Historical Italian American Newspapers Online

The Ancestor Hunt regularly adds and updates new collection links, as well as searches for and fixes broken links.
(This page's most recent update is November 2024)

For those of you who have some Italian in your family tree, there are several Italian-American newspapers that have been published over the last hundred or so years that may help you find some information and stories about your ancestors.

Listed are only those that are available online. As always, there are tons more available via microfilm and in the original form via libraries and archives.

Please note that some are free and some require a subscription or a login from a university (or local) library. Some are indexed, and some are not. In the Free Collections, you may see some duplicates – this is because the newspaper is provided on multiple online sites, so you may wish to search or browse each of the duplicates.

Free Collections:

Note: in some cases, the city is provided and in others, it isn’t – the same is true of the date range of the title in the online collection.  Also, many states are not represented – this may be because 1) there are no Italian newspapers in that state; 2) they have not been digitized, or 3) this author has not found the link.





District of Columbia






New Jersey

New York


Rhode Island






Library Access Only:

Readex/NewsBank Titles

From their Ethnic American Newspapers from the Balch Collection, 1799-1971, a few Italian American newspapers are available. Check with your nearby library to see if they have a subscription for this collection.  Clicking on the link will provide you with a list of titles.  Please understand that all of these titles listed are not Italian.  There are French, German, Irish, and other ethnic groups contained in this collection.

Subscription Sites:

Genealogy Bank has a few Italian American newspaper titles available:

There are likely others in the other major subscription sites, but they are not identified as to ethnicity.

Good Luck and Happy Hunting!

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