beacom College – Pike Creek Valley
University of Delaware – Newark
Wesley College – Dover
Widener University Delaware Law School – Wilmington
Wilmington University – New Castle
Miscellaneous Collections and Indexes:
Delaware Turnpike Scrapbook (clippings)
Delaware Archives – Newspaper Abstracts and Index
Old Fulton Postcards
- Delaware City DL News
- Dover DL Delawarean
- Dover DL Herald
- Middletown DL Transcript
- Newark DL Delaware Ledger
- Newark DL Post
- Wiilmington DL State Journal Statesman
- Wiilmington DL State Journal Statesman Continued
- Wilmington DL American Watchman
- Wilmington DL American Watchman 1809-1817
- Wilmington DL Daily Commmercial
- Wilmington DL Advertiser
- Wilmington DL American Watchman and Delaware Advertiser
- Wilmington DL Daily Gazette
- Wilmington DL Daily Republican
- Wilmington DL Delaware Advertiser
- Wilmington DL Delaware Journal
- Wilmington DL Delaware Register
- Wilmington DL Delaware Republican
- Wilmington DL Delaware Tribune
- Wilmington DL Democrat
- Wilmington DL Evening Journal
- Wilmington DL Evening Journal Continued
- Wilmington DL Evening Republican
- Wilmington DL Gazette and State Journal
- Wilmington DL Gazette Watchman
- Wilmington DL Gazzette And Peninsula Advertiser
- Wilmington DL Mercury
- Wilmington DL Morning Herald
- Wilmington DL Patriot And American Watchmen
- Wilmington DL Republican And Farmer
- Wilmington DL State Journal
- Wilmington DL The Sun
- Wilmington DL Weekly Republican
- Wilmington DL Wilmingtonian
Small Town Papers
Other Free Sites:
- Hellcat News
- Delaware Eastern Shore and Advertiser
- Delaware Advertiser and Farmer’s Journal
- Delaware Weekly Advertiser and Farmer’s Journal
- The Dialog
- Delaware Advertiser and Farmer’s Journal
- Delaware Weekly Advertiser and Farmer’s Journal
Subscription or Pay Sites:
There are currently 23 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Ancestry – Delaware Newspapers
Genealogy Bank:
There are currently 135 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Genealogy Bank – Delaware Newspapers
Newspaper Archive:
There are currently 83 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspaper Archive – Delaware
There are currently 84 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspapers.com – Delaware.
And Finally:
You also need to visit the Delaware Digital Newspaper Project site, which can tell you what is occurring in the state regarding newspaper projects and where some microfilmed newspapers are available in the state.
Please note that even more may be available via a local library, where a library card is required. Of course, there is always microfilm for those that have not been made available online yet.
For more links for different states, provinces, and countries, please see the Newspaper Links page on this website.
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!
3 replies on “Delaware Online Historical Newspapers Summary”
Great to have an online list of DE newspapers. Especially helpful for all the crazy Google News listings.
However, you need to make some changes:
Wilmington – Star
Listed as Delaware, but really Crawfordsville, Indiana.
Wilmington – Star-News (Morning Star, Wilmington News)
Listed as Delaware, but really North Carolina
Ancestry.com has only two Delaware papers
Wilmingtonian and Delaware Advertiser (1826-27)
Union (Georgetown, Delaware) (1865)
Historical Newspapers Online from the University of Pennsylvania (Server not found)
Thanks for doing these pages.
Rebecca Knight, University of Delaware Library http://guides.lib.udel.edu/delawarenewspapers
Thank you so much Rebecca for your comments. I am in the process of updating all 50 states this month and have not gotten to Delaware just yet. I was going to do that one in the next couple of days. I am so happy that you provided your corrections. Very timely. Delaware as a smaller state just does not have very many online historical newspapers. I will incorporate your changes and refer to your lib guide for additional corrections. Thank you so much. I am a bit embarrassed that there are bad links in my list but that is bound to happen, since I am dealing with over 12,000 free links in the U.S. to online historical papers. Please feel free to email me after I publish the Delaware list if I mess up again. There aren’t many in Delaware but they should be correct. Thanks, Kenneth
Rebecca, the one that you say is Crawfordsville Indiana is correct for the first issue, but subsequent issues are from Delaware. And you are absolutely correct about the Wilmington NC one. Thanks again.